Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 25, 1907, Image 14

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Oregon's Peerless Educational Center
W B i 1 I " " ffl " " " S " S " "
wv,uw mvesiea in equipment, aucuuuuwo 0, M
""" Ml
I nc
School for Success
Uses truo NOKSL1L METHOD in Teaching.
Gives tho DRILLS that mako keen, ncuto minds.
Our great DECDI PLAN for work, insures success.
Tho avorago student makes most rapid progress
Wakes you up and soon places you in position.
Most central location; always suro of a position. ,s .
Havo many calls for StcnograpJiorB and Bookkeepers.
Studonts from other schools come to us for positions.
Write for Special Holiday rates for C and 9 months' Courses.
Eclectic Business University
I. K. RICHARDSON'. L. L. B., Prctllont.
Worcester Block Portland, Oregon
Tho Capital City of Oregon Is justly proud of its all-around equip
ment for general educational work.
From a fully equipped Mothodta university to tho Catholic boarding
school for children, Salem has schools for all ages and conditions.
Thero aro at least twenty buildings of largo capacity in this, city
used exclusively for educational work.
Thoro is Willamette University of Lltoraturo and Art.
Thoro is WiMamotto School of Instrumental and Vocal Music. ,.
Thoro is tho Kimball College of Theology and Divinity.
Thoro is tho Statomstltuto for Education of Deaf; Muto3. -
There is the State Institute for tho Blln . '
Thero is tho Stato Industrial School.
Thoro la tho Sulom Industrial School for Indian children at Chom
Thoro is tho Willamette Unlvorsity School of Law.
Thoro is tho Oregon Law School Incorporated with a branch at
Portland. ' ' '
Thoro Is Wlllamotto Unlvorsity Medical College.
Thorp la tho Capital City Business College
Thoro h tho Capital City Normal School.
Thoro aro flvo largo public schools In dlfforont parts of tho city.
Thoro Is tho $70,000 High School and Teachers' Training School.
Thoro is tho Academy of tho Sacrod Heart, a boarding and day
Thoro Is n total ourollmont ut all thosa institutions of ovor 3,500
Fo convenience of location, for ohonpnoss of living, for a cloan, hoalthy
moral city, Salem is (unequalled as 'i school and rooldonco city.
Hundreds of families will como to Salem to llvo and mnko their
homes for the onko of sending tholr. chlldron to school.
Tho advertisements and announcements of educational institutions !n
tlila Christmas Capital Journal aro worthy of caroful Investigation.
T1e world it mi ..
and wnm. . . ' w Hi
" "wwiy ten,
Do a BMrlall.t .
rt stenographer ,J
of advancement MHr
ha a paring
" ui coma toiw,
who cau do skillful, lattS-iS
nuitt, '
Our school tenches to do by doing. j
Our graduatos obtain tho best nniiih... .-.... 4
tl,1 tit, nvnnrn - ., . .. - TOIM! 1C
Thoro Is a plnco for you In tho l.n.in, .1
nilv fn- U ... """ "u,,a- m
Wo teach Bookkooplng, Stoenography, Tfotrtttsi fl
manshlp, English, Commercial Law. Arithmitit 1
Wrlto today for froe illustrated catalogue.
Capital Business College
Salem, Oregon
Whon Oregon was organlzod into
u torrltory, iu 1S19, thoro was in
corporated into tho act creating tho
now itorrltory nn appropriation of
$5000 to bo expended fo a territor
ial library. This sum was placed nt
tho command of tho nowly appointed
Eovorhor, Joseph Lnno, beforo ho
loft for tho west, and ot his appro- (
prlntlon soma 52000 was Invostod In .
fcooks at that tlmo and tho remain-1
tlor at a later dnto; tho books com-
Ing around tho Horn to tho sont of !
government In Oregon City.
By 18R5 the library contained
1750 volume, whon misfortune over
took It u tho Minpe of tho destruc
tion of the stnte house by flro on
Docombor 20, 1S0G; nil tho book.
except tho few which had beon drawn (
out for n ?. lining destroyed.
Flvo years Inter tho library had
accumulated abostit 1000 volume,
principally through oxohnngo; $500.1
having been Invented In books by
Governor Curry whllo on a visit oa3t
In 185G.
