t,,l.llM.MMlll.ipMT.lii.i.il IttjtWp!1 " ' - DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8ALI3M, OREGON, WMDNKSDAV, DEOEMUUR ln, 1007. j u b'l STATE SCHOOL FOR , THE OREGON DEAF child Is taught to work. In tho car penter -Shop, tho shoo Bhop, tho printing office, tho sowing room, ho cooking school kltchon, tho garden, and In various domestic work, overy effort lo mado to teach each pupil to do some kind or Bevoral kinds of Tan-urn . . . . hand work Intelligently, skilfully, Tho Oregon School for tho Deaf lslenco In other state sohools for tho willingly, to the end that all may situated a short dlstanco southeast ofdeaf. Tho teachers In tho literary bo fitted to earn a good living. Dur Salom on a hill which affords a department are Mr. T. A. Llndstrom, 'Ing tho prosont year an additional splendid view of tho valley. Here rocontly from Washington, ' D. C; teacher has been employed to teach tho deaf ohlldron of tho state who Miss K. W. Murphy, from Kentucky; cooking, and a special room has been cannot receive an education at tho Mr. Geo. W. Hal so, from Ohio; Mfta fitted up for Hhat purpose. Better public schools In their respectlvo Edna Shomber, from Kansas1; Miss quarters havo boon arranged for tho communities, aro brought together Nellie NIchol, from Illinois, and carpenter shop, giving a well lighted and given opportunity to acquire a Miss Mary MacNanmar, from Iowa, space 60x30 feet, and an electric thorough educational training to fit All Jiavo had experience and special motor Is being Installed to nun saws, thorn for life's work. Every effort training In eastern sohools boforo a lathe, etc. Moro attontlon has boon is mado do offset to the utmost tho appointment to the Oregon school, paid to farm and garden work than great liandlcap under which they ' Tho teachers In ihe Industrial do- horetoforo; with that tho school has Buffer by Increased Individual In- partment aro Mr. W. C. Swlnk, car- boon supplied with a, varied and Btnuctlon, manual and Industrial train pentry; Mr. L?wrenco Schoesa, loath- abundant supply of vogotablo pro Ing, tho provision of all needful and cr work; Mr. Augustus Hcsley, print- duco. helpful apparatus and tho employ- Ing; MIsa Pearl Eggec, sowing and i Other Educational Features. mont of nono but technically trained dressmaking, and Miso Mario Llnds- In addition to tho regular school nnd experienced teachers. Pnrposc and Results Accomplished. Whon tho difficulties of tho work aro fu'ly realized tho results nttalnod appear really miraculous. Without education, or any adequate means of train that nobody would accuso him ' of trying to stoal tho train, whon tho ' truth was ho was only stealing a ride on tho train. Ho applied this to tho factsvof tho case, that tho boy was not attempting or intended to Bteal a horsn, but ho was only in his crippled up condition stealing a rldo on a horso, becauso ho wanted to get to his homo In Olackmas SALEM'S ARRAfOF l-ACE BEAUT countv and had no mnnnv tn tnv r ' Sulou has noxt to Pnrii.... .. transportation. Tho jury saw tho J??.1 iwlped harbor shops nd I!? a,lor tu ' 1.1 .i ...i ii .. . . oath room in ti. .. "ntl &mon . . lJ w iiuini, uuu wuuu mey roureu io con- .. , "u "!. it u , '" Ten . . Aider their verdict found tha v quartor of tno s,f ., "" ""meu ,r '""nj cripple unanimously not guilty of Co,,nmn, which has control f8 ' rdtr7! trying to steal tho horso, but guilty ? n , JT.. oxam.naUon "g winy oi sioaung a norso-uncK rld ,.,, ."" "umisBion to the a , "knu. which was not a crlmo under tlJS ?nfC83,,n SftnlUry are and regl! w JW' Rf.nt.lir.na Tim nrnw,1 f th mtln f Shops and thn l.onHu . T 1 8t' , ::::i a :...?.. ." . " woifaro of th m. ... :". u una bi ,..;; y uuujf wiia o piuaEea . mo uoyg ac- .. . ', "" u prune 0b- in ki " qulttal they mado up n.purso to pay J Ct8 oZ th,B Doaru" crted by