DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMHEB 27, 1007. 'TKJ 11 -10 tr THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. TIOPEH, Ed. nn'a Prop. An Indopcndout Newspaper Dovotoil(o American Principles and tho 1'rogrcsji and DoTclopotnetit of Alt Oregon. Published Kvcry livening Kxcopt Sunday, Salem, Ore. SUI1SORIPTION RATES, (Invariably In Advance.) Dally, by carrier, per year $0.00 Per month 50c Dally, by mall, per year. 4.00 Per month 35c Weekly, by mall, per year. 1.00 Sir months Wo SPECIAL DELIVERY. For convonlonco of subscribers branch delivery offices are estab Malicd at tho following places at 35 cents por mouth, $1.00 for three dioqV 8.. Asylrtira Store, F. Q. Do Voo & Son, Asylum Avonuo Junction. Carllne, Seventeenth street o A. V. Lane, Garden Road store. Dane's Store, Alex, Daue, South Commercial street. Electric Store, C. M. Epploy, East Stato atreot. Fair Grounds Store, Harrison Doe.Falr Grounds Road. Howell's Corner, Twolfth and Cross streots. O. K. Grocpry, A. A. Englobart, Twolfth Btreet. Whcolor's Store, W. D. Wheolsr, Highland nvonue. Yow Park Store, F. G. Bower ox, -Twolfth and Leslie. THERE'S SOMETHING TO HE THANKFUL FOR. Tlmr'a sumthin' to bo thankful fur, no mnttor how thlng3 go In summor tlmo fur fruit an flowers, In winter time fur snow. Thar's aiimthln' Bort o pleasant happens to us every day, An' llfo's a perfect picnic ef wo look at it that way. i. Tlmr'a always sumthin purty fur our weary eyes to see Tho glory o' tho sunset or tho blossoms on tho tree An' always sumthin' tunoful fur our tired ears to hear Tho children's voices chirpln' or tho robin's music clear. ' Thar's always sumthin' ready fur our wlllln' hands to do Sum hattln' stops to help along, sum Job to carry through No clianco to bo a-klckln' when our feet nro busy goln'. No time fair Idlo growlln whon wo're plantln seed an sowln'. ' ' Tlmr'a sumthin' to bo thankful fur, no matter how things go No ond to all our bloasln's of wo only court 'om so. An ovon of you'ro out o' sotjts, or sick, or sad or pore, . Jest thank ito Lord you'ro Ilvltt' of you can't do nothln' moro. Atlanta Constitution. o WHAT HAS 1JEEN DONE TO I'ROTIXT THE STATE AGAINST LOSS OF FUNDS DEPOSITED IN THE PORTLAND HANKS. ' Tho attorney gonornl and the socvotary of stato of Oregon aro Ropun llcun oMclulB whllo tho govornor Is a Domocrnt, and ALL SEEM TO HE DOING ALL IN THEIR POWER -to protect tho pcoplo ngalnst loss In tho suspended Portland banks. Tho fltato had tho laum or $35,000 In tho Oregon Tru.it nnd Savlng3 that closed liovoral months ago, and tho Amorlcan Surety company HAS REPAID THAT AMOUNT TO THE STATE TREASURER. Tho Btiroty company act on tho irlnolplo thnt It was a Just claim, and Us ollloorH will do tho Investigating afterwards, i Tho muno Surety company also paid Linn county tho sum of $10,001) SCHOOL FUNDS HELD IIY THAT COUNTY IN THE SAME HANK. Tho Tltlo Guaranty Trust company took out two bonds with tho samo company in amount of $50,000 omh, to protoot thd stnto for suniB loft In that bank by tho Btoto troasuror. Tho Suroty company will probably pay thoso as soon as It nppoara that th utato will be doprlvod of tho uso of Its monoy if It does not. IT WILL INVESTIGATE AFTERWARDS. Ths tto troasumr also has a bond with tho nmo compRny for $10, 000 to pro toot the stato for tho balance of $12,478.20 that wan In tha Moroluurta National when It closed the othor day. The Suroty company will probably pay this Minount AS A .JUST CLAIM HUH THE STATU and invMtlgsto nfterwnrds. The exact sums which State Treasurer Steel .hud In the Tltlo Guar anty Trust company bank wore: Genernl fund $I7,4S8.-1 1 , Interest $40.50; demand oertlllontee of deposit $80,000, educational fundi $228. 42G.27 TOTAL IN THAT RANK WHEN IT CLOSED 8ftOft,DI.!2l. For this amount tho stnto IioUIh $000,000 bondi of the Amorlcan Suroty company of New York. . The taA tronsuror.ls not being considered in this summing up of wlint Is being dona to protect tho tato, but it must be said that he has $1100,000 In tho shape of NOTES SECURED HY MORTGAGES ON TIMltWR LANDS. This was the addltlonnl roIiittpr.ii ho domandod and which was given him nWer tho bank got Into troublo. nut tho First National bank of Portland has $150,000 prior claim ugninst tills security. Basidas, tho right of tho stato trensuvor to this colattoral WILL HE QUESTIONED Y THE OTHER CREDITORS OF THE HANK. Tho throe stnto oulolRla abovo montlonod nre all dlsposod to do tholr duty In