DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON", THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1007 11 II Merchants' Protective Association ilciu Business lion's League. ; jg tt iiign ciuss vuiiiiuuiuiui atlon, perfected originally protection of its members fraud , doadbeats, beggars, Lg fakci, and gratters gen- Ljio 1r(v on the business men loniniunlty. The organization en expanded a little and art In t" legitimate promo Irk of the cl'y. About olghty firnia are represented, airl following officers were Installed re cently at a very successful banquet given at the beautiful Elks building in this city : President, August Huckestein ; Secretary, Walter E. Keyes ; Treas urer, Frank Douglos ; Directors, D. II. James, Chairman, Hal D. Patton, Chus. II. Hinges, J. L. Stockton. E. T. Darnes, Goo. P. Rodgors. Th. league meets on tho second Tues day of each month. fery Prosperous New Salem Industry M A 25,000 POPULATION FOR SALEM IF YODjOOST J9J9 J. L STOCKTON The Old White Corner PREPARING FOR THE HOLIDAYS As usnial wo have prepared ourselves for the holidays by buying a big stock of useful goods for Christ mas gifts, and wo advise intonding purchasers to come In early and mako their selections whllo tho stock Is full. It Is a clonk, a nice quilt.a blanket an umbrella, a now dross, n Biilt of clothes, nn overcoat or hat, wo will lay It nwny for you unMl Christmas lulls rings. Uurk Remedy Company. 5 n home mnnuincuiruig iat lian been established tho inr of which the city is very tul the people of Salem have pason to be thankful to have ed In their midst. Presidont Us he is very grateful for. tho local patronage that lias Iven his preparation,. A dc- lor it has grown up so that every drugstore In Marlon keeps it In stock. It is sold 'states and another 'state will fed to tho territory of tho Sa- hedy brforo New Yoars. "Wo tree men on tho road, Sam A. our manager, W. S. Klrk- nd J. Q. Ferguson, ana win ulao as a sellor or In giving satis faction to those who ttso It. It is tho only romody undor tho pure food law on tho market today that ab solutely compllos with the pure food law to that perfect oxtont that we are not required to print our form ulae on tho wrappers. Tho only in gredients used are pure In them selves and cannot bo adulterated or substituted. From the standpoint of manufacturing chemists that is nn achievement wo aro proud" of." Tho Capital Journal is glad to add Its trlbuto of endorsement for a medi cine that is dostlned to advertise our city far and wide. The money sent out of this state for patont medl- I Wllffl'mili ii . uHlTVi:Miliii clnos would start a bank In every ve more. I navo nnu bovcii town in Oregon and wo aro glad somo xprrlenco and Mr. Oarbor 1G of it Is bolng kept at home, and that lection with tho bost proprlc- a Salem firm Is bringing In money nedles mado, and wo hnvo from other statOB to employ labor homing that equals our form- hero. Kvinut Stand to Mituufnctur boiifect loner In Ton Years. f, Zlnn shows what a young do in this city. Ho Btnrtod Scnra ago with a poanut Btand stock worth $44.45 and wan olo payroll hlnuolf. Today topics a line now front on Ircct, uses two floorB, employs bn and sells candy at whole- ough one of tho lnrgost Job- the coast. O. S. Richardson barge of his manufacturing lent, which occupies tho pascnicnt. Mr. 'Ann's place less is fitted up with hot and Iter throughout, ho has two soda water dlBpensnrios, neat par lorB and private apartments for serv ing cronms, and all kinds of hot and cold soft drinks' in Boason. Hla manufacturing dopartment turns out all kinds of chocolates, French cronms and nut candles, and they aro put out In very attractive stylo for tho retail trade o The Old Postofllce Livery it ml Feed Stables. Richard Wostncott, moro familiar ly known ts "Dick" hns lonsod tho old Postofllco Livery Stablos Ju8t west of tho "Willamette hotel for flvo years and bb boIo proprietor so- Jem Brewery Association Capital Stock $200,000 PRESIDENT F. M. KENNEY, Olympla, Wash. hCE PRESIDENT, F. Q. DECKABACH, Salem, Ore. f I. A WILSON, SECRETARY, Salem Oro. CHARLES SCHOLL, TREASURER, Salem, Oro. IJlRECTOns, same as above, and KOLA NIBS, Salem, Ore. This enterprise Is ono of Salom'a largest industrlos and very ef mr peonlo havo ovon n fair concoptlon of the wonderful i!'