DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL, SALEM, OREGOtf. FRIDAY, NOVEMDER 22, 1007. A READY RESPONSE TO OUR GREAT NOVEMBER ECONOMY SALE EVERY ARTICLE IN THE ESTABLISHMENT com$T,0DS I AT REDUCED PRICES . . Yesterday many took advantage of the many offerings that abound throughout this establisl to partake, ad tt . co ao your uuying at mis time, ineres nununsub 01 uimsa iu ijiuviuu iui yuui luuhuh ""5 .ri'"' " .Muun;, m iact you can h,-T ? mttUitUuio nf wnnk Hmr mn Up cimnliprl at ihis store, and at a less once than usual, "link OC 3 PUHIMUMMV w iimiim , mb ww w j i - -w - w-- , m WOMEN'S GARMENTS . ' AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES New fall find winter styles in women's coats In groys find mixtures, well mado and finished. During this sale we offer thorn as follews: $0.00 values Economy Salo. $15.00 values Economy Salo. $6.00 .$10.00 $10.50 valuqs Economy Sale. $2 8. GO valines Economy Sale. .$11.00 $19.00 Women's and Misses' Suits Neat nnd pretty fall styles In medium nnd dark shades In mlsooB' nnd womon's suits. Every gnrmont is of this Boason' designing and make $15.00 values n aa Economy Salo .... JHV,"v $18. CO values j i Economy Salo .... pJZtu4 $20.00 values j i Economy Salo .... Jplu.ul $25.00 values 1 rn Economy Salo .... pIZtd" Bargains In Dress Goods Never In tho history of this store has there boon such a remnrkablo bargain event In prevailing stylet nnd materials In dress goods. Your, dollars hero will do almost double duty. Bring your wants to us and wo can fill them host and at a considerable saving to you. BOc nnd (Ific Fluid Dress Goods for mlsges and chlldron's wear Special 75c 85c nml $1.00 FRENCH FLANNELS Printed flannels in newest designs for waists and kimonas Special . . PRIESTLEY'S CRAVENETTE Genuine Priestley's Cavenotto in Tans .Greys nnd Browns ni tho follewing: $2.75 valuos special $1.88 and $2.00 vol uoi $1.29 and $1.50 vulues . . 50c SATIN FOULARD it 39c 50c !p ! I iW2C CHILDREN'S BARGAIN COATS TABLE A lino of children's coats In ""l 8Ccondi Hoor1 wo 1,n grey stripes and mixtures- established a bargain tablo velvet and self material cont wh,oh contains, and shawl collars Evory gar- MUSLIN UNDERWEAR mont of this season's Btylo PETTICOATS nnd make. CHILDREN'S FURS ETC. TrBLvn:'.'M. $3.90 HALF PRICE 85c BOXHOY NEVERTEAR SILK Puro dyo . . 91.50 CHANGEABLE TAFFETA 3G inches wide $1.00 CHANGEABLE CHIFFON. TAFFETA . 50c CRYSTAL CORD SILK 19 lnchos wide 92.75 CLOAKINGS In grey nnd brown 23c 33c $1.09 68c 19c $1.75 High Class Men's Suits . At very special Price Tho wwplo ol'tlila vicinity Imvo nppcechlrt . curtas bettor smiton of nil sAl.l, wool ,! h " seqnenco wo Imvo somo btpkon loti ol n,i "If ""' two si.Ks ot a kind-nicy como i t '" '''". nnd xlnrlt In sizes rnnBlni! from 31 to n. "-", November Economy Sale 20 to 50 Per Cent Reductions Men's and Youths' Shirts A lino of men's and youth's shlrU with stiff bosom $1.00 and $1.25 values' Men's fancy coat shirts with stiff boBohis cuffs attached Jl.50 values Men's fancy cont shirts cuffs at tached stiff bosom regular $2.50 values 78c 95c $1.55 UMBRELLAS If our customers know ns well as wo tlo how good this bnrgaln really is we'd bcII tho cntlro lot In an hour. Flno mercerized cover, paragon framo, princess handle Regular $1.25 and $1.50 valuo on Economy Snlo OUw COMFORTERS An excellent opportunity to provide moro bed covering nt a loss price. Stnndard slzo ,s!lko llno covered, knotted and tied. Medium, light nnd dark shades. Well worth $1.50 " Economy Snlo $1.25 Men's Fancy Silk Vests A limited numbor of mon'i fancy silk vests, mostly in tint dnrkor shades in n wldo rango of sizes A grand op portunity to got ono choaply. Regular $3.00 to $4.50 valuos a ar Economy Salo .... vfLLo 'Boys' Sweaters A wldo range of colon ujl sizes In boy's BWMten & onoreu as follews: $1.00 valuos Economy