DAILY CAPITAL JQURXAL, SALEM, OREqoNt WEDyESDAYt 1)ECEMJJER 23 lm i w Department Has Important Cases Pending it statements of tho law judge Is told which would bear rene- tlon , " M I 1 I I I I 1 N I II I ho havo snton thin bench tltlen: Some time since R6n"nto St Tn the neTolnZ T' " tnnt n,att6r9 of ,,t,Bntlon thn' ro th. defendant and Its predecessors In -packer, and dealers of salmon ll! rCdHnr ab,er,tha? e elate houw about half put .even tic land In the d Isp E 2 ilmS" T"8 bCfr th C"rts of thH ,Ut0r08t' In tho racanUmo' nur Humo oppes ?he 1U 0 unc tai w aPr0m nnt " ,tll mrn,ns h0 met a sentloman ous cases nil ,enX an Zv," T ? th fdcral c01,rl9 ,n wh,cK US B0U,0r9 h,ul tabltahed their stttuUonaf and I. maklw "eeVSS la em honored and m- looking around. The jurist politely may hereX? . 1 tul , . the MonW senernl upholds tho homes on a considerable portion of to tost It Thl ewo im i.M?.!J Si. Wii!!r " H 8POk t0 "- "h 'ho sfrangr Z, t tf Jl lr.d "1 "8' l ? the homestead and Xln ffaSU" o t 2 g who havo saton thla bench tltlen: rd. Ho Id still a. prominent Salem, honored and r Iby all who know him. Ho retained as counsel In many u casos. r Watson served four years ring from the bonch In 1SS4 Jlnto tho actlvo said ho was from a distance, nnu would like to look through tho stnl house. Tho jurist replied that somo of tho folks would bo around nft.ir practice of n whllo who pnntii m, m i. Portland, whero ho has since .building. The stranger replied that or tno prominent lawyers .ho was obllcod tn en n-nv nt my. He is engaged In many !early hour, whereupon tho lurlst lgren. Importance, an untlr- said: "All Hdit t hi , .... tor, a 2ealous advocate and' through." And ho took hlra from good record as Bupremo basemont to dome, all through, care . ,, , fuU' explaining ororythlng about Waldo was born In Ore-, tho bulldlmr. When thrnmri.. ti..i fcson of honored pioneer par-granger expressed himself vory much m auiyUU ou mo Doncn ror gratified, and asked If ho was tho .v.Mui-u m ma jiruiussjon, janitor. "No," was tho roply. "Are tet student of naturo, a phi- you omployed about tho building?" was asked. "Yes sir," was tho reply. "Might I ask whoro or In whnt de partment you work," asked tho stranger. "I nm chief Justlco of tho I'as woll as "jurist, a Btntes- a reformer. After his re- .In 1886, owing to tho con- hls health ho lived mostlv L.uu. 11.. WV . I frm iu iuo waiUO 1111 3. BUtiromit rmirf ' rpi, 0iu.. dlod last September. lot tho visitor can bolter bo Imndnn.i mayor wns elected to tho flinn described. Judgo Mooro Is also 1884, served six years, serving out his third term ns 1hm Thnyor was a learnod man of tho supromo court nnd with Judgo jicssion, no nnu previously Bonn kIvos promise. If their nrnso.tt to stnto for four years ui popularity continues, of romnlnlntr l.and made a good record on on tho bench as lone as tliov bo iin. jmo bonch. .sire. S. Strnhan wns electod in, Chnrloa 13. Wolverton was olocted sorved for six years. Ho In 1S94 and re-oloctod In 1900 nnd JOrcgon In 18CC, sottlod a4, corttlnuod to serve on the bench with favuero ho wns chosen prono. 'great acceptability to the state nnd ftorncy In 1808. In 1870 tho Imr until his annolntmont n Unl- kd to the state sonato but tod States district Judge two year Aiuanq nt the tlmo of his ngo. His promotion to this lm- tho supromo bench. As portant post Is ample ovidenco of hi Judgo Strnhnn wnB much worth. ko ordinary. Ho hnd a keen, in December. 1905, on tho resl- uytical mind nnd his writ- nation of Judge Wolvorton Tliomns is on tho bonch command- G. Hnlley was nppolnted by tho gov- attention. At tho closo of.ornor to sucoed him. Judgo Hnlley1 Lho lorntod at Portland Is an Orogon boy, rnUod In Orogon filled In 1P95. 