Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 28, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    , . '-.Wr
tnfcf.i, that the suppiy oi hubs
Ihooi houses is holding .out.
fee nnd Stlfller: Glad people
Mrlnk tfft nnd conee anu use
nnl Wheeler & wiison sew-
im g'-lng t0 uU,,d n corruSw
fli.t K.n o my storo on court
Efttnm-rclnl streets, 2Gx80, two
Is blph to nccomodnto tho grow-
:,!.. of my renters, nnd am
fMi to he city council for glv-
o a "fimtt to spend my monoy.
nf the Boesters: 'TIs sweet
enm of things as thoy will bo
Fdav. Saienme uozing on m-
n Van "Winkle sloep could
Jilnclf awakening In twenty
'an.1 filing the principal busl-
nml reddenco stroots paved; n
irldth steel and concroto struc
fepannlng Mill crook north and
the South Commercial mil
down a little nnd the grade
ng up at the soaith end of tho
a palatial marble and Iron
Fashion Items.
Winter millinery is varied, largo
and small hats bolng equally stvllsli.
Hats aro fashioned to sot well
uown on tho head without a bandoau
this season.
lattice-work appllquo Is boing
used on many yokoi and cuffs of lato
gown models.
Frlncos nro crowlnw in fnmx f
unisning now gown models.
Long sloevos are bolne Introdiicatl
on gowns and hlousos of nil types
waistcoats and vest offocts aro nl
most Inevitable In the making of
now suits.
A distinct novoltv In sitlttnc? l n
fabric called shadow stripe.
i no covert coats como in tans of
modo and groon shades, are lat-
soamod, and lined throughout with
Muffs nro larcor and flatter Minn
ovdr, running as largo ns fourtoon
by olghtoon Inehos.
Many of tho now suits have em
broidered vests and skirts.
Longer coats nro anuenrinc on tha
latest models of tailored suits.
Tho V-shapod yoke is tho favorite,
nnd Is always tho most bocomlng to
... . .
rrn racillC passenger ui-put vuu hbu inuimuu io biuuiuush.
i from the court house; a largo Thero Is a new fonturo -to tho
mi 1 on the old abandoned opera coats, and that Is tho kimono
tinwcr on tho north bank of Bloovo, making It easy to put on,
Ivor; Twelfth street paved to and comfortable.
Ltsengcr station of the Southern
company, with a beautiful
lot roses nnd rhododondrons;
nctto University campus covor-
th brick buildings, except foot
Thero's No Use
.Talking, you can'o bont Horblno for
tho liver. Tho greatest regulator
over offered to suffering humanity.
(Id and nursery corner; a park i If you suffer from Hvor complaint,
i north sldo of tho city between
ly nnd Capital streets; a park
Eouth side botweon High and
kh street; a magnificent library
Bg erected by tho city and
Dn the block wost of the Btato
, tiin litnrU nnnf nf tho rnnltnl
, MIV u.wv. - .
kl; an automobile road to Port-
nnd a model tourist hotel on
State nnd Llborty. Thon ho
, Henry T. Dabcock of tho
Prc.bytorlan oliuroh gives
a k mo to stato In a few
what, wo havo most to" be
iful for In Snlom, nndHn Oro-
I answer at ence: For tho
lid church organization hero.
crlcnco has provon that where
recognized, worshipped and
that material prosperity no
des spiritual blessings. Tho
Ian Is a bettor man, relativo,
Wend A man might well hosl-
omlng to a plnco In which to
id rear his family, though that
letters ns Salem doos tho best
louUles for business enterprise
arnlng, If tho church was not
No mako him roallze his ro-
billtlca to God.
i Is biased with Christians 'if
bo principal denominations,
aggrrstlvo, and led by men
atcd and united in their of-
make clear tho gospel of our
Jesus Christ, and to mako of
omraunlty n people fearing
Ind serving ono another. This
kve we have most to be tbnnk-
ln Sa'rm,
. o
Thackeray's Poets,
ckorav's favorite poets were
rih and tho "swoot lyric sing
Prhr, who ho thought the
, tt' richest, tho most charm-
'humnrniid nf TCnelUh lyrical
a "J Ga,, tho force of whose
ire" v and artless rlnlng
er H appreciated. Ho admired
Me bu whlln ndmittlntr Mil-
fcrra' s thought him "scion a
kha o one could read hlro."