Salo $1.50 values Economy Sale $1.75 values Economy Sale A AA T--.W values ,n Economy Sale fA Bargains in Flannels In ilannols nnd towels wo oxcoll nil others both in quality nnd valuos For this salo wo mako notable reductions Tlmo now to got your supply Choosing is best nt this time SHIRTING FLANNEL In otrJpos, colors dark rod, mo- Uium bluo nnd black 50a values OuC OUTING FLANNEI Fronch twill, colors light bluo ft -Rogular 12 a valuos 7 1ZC TURKISH TOWELS Crystal bleach Turkish Towols, n 17x40 inches 12 Mic valuoa .7 ialQ r 'sCd .At.b & eu&iA S&j INCORPORATED Newest Goods. Quality Shop. Bargains in Footwear At tho beginning of stormy weather Just wnen jot stout and serviceable footwear wo como forward ilil ; oconomy event Your opportunity to buy goods cheaply LADIES' SHOES Our ro liar stock $3.00 values and ii 1UW UrUHVU IIUUS III UUI fd.OU VUIUIM -iXill'lUVCI Nil IMNGREEE SHOES Drok'H lines In $3.50 and fiOO values November Sale MENS' SHOES RegMlnr $3.50 values In broken lines November Salo iiiniiiiiimiiiiiinnj Wt 0t Wt uii CITY NEWS i! X A Collection of Important Par ligrnph.s for Your Consideration I 41111111111 11 111 111! HIH I To bo given by tho Woodmen of tho World nt tho Holmnn hall Frl- doy, Novombor 22. You nro cor dially Invited. Grand march at S:30. ' ll-20-3t WEATHER: OCCASIONAL RAIN TONIGHT AND SATURDAY, SOUTH ERLY WINDS. Post Card Hall Now subjects dally. Wo Wish to Call Your attention to tho display lu our show window of Tiffany glass candy waro, which wo mako In all colors aud designs for weddings, re ceptions, banquotB, etc This ware Is mndo only at tho Spa. 2t Don't Miss Tho nov and sensational W, O. W. nnd lovors' delight dancoa at tho W. O. W. ball, Friday, Novombor 22. ll-20-3t Special Notice Any porson or persons who wlU nossed tho killing of my pointer pupplo by tho Snlom-Chomawa olee- tre cn' Orncnn Wliintrln Pnllrnml on Wetlnoadnv. Nnvomhar 20. lie- ,011 fiory Will AVnv tween tho hours of 2 and 3 p. raj Notwithstanding tho Inclemency High streot. noar tho crossing of Mu- of tho woothor, Hal D. Patton, ono rlon street, In front of high Bohool,.of tho Vmw proprietors of Pnt wlll eonfor a special and porsonal ,ton 8 book 8toro- of th,s clt'. sot favor If thoy will eommunlonto with ,Qrtu for Scotts Mn,B th,s "oi-nlnc rao nt tho onrllit possible tlmo. If.w,th tho avowed Intention of pre cnlllng or communicating with rao B0tlng tho school at that place with will cause tho party to lose any,n fla. nnd to conduct what Is known money In tho way of tlm from ns R- "p,nK "n'siB." Ho was ao their work, or any other tycponso, i , co'Panlod by County Superlntendon'. will bo only too glad to romuneratowlnUor Sm,th n,ul c- ' stT, who thom for tho same. This appeal Ul'm, nct ns chaperons and trausaot mado in particular to thoso who b3'"ss relative to tho school. were on the car that ran ovor tho organized with a membership of 25, and will meet ovory other Thursday In tho liberal arts building of tho Unlvorslty. Tho momberanlp con tains both gentlemen and ladlos. Of ficers wero elected ns follews: Mr. John Rolchen, president; Guy Woods, vice-president; Miss Mary GlttlnB, secretary; John McNees, treasurer. i Ladles Havo your quilts quilted at 141 South Liberty street, tho Now Idea Qjullter, opposlto tho Salem Steam Laundry. Prices, spreads and fancy quilts, $1.50; comforts and plain quilts, $1.00 . Mrs. W- H. Dormnn, proprietor, 11-10-lm Evangelistic Soi'vlces Tonight Tho evangelistic services at the First Christian church will rosumo this evening. All cordially Invltod. Tonight W. O. W. dnnco in the Holmnu hall, ovor Capital dnig store. You aro cordially Invited. Grand march at 8:30. PERSONAL MENTION dog. It. G. Hunter, Lndd & Bush building. Room IS, Salem, Oregon. Phono Main 451. 