I I l0ttmal jri . SALKM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DKCRMHKR , tt)07. NO. 270. U hr I lift m IUlVvvtii t'smtimblMBS lxvh. urder of Casteel Family Remains a Mystery ME IS ,MPANT IN SPOKANE HORSUWIIIPPKD AN EDITOR. JJccnuso tlit. Latter Commented the Colonel' Team Running Away. on iSBUSYALLDAY IXE IS OVKR-RUN WITH II.VALS, WHO HOLD UP ROH WOMEN IN BROAD LIGHT. ilted Press Leased Wire.) ane, Wash , Doc. 3. On nc- if tbo carnival of crlmo p re in Spoknno at prosont, Chief t Rice will ask tbo city coun- 30 additional patrolmen. Tbo ire operating in daylight, as night, and each day they grow bolder In their deeds. fcman was held up In her and threatened with hor the mado an outcry. Last mother woman wns held up home, her gloves torn from ftdg Ty robbers, who demand- Jewels, but an nppronchlng btencd them away heforo they them, and tho woman faint iro other hold-ups occurred fcht (United Pros Loasod Wire.) Olympia, Wash., Doc. 3. C. M. Hartwell, business manager of tho Morning News, was horsewhipped yoBtordny nt his homo here by Col. Stunrt Weatherly, an Alaskan min ing man, who Is visiting frlonds hero. Recently tho newspaper pub lished an nrticlo undor a display head telling of tho runaway of a horso when tho colonel was arrang ing to go riding with n woll-knowu lady of thiB city. Tho artlclo gen erally was sharply criticised, not only by tho 'porsonB concorncd, but by inondB of tho partlos. Aftor tho whipping Hartwell caused the arrest of tho Colonel, whoso trial will bo hold horo Friday. INSISTS ON JAPANESE EXCLUSION C0A5T UNANIMOUS BRADLEY GASE IS ENDED CONGRESSMAN HAYES INTRO DUCES HILL TO EXCLUDE ALL JAP LABORERS PROM THE UNITED STATES. Did Not Want Toddy. - New York, Doc. 3. A majority of tho Ropublican mombors of congress nrq unfavorable to tho ronominatlon of President Roosevelt, according to a poll mado by tho World. Twenty two think tho public will domand n ronominatlon and 28 say no. Sixty members say tho financial situation will havo no effect on tho campaign, whilo 20 said It would. ING OUT THE BODIES Recovered and Fifty to Re Among tho Debris sons Oases Mako tho Work nd Dangerous. Press Leased Wire.) ernon, Pa . Doc. 3 Twenty. Pies had been renvAri tmm oi mlno at daylight t his Fifty men are still report- ng toe is niled with suffocating king It Imposslblo for tho to remain Insldo more than inutcs Several were over- d had o bo dragged to the Two arc in a critical condl- hi tons of debris must be ro- Mere tho last entry can bo wch will probably ba Mtdgh Not until then will t number of dead be known. Heal Wonderland. DVofa with its rich stiver pcaaora farms, wide ranges ue ns'jral formations, id a "n-i ;rnd. At Mound toe Ik mo of Mrs E. T. WCadff jl rn nt Tionllnf p oerjrrr d Hor son seemed r& 'h lung and throat Ext listing conighluB '-? i rt c : K-K c-l M r ri ' ?J - f V. ry five minutes," ''when I began New Discovery, . that saved 1Mb 'y osired hlra. hs and colds, ubit, by j. c. "f and fl.OO. lr,k( m p iJBr irc" 11 Stay, i-'ed Wire.) It U -1 ''' the Japanese ader Aokl has pi -i tt.- 1F ill Fo t - :st , -. 