Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 26, 1907, Image 1

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    I l0umal
NO atx.
Nervy Pollccmnn Refuses to Bo Held
Vp Robbers Escape.
uakiana, Cal., Nov. 20. Two
muBked mon Bitot nhd almost In
stantly killed Special Policeman
George Whlto In Hennlng Bros.' sa
1. en, at Sixth and Alice streets.
shortly before 12 o'clock last night.
white- Ignored tho command giv
en by tho robbers to throw up lils
l.unds, and reached for his weapon.
'Immediately both robbers opened
fire, discharging six or seven Bhots,
two or which entered White's body.
'I'llP linllrn anrrniinilnil Mm 1.nnii..
AM ATTORNEY SAYS CIIIS- but faIled to ,ocnto tho
iltcd PrcBB LoPBOd Wire.)
lc, Wash., Nov. 2 C That
HI, Tod, of Hoqulam, was mur
by his wifo and that hor ca
rom pftinlsliniont, if alio doos
is duo only to nbortlvo of-
prosccuto on tho part of tho
of Chehalls county, is tho
tion of W. II. Abel, lawyor
ph Steele, who, whllo under
Irgo of tho crimo which stnr-
etnte of Washington, took
life In tho county Jail at
I has sovored his connection
(United Press Leased Wiro.)
ninvolnnil n Vnv OR Ttlltmrt
TWO DARING ROBBERS 8EOUIIB PrIondt ,', t0(1' fntay hol
82200 JUMPED FROM HOTEL Mr8 Mnttle Walker, n sweethenrt of
school days, and tried to kill him-
(Unltod Press Lonsod Wiro.)
Washington, Nov. 20. Henry L.
Wostf, commls8lonor of tho District
of Columbia, will prosido nt tho Bry
an meeting tonight. Among tho
prominent speakers -will bo Perry
Belmont, James Hager, Olllo Jnmos
and John Sharp Williams. Thoro
will bo no cocktails. Tho only
liquor served will bo "a very mild
quality sautorne."
Chlcngo Woincii'fl Clubs Would
Mnko History of Beautiful Christ
man CiiHtom.
(United Pross Leased Wiro.)
Chicago, Nov. 20. Tho Chicago
Federation of Women's Clubs lias
bogun a movoment to abollBh tho
case, and Ib at present stay-giving of Christmas presents.
eScnttlo Hotol, being I ntho' "Tho wholo ByBtom of giving
illegal business. Discussing Christmas prosonta is preposterous."
, Mr. Abel said: Idocinred Mrs. Blackwollder. pre-il-
strango part of Mrs. Todd's, dont of tho club, today. "Human
after tho murder of hor 'society must ovontunlly rid itself of
was that she nt first do- nil oxtrnvaganco which hns grown
hat the was afraid to In- out of tho colobratlon onco beautl
.8 Steelo, for fonr ho would ful and appropriate, but which has
odlljr harm. Later she mot lost its significance and value."
office of Attorney P. II. I Mrs. Clmrlos Honrotln, chairman
sod told me sho was willing of tho reform committeo, was equal-
r tho defonBo of Steele. This ly emphatic. "Tho oxtravnganco
would Indicate hor relations of women is ono of tho things that is
(United Press Loasp Wire.)
Clinton, III., Nov. 20. Tho State
bank at Clinton wns held up ' and
robbod or $2200 in coin shortly be
fore C o'clock yostorday nfternoon
by two mon who mado their oBcnpo,
but who aro now thought to hnvo
beon approhondod.
It was just n few minutes after
dosing timo when the mon nppenrod
In tho bank, and, with drawn revolv
er?, forced Assistant Caahior Wil
liam Argo, Cashier Murphy and
Bookkeeper Young to open tho big
vault, which was locked
Tho bulk of tho money hnd al-
ready boon plnccd in the curroncy
scfo and tho time lock set, but
$2200 in gold and silver remained
on tho counter. ThiB tho robbers
eolf. They partod flvo years ago.
Frlond says thnt ho could not stop
loving hor, oven after sho had boon
big FIRE
Rebuttal by Prosecution Region In
Bradley Murder Trial at Wishing-ton.
(United PresB Leased Wiro.
Washington, Nov. 20. Boforo
court oponod in tho Bradley trial
Bhovelcd Into a bag and took it wlth.thlB' morning, tho dofondnnt hold a
them to tho Hotel Hcnion, whorcf conforonco with her attornoys con
they had prevlouly engaged a certJng Dr. Ioaac Rich, tlo "Biir-
accused mnn.
causing tho flnnnclnl Btrlngoncy in
of tho nolnts In tho ovl- Amorlca. Our men are too liberal."
phlch arc against Mrs. Todd'sho said.
follows- g
admitted intimacy with
She admitted that Bho had. I PPfFri
to mnrv Stnnln t)imit?li iini..vlvl I VVyLl
.. V( ,..wl.a. ,.w.
