,1 u DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKEQON, FRIDAY, XOVEJUJEU 22, 1007. . L. Stockton The Old White Corner- viru Thanksgiving Table Linens "TABLE- Our Btock Of linens embrace tho product of tho most important fnc dorles. Fastidious housekeepers will bo pleased hot only with tho patterns but with tho excellent quality as well Our hobby is n good nrticlo at a rea sonable price. J,!HEtf " imasks by the Yard, Linen Sets, Napkins, Separate Cloths, Etc. BLANKETS to'hto it Is truo that wo have Bmall bIzo cheap blnrikots, wo not going to spend out tlmo rertlslng them. Wo profor to about something durnblc and pcndable. $1.00 Blankets 111 bIzo excellent quality in gray nnd white. $1.25 Blankets tra cioven-qunricrs nonvy tco blankets lu white, gray uud $1.50 Blankets .My iW p- "-i- --mm ti,mv i v'i wa mm .Jf M 'of fl ' f WW (P I '!titf Full twolve-quartor slzo and equal for scrvlco to a ?5 blanket . Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil. Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after sickness, colds, coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Try it on our guarantor o. w. PUTNAM CO. ADDING TO THE APPEARANGE AND USEFULNESS OF PAINT SALEM H. S. TEAM IS OFF FOR THE FRAY Atiniinl Game With Eugene Will Re Pmyed Tomorrow Close Contest Evpocted. Tho Snlom high school footlmll tenm left this morning for Eugene, Gurled and warped Bhlngles on roofa of suburban and country houses nro a common but not a pleas ing sight In all parts of the country whore buildings nro covered with wood. Shingles wnrp and curl bo- causo after u. wetting nnd thoy got many tho upper sldo dries first. In a fow years tho roof leaks, decnyn, nnd must come off. Many years ago farmers made what they called their "ovor Instlng" roors of white plno, cedar, and black walnMt tmlngles, freo from m. rlvod with a frow, nnd shaved with a drawing knife. Such shingles enn not now be had, for tho ftno straight grained timber noco3 Bary for their mnufneturo is senro and very expensive. Formerly good wood was plenti ful and shingles cheap, it costs more to roplace a leaky roof now, and earnest search has been mndo for ways to check tho warping nnd decay of Bhlngles, and mako tho roof last longer. Tho forest service has studied tho shingle problem nlong with thnt of tho preservation of fnrm tlmbor. It Is found thnt shingles treated with creosoto by n special proceii which tho scrvlco litis Invented, warp hut Ittlo nnd docay slowly bocniiBO wator whore U will play In tho big annual ,8 ,Cpt out of th0 tg(m08 or tho game tomorrow against Eugene high 'd Ono 8Uch roof w 0Ut,Mt HUMAN RACE AFFLICTED WITH QUEER DISEASE Cooper Mays internal Parasites Cause Much Suffering Everywhere Tho following romnrknblo stato- ,grent parasites and not bo aworo of 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n r IUSEMENTS '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 I I M I I Auditorium Itluk. nft?rnoon nud evening, ox- Sundays. fcrnml Opcrn House, Dates. eday, XjV. 2C Tho Collogo r, Bneada, Nov. 27 Tho Strong- r. fcrsdav, Dec, B "Marrying Tho Viiuilctc. Iflng r!r'irc8 and Illustrated ever affornoon and ovonlmt. Sunday and Monday aftor Iillnger Grand. itwircl 8'ock Company To- 'Uat a Woman Will Do." md Opera House )H F. CORDRAY. Mcr. 9 CT - wesday, Nov. 26 FOUR YEARS ng Succeeds Like Success." e grntcst young American lr Crr written." N. V. TTr- Henry W. Savage's "THE LEGE WIDOW" By GcorgcAdc As Presented in W YORK ONE YEAR. OSTOV 10 WEEKS. g'CICO 10 WEEKS. tho comedian, mndo n loam thnt It would bo hnrd to bont. Wobb Is too woll-known on tho const to roqulro any eulogy horo. It Is suillclont to ay thnt ho plnyod tho part of Small borry Strnndor, a Urondwny favorite, In his own Inlmltablo way. Bosldos Toddy Wobb, . howevor, thoro woro practically six other load ing parts, and It would bo hnrd 10 say that any ono particular part was plnyod bottor than nnothor, for thoy woro nil oxcollont. Harry Glrnrd. tho composor of tho music for tho opora, Edward Martlndnle, Teddy n B"1 cinched Wobb nnd Miss Agnos Cnln Brown took tho loading solo parts. "My Totem Pole." sung by Edward Mar tlndnlo, mnde