I l0ttmal SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMHEE 20, 1007. NO. . tm vttWKjv "v-i""' fl,e$p7':i3r;. ders the Troops Withdrawn From Goldf ield TGETS ME THIS MORNING porsonal friends met him at the dock. He Bald he expected to 'Bee the Presl dent nt once. DID NOT PROMOTE EVANS. Uob Is nH Rig as Anybody Without Any More Title. (United Press LonBcd Wire.) Washlnton, Dec. 20. Congress la' being soveroly blamed for Us failure to confer upon Ronr-Admlral Evans tho rank of vlce-admlrnl. This un fortunato mistake upon tho part of congress, as It is characterized by (Evans' friends, will havo n great cf- AROUND foct in tho governmental circles of mo bouth American govornmonts, U'lllnlt will mini 1.1... .i.. .1 1.l , I.. ...v.. iiiii HISVI, null llllll 1MB J1UUI. John Barrett, chairman of tho bu reau of American republics, said to- ISES TO TALK KS JOURNEY I'OHLR AM) HY A COINCI ICItANTWILL HIS TRIP day: LT LIKE GRANT'S? id Press Loasetl Wire.) "It was a most sorlous orror to sond such n fleet on such a cruise with only a ronr-admlral at its bond. Evans will bo outrnnkod by South American rk, Die, 20. "I have been naval olllclals, as woll ns by tho olll- ii Ainerka for 120 days, and Jeers of various Enroponn squadrons largely out or touch with ho moots." Iru, and thoroforo I do notl it In sal dthat Evans' promotion I should talk of such things ( was blockod by tho onomlos ho made vo Bomi-uung 10 say inior.wiion Ho tostMed In tho Sohloy trial. n kot at present. I o.xpoct to Lnoso to tho grlndstono for Under no circumstances po'Itlcs. I linvo hud n trip, and found Americans everywhere." rIiqyo utatomont Taftovad- rto to got him to iIIscubs his Port In ml Trust Company Quits. (United Proas LoaBod Wlro.) Portland, Dee. 20. Tho Common wet, h Trust Company closed Its door today because of an attachment sworn, out against it for $100. landed from tho Grant to 'Institution had but $9200 on do- brother and n number of posit. IIICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE OWNERS REFUSE TO CONFER FORTY HOMES FOUND. Mine' Full of GttH and Ciinnot Re Kn tered Safvfly. TROOPS RECALLED MINE OWNERS AT GOLRFIELR GROW ARROGANT AND REFUSE TO TALK TO MINERS ROOSK. VEI,T ORDERS TROOPS WITH-DRAWN. (United Press Lonshd Wlro.) Washington, Dee, 20. Prosldont Roosevolt this nftornoon ordered tho Unltod States troops withdrawn from Goldflold on Monday, Decara bor 30. next, (United PresA Loosed Wlro.) Jacobs Crook, Pa., Doc. 20. Rut eight bodies havo been recovered up to noon from the Darr mine. Thirty others have bt-on discovered near the jplfmouth. Tho mine is full ot gas and 'rescue work retarded. Relief parties aro trying" to pone trnto tho shntt from throe directions. It developed today that former Mlno Superintendent' Alexander. Dlack resigned, becauso he thought tho mlno contained too much rub to work In nt prosont. ACCUSE BARON OF BLACKMAIL (Unltod Proas Loasod Wire.) Qoldflold, Nov., Dee. 20. Judgo DONATED FIFTY THOUSAND TO OLD WILLAMETTE KX-MAYOK EATON. OF UNION COUNTY, GIVEN AN KNT1IU8I ASTIO RECEPTION AT SALEM K1UDENTS YELLED AND ALL WERE HAPPY. (United Press Loasod Wlro.) Dorlln, Do. 20. Tho prosecution nlono has scored In tho case of Iiaron A. U. baton, of Union, arrived In tho city last night, and was this morning given a mont cordlnl greet ing, as tho donor of tho flno now ml ministration building that Id going up on Wlllnmetto cum pus In 1908. Ex-Mayor a. E. Eaton urossod tho plains with a muln tonm In 1802, Llndonau, a nobloman, who is no-.from Qulncy, 111., although a native onsod of an attaint to mulco Fran of New "nmpalilro. Ho campod In Hilton, tho counsol for tho minors. 