I was sflll living. Sho had
with her husband at ono
d haj eloped with another
ho staged on tho morning nf-
wurdcr that sho hnd not
tier husband until sho found
y In the woodshed. Lntor
red she saw Steele bending Dm Who Died In Stocktou Hospital
Hnd $1200 Secreted in His
(United Prosi Loased Wire.)
Stockton, Cal., Nov. 20. A tramp
giving tho name of Edwin Hoss, who
Willamette University vs. Albany Ath. Club
Willamette Field, Thursday Afternoon.
AT 3 P. M.
Admission 50c
husband's body after tho
hcn struck.
Tod dls known to have nur-
phloTform and laudnum and
io murder of hor husband.
orofcrm bottlflR wnrn fnnml
V . "-'"- ..w.w W ... , , m ..
titchen able tho morning af-,waa laKon ,0 ne couniy n0Bmiai
iur4rr Deputy Shorlff An- Sunday under the bellof that no was
wres that hd found a wo-' without funds, and diod soon after
Moodv npron in tho vicinity "la arrival thoro, has proved to be
'odd home Noichbors de- a fair y well-to-do man. Tho nrot
t Lhojy stains were dlscov' search of his clothing brought to
rBS in from tho woodshed 1'sht $1.07 and a cheap watch, but
lioad'a room afto rthe mur-ator a closer examination of tne
clothing revealed jjzuu in corune.'
T a, after deolarinc she chocks, curroncy and gold, In addl-
Md of S'eele, offered to loan t'n to a bank book with a small sum
pa Stale's attorneys. She on deposit.
a r'n lggeatod by Steele' T'10 man hd to have bis slater
a dctrrtlve acainst Steele, in Germany notined in case ne ami.
'J'J i It him without sus.Ho wa drewdIn old clothe and
'" f'as admitted since was very filthy, evidently having
n'r I" that she had Intond-i lived ai a tramp for months
0 awav frnm him C. -' ' - O-
M at lfr w meetlnc with
e had di-covered'ho did not
her h-t wanted her money.
n p-o decided to and did
n"8t that Steele had con
ho murder, and, second,
hai iractlcally seen him
room. Thoy had arrangod thojprlio" wltnose for tho dofonBO. Talc
money In rolls, so that It could bo Ing tho stand, Dr. Rich tosttned that
easily carrlod, nnd wore just nboutttho dofondnnt rushod Into tho wrlt
to leave tho hotol when oftlcors ing room boforo tho shooting,
loarnod of tholr nrosonoo nnd at-1 "Her faco rtangod rapidly, nt
tempted to bronk In tho door. Be-itlmen she laughed to herself, hor
foro they succoedod, howover, thu.oyofl bulging, thon appeared stupid,
robbors Jumped from the window to(l thought alio was a Bort of a lunn
nn ndjolnlng roof, taking only the tie." His toatnmony waa unshnken
J700 In gold, nnd leaving $1600 In by tho government in oross-oxnmlnn-silver
In the room. It wns dark tion.
when tho men oscapod from the ho- Dr. Charles Hill, of Baltimore, nn
tel, and all trace of thorn wns lost, alienist for tho defense, noxt took
Posses were at once organizod an I the stand. Tho fncts In Dr. Rich's
wont In pursuit. testimony wore added to tho hypo-
Early this morning two mon were thetlonl quoBtlon proposmdod to Hill.
arrested .giving tholr names as Dr. Hill said:
Ward Miller and Rdward Davis, of
c -
"I should say that tho porson de
scribed In the quofltion Is lusnne.
and that sho is unablo to distinguish
Leased Wiro Flashes. right from wrong."
Weston, the podostrlan, will proh- Dr. Evans, an oxport wltnoss In
ably broak his own rocord by CO the Thaw trial, was the next wltnohi
hours In his walk from Llgonler, N. 'Answering tho hypothetical quwtlon,
Y., to Chicago. 1 ho said:
Word comes from Cherbourg. "1 am of th ooplnlon that sho was
Franco, that two million goldei Insane, nnd not able to distinguish
eagles havo been shipped by the Bank right from wrong."
of France to New York banks. Defonjlant bowed hor head and
Aqulda, oldest and ono of the last, wept softly. Dr. Evans' delivery was
of. the ancient Mission Indians, haj dramatic. He added:
ash, Nov. 26. Mrs.
