. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMDEn 25, 1007. , bring into the state within tho near ' present titno the amount of wntor futuro 17,000 people, this is not a uiunuu m u iow ui uui wuiiorianc small tmr, and ir accompliahcd, will renins can bo demonstrated with mean much to Oregon If theao sot- somo cortnlnty from records oxtond- jnlors, through .tho Btnto's notion, nro ing over a number of yours, but how induced lo purchase water rlguts mucn oi hub waior uns uireauy ueon and on miking aottlemont And that appropriated .to beneficial ubg and tho water supply is Insufficient or becomo a vested right cannot bo tui- ' - 'none nt all, tho stato will bo greatly swered from any public records. Tho Pfepared for Tho Christmas Capl- acquiring definite title .to this water ,innmge(it for without sufflclont county records show claims to tho tal Journal by John II. Lewis, is clearly set out in tho law and wa(er m,q settlers can not live upon! public waters undor our present law OREGON'S WATER LAWS AND IRRIGABLE LANDS Stato Engineer.) capital does not hesitate to Invest in mn( For six years tho state land boarl has culled tho attention of the legis lature to certain defeots In tho Btato law accepting tho Carey act and re questing their correction. Tho gov ernor, in his message to tho last leg islature, called special attention to in .tho great arid West, land with- for " utilization of this sur out water sufficient for irrigation P1"5 water- Wyoming Is nearly all purposes Ls of little value, except in ft"r thousand feet In oleva a few valleyB on tho western slope of "on nnl has but few natural advan tho Cascade mountains. Tho owner Ses. yet Its agricultural develop of tho water practically owns tho ment compares favorably with that land for miles on either side of the ' California, with its great natural , .... ... . .! ' spring or river. The increasing use advantages, uul y,aQre auo enure thego dimeultles. Tho board mado or Btreama in .developing wntor pow- burden of protecting water rights s jspccinc recommendations In their ro er, and tho necessity of pure water Placed upon tho owner, and whoro Ixort( preparing a bill embodying tho for domestic supply for cities and " encouragement is given tho in- cnange8 desired. Tho attorney gon towns, greatly adds to tho value of V03tor' oral and tho stato engineer, In their flowing streams. Tho office of state engineer is pe- respective reports, mado Blmllar rec- Tho land orlglnlally belonged to cultnr to tho arid west. In those ommendatlons, and with nil, tho tho federal government, which gave states having an administrative sys- great Importance of this matter to it out to actual settlers, under a well tern for its public waters, tho stato'tho dovolopment of tho state, it tinilnratnrwl nrlmlnlatmttvn avatoni engineer Is til O head Of Said SVStOlTl. 'wnitlil hn amiunaoil Hint innpli Hmrt Tho stream so valuable In tho west, and In his office can bo found a com- would bo devoted by .tho legislature wore considered of but llttlo lmpor-.Plete record of all rights to the use to tho romodylng of defects In the Btructlon. Liver Pjlls tho which, If nddod together, would In variably amount to many times th nvallublo supply. Therefore, all definitely 4lnrt nlnlniN ntttf' list tntt.l tl.l I At present no hiothod is provided for definitely acquiring undisputed tltlo to water In Oregon. Tho investor must build his works and take chances of defending his rights In tho courts. If ho uses tho wator for ten years without being seriously dis turbed, ho can acquiro a prescrlp. tlvo right, but must still resort to tho court in case of an excessive new diversion at a point higher up on tho stroam. Tho state, Hko all pros pective Investors, Including tho recla mation sorvlco, must consider those quostlons boforo commencing con- itn-nco in tho east whon the govern- of wnter. Through water musters, iftW. Tho blU recommended by tho miont's land policy was originated. 