iWWMMMItfcmmifctalhWUmthWMiW DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALKM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEM11KU S, 1007. a WWmWWWmiiUmWWMWlW ITULITHIC PAVEMENT THE ENHANCER OF PROPERTY VALUES he Best Possible Advertisement fo a Progressive City 1 his pavement is iow in use on Court Itreet, Salem, Ore on, and is the lavement to be ised by the city to iprove its principle loroughfares. Suitable for both business'and resi dential district. The sun has no effect on it and rain 1 does not cause it to become slippery and'dangerous. VIEW OP COITRT STREET, SALI3M, OREGON, LOOKING WEST. STREET ONE HUNDRED FEET WIDE PAVED WITH WARREN BROTHERS' IJITULITIIIC PAVEMENT arren Construction Company SALEM, OREGON iWfcWiWtrtlrtfcWIrtlrtMltWI ATE'S INSTITUTION FOR THE INSANE, LOCATED AT SALEM mms at tho State Insane (tbe Oregon Stato InBano Asylum at Broatoat amount of Improvement to better h0ftt Rnd vcntaUon j ftj is always a greai event. Salem. In this stato tho incurable hla crodlt. Ul0 vardgj ftnd aro alB0 porf00tiy record of humanity In tho caro and treatment of tho liunno will bo kept up and tho samo record for progress nnd Improvement will bo under taken by Dr. .Stolnor. What Cnlbrcnth Has Done. Bosldoa constructing u now wlnj and ropalntlng nil the buildings Dr. Calbreath has In tho eight yenrs of his fiorvlco mndo many Important ohang's for thf bettor sanitation of tho Institution. About COO now ra diators have bo.n put In that glvo CMPKTITION ON PANAMA ROUTE I vostmont of from 30 to 60 por eont Igrentor thau that In tho Qormnn San Francisco udvlcos annonnco t shops, with which thoy aro shortly that tranio rolatlons havo boon catnb llshod between tho Kosmos Stoam tfhlp Lino and the Panama Railroad. As tho railroad 1b under tho dlroat management of tho United Statu Government, this would Indlcato that to bo In aetlvo competition. If tho "Intonate" which aro so hungry for a ship subsidy, can onco bo nrndo to under tnnd that tho graft cannot bo worked through Congress, thoy may rotlro and porrnlt tho men who would i first placo oaoh ono of tho patlenta aro not returned to tho coun Dr. Stolnor has Just returned from L,oanly wboro formorly thoy wer'o ''., . . , .. i.... . t .,.-, ,.,!. ttin tinxr vlnlHnr. similar tuililln nnd Iirivflta -.' ... . ' . .. uueon nunurcus uuiioma ru.i" iu uuwwu nu.uo v i' ..-. ..., . - -- vnrv.nitnv n linn monnmi oiil an '- - I ... ..... . . .. rJ-J W TTT--T T-""..M -. . . n - V WB ( V housos as In some statos, but aro all instituMona in Minnesota, imnw. he ynr(8 mt m ho trcog porfM. problbltlng foro,Bn vog80, ply,ng ,)0. kept at stato exponso at tho ono In- Ohio, Now ork. M.'ssachuwo s.'(od tho dralnng0 ftnd roduo,d jDfcc. twoon tbe cana, wnd nn Amercan stltutlon. llenco tho numuor scorn uau.ornia, jinura uoura a , u. (,0U8 d,MniM ko typbu8 and nm. ,,orl v,a f0rcKi. Tb, COnceslon lia Christmas prosont no mat- HUle, still It Is appropriate is been carefully selected as It woro a family affair. Tho nt, or some fellow patient, -that many of them aro there ror u. u Panama la no ongor to bo regarded jllko to oporato cheap ships to get an a portion of our protected coast- them by tho samo methods tieed by wUo navigation zono. Tho Interests tholr competitors. Tho Oormans now hold by tho United fttato nt havo bought moitt of tholr stoamora Panama aro suoh that the Isthmus nt nrltlsh yards, and It Is this cheap has phOYlously been regnrdnd aa do- tonnage that penults thorn to ban mestlc territory, and in tho early dlo butilnoaa nt a lower rnto than tages of tho eannl work tho rulolls domanded by tho lined which aro forood opurchaso only American tonnago. Tho Kosmos lino will make money by cettlntr rid of all damnness on tho nt tho Hnrrlman Interests, which, will lo mtmtlnn(tv innm in nnmn lysklan, or special attendant, llfo and In this warm cllmato andj Oregon Compnr Fntornbly. Kf0unds and In tho basomont. under ono management or nnothor.'ln tho Amorloans a doslro to engago sard a word dropped, and tt with tho host of care, live to a r.