! n mado by this firm in tho brewery business In this city H it purchased tho old plant about four years ago. Tho Falera Brewery Association ha $200,00 capital Invested too J -Mnrss, tho greater portion of whioh is reprosontod In the tH hl8 city. About a yoar ago tho Salem Company absorbed U'-nv Brewing Company, whioh lattor company had ft brow- ifii t'o plant in Albany, Ora. "Tfcn Salem plant is located in the half block directly south of W, 'ametto llotol. Aslda from brewinc boor It has also one ho I r equipped ice works In Oregon, manufacturing an absso- iy TT4o Hveeanio tea. f I..ng the past yoar ovor $60,000 was In vetted la the build- J -r of the most modorn bottling works o the Pacific coa-t forging of the beor ptorago and ice machinery. Four f i - i Salpm Ton.. wnc imrillv Unnwn Olltildfl of Salem S Cl , ....... UVw ... .....-.,, ..- - its ' it ia nnnoi.iai.a.1 nna nt tha most nonular beers of th 1 rs bold all along Uie Coast from 'Frisco to Portland. Pl-.es advertise a olty as thoroughly and at wide-spread. 1" a up-to-date brewery. Milwaukee and St. Paul are to- r more particularly on account Qf the beer product that '"red in those oltls, than of any other tingle Industry " ny tens of thousands of bottles of Salem beer that "-e shipped from Salem to almost evory olty or town with- ' s along thlt Coatt have done much to make the name a fdrallar name among all the people of these respectie Dainty - Kercluets somo weeks ago wo closed out all ho odds and ends In this depart ment and now we are prepared for our holiday trade with no thing but the vory nowost. 5c up to $2.50 X.J - st,A 4lV;s9i ax JA,AT-'',vk ' ! I Rofiiirifiil u, iWW Vi'mnno . AY ! crinr1 50c up to $7.50 LONG now lino AM) SHORT of llnnnelctto ki- monns, strictly hollJny Btylos, $3.98 Elogant Btylos In Bllk( klmouas $3.50 to $6.00 HOLIDAY FURS Tlio Cordon furs aro jtho most ro lablo on the market. Wo have them In all grrdos. Children's Fur Sets $1.85 to $7.50 . very nlco styles hi whlto and col ored furs. FEATHER BOAS ALL KINDS rrrr" this handsome I ll l StewSUijofc Sevvinq Machine I 11L.L. INYOURHOURTP.I IN YOUR. HOME TEN DAYS FREE Six Drawer, Drop Head, Automatic Lift, Ball Bearing Beautiful In Appearance Highest In Quality tiH'BT't'Kk WwmmKrWrKt. MftMiMH'rJlflHH m m MT tBlMil M mil iSJSUft EXTKMIY 1IC1IT RUNMN0 VERY EASY TO OPERATE MADE FOR StRVKE CIWRANTHD fer TIN YEARS TRY THIS BEAUTIFUL MACHINE IN YOUR HOME TEN DAYS FREE nd you will bo convinced that It U poattlyalr tho boat machlao tfaat you bfcvo oYtr uaod. If you delro to purohaao It wo will niaKo you prlooa aud torma that will lie fully aatlaf aotory. If you don't waat to buy tbe 10 DAYS TRIAL WILL NOT COST YOU ONE, CENT. DONT BUY UNTIL YOU SEE AND TRY A 3t"3to M AC1IINJ Our prlcoa aro tho lowoat and wo will aoll you a machine that will cIto you a lifetime of tho meit aatlafaotory aervlca. Fer further laferaatt tlon call on or write Holiday Price $29.00 "S&-22' Going Home For Christmas? If bo wo ndviao you to look at jur trunks, bagB and suit casos Wo show all tho now things h thesa lines and prico thorn less-.' with a viow of soiling moro. MEN'S UMBRELLAS A special lino of 20 Inch unbrcN. Ina mado for tho truly i;entlomun. $1.50 to $5.00 SUIT CASH UMUUELLLAH, SKLF-OI'KNKHS, HTC. vory comploto ntock 75c to $10.00 j(Ks Jn rip. OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS eVfiyw iUI lnLtli Tho vory boat that can bo found, mado long cut, full in tho Hklrt, ood qmnllty outing, priced rea sonable. NEW, NECKWEAR Jnnt received a big shipment of holiday Ilea direct from Now York. 25 and 5flc Each SMOKING JACKETS For Christmas Now is tho tlmo to pick ono out, don't wnlt until plckod ovor. nil mCX . M lb l SI , "4i-M cT" -i Special Sale of Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts 3vell now Btylos to chooso from. The last shipment camo thin wook and evory gurin&nt wlthoui otervo will bo plnood on inlo nt reducod prlcee Suits $5.00 to $50.00 Coats $3.98 to $29.00 1 Long Black Coats $3.98 ..t. r Children's Coats $1.98-410 PARTICULAR FELLOWS who want Just tho right thing will find it