DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVKMUEU 23, 1007 nn. rKmBKHB1IKE11l SOCIAL DOINGS OF THE WEEK AND THEATRICAL AMUSEMENTS I gJaiBBBiHiaBBBBMKniaiflRH "igv- !BBBBBBBBMBBfcj&iajBBiBifl LLbLbEp - !sw. iBPHaWOBflBaTBflBH pJpfJHp5ffiap j "aYBBBLHtM ffffffflffflfKli i P A"iA WBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTi' rBSSSfSS" !fv ki 'jzjflBBSflfJLBBBJBSSSSSBSSSA. 1 "JWWfjt JIHk T JJSHHrSBlrv""'"""""""""" HP' (conducted the very aristocratic schoo' of acting In Denver, Colorado, this now famcM little star has been sur rounded with avery opportunity i tending towards a great and 'wonder .ful carter. That H was Intuitive mora tlihn the opportunity H been exempll flod bjr hor splendid record for she has bteiv at tho head of many pronil nont organisations and nsaocinted i,wlth many great stnrs and In each , Instance has surprlsod the thenr j world by her romarkablo talents. With "Quo Vndla" William Collier 'and In many high-clam presentation !sho fulfilled ovory requlromont nnd jMoro. As loading lady with R. S. , Wizard for two soag'ons ho was .cdnsldored ngon1ua, but tho crown- !. ii..., t t tiiiK iriuiupn owner cnrur win wni'ii Bho was selocted by tho Into Sir Ilonry Irving as hta lending lady land with him In h.fu groat ropcrtolro sho created a gonulno sensation by hor work. Last sonson Maudo Fonly starred through this country In a play by Martha Morton under tho management of John Cort who Ib this year presenting hor In tho groat London buccobb "Tho Strongor Sox" a comody drnma by John Valentino, which hns tho distinction of a run of moro than sovon months nt tho Apollo thontor nnd which la to re turn to tht English metropolis short ly for a renewal of Its former suc- ,C08B. GRAND OPERA HOUSE v JIMO. f, CORDRAY, Mgr. t- Wt m mn !), i Muigiuct Snow, In "Tli College Wldv.7.M i-H-Ht-H-H-4 toifd colloge, will bo equally delight ed. Tlioro nro so many good points about Osorgo Ado's oplcndld comedy, MUSEMENTS k-M-l- 'that ono enn keep on recalling now yollB. Tlioro Is depleted tho dopthi A new typo of chorus girl wlil como o town with Mario CahlU'fl "Marrying Mary," nt tho Grnnd, Do combor 5, aftor a long run nt Daly's New York city. Tho new typo is not Identified by any Buch title ns "Tho show Qlrl," "Broilers," "Squabs," "Soxtotto," or "Widows," In fact no tltlo la glvon her nnd sho Is just a plain girl of tho Btngo with ambitions and feelings of tho ordlnnry woman nnd totally do void of any coarseness nnd common ness which scorns to novo character ized tho ntmoBphcro with which chorus womon hnvo Involuntarily been associated. Tho now typo enp- turcd Now York during Miss CnhlU'B Wednesday, November 27 JOHN COHT proaenta n m h MAUDE- -FE--ALM. In the great Kiipll-li succotw i THE STRONGER ) uJu-A t A Drnmntlc Comedy In Throo Acta by JOHN VALENTINE Ily nrrangomonls with Mr. Otto Stuart The Piny with the Ilrrorit or Sovon. Solid Months at tho Apollo .'. Theatro London. Prlcos DOo to $1.50. Carriages for 10:30 pt m. Snlo Bents opens Wednesday 9 n. m. body of young womon as may bo o,l )n to bo ovon moro Btrlct In the, found In tho bost circles anywhere, soloction of tho chorus girls and b6y Ono of tho peculiar rulos with than In tho choosing of tho principal which Miss Cnhlll protects hor girls characters. la that no mall, mossugo or tolo "Got tho right kind at tho starts grams of any sort will bo dollvored and you will not hnvo anj trouble, to any young woman of hor company aftor that." This rulo has nnotlior4- untll they have left tho city In which ndvantago In this, that It rosulta I ft, tlioy woro received. An ngreomont the soloction of supernumeraries who to llvo up to this regulation Is In- hnvo good voices with tho plowing Rortcd In tho contract. In