DAILY CAPITA ft JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FIUIIAV, HKOKMUEK 0. 1007. 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 13. HOFER, Ed. mid Prop. H An Indopeudont Newspaper Dovotctl lo American Principles and thoTrogrosa nnd Dcvclopeinont of All Oregon. rubtlMied Hvcrjr Evening Except Sunday,, Salem, Ore. r SUBSCIUPTION RATES, (Inrariably in Advance) Dally, by carrier, per year W.00 Per month COo Dallr, by mall, pgr year- 4.00 Per month 35c Wcekly.'.by mall, per year- 1.00 Six months 60c SPECIAL DELIVERY. . ,For convonlenco of subscribers branch delivery offlcos aro estab lished at the following places at 35 conts per month, $1.00 for three monf Asylum Store, F. G. Do Voo & Son, Asylum Avenue Junction. Carline, Sovontoonth street o A. V Lane, Gardon Road store. D&uo'b Store, Alex, Dauo, South Commercial street. Electric Storo, C. M. Eppley, East State street. Fair Grounds Storo, Harrison Dee, Fair Grounds Road. Howell's Corner, Twelfth and Cross streets. O. K. Grocery, A. A. Englobart, Twelfth street. Wheeler's Storo, W. D. Whcelor, Highland avenuo. Yew Park Storo, F. O. Dower ox. Twelfth aud Leslie. TINGE OF AUTUMN. Rod gleam tho leaves on yonder trees, To lator turn to gold; A hint of frost Is In tho broozo, And bleak's tho distant wold. Tho smoke curls (upward slow and wliUe,' And far across tho hl!l There glints tho rondwny in tho night Tho morn Is crisp and chill. Tho sun sinks dOHOlato to rest f, Behind tho church's splro; Tho afterglow's dull In tho west, Whoro onco woro skies of fire. Tho songsters' tunos aro not so sweet, Tho frail, belated blooms aivo hint of winter's Ico nnd.sleot,- VJ Low hanging clouds and glooms. ThO moon ncross tho domo rides white, Tho skies nro Jowol sot; Tho dov falls soft from out tho night, Tho grass is spnrklinij wot. Tho spoil that vine and treo have dolod ' Is safoly housed with oara; Tho stubblo glennis like burnlihod gold And Autumn's ovory whoro! -Will F. Orlffln. ' THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN OREGON. No ono can nccuBO tho Eugene Uoglstor of not being n good party Republican newspaper. It has boon a thick- nnd thin, GO-THE-WHOLE-IIOG REPUBLICAN VA1MSH AT 'ALL TIMES. It Is not a Bour-bnllod indbpondont kicking cnrlcaturo of journalism us it hnH Bomotlnios called other pnpors, or would havo callod thorn IF IT PERMITTED TO ITSELF ANY SUCH RANGE OF VOCABU LARY. llonoo Us ntlMmbrntlons In tho following editorial nro worthy of notice by tho alleged practical politicians of Orogon. Its odltorlnl la ontltlod "Orogon Needs n'Polltlonl Awakunlng" AND IS CERTAINLY A BUNG-STARTER. ' Tho Capital Joumnl quotos It lltorntlm, oxcopt that w havo under scored a few choice pnssages: "Oregon, nominally, is Republican by at loa&t 30,000, yot In state and uouuty affairs It ling been decidedly froKklsh Tor a number of years, giving lis Democratic governors oecmlounUy, nnd frequently ' landing Demo-' uratle oilleerH In power IN STRONG. REPUBLICAN' COUNTIES, AMONG WHICH LANE IS NUMBEHIfiD. The cause for this condition l run 11 y not far to seek. In the first place, whon n state nr county bocomee overwholmlngiy ttapubllonn, polltlcnl lassitude ovovtokos tho pooplo. Whon Imiivh bcoomo one-sldod, or aro all ono way, political lethargy tnkoe strong hold of tho votors, POLITICAL 13NTHUSIASM WANES, RapMbltoans bocomo bo thoroughly engrossed In successful pursuits un tior bonefleonoe of Rooubllcnn reign that so far as tho party and Its orgnulitntlon Is ooncornbd It Is nil but ullowod 'to go by dofault, THROUGH TACIC OF PROPER L13ADHRSHIP by which tho alnows o war aro kopt burnlshod up ready to do vallont bnttlo at all tlmos for party prlnolplos. What Orogon neods, and 1ms needed for a number of yonrs, Is Rupub llcnn leadership OF THE ROOSEVELT TYPE. Under dlreotlon of won of tho Roosovolt stamp thore would bo such wholesomo loynlty 'to pnrty prlnolplo that ovory mnn who had ovor worn tho tltlo of Ropublloan would bo proud to lino tip In ovory campaign, national, atnto. county or municipal, in support of Republicanism, for tho Roosovolt kind of Republicanism Is tho only kind worth having, for