'Mnlltor' murder hv Prnf. Karl Hnu lno Powilor rivor valley, whoro Dak- makes tho chargo that tho fodornl tho moans of forcing tho lattor'H beau or c,ty "ow B,MmlB- o holpod or commission Is hoarlng but ono side tlful daughter, Olga, to marry him, Knn,x0 Unlou "". "'! wm tho of tho dispute. This morning Hilton! Tho character of tho ovldonco prom- ,rflt ,nftyor of Unlon Two ynrB n sent tho following tologram to Pros- lacs a scnatlonal defoiiBo, however. ' ho Bn,n orvod as mayor. Ho hau Idont Roesovolt: "Every effort wbb mado yostorday Letters havo boon presented In which '""" l,,,no8 BOrVO(1 "' 'chl (,,rocl0r Llndcnnu acciues the fair girl of ftMd h0 nc wrJCt ft InrK Bcl ,I0U. OUR CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION iful holiday goods is a grand showing of the facturer's daintiest and best products. The Iraent you have to select from is enormous" two departments filled to the brim with the and choicest goods shown on the Pacific by ms for n conferonco with tho opor- committing tho crlmo for which Hnu J'o Prldo of Union. Ho is a boliovor utors and a settlement of tho Btrlko. Is now uudor llfo sentonco, and'" Bllin U"(n8' rt was retuaed by the mlno owners.' threntonsjo cnuso hor arrest (unless' M,,yr Kton has been a Methodist Tho commission Is hearing only the sho ttfonihles to marry' him. thn n,n(I Odd FoUoU his maturo onomlea of ' organized labor. It U.baroW churged with blnckmallr1,0' ,ft l'ymnn -l Won. 1,u,1 m" not a Bquure deal. Thoro is no dls- libeling Trail Molltor and with aU " tho lru Inf lo'thnpo- liikf or- iiur. no iikikqu 'iji nnoiu lougo m- Booiato nt Saloni, John O. Wright. .with whom he has sat In many grand lodgos. Ilo has novor been In tho order here, nnd will bo none. We tempting to Intorfero with tho ml- aro willing to concodo everything fair mlnlstrntlon of Justice. for an honorablo adjustment. Can you, will you, holp ub? Hilton said that C. H. Macklnnon', tho prosldont of tho Goldflold minors'! union, appoared boforo tho commit- KILLED HIS FATHER. Pntrlcldo Dies oh tho Gallows With Snillo on Ills Face. (United Press Leased Wire.) Peoria, HI., Dec. 20. Edward Clifford, wh murdered Mb father bo caiiBO of tho Inttor's refusal to give him spending money, died on the scaffold with amllo on his face to day. Governor Dinoon refused to grant n pardon during tho holidays, nnd tho boy, who was but 22 yearn of ago, wan hanged dosplto tho plead ings of lUshop SpoMldlng and many, othors, NEVILLE A STRONG WITTNESS (United Press Leased" Wlro.) Uolno, Idaho, Dec. 20. Ah a rosult of- tho testimony of Chnrllo Novlllo, tho 17-year-old son of tho late John Novlllo,' tho Pottlbono cuso has as suined n now aspect. Novlllo, mora than any other witness, has corrob oVated tho Orchard story on many Important points, nnd hns directly tin plicated Pottlbono. His testimony Is that Orchard was away front their camp nil night on tho night of tho Independence depot explosion; that he saw Orchard glvo his father fftOQ In cash after Pat Mo run's trip from Choyonno to Donvor, anil that too hoard his futhor threaten Pottlbono that ho would "squeal," and Is re gftrdinby attorneys; for thu state. as thV most cdnvlnchig prpof offorJTd In either trial. Tho-Uhfunso la now ask ing why Novlllo wns not usod In tho Haywood triul, If ho had hucIi Im portant testimony. In annwor to th'l. Buy Useful Xmas Presents PINK SILKS FINE DRKSS GOODS iai)IES' COATS LADIIuS' SUITS PINE Fl'RS SILK UMllRKLLAS SILK UNDERSKIRTS SILK WAISTS SILK HANDKERCHIEFS LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS FINE HOSIERY KID GLOVKS SILK MUFFLERS LADIES' LACE COLLARS JIEX'S NECKWH.R MEN'S CLOTHING ROY'S CLOTHING SUSPENDERS AVH1TB RED SPREADS GIRLS' COATS And hundreds of tbw useful Xmas prosonts. I-HtMl-WllBIIMlI-HI-HIlMIIlHlli JAPANESE STORE Cwtios and Fancy Goods Mr. Eaton's vlwlt at Salnni wns rath m or Informal, and