3 I, KXRW jl WOHder, y froan kjdnay, troHbltv $1 i treatment; sold nuil. Send for r W Hall, 292? Jury AcqultH on Second Ballot, and tho Unwritten Law Ih Given An other Strong Endorsement. (United Prose Leased Wire.) Washington, Dec. 3. Mrs. Annlo Bradloy was this morning declared not guilty of murdering ox-Senator Arthur Drown. Tbo Jury, which had boon out slnco 4:15 Monday aftor noon roturned Its vordlct at 10:07 this morning. Two ballots wore taken. Tho first stood 11 to 1 for acquittal. Tho sec ond was taken nt midnight, and was unanimous for acquittal. Thoro was not tho slightest hint that tho Jury had reached a verdict until tho usual hour for convening court. Mrs. Dradloy received tho vordlct calmly, whilo tho women spectator in tho court room made a demon stration, applauding and waving tholr handkerchiefs. Tho defend ant was hurried from tho court room to an automobile and taken to ,tho homo of Mrs. Hayes, a friend. Tho crowd outside cheered as tho auto mobllo Btarted down tho street. Julius A. Prlgg, a bookkeeper. and tho oldost member of tho jury, voted against acquittal on the. first ballot. Tho court room wns filled long be- foro 10 o'clock. Mrs. Bradley wns calm and collootod upon entering, mt- shn showed tho nallor duo to a sleepless night. Her lips were al most bloodlos. When tho Jurors fllod In It was ev ident from their attitude that they had nrrived at a verdict. When asked by tho olork If tho Jury bad arrived at a vordlct, Foroman Jamos L. Beonoy arose and said quickly and dlBtlnotly "Wo nnd the ueionuani not guilty." Tho suppressed hysteria of the crowd broke forth In cheers., mingled with tho hand-olapping and high keyed Bhrloks of the women specta tors. The baiutrs nau bitu - Ing that any demonstration would be consldorod contempt of court, hut they could not suppress the sponta neous outburst that bud been gath ering for weeks. Tho defondant vu absolutely There was not evea a tremor of her lips, and she u dry-red. while wo men about her wept Mr. Bradley " remain at U Hayee home uUI she decide, epoa ber future ! o (United Press Lcnsod Wire) Washington, Doc. 3. Representa tive Hnyos' bill providing for Jnp anoso exclusion Is comprehensive in scopo, nnd, if It should over get out of committee, It Is likely to bo somewhat pruned. Scnntor Flint al so has a Japanoso bill which ho in tends to Introduco In about n week. Moanwhllo tho administration Is working feverishly to bring to a tri umphal closo tho negotiations which linvo boon undor way over slnco the ond of InBt session for tho exclusion of undesirable Immigrants from Ja pan by means of diplomacy. Thoro Is no intention manifest, howovor, In tho California delega tion to glvo nBsont to any ngrcomont which tho stato will not accept as a full and satisfactory solution of tho Orlontal quostlon. Beyond saying that ho would press tho bill to the bent of his ability, Hayes declined to discuss tho qucstlou. Ho said, how ovor, that tho bill was In accord ance with tho sontlment In Califor nia, which had becomo universally opposed to Japanoso Immigration. o A Home Mado Happy by Chamber. In la's Cough Remedy. About two months ago oriir baby girl had meoslos which Botlled on hor lungs and at laat rosultod In a sovoro attack of bronchitis. Wo had two doc tors but no rollot was obtained. Evorybody thought 8ho would dlo, I wont to eight dlff-ront Btoros to find a cortalu remedy which had been rocommonded to mo and failed to get It, whon ono of tho storokeopora In- THE NEW CHARTER BEATEN Tho city charter was beaten by n majority of C7 votOB. Tho election was qulot and small voto cast, 