ITUfi o Hoaulnm volun.
tho Jast train Saturday ev- The New York Sun, speaking of
41" ct Police McKenna Maria Cahill's hit at Daly's ew
Pok his head when asked If York, last year, said: " 'Marrying
K6 flnV fnv.V.n .1 lr . .!.. nnn.t. o hafltrl(a1 nOT.
.uiiuoi UOVflUlf-l.-MttO, iiiaaoo buuu, u kM-..
eky struck Broadway; a musical
show that has a real plot." The
charming star and "smart" play will
be seen at the Grand, December 5.
. . o
inna vMH'h (irons will ease your
ChTZstmas present to your throat and stop your cough on short
I notice, sold in bulk only
"Nothing but Divine Interposition
could havo prevonted tho dethrone
ment of her reason."
The defendant was recalled to the
stand this afternoon. After a abort
just died at San Juan Caplairano,
aged 12i years.
A. M. WilklRs. an Oakland ma
chinist, has boon arrMUd on a
charge of murdering his wife.
After losing $78,000 the morning! examination tho defense roatod its
edition of the Seattle Time will au- cane at 1:45 p. m.
pond publication after next SaUir- Max Brown was tho first, wJtnoM
day. called In rebuttal.
Edward Serdell, who Is making n After flvo wltnosse had testified
ero'0ountry trip on horsebacH ,tnat tne prisoner was rational, e
Hansen If yoa are thlnkine
Wging your house or redeo-
w any way, let Wm flx ,t
from Chowaoh. Wash., to Cloverdaie.
Cal., arlved at Eureka today.
A party of Twlsp. Wash., hunters
found a skeleton of an unidentified
man 20 miles north of the city, and
close to what Is known as Coat wall.
Tho skeleton had lain exposed for a
long time.
The St. Paul & Tacoma Mill Com
pany suffered a J50.000 loss by the
burning of one of the largo dry kilns
at Tacoma.
Attorney Witeon, who was to have
appeared this morning In the Pow
ers case at Georgetown. Ky , for con-
court adjourned.
(United PreiB Leased Wire.)
Now York, Nov. 2C. Charles Bar
ney, the former president of the
Knickerbocker Trust Company, who
was found dead In his homo with a
bullet hole In his head two weeks
ago, committed sUIoldo, according to
the coroner'a vordlot, returned to
day. o . i
Walter McCallum was today ap-
(United PrcBs Lonsod Wiro.)
San Francisco, Nov. 20. DlrocteJ
by a HoercBS' to a hidden mlno Of coin
Bllvor and gold, at tho formor sito
of tho Chnppello Houoo, at North
Bench, Loon Thomas nnd John Fro!
tas, two boys, romovod two Juto bngsi
of troanure, ana set tholr neighbors
on nn oxcltlng search for wealth.
News of tho find reached tho po
llco, and oarly this morning 24 of
tho pronpectors woro arreatcd nnd
bags of burned nnd molted Bllvor and
gold nro hold ub ovldonco ngnlnst
them. Thousands of dollars necros
ed In tho rambling hontolry boforo
tho flro by a mtsorly old woman
woro uncovorod, Tho pollco placed n
guard about tho lira-swept lot, nnd
tho proBpoctlvo ownors of tho loot
havo already bogan to wrnnglo ovor
the owncrslilp.
Mrs. Allco Murdock, Ib tho seor-
osv, who, In a vision, wns told of tho
hlddon tronsure. Sho not tho two
boys, Loon Thomas, who lives nt
hor homo, and John Froltns, to digg
ing In tho lot, which In sltuntod on
Green Htroot, botwoou. Stockton nnd
Yontorday aftomonn tho hoyn
Btnrtod their work, nnd in two hourn
hnd unanrthod nonrly $4000. Tholr
labors uttractod tho attention of tho
uolghborti, nnd soon tho hoyn woro
Joined by other tronHuro-seokorn.
Half a dozon womon Bocrarod small
bundloB of coin und roturnod for
morn. Ono man enmo ncrosR a
moltod Ingot of gold ostlmated to be
vuluod at $2000. Ho qulokly dlsap-
With tho spraad of tho oxoltomont
ontno tho pollco. Tho otllaors found
Thomas, who Is 11 yoars old, nnd
John Froltns, who Is 12 yoara old,
and Bocured tholr two largo snokn of
coin. Tho hoyB woro not nrrostod,
as thoy nldod tho pollco in Identify
ing tho diggers. Arrosts Immedi
ately bogan, and this morning two
pntrol wagon loads of prisoners woro
booked nt tho city prison.
,Tho pollco are now nnxlou to
lonrn who owns tho thousands of
dolInrH that havo come to light nftor
18 months' entombment. Tho Chnp
pello House, a rickety struoture.
houso 60 persons, was run by Mrs.
