Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 21, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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t-lfftrri MntrlA K...J """WBBMBB1
... ww.uo, UBru cuugns, severo bronchitis
W weak throats, weak lunes. We ich .i J
2 kjure rkrurdoc,orifheknows
'C a foflh"c troubles than Aycr'sArry Pec"
. .l fikiMifrArrtn iitrii. - wwww it is uic nrcr mAriMiM. .....
"".mrtlji. fafrfat. 'h"1";""'"nlien(imliUke.J..TVc.r.
' I
U. OF 0.
Will He Loaned to Assist
1 11'n.4l Btn.lnnl.
mplcto Cdllcgo Oourc $5000
Do Raised.
Valuable Property Sold.
B. B. Doty has sold 320 acres near
Jefferson in T. 9 S. U. 3 W., to 0.
M. Cnithbert for tho sum of $13,000
Do People Turn Away ?
You Can Re Instantly Fried From
tho Humilintion of Knowing That
Others Detect Rnd Odors on Your
Breath, Arising From Indigestion,
Smoking, Drinking mid Eating.
lvefslty of Oregon, Eugene, Dec.
Tho University of Oregon Is Trial Package to Prove It Sent Free
Intr a loun fund of at least Breath perfumes do not strike at
). based In tho belief that a loan tho root of the evil. They only cou
nter than an outright gift In tho;ceal tho odor for a time. But char-
of a scholarship, some Bub-coai kills the gas that causes the
tlons have already been made to odor, purifies the food lying in your
and, and a number of prominent stomach and intestines, facilitates
ol tho Btato have agreed to guar ( the process of digestion, acta as a
amounts up to $ouo. prcsl-miid laxative, gives tono to tho sys-
.Campbell Is using his best of. torn; In short, gives you n clean bill
to raise the entire $5000 this of health. And all tho charcoal ncc-
jf possible. essary to obtain thoso results you
almost every high school gradu- can get In a box of StuarfB Char.
class there aro some who do coal Lozenges, prlco 2Gc.
bavo the means for a collego cdu-' Tho ftises of charcoal aro many.
but who would tako ndvan- In art and electricity It 1b constant-
of nny fair opportMnity offered ly used, but It Is especially valunblj
to sccuro ono. -mo treasurer .where purity of product Is renulred.
lie !oan fund, who Is to bo tho As nn absorbont and disinfectant It
I school Inspector and will thus has no equal. That is why you will
an opportunity to know per- invariably find It in every water-
lily the member of tho classes, flltor.
-work In conjunction with tho Stuart's Charcoal Lozoiikos aro
ffluricrlntondentBnnd high sohool mn(j0 from ur0 Wlllow charcoal.
clpalti Ho will ninko loans to witl a slight mlxturo of honey to
Igtudcns as need thorn oach yoar rondor thorn palatblo. Thoy will
low rate of Interest, with tho flitor you blood for you. dostrov ov-
tmiu that thoy aro to ropay ory pnrtlclo of nolson and lmnurltv.
principal ns soon aB thoy aro ablo nulorb nn the Ba8 your stomach.
'kulnrr college A amall amount Eiv. van a sweet, clean breath, nnd
Ee In urnnce will bo takon out on ro,loVo you from Uio awkward foof
a' tho fxpenBO of tho fund. It lng you nre bound" to have when you
e n .m o have ten men guaran- MtfCl by the exprOMon of othor peo-
til' Mlltl. ngaillil JOSS to tlie nla 1,n Miav .mail vnnr l.nil lirnnMi
nn cf y00 each. Mnny who nr8 fom, of onon8 nvoW
ke inivrrjity una had a small ,i, n,nm i,.Bn nr i,0 minr
,funl of about $300 for the past they wv 0nt of 8t,lnrl.g charcoal
,yc.U3 During this time, twenty- , 0.enKM immodlntolv kills this, how-
BtMilm. have beon onnblod to ,.,. ,,, on,rt nt.iiM . 0,t,inn
)lfo their colloge courso who'dr,Bk,BR op chtwIngi
rwi r cohhi noi nnve uono so. -. n . .nii..M,i ti vn.. win
enc !onn has boon lost. , ! d thogo IozonKOg mdunoiable nfter
;r.nnat:i of tho studonts of tho ,.,., ,,, ,. . ,..tl1 ,,
orrl'v of Oregon Just mndo ,, ft BfnnnIo lmoknco ,,v m,i frc
Is that between CO and 70 per f , B()nd yoUf nnmo and nd.