-, Attendants ana omclals from DPtherla htuj altogether dlsap- havo for yearB enjoyed praotloally i'in tho bualnoss on oven tormii with an whlspored and carried up.markably old age. uigni yoars ago, oiucr u ur; " "'"".peRred. Modem showor and 1Mb monopoly of tho trad botween Pan- tho Germans. Whon wo understand largo, but it must bo remember national hospital at Washington, UrjR a,JnMt tQ Rn unUnown o!orootJt to tho Gornmns w,j, ho u rtroct blow on tho Panama route. Its proflto 1 Steward and a note made or.wnon ur. J. v. uaiurtaui iook ouar8a in io-"b w,-Hw u.u ..-. WH. (bal,g for a the patJ(,nta bavo hlMa nnift al)d Am(jrj9an ,,or(a 0a tJl0 pa. that our only handicap on tho ocoan I that mighty potentate who is there woro 11C4 of those unfortun- pared with similar Institutions in .,ntroduold wUb unitary olosets. oiflo Coast. today Is tho Inability to buy ships feateat Santa Claus In the whole atos enrolled. Today there aro prae- other states. In y" f tb;,FJro protection on tho sprinkler sy- nut a agVwmwt wrTTnot as ohoaply as our competitor, can txnakes out his lists and no tlcally three hundred more. Thd Inst tutlon men and womsn dove ; UB an(J flrJ 08mp08 haye ,u. Jfl Qot bjy U(Jmt hQrQ wJ(, wmo ffom f nwnrinM,n,i TiiinU of Hon. number who oorao nnd go onch month oped In this state as wen as in l,tr0(ift.i in nii the bulldlnea. ., . .... ,,... ... nmnin mi i.,iai., .iA.n. ,i - I" in iii tut urn ii mrti r jiimiauru ui -'' " - uumiumu uvv tt EO Wrlcht bolng charged with Ms about thirty, and tho annual av- moralo of tho employe generally, - . b.. . , .,. . '.r. innrMt. ia fifM- Hbrtuffh rap4ljU stats Is above the averaK. la an oi mieen uunarwa umomuv 7 .mv.-- .-, -..,- -- - - - no wondor ho thinks "darn the past year tuore Has ueen praou- iuu wro oi ui ,.u.. u .- - le times. But that Is Christ the asylum and none are for by the great Webfoot Com- cally no Inoreaso. tlonU and their Industrial treatment Dr. Cnlhrwifli'N htafT, AnmiMtlLlon (Imn U mamIM iindar a subsidy, but for tho rlnht to Jo The mallear staff of 4h asylum oxlstlntr arraaKwiuonU. by which the buslneo with th tanii kind of consists of Drs. h, F Griffith, A. r7. Httrrmar Una of steajrjshlpa Is sup. joqulpmont Oj) la uecofully nisod thy Tamable, J. II. Robnott and J. C. pwed to IO runnjng opposition to the Jojir competUors. PerUand Oreg. Tho hrs. fiurlntondonts. 'the arrangements of the kH.ni. X irL-ld- lh. .. in.rinf ndiT V. " "LT V .' , " I - .. .. , i... .nm. -r. l .nxllnnl traufmaat T. .. . " ' iibiwiiiiiu ihihuih imm iu tn wiifi in oruor OI inoir Bnilliuyiuaui. vj oi'. v.o ..m .. . - ihlnair Tlia nmnnm nra J. n. ... - .... i. ........ . . t- 6IIIBI ,,-" v v.... - ..- ,..,t.. . ,, .Ma mllrnn umv tliara """ -"- - "-'. . B UJ JfBIRIll WWWWM vwrniliillM Ull alth Then there is the big we siaio me ueuus oi iuw ..-... """ '" ,: " " 7- ""I .Wright. Steward; R. Ii. Goodin. Ul twa - ,, wJU alg0 ,iave a as dinner, when the cooks tlop havo been ns followsi ' ""m" . !L. " " n, Ji"i tZZZaokM99ri A' E StranR' onB,ncor' tendency to Improve the Amerlean- Dr. ijawtnorne, Wno eqnuwiK-u .., ... - -, '"""., ,W. J. Irwln. supervigor; H. A. Thateh Hawaiian trvlee by way of the private aaylum at Portland for the ment and wholesnme .nittMM;l ,oialeiiTI T. W. Drown, 'SLJ! routo til onormoH- turkey and goose aHd chloken Iresslng and gravy and craa- and pudding for each and ov- ie of them. It takes a uray- f presents, a carload of grub tho whole of the institution an that day. The drayload in- Bllppers for the old ladles and len, laco collars and pretty srchkfs for the pretty ones, for tho smokers. suHs of u- ties for the practical ones, for the dudes, dresses for ineedlng them, and something ryone Oregon Is good to ner (vo and ailing oitlzens in all Btitutlons, and in the gener- f the Christmas spirit we may e it may be ever thusly, and no of us may be called upon re in that generosity. In Immense Institution. the insane people of Oregon, y slightly demented or vlo- icurably insane that are kept ! it l Mm l.rA lAAr AnunAtAit p(a Willie HUlw IHH M nam" wimnwi Dr. Carpenter, who was the first with the management of this Import superintendent of the state Institu- ant state liwtlttitlon tho oosew tlon for a half term. of opinion seems to be that Dr. Cal- Dr. Josophl. who served the state breath has made a god a rword a. tor anomer aau- iwnu ai nuioiu. , ,,,,, ,., miiuiu uruUr ward I Dr. Lane, who served tho taf Pl of . -tol. -B-il-l- Jf. P.7SS. mM bulldlnn: . ! for a full term at Salem. 