State ha. i Sfrky,4l,, -- -v"wea th v. his expensos home. law. ui ... . .. sin v. ."" "fend Mr. Kaiser ranks among .the nblo "T " st EWWuncnt. L n " . ult5Wj in i ma for took into pnrtnorMi.p ,. B K;; lawyers ol the state and for many ' "op m; ; ng P rIors arc L J. Mr. years nas onjoyeu a good practlco ,,, . ." , , uuu WCro es- loomn tR . "' w Ul in both tho stato and federal courts. ' ;" ! y ' uco' Myr about ord to, ,i , Ul;- Bel, ;;;;: ',r u" ,BOt . .A ycar bo m h :::Tsnt THE NORTHWESTERN NUR8ERY OV SALEM uJ T a n rc'tloa for' to iZ H .himself in tho profession diurin .u C..?,re '1 m r. n .Tnn n nf tu 'years lio has resided Jn Salon, tmJ.. T."""! , in tho nursery 'trade, established this .tP i" ' ' baths nnd toLTZ'l business at Salem thlrtv years ncro. . " , mm ono of the tt. , ,T9 Ho has his renldonco and packing1 ?. ..ock8J f cl(?ar8 anil faeces whoroi u c,iy' 1M0 rurn,lu grounds on East Stato street, whoroi " . ' "... "I1.1"0 nnd "'"lOomaertl.i Zr. he has a flno rosldonco and boautl-l ,a """ UUU,M u, ol l most ox- In, ., 0.,:"",'" fully kept grounds. Ills planting CI . C ,lld wn,nut!8 ana 5JVW irrounilii aro fnnthor nf n.i .ittnd ),ato Elnss, with comnressM K,,ii. A. rd M .ley, domostic Bclonco. work tho daily llfo of tho pupils 1b Science. . so arranged as to keep them happily Sovonty-scvon pupils havo boon and profitably occuplod at all times. .enrolled tho presont session, and Activo Christian Endeavor and do with othor applicants to bo admitted bating soclotles aro maintained by at tho boglnnlng of tho January tho pupils. Parties, carefully communication, it Is evident that the, term It Is expected that over eighty planned for by a commlttoo of toaoh Jeat child's mind must rapidly bo- pupils will bo In attendance. Thlr- ora, aro given tho ohlldron on all como starved and etuntcd, and tho teen now pupils havo been admitted holidays. Athletic sports aro' henrt result bo an Irresponsible, ' Incom- so far during tho term. illy oncouragod, a gymnasium being potent depondent, practically a dead j tIkj Course of Study. (proidod for basket ball and Indoor weight upon society. But by liberal Tho course of study lncludo3 In 8Port. Monthly lectures nro given provision of tho stato this impondlng tho upper grades nil tho branches ky no teachors on topics of gonoral futuro of tho deaf child Is rovorsed. 'commonly taught In tho uppor grades Interest, and occasional talks by out Tho graduatos of this ond other of tho public schools and In the lower 8,do opoakers- aro provided as op--schools for tho deaf aro in th'o great grades is principally dovoted to tho Poi'tunlty offers, thoso bolng lnter- Tnntnrltv Inilnnnnilntif enl r.rnmin. u..i. i n.. tt(iiv i.... nrotoi! ffr thn hnnnflt nt tlio lilt. lhg citizens, following a great varlo- written, spelled on tho fingers, spo- dron Recently an addition of throelSpokane and at Roseburg, who hon-'bor, trado " J :",. !h0 b"' ty of U-aden, paying taxes, anxious ken, and read from tho lips. All ndrod and fifty volumes has been,& W n"ory stock, but employs h "" J vhS J! f 4 .!..- 41.1- -1.11.1 . t.i- .. . ... mvlnwwl tn , 111 . - nn trnvnllnir n.nlnomnn Tfla oliln. ' l " ul- ILO HI 1110 I10IO StatO. lu vuuuaiu muu viuiuiuu, JUKI UOIO nCW pltpiIS BTO glVOH nil Opportunity "" '"u nunu-y uuu u iiuiil- In Increased productlvo earning en- to lenrn speech and Up rending. uor of ningazlnos have boon ordorod pnclty to roturn to tho stato with Spoclal attontlon In tho last few especially adapted lb tho uso of many fold compound Interest ovory yonrs has boo ndovoted to this dim- children. tlollar epont on tholr education. Tho cult phnso of tho work with very on-' n rorl denf beggar or tramp has bo- couraglng results. Whon speech and STOLE THE RIDE omo nn oxtromo rarity, though tho spooch reading do not appear possl- I NOT THE HORSE. hearing