It Is tho gonulno nrtloloAND STANDS FOR THE BEST IN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. If Orogon Republican Um hns bean remiss In tho pnst, .tho causes for Us romlssnoss nro summed up In tho foregoing, and that other nnd most potent caiiBQ factionalism. As for factionalism, not only party leadership but the state press, of which tho Orogonlan Is tho most notable example, can take tho respon sibility upon themselves. ; Instoad of maintaining such leadership as would unify party Interests, thoro havo been cuterwalllngs and halrpulllngs THAT HAVE SPLIT THE PARTY IN TWAIN, resulting In putting up of Incompetent men for otlloo and tho cholco of an opposing and strongor faction, with result that partly through disgust and partly through apathy duo to warring ele ments In tho ranks, PARTYISM HAS LANGUISHED AND DEMOCRACY HAS TRIUMPHED. Bocauso such conditions havo oxlated nnd do not exist and conditions In which some Oregon papers havo had a dominating hand In helping to framo. It Is poor policy for suoh papers TO WHINE AND WHIMPER AND KICK OVER THE TRACES (nstoad of braolng up, taking a no,v tack nnd ondnvor .to do something for tho good of tho party. No paper uood bo a hide-bound partisan shoot to do Its duty political ly toward tho public. ALL IT NHKDS TO DO IS TO BE POLITICALLY DECENT AND IT CAN COMMAND THE RESPECT AND INFLUENCE,. WITHIN THE PARTY WITH WHICH IT IS AFFILIATED. Sometimes tho Republican party mnkog mlstakos just as It did when Furnish was nomlnntod for governor, first, boonuse ho wag politically unknown to tho state, and second, bocauso HE WAS FORCED UPON THE PARTY BY A DOMINATING FACTION without counting tho cost to tho party of suoh arbitrary action. Suoh proedduro as this Is woll calculated to upset political precedent nnd land tho opposition Into power and It did. No paper In Orogon was moro directly responsible for olectlon of a Democratic govornor THAN THE OREGONIAN HENCE. OF ALL THE PAPERS IN THE STATE IT HAS THE LEAST KXCUSE FOR CRYING OVER THE RESULT and tho consequent lotharglo condition of Oregon Republicanism today. Thoro "I? only ono vra to remedy present political condition In Ore son and that la for tho men of OregonWHO EARNESTLY BELIEVE IN "THE TRIED AND TRUE PRINCIPLES OF REPUBLICANISM to tako sufflciont times from tholr engrossing business affairs to get together, reorganize, 'select "tho best mon In tho stato for leaders, and restoro Oro gon Republicanism TO ITS OLD TIME HARMONIOUS BLENDING IN TO A COMPACT WHOLE. WHAT THE PARTY NEEDS IS LEADERSHIP IN WHICH THE PEO PLE HAVE CONFIDENCE; A LEADERSHIP THAT WILL INSPIRE PARTY PRIDE AND ENTHUSIASM? a loadoiBhlp that will caqso tho pooplo, when u (united, harmonious victory Is won, to build bon flro3, touch off cannon , turn looso tho skyrockets and glvo vent to tholr ox htlcratton. . WHERE IS REPUBLICAN PATRIOTISM AND ENTHUSIASM TO DAY? Burled, deeply under tho debris of factionalism, dead ambitions, nnd tho ravnges of a disease that for years has been entlng uwny tho vitnls of party loyalty and party ambition. ALL IWE NEED IS A MOSES TO LEAD US OUT OF CAPTIVITY TO ETERNAL DISSENSIONS AND PARTY STAGNATION. MAKES WORK EASIER. Snlent People- Aro Pleased to Lonmj Hon It Is Done. Tho Orator. Do you want to bo n factor In the business of tho day? Mako n speech. Do you wnnt to bo nn actor, Not a dreamor, In itho fray? Mako a speech. Even though you can't accomplish nlL tho thing you ndvotrlso, Tho art of elocution makes a mau scorn wondrouB wlso. It's hard at first, but any ono can do It It ho tries. Mnko a speech. Do you want to got n system That will lot your famo oxpand? Mako n speech, Tako, familiar truths and twist 'em Till thoy'ro hard to undorBtand. Mako a speech. Do not lot tho carping cynic fill yonr modost soul with dread; For good Intentions woll expressed to work hns often led. Even If thoro's nothlnj; doing lot's at least havo something said. Muko a speech. Washington Star. ! O ' A Rer Wonderland. South Dakota, with Its rich Bllvor mlnos, bonanza farniB, wldo ranges and strnngo natural formations, Is a vorltnblo wondorland. At Mound City, In tho homo of Mrs. H. D. of