381 against and 317 for. Tho voto by words was: Ward. For No. 1 39 No. 2 ii fl No. 3 32 No. 4 58 No. IS 22 No. 0 28 No. 7 22 Agst ;ir r4 ai 70 09 70 49 384 MYSTERY SURROUNDS TRAGEDY CLUES INDEFINITE WHO BROKE OPEN THE BANK? HOW DID crime, nnd thoy atlll hopo to got somo cluo to tho mystory. Tho burn lug up of tho two dogs would also Indlcato that tho work was dono from within, rather thnn from without tho houBO. Tho bones of tho victim wore so completely charred that na marks of vlolonco could possibly bo dlacornnblo. Tho fact of tho body of Montgomery bolng found whoro tho kltchon wan located doea not provo that ho died there, aB hlH sloptnat quartern woro In a room JUBt abovo tho kitchen. A largo butcher knlfo was found near his body, but that naturally was kept In tho wltohon, nnd meant nothing undor tho olrcttm atnncos.- TotalB 317 HP It ai4i nm nlilAHtnnn !. Ill A UJ DVMUII fttUW IMUUlillUM WIIU Willi ' '" " M tnko tho sonts of thoso whoso tormai'0"1' nnd l,Hy Proceeded to tho oxptro In January aro A. L. Moflltt, wnrd 1; A. N. Moorcs, ward 2, W. II. Eldrldgo, ward 3; W. 8. Low, ward 4; Enos Proennll, ward 5; E. B. Millard, wnrd 0; N. D. Elliott, ward 7. Tho hatchot In poBBCBston of tho MONTGOMERY'S coroncr 'B blood-stained, and holde i many snort gray nnd light colored1 BLOOD-STAINED CLOTHING GET hnlra. Thoso may bo from Mont- OUTSIDE, ARE UNANSWERABLE B0"8'8 hcm1' lmt tho thoory tlmt they nro dog hairs la probably cor- QUESTIONS. root. Tho fnct that two dogs woro - ' burned In tho house, mnkcH tho Tho mystery about tho mimlnr tbcorv flint tbnv woro also killed Uv and burning of tho Casteel family at tho murdoror or murdorora plaus- iunuiuay uoiwoou oununy nignt nnj inio. Monday morning deopons as tlmo proceeds, nnd thoro Is nothing irut thoorlOB upon which to predlcnto tho whole affair. This morning Wm. Hurst nnd Mr. Rice, of Myrtlo Crook, nrrived In 8a- JUDGE FRAZER promises whero tho tragedy occurred which aro owned by Mr. Hurst. Tho Inttor has been In chnrgo of tho Myr tlo Crook electric light Btntlon for somo tlmo, and had offered to soil hlfl placo to tho Casteel family. Thoy had moved onto It aa renters, with a view to buying It. It In Mr. Hurst's opinion that Mrs. Casteo! had nbout $7000 In monoy, and hod other property In tho East. Ho advised tho family to doposlt their funds In Ladd & Bush'H bank when thoy reachod .,,. ... jSnloin, hut has no knowlodgo as to Portland, Doc. 3. Superior Jwdgo Whnt thov did wm, it Arthur L. Frnzor died In Portland mk i.... .u4 .t. ..... .. . .. , . ., ... i, i I "v t mm mw iuui OOOU WUS thin mnrnlni? nn tlin rnmilt fnllmvlni ... ... v t .... .. . .... " commuted for tho purpoio of rob an operation for appond oltli. Judge bory , ,inrdI t0Mb ' u Jfl not Frnzer wa. best known in tho Nor ih- pronblo thnt t fc J wcB ao n contomporary of Judge ernbJo frum of J th0 ho! . Lindsay of Denver, In his efforts to Ho h f y J!"Z" -v,g bank, which belonged DEAD About Digestion. H la not tho quantity of food1 tnkon hut tho nmoMt dlgoatcd and nsslmllnted thnt gives ntrongth and vitality to tho Bystom. Ohnmber laln'a Stomach and Liver Tnblotft Invlgoruto tho Btomach and liver and cnnblo thorn to perform tholr func tions. Tho rcflult 1b a rolleh for your food, Incroasod strongth and! weight, groator onduranco and t cloar head. Prlco 2D conto. Bnmploa frco. For salo at Dr Btono'a drug store. TESTIMONY BAD FOR POWERS (United Press Lensod Wire.) Ooorgotown, Ky., Doc. 3. Tho ..M .