Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 09, 1907, Image 1

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    Che Hail
I lattraal
NO. 28 J.
i His X
1 1 illiffi 11m lisltiifa 1 1
He lot IriTIWDlfnMffiiliin fniHTfnfHf frrfw jS5
jr -0m. &! ""f . ' vT-rm---iz,mhwar mr r
i ild field Is
Ouiet B
ut a Slumbering Volcano
Islativo coercion, both of which are
repugnant to the Mlkndo and his ad
visors. It Is not putting It too strongly to
say that ns far as treaty conces
sions aro concerned there will bo
nono on Japan's part at present. The
only alternative, thcroforc, in enso
thnt Japan again adopts administra
tive measures which again fall to
prove potent, will bo national legis
lation. If, however, Japan Is acting
In absolute good faith as the Presi
dent Booms to feel satisfied, matters
may soon bo adjusted with full satis
faction to both countries. As thltiKS
stand now It Is declared thoro Is n
perfect understanding between
Japan's representative and the state
WILL he given a
ilted Press Loasod "Wlro.)
tlngton, Dec. 9. Although
ancso question is still in n
suspense, thero scorns at
no likelihood thnt changes
urged to tako nny proclpi-
(lon looking to tho prohibt
Immigration by statute, not
hing tho introduction by
ntatlvo Hayca' bill for tho
of Orientals. Japan pro-
Ln ability to contral all quos-
slch have boon ralBcd by nu-
itlvo measures, and, although
mtry Is far from fouling sat
1th tho progress tlniB far
theso lines, tho President I
from tho Japanese foreign
glvo cvory reasonable op
for Japan to solvo tho itu
question witnom a
(United Pross Leased "Wire.)
Saloonkeeper Kills Mnn to Prevent
Him Entering His Snloon.
'(United Press Loosed Wlro.)
Chicago, Dec. 9. A cloned saloon
caused a murder yesterday, while
advocates of tho Sunday closing law
woro presenting arguments that tho
"i'" mwuuii wus uiu bum ol uiiuiu. nnlfinnlil. Vnv n o -nn.nn
This feature of tho closing fight ,iawn hrnkn on nniinioi.i ii. mnn.
camo whon Prank Mr.irphy. proprle- imr h emnu , i.. ,i.
tor of a saloon on Erlo avenue, Bhot.)rosontml nlm08t n8 wnr,ko nn np.
u.u nnivu miviiKui uimuu,, ii. mi- penranco as at tho camps of tho U.
man, during a fight. In which tho s troops. During tho night guards
iuu,...i. uuKia w jvUi uiv " in tho omploy of tho Mine Owners'
from entering his saloon which bad,A8-oeIttUon hml ucon Kront,y ln.
been closed In conformity with tholCron,Pcl ...... onph individual ninen
of mining property had tho npponr-
nnco of a fortress. Pcdoetrlans
passing through tho mining campa
Inst night woro hold up by tho
i i ''
Funeral of Tuft's Mother.
f IHol.itKW fnna Tnn 0 Thn fll
nnni nt mVo Tn'tt motii'nr nf hn guards, and made to glvo an account
Bnrnn- f nr u!ni n.o..r t!oh. ' of themselves before they woro nl-
view of earnest represent day morning at 11 o'clock from tho to i'rocoed. This nc on wan
Torroy mansion, tho uouy win uo ,.,:,,," ; , . v, ., ,V'
nirnn tn Cincinnati nnd burled bo- l"t U did not doter tho paid watch-
sldo her huaband. Tho plan to delay men from obovlng their Instructions.
rn- tho funeral until Secretary Taft ar-' o icast nuamiu uini is mnuo 10
a treaty stipulations or log rived has born abandoned. ." - ng I y s o. nu u
cUement that attended tho arrival of
,U. S. troops horo was oqualed todoy
I whon tho word was pasBcd about
thaL memhora of tho Mlno Owners'
Association woro holding a confer
ence for tho purposo of Betting a
dnto for tho reoponlng of tho mines.
Both side do not attompt to conooal
ho fact that thoy bollevo thoro will
bo troublo when tho operation of
tho mines is attempted on an open
shop baBlB.
I "Now or novor Is the tlmo for tho
mlno ownors to acsert tholr rights,"
wild Qeorgo Wlngflold, a partnor of
Senator Nixon, and ono of tho load
ing operators, boforo tho mootlftv
"With tho protection that Is afford
ed us by tho U. S. soldiers wo pro
poso to run our mining proportion on
any basis wo chooso. Tho Mlno Own
era Association does not propoeo to
bo dictated to by any union or Indi
vidual. "If trouble roeults from tho course
wo havo chosen to pursue it will not
be our fault."
