DAILY OAPI TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, IMSOKMHKR IB, 1007. gssmimmmmmsamtmmmnvi n i, i Want It? want Want Want Want nrr..i AAuwrJoctoraUaboutAttr'n' Wont Aycr.8 Sarsaparllla? Ask your dector alcoholic Sanapartlla, Ihcnyouwiu vj0 , no erstit Ws publlth J.O.AjrarCo., know whether jyou want It or not, tha formula of an our mdioin. nJiSJnM'iifyM WOMEN DISCUSS MISSIONS ffivcnty-flrst Anininl Meeting of Woman's Home Missionary Society Convened Yesterday and Is in Session Today. Tho twonty-flrst annual meeting of tbo Woman's Home Missionary so ciety of the Oregon conforonco con vene In Iho First M. E. church of this city yesterday nt 2:30 p. m. In tho absonco of itho president, Mrs. F. W. Brooks, arm. J. E. Bon nott of Portland was chosen chair man for tho afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Sollcck of this city led tho dovotlonal exorclsos reading tlw 23rd psalm In an hnpresslvo mnnnor. All present Joined in this part of tho services, nt which tlmo many forvont ,prnyoro woro offered. Tho rending of tho mlnuteB of tho Inst session was deferred to this morning owing to mnny of tho dele gates not having arrived. Tbq appointment of tho various commlttocs was among tho most im portant business transacted by tho convention yesterday. 'Tho commit tees woro chosen as follews: Committee on credentials Mrs. Southwlck of Salem, Mrs. E, W. Har low of Portland, Mrs, Mclnnls of Portland. Enrollment Mrs. Emma Hinds of Sllvorton, Mrs. Smith of Corvnllls, Mrs. Hnmllton of Nowhorg. Courtesies Mrs. A. Dlmmltt of Salem, Mrs, Anderson of Salem, Miss Ruth Flold of Snlom. Resolution Mrs. II. D. Kimball of Sllvorton, Mrs. J. W. Wiseman of Portland, Miss A. N. Knox of Port land. After tho appointment of the commlttcofl had boon completed, tho delegates and frlonds present woro ontortnlnod by flvo llttlo girls of Sa eom ropresontlng "Tho Home Guards and Mothor's Jewels." This part of tho exorclsos was under tho direction of Mrs. Bushong Booth and waB glv on In a mnnnor which showed caro ful and thoughtfiul training. Tho address given by Mrs. T. E. Cornollua was among tho treats of tho afternoon. Tho "Emigrant Prob loin" was handled In. a forceful stylo and prosentod tho great difficulty of organizing and uplifting millions of forolgnnrs and tho various classos of immigrants who come to tho coun try to find homes. MrB. F. J, Hnrd was on tho pro gram for an nddross on "AlaBka" and sho not bolng nblo to attend Miss Emily Lyons of Portland rend 'hor oxcollont popor which had been sub mitted. Tho artlclo gavo many In teresting faots about tho far north, tho peoplo, their customs and tho groat Influenco for good which Chris tianity was exorcising ovor them. A short Bcssion of song was then held nftor which, whllo tho nudlonce wis waiting for somo chlldron who woro to appear on tho program and had not nrrlvod from school, Rov. W. TI. Sollook gavo an improsslvo talk oa missionary work which- contained a groat doal of good comedy. M Sollook thon song "Tho Mastor nnl tho Lilies," and Boon demonstrated that ho wns not only glMd as a spuakor but ppssossed all tho roqul sitos of an ontortalnlng slngor. Notos woro rend from tho study book "Incoming Millions" und nfUr n hymn tho convontlon was adjourn ed until this morning at 9 o'clock. Last Evening, Tho delegates of tho convention Joined with tho mombors of tho First M. E. ohureh Inst ovonlng in tho reg ular wookly prayor sorvlco. This Morning's Program. ' Dovotlonal exorclios, Mrs. Mary F. Wolfe. AJdros of welcomo, Rqv. W. H. Sollook. 1 Rosponso. Mrs. E, W. Harlow. Report of oommlttoo on orodon tlnls. Rending minutes of last annual meeting, Mrs. J. D. Loe. Reports from dlstrlot prasldonts. Reports from conforonco soorotar los. Notos from tho g'onornl convontlon Tocently hold at Boston, Mass., Mrs. T. H. Short.