'one on each stream where necessnry, 'board was passed by tho senato, but Tho wator also belonged to tho gov-this officer has control of tho di- indefinitely postponed In tho house, without consideration. If wo look for a reason for this action, wo find Occasionally tho stato engineer's offlco receives Inquiries from pros pective purchasers of prosont con structed works, inquiring as to tho amount of wator such ditches nroi::rnj::rv:"rv'. n? aclcr-itain t teII -:? upon tho floor of tho house the sec-entitled to appropriate. Since no Tyot ,. nnnnimnnt f .'. ",.mf' ba Moot i5e,rei lo record of vested rights to tho ,novllnbl0i CapItal invest V n pre"' ' atDf-8t0art of water Is provided by law, such Lnt rnn-,.P1II,fnil ,,,. ' ,PIC. rotarics of two companies which woro llablo uso questions cannot bo answered, and tho Balo Is mado nt a reduced price, If at all. tho engineer's office, focolvo numer ous letters from prospective settlors, asking for definite Information con corning water rights being sold by construction companion operating undor tho Carey net. Even In thesw casea, tho Btato olllcers havo ho dell nlto title, such as a patont from tho government for land, upon which to bnso n roply. Rnthor thnn block dovolopment, they, liko nny ordinary Invostor, must loavo something for tho courts to docldo, nnd tnko roa- sonnblo chances on tho wntor supply bolng sufflclont. It Is gonorally admitted that tho unappropriated water of tho non- ornment and could havo been ad- versions from streams, ministered and given out to settlors In j Stnto Engineer In Ouogon. us orderly a manner as tho public) In Oregon, the office of stato en lands. After tho valuo of water was gne0r was crated In 1905. A com demonstrated by tho early pioneers j,jbt0 C0(j0 0f' water law following attempting to reclaim lands undor 'in California, tho federal govern- elosoly that of Idaho, and much slm-conrnct w'th tho stato whero tho tnent, by. an not of 18(50, recognized jm. to jawa i,ion mvo sinco been Plans woro not fonslblo; also, con the right of citizens to appropriate' atj0pted Vi North Dakoto, South Da- stantly presont In tho lobby through ifhe water of streams to beneficial 0ja nntl Oklahoma, was presented iol,t tho session, was tho prosltlont of -noes in accordance with tho customs, l0 'ti10 legislature for enactment. Pno ot thoio companies. Tho oxten laws and decisions of tho courts In Tnia av waa defeated, with tho ox- 8,on oI 8tato Biiporvlslon over pro tho various Btatos. 'ccptlon of a few provisions. Tho Jects that aro not fonslblo would nat- For many years tno states in tuo cr0atIon of tho office of state engl- "ally not bo or financial bonollt to arid west failed to realJzo the groat ncor wns ntrongly urged by tho BtatovJtho companies. responsibility thus lmposod upon inmi i,on,.d. to assist In handling do- t will doubtlos surprise many them by tho government In provld- tn lis In connection with tho reclama-jt0 nov' that no monoy hns boon ap ing somo ordorly method of ostab- tjon of Jnn(jg iy tho stato undor tho P.roprintod by tho stato to facilitate llshlng and protecting rights to tho provisions of tho Carey act. Tho this groat colonization Bchomo, and uso of water. Tho streams woro jeft gtato engineer has at present no guard the Intorosts of tho Intend to bo grabbed by unscrupulous and supervision or control ovor tho np- ,nK sottlor. Tho land Is donated to far-Blghted persons, without rogard iroprlatlon or distribution of wator. tho stato, which, In turn, glvos 't to tho public wdlfnro. Soon wntor, An appropriation of flvo