BW hi'-fr1 nf nnfltrv. -Fort-
T, rW
If you nro bilious nnd frotful. Its
your liver, and Horblno will put In
In its propor condition. A positive
euro for Constipation, Biliousness,
Dyspepsia and all ills duo to a torpid
Hvor. Try a bottlo and you will nov-
cr uso anything clso. Sold by D. J.
o- "
A Case at Home.
Tonchor Horo In our copybooks,
today wo find tho sontence: "Evil
communications corrupt good man
ners." Tommy Jonos, do you know
whnt thnt moans?
Tommy Sure, Pa got a communi
cation this morning from Ma's dross
makor that modo him swonr. Phila
delphia Press.
Alvny Was Sick.
Whon a man says ho always was
6lck troubled with a cough that
astcd all winter what would you
think If ho should say ho novor was
sick Blnco using Ballard'a Horohound
Syrup. Such a man exists.
Mr. J. 0. Clark, Denver, Colorado,
writes: "For years I was troubled
with a Bovero cough that would last
all winter. This cough loft mo in a
rolsorablo condition. I tried Bal
lard's Horohound Syrup nnd have not
had a Blck day slnco. That's whnt It
did for mo." Sold by D J. Fry.
. 0 '
Towno Tlrosomo talker, Isn't ho?
Browne Yos; romlnflB mo of a
womnn sharpening a pencil.
Towno Sots your norvoa on edge,
Browno Oh, yos, but I mean- It
takes him so long to got to tho point
Phllodolphla ProBs.
Withstood Other Trentment nut
Quickly Ciirol by Cliamber.
Inln's Cough Remedy.
"Last winter I caught a very so
vera cold which lingered for weeks,"
saya J. Urquhart, of Zephyr, On-
lano. iiy ouuju " w " -
arpnsing tnereiore, iani barflh Tbfl 0(Ml doajor roc0mmend
rrur assayed the "big : f.;nmbori.i.8 cough Remedj
and guaranteed It, bo I gave It a
trial. Ono small bottlo of it cured
me. I believe Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to bo the best I have over
used." This remedy Is for sale at
3r. Stone's drug store.
3 j r-"e tier bushel for fancy
lh"l. Frr.-l Tv-Villr. It locto
I -ir order qulok.
llson 8c Co
5Ui6t High Street
Homer Not a dollw.
Trottir WhK! Did he fnil7
Homer No; be Jo died. OJil-
eago New.
S A l)ansorous Deadlock
'that somUmee UrralnaU. fatally, U Stone's. drug store
. ll..a nnd hnu'fil iiinc-
i tne sioppago i "" --
39 Salem.Of tions. To qulekly end this condition
.without disagreeable sansauous, Ur,
Duo and Ii4fgnl Form.
"Slnco It Is all over between us,
King's New Life PIHb should always Miss Berkenhead," said the youag
tliiiiiHimnr be your remedy. Guaranteed abso- man. pale hut oalm. "I am compeneu
ii- a f a ri at nr'v in mvci wtw - in &bil aua C9 iDtwiu w ---
BkJvSTCHEV 'I money back, at J. a Ferry's drug ous and costly prints I have .given
i uy KITCHL.N. ' or .. from ,,, lo time during the
ail fnnrv nnnloo a "" SlO.
itia't- i ,. .1
iii ieacn tne traae ,,-
anvc-EQ wishlnc Ifinrn
,.ttake randies will do well '.
One Man's Conceit.
Mviffir Talk about conceited peo
win an wen - - . .. ,.
Terms rea- W. that man Biggs U tne nmu
..I DvirAr-tm is. cu
I J i t -I4 Ww
UUfuni Hyker TBatB wnai i u; ""
". W. CLARK '. i.t nf his raifttakea be-
..... jje eveu uw - . .
. ummerciHi reu
Hollow Bones
of the arms and legs arc tubes
like a piece of gas pipe. The
hollow centre is filled with
soft red fatty material called
marrow. This is the place
where new red blood It made.
cott's Emulsion
feeds bone marrow. The rich
fat and the peculiar power la
vigor and new nourishment.
That Is why pale people Improve
the power to produce new red
AHDniggt.Ut BOc. asd $1.00.
