DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1007. m c::;a cv'c:9 ft HP" ; hc jR&yb Lamp I? ereninp brilliant ady light reading. aewing or fancy wwk dotm't tire lha M. iviaao o dibm, mcKci piaiea, vriui uietl improrea utitl draft burner. Every lamp warranted. Write our areit agency for descriptive circular if your dealer docta't ' the i'etlectioa Jil neater or Kayo Lamp. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) LIBF RIFLES IFLES W GLOVES ING HAGS HALLS 3R SKATES I to show you our stock. 'g iitmummiiy. -II loro'a ono difference be Ikman and a cow a cow Hlk -There's another dlffe- a ciw don't give credit. J Telegram. o ol the ordinary diseases Chamberlain's Salve is It not only allays the smart but effects a cure Dr. Stono'a drug store. R!D ZONE JRCE ?7H?$5 M . cut representa out Torrid Zone Furnace. -gas, smoke and dust lomlcal and durable. T7D A QRD r Jk AVnvjl-". TATE STREET. mUid thejfercurri Alaska oublde Florida inside. When the blizzard comes it will be impossible to comfortably heat the cold rooms. Then, and jduring the months of "between sea sons" you'll find a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Just what you need to make the mercury climb. It's liflht cnoURh to carry from room to room and gives direct glowing heat from every drop of fuel Turn the wick high orlow, there's no bother no smoke- no smell smokeless device prevents. Brass oil font holds 4 quarts burning 9 hours. Su perbly finished in japan and nickel. Every healer warranted. J male a good com puiioo for a Ions Qffl&ab ON BROWN BREAD FLt-UR Is Self-rising. It makes Genuine Brown (read, Toothsome Quick Biscuit, and a RIOUS BOILED PUDDING Sold by All Grocers i ARTICLES THAT MAKE USEFUL APPRECIATIVE CHRISTMAS GIFTS FISHING HODS LEATHER GUN OASES AGATE .ALVRHLES IXOEHSOLL WATCHES GILLETTE SAFETY nAZORS lavo a good nesortmont of the above articles, and would bo 8 New Management M Th management of the Cap ita! City Laundry wishes to no tify Its patrons that Jt will ha ;-otd for repairs and to la jta'l sew machinery until the first of the year. After the first of the year. After the first of the year it will be run un- COMBS k MINER Th.- owners being the managers WHITE 1IROXZK MONUMENTS Nevr chip, eraek tarnisl), mom or corrode. The cly kind that never mod cleaning. For the troth of the above see Uteei In all the Salera and many of the eoun t y eeraeterltMj some of thttuj ri&sswrBH ha7e been there ro.' ?s ". yoa want the very b,t at living DIre call on cr add' ess 458 MI.1 St Pbone 12M Salem, O.- n M WAIT. m aa .-. ir TOT REPORTS f aALEM MXKKKT. liOml Wliol.-iilc Miwket. Eggs 32c. Butter -37 He; fat 3Cc. lions 9c; youn? chickens, 9c Local wheat 85 c. Oats 35 c. Barley $24 $25. Flour Hard wheat, $500-; valloy, 4.00. Mill feed Bran, $25; Bhorts, $26.50. Hay Cheat, $1; clover, $10 12 per ton; timothy, $13 $15. Onions 2&c It). Potatoes 85c cwt. Hops Old, 4 Co; new, 7 8c. Chittlm hark 4 5c. Tropical Fruits. Bananas $6. Oranges $2.50 $3.00. Lemons $4 $4,50. HpiaU Market. Oats White, $28 per ton. Wheat $1.00. Rolled barley $30. Eggs 40c. nutter Country, 35c; creamory, 45 c. Flour Valley, $1.20 per sack; hard whoat, $1.40$1.50. Bran SOo pdr sack; $25.50 pa ton; shorts, $1.10 por sank. Hny Timothy, 