Doan's Kidney Pills for backacho clapp, a wondorful easo of hoallng and kldnoy troublos." has lntoly occurrod. Ilor oon Boomo.l For Balo by all doalors. Prlco GO.noar death with lung and throat conts. Fostor-MUbnirn Co., Buffalo, throublo. "Exhausting coughing It'n pretty hurd to attend to duties With a constantly aching back; With annoying urinary disorders, i Doan's Kidney Pills make work oaslor. m They" euro backache Thoy euro every klduey ill. ,W. H. Wood of 250 Cottngo St., Salem, Or., says: "A good many years ago I got badly kicked by nJ mulo right ovor tho kldnoys nnd at another tlmo whllo digging a well It caved In on mo also Injuring my back and stneo thon I havo had moro or less annoyance from my kidnoyi. Chnngo of wonthor causod my back to acho and whon I worked hard It becamo ho lnmo that I could hardly straighten up aftor stooping. I pro cured Doan's Kldnoy Pills at Stono's drug storo,. and slnco taking them altogothor I havo continued to work hard nnd ovon oxposod to sovoro wonthor not an acho or other symp tom of my formor troublo romalns. This clonrly proved that Doan's Kld noy Pills net up to tho representa tion mndo for thorn. I also know of othor pooplo who havo dorlvod groat bonoflt 'from their ubo. I am glad to lot othors know tho morlts First Class Conveyances and Reliable Horses You always cot nt Vnnni,n -r... can glvo you any kind of a vohlcio that you dosfro nnd n iin0 i.i ' to it that is gontlo in harness. FASHION STABLES O W. YANNKE, Prop. I81-1B7 N.-IIInli St. Phono Mnln 4I wfl)HHeHetin Now York, solo agents for tho Unl- tod Statos. Romombor tho name Doan's nnd tnko no othor. n Reconciled to tho Inuvltnhlu. "Tho only thing I can recommend In your enso," said tho surgoon, "Is a long journey." "Woll, It It hns to be, doc," tho pa- tlont gronnod, "got out your whiting tools and go nhend With tho opera tion." Exohango. Cntnrrh Cannot Re 'Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, G9 thoy cannotreach tho seat of tho tfor; "but It's nil for tho host. spoils occurred ovory flvo minutes," wrltoB Mrs. Clnpp, "whon I began giving Dr. King's Now DIscovory, tho groat medicine, thnt saved his llfo and complotoly cured him. Gunrantood for coughs nnd coldn, thront and lung troublos, by J. O. Perry druggist. BOo nnd $1.00. Trial bottlo frco. disease. Cntnrrh Is a blood or con stitutional disease, nnd In ordor to cure It you must tnko lntornnl romo dlos. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takon lntomally, nnd acts directly on tho blood nnd mucous surfacos. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is not a quack modi cine. It was proscribed by ono of tho best physlclntiB In this country for yonrs and Is a regular proscription It Is composed of tho best tonics Consoling. Poor John! Ho wns a kind nnd forbearing husband," sobbod tho widow on hor roturn from tho fu-nornl. Yott," uald a sympathizing nolgh- You must try and oomfort yoursolf, my dear, with tho thought that your hus band 1b at poaco at last." Skotchy Bits. .o- A Home Mndo Happy by Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Abovii two months ngo our babv clrl had monslos whlnh sotllod on hor lungs nnd nt last rosultod In a sovoro attack nf known, combined with tho host blood .bronchitis. Wo hnd two doc purlflors, noting directly on tho mu- tors but no rollot was obtained, cons surfacos, Tho porfoct combl-ljijvorybody thought she would dlo. I nation of tho two Ingredients is what producos such wondorful rosults in curing cntnrrh, Sond for toslmonl&ls freo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, prlco 75c, stlpatlon, Tnko Hnll's Family Pills for con stipation, o r CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. Thi Kind You Have Always Coujht &fo Hoars tho Signature of Young Men A savings .account has otton boon tho moans of a clork mov ing from behind tho countor Into tho employer's ohar. The lack of ono has ofton kopt a olerk behind tho counter all his llfo. ! Which do you prefer? Let (us help you savo your first thousand! SAVINGS DEPARTMENT! Capital National Bank wont to olght different stores to find a certain romody which had boon rocommondod to mo and failed to got It, whon ono of tho storekeepers In sisted that I try Chamborlatn's Cough Remedy. I did so and our baby is allvo and woll today. Geo. W. Sponco, Holly Springs, N. O. For salo at Dr. Stone's drug store. MONUMENTS AS THEY t) Artlstlo Doslgns Best of Wnrlcm...i.i- I amv' rurt 01 MitcH.'