thousand, to tho sottlor without charge, pro n necessity of Ufo and tho basis for dollns por annum 2s provided for tho,v,(lea tho settlor purchusos a wator tho substantial growth of theso raHkjng 0f hydrographlc and topo- rli trom tho comtructlon company stutov beenmo tho subject of specu- graphic ourvoys undor his supdrvls- authorized to roclalm It. As a gonor latlon niul monopoly. Tho stnto'a i'nn. pnnit.n-nn imwnvnr tmnn tiin al rulo. that which corB nothing Is development was retarded. Conflict- approprlntlon by tho Fodoral Gov- worth nothing, but notwithstanding, ("nvlgnblo Htroams of the ntntq, bolong lng rlghtH woro ostabllshod and tho ornment of nn equal amount to bo ,l Is oxpoctod that tho accoptnnco of, to tho public, (tho Unltod Stntos), courts blocked with lltlgntlon In- expended within tho Btato for sim- tho Caroy Act will provo of gront(and can bo appropriated for beno tonded to rnli;li "n out the tangle. jnr purposes. During tho past throo honoilt to tho Btato. flolal uso undor tho Iuwb of tho stnto. Tho sumo Jllcli rljrht would bo ho- summers, over 2,100 squaro mllonj Columbia Southern Project. Orogon Is much In noed of loglsla- Toro tho count almost constantly, for 0f ixo gtato's nroa havo boon' Tuo 8t,lto mml l)0nrl entered Into tlon providing, through a Bystom of a docroo would no moro bo rendered mapped, showing nil olovntlons by contract with tho Thror Slstors IrrI- grant or Ucono, a rollnblo public thnn now conditions would nrlso, r0ndB, stronms, buildings, otc. Dally gatlon Co. to roclalm 27,000 ncros rocord of nlL water rights Inltintod new dlvorilons bo mnde, nnd a now dhchargo records of the flow or ot ,Il,ul l)y hulldlng u cannl fromnndor public suporvlslon nftor Its docroo would bo nocossary. The ,nnny 0r he Important stranms of Tumnlo crook In Crook county. This passage, and flomo mothod whoroby BlownosB of tho courts In many cnBOH 1no gtnto j,vo lleon j.0pt nd the ro- compnny chnngod hands Bovornl.tho prosont vostod rights, as dotor--ompollod rosortlng tb forco to so- njtg ,of ,(lj nirvoya and monsuro- tlmos and la now known ns tho "Co- mlnod through litigation, can bo ro curo tho noooHHiry wator to rtavo a ,nPntg 0f th, stlit'o's wntor supply Iiimbla Southorn Irrigating Com-, corded undor such systom. nnsod vn'unble orop or orchard. Many mon pubiighod in tho first biennial ro-'l'""''" Undor this projoct, wntor .upon tho ytom or pormlta Isiuo.l Imvo beon killed thrcughout the nrld ,,ort of nJ 0ffi0-?. jrlghtu wero sold for about 18,000 by tho stnto, tho invoetmont of cnpl- ntntoi In tholr personnl ofTonts to As tnu Jfind i,rrnce doos not acre, whoro tho low water flow of tal in works for tho utilization of protoct thair wntor supply. Tho ciinng8 in elevation, the topograph- tho crook will not Irrigate 8000 ucroa, wntor would be groivtly oncourngod. Btronm', perhnim. would be a hundred c xntL)i. when onoo'mndo, will sorva nU(l lon adjudication In tho courts jnnd tho enlo or Iiinde and wator rights or more inuoa long, uowing inrougn for nil tlmo. Tho mnpi nwlst greatly about luur of tno low water now or") properuv Boiuurs innciu muon nifTornt countlwi. Condition noon ia tJ,e dovelopmont of the stnto, as o utrenni will doubtloes bo found ouelar. With a rollahlo rocord of beenmo no complicated tlirl many of tnoy nro m,ulo wjtjx gront cnro to have beon appropriated bofore tho .now rights ns Inltintod, a ntato ad- tliQ oorly Mtlor found It ImpoMl nnllrond linos oan be pxojootod upon tato began Its project, Tho statu mlnlstrntlvo systom for tho ordorly bio to protoot, of their own offort t10m nnd profiles drawn In tho ofllco law provldos that "tho right to tho nnd oqultnblo dlntrlbutlon of wator Dr through tho court,' tholr wator Wtn HUnCont accuracy to onnblo a of wator