2-t Will Give Concert Tonight Tho members of tho United Breth ren church this evqnlng will give a lltorary and musical program In tho Yew Park school. Tho program contains many rare treats and those who attend will doubtless spend an onjoyablo evening. United RiiMhren Quarterly meeting at Yew Park church, Twelfth, and Mission streots Saturday and Sunday, Novembor 23 and 24. Business session Saturday! nt 2 30 p. in. Proaohlng Saturday 'Varsity Temperance League evonlng nt 7:3Q p, m. Sunday at j A prohibition qlub was yesterday 11 a. in. and 7:30 p" m. by Elder ( organized vby tho students of Wtl Lnildy. Tho public s cordially in-jlamotto University, under tho dlrec vlted to all thoso services. J. ll.jtlon qf L. Brown, an enthusiastic Slerrymau, pastor. , temperance worker. The loaguo was Fmj Lecture Sister Avnbamla, an independent missionary of Iudla, Is-visiting In this city, and will lecture at Com mercial Hall Saturday at 7:30 p. m. on "Man's Rights Versus Gold." Sunday at 3:00 and 7:30 p. m. she will lecture-on other subjects. Lec .turos nro free. All are welcome. Visited Salem G. A. R. S. F. Blythe,, department com mander of tho Grand Army of the RopMbllc, who visited Sedgwick Post ,of this city last night, left this juormug ior nis nomo m Hood Rlvar Ho returned recently from tho sol diers homo lu Roseburg, where he mado an official visit. Mrs. E. A. Robinson left this morning for Portland on business. Mrs. M. J. Swabb left this morning for a visit to relatives In Woodburn, H. O. White wont to Portland this morning on business. H. II. Rngan was among thoso who wont to tho metropolis this morn ing. H. M. Branson, the well-known grocoryman, is in Portland today on bUBtnoss. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Briggs left this morning for Portland, whero they wlU visit friends nnd .relatives. Ed Rosonburg, of Portland, was a business visitor In tho city yester day. Mrs. A. MIckel returned last even ing to her homo in Gervals, after n visiting In this city, Mrs. H. A. Rawion went to Wood burn yesterday to visit friends uud relatlvos. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bolser left last evening for Oikosh, Wisconsin, where they will reside. Hou, A. B. Gownn, who has been visiting in the city, has returned to his home in Woodburn. 9 Mrs. Cooko Pnttou, Mrs. S I. Gutss and Mrs. C. B. Shelton went to Portland this morning for a short visit. Or. C. O. Kimball, who has been delivering n series of lectures at tho Kimball institute In this city, left hist evening for his home In Spo kano. Earl Homyer, who has been r drug clerk in the Red Cross Phar macy left yesterday for Portland to accept a position in that place. Sam Parks went to Portland yes terday to take charge of a patient, who has been committed to the asylum. Miss Mabel Mlshler, ot Albany, J who has been visiting her sister, (Mrs. E, G. .Lantz of this city, loft yesterday for Woodburn to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. H. M. Wandt wont to Port land today, whore sho will visit friends. Mrs. Charles Hlckthier, who has beon visiting her brother, WUHnm Hager, of this city, has returned to her home in Portland. Oliver J. Meyers left this morn Ing for Portland where he will vUlt friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Heites, of Bel llngham, Washington, who have been visiting relatives In Salem left last evening for Turner, whore they will visit before returning to their home. L. R. Stlnson, grand keeper of rocords and seal, of th I Pythias, is In Pendktoaosfc o DIED. uni.nnnnK. At the fos1 i n..ito rnnt .Thundlf. $ ber 21,' 1907, Sin. I" Mrs. Holbrook mi lj5 Grace Scrlber. dancr. ,ir c.lhtr lit Sa " The remains wUl & Salem for Interna . tlco later. IT-Ilo. UTiftsf soniow "" ....y) some. zz;s receiw r I- i J t0 0,yT fcleacc great ravon - - WALNUTS Finest display of SALEM GROWN WALNUTS to fee seen in Salem. Notice oo window display k diffeent sies and m' KA CfCQtS Cft ' PHO 400 3IAIL Oi.