In our CSlotlilng do linrtmonL Wo onrry tho beat makos Jn tlio country and prico thorn roawnablo lo got moro btiHluMe, Wo are agents for tho famous JL my GORDON $3.00 HATS. Tho holiday ntylcB aro horo and early choosing Is udvlsablo. hxv U la 0l(,0 TODAY PltOIMTCKS TUB I1KST HOI'S IX TUB I'M- TUI. TIIGRB IS RVBIIV RRASON TO I1HLIRVB THAT IL OF OIM-nnv mv PRODUOB THR VRRV HRST BAR- h INDLR ftvriw rnvninnxs. AVI1V SHOULD XOT ORE. f MtOIll CE THE VERY UBST GRADR OP RBRR? t"U IS TODAY THE NATIONAL DRINK AND EVERY IXFS MORE CERTAINLY THIS TIT.LE. "T!;o mirf.. i.. .nn. nn in ftO nonnlfi and its Annual II n .!... .. - i. in -.. lgxaan tftnn ftflft Mntt - . u w uunug ine past jonr wjii iuu w"w t-w-i""- l3 conry btays at homo and Js placed In circulation for ma 1 a"d wages T ri,i. . .m i4- inr,.. an.i hcraa evftrv raa03 'tO f at m !.- .... i. ...in u3.tma mnph lfrflJlter tro- oa acd wi l continue to bo one of this city's most prominent ' a the upbuilding of a Greater Salem llclts business In his line and it wi 1 receive his personal eonnelentjous 'attention in every in-tance. He was born in 18G9 in Salem, and is a son of Lewis Wostacott, a pionoor of 1852, who camo around the Horn to 'Frisco. Ho was a cabins, mak- or and marri-d Mrs. AH-, a widow who camo across tho plains in the Geer party and located at SilrrUn. Richard learned the Rakery bHJ- nees and worked at It for many years. In 18SC he went into me livery buslnoss aad two years he conducted the soda water bsislneiw which he sold out to Q. SUlz, and has rocontly gone back into the liv ery buslnoss. Few men are better known among the horsemen and buyers of One horses la western Or egon, and they also know that what ever ia entrusted to Dick Westaeott will be looked after Just as well w If tho owner was thara to look after It himself. Owner of horses appre ciate this fact and Mrt WeMacoU keeps his customers and Is gaining new ones every day. New Proprietor of Umj Well Known Salem Hotrt. J JaV Cook Is the new proprietor of the well known Salem hotel, ou Btate street, just opposite the Cour'J House It Is very centrally located tfor commercial travellers or for transient or family trade, and set a good table. MrB Cook gives tho hotel her personal attention. Mr .and Mrs. Cook conducted tho Flor ence hotel near tho Southern Paci fic dejtot for several years before taking charge of the Salem. Their new hotel has thirty rooms and lnrgn and convonlent sample rooms. Rate are 11.21 to $2.00 per day for transients and rates for board are ISJO to $7.00 iter wook with room. MlitWWWlWtliWtlllWWtlilWtilWWIe1iilte1ii A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with Us rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wido rangei and strange natural formations, lj a veritable wonderland. At Mound City, Jn the home of Mrs. 0. D. Clapp, a wonderful case of healing has lately occurred. Her son seem ed near death with lung and throat trouble. "Exhausting coughing spells ocourred erery flvo minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp, "when I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, tho great medicine, that caved his life and completely cured blm." Guaranteed for coughs and colds, throat and lung troubles, by J C. PerrTt drug gist GOo and $1 00 Trial bottle free J7 vxx, OirJLsJu Two good homes In suburb of Salem, Ice orchard; alto n good business a splondid blacksmith and wngon and paint shop, wim a gooa business in full running order at tho present time. The shop building is a strong frame building with concrete founda tion and hoavy frame well finished, and would bo first olass for a store building, or warehouse or factory, or good boat landing, and within one block of tho now layod out railroad. Ono of tho most boautiful homes and business oaatlons In Salem. Will tako in ox change as part uayment a good small farm, win nivn nBV .-mu S and low Interest for part. Farm to bo Jn Willamette valloy near Salem or Portland. Addross correspondenco to 1 DERBY & WUXSON or GEO. B. JACOBS, Safem, 0e. R. F, D. 8r Safem, Of. f vOA-i SELF RISING Be Be Be Flout Vor Boston Brown Bread, Griddle O alee, MuMas mm! Plum PwOdteg. 4.UUU.1 9 ut m. . fvuun W.I ixu,, XHtn tfoce, vi. ob i