From that time until the prosont,
tho library hn steadily grown until
thoro nro now over 30,000 volumes;
In the library, and Oregon can boaat .
of ono of tho boat law Hbrarlos In
tho WOHt.
Of thee 30,000 volumes, about 20,
t)00 oomprieo tho law collection,
while tho remainder Is composed
principally of stato and government
College of Liberal Arts
College of Theology
College of Law
College of Mediciae
College of Music
College of Oratory
Preparatory School
Normal School
Commercial School
Art School
Summer School
Over Six Hundred
Fifty Professors and
Second Semester
Begins Feb.
10, 1908
For Catalogue Address J. H. COLEMAN, President, Salem, Oregon
I ART 81VDK) ill
Sir. and Mn. Toa I
built up a Urge kaslwU
graphy la their hwtqtl
gallery over tho CMajjj
moans ot the tlolrt ojlM
trie light pictures trt fj
(Hi attcr sunlight u&i
oven moro wondetftiu
.. . ,L., ... ...J
curcu. inp.ir (iikijwm
ImproTcmcnu, m mi
of thoArlito-Carktj
tho oldest and bcrt I
norraanont endtrto
Tho Venetian and J
aro best secured h;tl
gallery also prodfes)
..!. nkl.li ll lOZltii
wuia, iiiin "-i-p-an
casos at the foot cfa
platinum, sepia pl!
Inum, and arturt K
Jlnlshed onarWW!
IntMt natters, il
her husband la iWM
nni noslnes PX;,B
h ohiMren. TlWn
.,ni .rt eillerr i& 1
visit when la U
u i. Almost r.iM
strawberry as tbtt &
to better idnWri
Growers ship U
h Pacific co "
.i;. AitolrCBt
1 r JJa i
craves -rr-
tons are foW,it
Medical College Willamette University
John lluitilluo Coloninn, D. 1).,
Snlcsu Prooldout ot Wlllam
otto University,
WiUlnni Henry liyid, M. 1., Salens
Professor of Surgery, Sur
geon to Sulom Hospital and
Doan o,f Faculty.
lAnl FiniiUUn GiiHlth, M. I)., S
lens Pixifoasor of Diseases of
Women, Stato Hospital for tho
Joins N. Smltli. RL D Snlesn
Professor of Thoory and Prac
tice ot Modiolno
Walter T. Williamson, M. D.,
rortlassil Professor ot Mental
and NorvouB pisoasos.
Jasnes A. Richardson, M. D., Salem
Professor of Pediatrics,
Williasu Ciss'Ross Smith. A. H., SI.
1)., Salem Profossor of Anat
omy. Augustus 13. Tissssloslo, I, D.,
Profossor ot Materia Medlca
and Therapeutics, Stato Hos
pltnl for tho Insauo.
Angus K. Glllls, f. Sfllem
Profeaaor of Ophthalmology,
Rhlnology, Otology and Laryng
ology; Ophthalmologist to Sa
eom Hospital.
Prank EMon Smith, M. D., Salens
Profossor ot Obstetrics.
stfslMilBhsL. "$" A
Clmrles Oliver Royer, A. M.,
Professor of Chemistry and
Toxicology, Willamette Univer
sity. T. Llnsey IIUI, R. S M. D Al
lmssy Profossor of Gonlto
Urlnary Diseases and Syphilis.
Petor II. IVxVroy, Salem--Lectur-or
on Medical Jurisprudence,
II. J. Clements, SI. D. Professor
Embryology and Histology,
Bactorlology and Pathology.
W, Q. Tucker, SI. 1)., Chenuuvn
Professpr ot Physical Diagnosis
and Dlsoaso of the Chest.
Orla R. Sliles, M. D Salem
Professor of Physiology.
documents, which nro more and more
widely used by stato offlcors, mem
bora of tho legislature and stiudonls
of- history and economics. These
documents contain a largo amount of
valuable raateilal used by studonts
for tholr debates.
Tho library has recently beon cata
logued, using the card system which
Educational jmd Civic.
Nowhoro on tho Pacific coast can
bettor educational advantages bo
had than tho city ot Salem affords.