a grent hit. Mis Drown, who took tho loading so prano solo, has a very swoot and powerful volco, nnd alio rendorod hr parts In a most charming mannor, oepoolnlly tho song "Mother Did." Tho Toddy bear purt, plnyod by Wil liam Fablos, wns o tront to all pros out. Mrs. Sheldon's, "Anna Adair," prlnolpal song wns "Good, Bettor, Boat." Harold Vizard and Amy Lolcestor did tholr comody very woll. school. Thoro hn9 been much cnthu slnsm ovor this game, both In Snlom and Eugene, nnd It promises to bo a cIoho contest. Chnuntfoy Bishop will nccompnny his team from horo and rcmnln until nftor tho gamo, putting tho boys In tho best possible condition. Two of Salom'a strongest plnyers will not bo In tho llnoup io-4 morrow on account of slcknosa. Thoy nro Captain Fnrmor and Tncklo Sav age. This will somowhat wonkon tho tenm, but tho boys oxpeot to show Eugene up nnywny. Jones, who has boon out of tho game for tho pnst week, will step back Into Ills old plnco nt fullback for this game. School dismissed this morning at 10 o'clock, nnd nbout 200 students woro nt tho dopot to glvo tho Btn donts a glorious nond-off with yoll nud encoring. Snlom Uno-up: Eyro c, Wntsdn r g, Hofor 1 g, Koono r t, Bollinger 1 t, Nllos r o, Smith 1 o, Tlolmnn a. Jones f, Krebs r h, Richardson 1 f. Subs Kay, Roborte, Lnfkoy, Bonson. Hold Bully This Morning. Tho Btudonts congrogntod in the. nRsombly room this morning nt 10 o'clock nnd hold n "Jolllflcntlon" preliminary to tho gamo, nnd If "col logo spirit" counts tho local team should havo fevtr 'touchdowns nnd alrondy. Botwoen tho outbursts of nnplnuso nnd tho "Ru-Ras" a parody on the oration of Patrick Henry was delivorod by Miss Lola Cook, after which Howard Zlmmorman 'ronderod" the ad drees two or threo tft In tho nntniral stato to curl, spring leaks, and fall to mont wn3 recently mado by L. T. Coopor. It concoriiB the prepara tion which has boon so widely dis cussed throughout tho country dur ing tho past yenr, and has sold In bucIi enormous quantities in leading clties: It Is now n. well-known fact thnt whorover I havo Introduced my Now Dlscovory modlclno, hundroda of pcoplo havo brought internal pnrnsttcs, or tapoworms, to mo. In many ensos those, peoplo dld not know tho naturo of tho parnslto, and woro consequently extremely norvous until I explained tho mnttor to them. In-Bome cltios so many havo hnd this cxporlcnco thnt tho public gonornl- ly beenmo nlarmcd. "I take IIiIb opportunity of cx- plnlnlng what theso creatures nro, and wlint I havo learned nbout thorn In tho past. "Tapoworms nro much more com mon thnn would bo supposed. I von turo to say that ton per cent of nil chronic stomach troublo, .or what la known as a 'rundown condition, I caused by thorn. An Individual mnv It. "Contrary to gonornl bellof, tho nppotlto Is not greatly increased It only becomes irregular. Thoro is a goncrnl fooling of fnlntness, howovor, and a- knawlng sonBatlon in tho pit of tho stomach. "Peoplo aftllcted with ono of these parasites aro nervous and -depressed. Tholr chief sonsntlon Is ono of lan guor, nnd thoy tiro very oaslly. Lrck of onorgy nnd ambition affect the body, and tho mind becomes dull and sluggish. Tho memory become not so good, nnd tho oycslght Is goa orally pooror. "Tho Now Dlscovory, In free-Ins etomnch nnd bowola of all Impuri ties, sooms to bo fatal to those groat wormB, nud almost Immediately ex pols them from tho system, I wish to nssuro nnyono who tins tho oxport onco Just rolntod with my prepara tion, thnt thoro Is no cnuoo for alarm In tho mnttor, nnd that It will ns a rulo mean a speedy restoration to good health." Tho Coopor modlclnos nro.n boon to stomach sufferers. Wo sell thorn. EMPEROR MENELIK OF ABYS SINIA. Dusky monarch who Iiiih fallen In line with rolorin nud IshiioiI a decree providing for a constitution nud, for t cabinet for IiIh umpln. plooee. The oreoiote uol Is noth- than dead oil of coal til', of'Mark Anthony In burlesque of the jg n)0ro Eugene gridiron urnvos. rronao.y , imt u j(0a8 wntor from ontorlng ono of the most nmuslng fenturee tho poroa of tho wood and rondera of tho Jolly-uu wns the oleven "En geno's" ghosts, which npponrod