cnRO of n rornilt of n perfect porforratinco byj; telegram tho manngor of the com- tho company In gonornl. f pnny Iibb tho prlvllogo of oponlng It but does not as a rulo do so, unlnsi ' Cnlvo "llio arcntt'Ht Crmc8,k' ho has Rome renson. Madamo Emma Cnlvo, who Is to be, "Marrying Mary" Is n mimical prosontod by John Cort In Portland:' comody In which no tights or on Thursday, Decombor Oth, at tH spangloa or ovon knoo-hlgh dreseoii Holllg thontor, hna boon callod "th nro Msed, but In tho Hrat act tho girls groatoat of Carmons," becauso 1ji. droBs In dnlnty muslin frockB auoh ombodlmont of tho central flgura hu nun at Dnly's. It wns called by tho las might bo booh at tho smartest IJIwjI'b mnBtorful oporn hna boon so-. or despair nnd tho' exultation of a' ., .......... ,...-..... j l... ..... ... .. . , ... .... n. ..... i..i. . .... , . .. . v. . ',. . , cunuuiiiBiB luiiB-aKiriuu, imu huuiuh .nuuriiopu luuotion, in mo huouiiu -,r" . u iuu hiuui uiiiiui ui uiur vjciory. Ai tno uoioiia arc oiovenv to bo tho result of M, Call.fl ,n . nct ovo,ng nro IB0(I A l)0 vurUi uiu, iub ww io w "' alstonco on cortnln Btrlngont rules, 'customs nro ohnrnctorlzod with bIiii niAa trrt .Iniio n t artvn ! T la A...1Wnl... m... """ ,u ""'" ""'" " Open afternoon nnd ovenlng. ox- lrlnlit. sparkling nnd rollloklng. )t f Sundays, iU a satire on collogo llfo, but It id also good-natured and tlioro is nothing at which anyone can take offonco. Mr. Ado is a masterly hand nt exposing tho follies nnd foibles of tho pooplo, and In this piny has done his bost. Tho plot of "Tho Colloge Widow" Is a llttlo eplsodo In college athlotloa ovlng pl'c,turVs,,and' Illustrated Jjowta how twater colIogoN ! fvcry aftomoon and evening, lthr0USu tb witchery of tho widow, after-.luros a famous rootunn piayer away from a rival colloge, and thereby wins a victory In tho annual grid Iron contost. Mr. Ado has most skill fully drawn his collogo ohnractoriJ, Grand Opera House Dates. Fuesday, Nov. 2C Tho Collogo Wednesday, Nov. 27- Tho Strong- 3Ki, fhursdav Doc. 5 "Marrylns vy Tho YiiiiiMc, Monday 'Pt Sjndav and pns. Ivllnuer Grand. pVestwc 1 stock Corannny To a a Woman Will Do." "Tlu ( ollcgo Widow." triumph of tho Atwntor boys, nnd Tho ,ftt,or ,.. . ,10r tho .,., when tho climax comes, you fool llko Uon of bo,ng ft vory son9bJo womnu Joining In tho choorlng. It is a (o havtf ftt tho ,10ad of a comj)ftnv. oplondld scone, nnd shows what n or (oag nr0 porfoctjy , nrcor(1 Wlth gront stago matiagor llko Geor3o t,1080 of hor ,nnnKor( ,, tho r0,ult Marion can no. world na tho flnnl word In lyrlo cx proBslon. So closely associated n, pie ologanco, nnd tho young Indloa Cnlvo with Carmon that ono cannot nro mado to fool a tlioy aro, Just think of ojthor without luvoIunUrltr "awoot girls." - thinking of tho otlior. Not only has. Miss Cnhlll bollovea that tho host lio sung tho rolo and llvou It bo1r wny to koop tho riffraff out of tho than any other groat slngor. but iac mm ii ml tli nro nrn almost n score of thom. onoJi so striking, as to win Individual .llfo, you will notify your physician; rag0 J to discontinue his visit and you will b-n.tr! ,; "colia widow "I Tho skill with which the big foot-, bog.n to laugt. mi i o w .. m .. ... bail BnAiui in tfaa third aet Is atageu, uo novo in uvihk ihw d..i...j . .- cMr Hrry W. Savago will pro- """ '"J" '. .lT " l?Jt'ln, ,. -. whora they "laugh nnd " v"wi u?? Cr' TU98d8y;' oori ' It ,: ;; y rearkabTe how'tho world laughs with you." I..-. -' we w, ngtt,n r' S; - I I.i,-. h,d of th audi- Tho oast Includoa. MIm MarguerlH I'h" r, , AtWHt0r ' once for although eaa dow not mo Snow, formerly leading woman with W" S,,nt ,TyJU,I, tho ac ual la of the gridiron war-'jamos O'Neill: Mr. Robert Kelly. aa,;8 a ni the campus, will hava xno no,uai 0,""n l . b ' ' .. . .