85 90c per cwt; cheat, 90c; clover, 75s per cwt ; shorts, $1.10 por swt, LlrrMork. Hogs Fat, 4 He Cattle 1100 flt 1300 lb atoorn 3Vt& Llghtor ateurb 3C3V4.c. Stock hogs 4 o. Cow and hulfra 900O1000 tt 222c. Lambs ttc Veal Drossod. fiT7o Portland Market. Wheat Club, SO C 81c; valliy, 0 Sic; blue item, 82 83c. Mll'stuffUraii, $21. Hny Timothy, valley, ?1S$19; nlfalfa, $13. Vttch $8 50. Poultry Hons, 11 12c; sprluB chickens, 11 121c; ducks, young, 1313r; pigeons, $19 $1.25. Pork Host, $G$C35. Hops 1907, 710c; old, 4 4&o lb. Lamba $3.80 $C.C0. Mutton $4.50 $5.00. Wool 20 22c; eastern Oregon. lC22c. Catarrh Cuunot Rn Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh ! a blood or con stitutional disease, and in ordor tn 'cure It you muit tako internal romo 'dlos. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curo U not a quack medi cine. It was proocrlbed by ono of tho belt physicians In this country for years and is a regular prescription It la composed of the best tonic known, comblnod with tho host blood purifiers, acting diroctly on tho rnu couh Burfaoe3. The norfeot combl- nation of the two Ingredients Is what jproducos such wonderful results In .curing catarrh. Sond for toelmonlal freo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, prico 75c stlpntlon. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con etlpatlon. o To forulvo a fault In another Hi moro sublime than to be faultless oneself -George Sand. OW IS THE TIMI TO III SOIA E THAT VOl UIM. PATRONIZE 0MK i.vnrsTRi hs vi i kxkvkr POSSIBLE Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder IS AS GOOD AH THE IlKST AND THERE IS NONE 1IHTTBR. I'lW VP IN CIASS JARS. SLiNXPACTTOED DV C. 31. EP PLKV, SALES!, OREGON. ! - miiiiRix M OUR CLASSIFIED DEPARTM ENT H M M M H 11111111 FOX SALS Fop Snle Team, harness and buck board at a bargain. Enqitlro of Mrs. Leach, comer of Miller and Rock streets, South'salem. 12-23-3t. For Snlo or Trade A 9-room real denco on Center street, good loca tlon corner lot, comont walks, al so barn. Latham Land Co., ovor Fortlnnd Qenornl Elcctrlo Co. 12-23-tf To Trade yor Oregon farm land or city property; 040 jicrcs, 100 and 160 acres. All well located In Burleigh county, N. D. Choice wheat land. Trado direct with owner. Lnthnm Land Co., ovor Portland General Electric. 12-19-tf Ax Hilly 326 N. Commercial atrcor. Has a buyer for housohold goods, If you havo anything in that lino to soil for cash. Call at onco. 11-25-lmo For Sale A now Edison Home Phonogrnph $G0 outfit for $40 Apply to W. II. Squlro, West Sa lorn. 10-12-tt For Sali Good houso and barn, now, 25 acres all under cultivation berries, prunos and all kinds of fruit, nvo mlloa. from Salem, $3500 This Includes 6 cows, 2 horsos.hnr noss, 1 heavy wagon, spring wagon 200 chlckenB and othor farming nocossltlos. Enqulro 492 Stato st'oot. 9-23-tf FOR RENT For Rent Eight-room cottage. All mo'orri Improvements, altuntml In Fnlrmount Park. . For furtlnr particulars enqulro of Mrs. Goo. II. Jonos, ond of enr lino, south. 12-1 9-1 wk To Rent. Flvo room lint, ovor Far rlngton & Van I'atton'a mnrkot. Inquire of Stonier t llorgor, 188 South Liberty stroet. 0-24-tf SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. Frank M. Drown.