fraud who assumes deafness ilo after careful and continued In ordor to proy upon nn unsuspoct- trials, tho convorsntlonnl mso of tho A Story of How Attorney W. M. ing society ib aim rroquontly to bo manual alphnbot Is strongly on met with. cournged and tho Indlscrlmlnnto uso Tho Faculty und TniKtecs. of signs Is discouraged. Howovor, Tho hoard of trustees consists of communication by signs is so natu- Oovornor Goo. E. "uuvHOj ill prioo Jn all 23 acres. Ho grows JVT' "' Mcycr NbuZ and handles wholooal- nnd retail " nt f, tl Ba ber Com- maintain,?6 . ..... iitiouiuii. nun iiiiq nniti fnn t..in i 'v hul on Kinus or fruit trcci nnd shrubs ""- .i. iiusmon nnd a tW. for ornaninnthm n.ihtin n,i ,,HVntlunaor lwo "'Btratlon8 of dlffo- Btnnrf .B:.""4,l - -- -----. .O -- bv l't 1 II bU lt. .. ." HUH I ICV u.. rnnn,! ir i,- .. Jruul POcai complexion. Ho hai .Inrn ..,.. ".msM Snokano anrf at nonorn.r. ., .l!,on. crcat dcaI t elovnto tho bar. 'thank m. V- . . ..... " '"'Hoi icr ( "onwrSJui U Is not gcnenHy no traveling salesmen. Ills Bhlp-I"' J1, " -"' o wnoio stato, mnnfa v i, .u.M. ' I mnlng a constant warfare for clean. WJfcUll aft - I. nil . 11 . states generally, but his principal. 1:!" 'T' h trado is woll established and his old- M " ',. ,'"'" " ,!..... A'" ? 0DBC8t ni m uiiuvmb mo .Darh.r bmlnw., i .i,..J o, --7 " nago, Of AtlftfAmAon n i a It ! 1i- . U ' mora. This ..oaks woll for a man ?.tanda"1.8 of l,'e mon employed In n i ....;.! i i ... t U1 uusincss of Hlinvlng and hair Knlm-r Cleared a Cllrnt of li Ser. oils CImm'k. Hon. W. M. Kaiser, who Is a na- Chamborlaln, nil, so easy, and so rapid, that among tlvo of Orogon, has so long engaged In a business whore thoro Is room for tho practlco of a groat donl of dccoptlon, and whero competition, not always fnlr, Is so keen. Mr. Jones1 Is n man who puts con8clonco nnd chnractor Into his busInosK, nnd that is what counts- cutting. Tli W. II. GIInoii Shop. This popular tonsorlal establish mont Is located on Commercial atroot, botweon tho Snlcm Stato nnd Capital National banks. It has seven 23 years to hU !: J mo men woo htteai .. ,u loji imeijjju would take a ttMjfta, haa a flno flrhilfrts, Biruw. wim Diih nai A Xoat SWeforti H. H. Hcnline, III J mamialng a next trci a ory Intoreat- ? tho largest amount of Hat-';" ' " - , "T." Cfl rt.... .- . , ... - . .. l l.l.i . .... ......... IKfinMnn 111 m nnir Mm Tl,. ,!, - "'l"M'l'v. xiiiu vruuia . iilio UVVH VUK1M 1 Ui owiwwry oi oiuio j.. n. ueiison nnti tnomsolvos tho donf lnvnriably pro- e niry m nis uusiubss career. . . . "' nml oxcollont nttondnnco In thn wnv Salem tor .i,:..-Z Bupt. of Pnibllc Ackormau, TllllnBhiwt mntron, h Btructlon .1. H. for to uso It. n ..- i indent E. S. . iiuliiNtrlnl Tnilnlnif. ' jo mi e, who Is o ha ' d wldo expor- phnsen of tho school work. I In his tho prlntor'i ILSr'K.'K 'IIT-IT SS - -!::- i ? :.5K5 ..-,...-. --- ......-., - . -. i 1,11111 iliiii i iiiu i iiiiiii -'fi ii. ii ii iiii rr iriAHUi mi u. -ai Tlilo Ion nnr. f M.n mn.t Imnnrlnnt tllttt for a f6w VORrS. when llf nnmol BhOtlld gOt lllB Catalog Or V.TltO tO ltllll , ., . ., " . .. .. . ." " '" ""w ""- "'-- - ,.,.... ' ' .-.- " if ifH.n.. iu K"w" "llu i cigars niui amoKorB' mosiuo UohttaUi AVJl IIIIUI llltlLIUIIi 1 ... . . T iiniuiuu. inuro is a iiiuinni ana taiion lor do'ti i hwb EVory miiiicicni monoy to onablo him to ' tako a course In Wlllamotto Unlvor- Tho Northwostorn Nnirsorlos hnvo Salem Brewery Association a rs Capital Stock $200,000 I'UISSUJUNT l- a:. KENNEY, Olympln, Wash. VICE PRIGSIDISNT P. G. DEOKABACII, Salem, Ore. J. A. WILSON. SECRETARY, Salem Oro. CHARLES SOIIOLL, TREASURER, Salem, Oro. DIRECTORS, sumo us abovo, aid KOLA NIES, Salem, Ore. Tlila ontorprlso Is one of Salom'a largoat Industries and very few of our pooplo havo.ovon a fnlr conception of tho wonderful expansion mado