I iauraal SALEM, OREGON. TCKSD Y, RITKMHKR 10, H07. NO. 2H2. AUTOMATIC SWITC1IK8. iRocw Not Make Mistakes or Saloons. Visit iH IS PRESENT kl' MAKES OPENING STATU ANI) HAYS PETTIHONH IB GREATEST CHI MIX AT; UK IXT. ted PresB Leased WIro.) t', Idaho, Doc, 10. That Goo. (United Pross Leased WIro.) Chicago, Dec. 10. The Lackwan na I no and othor big systems have decided to do away with switchmen In the freight yardB of tholr lines, and In their stead will Install towers In which electric buttons, releasing comprosBcd air, will do tho work formerly dono by Bwltchmen. In tho Hoboken yards of tho Lack awannn, which consists of 20 miles of track, controlled lv 131 nwitnh. cs, tho old Btylo switchman has been I wholly done away with, and consc jqucntly death and accident by tho Bwitcnlng or cars has been almost ontlroly eliminated. Othor largo systems are preparing to Install the now ynrd system of switching. By tho now aystom, once a track Is opened It Is automatically and elec trically locked, so that, until tho completion of that particular switch lug oporatlon, It Is impossible to chnngo tho route or throw anothor Bwltch. Tho automatic Hwltch doos ACCUSE RUSSIAN MINISTRY DlETtiCORRUPTiON not got broken or get confused or one was tho most Important ,oso 'J8, 1,ond In a crisis, and It doos tho conspiracy which re- ,,ul V,8IC nuignuormg sniouns. In tho murder of Frank A. berg, wni tho charge mndo is 11. Hawley in his opening it for tho prosecution in tho trial this morning. lirfcndnnt," said tho proBGcu- tlio partner of Harry Or b's crimes. Ho was tho pay- k tho Western Federation of in the commission of tho kd wbb the mediator betweon circle and the men who ird.r a trado, and assasslnn- means of a livelihood. Wo that Pottlbono's store In kh tho fedorntlon arsenal, tho defendants made a l.til ganufacturlng bombs and un compound known as "Petti- a, which wore used in do- thoso who dnrcd to stand in :of tho Western .Federation PREAGHER PLANNED HOLD UP ItUSSIAN GENERALS SAY FORT RESS WAH SO POORLY KQUII' FED IT WAS INCAPAHLE OF 1IKING DEFENDED. reviewed nt length tho With Mlko CmhhIIs, a Tough, Wim to Pick Out Prosperous Looking Pus- Mongers tin They Left tho Train and Follow Them. (United Pross Loasod WIro.) St. Petersburg, Doc. 10. Gonor alB Stoossol, Fock and Rolss, under court-mnrtlal, chargod with troason and cowardlco In connection with tho surrender of Port Arthur, turnod against tholr accusers todny and mado a furious attack upon tho war mlnlBtry. Thoy denied tholr guilt, nnd declared that tho fortress was so ill oqulppod that efTectlvo dofonso was Impossible. Thoy doclarod that this condition was duo inoro to cor ruption than Incompotoncy. W occupied a seat at ;tho prosecution, (United Pross Leasod WIro.) Dolllnghnm. Wash.. Doc. 10. Ono which tho stato will Intro- tho, coolest and boldest highway tho concluolon of tho stato- J " ihwu hi many nomni nv nnnnnnoi.,1 , Mi ,1a. In tills Citl Was tl!l)Cd III tllO blld u'd resorve Its, statement ,a8t u,Bt with tho nrrest of Rov. concluolon of tho stato'd nines vunuiio, u nug.-o pruuenur, nator Borah arrived lant Por 01 mo ,incnu moinouist (j10 episcopal cnurcn ut mis cur. uonui .lo plannod with Mlko Cassllls, well known in this city, to pick out ono or two prosoporous-looklng mon an thoy got off tho N. P. truln at 10:20 last night and rob them of their wealth. With this money Coaullo plannod to loavo tho city without Ifurthor dolny. At pollco hoadquar jtors Coaullo ndmlttod ho had soon uassius anu uau ongngcu mm in con- IMI IDHPD vorsntlon. Ho Insisted, however, tIU1LI t,mt Casillls, and not he, had pro- jiunua uiu iiiivuuuw iuuuviji wioonu cou hi not no rounu. anu as ROPER rtland Bank May Pay All Creditors in Full TIBONE TRIAL IS OPENED ATTEMPT TO RURN PLANT. Sntut-ntcd Lumber nnd Shingles With Conl OH, ltut Wore Discovered. Bolllngham, Wash., Dec. 