'and Idaho. Is a Reed lnwvor. nnd his I it1 r ! tiAit aU iali . nail. I Robert S. Dean was elect-' " ? "" "' "V " """ "V"l "" '" kupromo court nnd hns beon '.". " " l"" it linnnli It rv I elm intInA T itwlco ilnco and next July ,"" v' "" "" "' v ; Ij Inu In PnrHniiff na mnmltrii. nf tlin I, n torm of eighteen yonra , ' . . . , . lt!1AMyx 1lA..nlt tllA 1nrAfr . v ....... ....... H'.YUIU UUIIlll, 1IIU iuubu.il. COUrt." Under thla nut tho ffnvornnr nppolnted Woodson T. Slntor and Will R. King as such commissioners, who nre now engaged In their duties. They sit with tho court in tho hearing oi cases, participate In tho conaiiltn. tlon hold and proparo opinions. Woodson T. Sinter waa born at orvnuis, Oregon, Nov. IE. ISRR. Graduated at University of Oregon, 18SJ. Studied law with L. Hllyou, whllo nctlng as principal of tho Eu gone public schools, was admitted to prnctlco In 1885, sorved as deputy stnto treasurer from 1887 to 1891, ana rrom that tlmo practiced law In Salem until his nppolntment ns com missioner. Judgo Slntor Is n hnnt worker, a vigorous writer, and his opinions bear tho stamp of n well cultivated, ablo lawyer. Will R. King wns born tn Wnlla Walla In 18C4. Cnmo to Oregon whon 7 yonrs old, wns educated nt Orogon Agricultural coIIoko. crnilu. ntod from tho law school of Dnn vllle, Indiana, and wns ndtnltto.l tn prnctlco In 1892. In 1S92 ho wnB a mombor of tho loglnturo from Mai nour cointy, from 1S94 to 1898 wns a moniuor or the stnto sonato, In 1898 wns a cnndldnto for governor, but wns benton by Govornor Geer mbpu ll.n .. .u .- i , u- ..... .. . I"" .""" " vuo out"""" ort jr v.nu..vvuvi ui wiu cuuiiuuM"'vi mn vi mo umit'u oiaios, ann.in tho now yoar wealth. That ho Is a hard-worked omclal no one can deny after golnn over the following list of Important litigatiens: Stnto of Orogon vs. Portland Gon- oral Electric company, a corporation. Suit commenced In tho circuit court to compel nn nccountlng nnd collect tho 10 por cont of tho not proceeds from tolls collected nt tho locks nt tho Wlllametto falls nt Oregon City un der tho law of 1S70 grnntlng $200, 000 for tho construction of said locks on tho condition thnt 10 per cont of tho not proceeds of tolls should bo paid to tho ctato'for tho bonollt of tho common school fund. Tho dofond- nnt Is tho successor In Interest of dho corporation which constructed tho cnnnl nnd locks, nnd rofuses to mnko nny stntomont of recolpln nnd dis bursements or to pay tho 10 por cont. Nor hns any stntomont or pay ment ovor beon mndo oxcopt for tho first yenr tho locks wcro oporntod. Tho caso Is now. on npponl nnd ready for trlnl In tho supromo court. Stnto or Orogon vs. United Stnton. This Is n Milt In tho court of clnlms of tho Unltod Stntos nt Washington, havo offered proof to tho stato that tho landB woro fraudulently obtain ed through tho stnto by tho defend ant company nnd Its predecessors. Accordingly a suit wns brought to act aside tho stato deeds, but tho su. promo court held on domurror that tho complaint did not show a suffi cient interest In tho stato to onablo It to maintain tho BUlt. nntl nnnthnr suit wnB commenced moro fully sot ting out tho stato'B Interest. This complaint has boon hold good by tho circuit court nnd tho .testimony Is be ing collected to support tho charge of fraud said to havo beon perpetrat ed on tho stnto, R. L. Stovcns vb. F.W. Donson, Eu- gono Pnlmor and Cyrus H. Walker vs. P. W. BenBon, nnd John P. Logan vb. P. W, Ilon8on, woro ensos In volvlng tho sufllcloncy of roforondum potltlons filed ngnlnst cortnln acts of tho last session of tho legislature. Thoy woro nil trlod togothor, and tho supremo court sustained tho sum- cloncy of tho potltlons. Two notions hnd to bo brought In tho circuit court to sreuro lands for tho purposo of tho Institution for fcoblo minded, dlfeotod to bo orootod I this bench. Previous to Thomas fcllnlloy. ucIbo Bean hnd boon fori Jude