DAILY OATITAfj JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBKIt 0, 1007. FOSSILS IN EGYPT. A Natural Wonder Unusual for That Country. Somo raro fossils hnvo been dis coverod la northorn Egypt by an ex ploring party amder tho dlrcotlon of Professor II. F. Osborn, vlco provi dent of tho American Museum of Natural History, and Walter Granger and "George Olson, mombors of tho museum staff. Tho fossils were discovered In tho rayun desort, eltuated a fow miles from tho NUo valley. Tho collection mado was put Into 27 largo packing cases and shipped on a freight steam or which has already arrived In Now York. Tho main objcot of tho expedition was to Book tho ancestor of tho olo phant. A very Important And was that of tho ancestral olophant known , as tho palacomastodon. Tho skelo ton Is not complete, but tho skull. tho lowor jaw, leg and foot bones nnd sovoral vortobrao woro found. A thorough search wns mado for the missing bones, but with no success. According to Mr. Grange tho animal dates back moro than 1,000,000 years. Anothor Important fossil found wns that of an arisnolthorhim, which takes Us namo from Quoon Arlsnoo, who reigned 31C D. C. Tho skull, which Is vory raro, Is tho only one In ithls country, nnd thero are only two In tho world. Tho bones of tho lody and legs of this anlmnl hnvo novor boon found. Among olhor fossils In tho col lection aro tho bonos of ungulates nnd rodents. It is tho first tlmo that. tho fossil rodent wna ovor found In Egypt, but many havo boon found In othor parts of Africa. Sovoral -skulls of tho anolont crocodllo woro found, tholr bonds bolng from throo to four foot long. Judging from tho hIzo of tho akulls, tho bodlus must havo boon from twenty to twonty-llvo foot long. In somo of tho excnvatlons skolo tons of tho ancient and nborant whales woro found, which oxlstod gonoratlon ago. Thoy havo become ontlroly oxtlnct Ivory tooth that bo longod to animals that oxlstod so far THE WOULD OF FASHION. Jumper Styles for Evening Gowns- YoIIon u Modl.sh Color IJIack and Whlto Combinations- Black Velvet Itaiuls for tho Neck. Yollow Is one of tho most fashion able colors for evening gowns this season and It is also used to mnko tho most charming cloaks of broad of wider velvet ribbon hold- by a handsome stool buckle This Jump er wns worn over a low nocked blouao of fancy net with short Bleoves coming just below tho el bows. Tho samo Idea could bo carried out In tnffeta or China silk or silk and cotton eollonno nnd worn with an allovor lace or net wal&ft. A Dlnck Laco Frock. Palo blue, pink, light green, and lavondar aro all popular ovonlna cloth. Theso soft, beautiful now colors this year in spite of tho above sttWjuMPWb jQlmiSFr JF jJBBBBBBBBBBBBVBaVNHBBBBBBBBBBBBaYJ S ".N : jm i tx rr 7-tjp s . N V nk-rx v iv. ri.Jiwsov jrzAf ssshiay. m1aA SSSMW . -. S&wJl!iu ififr ill y"llli- Iff M ejMm Ml II must n i . m7Mi ifiB s - ' m N Hffl WwA r mrffrmttl!nm 1 mriTwo. mm i wa mi M ft S mam Jll.'l I ffiViiw b Hi Ta rrr vi WMr ' I, I ill) I ifilWi hZrn. MWM m WsSKSs -; ' MB 1 B WIS - fnmb mi r M n m tiY r1 C-' Jl if I I'll irv ul'.l i a JmTmf m W20& fMr ttt mil h M I ' A MW. fM M a m U m'ttwm mm JtmiB. Iff m VA'H I A 'M Vti MMMffl m m mm ' Clwoif'Hl7il vatfjs , v grnmi m vmmmmmM tat 'Sttftir" niMOllAIM CHUHCR rreeLectureTonii Faces and How to Read THem THIS WEEK ONLY Mrs. Jona Morris Elll t ri, , , church parlors. Pril n?rl8tUn cal oxanunatlons1; t0c:?8 10 a- . to G ,p. ra Ln? ,fom opportunity to mv'e your c1110 S byCn-arac!y S 1 l 1 t i ammmmmmmmmmmmm back thai tho tlmo cannot possibly "" i yonow aro worn nllko by .. ..,.......