on vory Bhort no- Z tiro, nnd President Coleman had 2 qulotly uBsomblod about 20 promt- nont rltlroiis who ooouplod sonts on Jit Court Strwt. Yokobnmn Prising Parlor. Phono 301 KMl!lIlMBfIMlK4BlMlIIlII A inu piauorm in wiiniuieiio J this foronoon In his honor. mooting from hoostor finish. ohupol It Wtt start to tho tho stato was afraid of him, hut, In vlow of tho vordlrt In tho Hay wood trial, It vas deoldeil to tak'o at uh n imu. Great Intorust Is shown in tho tes timony of Mrs. Ida Tonoy, Orchard's socond wlfo, which Is to bo given to day. 81m Is another wltuois that did not tostlfy In tho Haywood trial. Tho dofoimo alleges that trickery was tiHfll to got Mrs. Tonoy to Rols. The' chnrgo that nho wrote soon at tor tho Ha; wood trlul asking for por- mission to come nnd seo Orchard land huuliKiss inuttora, but sho claim . ...............i.tuKUBnixaiaxBuuaiMuuK1 Mnyor Rodgurs proslded, and In- sho was put off until tho Pottlbonn rT-rBi-rrirTTTI.TTTT-T-T-.-r--r--r--r--r-T--r--r--r-T- tr0(jlc0(, (ho KontlOUmn from Union. ADout suu siuiioniu occupied 1119 honchoB. Thoy wore full of nonga, I ydls .applauso and enthusiasm. May- Tfriilff&ru uiiiu rintinu In tilu Nimnrls -. ., . t rt . ! I t il 1J M " vMr1-B t-,o umj'JV " "" wiiiini I'reiiminary ai 5 p. m. LCIWCen tnt'mdWd dnu Vl. U. LM ? mi .pok of the Importance W rais ing this- ondowmont fund for Wl.'- lamotttf. -Tha 30,000 askod for at Halom wns practiaally assurod. I BASKET BALL TONIGHT I J Y. M. C. A. vs. O. A. C Y. M. C. A. GYM. at 9 p. m. KE-HIllIIlIIBMHKMlKKiMKM an oven broak. Wo' n'uva usked rei- Halom wns practically assured. Ho rosontatives, owners and wlnw. to b, - f - -. ---' , " ' oompiimomou ox-,,ayor rum on ummnnd tn annaar bafore tho eom- "'" " vw" '-"'' "" ""- - nw gon-rotis uunauon or iiu,uyu. iik th county board of haalth ta oon- We have now In stock a beau tiful assortment of Ladles' High Clas Coats and Suits, also Fine vitrs and Silk Coats. Bought es pecially for our Xmas trade. They ,ire bought well and will be sold it small prices. Great values la Ladles' Under skirts In mercerized cotton . heatherbloom and silk. PHcea from 9fic up to $10 00. mliwloit at thn Mill tllH but W " - mw, t ..w.k . ..- mia u WM wvll R1, our nan m9U (nu won ' turled dowT M ih ,,lBoaBo to lt8 ,,rwent m,not wait until thoy died before bo- Judge Hllten today received a let- "T"b """"-, t , t Biowing some or uieir messing xor ter from the Goldfleld Mine Omm' Jh 8J',h0SLch,,,,dln at , 2vorBO,J the bonoflts of humanity. Association stating It would rofwe ad at Qlm Bcho t,,rM mlm ltl "x-Mnyor Eaton made a fcollns attorney (or II.. inlnm. T -,-"- r ," ;.- ,""'" "''' "" "..WT." -vb . w...h .......,.. u gray uoiiitwiuiii-iouKinK sun. uui The spread of the disease is due j,H kindly faeo, bright eye and tall to the fear of a quarantine. ! figure, nnd hie eornwit words for Christian education made a deep lm- Kept Hint on Ic. (United Press Leased Wire.) Seattle, Wash., Dee., 2fl.Clalw. Ing to havo beon forlbly Imprisoned preeslon on the Immense audlonoe. He said he had earned evory dol- To Aid tho Willow, (Patted Press Leasod Wire.) Washliigton. Dbc. 20. As a re inr ,,t t.a ,.if, , had mmlu to this fnr RAVAral ilBva la the I so chfWt of the Haf t thn widows and ornhans of fni.ni it .n.M,i i, n, t.oat steamship Yueatan, while en roAe ' Masr killed In exiiloslons or prtna-,nVMtn,ent X9 jm4j OVor made In his from Valdez to this etty. Josejib 5!