Besides the excellent 12-grado public
school systom, which is on a par with
that of Portland or any othor city of
two or three times our slzo, thoro ia
Special Lecturers and Clinicians
John D. Shaw, SI. D. Physician
to tho Oregon Stato Peniten
tiary, Dr. Elbert Fisher Surgery,
Dr. E. O. Parker Sanitation and
Prevention ot Diseases.
has supplanted tho old priuted Cata-w,Uaraetto University, tho oldest
locue method In all un-to-dat is .sectarian educational institution in
brarles. Under this system, as soon tn0 Paclflc northwest; tho Academy
as a new book arrives in tho library U1 w' u"v"1-" .v Vv...V, ..
it ia noted on cards which aro m-'CaP,tal Business college, tho Capital
sorted in their proper placo in tho Normal school, and other private
catalogue so that tho book does not schools, in which a child can obtain
havo to depend upon tho memory of k,nd of education desired, from
tho librarian uutll a now catalogue 1 1" "u""iiy miiy uuu wwiuuu
is printed, in order to bo of servlco scnol to the highest grade of pro-
to tho rusors of tho library. fesslonal or scientific training. Nena
mi, iioi.. nA' hut tho best, class of Instructors is
The legislature of 1907 passed a , , , 4. t ii
,, , ,. ,, . ,, ., ... employed, and tho cost ot tuition In
law placing tho distribution of tho .. 4 , '. . . . lu
vni,.o oo i , L iu t10 private schools and colleges la
various stato documents, except tho , , ,,,. . . TT , ,.
f .- ., ' v nominal. Wlllamotto Unlvorsity pos-
reports of the supremo court, tho , . .. , . A.
,,,, , t. . , ' . sesses nearly six blocks of ground;
codos and tho sess on laws, which , . AA. .. , . . .
, . . ., . ., last year a $25,000 theological col-
aro sold by the secretary of state, inf. . . . , ,,
ti, hn.,H.f t, . i.i . ' ,, logo was completed in connection,.
will, by this means bo able to ar- and fI,lans, ar0 ho"B ladet fo,r 'h,
range for tho exchange ot documents frecUon ,of a "0W "be!a "
and reports of other states -to much ,ng"d "Ti InLuZH
greater advantage to tho library than ,andf &0 Bjaorally, entailing a
fnrmnrlv COst ot about $75,000,
. L A , I Ever allvo to the Importance ot
Tho stato library is used, not only --,.. in thnrrv,if.hfnrM. Salem lma
by tho members ot the supremo court, LffrP, nnn n ftr nf ortonslvd
but by the bench and bar of the entire 'Btreot IraprOYOment, and It will mot
state. It is also headquarters for r. bo man month8 untIl all of tnQ
large number of law students who8treot8 of tho clty will bo iald wIth
aro very fortunate to be able to avail wtulIthIo pavement. Provision, for
hemselvea ot the advantago of so tno perman0nt improvement of over
""bo "uiaiy wilHUllfc coal.
The present librarian is B. N.
tion, both city and county; a well .Ufactorr DP"";
Near r ' '"
organized and oqulppod flro depart
ment and automatic flre-alarm sys
tom; telephone and electric light sys
tems, and ovor 15 mllos of electric
street railway, reaching to all parts
of tho city and tho principal state In
.. uawrtf
are &"- .nasiS
nut wauo -
come into bJ
College of Iff
Located in New Medical Building ' "
Law Library. Hsiauisbucu .- -
. ,hfl fundaffiulJ
A two years' course In the w
in the degree of Bachelor of Law.
C. If. SIcSIary Dean,
Codo Work.
Com.cn .HL
4 M w
. . t. nf Coda
G. O. BUsglsam i . - mh
John Haysi fror.
m 9UJ "
9 -w
Qilllngham; tho assistant librarian
IP, H. Raymond, and tho cataloguer
ia Mlsa Edna M. Hawley.
flvo miles ot streets In the northern
portion of tho city has been made
by tho city council and abutting
property owners for this year.
Salem has efficient police protec-
. .....dltEt I
tico work.
I. II. VUU WW."- ,rjltf,0iCoi
W. E. Kcycs-Prof. of Criminal
J. G. IleUel-Prot of Contract.
Occasional lectures by JJJjenU.
other jurists of high legal at ,,
Twenty.one students are
in the Jmnior class