the promise and colloot tho money that belongs to tho state without fear or favor. The prewent Indications nro that ti10 Amorlcan Surety company will oomo through AND MAKE GOOD Afj, THAT THE STATE TREASURER PLACED IN THE PORTLAND HANKS. If tho Suroty company doos that, and tronts tho loseos or tho stare, In suspended banks as Just oltijpis, tho stato funds will be mado good without litigation by tho stnto. But the atato will havo to fight If tho Suroty company undertakes to treat the aoU of tho state tronsurar ua unlawful. THE STATE OFFI OIATiR ARE PREPARED TO PUT Up A WINNING .FIGHT IN THAT CASK, It la nssumod that tho stato tronaUror has dono nil In his powor to protoot tho Btato, and thnt ho will Contluuo to do so. If tho throo stnto ofllolals who roprosont tho people not as an unit In protecting tho pooplo against lo3SOa, thoro can bo NO CHARGE OF PLAYING POLITICS IN THE WHOLE SITUATION. If t'aoso throo ofllolals find thoy cannot soouro tho stnto funds with out bringing u suit, nnd ennnot brlng ft BUjt without asking tho tronsurer to resign, thoy will probably unlt0 ftd ask him to roslgn. Tho Republican soorotnry of Stnt0 Is Joining tho Democratic govornor In loaning tho stnto school fundB ,TuST AS THOUGH THEY WERE IN THE HANDS OF THE TREASURE Tho Republican attorney gonoral has sorvod notlco on tho banks at Portland, on tholr rocelvors, and on tho Suroty company, demanding tho produotlon of tho funds. That olllolal has dono his full duty m taking all tho logal stops to pro vont the stato from losing nny or Us fundB ny 4XY TECHNICAL DE FENSES THAT MAY HE SOT UP F0R THE TREASURER OR SURETY COMPANY, So far nothing npparontly has boon loft undono to prptoot tho stnto nnd tho ofllolals who havo dono tni8 dosorvo crodlt for performing !hdlr duty. Catarrh Invites Consumption It weakens tho dcllcato lung tiasucg. deranges tho digestive orgnns, t breaks down the general health. It often onuses headache and dizzi ness, impairs tho tnsto, smell and hearing, and affects tho volco. Being a constitutional disease it re quires a constitutional remedy. Hood's Sarsaparilla Eadically and permanently cures. In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabo. 100 dosos $1. I R I I I I R I I I I I I I I " TMt UWI ,iriMf SEMI-HARI1ARIO CUSTOM. Greek St'ction Crew at Pendleton Brutally Kill Animals Accord ing to Pngnn ltltf. Ho Charitable to your horao na well as to yourself. You nood not suffer from pains of any sort your horses need not suf fer. Try a bottlo of Ballard's Snow Llnlmont. It cures all painsK J, M. Roberta, Bnkersflold, Mo., writes? "I have usod your liniment for ten years and And It to bo tho best I imvo over used for man or beast" Bold by D. J. Fry, A Good Liniment. Whon you need a good reliable liniment try Chamberlain's Pain fcalm. It lias no superior for sprains fel swellings. A piece of flannel Shtly dampened with Pain Balm k rIor to a plaster for lama 1X or pains in tho side or chest. J also ryoY03 rheumatic 'pains and (kes sjftn and reat possible, For le at Dr., Stone's drugf store. What is perhaps tho most ghoul ish and seml-bnrbaric rito over per formed In Umatilla county, has Juot been carried out by a gnng of Greeks omployed on tho O. R. & N. grndo work near this city. About half of tho Greeks and Slcilinns omployed In tho United States aro pagans and prnctlco tho old pagan .rites which havo been in voguo In parts of south ern Europe for many conturlcs. Ono of thoso rltoa' forbids tho Greok to cat flosh which was klllod by a pot son not of tholr bollof, nnd conse quently tho meat purchased by this pocullar cult is all live moat and In cludes sheep nnd fowliprlnclpally. A sheep was mndo tho victim of tholr pagan rites near .this city re cently and for ghoulish cruelty and ignornnco Its Blaughtor perhaps sur passes anything which hns over como to tho notlco of tho gonornl public. A livo slicop was purchased by the Greeks and taken to tholr cook car, whoro It was "hog tied," that is, its four logs woro tied togothor closo ly and tho anlmnl was hung up to tho root of tho enr by a stick thrtiBt undor its tied logs. Thoro It wns allowed to hang, head down, for throo or four day3 until It died from tho ordeal. Each day tho Greok cook or loader of tho gang, would go through a porform nnco or killing tho sufforlng nnlmnl. A long knUo would bo sharponod, tho cook would roll up his bIcovos and ovory dotnll of tho slaughter would bo performed, excepting tho net or killing tho ehoop. Flnnlly