9 10)1 I9I4IISIC 1 9J'9 1 8t'I ff
Her llcmwly.
Ho I understand you have been
attondlng an nmbulanco clnss. Can
you toll mo what is the best thing
to do for a broken heart?
She Oh. yes. Bind tin tho broken
portion with a gold bund, bathe In
ornngc-blossotn water and apply
plenty of raw rice. Guaranteed to bo
woll In a month. Judge.
Badly Mixed Up.
Abraham Brown, of Wlntorton, N.
f., had u very romarkablo oxporl-
onco; 1- says: "Doctors got badly
mixed n n over me: ono s'nld heart
disease; two called It kidnoy trouble;
tho fourth, blood poison, nnd the
fifth stomach and Hvor trouble; but
nono pt them helped mo; do my wife
auvlBOd trying Electric Bitters, wmen
nro restoring mo to perfect health
Ono bottlo did mo moro good than all
tho flvo doctors proscribed." Guar
anteed to euro blood poison, weak
ness and nil stomach, liver and kid
noy complaints, by J. C. Perry, drug
gist, COc.
For Sale Will broke horso. coming
thro eyenrs old, sound and nlco
size, with a fair buggy, for $125.
Apply at 1044 Marlon street.
TlmnkvgivltiK Dinner 113c Turkey,
etc., at W. C. T. U. ll-25-3t
For Snlc Ono-yenr-old "Mammoth"
blackberry plants. Ton conts
apiece, or $1 por dozen. Addross
Box 41G, Salem, Or. 10-24-tf
Hotol Pronletor So that bridal
couplo skipped out without paying
for tholr room.
Clerk Yes; It wns n caso of two
hcnrtB that boat as one. Chicago
Deafness Cannot Ho Cured
by local applications, ns thoy cannot
reach tho diseased portion of tho cnr.
Thoro 1 only ono way to euro deaf
ness, and thnt .- bv couBtltutlonal
romcdloB. Deafness j. cyiiui an
Inflamed condition of tho mucous
lining of tho Eustntchlan Tubo.
Whon this tubo is Inflamed you have
a rumbling sound or lmporfoct hear
ing, and whon It Js entirely closod,
deafness Is the result and unless tho
Inflammation can bo takon out and
this tubo rostored to Its normal con
dition, hearing will bo destroyed
forovor; nlno casos out of ton nro
caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of tho mu
cous Burfacos.
Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollnrs
for any caBO of Deafness (causod by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, O,
Sold by druggists, 75c
Tnko Hall's Family Pills for con
Ax Hilly 320 N. Commorclnl stroot.
Has a buyer for household goods
If you havo anything In that lino
to Bell for cash. Call at once.
For Sulo A Columbia disc cranho-
phone ($35 machine), and 25
records; good assortment. Twon-ty-ono
10-Inch nnd four 11-Inch
size. Prlco $2B. 11-27-dw-tf
For Sale A squnro piano, ohonp;
also fir stovo wood. Enqulro at
No. 2 West Union street. ll-2C-3f
VIciQIns on Trial Hnnd-mndo violins
for sale on ten days 'trial, at my
shop over Perry'. drug storo. M.
S. Fuller. 11-9-lm
For Sale A now Edison Home
Phonograph $00 outfit for $40.
Apply to W. II. Squire, West Sa
lem. 10-12-tf
For Sale Good houso and barn,
now, 25 acres all undor cultivation
berries, prunos nnd all kinds of
fruit, flvo miles from Salem, $3G00
This Includes C cowb, 2 horso8,har
nosB, 1 heavy wagon, spring wngon
200 chickens and other farming
ncccsBltlcs. Enqulro 492 Stato
street. 9-23-tf
?nrpentcV8 Union No. 1003 Local
Union No, 1005 of Carpenters and
Joiners of Amorlca meet cvor7
Saturday ovonlng at 7:30 p. m. lu
Hearst hnll, 420 Stato St. A. W.
Dennis, lUc. Sec.
Foresters of America Court Bhor
wood Foresters, No, 19, Meoti
Wodnosdny In Hurst hall, Stat
street. Lo oAbbe, C. It.; J. (
Perry, financial secretary.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P.