10. Goaded to desperation by tho thought that they had boon (unjustly dealt with by their former omployor, two mon whose names havo' not yet been learned, made nn attempt to burn tho $250,000 plant of tho Morrison Mill Company Saturday night. Tho mo"h, supposed to bo disgruntled ha couec of . cut of 2- nMitB a day In wages, poured flvo gallons of oil over ton carloads of dressed lumber and dry shluglcs. In another min ute thoy would have touched a match to the pile, Ik it were discovered by tho nightwatchmnu, nnd run off In tho darknoss. Tho mill Is now oloscJ. u Seattle SivrorH llolil Services. (United PresB LePBed Wiro.) .Soattlo, Wnsh., Doc. 10. Swedish rosldonts of Soattlo and vicinity will unlto in honoring tho memory 'of their dead king, Oscar 11. A moot ing of representative mombors of tho race In Soattlo wb hold yester day uftornoon at tho olllco of Carl J. Smith, nnd a committee appointed BETTER THAN WAS EXPECTED TRAMPS TAKE TRAINS. CM I fern la's Delightful Winter Cll- liuito CntclwM lliiikelRum Artists, Too. BANK MAY PAY OUT TITLE GUARANTEE- & TIIU8T CO. HAH 9;i,0(!I,. ASSETS ANI) MAY PAY DEPOSITOHS AND CHEDITOHS Ity FULL. (United PrcBb Leasod WIro.) Portland, Doc. 10. In tho roport submitted by Hocolvor George II. Hill, of tho Tltlo Guarantco & Trust Company, to tho United Stato circuit court today It Is shown that tho bank's liabilities to depositors ag gregate $1.273,0117. Receiver Hill to arrange for the momorlal service, 'shows a total asnetn of $3,001,403. Andrew Chllborg, vloo-cocinsol for, Tho bills pnynblo contain two largo Swodon. was chairman of tho moot-1 Items, unmuly $000,000 duo Lndd & lpg. A telegram of condolonco wnsjTIlton, and tho $390,000 that will bo fiont to tno new King and Qiieon nticiaimo.i uy mo American surety Stockholm. Tho dato of tho momor- (Company ns the rosult of Kit Bottling inl Borvlce haR not boon llxed. Tho tho bond of 8tnto Tronsuror Btoolo commltteo on nrrnugemoms will I for tho stato' deposit In tho bank, meet nt 8:30 tonight to mnko prep-1 It Is said that the court may rule nrntlotiB. Tho sorvJcos will bo hold. tho doposltorn must bo paid first out in this church. Tho program will .of tho oBtrdo of tho Minpondod com conslst of momorlal music, and nd- nnnv. Should thU bo dono, tho ro dresses on tho .history and achlovo- colvor Bays thoro is n practical cor?( ments of tho dead king. Itnisuy tiiat th dupoBltoru wnl no paid ' o .. . dollar for dollar Kvon should tho doposltorn bo paid first it Is said thoro Is a good ahniiro for tho othor erodl- JVarlxrs Mont Pay License. (United Pross Leased Wiro.) Seattle, Wu'lu, Dec. 10. Wrir- Vanl.(-wlIlbo uworn'out within n tow dayB for unlicensed barbora In Soat tlo, and the Stato Hoard of Barber tors to got what Is duo them. o- ' charges wore filed against Conulle, p. Tncn.i wi,a ,o wo roleaod temporarily. Tho Pre3 Leased Wire.) !, , tiiio uv Knvamhnr natu, Wash., Dec. 10. A 14 fr0m Bvorott, whoro ho says ho acveiopod in tho Watts poached only four days. Ho oamo ial this morning, whon S. m thn Sound from Colorado. a tacmber of the Snlvatlon r need on tho witnoss rwore that Harry Watti N3cJ to him that tho hand- ro-nd In tho mouth of Ad- tc:or.gfd to Watts. Jandkcrchlef In Addle Rop- r. mine, ' is tho statoment Who to havo boon made J. PIERPONT MORGAN. Tliln lu frnin n r.w.inf iluilrilTlinti fit ?P the famous nnnncler who enmo to the rescue of the doubled trust companies in New York. An nil night session of capitalists held In his art gallery In Mudlson avenue, New York, brought together probably the most powerful array of Jlnunelors evor gnthored Ja America. HI h went to Watt's coll fo him about the Roner paring the conversation ho na Watts he should load a After talking In that im- tram for a while Wilo said ei If his life had beon bet REFORM METHOD A SUCGESS WoInIi Hcoreti a Point. (United Press Lentwd WIro.) " -- n ioTlm trlnl of Commissioners will prosecute thorn Banker .lolin n Wntih wnn resinned for vlolntlng tho llcenso law This todnv. nftor a dolnv of n week, duo to action follows tho recent decision of 1 tho sickness of Juror Wntklns. Tho tho stato nupremo court alllrmlngp0vrnmont wob prcvontod from In- tho constitutionality of tho barber -vi,.pi,,r vldonc showing thnt I'll'.'