Tho military allowed tholr willing
ness today to co-oporato with the
mlno ownors. and will outline n
course for tho resumption of work
ln tho mlnos. It has not been ucl
day Specials Now on Sale
s' Coats, Ladies' Suits, Silk Underskirts, Fine
Silk Waists, Trimmed Hats, Dress Skirts,
Goods, Silk Handkerchiefs, Fancy Goods, Silk
Mas, Dolls, Toys, and Hundreds of other ar
suitable for Xmas Gifts.
you want tho newest and beat for your money, come to the
Store, whore you will find tho buying powor of your dollar
forth about o.no dollar and fifty cents elsewhere. Read on
community must bo rogarded at least
as a hasty action."
Mlno Owners Arrogant.
GoldHold, Nov. 9. At a lnrge
masting of the Mine Owners' Asso
ciation held hero todny it was de
cided to arbitrarily reduce tho
wageB of the miners and recogntzo
non-union men and to open ilho
BW U00B su jo 'oouo U BOUttt
poBSlblo with non-union men. In
stead of $5.50 a day for under
ground work and $5 a day for work
nbovo tho surface, $1.50 and $4 will
bewpaid. Ueforo tho deliberations of
tho mlno owners nro concluded it 1b
probable that a further cut in tho
wng'o Bcalo may bo permanently de
cided upon. That the miners will
bo ablo to llvo under tho reduction,
ho mine ownorn will send a dele
gation to tho merchants of tho city
ftBklng them to sell tholr good at n
mor reasonable flguro than tho pre
vailing prlcos. If tho merchants re
fuse to reduco prices, tho Mlno Own
era' Association threatens to run
Btoros of tholr own.
Tho scale of wanes to bo offered
by the mlno owners will bo posted,
and work will bo offorod to every
body. Tho workman will ho pnBsod
upon by W. S. Swoln. a strike
breaker, and no work will bo given
to men who hnvo not renounced nl
loglnnco to tho Wostorn Pedorntlon
of Minors nnd tho Industrial Work
ers' of tho World. Tho two enmns
of U. S. troops expect to rocelvo or-
uorB nt any tlmo o rvovo Into tho
honrt of tho mining camp. Advices
havo boon received from Govornor
Sparks, of Novnda, to tho effect that
ho will ho horo on Wednesday or
Thursday, or boforo that tlmo, If tho
effort Is mndo to reopen tho mlncB.
Now Mtncm! Mikcn Annor Iinpivj;-
nuhlo nnd JnoVMinicfnble and In-
cldentjilly MiiUcm Coiiht Defences
k. op i. liOnaE suuvivu
(Unitod TroB8 Lonccd Wlro.)
Monongah, W. Vn., Doc. 0. Tho
work of romovlng tho bodlos from
tho mlnos wna resumed onrly this
morning, tho flro having boon sub
duod in No. 8. Lato last night the
council sent messages nBklng for aid
nnd quick response ia expected from
surrounding towiiH. Forty-throo
bodies woro taken out hmt night.
(United Pross Loasod Wlro.)
Now York, Dec. 9. A sninplo
consignment of tho uowly discovered
oro expdeted to offset a revolution lu
armor pinto construction arrlvod ut
this port todny. Tho ore was dis
covered last spring, but tho location
or tho bod la kopt Honrot. Experi
ments bo far attempted nro said to
havo beon highly suncoimful. UboJ
n nn nlloy In tho mauufacturo of
IlHrvoylzed stool armor has bcon pro
educod thnt Is practlculy impene
trable. Calculations as 4o Its roalst
nnco powor aro said to havo satlstlod
armor makors and nrtlllory men
that not ovon a projectllo from tho
blir lC-lnch const dofenso Riina at
ed as to whether tho troops Bhall bo,satuiy Hook could penotrnto armor
nW, fir
wm$BBF J
'SsmbiMimic xr
Itrstnunuit, Kccporn Agrco to Seven
Days Pity for Seven dityn Work.
(United Presa Lonsod Wlro.)
Seattle, Wash,, Dee. 0. TJia
strlko or union cookH, wnltcra and
waltroBBea lasted JiiBt ono day, S--urday,
when tho omployctt of ten
rostafurants walked out after refus
ing to work seven dnyo a week, wa
der ordorB from tho proprietors. Ok
Saturday ovonlng thrco proprietors
nccodod to tho demands of the
unions for a continuance of tho lx
day schedule. Early yctttcrday
morning flvo moro restaurant pro
prlotortt nlgnod tho union tigroo
ment nnd tho union employes wont
back In full force. Only two rostau
rnntu aro stlir sticking to tho seven
day order.
(United PrcBs Loaecd Wlro.)