by thlB firm In tho browery business In this city slue? It purchasod tho old plant about four yoars ago. Tho Salem Urowory Association hns $200,000 capital Invoated In tho huclnosa, the groator portion of which Ib represented In tho plant In this city. About a yonr ago tho Salem Company absorbod tho Albany i)rowlng Company, which Inttor company had a brow ory and Ice plant In Albany, Oro. Tho Salem plant is locnlod In tho half block directly south of tho Wlllamotto Hotel. Aoldo from browing boor It hns also, one of tho best oqulppod leo .works In Oregon, manufacturing an abso lutely pure Ilygenlc Ice. During tho past yonr ovor $50,000 was Invoatod In tho build ing of ono of tho most modern bottling vorks on tho Pnolflc coast und tho enlarging of tho boor storngo and Ice maohlnory. Four years ago, Salem Beor was hardly known outsldo of Salem's city limits; today It to consldorod ono of tho most popular beors of tho Const and Is sold all along tho Const from 'Frisco to Portland, Fow oiilorprUoj advortlso a city us thoroughly and as wldo-sprond ns n modern up-to-data browooy. Milwaukee and St. Paul aro to day known moro particularly on account of tho boor product that Is maiwifactmod In thoso cities, than of any othor Blnglo Industry. Tho many tons of thousands of bottlos of Salem Doer that monthly aro shipped from Salem to almost every city or town with in COO nillos along this Coast havo done much to mako tho nnmo of Salem a familiar name among all tho pooplo of thoso respective plucos, OREGON TODAY PRODUCES THE REST HOPS IN THE UNI TED STATES. THERE IS EVERY REASON TO RELIEVE THAT THE SOIL OF OREGON CAN PRODUCE THE VERY RKST RAH IiEY. UNDER SUCH CONDITIONS, AVHY SHOULD NOT ORE GON PRODUCE THE VERY REST GRADE OF RHER? ltNKIC IS TODAY THE NATIONAL DRINK AND EVERY YEAR FIXES MORE CERTAINLY THIS TITLE. Tho brewery omploya from 20 to 30 peoplo and it3 annual product onlo during tho past year will run clo3o to $300,000. M03t of this monoy stays at homo and is placed In circulation for ma terial nnd wages. This Industry is still In Us Infnncy and thoro Is overy reason to hopo that In tho near future It will assume much groator pro portions and will continue to bo ono of this city's most prominont factors in tho upbuilding of a Groator Salem. slty. Ho Indeed only six months of." cortiticato of inspection from tho i nttondlng thnt institution a sufll- stato Frult 'spoctor, guaranteeing clont longth of llmo to graduate, n11 thoIr 8toolc to bo fro from n08t!Jj whon ho wns offored .a" position to nuu u30803. touch school In ono of tho country' o r- district, nnd bMng somowhnt short T,,K J I; STOCKTON of funds ho quit tho university nnd MILLINERY PARLORS took up school toaofilng, which ho followod for four or five yoars In 0n tno 88C0"1 ttor of tho J. L. different portions of Marlon county, Stookton dry goods and dopnrtmont giving gonoral satisfaction to the pa- 8toro ar looatod tho Dlnsmoor nnd tronn whorovor he taught. During I-,ook mll'lnory room-. Mrs. Lock tho time he was ongaged In school haH Imtl lx '"' oxperlenco In mill teaching he took sip tho etudy of lnery wor,Ct ftml tho flrm omploya law, procurlnc tho law toxt hooks th hllioot grade of professional from his cousin, Mr. Tllmon Ford,tr,mn,ors' Eapoclal nttontlon Is who was thon a practicing lawyor In 6,von to remodollng ladles' huts and tho City of Snlom. Mr. Kalsor was l'S the latest designs. , Thoy, ndmlttod to tho bar by tho upromo vork mrd to P,oaBo and stiuly to court nnd immodiutoly associated msot tho noila ot ovoryono, espoclal himself with Mi. Ford, nnd thoy havo!ly aIons tn9 Uno of K0(1 tn8t0 and worked together in tholr ohoson pro- economy comninon. fosslon ovor since. Ho was asso ciated with Mr. Ford in tho Lake 'Lablsh railroad wrook ensos, and thoy woro very successful for tholr! clients In obtaining