for tho Irrigation, of .can bo grndunlly put Into offoot ns tho tupply, abandoning tholr plnoos. p,nminnry ostimnte of cost to be 'andu roclnlmod under tho provisional prior vostod right cotno boforo tho which roturnod to tho original dosort u,de. Owing to tho fluotuntion or, of this not shnll bocomo und porpotu- courts for adjudication. Munition. M-oflms, no wnter powor or Irrigation nlly romnin nppurtonant thoroto.M Tho pnssngo of n new Inw will not Wyoinliig wns ho flrst stnte to as- works will bo constructed unless a Under prouent laws, It Is Impossible throw tho ontlro stato Into litigation sumo the roeponelblllty of providing rocord of stream flow, oxtendlng ovor.to ascortaln who owns or has a right jovor water rights. It will provont systom of acquiring tltlos to It 'a period of throo to five yonre, Is to tho use of wator from nny stroam. (litigation ovor all rights ostabllshod public water, and protecting those nvallublo It tho amount of voatod Tho Btato and its ofllcars nro In thejnftor Its ndoptlon, oxcopt ns to tho Tights, whon ofitabllehod, ns carofully rights to the vsf or wntor Trom n (lark as much ns othor Invostora. , regularity or procedure undor tho m othor property rights aro protoot- stroam can bo determined, tho When this mattor ranches the courts, (law In Initiating such rights. Whon ed. If tlvt usual wator s-ipply Is amount avallahlo for tho proposed which Is tho only tribunal to decldo. wator rights indicated prior to tho disturbod, tho Irrigator is not com- works can thon bo rondlly ascortnln- as to tho merits of tho various clnlmaj passage of a now law bocomo so en 1)0 8(1 lO tOar Ollt 1 8 no KlUOr'S Ham. n.1 Wltlmnt llio nnllnMlxn nf ..m!, tO Wntor. It Will UOUUtlOSH DO lOHna.WlllKIUU IIIHI, llllKUllun B iiOTuooaijr, TTtT " mpo$jiM7 ol,8toenlii.irB - -i hit .. a reconstlptrt tr H AJra sartte - b2i ft, nn:: JbSXA -CTTO""'"..ii"'ijii:ri rights will eottlo such rlKht T!N over ,and the cost of such ml Z K, to each user will doubtles not ,2r2X much In oxrra r,r i. . . . U Uidnr ?m abstracts of m.toUZi??!& such a law. litigation win J 1. .Ut' dr' Sood, ,, ' nnltoly. -"""..iStlillW Litigation has boon In progress on rHefeO o Walla Walla river. In S,n? the ld orecn 3 ri 'zr . k.1? S - ..v, .lwu oi wa:or r Khtu w ... "M" swiitn. ..i.i - , . Lon!t ae a. would natyrallj- - ' aetx) b valler is no, J 2 S " h S ig cettieu. as one supposo, tho ontlro boforo tho courts, reproaonted by 25 X Ia . S lawyers, endeavoring to rtralghtea'of ? M 2 out tho tanglo. With new diversions JL,8 & and new conditions, such as the stor- S .' fine ?rS ago or wator In the mountains and 12 . fap! U rfi the uso of tho natural streams chan- Pl" ,roaJ nols In convoying such water naBt it,- Ebont lhmf. ' -v I many poipts of division In the stream and tho diversion nolnta nf ),, having docreed rights, even this de- and tho diversion points of those wl!! WS nead,-,"?'10 creo, which somo assume will settle ""dMi ftj mattors for all, tlmo will have to be' cnnZT;, - revised. Tho longer the enactment twin, Jm S'"' or a complete water law l, delayed, llf.r W tho moro expensive will tho deter-! HoDlihrigj ovontually Book protection hv th' J ff uppr Wi stato thrcugh nn administrative water InU' Wlllnll Will lll-nlnnl nil . ... ?llal'i!rrI' !" "l-W. - . Uo sz oxpnndlng to moet all I) ut simply toll his troubles to a wator infoimatlon at public oxponso, this thnt tho stato cannot mnko Bome--pollconmn, or a wntor mastor, as he oinss of ncvjiopine.nt would procood hody's olso wator right nppurtonnnt ls oalled. l'hls stato otllolal, with slowly and undor a great handicap. to Its land any moro than a prlvnto authority to regulnto diversions from Tho stnto ongtnoor acta as advisor corporation can, notwithstanding the natural