Cdi F" 1 l 8 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1007. UNUSUAL BUYING OPPORTUNITIES THROUGHOUT THIS GREAT SHOPPING CENTER EVERY ARTICLE IN THE ESTABLISHMENT ISSSSSI REDUCED IN PRICE THIS IS A DONA-FIDE RALE IX WHICH YOU ARE SURE OF OBTAINING JUST WHAT -YOU REQUIRE AND AT LESS URIC PRICES TO MAKE THE REDUCTIONS SEEM LARGER SO IT'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PROVIDE YOUR PRESENT AND FUTUItl NOW THAN YOU WILL LATER ON. CHOOSING IS REST AT THIS TIME. 3. QUALITIES ARE OUR USUAL HIGH STAXDAKH w'. HE WANTS DURING THIS SALE AS YOU git TUB- "Anam, Women's Suits Neat fat stylos In Ladles nnd MIbsos' Suits in niadlum and dark shades In Invisiblo stripes and plaids. A saving of one-third of rogu InV prlco is reckoned on these.ChooBO quickly. $1G.00 values tin (( Economy Sale. . . 4 vvv m Lc.., $2.34 $18.50 values Economy AHA AA a...1...M U,UU vtimuo i Economy Sale $20.00 vnlucs Economy Sale ...$13.34 ...$12.50 Umbrellas Unmatchablo values In good strong Umbrollns with lino mor-' cor'lzed cover, paragon frame, stool rod, princess, natural "V wood handles, worth . OA-, $1.2G and 11.50;; special OUL Blankets jjk Two pairs Just ro cvlvcd, bought at n bargain and wo offer them to you at 'a loss prlco than equal quality can bo purchased elsewhere Blankets of cotton and wool. Economy Prices . Children's Dress Goods All of this season's best pieces at much less prlco than usual in opportunity you cannot afford (o overlook. Coats . v. Coats In groy stripes and mix tures; full box backs; this son turn's style, Rogular $5.00 values; Economy Salo - - it. r - ra Ji -r? 52(vw," rWtMjJ ' V l- -- c-l;u; 50oand CGc plaid Dress Goods, special 7Cc, SGcnnd $1 French Flannels 39c 50c $3.90 jl U.50 vnlucs In Priest- - -- - - loy Cravenotto $I.1Z sl $2.00 values In Prlost- ley Crnvonoto Jpl.Zy $2.75 Values In Prlcst loy Cravcnotto COc Satin Fomlnrd; Economy Special. . . . ZoC 85c Boxboy Silk; pur dye; Special $1.50 Crnngoablo Silk Spoolal $1 Changeable Chiffon Spoolal 50o Crytal Cord Silk Economy Spoolal. . . . JQ $2 75 Clonklngs; ' Economy Spoclal. . . . $1.1 1) $1.88 33c $1.09 08c Preparing" for Thanksgiving? That's what you and I must do. Suppose you're asked to diriner You -will -wear something that's new. BESIDES BEING THANKFUL FOR TIIK TURKEY AND T1IK I DINNER, YOU OUGHT TO BE GLAI) THERE ARE GOOD THINGS TO WEAK AND A PLACE TO IIUV THEM. JilXENS, DOILIES, CENTERPIECES, LUNCfl CLOTHS, TRAY ('IX)TI1S, NAPKINS, CUT GLASS, SCARES, SQUARES, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, GIX)VES, NECKWEAR, HUFFS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, COATS, SKIRTS, TAILOR SUITHJ REIfS, WAISTS, CORSETS. WEDNESPAY ONLY Wednesday Bargain Special No. SHIO ( For our Mid-week Spoclal Salo wo offer u lino of COMFORTS Sllkallno covered In medium, light and dark shades, standard ' tizo, quilted. Regular $1.50 valuoB. Nena sold until 8:30 Wednesday morning Men's I Youth's Si A olintlrn tn enriimt m fm. ti,..i .. . pockothook. The values are our iisunl lilfih grade ult ia Mch have one or two suits' of a pattern-broken Hneafor this ' offer them .to yon tit a figure you cannot nflord'to pa by. e " ono is of this season's designing and are right up-to-date In spoct. 