Robert Eakln, of Union, circuit Judgo In tho soc-uro0"' wa9 oclou "l Juno- 1JUU- juuge rcaxm cnmo to orogon in isui; tt nnd had two more yonrs rlicn ho wns elected to tlin snch, Judgo Bonn is it tin- Oregon, educated at Mou- aidlng nt Eugene, llo Js u led in tho law of earnest grca Industry, stead- Jf purpose, quick In form- islons nnd strenuous In the from Illinois, whoro he was born In 1S45. He rocelvod his education nt Wlllnmette University, studlod law with Geo. B. Dorrls of Eugene, nnd In 1874 was ndmlttod to practice law Ho shortly afterward oitabllshed himself ai Union. Oregon, whero ho built up a large praotlre by closo f his opinions. That hi i attontlon to business, nnd conscleu- tho benrh lina liflii sntla. ijtho people of the state Is evinced by his suoceteiv itprnnlc A. Mooro was oloot- iitpremo bonch. Judg Enutlvo of Mnlno.that grand it which It is said produce Mto nnd men," and Judge Uno exception to this rule lucatcd In Iown, and came In 187G, sottlod at St. Jlumbla county, Orogon, actively engaged In th t law. In IS 82 ho wa3 inty Judge of Columbia sorved four years. In en 8 chosen state senator. i . ro is a nnrd worker, a goou th a pleasant personality, lends with all with whom tlous work. In 1895, he wns np polntod circuit judgo for the eighth Judicial district by Governor Lord, and continued In that position until his olootlon to tho supromo bonch, having boen twice oloctod, Judgo Enkln Is n man of ploaslng nddrois, ' well oqulppod for his position nnd gives promlso of n long life of use fulnoss in this place. The Increaso In buslnefte In this court has Icopt paco with tho growt'i , of the stato, and tho throo judges j being unable tl Keep up wun tue Choice Oregon Farm Land 1). C to fstnbllsh tho clnlm of dho by tho Inst loglslaturo. Tho board of .tniBtooH of snld Institution wns tin immmamMmmmmammmamMm nb to purohano from nil of tho Jowners, nnd, thoroforo, It wns found Grain Land Orchard Land Berry Land Hop Land Ycoclablo S Land English MWalnut Land hali:.m, Tim riu:mtY citv. AH Located in the Great Willamette Valley, Where Crops Never Fail. For Information Call on or Write Derby & Willson Salem, Oregon. nocossnry to condemn tho lnnds uifr dor tho power of omlnont domain. Stnto of Orogon vs. Christ N'lolson. Iu n prosecution for violating tho Ono llshlng laws on tho Columbia rlwr and Involves tho dootrlno of concur rent Jurisdiction. Tho dofondnnt wob convlctod In tho clroult court for Clatsop county and nppenlod to tho Bupromo court, whoro It Is now pond ing. Slnco It Involves tho construc tion of tho U. S. statutos conferring concurrent Jurisdiction ovor tho Co lumbia rlvor on tho stntos of Oregon Jnnd Washington, It will In nil prob. nuiiity no tiiKon to tno supremo court at tho United Slates. Stnto of Orogon vs. Throo SUItori Irrigation company, ot ul., Is a suit brought by tho stnto ngnlnst the de fendant corporation nnd two otbor corporations, sudcossorK In lutorost, to cancel n contrnct for tho Irrigation of cortnln lands In the Doechutee country under the Carey net, on no- (count of tho fnlluro of tho company .and Its HtioootMora to furnish wnter ror the rnclnmntlon ot the lands or to comply with tho requirements of tho stato land board ns to the dlspo- hI of tho lands; nnd nlso to compel An finnruiint lllis it mntinvn riinnluml " " wr r'f w . .......WM ...tfrI.IUt. , I .i N. Coy vs. Tltllo Gurantoo ft Trust company and Ra ofQcera was proceeding brought In tho United States circuit oourt at Portland by tho plaintiff, a non-roaldont stock holder for tho nppdlntrnont of a rd oelvor, and Goo. H. Hill, tho vice president of tho corporation wns apf polntod as rocolvor. Largo sums oU money bolonglng to tho gonoral fund nnvl school fund of tho stato ot Oro gon woro on deposit In tho bauk of. Bald company, and tho attornoy gon