-v..v.j v.vw .... ,. .,w- j- .ft lftncrtr nf rra Pnortn1 ...no nflnmnua Itt Un DAnmrii . .!.. ,, m. Mn '. ..'no wns tno flnnco of the yoK' Ho-t Noakea testified this morn ted to ago, mw uimruuuii uuuui n wuw,.,, nTlH ,., .. J1-. , ,. ,., .,,, ,.., .,,...., ... , .--it ....v. ...,, ,, jh-ih iu iiiuku ! umi. juwyia uuu uuisuu Jlim u hor his wife on Christmas day, status organlxo a company of militia, to boo that thero must havo boon about 90 that Powere got Juatlco, doclarlng In tho bnnk. Bho had earned ovor that Powers enld: "Cot deeporato ?100 during tho past season, nnd Mr. 'men. Tho contest will not amount Blsted that I try Chamborlaln'a Cough ,, T ,,., n, q,,nm n. ,n mco Bflys lttl " hnd spent some of to n , after Ooebel iu dond and Remedy. I did bo nnd our baby Is .... 0. . "' D1 ' ' . and It Is his Judgment, from whnt In boll. No other man will tnko the Orvgon Men Named, Washington, Doc. 3. Todny tho Prosldont sent in tho nomination of nllvo and well today. Geo. W. Sponco, Holly Spring, N. C. For salo nt Dr. Stone's drug atoro. . o Burns Bent Molr. (United. Pross Leased Wire.) London, Doc. 3. Tommy Burns, who won his battle In tho ton.h round last night, doos not look to day as though ho had boon in a fight, while Gunner Molr'a eyos are lmrtlv swollen and discolored, nu nose split and doep outs and brulsos on his face. Britons aro darod over tho result. Burns will romaln hore for somo tlmo, and will roappear in tho ring soon. United Btatoi eoniiil at Cartagena, 8h(J ,m(, wrJUon hBi( Rhwt !bg Colombia, to tho senate. Other nom- amount wns left. She always kept lnatlon8 were: W. C. Bristol, to i, ,., .,.,,, , ., . , , tnko Honey's old position aB dlstrlot ,Je bojjoveg auornoy; unnrios w. .Mooro, aB reg it must have boon In load." hTu: orTrs." ;";.r oi timo ,w"" tm-z; ion, recolvor nt The D&llos; y. a. Westgato, as surveyor-genornl; II. B. Stowart was appointed postmaster ut Myrtlo Point, edy, Catarrh Cannot lln Cured LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as cannot roach tho sont of tho dUoase. Catarrh Ib n blood or con- with Thn son wan U'AOlf rihvalnnllv nnH not of a strong mind. Ho never had Wutlonol dlseaso. and In order in WHAT'S miioh to sny to nnyhody, but one thaory Is that ho mny havo boon euro it you mut tnko Internal romo- dlos. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken nrcnised by jealousy, and In his dee- Jnlwnnlly. nnd acts directly on tho mrnHnn nnmmui .iD ,f..i ,.i, hlood and mucous surfaces. Hall'9 Take Hall's Family Pills for con- . , Catarrli Curo Is not n quack medl worth doing 9 worth doing well. K. foHnd whoro h8 -Ipt dl,prQV olne. It was proscribed by ono of tho you wish to bo ourod of Rheumatism best physicians iu this country for ' n ii i. b T..ViZTi h,B oory praotloni powlblllty. , u". v' uwry wr use Ballard's Snow Liniment nnd ' ' ... f y0ttfB nnd Is a regular proicrlptlon. A Dangerous Deadlock. mat fomeUaws tenliate fatally. Is the stoppace of llwr and bl fHHeUon. To quickly tbl r' ji.u. .itkit disasrMable sens- .. n KIbk's New Life hauld alwhTS b jronr n...rntad absolutely la erery case or moaey be t J. O. Perry's druf store. c- Ptllt remedy. satlefaetory Ifow Diphtheria Ih Contracted. Ono 'Often hoara the oxpreselon, "Mr child caught a severo oold which developed Into diphtheria," when the truth was that tho cold had simply left the llttls one particularly su eentlble to the wandering diphtheria garm. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la glrea it quickly eurea the cold and leetaus 0e danger of diph theria or f otbpr paria dUenee be ing eriatmetMl. For sale at Dr Stone's drag More. i O" ' To CJiMHoHge Burns. Loadoa. D. 'I.Jla Heche. He lead's aeanwelght eaawpion. kv AmmiAmd ui caaUaaCA Tasunj ' aeeordtix to a Deblia report ard Croker U said b ! Roche The theory Is also advanced that the you will bo "well ourad." A poijUvei Montgomory roay haV0 ono ,t It Ii oompoaad of tho host tonlea rllTfl for Snralns. Neiiralnla. BrtllSOJ. . .. Vnnu-n nnmtilnml wllU thn linn tilnnrt cure for Sprains, Neuralgia, Bruise, Contraotod Musolea and nil the Ills that flesh is holr to. undor similar Impulses. known, comblnod with tho best blood no wild a arnn. mon ,nl,.l.ln !.,... OW. IlUrillUrU, UUIII1H UiruUllV UII 1110 IUU . G. M. WH-i ,. '.,.,, ... Ml, 1 ." .'cous surfacoe. The perfect combl- llama, Nuvasotn, Texas, wrltes: .. aan VOflril ... q.,,.., nation of the two Ingrodlonta Is what ... t. .....1 CnM... tAMfr W -- .., v.. , . ..... v. .-- 1 JIAVU U9UU nilUD Klllllliuiiv iui , .llo.l l.t.o ... nn nn.t ir,.ninnn. ITUUMU0 HOU WUIIUWIIII rUlUUH 111 sprained ankle and It gave tha best, and,our,nB cata"h 8flnd telm.onlaU of Ntlifao ion. I always weep It IBflU m t wUow inW P. J. OIIHNIIY & CO., Propi., the house." Sold by D. J,-Fry. Toledo, O. Phrenological Lecture 1,'ist NJght The phronologlcal lecture at tho First Christian church last night by ir TAIlt .la mir&ll atfatitojl nn 1 ( aadtoee showed pSt appreola-i -It- '"" these year, was to have married heri next monin. wiui iae moiner ana daughter both about to be married. It Is within the scope of poenlUJJJtUn that there may ham been some feel- tloa. The looture dealt mostly witn the founding of the soleaco of phre nology, the difficulties that were on. countered, and the fuadatneatal prin ciple embodied In the science. Rich becking I knew nothing. Montgomery havlag dreseed, poealbly In his stoeklns ftot, aa one of his seeks was found outside stained with bloed, aa wt as hie ha, which wa not only he spattered but also smeared with blood, and it looks naeh mora ? rile CwvUJ o 1 1 my. pjl0 OIKTlrtKT is f.-ite4 I'txmim. aaJve. cure any eas t Itehlag. BUod. Biaed or Protruding P t8 U IfhMAl ftiA A A1 ci O. 8. Woolover, one of the beet thoagli he might have eawmlWaUUip (knowa Jaarchant of Le Raysvtlle, X Y.t says , ,Ud with deeil, ecteept that there is ao umIk" able motlre. The, qeslloa to, who "If you are ever trow- .""?""'" f 72 Mv.-. .tw nllee. annlv BMoklen'si"' """"" " . ". '"T . - ' Sold by druggists, prloe 7Se. ttlpatlon. - o Um CA1IILI, COMlNfi Tha loax established record for bualaate made at Daly's, Now York, by "Tim Geisha," was brokoa by "MarrylHs Mary," In whleh Marls mnrniaif ftccomnanied MessM.iCahlll Is the star, ghe wltl be seen ! nika. loAAma Af Hia AAnianiA? It orod me of tharn ,-"- T an. .v ... . -A HA ViUlna nan " rilirOa SVOrV ""'I" WM"' " '"V ... lur wm uv jmn B". wm.ww w.... , soro. wouna. ourn or aurwuoi. e - - . -hflra at thB 0raud Dflcembor B Bean tM v-v Tj day sor av-aey refunded 50e. Jat J. C Perry'o drug store. BUW "v vu" '"MV I f:t. p