-. i. w.Mn Tafnli Dali. tO"v .i. L j. rlora there Is teen tue granueuiUM .'"w v.w ' . - -- aslfr Bftf. ;.;;,.:;:: crowded with cheering ontbUBlastFMauuo wane. mu. .""' Is tho gathering together In "Marry theatrical profoselon nnd hold Its Tho voln of Bontlmont running Jng Mary of ns pretty and rotlned rt doors opon only to tho aorloua-mitjil. through tho piny add materially to tho Intorost and causes moments of pathos that brings n tear to tho oye. Tho, play Is flnoly dovolopod lit this particular, for In tho midst of an hllarlOAis or exciting scono, nn Inci dent (s lutrodiicod that causes a quick tug at tho hoart strings npd touelios n rliord of rosponslvo inter- ost. If you nro fooling won, tins comody will mako you feol still be ' tor; If you nre 111, nftor laughing with tho genuine comodlana of real (Continued on pneo sovon). e of us who did not at- waving flags and shouting GRAND' OPERA HOUSE JOHN P. CORDItAY, Mgr. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26. collogo jfiraham, Eethor Uoggs. nnd Messrs 'Itobort Tavernler. Hrnoet Anderson Richard Tabor, George S. Trimble, John P. Drawn, Qtia Turner, Alan Drooka. Thomas Holer, Frederick Stanton, Cyril Raymond and Richard Webstor. Years"Nofhing Succeeds Like Success."- Years "Tl" C.raUst Yoniic Ainorlcan Cometly Kn Written" X. Y. H raid, HENRY VV. SAVAGE'S Wi. n in 7 t . .,. ineLo ee W'HMiw BY GEORGE ADE , rrcnted in New York I Year. Boston 1 6 Wks, Chicago 1 6 Wks XOTAULK OAST INCLUDES IE SNOW. ROBERT KBLLY. tovs, FUpr "i LDON, Prl3, ;i t r0 BSTBLLA DALB, 4SUIRLBY QliAUMU AJACB DONOVAN, RICHARD TADBR, BRNBST ANDERSON. CBORGE3 S. TRIMDLD. JOHN P. DRAWN. OTIS TURNBR. RICKETTS. JAMES WHBLAN. AND 40 OTHERS. "J, ?1 00, 75c, 50c at box office Tuesday, 9 A M "A"t It 1VD 3TIFR v.unne minx iAVERNTBR, tN BROOKS. A8 HOIER. . CPA . -- ..-.. r-i'jL f M'uudo Fonly ComliiR. Maude Faaly one of the younge and moet talented of the yomg-r generation of atage favorite U to bothoattractloHttJiaraBd theatrr Oil WWinUWUKjr, ouimm -. ...--.. sho la to be seen In the great Lon I don suoeeas "The Stroager Sex", The claims made for Utls mue actre-i ,of being Die yoHngeetdalatieet - moat refined, ete.. etc.. ) aot with- out the foundation .of truth for sh la oertalnly the yeuageet of all tha proaent generation of feminine stara 'and that sho l jaat as taleated and dainty and reflaed aa one could wlh is uadoubtedly o. Though a very 'young woman Maude Fealy Is older lit dramatic experience than mauy of her contemporarlea for sho baa caloyed opportunities that do not come to all actreee and sue cer tainly has "made good" in all sho has attempted. Reared In a school 'of dramati s sbi has had many ad' vantages Undo the careful training of hr mother who herself possesses no )lt , J1 9 ... . BHHHHailBaalliliaKfcCZPfJs r" ' jiAw' ' c 1VaaHaHiapMfp9epppKFHinBBnBHi .SBIBBKAiuWifr wr iMTi t i nraaBBIBflMHBPSfHaSlflaBiaBBBK. '.. ww WM iMPIMJffigMAUgJMgMMMl "' 4u fr.u "vSIfbbbVbsbbhi eaaBB vfflaHHianBnSiaMBBHeski9iafflBaBI gsjBHSfiffirufMrf: ifflBK, fmMJmttLMrW 0aTHOT'HHlBBBftKfPMHlBKHUBlgfBl BKs3aWilt,',lMtMeBp1 iW& HHBHnPSalH BfeBaHavt ai . JBaaBamit. . yjfleiaBBj.iiSBBaeiBHA ar im1 ' vanaiBiBBBanawAveiBVBBHi aBBBB.BBaBMH'wSnHinHIBBaBHiaflaSlH BHaeBHUi JCbbIbHI PSBBHaiBHHKTSWC-BBBBHHUBMKt. V - VBHBbKPBbHi isSISBfKSSmm&mrk " ag'aBMBBBMPawv-&p,.., , , gMiJHarr t44BHBI raeHI, v.-w; Wt mem iaBBBBiflRBB9BBiSLK!KfiBQBMHK-.vMAi'v aHHLi - ' V HHIHMBbbIHbh BBBBBBBBBflBBBHBaffiaBRiXBWHBJBjnBHHKLfeKeBHBa 7 VBbbHBBBBBBBb . MMBBWBbWW I ff 'MfMBifl IMHbH BBBBBBBBMBlMBBBBBHBraBHiiaBIBMnCTBlBliiBllBBBPliMtBBMBBlOMMB Sk m i3aBaBBHBJBBBBBM JBJBgBJBBJBBJgBJBJBJBJBBJjjggllllggwjajS jt aHaaBBMBlSBWBaBWBW :