. - Ordor now for spring delivery. Let u mak8 m .... i -., . ""irj x uuu u.0uru lor you, ana sot I in piace before m r uay. WILTON W. Works nt 23D Llborty Strco' MmM-eHMH-tMH-eHtHHiHt MARTIN 81I03, ( HUIE WING SANG A Big Supply of Holiday Goods, Now Ready , Fo Yoa Wants $9.00 bout Silk Klmonas, salo prlco, $6.00. A big stock of Comfortors nnd Dlankots In Wool mi Cftt h'vo plonty of them to soloct from at a rery Io ftfe Collar ruohlnc in boxos. 25c per box. Cushion Tops In dlfforont patterns to select from, uKfdgi ICe to 50c. Lndios' Wool Shawls from $1.25 up. Lndlos' lloavy Undorwoar, from Boc up to 2 00 ji alt (lout's lloavy Undqrwonr from Coo up to $3.00 per iult 2Go Heavy lloocod Hose now for i5C. 50c Lndios' Wool Hebo now for Sgc. ...... c.v.nntnra In Wool nnd Cotton from 7Gc up o J A. big Htook In Collars and noltrf salo prlco from e lo 11 t .iia Mnml Rncs. salo prlco Uom nOo to $2 50. I Silk Ilandkorchlof with silk onbroldered Initial, frco Ml Tollot cnROs with comb, brush m mirror, Irora U5wp Men's work nnd djp Suependore, salo prlco from !5eUJ u.i am, ni-nua Hhlrts. snlo prlco. from $1.50 to !5I 7r.c yard Wool Drees Good, now for 10c and 35c per mi $2.00 Lndios' Klmonas, sale price, i.v. $0.00 host silk, salo price $C.OO. i Chinese and Japanese Baa 346 Court Street Sabc IndlhiieiiMible. Minors from off the t8e "t Sot Is "now tho roar. No moro we'll havo tho actorette tm n nlnnfora. Tho nows will make the playwright wild. What jonn ho do without 'tho cho-lld?" Kansas City Journal. DR. Kl - a - No Roller. "Dooa sho loso her temper often?" "Yes, but sho gets It right back again." Philadelphia Press, Whon to Go Home. From tho Bluffton, Ind., Banner: "When tired out, go home. Whon you want consolation, go homo. When you want fun, go home. Whon you want to show others that you havo reformed, go homo and lot your family get acquainted with .the fact. When you want to show your self at your best go homo nnd do tho act thoro. Whon you feel llko being extra liberal go homo and prac tice on your wlfo and children first. When you want to shine with extra brlllancy go homo nnd fight up tho wholo household." To "which we would add, whon you havo a bad cold go homo and tako Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and n quick curo Is certain. For salo at Dr. Stono's drag storo. Never Recovered. "No, I don't llko her, she'mado a fool of mo flvo" years ago." "Havo you only boon that way for flvo years?" Washington Star. o Bw fU -m Klntt Yoo Haw Ajwajrs Swtftt Radly Mixed Up. Abraham Drown, of WIntorlon, N. Y., had a vory romarkablo export '. u o0. "nnntors got badly mixed up ovor mo; ono said now ji . .,. rlln,l t KUinuy iiuuu tho fourth blood poloon and uw . . a An til a nllL fifth stomach nnd uvor iruuu.v, --- i.m i.inmi mm so my wiio advised trying Electric Bitters, which aro restoring mo to perfect health. One bottlo did me more .good than all tho flvo doctors pnw.v... .-j. x -..a 1.1 nnd nuiDuui Ufiiaranicea u " ' . weakness nnd all stomach, liver ana kldnoy complaint, by J. C. terry druggist, 50c. A Compensation. .. ..... i. tie eomnensa "WvoryuunB h - - - . tlons ." said tho man who smUlls esi,ne- ... ;,,,, "How SO?" aSKCU ma " ,.... - ..ni. Btuck on tne "Wen, i m nuu m-" hk odor of this, but It saves my eat Jg an awful lot of clove3."-Brookln Life. ..r WHERE? SJ! JOHN HUGHbb ui. ior All Kinds of Spray Material lime, Super, Blue Vitriol.Etc. PRICES THE LOWEST. WOXUKfiFlT. CB1BJJ ...... ......... itM Win iriu - and cur any oit linn nr DllO. n. Tfnm li kBSn I o.t.m n Hi tsnJ ' nent people here, ftj" BaIemfor!Oynr,Mj cd. neus unowB"n: u ung trouble, re "r:w . LZ (jrOpjJ ua .- - m Ausa rtrn&hv - erytblns eU. J tMiW iv; ; 'm0lZ r.farMHl' Trou- BIWr2 in ftW "" wckofV MUV . W WZ f,WK cm ' 'fts-'i r .r i w "-j&. i ill Tl Pri irtt5 &