-. Treasurer's report, Mrs. O. J. Sales. Music ljSlO l, M. , Devotional ojce.rcl8qs, ,Irs. E. H. Belknap. Election of oincors, , Solo, Miss H-len Smith. "Present Scope of Our Work," Mrs7 W. H. Hoppe, a nerve tonic f ABsyouraocior a blood purifier? - - Ask your doctor a strong alterative ? - Ask your doctor a family medicine? - Ask your doctor t MlilinHt alnnhnt 9 - Aelr vnttf dnotnr Report of corresponding secretary, Mrs. Oanion Royal. "Lovo's Offering," Mrs. O. J. Balei. Address, Rov. J. H. Coleman, D. D. "Our New Possessions," Mrs. II. C. Parham. Solo, Mrs. Mornlo Hugg. Address, Rov. C. T. Wilson, D. D. Report of committees. Adjournment. . o APPENDICITIS How to Avoid It. mid Escape a Sur gical Operation, Told By Ono Who Knows. A Slmplo Method Tlmt Is Always cf- flcaclons. ) It has only been n few yenrs olnce It was discovered that a surgical op- raton would euro appendicitis; In fact, It has been but a short tlmo slnco tho diseaso was discovered and named. Whonovor ihoro Is an Inflamed condition of tho nppondlx, caused by Impacted faeces in tho small cavity opening Into tho Intestine, you thon havo appcndiclttis. Tho oldor doctors UBOd to call It Inflamatlon of tho bowolB, and woro puzzled to know tho cause. Even now, with all tho knowledgo wo havo of tho diseaso, no medical man can tell you why wo should havo an appondlx, why wo And It, whoro It Is, or what its functions, If It has any. Tho diseaso for which tho oper ation Is a euro Is usually caused by lndlgostlon, and In many cases fol lows a largo and Indigestlblo meal. Physicians havo until recontly re commended an oporntlon, bnt now, ns It Is known that It Is caused by Indigestion, or dyspepsia, a euro with out an oporatlon Is assured. Whoro tho patient Is treated with Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets, tho un healthy conditions prevailing rap idly disappear, tho Btomach and In- tostlneo nro placed back In their nor mal condition, ovory organ of tho body operates as In should, and tho Inflamatlon Is reduced and tho opor ntlon is nvoldcd. ConsclontlontB physicians, who nro looking after tho best Interests of their pntlonts, will always keep n supply of Stiuart's Dyspepsia Tablots handy In tholr ofllco, whoro In casod of euddon attacks of indigestion they can roliovo tho pntlonts at onco Thoro.ls no record of a caso of ap- pondlcltls whoro tho stomach and bowols woro in a healthy condition and properly dlgestod tho food from monl to meal. No bettor advice can bo glvon to any ono who has attacks of Indiges tion, or w?o hnB boon threatened with appondlcltls, than to toll him to go to tho drug store, pay 50 cents, and take homo a packago of Stunrt'a Dyspopsla Tablets. Whonovor hoartburn, gas In stom ach or bowole, heart dtsoaso or stom ach trouble, sour oructlons, acidity or formontatlon are prosont net at onco. Tnko a doso of tho Tablots and gob rollof ns soon as possible. At all drugglots 50 conts. Send us your nnmo and nddross today and wo will at onco send you by mail a anmplo packago froe. Ad dross F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Plugged tho Target. (United Press Leased Wire.) Vlotorla, B. C, Dec 13. Alfied Francis, olerk of the St. Francis Him to, committed suicide lato yost.v day afternoon by shooting himself with a rovolvor. re.pondonoy, ns o result of continued Illness, was tho causo, TnE BEST KOAST TIIH FAMILY E,rEn HAD Can bo obtained from our prime tender and juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats aro selected from tho choicest, and prepared for tho table to suit the demands of th fastidious. Our prices are. lower for quality than you can find at any place in Salem, K.O.CROSS, I'hOHO 901. 