- . .. ..!..... blondoa nnd brunottos. hv hopIoIv bo antahllHliod woro also unonrthod. Tho Amorloan musoum of nnturm history lias now tho lnrgc3t and rnrost collodion of fossils In tho world. Solontluo Amorlcnn. ProinlNCd Another. It wn in a Washington Sundny Hchool. Th HWoot girl toachor had boon tolling lior class of brlght-facod youngtoi'8 about tho life of Christ, nnd at J lie coiiolmion of hor rncltal bIio told tho children that she wan'. ed onoh ouo to promhio to try to live like Clirlet for the onaulng wook, "How many of you," ho aeltwl, "will earnestly try to llvo ni did the Bevlor until we meet hero agnlu novt Sundny?" Evory Utile linteno' rnlsod an af firmative hand Havo one a chubby girl, tho prido and joy of tho toaoh er' heart. "Why. SubIo!" said tho tonohor In n paled tone. "I counted on you ro " Tear of dlenppolntmont orowd id to Suete'a eyoe. "Dear Miw Kate," alio almost sob bed, "I flhoukl lovo to do what yoi want, hut I have promised aunty to ho like George Washington. " womon, young or old, nnd aro more fad for yollow. Whlto la of courao always worn and a great many black evening gowns navo boon Boon at ro becoming by urtlflclnl light and look cont foatlvltlos. This sombro color armor than any othor of tho evon- j8 howovor usually rollevod by ing shndos. ollow fans aro alHo touchos of scarlet, palo bluo or yol- Binurt and with thoso costunuis irili Bllppora or pnimiw and silk stock ings of tho aamo rich tint nro con sldorod an npproprlato llnlsh. 13v ory pojwlblo varloty Is shown In ovou Ing wraps from tho simnlo olrculnr ;cnpo which can bo vory oailly and quicKiy mntio at homo to tho most olaboratoly draped cloaks and Japa iioho form of garments. low or It Is mado with a laco or chirfon gulmpo and slooves. A fna clnatlng frock of this stylo was of black Chnntilly laco with tho body of tho waist and tho mikado sleovos cut In ono nnd finished with a square nock edged with a band of Jot. A transparent yoko of whlto nllovor laco fillod in this apoTturo, whllo short puffod sloovos of tho- samo laco Siyilsh Hut Ino.YiMuisli'.i Kveiiiii'oxtondod JiiBt a llttlo bolow tho flown. j mikado sloovos of tho Chnntilly. Fashion Ik very kind this winter T1, B,I,t wna ono ot t,,Q now flvo to the woman with n slender lncomo'Bro modols with plontod front and or tho young ulrl with but n mU l)ack nnd circular sldae. Minount of HnoiKlliiLr mnnov fni Mmrnl New OriuunentH fr the Neck. nro a groat mnny tylo of simple I -Tll old-faahlonod blaok velvet evening gowns that oan bo mado at,uan1 "ai boon revived for evonlng home vory auocMefully nt comparn-!wonr nml ,8' nt tuo proiiont momont, lively small oxponee. To begin with tho vory holght of fashion. This la tho jumper vnatumo i8 strikingly W0'n "1 on tho throat umlor tho woll adapted to this purpose A 8uo-ich'n thus hiding tho Unm attractive cewful frock latoly aeon, mnde In Part of the nook and rovoallng the this Htylo, was of palo bluo nun's, curvos at tho baso of tho throat, veiling with ono of tho new circular Thoao bands nro soldom moro than aklrta trlmmod with two doep folds throo-quartors of an Inch or nn Inch or tho mntorlnl. Tho Jumper por- wirt and aro oftn docorated with tlon couelatod of two wldo atrnpa Hdo and ornaments of diamonds, witn tiio rulluoea held In tho pnio or rmnoeionoe. uuuu. now shouldor by throo deop tucks, Htitcli- ovor, the volvot band Is left perfect ed down to yoke dopth back and.iy Plain and fnstonod at the bnck front. Theso atrnpa woro od god with a handaomo brooch. For the with narrow bluo volvot ribbon ami. woman who cannot afford costly --------"""---- ., .. Joined with Tho Capital of Ecuador. Quito, tho capital of tho republic, Is situated In tho lntorlor, on tho high tablo-lands in tho contral part of the province of Plchlnchn, at tho foot of tho eastern slopo of tho vol cano of tho samo namo, and on tho northorn bank of tho Machangara rlvor, a Binall tributary of tho nio Guallabamba. Tho city of Quito proper 13 quadrangular, and llos about 9500 foet above sea level, somo 15 miles south of tho equator. Tho streets aro straight, generally orosslng at right angles, vory uneven on account of tho difforenco In olovi tlon In different parts of tho city, and fow of thorn nro moro than 20 foot wldo. ffho ,atroota nre-payd with nrtlilil flbfirirln .rtii1'iM n nll.M11.. which aro also narrow, are paved with small, rough flagstonos from a quarry in tho vicinity. Tho houses nro usually two atorlos In height, built of adobe, with flat roofs of rod tllos. There nro fow windows fnclng tho atroots, tho rooms of tho Iioubos bolng lighted from nn Inner cooirtynrd surrounded oy uuicunics aoovo. xao onirnnco 10 Thorn nm r.io. (i.i.., tho courtyard, which also leads to' ftM, , , ' '"."T: ' """ l .Cn' the main entrance of the building, ;kot8, noncbog ' ; " " . V D t ., 1 vciw, matting, shoos, Indian felt "'" " . .