0ttmal XVII. salem, Oregon, Saturday, ovKMni:it s:t, idot NO. 1MQ win mim mm hi llllly 1 I 4 1 V 1 ill 111119 1 ATION QUESTION AGAIN ME TO D SOUND OF SIKHS TROUBLESOME COME HINDUS MAY UK iS TO HAWAIIAN SUGAR LlONS JAPANESE SMUG busy. led Press LcaBCd Wire.) i, Wash , Nov. 23. H. D. credited rei)rc8ontntlvo or a of wealthy sugar plantern, pood living and no.no too ork and can mm empioy- cllmnto altogether conge- fow hundred vagrant Hln- are now dodging starvation io fogs and rain storma of ipltoblo Northwest. y plain to take all of them Ind with him. Men nro tho big plantations of Hawaii, and it is tho idea iy that ho can rolievo Del- IVancouvcr aud Seattlo of tho inciting cause for further rlotn, and at tho same time' do a splendid stroke of business for the sugar syn dicate, whoso reproiontatlve he is. With this idea uppermost, Mr Kay has entered into- negotiation i with dlfforont steamship lines to boo what can be arranged in tho way of transportation from this port to Hu- wail. Ho nlBo discussed the advisability of his scheme with British Vice Consul Bernard Pelly, and it Is un derstood that Mr. Pelly was quite as encouraging as wero tho members of tho chamber. Having started business at thU end of the line Mr. Kay left for San Francisco. SimiRKltra nt Work. BolllnRham, Wash., Nov. 23. United States immigration officers along tho boundary line between BrltlBh Columbia and this country aro puzzling at the manner In which tho Jnpanoso are stealing their way across tho lino and have come to tho conclusion that a band of clover smugglers In operating, guiding tlio undeslrnblo nllcns into this country in tho dark hours; of night and then leaving them to tako caro of thorn solves. Within the lost week 12 havo boon caught near this city and othors haver been tuken In other parts of tho state APPEALS FOR MORE EQUIPMENT ADMIRALS REPORT HHVAN MUST UK THE CONVENTION'S CIIOICK. (United Press Loosed Wire.) . French Lick, Ind., Nov. 23. The anti-Bryan soutlmont following Tag gart's dinner to tho members of the Democratic national committee last night Is gaining strength todny. Loading Democrats admit that Bryan is tho strongest candidate now, but that ho should not bo nominated if ho is not the strongest in the con vention. Mayor Dahlman, of Omaha, says Nebraska Domocats will not Bulk if another good Democrat Is nominated. FOREIGN PURCHASES AUK REC OMMENDED UNPREPARED CONDITION OF THE UNITED STATES CITED. -o- Tlio RuardB who havo been search ing for A. C. Hunt, who escaped from tho ponitcntlary nt Walla Walla, havo been called In and tho search abandoned. m ICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Jem's Greatest y Goods Seller I CHICAGO STORE OFFERS emerchnndise at prices that will mirprlso tho closest buyers. bd8, rllk , ladles' coats, ladles' suns, cnuuruu b wu, -- n's aud boys' clothing, hosiery, unaorwear umi u Bc'ev da of Cc and 75c plain ecy tore- Goods. A blu-., ard 07 y is b"t rtandard r yard tJt M of da-k and light colr- otiDg flinnels a L'Qua'Py worth r lird , , uw M F-! :ard ..0 130 of jnrds of pretty id wa! 'ng silks now sxa1 pues 25c, 39c, "" 7"e rier vnml j of ft-- ,i .j eon ila now fwt r , Of ft--, r , , anj walot C'W II I.I-" PRIOR. Of i ' t.lan. ...39c Coals and Suits &iu down don't E'' t arnriees. N c.r . . ?0.7 J Coa'r $2.95 0 Coat v'v Jn i III !lvH m wlr Mr I M&V x Ladles' $15.00 Coats, now.. , $9.50 $12.50 $20 Rubberized Coats, now High class coats and Butts now marked away down. Fine furs atjiny price you wish from 95c up McEVOY BROS. AL AND COURT STREETS. SALEM, OREGON MYSTERY IN DEATH OF (United Press Leased Wire) Washington, Nov. 23. Tho gon- eral unprcpareduoRS of tho United States for war, its dopendonco upon foreign manufacturers for war ma terial, and Its BcrlotiH defects In or mamont and equipment of battle ships was exposed by the annual ro port of Rear-Admiral N. E. Mason, chief of tho b'.ironu of ordnnnco, published today. Tho admiral re gards It as "absolutely necessary" that Congress should authorize tho secretary of tho navy to make pur chases of war material abroad. Tho navy would havo to purchano nt least 100 moro torpedo boats abroud, whllo tho homo manufac turers woro completing their present contracts. It may bo necessary to got n cortaln number of armor ploro- Ing projectiles and rango finders abroad. Tho rllloB and mnchluo guns In tho navy aro reported to ho rapidly wearing out. Tlio roport nfto rccommonds that an appropriation of a million and 'i half for tho purchaso