-jetly injured Representative Lona-Jfo JIo gl,j no beloved n Salem gloh today oommeneed suit Ih the su-,j,a8( 0 Pennsylvania, Introduood a ag tHe grftflt naturally and tho most perior court against the Northweet- jjj jR the house today, calling for a advantageously located eduoatlonal ern steamship Company for fStMju f oae cent a ton on all coal Mnter of the Paolflc Northwest. mines. t remarks were greeted with pro- A Bureau or mines ana mining ai- ionKti flDn!auso. damages. Everybody Is Flrvd. (United Press Leased Wire.) Naples, Dec. 20. The troops to day evicted 4800 families from the dwellings of the working elass. be-' nan, nt thair failure to pay rent so l iKOvidod for In the bill. o Should Let Them Sixnp, Chleago. Dec. 20. Fish and Har rlman are again clashing today at a 0amns meeting of the Illinois Central tock-'rnan nnj 8u b0 aid he made a holders over the wording of a resoiu- ereat BuCCosa. Justice Moore. C. II, Justleo Hakln said a few words about his old-tlmu neighbor and frlond, Mr. Eaton, who bogan his llfo driving ox-teams to mining He noxt was a largo stock . 1lnn nil lrnrnlni thtk annual meetlnK ir.... n..n.l rAnM Alafin A. Those represent but a small part or . . ,-... .,, nnr,.. ...ui"1"' " . .. V.ST:: rAr,llngoatheFlnJunctIo uu ui vmo uib"I . -..I,,,, ..n nt frlAnifa V6nt ...... ,, .- - n.n..i. J -.-. .i.t .ir month, aeo. It; """' """ "V"WM ." . - uaii, uoh uerivaB w. o.viv ou rapresent dui aniau par h , ,,, . WiM(l. . the number who banded togeiner 10 u..iiinn LT..:' I 7 '";.,: ."A ''tr.. resist paying rent because .of thj iblgh, flf iThlelsen, R. J. Hendricks Dean Kim- auvan . ""iZ' ill caui ,be two apart An adiurnmeDt WM others entertained the assembly wltn I, eared that the evictions will . ukeQ w Marcfa 2 'appropriate remarks. riots trial b gun, when sho wns Informod hIi) com Id seo him. Immediately af ter arrival It Is said she wos sub pnonnnd ai a witness. Clnrenoo Harrow was In court to day, but ho took no part In tho pro ceedings. Tho oross-oxamlnatlon nf young Charlie Novlllo wnd contin ued by Wilson, who took tho wltnostt over his trip to Denver, Ohoyeune nnd into Wyoming on a hunting ox- jrodltloa. The wltnose was not nikod In regard to his conversation with Potilbone. In closing the oross-oxam Inatlon the foot was brought out (hat Neville was not a witness In the Haywood trial, and that he was oon stantly guarded by Plnkortons, so that the defense could not eonsult him. Senator Uornh, on re-dlreeb ex amination, asked tho witness whbn hu Ural told his story and tn who ( , and Neville answered that it was two days ago to Rorah. "During the Haywood trial dM you refuse to tell us what yu would testify to, naylng that you would tell what you know on the witness stand?" asked Rorah. "Yes, sir," answered Neville. On furthor questioning by Wilson, Novlllo said ho had told attornoyo for tho statu part of his testimony at tl Haywood trial, but not all of It. After Novlllo was excused tho istato Introduced an artlclo from tho Miners' Magazine to show that tho federation had an lll-foellng toward Fred Rradley, pf San Frauolnco. o When winds shriek high In fiendish gleo, And enters winter with his key Protect yourself, from disease- be free Tako Holllstor'a Rocky Mountain Tea, For sale at Dr Stone's store lllntitliorln mi till. Rnnllil. (Unlton Press Loasod Wlro.) .loglBlaturo, hut oiico, many years .Senator Rorah sayB Noulllo Is known', Tlftllln-linm Wnl. Tliin on All "" " - " "V " ",' " """"; '" "uuiuiinu, iii .'....n...M, ....., ..v,u, w. .... ., ....... ,., ........ .... ..Mnml f ,H.,),t,nrln IhrnMnn. t.l KU""0 Willi tlllU IJIHiy 110 rOinnrKOU slon, and that tho commission failed county. In tho northeastern part of J,0 lond that he had boon as neat nnw.Mni, Mm a . M. mrl.a nf .,,. Ln. r. nu r n,1 tll Penitentiary nB h0 OVOr Wlllltod tO .!,-,.. i.-M. .-..'- i ..-. ,.- -n. i. Kflt- Whllo In Snlcm ho called on w.w vwMl.w,v,,. ... -HHvnvD u uuriuinuc, ui.u i umvuow, .uw.u- . . . ,, , , not beon heard. Wo aro not given ing to Dr. C. B Martin, county phy- "" " " " " """" . Ul 1110 J1UII. I -t nrr i