-- .-...b .o i.ww provided for, though sometimes the tomperaturo drops to tho frcozlng point. Tho storos nro small and us ually without windows Tho street aro lighted with oloc- trtlclty. Water, which Is obtained from tho ndjacont mountains, Is do Ilvorod to tho city through public fountnlns or brought in Jnrs from tho mountains. At present that aorvod through tho fountains I badly contaminated. Ico Is brought from tho mountains trlclty. Wntor, which Is obtained is facilitated by tho Inclination of tho atroots, tho number of natural drains, nnd tho hoavy rainfall. In tho city of Quito nro flvo plazas or aquaroa, a botanical garden, a hip podromo nnd two public promenades, tho largor bjlng shaded with ouca- lyptus, oak and othor troos. Tho city also has flvo public 11 brarlos, two museums of nntmral history, two chemical laboratories, an arsonnl, sovoral hospitals, two within Its limits 33 churches and six bnnks nnd flvo hotels, Thoro nro convents, occupying nonrly one fourth of Its area. Tho Franciscan monastory, said to bo tho largest In tho world, possesses oxtonslvo farms In tho vicinity, nnd Its various buildings occupy nn on tiro squnro, Tho most; consplclous buildings nro tho government pnlaco prosldont's pnlaco, archblBhop's pnl aco, pnlaco of Justice, municipal building Sucro thontor, and tho as tionomlcnl observatory. Education Is provldod for by a m aABBnJaBBBr TTJ7aaWaaaaaaali3v.Vk vim mXbJmmm Vml If W GERALDINE FARRAR. American prima donna who Is quot ed In nn Interview In Germany as sny lug that her fellow countrymen nro utterly lacking in appreciation of inn bIc and that art is Impossible In Amer ica because of .political, corruption. hats, furniture, pottory, carts, adobo, hard bricks, anildlos, roolln? bo covered In lrTT noport. ' f "Ncctwlty ft. "iu wu a nvwij . Dos Moines. The ri ' l'io great audlinM ,. !'t.s"Mt; "-wng maaun vry ono uy cxcairnI -'v 10 nui ntwiu-i annn1A.in 1 "I'VUftVJ 1 "WM. filr," loodHUh worcd tho orator of tt teal l" uui.t qnemou, bi "Thon," queried IbtwiJ ,ll,i t i..i- "s miu uiucuin say in mi "An absurd QueslotL', m Mio gpoaker "LIdcoIo ut mnny mings In 1862," "Never mind that'"t uod tho man who -hu li'in "Toll mo what he nil h in? At this juncture the tnMmi gan to Bhonr Elgin of ik but tbo quiet man proud l Bible. "I ngaln demand," hi jAI bo told what Lincoln wU hi This proved too nuck,ali man was seized and ejectiia wont with him, and hei (ii outsldo said; "What on earth lijittj; mnko such a fool of joirtdrj "Uecnuw," smlllBjIj tho quiet but dtternUM 1 was very hot and doss. 1 1 brontho. I cpuld not sett I tho only way to get ojI'-i tllos, chocolato, choose and cnndloj, Quito is noted for tho largo amount of religious palatine and scmlpturo done within IU limits and jilolphla Public Lodger oxportcd to adjacent countrlw. o- Lacos and ombroldorlos nre also illlrd Club Mwtlns mado. Othor Important Induitrles aro tho carving nnd coloring of .small, flciirnu from vntrntnlila ivorv. linlvoralUy, four COllOgOd. a modioli Vn.l Mm ilrvlnir of l.lr.1 Mnu. iwr. achool, nn InHtltuto of aolonco, n tloularly tho skins of humming blr.li sohool of arte nnd trndos, an acad- brought from tho Npo rlVfr Uy lho omy of flno arts, a thoologlcnl school, throo somlnnrlo? and throo schools for young Indies. A telophono srv!co Is malntnlnod. Indians. Tho olty has tologroph connections. Sovoro enrthquakoa woro experienced In tho years 1841, 1869 and 1S87. There will be a meetly ii lorn Bird Study Club it Twn atudio on State street T Ina;. Decombcr 10. it I M m All Iftterwtod attend ii A HMorlc Comcr- In thoRroceryfidcM! corner of CommercUl & streota I historic ft HJ M wwrence i" Rtanuracturlng Interosts nro ropro-J Tho population Is Mtlmnted to bflljJSing the wnttUeaWl" sontod by 21 flour mills, a number ( 80,000. Tho dlstanco from Ouaya- cerei nnd prompt wo' of broworloa and a sugar roflnory. yuil