- Mnnufa.cturor vt sash, doors, mouldings. All kind of houno finish and hard wood work. Front, atroot, botwoon State and Court. Mako all complaint at tho office. vv & 1WHERE? JlJ0HN HUGHES CO. For All Kinds of Spray Material Lime, Sulpiier, Blue Vitriol Hc. PRICES THE LOWEST. SALEM BRICKYARD A. A. IIURTON. Prop. Drlck always en band, in car loU oi- othorwiso. ProBsed urick made to order. Yard on Stato street, soutb of pentltontiary. -7-1 -tf . PRODUCTION H0UI8TER 8 ftocky Mountain Tea Nuggete A Btiy HubalM for Ha7 I'pl Biiar 0lta Htaltb ac4 Km Vr A wx;ifl t Ooiip.iwfl rot jrwn 1 1 jhm! Kidutj Tr.iH. rinft- I- ' . Imi'irt WkMi llIieWh hlurfltt Ho !l l and JimAc It H-r M"i " t m M form W rw h r ' " ' vi 00LOEN MU0GETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE IMinilWffllWFKMHfBUlE uummymi pills.i X Ssrs tww -uc sW sKvrMM UvmMitv, ll1rf SfMAlirftS Vtl STSIt tv.. u. n - te ... naa aan I rilik m www rymmmi IM(rlt HiXKVlliWMUUI,Uldl4lf ! ttL JUss)S,Im Wtmrn. IfaaUalMMLilkua I l riBf jm fUPl wm 1 VniOtMCAl.CO..m1tUmtAim. P. Sold In Sikm by Dr. 5. C Stoic ir II1II11N R MISCELLANEOUS. occt Lumber mill Fuel Co. Lum. bor .shingles, building material, wood nnd coat. Low pricea nnd prompt dolivorles. Ono block oast of 8. P. passengis- depot. Phono 108. 7-2-tf But to & Wcntleroth Flno wlnos, liquors and clgara. Wo handlo tho eelobrated Kollog gand Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly ot draught. South Commercial street. 9-3-lyr Enlarged Our moat market on East Stato street hns been doubled In site and wo nro hotter proparod tkan ever to sorvo customers. Prompt aervlco and tho host of mcata our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop Wo Aro CaoIi Purchasers Of poul try, eggs, and all kinds of farm produco. Derry crates made up In unlimited 'luantltlea. Capital Commission Co., 207 South Com mercial Btroot, Salem." Phono Main 178. Notice All kinds of raflllng going on at tho Bhootlng gnllery, 173 Com mercial atreot. Raflllng for rifles, ahotguns, rovolvors, turkoyo and othor things. Co mo on, boys, and hnvo Bomo fun, nnd enrry away a prlro. 12-20-lwk WANTED. Wanted. Mnnngor for branch olllco wo wIbIi to locnto horo In, Snlom. Address, with references, The Morrla Wholosalo Houo, Cincin nati, Ohio. 12-9-1 m Wnntwl Two young ruon, students, wish board nnd room nt private faintly would llko Hepnrnto rooms Answor "H. T.," caro Jwirnnl of fice 12-21-31 PLUMHER.S. Thco. M. llarr Plumblms, hot water and steam heating ant? tinning. 104 Commercial street. Phone Main 102. fl-t-lyr M. .1. 1'ctxel Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Kuux tk Murphy, 226 Commercial itroet Prono Main 17. While as Christa sSnow Aro trio shirts that como from tho Bnlom Btoarn laundry. Tho finish Is faultloos, tho work la perfect In ov ory dotal, A Rlnglo trial will con vlnco you of thlB experience will show you that this porfeotlon Is stoadlly maintained. Bullsaction guaranteed. SALEM LAUNDRY CO. 136-1C0 Liberty St. Phon-t 25 Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wire Fuiiclntf. Netting, Pickets, aates, Maithold Roofing, P. & II. Ready Roofing All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE C1T1' HALL. For water service apply at office Dills payable monthly In adrancs THE AVENUE Croams, ices, clean and confec Ions. Corner of Seventeenth and Asylum avenue. N. u. Z'jt, pro prietor. I i hit i mn 1111111 iura mr IN.. .. I4M riLLM.lv, oi yUnlJwltIiMl.Btl A'atnHtlUtM SOilBYMtUGulSTSniKVlMsffie1 RUTTERNir UREAD. It Is worth Bore than any oths bread 74 the prlee te no higher for sale &t your grocer's. CAIJyOKNIA UAJOmt, TkoMi A Oeol Pr. 9 s CHICHESTER'S PILLS -T7t LJlrl A.i I'f iiafl.i (. .l Cll C."