20 to 50 per cent Reducti ions 1.00 JTJ . , tNCOWORWED J SHOES For Men and Women Don't this weather romlnd you that you nooJ now footwonr? We want to holp you savo money on your next pair. Qualltlos are the host, lit is perfect, as nil our shoes are mado by faotorlos that turn out no other kind. Hero's the 'way wo snvo you money on shees: x LADIES' SHOES Our rogular stock of $3.00 values and a few broken lines In rcgulnr $3.50 grados $2.25 MEN'S SHOES Rogular vnluos in broken linos $3. CO $2.68' II PINGREE SHOES Brokon llnei In $3. BO nnd $1.00 Vines; Economy Salo $3.19 1 Underwear Broken lines In Men'i ftfe wear In medium and hcatjttljfc at ridiculously low prlcet. GO value; Economy Special.... $1.00 values; Economy Special.,., $1.50 values; Economy Special,... $2.00 vnlucs; Economy Special,.., $2.50 values; Economy Special, ,, m Men's Hals Droken lines In Nn'i IWi colors black, brown and lu, W tlff and soft ehapes. TlU on's itjles. , Economy Sput Half Price ji lUtHHUmHimilllllj; Mnsqui'iado and Skating Carnival " ITPt &JIZ&AC l lu Auditorium rink Thursday '''''' IJI I Y (iL?V5 ; ; i,vt,,,,nK' xvom,M-8' . ... : ',', Handy to Cars- ! I A Collection of Important Par- '.'. U ' 0M' io nt J M- T'nw - ngraphs for Your Consideration ;:,ncog rocory. It is at Forry and , in 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,Com'nQrcl"1 streots, right where ov- "WVather J 017 car In tho city stops. Lawronco Itain tonight and Tuebday, liltili08 fl"o grooorlos. Hontliei'ly winds. .llasqucrauo ana Skating Carnival At tho Audltoriuin rink Thursday I'ost Caitl Hail Now subjects daily. . Ixullcs v . Have your qullti quilted nt 141 South Liberty stroat, tho Now Idoi Lnundry. Prices, gprouds and fnnoy quilts, $1.60; comforts and plain qullt8, $1.00 proprietor, ovuiiiug, NovontlMir -8. Misn Davison to Lecture , .Mia novo Adolla Davison, Idotur- or and rondor, national organizsr Qullter. opposlto tho Salem Steam a,ul asoolnto soorotary "Y" brnnoh national w. o. T. U., win givo an olocutlonary recital nt S p. in., No- Mr. W. II. Dorman..vnior 36. at uit W. C. T. U. hall. 11'10-lm Insqiierndo and Slcntiug Carnival t tho Audltoriuin rink Thursday evening, November 28. Mrs. ('. 1, Hlanchard, Kvangoljst Evangelist Mr C. P. Hlwnchnrd, of Portland, will b her today to take ehnrgo of tho revival mooting nt tho Yew Park Unitod Brothron church. Mrs DUnchard Is a gifted woman, nid Is an ordained miuUtar. and has boon a successful pustor in Home of the most discouraging fields Girl Wanted For hones-work; sins,) I family, 390 North Summer street, corner of Cantor. ,11-25-lwk When It Comes To furnishing good meat, tho mnr kot of Stousloff Bros., on Court street, cannot bo beaten. Phono an order and bo convinced, Try A sack of Wild Rose flour. There Is nono bettor, nnd it lsa homo pro dAict. 1IARGA1N AY SUBSCRIPTION Fako Advertisilng Schouio One of Jtho latest Is a telephone di rectory that Is filled with advertlic ments. Buslnose people generally do not want a directory Inter- To all Members of Wouiaus Belief Corps, No. 1 Yoai are requested to be present at a callod mooting at our hall on Tuesday , Novombor 20, at 2 o'clock p. in., ns our department prosldo.U Is to be with us, and will insp -t Sodgwlok corps No. 1. By order of tho prosidont. 