to Quito 1b 280 mile and can Vce. national Destruction of Itnts. To provide an objoct losson for the neoniii nt homo nnd nbroml In tho rational dostruotlon of rnts th8!,0fl8t ono Earthing' worth of food and mntorlnl. Ono hundrod and throo thousand rats would cost you about 39,000. Having spoilt 73G on kill ing (horn, wo havo saved you 38, 000 odd." This way of roasonlng appoalod to tho oconomlcal Dano. CamnalKas 1 acrotm the front and back Jewola this fashion will prove moat flvo straps of tho samo ribbon, accepttablo. and sho can roat awured trimmed at oach ond by a tiny cut, Btol button. The draped bolt waB1 .that it Is tho vory latest mode. LUCY CAHTKH commit too aolootod Coponhagon and tho neighboring Frudorlksborg. Tho total "bag" obtalnod in 13 wooka nmountod to 103,000 rnts, at n coat of 13,265 kroner (about 730) paid for promlums nud cro mntlng, or lVfcd por rat. "Now," said Zuschlag and his com mlttoo. you will jigreo that oach ra' eats and destroys onoh day at I P. Hogora, Proa. R. W. Hazard, Cashlor. D. W. Byro, Ass't Cashlor, The Salem State Bank Capital $60,000. Warnings, ?10,000. rrausaots a Gonoral Banking nuslnoss. Amplo Resources, Exceptional Facllltios, Courtoouo Troatmont, ond Absoluto Safoty warrants ua In Inviting tho nc ,'ouuto of conservative Institu .lona nud Individuals who pro for tho LARGEST MEASURE DP SAFETY to extreme rates tf lutorost on deposits. tho plague, would tho India office think It worth tholr whllo to tako stops to bring the rosults of tho Dan ish systom to tho notice of the pla guo officers In India, with the view to Its bolng adopted? (2) If, aooordlng to Zuschlag, oaoh rat costs at least a farthing a woro mulortnkon in othor placasuy to keQP; lf' according to him and with similar satlsfaotorv maiili., nmi others, thoro aro at loast as many - " .-..-, so much had Zuschlag's bcliemo 1m prossod tho public mind with its prac ticability that in tho following yoar first tho Farmers Union, thon tho Proporty Owners' sooloty, nnd thon nil tho borough counolls prosentod potltlons to tho government nud Rlksdng asking that Zuschlag's pro posals should bo ombodlod In a law without dolny. Sovoral bills woro consoquontly brought In and drop, pod, hut last yoar tho homo sooro tary Introducod a moasuro which was passod unanimously by both houses of parliament and boenmo a law last March. This rat law is now In full swing. Under tho act tho state undortnkos to aiiond 1600 annually for 'three yoars, nnd compols tho county and borough counolls to spend 3s 3d a yonr for oach 100 Inhabitants, on the society having glvon tho (undertak ing that thoy will spent nt least 500 each yoar. In return for this ex penditure tho sooloty is Intrusted with tho ontlro working of tho act. By way of concluding this artlclo It may bo woll to ask two quostiead: (1) As last year thero died In India ovor 2,000,000 persons from rata In Groat Britain as men, wom on and children; nnd If, oonsoquent ly, it costs Groat Britain ovory yoar somo teu millions and odd hundred thousand? of pounds, would It bo worth our whllo to consider this wholo question very seriously with tho view to spending tho odd hun drod thousands a year in order to savo tho odd millions? William R. Booltor lu London Mall. r A Dangerous Deadlock, that somotlmos tormlnates fatally, is tho stoppage of liver and bowel funotlon. To quickly ond this con dition without disagreeable sensA tlonn, Dr. King's Now Life Pills should always bo your remedy. Guaranteed absolutely satisfactory In every caso or money back at J. C. Perry's drug store. 25c. o Mado ia Salem Wild Roso Flour Is made" liero nt homo, and is as good as any Import ed Hour. Remember this when on order noxt tlmo. Jm ll "w I j U i sjY J ''A eJs j I 1 '1 (JJiJ Bill b&iTVb The Weather Now Suggests You Should Have One of "BISHOP'S TAILORED til READ! WW They are the most desirable coat because ttef -o- OAHTOIHA. - Z tm ti JA? Kind YoaHaiietoys Boi OMRiaHT UOT TNI MK Of MICHAELS-STEKN FINE CLOTHING MICMACLS, STCRH CO. nooMisriR, n v. Keep You Warm Keep You Dry They Arc Style They Arc 0ot PRICES $10 to && Salem Woolen Mill Store