-. lH J -,.,.-.-..- - tvnloli liml loanod hlmsolf money an (United Press Leased WIro.) Los Angeles, Cnl., Dec. 10. A spoclnl from Yuma, ArU., says tho tramp evil was never no sorlous as now, and tho assistance of tho nu tlopal gunrd may bo needed to pre serve order. Tho days of Coxoy's nrmy aro being roneated, and gangd of rufrianB torroruo tho couutry, B0I20 nnd rob freight trains, hold tip section houooa and rob all who cross their path. With rovolvorn In evidence 40 ablo bodied hobt3 hold up a freight train a few miles west of Yuma tho othor day, and asked tho train crow what It wna going to do about It. Tho lattor had to lot tho mon host tho trnin, nnd thought themselves lucky that tho tramps did not domnnd tho cabooBo. Tho captors loft tho train at Gila Bend. YMtua Ib almost nR had nn Lot An goloo has boon for holdups. Tho rnllwaw omdnls are at tholr wits' ends to combat tho toughs. Ordorfl hnvo boon Insuod that horonftor no paiongers ho taken on frolght trnins In Arizona oxcopt omployoa nnd (olograph linemen. 0 ' MILLS REDUCE WAGES. And Sevcnty-Flvo Moil Walk OHt of KflNO, WuMi., Hhlnglo Mm. tMlHlIIIIM!fIKIElMlIBMlllK A SPLENDID SHOWING. JAPANESE STORE Cxstios and Fancy Goods III Court St root. Yokohnnui PresHlng I'nrlom, Phono 11(11 Capital National Hank Statement Shown Ideal ConilltloiiH, A REAL (Unltod Pro Leased Wire.) Seattle. Wash.. Dee. 10. A Jap- fc t 55" 5 t. "JTJlfi?7i?!R $ fc handkerchief used as noon at Fourth and Jackson streets n rrnnarK DV a COUlHryniaH, an liiwc u fw" Jwi'vLik .. . H POLITE BURGLAR r the handkerchief. ?,rf1I,bI,' 11SJJrtvJn,,ur?"l dl '.. att. remarked- JIu jIUu ho on Nakanu a a dl- Took FlveDollar Clearlnj; House Cer tificate ami a Cui of Collo, Hut RofiiMtl tho IjuJyV Hraclet, (United Press Leased Wire.) Seattle, Wsstt.. Dec. 10. A Ave dollar clearing house certlfleeto and Attontlon Ib called lo tho excep tionally strong financial statement of the Capital National Hank, which Is published In another column. It 1 h Anin t ia r r ft x w aa alt t 11 ilium nil iiiiiwiiiiv ui vbii wii 1 hand nnd In bank of $233,1 S3. 11 to mwt individual demand deposits of $341,898.2-1. In addition It has on hnud $168, 7 16. SO in othor bonds and securltl, and loans of $310,361.34. The total reourooB aro $818, 787.60, which le about $800,000 more than a year ago. In addition to the cash on liami, as shown above, there Is in transit. and expected to arrive dally, $60,000 in new currency. n JURIES SAY NO. stocks that woro considered worth ies by tho Now Vork stock oxchango by a ruling of tho court Tho gov ernment had hroughout witnesses from Now York to show that Walsh had asked tho New York stock ex change to list certain stocks, but that the oxchango had refused to pass on thorn, as thoy woro couild ored vnluoless. Ik rfhiff ia a tva awav " mlnutlve fellow not over four reet a cup of coffee were all the tokens a c rd Wat U told him in Ull and weighing lew than 100 masked robber took away with him to l ni,ir?i !rf Addle pounds. He turned him around and 'after a very friendly visit at Dr. I. i r-i?.nitlhlr" fhot him twice in the back. Nak?-'A. Parry's sanltorlum at Halliard r -aMon of Wile failed mura fell dead and Mori calmly last night about 9 o'clock when he '" - imony. Q- M LEET IS READY u-aiu-a.i tn the notice station, giving hold un Mrs. Pauline Hubbell. h 1 himself up. Some mystery fcjr-:por!ntewdent. He refused to take rounds the esse, Mori charging that her gold bracelet, saying he needed INakamura had brought fallea wo- only the money. 