of modern tor nedo boats, and tho minimum whlah should bo considered is 200. AIho that ton tlmos that numbor would hardly placo tho Unltod Stato on an equality of cortaln nations of sup posed Inforlor naval power. FINANCIER rounder of I'ortlnml Firm Dies. In His Room nt In .AiiKelcs May Have Hem DcnitiiU'd. EVIDENCE POINTS TO A MURDER STUDENT ACCUSED TWO UNIVERSITY OK CALIFOR NIA ROYS QUARREL OVER A GIHL-ONE ALLEGED TO HAVE KILLED THE OTHER. (United Press Leased Wire.) Oakland, Cnl., Nov. 23. Harry' 0. Klelnschmldt, a student at tho Uni versity of California, nftor bolng "sweated" for 48 hours by tho Borko ley authorities In n back room of tho matter by (hiding n verdict oCt HtoW cldo. TlniH tho matter routed until tho- brothers of Frank. Bollowa, tn Chi-' , cngo, believing a murdor nnint have been committed, persisted in dc ninndlng n more thorough lnvcctls tlon. Tlieso Invofltlgntiona BtartefXi threo months nftor the death of Bal. lows, and promise to develop a mur-. dor mystery that- ccIIpbcb nnyrtilnEfc. in tho nnturo of vlolont crlmo thafc the.' county has witnessed In -msnyjr years. o ft KIDNAPED CHILDREN TO OET HER WAGES. United Prcos Leaflod Wire.) St. LaiilB, Mo., Nov. 23. Doclnr. Ing thnt in wns duo her In wagos and thnt Bho has boon unablo to cal--lect tho money, Lorlno Myers, nw, nurse girl, yesterday kidnaped the, two llttlo sous of Mr. and Mm, AK bert Johnson, and left n nolo snylnR thnt they would bo roturnod to tnolf parerttH whon tho monoy wns paid. After a search lasting many houra. tho girl and tho children woro found in Webster Grove .a suburb, and: Miss Myers wns placed under arreac (United PrcsB Leased WIro.) Los Angolci, Cnl., Nov. 23. Mya tory Burrounds tho doath of Adonl- ram J. Sanborn, tho 80-yonr-old llnftncler and Jblnt founder of the flnji of Sanborn, Vnll & Co., or Los i-AnRClos, San Francisco and Port land, who yesterday wns found doad In bed In nn npartment houro on 'Control avonuo. Tlio oged man had! 'ot boon seen about tho house 'since last Monday. Tho landlady of tholhouso bocamo suspicious, and yesterday broke Into tho room. I Thorn wcm-u no marks of Injury tin- on tno body whon It was found. San qi&&1 wna nearly as strango an his death. Ho Is sntd to havo btvn 'oxceedlng eccentric, living tho llf of a roohiBo. Whether ho bocamo tomporarllv insane from constant brooding, or whether bin donth was from natural otuisoB will probably bo brought out nt the autopsy, which will bo hold this afternoon. Monntlmo tho olli olals aro trying to locato somo of tho rolatlves of tho docoasod. YOUNG LADY DRIVEN TO DESPERATION MARIE CAHILL COMING LLLLELrLLr4LLKr V - , mm '5MB WMWwXmm Wiiot fitiwtu for Flii DavH mid The memuers or Ainrio uaiuirs i NIrIUs Trliil to Commit Sulcldo. monu .jong-Bklrtod" chorus aro paid i ... ysb ptr wook; uut tuoy aro Bpooinny golf ted by competition for their boauy and singing and dnnclng abil ity Mie Cablll will bring her muslonl play, "Marrying nights, with baroly onough food to ( Mary," to the Grand, Docombor Gth. keen her allvo. Ioona LaMar, u BfflpentGGC wnoxtF cmfw omfwy p comely young woman, throw horself z In front of a street oar at FoUon (United Press Leased Wire.) San Franolseo, Nov. 23. After wnlkiner tho strootB for flvo daya and,"imart ...,.. .- . and Spoar stroota yesterday Jn a vain I yr III DROWN HER FOUR BABES attompt to end hor Hfo. Only tha qulckuosa of tho motorman saved hor from belnit terribly mangled. A It la sho Is at the hoepltal today suf fering from Intornal Injuries ana terribly woak from starvation. A diarv which sho carried wlUt hor told mutely a tale of her loaren for a career, tho terrible aufTerln gt, IiIh Wojiwii Th Tluim to Hit and humiliation thut she underwent evontually driving hor to the des perate attompt at sulelde. During tho five days sho epont In tramplag tho stroets, alio spent but 6t ' for food. Mlf Willi Hoik ami WnlkM TIiudi Into River, (United PrOBs Loasod Wire.) St. Louia, Mo., Nov. 23. With her four ohlldran tied to her by a W03IHX SUFFR AGISTS .arontr rope, Mrs. Ka'therino Deters, aged SO, was pulled from tho rivor RAISE DISTURDANCRS. ' Deepen at 2 o'clock thlB mornins (United Proas Leased Wire.) ,TUe eerearoi of tho cniiareu ai ,u ,.. w. traeted the jol co. Aurella, ouo London. Nov. 23. Women auffra- ?""" ' M.. .'