fair damages against tho railroad company. pool room In tho club department, Ing violins and cafcili I A. G. MAGERS, Prop. O.O.I Si'leiu Pollco Force. Tho police force of tho Cnpltal City is under the" control of Chief of Pollco nnd City Marshall D. W. Glb- Thoro Is a little Inoldont in Mr. 80n v'th two captains, L. R. Mur- Kalser'a caroor as a lawyor which p,,oy and A J Poon A' threw aro shows his skill and ability In a trained mon for tho business of hord marked dogroo. ,nS criminals and keeping down A y.oung fellow who wns somo-lrobbory' ll0-duP3 nd vagrants. As what srlpplod up In his foot and n rosu,t thla c,ty ,s remarkably freo could not walk very good was trying from p1 flPurIo"3 characters. Spec to gt to his home In C'ackamas ,al pollP0 aro J c a3b a Wm. county. The young follow wont Into SlBmmd. with Stato Fair Specials a Ilvory stablo and procured a horse'Ray Wolsh x- D- Driver, Chas. Zaon wlthout obtaining tho uual perraIs-k0,, Ab West w,n- Jone3. A- O, Naco slon and startod to ride him bare- a nd Henry w11 Any of 'tbeso mon back towards his homo. After trav- aro at cominand wbon needed, all t'llug sevoral miles the horso having !aro 'oar,08S. suro shots, and mako a sharp back hurt him somewhat and no m'8tak03' Tby take orders from seeing a fat horso with a good round (tno cnl0' a,ono and - can bo truth back In a pasturo by tho side of tho ,'"" Bald Salem has a pollco force road ho got off his sharn-bnov hnrA tnat is not on a political basis. and caught tho rat horso. Ho than turned tho sharp-backed horso around and started him back towards -the Ilvory stable. He then got on tho fat horse and startod toward his nomo, and while on the way tho Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Trover have norse was mlssod and the owner made a roqord for artistic photog telophonod to tho officers and they 'raphy at Salem that has outgrown caught tho boy riding the horse tho big Trovor-Cronjse gnllory ovor along tho road. He was brought tojtho Barnes Racket Store on Com Salom and Indicted by tho grand morclal streef, and on account of Jury, and tho young follow procured ,tho growing business thoy onjoy they Mr. Kiser todofond him. Before the j havo had built another" gallery, trial jury Mr. Kalsor had his client called the Trovor Studio, in tho new tell the actual truth; that Tie did Meyers-Strong block on State street, not Intend to stoal either of ' the Tholr new home for artistic photog horses, and as he was so crippled 'raphy Is fitted up with all tho 'atcst mjp In his feet that ho could hardly Jinventiona that contribute to making walk ho had appropriated tho horso .high-class portrait work, and in this for tho purpose of getting to hlsjHne Mr. and Mrs. Trovor compare homo, hnvlntr n ,.. . , l.in. it. i..i ., it. ti..io. .n..i , ...... .Q 4tvJ iuuuhj ill purCuaSO i " tll -"0 uval -' mu rauiuu wjaai. fliucn or tnoir worK nas receivea ra vornblo mention In tho great art centers and at exhibitions whero It SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL FOR.... ARTISTS WHO HAD TO RUILD ANOTHER STUDIO his faro on tho railroad. Mr. Kalsor prosented tho facts of tho case bo foro the jury in Buch a happy man ner that tho follow was acquitted, (has ben displayed. Tho Trovers He made the Illustration that if alhavo been 15 yoara at Salem and hobo was found riding on a railroad 20 years In photographic work. The Standard lii Is thankful tliat it is able to offer to Ik People of Salem ill the surrounding cow try an entire Hie of goods that will COMPLY WITH THE PURE, ENAGTED JUNE 30, I9W IN EVERY RESPECT as to Qualify, Jft Strength and Mfy We have the 00 WHOLESALE FAMILY LIQUOR STORE ii &' ' lem and all p& bought of us s fc as represented or ) money refunded, J , t of us and jet tie W the market aff FREE 0 STANDARD LI 148-156 South CoweJalSt. fliif Cj0,Of&