I of ho men In tho university this dr088 todfty t0 F A 8tuart C0 20,,
nr, iiuirr wiiouy or pnruiuiv gtuart n,dB( Mara,mll MIch,
iK iiuir own wny inroiigu coi
The greator part of tho oarn
Children dosed tho Terms' Work
With Appropriate Exercises.
In all tho Salem public and private
schools the close of the term before
tho holidays wns slgnalllzed with ap
propriate programs of a rather Christ
massy nature, teachers and pupils
trying to outdo each othor with ex
pressions of good will. Less tlnio has
beon loat this year on account of tho
holidays than formerly, and all the
grades aro well up with their work.
In tho Lincoln school all the
Btnallor children were surprised with
bagB of candy, and songs nnd recita
tions wero tho order of tho day. .
Central school had exorcises In
tho morning, consisting of Christmas
games, recitations, songs, etc, and
there was a dree In tho primary
room. There woro Joint exercises In
tho afternoon, with decoratlonB of
holly and mlstletoo.
Miss Cooler's Room.
Song, "Santu Clau3" School
Recitation Julian Burroughs
Recitation Vera Wright
Song - School
Recitation Harold Rupert
Recitation Mabel West
Song QubsIo Brownstcin
Recitation Herbert Darby
Recitation Helen Rose
Recitation k Kenneth Power
Song School
Recitation Konneth Smith
Recitation Qrctchen Brown
Recitation Leona Anderson
MIhs D'Arcy'H Room.
Song "Santa Clans"
Recitation, "Wo Wish You a Mer
ry Christmas" .Bosslo' Sun
Recitation, "How Did Santa Do
For the Man Who Cares
If you are buying for a man who cares, for a man who likes to know that his
clothes are right in style, that the goods he is wearing is dependable, and at the
same time get them at the same price yea
wonld pay other stores, make your selec
tion at our
For if your present bears THE TOMMY
label, rest assured that the recipient ctiM
not be better pleased.
Bear in mind that you can get anything
in the wearing apparel line for mei at
our store.
Our Store Open Evenings Until Xmas
167 Commercial St Salem, Ore.
Esther Sun nnd Anna Hulo
Recitation, "The Poor at Christ
mas" , Adda Hart
iDlnloguo "Whon I'm a Man"
Lnvlnla Andorson.Loon Culbortson, Marlon Anderson,
Motion song . .Wolcott Buren, Bruce Noelauds.. .
"Wo Aro Llttlo SnowllnkeR" .Song Sohool
Rocltntlon, "Tho Fnlrwt Gift....
. Genovlovu Robertson
pis dono of courso during tho
acr Tho canvnsB shows that,
t wcaMon Is comparatively
It, tho men got omploymont In
fharr-t fields, mills, mines and
Ir cf arloiu kinds paying good
If shows also that tho ongl-
nng r'ulrnts find no trouble In
ing work In tholr line. The on-
Coring department has a largo
her rf graduates In tho employ
lie Southern Paolfic, O. R. & N ,
thcrn Pacific, and In tho govorit-
n nc'nmatlon sorvlce, and the
orly of tho engineering studonU
lenugrd before the session olosoi
n i brr of studonts are partly
Mrg "heir own way during the
l' n Th( university maintains
fenn'ojmont bureau undar tho
cU n t f tho roclstrnr. but it has
tbern able this fall to supply all
i irajn on It for students to work.
he iv umul assoolation has Just
penvd to the Unlvorslty of Orogoi
r rj 0f President Johnson, uo
I'lmt of tho university. The
rk v .? , dono In Eugene by Mr. H.