0 Football Game Wlllnmetto University signed up today to play a Thnnkegiving day gamo of football with the Albnuy AthlotJo CUib, on tho Willamette field. This will bo u hard-fought game, and a largo crowd should be In attendance nooct Thursday nfter noon. Marriage, I.lcnsus , Tho following marriage licenses wore issued by County Clerk Allen this merning: Edward L. Bottoa, aged 32, of O'Kingsley, Oregon, and Margaret M. Kramer, aged 19, of Mt. Angel, J. C. Ward witness. Al ford Hult, aged SI, and Jessie E. Koch, nged 20, both of Stlverton, A. IS. Ooberly witness. Luke Lemery, "lMlKSSING NEED IN AMEBICA" I DIED. SUBJECT OF A COINCIDENCE. Portland, Or., Nov. 25. While I HOUSTON. At the home preaching on tho subject of "Tho Pressing Nood In Amorlcn," the ros Idonco of Pastor W. II. Heppe, of this city, was ontored Inst night and looted of solid silverware. This 13 the fourth timo in four yours that Rev. Hoppo's residence has snekod by burglars. STARR PIANO! inGII CLASS GOODS GEO. C. WILL Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. Office with Wm. Brown & Co., No. 2!) Commercial street. of her daughtor, Mirs. J. F. Pooblor, In Portland, this, Monday morning, Novombor 25, 1907, Mrs, Mary Houston, ngod 7G, of pneumonia. Tho funoral sorvlcos will be con ducted In Eugsno tomorrow at 2 p. been m, Mrs. Houston was the mother of U. B. Houston, of this olty, and hat a wido circle of friends throughont .the Wlllnmetto valley. NORMAN. At tho nsylum, Sunday, November 24, 1907, Rufus E. Norman, aged 30 years. Tho body will be takon to Por'- land for burial. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD. fOve'r Ladd & Buu's Bank, Salem, Or i spersed with advertisements. Tae'of Woodburn, aged 8C, and Fredel-a 00... ...n,,lll.., ... !.... 9AAAA I 1 . . . I fuiM iiiuiuni.iuu wuittw ?uuu ')y,froux, 01 si. uouts, agsu zu, eu-i aisiMWBSs)ii(iBBaias NEW TODAY out of Portland buslni soliciting advertising. men by Prepare Your Costume For the grand masquerade and skatlug carnival nt the Auditorium rjnk Thanksgiving night, and carry away ono of those valuable prizes. gene Lemery witness. Henry m. Welch, of Portland, aged 21, and Ruby Irvln, of this city, aged IS, 1"). B. Irvln witness. o Thanksgiving Excursion Rates. O. L. Darling. S,alem: Ad vertigo in dally papers today, Tuesday nnd Wednesday, Thanks- t giving exonrslon rates between nil R. M. Donald, of the Qragqn Elee- Southern Pacific points in Orogon on triot construction department, yns in a basis of faro and one-hlrd for tho olty today making arrangements round trip. Sale dates S7th and to am traluB baUaon Salem and 2th; final return limit Monday, De West Woodburn DecAmb.r 1st, tu cfmUor 2d. WM. MoMURRAY, comply with the torms of the ohar- Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland. Or. Trains DecomlKtr First For Salc Several houses In Salem, and farm 'ands at a bargain. Cap ital National Bank. 6-1-eod Ay Dlljy 326 N. Commercial street. Has a buyer for household goods. If you have apythlng In that lino to sell for cash. Call at once. ll-25-lmo Fdr'SuJo will broke horse, coming thro eyears old, sound and nlco alzo, with a fair buggy, for $125. Apply a 1044 Tilarlon street. ll-25-3t 11 PERSONAL AICNDON , L. R. Korns.ofEujwMj day In this city. MM. C. h. Watt, P J lbs United Arthass, leitJ. jng ior YRu'a' - nose, ane " , .,., bliss there before 'W"1 Ht. which wuifcft'wn city, which weeks. i t ninn fellna right today. Something wro i; I Come to wo " " ..atsirfil IforgotmyRociyMoa11'1 tl night For!eD,St8W' & l 2 .rft" Thanksgiving Dinner APPETIZERS E.V. Moll's Country Mcafe Sausage, link and Bulk Best i GradcoK o r?L T l-J: ItlVtJ - Heinz Mince Meat New stock just arrived f0i Pineapples, Bananas, Oranges, LemoflSr NEW LONDON LAYER f NEW CROP Walnuts, AImondsDij. niVTTroceryCft qoo omii- 01. TO THIS PAPEtl EXPIIIES NOV. 30 ter. 85(3 Turkey, ll-25-3t ll-25-3t etc.. at W. C. T. U. ?' , , A