... . . .. your ui ukv, nun iivuiij uvv gists wore today storming every po- ' we Margaret aged 7. lice court tnrougncm nb --- Hwrletta 5 and Frank 3. They were Scotland. In some oasee bolng eJ, toGthep hv tWQ trand of ed. and In many othor town 'w o, and jail after a tight, rno i-b" "-i otbof around the,r ,og8 At tn9 begun by pre-arrangcraen t. every Btornlnir1 tho mother where at the fame time. " hysterical. Margaret said that o i.r.mon u.-nu arra Enod Ue efliirii'"" '.. , " , " "w , ,,, ..--o nrvall iha roomer waiHCfl wcm arouuu mi was denounced, a wild wene ., then u . r0De 8round ing until the dUUirbare were tnrou ' threw thcm nto ,h0 rfw out. J J. BRANDT WALKER. Wall Btreet bear operator who li eld to have Hindu $5,000,000 In HtocU apeculntlun In tho juihI hIx months. Inspeotora olllco, wb removed to tho county Jnll yesterday, where ho Ih now held ponding n further Investi gation by the district attorney's of fice of tho strango oircumstuneati that attondod the death of Frank Hollowsjii July last. No charge hat been piacod ualnHt Klolnsohmldl, thus far, but District Attornoy Brown declarod today thnt the evidpuco no In tho poM0Bon of the authorltlea strongly Indicate that Dollowa' death was a enso of murder, and thnt it prosonts Hoveral quostlons on which it Is thought Klelnschmldt can throw considerable light. It haa been genorally prosumd thnt Bollowa committed auloldo. Frank Dollowa wns tho, son of Wil liam Hollows, a retired Missouri oap Itallut. Tho last porson that saw and talked to Bollowa wa Klolnsohmldt. On tho evonlng of July 27 Bellows and Klolnsohmldt had a long and oarnoet conversation In the yard of tho Klelnschmldt roetdeuoe. Thoy are claimed to hnvo quarroled about a girl. Both young men aro orodlt od with having nurtured a serious attachment for the young woman. Somo houra nftor the Interview in the yard of tho Klelnschmldt resi dence the body, of Bollowa was found in a vacant lot not far distant. The body was lying face downward, and a bottlo that bad contained cyanide of potassium lay a few Inches from an outstretched hand. It dovolops 4hat tho coroner's In quest was, a most Buporllclal af.'alr. Tho outward ovldencoa of death by poisoning wero accepted without a question, no autopsy being po formed, and tho slendor evldonco of ferod by Klelnschmldt and his broth er, who professed to know practice ally nothing of the case, the coro ner's Jury quickly disposed jj the NO TARIFF REVISION AT COMING SESSION (Unltod Tress Lentcd WIro.) Washington, Nov. 23. "Tliera- wit! bo no tariff revision nt tho com-, ing session," nnld Representative Paine, of Now York, chairman of tha- wayH and means committee of tlu houso of representatives, after a con ference with tho Prostdont today on tho tariff and currency logUJatlon, -ih- ROLLER CASE BEGINS TO ' RIGHT ITSELF Woman Im ntriniHfd Paramour Will Ho Tnkeu (o California on Lur cony Charge. (United ProBa Leased WIro,) . Seattlo, Wuah., Nov. 23.-P, 5 Rollor, tho local sanitary Inspector,. who plnyod tho rolo of a gay lotuv rlo at Oakland last March, will bo sent back thoro within tho next (ow dayn to stand trlnl on n chargo of grand larcony. The police recelved: instructions from tho police of Oak laud to hold tho prleoncr until nn olllcor arrives for him. Tho 200 that Roller la charged with having Btolon was takon from Dr. Harry Morton, the huubnnd of Anita Mor ton, with whom Rollor elopod. Tho woman, who wan arrested with Roller, wim roloasod by tho po lice. Her rolntlvon In California have arrangod for hor return, and sho will go back. Whether Bho and: her husband will bocomo rcconcllod, Bho cannot say. Sho hopoa to get hjg forgivunosa. o NEGRO KHAMAN RARELY UdOAVHH FROM LYNQHINO Los Angoloa, Cal Nov. 2.3. Prompt action on the part of tho po Heo probably averted a lynching at Hodoiulo last night, whon sailors from tho tleot of wurshipa In the har bor attacked and boat a negro sea innn named Eppa, who had knoqkod down a white woman on tho ntrqefj. Epps demandod admUsIou to a danao being hold by the jvhlto Bailors, Ho wna refiuod and became ubualvo, Eppa orosaed tho street to n anloonk and aa he left the saloon Jjq oncoun torod u white woman, and eithgr knogkod her down or simply collid ed with hor. Bho was thrown to tlity aldowalk and seriously Injured. Epp' wna foon surrounded by a crowd tit sallora, who beat him unmercifully. Thoro wero crlos of "lynoh him," and It appeared that this advlco wqa to bo acted upon when the police of flcerH appeared on tho sceno, and atV tcr a hard light aueceoded In land Ing tbo negro In Jail. North Yakima dlspntohos suy thnt tho Union Paeifle railroad will build a lino to the Cowlitz Pass coal dta trlct, I !...- i2