Summit, Cnl., Dec. 0. Snow has
fnllon continuously on tho moun
tains for tho past 48 hours. Thoro
aro at loast fair foot nt Summit,
three at Lakevlow nnd nearly two
foot at Truckeo. Wut of horo a
far ns bluo canyon tho fall Ih llghtor,
but In no enno less than a foot.
Headlight nlows, a now invention,
nro boing used on all important
trains. Thoy havo so far proved n
mccobb, hut n yet no hoavy drifts
hnvo been encountered. Tho fact
that thoro has boon no wind bIiico
Saturday morning has proved a bios
Bing to tho railroad.
Lleutunuut PortoHquo, relntlvo of
I'ri'Hlilunt lt(K)sovclt and an ofllcor in
tho regular iirmy, Iiiih In-cn detailed to
luatriict the ruralea of the Cuban urni;r.
Js cf pretty furs and
'Is c-w on eale in light
co'ors. Wo don't want
fch en everv snio it vmi
at the right prices,
toe Chicago Store where
! o ehe best line of fine
m ana at tho lowest
,e start them from 75c
Pn8 eilk umbrellas now
swell styles at . low
Dm 95c up.
fEL rtOrm '
jj(lrtl 1 u
Noiy Arrivals in Ladies'
Suits and Coats
We elfow tho best assortment of
ladies' up-to-date suits and coats
In Salem. A look through will
convince you that wo are right in
,t in this department.
High-class tailored suits now
elllng at Bmall figures.
$15.00 Suits now ,.90.00
$18 high class Suits now.912.00
f27.50 Suits now going at.13
kept In two camps, as at preoai.
rnnrtv to bo callod on. should emer
gency nrlBO, or to placo squad of
.soWIers about tho prlnolpnl mines,
i Tho mine owners are also undecided
as o tho manner of handling th
One plan Is to havo tho strlke-
brflakers llvo n one largo eamp.
while another Is to havo tbo men
scattered through tho city.
THO gonorai opuunu is mm jiwwvw
could be presorvd by the segrega
tion plan. When questioned m to
where tho strlko-broakorfl would be
serxired. George Wlngflold said:
"Thflro aro nlenty of ralnrB
, right in this camp who are ready to
!go to work at any time, and we can
draw out or tho adjoining phhijw mm
as many moro as wo need."
He could not confirm the rumor
thnt n lnrea number of ml8T ST
to be brought from the coal wining
roglons of Wyoming.
Proot Roosevelt's ActloiiH.
"Denvor, Colo., Doc. 9. The West
ern Federation of Miners today Is
sued a statement attacking Proaldent
Roosevelt for sending the troops to
Goldfleld, and calling upon the
working people of the counlry to
"protest against the unwarranted,
unprecedented action and mimic
auo cans mwuu
constructed of this new allow. If all
that 1b cJuimod for tho new oro Ib
well founded, R means thnt armor
has taken a long stop In advanco in
hf competition betwoen armor and
guns. Gun makers will bo put to a
lefct to devls a projectile that will
again oquallzo conditions. Without
the addition of any weight, battle-
hips armorod with tho now alloy
will bo so impregnable to projectiles
from the highest-powered shorf for
tifications thnt coast defenses will
be made, obsolete.
o '
Is Doing Much Work to Glvo Labor
Reno, Nov., Dec. 1). Uarrjman
will Boon roakp another move to bet
ter the Central Pacific line through
Nevada, this time shortening the dis
tance of tho rond nonr Battlo Moun
tain. Thla Is the information
brought horo by R. C. Ulossom, a
well-known business man of Lan
der county. Tho proposed out-off
will bogln at a point five mllos west
of Ra' tlo Mountain and terminate
11 miles oast or Argenta. It will
not only out threo miles from tho
track dlstanco and eliminate a bad
grade, which has always been a
MMirco of trouble, but will open sv-
Slxty-slx bodies had been recov
ered Ul) tO 11 O'clock fodnv. Thin
hns boon a duy of funornls. 12 bolmr
iMirlod, and others shipped nwny.
Thoro aro only aovon out of 0-1 mem
bers of tho Knights of Pythias lodge
loft to bury tholr dond brothors. On
ono Btreot In Monongah not a man
over 18 yonrs of age Is alivo. All
tho ualooiiH aro closed.
The roaouuru rouori mnnv timiina
being Jammed In tho wreckage, and
many will novor bo reoovurtxl. in
ono placo 17 coal caru nro wedged
into a pllo with Iorb. arms nn.i linmii
fitioklng out. Tho total bodlos re
niovod now numbern 52. nlno bolnir
romovod 4oday.