Pa-o Goodwin, of New York, at
Ds' i t f.an
Xot Purtlciilar.
Man What aro you crying for,
my little man.
Boy Anything at nil. Do last
man wot pawod gnvo mo a nickel.
and tea; Schillings Best,
is sold by about 9000
grocers west of the Rocky
Tevr prater menu rr nmr II " doo'l
HVelt:eu)f kin..
Chrlstmag axeroleee
By Fourteen Pupils
Song .... "A Letter to Santa Clans"
Recyntlon, "The First Christmas"
' Genevlevo Ynnnko
Recitation, "A Merry Christmas"
Harry Williams
Motion Kong "Jlnglo Rolls"
Recitation, "Santa Claua"
Curtis Tucker
Rooltation, "Chrlitmns Tlmo"...
Rosooe Reovos
Song "Good Night"
Rooltation, "Why Do Ohrlstmns
Bolls Ring?" Graco Clark
Rooltation, "Krlss" ....Geo. Wollor
Song Sohool
Rooltation', "Santa Glaus' Lunch"
, Harriot Claggott.
Rooltation, "A Lottor to Santa
Clans" Hobontson Brooks
Rooltation, "Morry ChrlBtma"..
Hthel Ruport
Song School
Reoltatlon, "Whon Christmas
Comes" Poroy Horn
Rooltation, "The First Christmas"
Myrtlo Swobada
Rooltation, "Grandma's Mlstako"
.Margarot Rodgenqdulphla ProsM.
"Tip-Too, Tip-Too" LRcltntIon, "A Penny for Christ-
him " Kenneth Peunebakcr
Recitation, "Santa Claus"
Verne Powers
Recitation. "If I Should Sio Snntn
, CIkiih Donnld Bradford
Song School
Reoltatlon, "Tho Manger In Bethle
hem" Lola SlnipHon
Rooltation, "Kittle, Dolly and 1"..
Mlldron M In ton
Recitation, "All Child ron Know
tho Story" Stnnls Anderson
Rooltation, "Christmas Comos But
Onco a Yoar" Hazol Horrou
Rooltation, "Tho Fairest Gift"..
Graco Townnond
Ho 'Twonlrt Seem. I Tho lllamo.
Gaddlo Yoit don't seem to con-! " Do you Miinio a man for wearing
slder my opinions vory vnlunblo. a monoolo If ho wnnta to?"
Krotchott Well, you don't ssoin "No," answered Mian CayonuU.
to think bo, olthor. j "Unt I blame him for wanting to." .
Gaddle Why? Exohango.
Kroohott Bocnuso If you did you !
wouldi't glvo thoin so trdoly. Phlla-
t eeee
Sind us your namo and addroia
today and we will nt onco Bend you
by mall n samplo pachago froo. Ad
dress F. A. Stuart Co, 160 Stuart
Bldg., Marshall. Mich.
At all druggialat, 60c a box.
Bean tk 1tl9 Yw "lrt AlM,S &,u
Plies Cured nt Home by New Altiorp
tlon Motlioil.
If you fluff or from blooding, Itch
ing, blind or protruding Piles, send
mo your nddrosn, and I will toll you
how to euro yourself at homo by tho
now absorption troatmont; nnd will
also send soma of thin homo trcnt
mont fi oo for trial, with roforoncos
from your own locality If requested.
Immodtnto rellofnnd pdrmnncnt curd
nssurod. Bend no money, but toll
othors of this offor. Wrlto today
to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, Norto
Dame, Ind.
Hfo There.
"Ym," said Mrs. Hnuaokocp, "I
Just had to buy this plain gown on
account of my nook."
"I don't understand," ald Mrs.
"Why, you bc, alio Just goes In
for gaudy things nnd 1 want just ono
drosH Bho won't copy." Philadelphia
A Home Mmlo Happy by Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy.
About two months ago oiur
baby girl had mcnnlos whtrm
sotllod on her lungs nnd ,nt last
rosultod In a sovoro nttaclc nt
bronchitis. Wo had two doo
toni but no rollof was obtnlnod.