ohnniiol, rldos up tho stroam to tho stnto ird board In englnoor-j nbovo section of law. Even if all and oIosoh itho hoadgiUes, whoro u,g nintters rolatlng to tho roclama- tho wator In tho stroam could bo used wntqr is taken without right. Wator tlon of lands by tho etate binder tho0" tho stnto projoct, It Is physically onnnot ho appropriated nt will with- provision of tho Caroy net. Under impossible, without storage, to re out regard to tho public wolfaro. A this i-ot, tho government will donate .claim moro than half tho land al eystem of grant or llconso Is em- arid hinds tp tho stato to tho extont'rondy sld. Tho stnto recently ployed, weUoh Is as slmplo ns tho Qf 0Ue uillllon aoros, provided tho brought suit against this company acqulromonit of 41tlo to n mining gmtt, wju leolalm and dlapoao of tliOto cancel Its contract, ns It would claim from tho Unltod Stntos. An np- sani0 j,, ,mau tracts to aotunl sot-,not agree to build the nocossary res. plication h flrst mado to tho stato uers Tho dotnlls or reclamation nro orvolrs to Impound tho winter stroma ofllolala for permit to appropriate turuod ovor by tho Btato to construe- J How nocossary to furnishing an ade wntor for u spoolflo uso. If not In tlon companies, who build tho sys- quato wator supply. No plans have conflict 'tli toslted rights or tho torn and ?tttlo tho land undor a con- aa yot boon determined upon for publlo vjltfaro, tho right Is grantod tract with tho stato land board. fstralghtonlng wit this tanglo. .Somo -nnd dolNfcta rocord kopt or tho trans- yiV itocliiinatlon Projects. jof the first lands sold woro through notion. Whon proof Is fmrnlBhod In During tho first nlno months or advertising literature or tho company, ti requirod tlmo that tho wnter hns this year, tho stnto land broad has showing the projoct was backed by "boon applied to a benoflclal uso, nnd entered Into contract with construe-, tho stato or Orogon nnd that resl oxnmlnatlon mndo by tho stato tin- tlon compnnles for tho reclamation of .denco wns not roqulrod. Tho latter thorltles, tho right bocomos veatod 203.SIM ncros of land, nt n cost to tatomont bolng a misrepresentation, and tho rocord complotod. This future settlors for wator rights, of i Tho prospootlvo settlors who havo right thQu bocomos nppurtonant to $4. 2SG. S04, pnynblo to the construe-j Purchased wator rights under this the land, la protected by tho statu, tlon compnnlos. ThW contracts project aro scattered through many md Is thoaftor not subjoct to Utl- Covor every detail or construction (states, somo or whom nro living on utlon in tho courts, oxcopt ns to rog. a,uj disposal or land to soitlora, nn.ljtho land. Othors havo visited tho larity ot procouuro unuor tno inw3 Uoludo detailed plans and spoolflca-iProJoot. expootlng to reside, but f Uie state. Tho rights noqulred (tlons. A total of 400,222 acres is 4-lor to tho adoption or tho Wyom- boforo tho board In various stages foe ng law havo nearly all been doter- consideration. This is equal to tho mined onco for all, and recorded, tak- total area of land at present undor Ing up ono stroam at a tlmo. irrigation In this stato. The area Tho Aiuount of water necessary to contracted for during this year ls supply .vatited rights along any stroam equal to one-half tho state's present can thoroforo bo readily ascertained jrrlgablo area, and greater than tho rom the public records. If tho to- area now being reclaimed by the gov With a family ,1. found those settlors on tho ground consuming nearly all tho wattor sup ply. Many havo paid in full and aro demanding deeds from the state. Water Rights. Two questloua must bo answered beforo a capitalist will Invest hla monoy In works for tho utilization of waters (1) la there sufficient (un appropriated wator In