.00 fj
u'srfaro It
to the disaster at Monongah, where era! large tract of land comprising
"five hundred miners were muraerwi jn ta0 neignuornoou oi ou.wuw aoruB
by he capItallBts' system of greou
for nrnflls. It SaVS:
Hnd Roosevelt been as anxious
m enforce tho mining laws in West
Virginia as ho was to send the reg
ular army to crush the miners' or
ganization, whoso aim in to better
the conditions of he workers, 'five
.hundred blackened corpses would
not now be laid on the altar of greed
'at Monongah, around which weep the
wives and orphans today. We pro-
'test against the President, knowing
that ho was animated by hl per
sonal hatred of the Western Feder
ation and Ma officer, and the rnov
Ing of troops against a
(United ProBB Lcnicd Wlro.)
Stockholm, Dec. O.KIng austav
Is conferring with tho ministers to
day making plans for tho Immodhuo
future. Ho is preparing n formal
proclamation to bo iamimt In u four
unj'B. no unto has boon Hot for tho
coronntlon. No formal period of
mourning has boon declared, and tho
thoatora, oxcopt tho royal, rqopoa to
day. It will tako u fortnight to
comploto arrangements for tho fii
nernl. Tho body Is being embalmed.
CoiiftcquciitJy Wvjt Pound Out Ho
Wu Ih'uO.
(United Press Loasod Wlro.)
Tftcomn. Wash.. ntt. n immni.
McN'oll, n plaitorar, 24 yonra of age.
..n.;u uut in mo winnow of bin
room on tho fourth etory of tho Ho-
. nv.n,,UH uurty ywiuruay morn
ing while in u Bomnnmbullstlo bIooh,
nnd w instantly killed. Dutweou
his window and th ground is a not
work of eleotrio wiron. IUh bwly
truck thoBo and nfter baintf imrrn-
od back and forth Bovornl tlmrM
landed on the oamant navrtmnni nn
Commerco stroet, whero ho wa
found BliorUv after. Tiin avu warn
tightly olosed. and physicians say
that the man may not havo nwnk
Hankfl 1laQ Money.
Portland. Dec. 9. Cah reserves
averaging 44 por cent of their de
posit aro being carried by 27 of the
45 national banks In this stats out
sldo of Portland. This remarkable
showing Ib mode In the reports of
these banks to tho comptroller of the
currency, dated December 3. At tho
tlmo tbo 'reports were made, lew
than a week ago, tbo aggregate of
deposits in the 27 banks waa $12,
151,833.07. with cash in the vault
and duo from other banks, available
peaceable '5 g6 9,; """ " '
Chiirolliio Stovo Hlil'iiicd From (Jold
lojd to Itcno, nnd Thrown In Hack
Ynnl, Contained n Sack Worth
810,800 lu It.
Reno, Nov., Dec. 9. A mystonr
surrounds tho flndlnK of a small for-
uno of $10,800 by tho police of
this city yosorday in an old Kasolino
biovo in mo rear of the Europa Ho
tel. The stovo containing the hid
den troasuro was received at tho Eu
ropa several day ago from Goldfleld
but no address wns on it. and the
proprietor, Tony Capltano. was at a
loss to know what to do with it. Ho
held It four or five days and whon
It waa uncalled for, ho threw it lu
tho back yard. Later an ofltcer
called and asked for tbo stove, He
waa taken to the back yard, and nn
examination revealed a sack hlddon
ln tho dilapidated stove, which con
tained $10,800 in cold and currency.
The officer took tho money without
giving any explanation to Capltano,
and at tho station nothing can be
learned coucernlnc the ownershin of
the money or stove, although tbo of.
fleers do not deny that the money la
held by them,
Tlm Ilatiy of tlio Fleet.
fUnltcd Press LeaBed Wire.)
Seattle. Wash.. Dah. fl ir a a
Nobrneka, flrst-olasa battleship,
Btoamod out of tho navy yard nt
Pugot Sound at 9 o'clock vitAi-.itv
morning bound for her ilrbt targot
praotlex Sho will tako on addition
al ammunition at San Frnncibco, and
then proceed iwuth to glvo her gun-
UOra n OhanCO to mnkn wnr nn thn
bullB oyoa. Tho Nebraska will
will probably Join tho big Atlantic
flquadron In Pacllic waters before re
turning to tho local yard.
Pcttlbouo CtiHo Posit poruwl.
RoIbo, Idaho, Dee. 0. In order to
glvo tho attorneys for tho atnto and
tho defomso In tho Pottibono trial nn
opportunity to draw up a Btlpula-
tion aa to tho admission of certain
testimony Riven in thn TrnWnn.t
trla, aa ovldonco In thbj case, the
irmi oi ucorge a, i'ouibono was
postponed for a day. Tho Btlnula-
uon will include all the testimony
and doposklons on tho Uradley ex
plosion at San Francisco, and the
testimony of certain witness pa
mw woiorauo crimes.