'Zt thlv lafi him almost HHbam-Nw bathrooms, olosets etc. Dr. Rowland, who served the that th,y left him ia f Commatlc uwt w,w (lureu in me iiiuimihh. i - - VUggluuio aiuruiuuiu . . . . Plro sprinkler system ... Dining room and chapel, farmer; A. W. DUIey, suporviBoi- fr0gBt offerlaie ovor that line belag cottage farm. In all about 130 por- Hob a- to oatm tbe maHagement to 088 are carried on th payrolls. ',)ay lim aUent0n to lu oustomoM ntnn. aro Improvements thf Put Year. New building for female ward 1225,000 a m ..ll aawwm a Calam siaie lor iuii 10.... v .. i:, ,. .... ... ,, ...n. Dr Paine who served the state euu. "" "lv 7 at S;iem for three monthsover c dence of his subordinates .nd e- " Joys the lovii and good will of tbm four year term. !ftU M &g Qf m6oh&aleBt jaborer, Dr. Calbreath. who has juBt com- towloUt offloJajB 0f other InstltB pleted serving two terms at Salem. Uflng gnd tbfl patIent8 Dr. Cal. the longest continuous service of eatfa bM ft gnllIne a6otlon for any one superintendent. ' unf0rtunate men and women Dr. Stelner. who has Just been ap- whMfl hftrd Qt t ,f to be kopt at pointed and takes charge January Bu(jh an InftltuHon. Ho is doJng all first, wlU be the eighth head of this Wg power lo fara,Uar,M bjg sue. institution. Jcoasor Tilth the work In all the dif- It is a satisfaction to report that for(mt departmeau so that tbe worfc undor eaoh maMgoment there was j h ag ,JU,a mtermptlpa pi-ogres iw uo .Cw.v-, .v..o and f Action as powjuie. ino nign than would bo necossary if competi tion were more aotlve. The appear nnoe of a foreign lino on a route 5,000 ,whlett, If not actually a coastwlM 3,200 ,Voute, Is so nearly one that it la ae, 2,000 dom regarded as otherwise, will, of 3,000 Oourso, bring out a storm of critic 5,000.11m from thoio who wish tho re tention of Amorloan vesBols on the cottage- farm 4,000 Iroute rejtardlesa of tervleo or cot. Cementing and bousing springs , . ... Cottage for physicians ... New dairy and eattlo barn. Painting cottago farm buildings ...... Miscellaneous J in p r o ve- menta .............. ubllc lnstKution are kept atJDr. Calbreath has probably tho Total Improvement fep 1907 .., 1258,500 (But tbe establishment of this service 800 with steamers flying tbe Gorman flag 2,000 .may do something to awaken an Jn- 0,000 .tor on in the shipping buslnose from Isomo other viewpoint than that of 1,200 ,ubiidy graft. The American-Hawaiian Steam- 4,250 ship Company is now making money steamship line on the Pacific. It is making big profits with American built blp0 which represent anMn- Wild strnwborry blossoms found ovory day In the year. Ladd'ji Jorsey cow that took tho first prlxo at the world's fair In St Louis was raised In the WUIantotto valley. Seventeen millions dollars worth of dairy produota In Oregon in 1007. Hydrophobia among dogs or stopk In unknown here. In ono week a carload of con densed oream was shipped from the Wlllametto valley to Havnnn; also ono to Vladivostok. Tho world Is our market. Hogs aro raised cheaply on clover, rape, vetehes and roots, and fattened on barley, corn and mill feed. On 40 acres of land I sold ftGOO worth of votch hay und seed, whlcH netted f 1180. J. R, Shepard. I havo ono Oov. Wood's cherry tree from which. I have harvests SO crops, avoraglng fl5 por aero. 1 bavo sold from one acre 5t8 worth of cherries In one year,' aad 20 to 125 per tree. Is not uncommon in the Willamette valley. on