oral, on bohnlf ot tho stato, togothfel with othor creditors, potltlonod for tho romovnl ot Mr. Hill and tho apt polntmont ot a disinterested rocolvor.. After hcnrlng tho matter, Alto court granted tho potltlons nnd romoveA tho rocolvor Hill nnd nppolntod Mr. Moars Instead. In tho meantime, the Amorlcnn Suroty company, the surety company which had gouo on the stato treasurer's bond for tho oafo keeping ot tho stnto tnonoy, nsiumed and sottlod tho stnto's claim against tho bank and succoded to all of tho state's rights and clnlms ngnlnst it. Thin list doos not Includo tho ordi nary crlmlunl cases nppenlod to tho supromo qourt In which tho attornoy gonoral has nppoarod ror tho stato, nor all of tho msos In which ho has nppoarod In tho various ot'Jr courts upon tho roquest of statoolllcors nnd pthorwlsa.. o of Onvyou'M Most Hurrcssful Miiiuifncturor of Cigars. A. Huokostoln ostabllshod tho Sa lem Clgac Factory in 1880, and HtarU od up with two hands hlmsolf nnd pnrtnor. At prosont ho Is working eight hands, nnd whoovor calls at tho shop upstnlrs uoxt to tho Capital National bank, will nnd tho proprie tor nt his bonch rolling out tho moiit famous Oregon-mudo cigar tho I.n Corona tho first brand which ho placed on tho innrkot, and , which holds its plnco as tho most popular high grado artlolo mndo on tho coast. A Htlll moro expeuslvo olgnr Is tho Tnuhmoo brand, and thnt nnd tho La Goroun, and tho Hon Ton, aro tho big throe sold by nonrly every deal er In wostorn Oregon. Those goods aro In tho hands nf tho local trndo generally, and glvo toady satUfao tlon to the consumers, who know whnt to oxpoct when thoy got hold of thoso brands whloh havo bocomo tho groat staple in tho trndo. Mr. Huoksteln has a fnd which h airs from tho snttlurs. It Is still ponding on many public occasions, a hobby of In tho olroult court nt Portland. whloh ho Is the porslstont chnmpton Stato of Washington vs. stato of tho support of ihomo Industries and Orogon. Is n suit brought In tho Unl-, tho patronngo ot tho homo morohaut tod States supromo oourt to deter-'In all linos. Ho recently mndo tho initio tho boundary lino between the round or Salum storos and asked for two stato at and nonr tho mouth an nrtlolo of Salem manufacture, and of tho Columbia river. Tho ttwtl-. finding ono or two merohants did Judgo King Is a wo.' I equipped lawyer stato of Orogon to repaymout for i .. i i . .,..,.. i. i and writes a good opinion, and gives cxponoo Incurred In equipping nnd aC,,aU ?'? llm P" of a most successful career paying troops for United Stntos son- with tho J X, Oregon has beon fortunate in bor Ice during tho civil war. Tho suit Is court to .ppoln tw pe L ?I U ofllw"- TUy hftve b' Pwuted on authority granted by learning nnd personal , or , tone. conoc,ont,oUs, upright men. But congress to establish the claim and it shail be the duty of said commie- lt " !" e judgee tho amount duo theroon. . .. x. ..i .j -..i who have gone before to say that, 4 . . THE T and contact, A story of tho slonors, under sucn ruies ana roguin i atu.u-..u' Hto of Oregon vs. Piolno Statcwi ' - II r- ( I IIMB1LKIT HUH IIIH KSBB. ,.. mi i,i. i,a.ar tror m.i-r Telephone and Telograph Co., wvr wv wv-. .V( -,- 4A - -. -, - . or moro upright men than those who u"wro vs. tmnsoi -leiepnone n. . ,l,o n.l.lnn ,. n nnrt "! ToIOgraph CO. AdlOns to OOl- fMU wiv rvRttttt '.' v--- IDEON STOLZ COMPANY LNUFACIiniERS AX DHALHRS I.V CIDKR, CIDHR VIXK- EiXD PICKLES OF ALL KLVDS. PUVDINO A MARKOT IEIR OIT-PUT IX QRKGOX, WASHIXOTOX, AM ALlS. 5TULISHED IX 1807, AX ABH lOIXO A OltOWIXQ 53. ADDITION TO TUB ABOVU LIXHS, THIS FIRM HAS CE BOTTLIXG PLAXT, THAT STA.VUS AT THE VKRV LOF THE BOTTLIXG TRADE, BOTTLING AUU iiib IRD DRINKS, AND AfDlXG XEW DRLVKS E.10II VEAlf. THEIR STANDARD DRIXKS IS A CARBONATED CIDER, NOW FINDIXG SALE ALL OVER THE STATE. ,. ...- i..m.. . ur..i. . tho gross enrnlngs ax undor tho m iiaa .-i fitTVH .v. ""-""' ,.., ,. , , ... .. .,. 1 tho POOplo ouuuivu uf iioyuiur vuig ai mu 1 Th Idea embraced In the federal tiwtlon ,n June. 1000' I'loaliiK u constitution of appointing Judge, for )HX off3 ,8r con- on " 'r0f r lire or during good behavior. Is rap- ,n of f',rM8 companies and 2 per idly beeomleg pert of the unwritten nt " ;h "'" earn,nK" ' ' law, that a Judge who perform, well K aml IPhon oompanlw. and hi. work .hall be continued Ih oltt f Ux f "ft,r 0",t nn " " " Por with every added year of work ,B ' oilnK car. refrigerator oar. Ue caa reader better wrvlee. " " oompanlee. By stipulation ! Since th. .Ue gov.riit was or- l " lavf " ,"mn1 ganll in lt6. yer. age tfc.ro rgor jemH-lne. Inehidlng the hav. bee IS clerk., a. follow.: " !' " JJ Joph O. Wlleon. Ierkrn llmUk. "- ' ,wi,f ',Ha, ti i itMin.a n n nmt fu.H to make this a tort of the valldlt of Richard Wllllauw, C. 0. Curl, CUM. ... . , H Bellinger, P. II. D Arejr. 1. n. ik.iMu.Mi, i.hm' Odeneal, J. A. SWrattOH. W. II. -- -- . . .. ... r. ol.,...,u t t d referendum amendment of the ,!..... . . "'""V - eonetltuilon and all laws onaetl un Murphy and J. C. MerataHd. tn. ..... . i ' ' . .der It. The result will be far reach- pr i oewHI-w- Jag whichever way the matter Is da- I ' "' ' '" O - tmtmm I iji ti, n ti ti fi t lanlelnn mi nnnt n i""". . ". r. : mony was, by stipulation, tnken be foro two commlsilonors, ono appoint od b each stnto, nnd tho hearing Id sot for January 0, 1008, nt Washing ton, D. C. This Is considered ot groat Importance on account of the fishing industry In tho Columbia nnd the rovonuo whloh tho state sucoed Ing Iu holding tho disputed portion of tho sands and Islands will recolvu from fishing lloonios, Ma., and has entailed a great doal of labor upon tho attornoy gonoral In defending Orogon's Interests. State of Oregon vs. R. D. Hume, Is a ease commenced to enforce the law Imposing a llcenso upon oauncrs. hot koep It. ho got tho manufacturer u customor by Insisting on tho right to havo tho Salem article In prefor onoe to tho same quality of good. niado elsowliore. Tho principle on tors Into his dally conduct. Ho U not only nn expansionist In theory but ho Is a hoottor In practice, and his sucows In building up his own trado shows that he Is noting upon a sound prlnolplo of business. Ha says: "If a business man would havo tho support of tho poopio of htrf own community ho should glvo that support whenever thero Is an op portunity. It Is tho goldon rule ot business suocess " A. A. LEE, Malinger ESTAHMHHHD 1BNO, I'. (I. HOVER, 8i-e. SALEM AND ABSTRACT LAND CO. The Attorney General' OttJcc Is Xo expeoted short of tho supreme court Longer a Bhiocurc. ,of he Unltod States. Hon. A. M. Crawford, the attorney! State of Oregon vs. Warner Valley n.ri f nrfitrns was one of three Stoolc Co., a corporation. This is a .state officials who have saved -to tblsuU to set asldo oertaln deeds luued 'stato over 1400.000 of public funds tno tato to land In Lake county, that woro deposited la a suspended .on tho ground that they woro fraud Portland bank. Ho Is one public or- ulently obtained. The lands were flelal, who to say the least, has represented to the state as being earned his salt. The Christmas swamp lands and were selected by Journal has taken the pains to collect tbe Ut under the swamp land grant a brier synopsis or the more Icapor- or congress, and arterward sold to office- First National Bank Building Most Complete Set of Abstract Books in Marion Co. We have up-to-date equipment" to perfect Abstracts of Title and search records In quickest tlmo conalstont with flrt;cla4 work. Each day's county official recording In all departmonU trans ferred to our books by competent oxpertj ' II B w ,'-y-"i' "a. rf '