Castle Hall In Holman block, cor
nor State nnd Liberty Btrcots
Tuesday of each weok at 7:30 p
m. OBenr Johnson, C. C; E. H
Anderson, K. of It. and S.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Mcoti
ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8'
o'clock in Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, clork.
Woodmen of Wold Meot evory Fri
day night at 7:30, In Holman hall,
L. E. Ponnoll, C. G.J P. j. Fra
lr, Clerk.
Lincoln Animlty Union. Sick, accl-
dont nnd pension insurance; $2,
000,000 plodgtd; every claim paid
Good agents wanted. J. II. O.
Mongomery, stipromo organlzor,
Box432 Salem, Oregon. R. R.
Ryan, secretary, 540 Stato street
Theo. M. Bait Plumbing, hot water
nnd steam heating and tinning.
104 Commorclnl street. Phono
Main 192. 9-1-lyr
IMonnH and Organs Tuned nnd re
paired. All work guaranteed. C.
C. Best, 174 South Cottngo street.
Phono 729 or lenvo orders nt Geo.
C. Will's muBlc Btoro. 11-4-tf
For Rent A good six-room l.auBC,
with largo barn. Call at 1044 Ma
rlon street. ll-20-3t
To Rent. Five room flnt. over Far
rlngton & Vnn Patton's markot.
Inqulro of Stoinur & Borgor, 188
, South Liberty stroet. 0-24-tf,
M. J. Petzel Plumbing, steam and
gas fitting. Succossor to Knox A
Murphy, 220 Commcrclnl street,
Prono Mnln 17.
in 1 1 n 1 1 i-wm mm ;!
I WliRc House Restaurant
For b RcgHlar
I 25c Dinner at 20c
Thoy can't .bo beat
McGHchrist & Son
oiihihi inmiin iiiitf
Restaurant and hotel, on
European plan. Meals at all
hours on Bhort ordor. Rognlar
dinner 35 conts. Thirty bow
ly finished furnished rooms.
148 Commorclnl St.
i i i 1 8 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n in i ii 1 1
Call and try Om. Mta f
t 15c. Board per lek $3.7R,
also furnished ro very
J reasonabla.
i Salem
! MEALS i5c
Hotel St. Philip
Fourth and Fifth and RwnuH
Strc-'tH, Portland, Oregon.
Now flroproof European IloteK
Stonm heat. Modern conveniences.
Rates $1.00 por day and up. Union
depot car will land you at tho door.
H. PIERCE, Prop.
But It Never Touched Hlni.
"Of course," eald Cholly, "I admit
talked about myself .but they talk
ed about trado all the time and, of
course that was worse."
"You woro porfootly right," ra-
alor rocommena- Mfg peppry u,8 Jjotter to
Cough Remedy , , nnfiiinn. thnn to talk about
trado." Philadelphia Prow.
Biliousness and Constipation.
For yoars I was troublod with bil
iousness and constipation, which
mado life mlsorablo for me. My ap-
petlto failed mo. I lost my usual
foroo and vitality. Pepsin prepara
tions and cathartic onV made mat-
I do not know whero I
Ills Finish.
TrnMnr UB I lft htrO flV0
- l,l npaanllt WSB Worth .
ptarly half a million. How muoh Bhoua navo jj0en today had I not
has h now?
triad Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablots. Tho tablota rellove
tho ill feeling at once, strengtbeu
the dleostlve functions, helping the
system to do Its work naturally.
Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham, Aala.
Those tablota are for sale at Di.
i. mam m ;ii iitji eii
cause he naK lu"u-
vou from tlm to time during the
last six months, under tho mistaken
idea that I was your accepted lover
and you were ray affianced wife."
"No, Henry," she answered; "ytJ
can't claim them now. All you can
do Is to give me tho neocweary tfxty
days' notice. By that times or
pehaps confidence will be restored "
Chicago Tribune.