the source of tal amount of water in tho stream Is ornment in Oregon. known, tho amount of unappropriated, of flvo upon each 60 acres, It wllllsupply, and (2) how can tho right water la also kuown. Tho mothod of .mean that theso companies must to Buch water bo acquired? At tho ono gonoral adjudication for all old Thousands Haye Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. l,renlpay of Kleiner lnene. Most people do not realize the alarm Ing increase and remarkable prcvalency oiKiuneyuiscdsc. While kidney dis orders are the most common diseases that pre vail, they are almost the last recognized by patient and phy sicians, tcho eon' tent themtelvts with doctoring the efeets, while the orig inal disease undermines the system. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so ofteti expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swanip-lloot, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish m curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passiug it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant. ne cessity of being compelled to go ofteti during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may nave a sampic uumc uu u book that tells an about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- lmniton. N. Y. When Homtot Bwunp-RooC writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamtou, N, Y. g2gfB new condl- tlons which may arlso. Thoro Is no lack of precodont In this mattor and Oregon should not mil to place upon her statute books tho vory boat laws that can bo dc vlsod, btisod upon centuries of ox perlonco of othor states and coun tries. Tho 1905 act provides thnt thft stato onglnoer shall recommend uch legislation as Is doomed advisable. As tho question of title to wntor Is ono of tho grontet Importance to tho futuro wolfnro of tho state, the nood of legislation on this subject lint boon briofly prosonted. Without a realization of tho groat need ol water legislation on the part of the public, rocommcndatlnns by state officials will hnvo but little weight with tho loglslnturo nnd a few Inter ested corporations or Individuals who soo In prosont Inx laws chance for spooulntlon In wnter, or the for- mntlon or n gront monopoly or thli necessity or liro, enn dorent tho will or tho people o Hero's Good Advlco O. S. Woolovor, one of the host known merchants of Le Raysvllle. N. Y., snys: "If you are over trou blod with plloa, npply Ducklen' Arnica Salvo. It curod mo of them for good 20 years oro." Cures ovary Boro, wound, burn or abrasion. 2fc at J. O. Perry's drug storo. Sovon mon out of ton who pot Into troublo nro able to trnco their down fall to sldo Issuos. BITTERS For valu able Informa tion In re gard to your health, statu tics, and somo spl- n did Jokes get a free copy of Ho.stettcr'8 Almanac from your druggist. Also try the IXUtor for Intl Ul-Ntion, J')l'M" Kidney Ills, Chills, Colds and JtolarU It always cures. first ,niiim rHKT m 4 common with a uBltt Tho ineriu ot the Tnul would never usy fcj bladder or rheasisti bottls two month tat by drugglt or t; m tc3lamonla!i, Dr lj, uilvo street, St. lax Bank AccoM1 Christias fd You an gin mI practical to ttJ ill tor Cbrhtisututfti savings but teeb&j Itlal depoilt o! am 1 moro entered nf and bearing Mi outside. It wl I help i them to mi i which will U r all their llrtt! 'w4 i&di Sili3)iW Capital V 4HI 5 wmm l(Mk 4K!W rHiQigS .m Aetti Price !5C I MONUMENTS AS TBBysmfifi ofjft. -Be.tlf Worlmausblp. W Artistic Designs Best Order now ror spring delivery. Lto' I and modern for you, and set 1 to pta- B9 befoi jsal Day. WILTON W. J Works at 239 Liberty Stree rhSfmls Only On Laxative Bro, m IMC THC0"79 . .. amfl. W Alway remember the iuu lor this elgaature on evw? box '1Mgt Htf ','- . Jiil "i , . ik.: