Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 25, 1907, Image 21

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istructioii of a Railroad from Salem Will Follow Development of the Mines I
Located On Butte Creek
mDjajiond Coal hmmd&mpimCo'sPm?Efm
located air Scotts Nills mCteckAdsy Harionfo's. Qwcgoh ,t m
CROSS Section Showing Formation f JVorks Zf If Tons per Acre
jfAThi drattfptrTZn ProjxWs
TAaWI.2 ptrActe
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Jfttt Acres mil mild TtfeiCMTeJi:
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"-fOrd profit oAATOgtiM
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Statements of Disinterested Citizens Who Have Been There
tateuient of County Judge Scott.
ity Judgo John H. Bcott, who was one of tho first men In
take qtock In this ontornrlBO, and who has boen nt tho
iivo a Journal reporter tho following Informatien:
Icing of a vein of merchantable ooal at Scotta Mills will
ant wonderful thing for ihla country. It will exert a trans
swer upon Marlon county and wo" will bo rapidly converted
agricultural region Into a manufacturing community. The
" aro developing this mining property first' went over eoveral
pects tn Washington, where coal has become one of the most
fa-esourcos, and for whloh Oregon people are paying hund-
jusanda of dollars annually. Tboy catno back anyd put their
to the Scotta Mills prospect. Threo borings were made and
were completed Portland opltal rondo a grand rush o do-
f enterprise, and Tom Scott, a hard-headed old Scotchman,
uf tho first men o take stook. He bought $600 worth of
told mo personally before he died If he had $10,000 he
It all In'that mine. The oponlng of that coal mine means
from Mt. Angel or Sllwrton to tlw mines posrtbly from
can be built oheaply aid I understand one survey has beon
should get Btraigbt fron Salem to the coa. mine. I kaow
of the Diamond Coa Mine Company and tboy Ream to
igootl clean straight raea."
Capital Developing a Great Industry
the greatest dUoovedes ever made In the WillameUo Val
cation of a fine bed of the beat quality of ooal at Sjjotts
ler good sign fdr the future of this oountry Is the faei
County capital Is largely lnv,Ul hi thej development of
sent Salem men and Marlon County pfflolals have bome
s sharehouders In the Oregon Diamond Coal Mining Gain
ing at Scotts Mills.
Pltal Journal baa Investigated this property and ronslders
field for Investment that Is t"lay ottnul to lonie eapl-
The boat wheat land vlll produce 33 buBhelB to tho noro or ono
ton of grain that sella on an average of Blxty oonta to the bushol, or
produces gross $20 per aore.
A flvo-foot vein of coal will produce nt tho low price of four dol
lars per ton at tho mine a wenlth of $3-,000 por noro, or wlmt it
would taku an acre of wheat land 1,'iOO ycurri to produce.
Yet Investments In whoat land that pay eight per cent lutorost
aro considered fine speculations, or gilt edge mortgages hi any part
of tho olvlllzod world.
Ilonco It Is believed by far-Klghtfrd SaJom Investors that stock
In Scotts Mills coal mines is n lKinauui.
Hence It Is a f&ot that thousands of haroa of this utoqk are
being placed In Oregon about as fast as H can bo issued,
The Capital Journal does not h&rttaio to commend it as a good
honuj Jnvrattnent for idle capital.
It not only means tho development of a profitable industry, but
making Marlon county tho home of othor Industrie, a wal 1 a
now transportation enterprises,
Mon In this olty lave p)aod their money In this stock who
regard It as the surest support of thir old age.
Striking that vein of coal In the BcoUb Mills mines In mer
ohantable quantities will bo an vgnt oJsbratd in history.
It would be worthy of the prcence of tho whole body of state
offloJals, and it ill be donn fconm tJm noxt huninKT,
All the work ie bolng done on Urg and permanent scale for tho
men who are doing It know the eoa Ut thdrt and havo experience
back of thorn,
Threo borings gvj the same rsnlt at diffeitnt plaocw and tho
vein Is known to be one of the fliuiAt ever Mruck on tho Pacific Goanf,
It means that a large olty will b bttllt where now lies the vil
lage of Sootts Mills,
It means that a standard gauge stoat raj'road will be consU-uoU
1 from Salem to tho inlaw.
The Journal can heartily endorse what County Judgo Scott
says of the high ebaraoter of tho men who aro back of tho Oregon
Diamond Coal Mining and Developing Company.
Wo know tbra personally to bo pdntlomen whose hoarts aro set
on dolsg a great work beeause thoy have madu ilia necewary Inves
tigation to convlncu tliem tliat the bmmI are Uiere.
With splondld spirit and rare courage thcV havo put their own
money Into tho enterprise, and they are backed by somo of tho boat
buslnoas men and most conservative rrlxcns of Salem and Portland.
Interview With Rev. B. C. Black.
Ilev. I). C. Dlaok of Salem, a minister of tho ChrUtlun church,
who linn spent soveral weekn nt Scotts Mllln thla fall, ,has given tho
Capital Journal somo valuable Information about tho coal mining
prospects at that place. Ho lived a largo part of his life In a coal
mining country nnd has boon around ooal mines In Ponnitylvunlu,
Ohio and West Virginia, nnd particularly In tho Muskingum Valloy
uud Sandfly Crook coal mining roglonu of Ohio, Ho says:
"Tho region about Scotta Mills has tho topographical appear
nnco of a great coal-producing region. Tho geological formation Is of
tho purely sedimentary character In which all great coal mines aro
round. Whon I was stopping at Scotta Mlllu recently the shaft watt
down to tho sandstone and marl bd, and everything showed that
thoy wore going through formations that had once bean an ocean
b$d or son eluyo of a large Inland sound. Thoro aro remains of largo
sonfthells found all through tho rook that is bolng blasted out of tho
big shaft that la being sunk to carry on buslncsti on u largo ccalo.
"I myself picked up apooltnons of coal fleat: In tho bod of Ilutto
Greok nt Sootts Mills. When I did not know thoro wore coal crop
ping! showing farther up tho creek. I plaked up ono pleco as largo
as my two fists, and found two piow about a mile apart In tho crook
bid. Tho largo pleco was worn smooth from erosion and bornjj
tumbl d In tho rooks but It had not air-slaked a particle. Coal dls
oovorloa nun in belts, and theso snmploj woro either from tho bolt
that is shown In tho map prlntod abovo or from a tlstsr belt Tho
hills about Sootts Mlllu for several miles aro yrliut I take to bo u
groat oil country and I havo llvod In oil regions and am not easily
deceived about such appearances. Oil is thoro' to my completo eatl
faeilon If thvy will go deep enough for It It has nil tho nipoqranco
of the best oil roglons of Ohio nnd West Virginia, and as we ajl know
coal and oil and natural gas almost Inevitably go together. They
will bo found together in Ihes doposita In Marlon county whon
ovor the strata aro sufficiently explored to lay It all baro.
"Ono of tho first results after reaching the big voln of coal
that several horlngi havo provoa to bo about as shown on tho map
will bo the construction of a railroad into tho Scotts MUte mineral
belt. That will result In a rapid Influx of population and more than
doublo tho valo of property. Already -property that sold last year
for $600 a lot bus doubled and as high an $1,200 has been offered
for lots in tho town, I consider Scotta Millu property tho bwit In
vestment today la Marlon County. Tho mining operations are bo
lng projector on a scale iba,t convinces mo the men vho aro back
of it know what thoy ore about and aro preparing to operate on a
largo scale. The mlno will bo worked to great profit on the plana
adoptol. There is fine limestone to bo had threo mile east of there
and when there is a railroad in the production of lima will also be
como very profitable buiQ."
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