Leon Chapelle, who died a few weeks
before the fire. A mysterious oljj
woman theroupon took oharge of the
houso. and the cachwl ooin may have
been hr hoarding. The old wo
mnn perlaliod in the Chapollo House
and no ono has over learned her
In the city prison many of the
prisoners destroyed tho evidence
against thorn, by throwing awny
moltod coins. Dollars and halve,
fire soorchod and smoke blackened,
woro found behind the doorkeeper's
dofik. Tho prlsonora woro booked,
(United Pross Leased W!rc
Bolllngham, Wash., Nov. 2G.
Karl Johnson, tho Bailor nrrostoa
Snturdny evening for tho murder oJ
Ida Bristol, a ncgrcos, admitted; to
Iho pollco that ho fired tho Bitot that
killed tho woman. W. Llndhrtar-
Innothor Bailor, was preaont nt tfao
tlmo of Iho Bhooting, and ban tola
tho pollco that ho witncsisod tho act.
of his comrndo in firing ,tho Bliot at
tho negrcBa. Johnson will bd tnkon
to tho county jnll to await trial bo
foro tho superior count on n chargo
of murdor,
(Unltod PresB LonBOd Wiro.)
Nomo, Alaska, Nov. 2C. Bhoworo
of volcanic nshes nro falling li
Nomo, Toiler nnd Tin City. - Tho
Bnow Is noticeably blackonod by ,Uio
nsheB. Tho placo of tholr origin h&
not yet boon llxod.
Hctrlnvu TIioiuhi'Ii-os From Dfhgrnco
at IMrt Monroe Prnctltv.
(Unltod Press Loasod Wiro.)-
Wnshlngton, Nov. 20. -Xrmy of
flcors bollovo u world's record for
target practlco with big guhB was
mndo Novombor 10 nt Fort Monroe.
Tho official report of tho practlco ha
not boo n rocolvod nt tho offlco 6t thri
chlof of nrtillory, but It fa known
thnt with tho 12-Inch rifles tho gun
ners hit tho target at 0000 ynrd ftt
tho rnto of 1:74 lilta por gun por-
mlnuto. Horotoforu It bins beon
thought oxceodlngly good work when
thoro wns only 40 Bqconds betwooiu
Artlllory ofllcors aro oxcoodlngly
happy ovor this rocord, becnuHo It
wok at Fort Monroe thnt tho Bhoot
ing wns dono on Which Lloulonant.
Commnndor Sims, of tho navy, basod
his rojiort to tho ProBldout orltfclH-
Ing army shooting.
At tho tlmo tho shooting was Up-
dor tho direction of offlcorn who had
boon transferred from tho Infantry,
and It wns hold 'that thoy did not
havo tho oxporlonco nocossary to ot
tho host results. Tho army now fools
that tho dlsgraco of that record hna
boon wlpod out.
(Unltod Press Loasod Wire.)
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 2. Tho
nppollnto court today hold thnt tho
stato has tho right to, rovoko tho
churtora of tho Fronoh Lick nnd
West Baden Hotol oompanlon, be
cause tho coinjiuiiloa pormit gam
bling. ThlH la a gront blow to Thos.
Tnggart, tho proprietor, who la
ohalrmnn of the Dsmaerntle Nation
al committeo.
Although tho details aro not mado
nubile, the Central American neaco
tempt In trying to summon Republl-j pointed chief clerk In the Washing- conference baa decided to abide by
can Jurors. Is mlssjng ton state penitentiary. an arbitration agreement.
Japanese Cousul Uyono has boon
tranBferrod from San Franolico to
Sydney, Australia. Ho Is succeeded
by Ohozo Kolk.
No new d&Yelopments woro ad
duced In the Bellows-Klolnschmldt
caso at Berkeley, and Miss Kerfoot's
condition Is reported Improved.
(Unltod Pros Loused Wiro.)
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 20. Tho
Union Pacific started work In Taco
ma this morning on tho approach to
the big tunnol, which Ih ovor a mllo
In longth. Contractor Dlhblo, of
Dibble & Hawthorne, in chargo of a
crow of men, sot to work oJearlnr;
the right of way of briiBh and gut
ting ready for notual grading opora
tloiiH for tho Inylng of rails;
Tho formal breaking of ground
with duo coremony by Billy Wolohv
did not occur, but will likely take
placo later, when tho right of way
Is clonrod. Scores of Taaomana wont
out to whero tho now road Is to bo
built, aud to be prosont whcti tbo
Btart was mndo on the groat under
taking. o
Leo Slovens Is today piloting alv
balloons toward Boston in nu en
deavor to capture tho Boston Herald!
cup, offered to the aeronaut who suc
ceeds In landing nearest tho center
of Boston Commons.