1 men to this country, and that hoi Mrs. Hubbell was preparing to 'tried to reform bin. but could not, lunch in her apartments when the 'so killed Mm. Nakaraura was well robber entered and covered her I known to Immigration officers as a with his revolver. He then asked .mambsRi havlnc received $3000 rhor for her money and she laugh twnrth nf Oriental kocmIs on the Toa;incly handed over the certlfleaU TOClll 'a few days. He himself returned on and pointed out the hraeeiet. She ltll the Toea from a huslnoe trip Japan. 'thought she recognized the man's '- accompanied by his mother, one of voice as that of a former patient and his children and a Japanese woman tried to draV him into conversation " Iwhora he claimed to be their ser-1 inviting him to take a ep of coffee Pros, t .j Ttrt.A i ' ,.o frs Nakamura remained iwhlh ho did. t tw ia ,n i f hero' while her husband went to the "it's a shame to take your rnon- a, Dec 10. All 16 Of erew""ra . , t,i0 niv Thev'" w Gn,i i.. rr Parrv has i. are here and ready to unsw, --""- Mnnr.i r.il "Z.tT 'm. ,', .' hM rifl. n,. mimi were openjos . - 1 !& - v . - z:: Hold That Kceplui; Tlmators Open Doom Not Violate Sunday Law. (United Press Leased Wire.) Senttlo. Wash.. Dec. 10. C. D BELLE WAYMIRE AGAIN (United Press Leased Wire.) Portland, Dec. 10 Whether or not Mro. Helle Waymlre and ID. H. Rnddlng aro to be hold lu the clroult court for trial on the charge of at tm?itin' i hlnckuiHlI Mr.yor Lne And ruin his porsonnl roputation will he detormlnoj tomorrow morning nt Raid, manager of the Grand Opera j,;30 vhltx h0 d8murror In the ease House and Duncan Invorar ty, man- wll ' -rg,a i.-rorw jtidxe Cleland ar o. me I.UIWVUHI iHNw, wr nurliiK fh- long holidays tho case found not guilty of violating the amliM Mr-. wymlr and Raiding Sunday Hoeing law by keeping their ,H, hMn njoWtM, to rmi ,(,,., of theater opon on Sunday a week. The th inMutilty of the prosocutlon to juries in oach case wer put only ,,rJnff tne trtel tf) ,,ar five minutes. Chief of Police Wap-. Al tllw ,,rwwnt time, however, an nensteln announced this noon that If Qu.,.l i..u i.. ni intn i.- another manager was found not gull- t70,n District Attorney.Mannlng and w ruH,u ... w .. .,.. . il w (muuuiKu. uuurnvn ior nm . MTnltod Pro8o Lonaod WIro.) KoIbo, WnBh., Dee. 10. Sovonty flvo shlnglo i weavers In tho employ of tho Metcnlr Shlnglo Company's mill nt this piano wont on a strlku this morning on nccount of tho re duction in wngos which took effect last Thursday. Tho reduction In wAgon affects all departments and amounts to from 1 cent to 1 Mi cent per thousand shingles handled, monnlnir n dlffor enco of from 75 contH to $1 on a day's labor. Tho company sent to Tncoinn for a non-uiflon crutf. . ii ii i i To Ruftil Ahiiknn RnadN. (Unltod Pross LonBed WIro.) Washington, Doc. 10. Ronit building lu Alaska on n larger Bcalo than over will bo undortakon noxt yonr, If tho war department Is able to Induco congress to mnko a soocinl appropriation of $400,000 for tho purpouo. An ostlmnto for thnt amount was submitted to con gress today by tho acting secretary of war. Major Hlohurdson, president of Mio Alaska road commission, Is now In Washington, and has boon In ponffironfo with ofllolals of tho wnr department lu regard to tho nro- posed appropriation. n Can't Haul Dofrctlvo Carn. (United Pross Leased WIro.) Olympla, Wash., Doc. 10. Tho Northurn Paclilo has filed unswors In the local suporlor court to two oases brought by the Stnto Railroad Commission. Ono suit wan to pun ish tho road, under a now law, for hauling u trnlnlond of dofectlvo enru from Seattle to Taoomn July 4, 1007 iiu uuaui ui in in aui, 1(10 com- iulalon Ii HiicceHHful, will bo tho road will practically havo to estab lish carshntM ut Seattle, ami nt nit division terminals. The other enso Is to collect demurrago heonuso but ono of live cars was furnlNhod Sunt orvlllo Hros., of Napavlno, for Bhlp- tlllltlta In Walla MTnlln menu to Walla Wnlln. .6 e Pacific Rear-Admiral ana iy inspected the fleet avenue. review of tho fleet Dy Ut and Secretary Metcalf. wi i anchor at Trini-rls'mas -o . of the ordinary diseases Chamberlain's Salve is llt not only allays the Rate Cost Money. 