870 Stat St. Notaries Public Appointed A. L. Broughor, Scotts Mills; Geo. P. Topping, Bandon; Carl J. Sacarla son, Cjulncy; C. W. Corby, Snlom i Cecil II. Bauor, Arthur C. Dayton, Goo. T. Murton, H. F. Connor, 11. M. Eslorly, W. B. Shlvely, Jr., W. P. Slnnott, Isanc Sweet, Portland; J. W. Kirkland, independonco; A. G. Hough Granto Pass; George Thyng, Boavoi- ton; T. H. Llttlohales, Forest Grove; H. A. Johnson, Jr., Salem; H. A. Thlesson, Arlington. o WOMEN'S WOKS. Salem Women Are Finding Relief nt Last. It doos soom that womon hav moro than a fair share of the aches and pains that afflict hnimanlty; they must "keep up," must attend to du ties In splto of constantly aching backs, or headaches, dizzy spells, hearing-down pains; they must Btoop over, when to stoop menns torture. They mtiBt walk and bend and work with racking pains and mnny aches from kidney Ills. Kldnoya causo moro spfforlng than any other orgnn of tho body. Keep tho kidneys well and health is easily maintained. Rend of a remedy for kidneys only that holps and cures tho kidneys nnd Is endorsed by peoplo you know. Mrs. Mary Baumgarnor, of '114 Wntor St.Salom, Or., says: "I have found Doan'B Kidney Pills a remedy that is worthy of all confidence and I am pleased to endorse thorn so that other Bufforor's from kidney com plaint may know how to got relief. procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Dr. Stone's drug storo and several mombers of our family havo used thorn with gratifying results. I took thorn myBOlf for a tired ( aching hack and a dragging down fooling that comos from Irregular and deranged kldnoys. Tho results woro of tho best. Tho aching nnd soreness was bnnlBhcd,and tho kldnoys woro ren dered normal. My health has becomo bottor In ovory way." For solo by all dealers. Price 50 conts. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho Uni ted States. Remembor tho name Doan'B and take no other. Weather Occasional rain tonight, cooler; occasional rain, fresh southwesterly breezes, diminishing tonight. That's Itl ! J Cough yourself Into a fit of spasms and thon wonder why you don't got woll. If you will only try a bottlo of Ballard's Horohound Syrup your cough will bo a thing of tho past. It la a posltlvo euro for coughs, Influ enza, bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases. Ono bottlo will convlnco ,rou at your druggist, 2Gc, 50c, $1. 8old by D. J. Fry. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water aorvlco apply at office BUla payable monthly In tdvanc White as Christmas Snow Aro ttto shirts that come from the Salem Stoam Laundry. Tho finish is faultless, tho work is perfect In ov ory detail. A slnclo trial win con vince you of this experience will show you that this perfection is steadily maintained. Satisfaction guaranteed. SALEM LAUNDRY CO. 130-iog Liberty St. Phono MttWi LARGEST FACILITIES PRODU USTEIM HOUSIS Articles of Incorporation. Eastern Oregon Independent Tel ephone Company; principal ofllco Echo, Oregon, capital Block; $50, 000; Incorporators, O. F. Thomsoa, Jossq Mooro and A. B. Thomson. C. W. Post Bulletin Sy&tem; prin cipal offlco, Portland Ore.; capital .'ctock, $5000; incorporators, C. W. Post, W. B. Kmdlo and Clms. J. Barnard. Peoplos Safe Deposit Company; prlnclpiH. ofllco, Portland, Or.; capi tal stock, $100,000; Incorporators, Dr. C. E. Wr-lkor, J. E. McOmber and E. B. Harley. Charles A. Sturm Manufacturing Compnny; principal ofllco, Portland, Oro.; capital otock, $100,000; in corporators, Charles A. Strnun Roy N. Flack and Flora E. Strum. Dnllns Furniture Company; prin cipal ofllco, Dallas, Oregon; capital stock, $10, 000; Incorporators, Ralph Adams, Harry Hlbbard and M. E. Schouwollor. Frod B. Halght & Co., organized undor'tho laws of California; princi pal ofllco In Oregon, Coqulllo, Ore- gon; attorney In factv George E. Peoples, Coqulllo, Oregon, ' Ornament Gold and Silver Mining Company; principal ofllco, Portland, Oregon; capital ctock, $25,000; In corporators, John A. Martin, Bertha E. Martin, Sr.dlo A. Stephenson and David H. Stophonson. Sprlugdnlo Lamb and Sheep Com pany; principal ofllco, Portland, Or.; capital stock, $5000; Incorporators, Jonathan Richardson, Molvln Rich ardson and Walter G. Hnyes. Tho Wlllamlna Lumber Company; principal ofllco, Wlllamlna, Or.; cap ital stock, $5000; Incorporators, L. C.