whon It was soon thnt tho anlmnl wns dying tho gang nssom- bled around tho Hhoop, onco moro tho kniro was sharponod nnd with a flourish tho throat or tho helpless animal was cut as Its llfo was pass ing away rrom starvation nnd pun ishmont. ' Tn explanation tho lander or this gang said tho sheep's flesh' was moro palatable If It was allowed to dlo In this way and that It was a custom I In their home In Greece to slaughter all sheop in this mnnuer. East Oro gonlnn. o A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with Its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wido ranges and strnngo natural formations, is a vorltablo wondorlnnd. At Mound City, in tho homo or Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a wondorful caso of healing has lntoly occurrod. Hor son Boom ed nonr doath with lung nnd throat troublo. "Exhausting coughing spollB occurrod ovory five mlnutos," writes Mrs. Clapp, "whon I began giving Dr. King's Now Dlscovory, tho groat modlclno, that saved his llfo nnd complotoly cured him." Guaranteed for coughs nnd colds, throat and lung troublos, by J. C. Perry, drug gist. 50c and $1.00, Trial bottlo froo urn N smsLsl ki:. 3 II Mfii . xy-MaMAB BSSa'BL'Sv f MK, Vbp niJ' HL iHIIIIIIIbK " .3 FOR coats and J garments NOW i the time to gei Clothes for the Holidays. 1 1 Suit or Overcoat will fe, enjoyment at the Ibb Homecoming. Qetititvi have the comfort oi it fc i season. We have a spleiM of all the new styles iH WnAD Tl n hivhi. mere are BHSiiess Day and Evening Sills aril Raincoats from the very best makers in the land' that are made in the finest possible way. Copyrighted ISO By 6CIIL0SS BROS. A' Fine Clolhe Makers Halllmoro and New VI M M H M K M m Wo aro showing this week an oxcoptlonnl variety of mon's dros3 nnd Bcml-droHB gnrmonts, including tho now DroBS Ov.orcont. Thoso aro now offorlngs nt special prlcos fuliy 5 por cont lower than yw could buy equal gradott for In other, stores. All tho latost styles and models, from $12.50 up. G. W. JOHNSON & G HMMCIKMniSI THE CLOTHIERS HiaUMHBlBMB MIIHIIIIIH CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Dears tho Signature of 6ityffi&& . City of KugoiiO'Ooos Up ltivcr. Ono of tho Spnuldlug Logging couf))nny's stonmors, tho City of Eu gono, whioli hns boon ongngod in work Tor tho company at Newberg and Orogon City, nrrivod in Salem Monday night nnd loft yostordny morning for Corvnllla whoro a boom or logs will bo takou in tow for tho Orogon City mills. o nero's Good Advice. . O. S. Woolovor, ono or tho host known morennnts or La Raysvlllo, N. Y says: "ir you aro over troubled with pllos, apply Bucklon'a Arnica Salve. It cured mo or ihom for good 20 yenrs ago." Cures every sore, wound, burn or nbraslon. 25o at J C, perry's drug store. THE O.K. At I Turrit t Chapel A much larger audience was out last night to hear 13vanglUt Dlan chard at Ilarrltt oliapol. Mrs. Dluu chard spoko powrfully to tbow present, from tho subject "Wanted.' Song nnd pralso service will be hold tonight nt 7:30 p. in., after widen tho ovangollst will speak. GROCERY Capital National Bank J. II. AUIHRT, Prosldont. 13. M. OUOISAX, Vice. lrcs. JOS. H. ALURHT, Cashier. TWHXTWTWO YKAUS OP SUCOESSPUD DANK1XG BUSINESS . IX SAIiDSf. SAVINGS DCPARTMENT Pays 3 per, cent interast on sav ings accounts. -(''rr?$y- TURKEY SPICE is what Ills Royal Gobbler Highness is calling your attention to, SPICES STRICTLY PURE aro now on our shelves, and await your order. Wo guarantee them freshly ground and that each pack ago dellverod will give perfoct satis faction. Whllo ordering remember we have a full line of first class gro ceries. A. A. ENGLEBART, 12th St. Phone 122 3MMfiiri im.M Milan i I BARK 11 Cough Remedy Jg AHOltTllY V't J: Coughs, Colds 8 CROUP H, .. i. rrr '..V WhoopmrCoufh jV Hoirin td Bfonchim (JJSORE THROAT lm TH RO AT wll UNCS JMrnimitntmouo. tl ftt. Iat)-nt CtU CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Wo aro a now firm and we havo como to stay. Our uniform method or damp ening, done' by an expert damp ener, insures a beautUul flnlso- Special effort will bo made by us to please our customers. Laundry called for and de livered. Phone orders given prompt attention. THONE 165. Spray ft WUCESTHEW1 Salem Fence iiMitaiartfrtM" ....., wtitls e: iseiuug, ; AHUM1 Walter 250 Court fiSSsritV rv f fcsn i - ' rtl vn" W.-57M l.. xet r - .. wMW Zi . .ar j-- "! mi WHERE For A Kta lime, Sslji ofeMlk Fttcfc A AMNMWMriSM "-' -j mr- x - Jnm.a -,.,j, ..