1 (United Press Leased WiW.) Seattle, Wash.. Dec, 10 Propri etors of two taeat markets have been the first to be arrested for a viola tion of tho rat ordlnanoo. Each faces n fine of $100. In spite of insiruc- Would you give 25 cents io stop your cough? Then bet a bottle of KemD's Balsam and you will have Itions the two made 8"B,Pt,, P"J enough for the whole family. It and I Jast wanted a chance to Uet oven." This is the second time the place has been robbed la the last three months.., o tDSrt in .ff. nrl ' uuu" . . j thai. rl9lMI nf " VUV CUCUUI IA VM. .. TllKfin UUII LUVII l.. - . I Dr Etone'a drug "tore, business are alive with the rodents, costs za cents To Invvstigato Killing. (United Press Loaaei Wire.) Denver, Colo., Dec. 10. Seventy to be arguel at onco. state, and Meyor Lane on ono hand, and W. It. McGarry and Senaea F(jita. attorneys for Mrs. Waymlro and Raddlng. by which tho demurrer witnesses woro brought from uenver o m today from Durango Colo., to testify I)lrH From nxlHun.. In the Investigation Into the kllllus; nremerton. Wash.. Dee. 10. of Secrot S-rvle Agent Walker at soarchora have found tho body of the UdeporuH mine reoenUy. rhW Arthur Walker, a riveter at tho are hero upon the order of Chief WII-. Imvy yard , ,,,e woodg back (lf kle. who had the Investigation trans- Manotte Waiker, wMj,, dollrlom. ferrftd to th efederal court because of his belief that an Impartial Inves tigation at Durango was an lm pos sibility. wandered away a woek ago, and ev idently died from exposure. TIms Salary Culls Mm. Sacramento, Cal., Dec. 10. Dr. W. II. G. Temple, formerly pastor of the First Cougregatlonal church, Seattle, was unanimously called to the pastorate of the Copgregatlonal.of tho 1907 tUto fajr' given. It Is Routt! of Agriculture Will Meet. Tho regukir annual meeting of thn State Hoard of Agriculturo will be held in room No. 6, in tho stato houso, Docembor 17. at 1 p. in. At this time officers for tho ensu ing yoar will bo elected, and a report church here last night, at a salary ,)r0bable that tho matter of holdlu of $3500. tho. largest ever paid n ton-day' fair will come un for dls- r- , .. .-- minister in this cPy cusslon Will Import Men. Spokane. Wnh., Dee. 10. -Jay P. Graves, gen-rr.1 manager of the Clrnnby minus and smoker In the Houudary, H. C. dlstrlot, lu an of ficial staumunt. fays that owlncr to tho promUe of many of the em ployee to work for the same wngea prevailing at Rowland. Ilntt mid elsewhere, they opened tho minus ami atnttjtoni. The employon re fusadri, however, to return to work at those wage. Men will be Im ported If they refuse after a fow days to roturn. -o ...i w ArnhM Want Vmvjn. (United Press Loasod Wire.) Oran Algeria. Dee. 10 Hmlwar lea from the rebellious Houzin N'asan trlbo aro oonforrlng with (loneral Leltuty, eouimundlng the French, looking towards cessation of hostili ties. Arab aro much alarmed at tho defeat of Morahout, who proclaimed a holy war. " n I... All Quiet at (Joldflold. (United Prow Leased WIro.) Ooldfleld. Nov. Dee 10. Althnnirli tho formal roopenlng of tho mlnou oiwratwl In this district by tho Mlno Owners' Aseoolatlon Is not scheduled to tnko plaoo until Thursday, thoro was consiaerauio activity about sev eral of the properties today. Under ino uireotion or tho tntno owners, a fow non-union men commonced work opening tho shafts and cleaning ma chinery that had boon Idle for months. Tho guards watching tho mines are to bo Increased by Thurs day morning