- Palmer, C. A. Palmor and Fatiut Pnlmor. Kimball Collogo of Theology; prin cipal office, Salem, Oregon; Incorpor ators A. M. Smith, R. Kelly nnd T. S. McDanlol. When to Go Home. From tho Bluffton, Ind,, Banner: "When tired out, go homo. When you want consolation, go nomo. When yoiu want fun, go homo. Whon you want to show others that you havo reformed, go homo nnd lot your family got acquainted with tho fact. Whon you want to show your- solf at your best go homo and do tho act thcro. Whon you fool Ilka bolng extra liberal go homo and prac tice on your wlfo and chlldron first. Whon you want to shlno with extra brlllancy go homo nnd light up tho wholo housohold." To which we would add, whon you havo a bad cold go homo and tako Cbambor laln'a Cough Romody nnd a quick euro Is certain. For salo at Dr. Stono's dnug storo. o Proposnls for Reform School Sup plies. Sealed proposals aro horoby re quested for furnishing tho Oregon Stnto Reform School with supplies for tho coming six months ending Juno 30, 1908. Lists with specifica tions on "what Ib needed will be fur nished on application to tho super intendent. All bids must bo In by Docombor 20, 1907, and goods must bo In unbrokon packages whoro possible, and truo to contract, Goods to bo delivered at tho Reform school January 11, 1907. N. II. LOONEY, 12-10-lwk Superintendent. o Notice to tho Public, Plenso tako notice that any ono throwing old cans, Junk or rubblah of any kind upon tho public high ways will bo prosecuted to tho full extent of tho law, tho samo bolng on obstruction to tho highway. By Order of tho County Court, 12-7-lw CASTORIA Por Infanta and Children. Till Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of WHERE? Si' JOHN HUGHES CO. For All Kinds of Spray Material Lime, Sulplier, Blue Vitriol Etc. PRICES TnE LOWEST, Salem Fence Works nendquarters for Woven AViro Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Maithold Roofing, P. & B. Ready Roofing All at lowest prices. Walter Morley (Z&tf&k. 250 CourlSt Satem, Ore. Who Klud You Havo Always '.TH in uso for over 30 venWiftUi.. ah n,...r4. ...... aoonotodS11 Experiments tlmt trlflo UUand?" J Infanta and Chudrcu-:E What is Boric, Drops anil Soothing SywTf0!8 fc contains neither Opium, Moffl lU2l Huusuinco. its ago is its guarantee tV i IT nd allays Fovcrlshncss, ifcliJ' Colic. It relieves Honthlnif nCTL.1 and Flatulency, it assimilates the vZ? Qii Stomach ami Bowels. Mvi.,I lT.!St?ood Tho Children's PttimcfSKSSfi' CENUIME CASTORIA ALWJ Boasa the Signature of i The Kind You Haye Always In Use For Over 30 Years, TH QNTUW COMfNT, TT MUJMT WWCT. WHMW mmmwunnwni FOR SAL Two good houses In suburb of Salem, Ice ortid;i good huslnoss n oplondid blaclcsmtth and wagon u4 ykl with a good business In full running order at tha Tho shop building Is a strong framo building with cotctl tlon and heavy frame- woll finished, and would bo lit storo building, or warohouso sr factory, or good bott 2 M within ono block of tho now hyed out railroad, 0M1 bonutuui homes and business ocauons m witm. wiuv chango na part paymont a good small farm, Will gini nnd low Intoroot for part. Farm to be In WH!imrtt Salem or Portland. Address correspondence to DERBY & WUXSON or GEO. B, JACOft Salem, Ore. R.F.D.8,! WMiWhWIlWIlWllWMiW First Class Conveyances and Reliable Horses You always got at Yannko's, We elm give you any kind of a ve,n1'.cl that you doslre and a horse to bltcn to it that is gontlo In barnesa. Horsoa boarded. FASHION STABLES O. W. YANNKBi Prop. 1.11-137 N. High St. Phono Main U C A L IFORNI IS THE PLACE WHEKH uux,r, - ., Avn ALL THE SUMMER 8K ENJOYED RATE, SALEM To'lOS ANGELE3 AND RETURN Correspondingly Low Raies w via tho famous .. cL.DAfa-niitlienhu DIIU5ia Win "" KNOWN A3 -me Koaa ui a rdtfi For beautifully UVastrated bookleU, its Winter Resorts, call u - i. Ill 4WWH nrftPEVED I! CL.1RK-S CANDY KTKJIE 1 1 - Pmro and fancy canfllM;; - specialty. Will teach the rade ;; and anyone wisuiob to mako candles will do wen oii t once. Terms rea- . . w-r p. sonablo. w W. CLARK 418 North Commercial areet. J . ti iitt-Wrf I ""vui.0 RgalBStfo CAST0RIA nwrCiuejlaSc'1 I -WW I w i fJZt ' aOwV-'wiJ F r:- Z 1i i0L llllliHIIIIi