Evorybody thought Bho would dlo. I
wont to eight different stores to find
n certain remedy which had booa
rooommonded to mo and fntlod to got
It, whon. ono of tho storekeepers In
sisted that I try Chamborlaln's Cough
Remedy, I did so nnd our baby is
allvo nnd woll today. Ooo. W.
Sponco, Holly Springs, N. O. For sal ft
nt Dr, Stono'o drug atoro.
' o
"John don't you fool thankful
you'vo boon married 20 years?"
"Woll, I kin say truthful that I'm
thankful I'm a-llvln' after nn exporl
onoo oovorln that length o tjmol"
Atlanta Constitution.
For nny of tho ordinary diseases
of tho skin Chamberlain's Salvo la
oxcollont. It not only nlloya tho
Itching and smart but effects a euro
For sale at Dr. Stono'o drug storo.
Tivo Sorts Qf Ir?.
fl y true," said the tire
0 Kr, that BQrnl men, llkei
' K
, oo with agft
-a d Mre. "Watera. "and
n like wino nnd do not Im
h a' " Jxchango.
er aftr a fcw weeks weljgh your
k!SLaIn If you are Iwintf weight take
"TS PULSION. Brcalhe frcih
and nlht Eat simple food.
Mk tor a few week.
fcj ' wWyoMmlfaj(tIn. Thcexpe-
V ch-iA '"luf" h men, women
. ""i inai
Ws Emulsion
Aout !he WW- " wnlM a
fer wt produce new tiuh. TWs
p catment often curei coruuMp
H In
Rosolutions UnanlmoiiHly Aloptl by
the Faculty of tho Collego of Lib
end ArtH of Willamette Unlvwhity.
Whereaa, throHgh or- president,
nr Tnhn IT fialaman. It Is announc J
that Mr. A. H. Batfln. of Union. Ore
gon, has very generously contributed
the sum of SMiO. to erwt a ult
able build lu for tho college of lib
eral arts of Willamette. University,
Whereas, such a building will imp
nW n eraat d and will increase the
efacleney of tbe eehool. and
WhereM, aolM Wim '"l
prompted h U U hve a far
reaching laHuem on tn educational
thought of the Pud north wet;
therefore, be It
n.i.i tkt we. tke faculty bf
the oollege of ttlrl art, sincere
ly appreciate Mr. BXen'a active in
teroet in ChrteUan education ai.J
expreee our 4P gratitude for hn
munlfteent gift to WHIMUe lt
versltj'. and be it furtb
Reeolved, tlwt we eUnwlaleaily
-. lth Mr. Haton la up-
building this Wstorie UwUtutlon and
. .i .ii at itc iatereeta. Be
Jt a1i . .v .
Resolved, that a wr lBe9,
oi...in- . Mt is Mr. Baton.
that they be spread on the mlawtes
of the faculty, and that copla be
sent to the prss.
W. H. iuiin.
Salem. Oregon,. Doc. 19. 1907.
Wfaen matmg Christmas Gifts semething: practical and useful should he chosen I
M 2B AiiHW f -
mm ,,iu aai V
We have a rare as
sortment of carvers
from $2.50 up. Also
a fine line of Poctet
Cutlery and razors.
What more useful
gifts can you buy.
m .
have boon selected
from tho maker
producing the most
reliable gowrts,
reliable- bciM tbry ar tho oMvtt and inofct progreoive manufac
turtrs In that hae. The fMd pan t'i thewi iliihts arw of copper, tin
lined or Ivory trwmtled Th lump l thur Porfevtloa. a powwful
hcMtfer that can be ""'sUd at will.
Our line of Chafing
Dishes and acces
sories will be on
special sale Monday
and Tuesday. Some
good bargains are
offered in this line
of goods.
We have the finest assortment of this class of goods ever
shown in the city. A better Christmas present could not
be made than one of these sets.
Main 1 9 1
Wade, Peace & Co.f
Cor. Com'!
and Cot