-a UUlwioTt UituwoXIlrsKiAS 4ilJCsm I'lIU U H.1 al V W -umV a 4b. va t.La kjli. iIh. v& yj w I C Jf LiaVi7s hi w m IIIH1IIIIIK1IIIIIIIII1 ixiiiRiiiimiii LODGES. 5nrpenters'T?ni Union No. 1065 of Carpontora and Jolrera of America meet over7 Saturday evening at 7:30 p. m. la Hearct hall, 420 Stato St. A. W. Dennis, Rec. Bee. i w ' ! ii mmmrnn Foreswrs of iVinerlcH Court Bher- wood Foresters, No. 19. Meets Wodnoadny in Hurst hall, St&ta Btroot. Lo oAbbo, O. It.; J. O, Perry, financial sccrotary. Central LoiIko No. 18, K. of V. Castle Hall in Holraan block, cor ner Stato and Liberty street. Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p, ra. Oscar Johnson, O. O.; B. It Andorson, K. of R. and B. Modern Wootlmcn of Aweric Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets every Thursday evening; at 8 o'clock in Holmaa hall. W. W. Hill, V. 0.; F, A. Turner, clerk. Woodmen of World Meet every Frt day night at 7:30, In Holman hat!, L, E. Ponnoll, O. C; P. L. Fra lr, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. Blck, acoh dont and ponslon lnsiirnnco; $2 000,000 plodgtd; ovory clnlm paltf Good ogonta wanted. J. II. O. Mongomcry, supremo organicor, Box432 Snlom, Orcgou. R. R. Ryan, nocrotnry, 546 Stato strrot 'FfiOFlJSHlONAL. orvrirftCDorui aurgoon. Tolophono 307 Main. Olllcon, 540 Stato street, opposite court house, Salem, Or. Hosldonco Phono 313 Main. 8-13- liuo T7. r" "TyMKN. t'inuinliiR llros.' Transfer C'jMmy All kinds of trannfar work dono. Furnlturo nnd pianos boxed ready tor shlpmont. Prompt rervlco Is our motto. Btnnd aud olllco at 253 South Commercial street. Phono 210. Ruiddonce Phono 88H. LIVERV AND FEED HTAIILE8. I,lcry unci Fiti HtaoleH Old Poat ofllco Stnblos, at 254 Ferry street, botwoon Comraorclal and Frot stronts. Tolophono 188. Borne of tho finest liveries in the city can bo found here. Dick Westacott, proprietor. 18-llyr I I WlMMfc'lllllll Rl THEK O. K. GROCERY OUR DELIVERYSERVtCE is as prompt na our groceries nro good nnd that is unylng much. Wo shall be glad to make delivery to you whether your ordor bo immll o lartio. if you need nnythluu In a hurry don't hesitate to lot uh know and e'j wi.iul the urorcrles. They'll bo Just as good as If you selected them In person, too. Wo handle only standard tiunlltleg so thero will bo no danger of your getting inferior grooorifrs no matter how you ordor, A. A. ENGLEBART, 12th St. Phono 13Z "(. THE REST ROAST TIIK FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our prime tender and juicy beef, mutton or. pork. All our meats are eelect4 from the choicest, and prepared for the table to suit the demands of thu fastidious. Our prices are lower fvr quality than you can ind at any place in Salem, E. O, OR088, Plume MU 7 ftt, -S.LrlCiT-'tf r " rwAw; c i M m 'Si el ,, u. ... -. j IO furnished on beating