I'ucet Lumber and Fuel Co. Lum
bor .shlnglea, building mntorHU,
wood and conl. Low prices nnd
prompt dollvorlos. Ono block oast
of S. P. passongoc dopot. Phono
198. 7-2-tf
Butto A Wenderoth Flno wlnos,
HquorB and cigars. Wo handle
tho eolobrnted Kellog gand Castle
whiskies. Cool and rofrosblng boor
constantly oi draught. South
Commercial streot. 9-3-lyr
Our meat market on East Stato
stroet has been doubled In slzo and
we aro bettor prepared tkan over to
servo customers, Prompt rorvlco and
tho best of meats our motto, Call
or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop,
We Aro Cash Purcliasers Of poul
try, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produce. Berry crates mado up
In unlimited luantltles. Capital
Commission Co., 207 South Com
mercial street, Salem. Phono Main
Livery and Food Stables Old Post
offlco Stables, at 254 Ferry stroot,
botweon Commercial and Front
stroots. Tolophnno 188. Some of
tho finest liveries lh tho city can
bo found horo. Dick Wostacctt,
proprietor. 10-1-lyr
Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer of
sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds
of houso finish and hard wood
work. Front stroot, between Stat
and Court. Mako all complaints
at tho offlco.
Cummins Ilros Transfer Company
All kinds of transfer work done.
Furniture and pianos boxed ready
for shipment. Prompt sorvlco Ii
our motto. Stand nnd office at
263 South Commorclnl street.
Phono 210. Resldonco Phone 908
Strayed or fitolon Out of my pas
ture, throe miles flonitheast of Ra
lour, about one month ago, a last
spring's Jorsey heifer calf, white
body and tip of tall white. Liber
al reward will bo paid for Infor
mation of its wherenbouts. F. M.
Smith, Route, No. 0, Salem.
Burgeon. Telcpbono 307 Main,
Offices, 540 Stato street, opposite
court bouie, Salem, Or. Residence
Phono 318 Main. 8-13- lmo
fifhTWmnVdFor housework; sroa'l
family. 390 North Sumraor street,
corner of Cntor. h-z&-iwk
Wanted Compotent girl for general
housework. Apply morning of
Mrs. Louis Lachmund, 284 North
Church stroet. 11-21-tf
411 11 I I Ml Hill nillllHr"
'. '. Tho Horscshoo RcstMHraHt. )
'. '. Scott Forguson old stand,
I ; thoroughly ronovntcd and now ;
ly furnlBhed throughout,
i j Best 20c Meal in the City ; :
;; Chlckon dlnnor on Sunday ;;
Call and bo convlncod.
1 1 H. M. ACKKRMAN, Prop. '. ',
; ; 3 3 if 8tato Btroot. ; ;
On Thanksglylng day from saw-
edgo on tholr collars, unless the mon
oC Salem are whw enough to take
tholr llnon to a ilrst-olasa laundry.
If you want beauty of color and ex
quisite finish on your ehlrUf, collars
and ouffs, and havo thorn sqnt home
In perfect condition, sand your or
der to the Balom Steam Lawndry, and
wo guarantee wjtJsfaotlon to our
130-100 S. Liberty St.
Phono Main 25.
Wanted Pressman.
nal office.
Apply to Jour-
imuum DRILLS.
tt U. Mfrt ; w Mtn hiW
UWITtD MCDICC, C0...O4 14. Uiimrw. 9A. ,
SoUt Sakm bfJk.S.C Stem
Gold Dtst Flout
Mde by TUB YDNiTr POW.
EX COMPANY, 8ldny, Ortgos. '.
Made for family dm. Ask your
frocsr for it. Brsa and tkorts ; ;
always o Laad.
P. B. WHcc !i
A. A. BURTON. Prop,
Brick always on band, in car lots
or otherwise. Pressed brick mads
to order. Yard on Stat streot, south
of penUUatlary. -M-tf,
Can bo obtalnod from our prim
tender and Juicy bcof, mutton or
pork, All our meats are eolecU
from the cbolcost, and prepared for
the table to suit the demnndu of tha
fastidious, Our pricos are lower for
quality than you can find at ay
placo In Salem,
E. C. C R O B 8,
Phono 201. 70 HUte tit.
The abovo cut represents oar
brick lined Torrid Zouo Furnace.
Guaranteed gas, sraoko and dbst
proof. Economical and durable.
Estimates furnished on keatlsg
jmmiHIiwuir ni 'ggiMS
T " Jii j'oultt ifa td uu t!iit.OJr
. v JV
Tl i ilwr Urn r ur ,
un . mb M Bet BiSal. Ai ktlhux
-r SMiiYNUMisTsntuniwnt?
Himiiiilllr jKews-