us Albort Engan, In pootry, gnvo vorso for onch of tho Snlom high school tonm. As tho stanza was giv en tho ghost roprosontlng tho re- parts spootlvo opponont would como forth and with groans oxpross to tho sui- Tho chorus did fine work, and thoj dents his condition nftor tho pig- elrla know how to wear their ole-.aKin rusn is ovor. gant costumos to the best advantage. jN IGHT;! Westwood's tock Company KLINGER-GRAND ' " -J-art comedy drama entitled rt a Woman Will Do?" POME AM) fixd OIJT, tra'f i F ngs, specialties and I PJc-jT 3 between acts. Tlw Alaskan AVkan' which appeared at a at rvenlne. was ptb ' VUlittlU lUEb aesrecdnd tnr i !..' lm Hence wa. vnt .....i -J F -4 f a Blirnrlea t.m.11 t. "- """- LUEe MtnS8 and chorus enure departure from any T6r seen In tiii. u- vi Id. v.. 5' v"' UD""' SlnMu 'Tho Collego Wldoiv." When you go to soo George Ado's oxtromoly diverting comody, "The Collogo Widow," which will bo given by Honry Savage's players at tho Grand: theatre Tuesday, November 2C, there Is one point among many others, which It may Intorest you to study. Of course, you will bo thrilled by tho football match bo tween tho rival colleges, ono of the most exciting and roalistio ever put upon tho stage; you will follow with doop attention tho charming love af fair betweon Billy Bolton, tho half back, and Jane Withorspoon, tno collogo widow, and you will enjoy many a hearty laugh ovor the pranks of tho students. But, wafch, espe cially, how tho characters stand out from the canvas, each a real and liv ing personality. Take two Instances The speeohoa of "Silent" Murphy aro oxtraordlnnrily few in number, porhnpj not more than six In all Thon, Flora Wiggins, the boarding house waitress. She really has very uttlft tn do with the Plot, no great "scene" or anything of the sort, but how wo would mlse her and her amusing occentrloltleB, If she were suddenly eliminated from the piece. As you think over the eoeentrloltles of at least the two. you almost forget that you have only seen them be yond the footlights, and It seems a if they were peoplo you had really met and know well. o Gnmn Postponed, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 22. Out of oonsldorntlon of tho fnot that the Idaho-Washington gnmo will be plnyod on tho Stato Unlvorslty cam pus Thanksgiving nftornoon, and al so from the fact that Athlotlo park field Is roally to Bhort to oarry on a successful and woll-ordorod strug gle, the football gamo between the Borkeley, San Francisco nnd the Soattle high soliool toams has boon postponed from the morning of Thanksgiving day, as had boon an nounced, and will play on tho 'varsi ty campus Saturday nftornoon fol lowing Thanksgiving day. Buffer for yenra with ono of those J. C. Perry. first Class Conveyances and Reliable Horses You always got nt Yannko's... We enn glvo you any kind of a vohtcle thnt you desire nnd a horse to hitch to It thnt Is gontloi In hnruoss. Iloraos boarded. FASHION STABLES O. W. YAKNICIC, Prop. i:U-i:i7 N High St. I'liOHO MaIh 44 prcsorvallvoH by tho now procots. Tho coloring mnttor Is mlxod with tho crooaoto ronchos ovory fibre which tho creosoto touches, and lanla as long ns tho creosoto lasts and that Is a long tlmo. Such n atnlu doou not oaHlly woatbor out, whothor on wnlls, gublofl, or, roof. It Is ox poctod to provo muoh suporlor to the old wny of staining or minting the' surface only. -o- ClmiiuHtnittlul Evidence. MJra. Coburggor It Isn't right to ohnrgo Freddie with taking that monoy out of your pocket. Why don't you iicouro mo? Coburggor Docaiuso It wasn't all taken. Ilnrpor'a Wookly, o Hmuo CM Misery. "S'poso dnr wur n turkoy for ovory mnn In tho country?" "Wouldn't mnko any difference, for dny'd havo wings onough to (ly or ronoh." Atlnnta Constltu- It Immuno to decay for a long time. A roof of that kind costs n llttlo moro nt lint, but It h ohnapor lu tho long run. Woods which nro named ununlly classed as Inforlor, such ns loblolly pine, beoch, syoamoro, and othors whloh aro qulok-dooaylng, readily tnko tho preservative troat- mout and aro glvon a largely In:, eroasod vnUio. Lucky Find. A Highland woman wns oboe got- ting up n children's day entertain-'out taunt to consist of dialogues, etc.. .tlon. and hnd nnothor woman help linn the dialogues, according to tho VI- dotto. Tho holpor broko into nor houso ono dny with high gloo. "I hnvo found ono that Is Just n dandy," sho said. "It Is cnllod 'Ilomoo and Juliet.' and Is wrltton by a man bring you nothln 'copt what's on de Shakospoaro." Kansas City .bill o IiuposMlhlo, Btuile (at oojnmons) I'm tired of ordering grub. Just bring mo a good dlnnor. Sambo I'ho sorry, sab, but I can't . finas nnd Nelson Disagree. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 22. J-e Gans and Battling Nelson met this morning to arrange a fight for the lightweight championship of the world. Tho negotiations were de clared off, but It Is believed that a othor meeting to disease the term will be had. One - Of the busieat lUasee In Salem Is at the corner of Ferry and Oammer olal streots. J. M. Lawrtnee, the grocer. o- Zffl&fa At (lie Swell Banquet. "Who's that little man up at the head of the table?" "He's one of our biggest capltal- Uts." "I see. And who Is that giant of a man down there near the foot?" "He's one of our small merchants." Chicago Tribune. Tho prosorvlng apparatus Is nei ther oxponslvo nor hard to oporate Ono such outfit will servo several farmers. Tho main items are an Iron tank (an old engine boiler will do") with prosorvalvo fluid In It and u.flro under It, and nnothor tank of. cold prosorvatlvo. Tho shingles or. oior woods to bo treated aro Inu mersed for a triftlclont time In th hot creosoto, nnd then in tho cold. Full details of tho operation are glvon to applicants for information by the forost sorvloo at Washing ton. Shingles aro one of the most Im portant lumbor prod not In this country. Last year nearly twelve uUMons were made. Hvou this onor mQue numbor was a heavy falling off from tho totnl of tho year boforo. it is a significant fact that tho nhlef sourco of shingle supply Is now the forests of tho far northwest, from whloh Mingles are brought oven to Now York. The oastern sources of supply nre not able to moot the oast ern demand. It Is thorefore fortu nate that Bhlngles are o oaslly given a preservative treatment by whlolt their life Is lengthened. Many handnomo residences In all parts of the country have their sides and gables covered with singles. This architectural uso often calls for staining or painting In harmonious colors. Such coloring Is loss fre quently seen on roofs, where It does not last long, because rain washes it off. Tho forest, servlco has been ex perimenting la this field, also; and has found that etalaa may be carried (Into the shingles, along with the Journal. ftil HICKORY BdRK Cough Remedy aiioivtiiv rwr IIIIIHIII M.WIHM ftjiJCoughs, Colds CROUP Whoopinf Ctttjh llvrrntM SORE THROAT 4- twiNin THHOATr.UUNOS ,': -J I 1111111 Y iwhmi e-. ,, JIU01T SUI I1HIT cu. VUIM.OWCON. L. VA. faro." Yale Record. Her Cliieflf. "What," askod tho chief clork, "makes you think tho boss Is not a married mnn?" , "Ho hasn't trJod to flirt with mo," repllod tho beautiful now stenogra pher. Exchange o , Fr I-Voiii It. Mrsl Goovlous You make It your biuiuesH to find fault with my Eng lish. Mr. Goovlsh Not at all, my dear, I mnko It my rocroatlon. Exchange o ... OAWTOXIXA. D.in th Jlta d YOU Hll kin B9Ufet Bring Me Your Old Gold Jewelry And oxchange for new up-to-date, plocos. We will allow you Its full value. Our goods are marked la plain figures, and an honest trade will be made. This Is a good time to select cholco pieces for tho com ing holidays also. You pay a small deposit, and we will lay It away for you. I STARR PIANO HIGH CLASS GOODS GEO. C. WILL Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank .Meredith, ltcldcnt Agent. Office with Win. Brown & Co., No, Commercial street. 20 CHAS. H. HINGES Leading Jeweler and Optician. 123 Commercial street. The Only One ob blt Street. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD. Over Ladd & Bueh'a Bank, Salem, Or I NEW TODAYf finnmnnimimnnl iniiiiinnimiinnni lAt Ladles' gold watch and sllvor fob. Return o Boulali Chase, 1071 D. streot. ll-22-3t WuhIchI To Ixuy ouo or two lots i Englewood or North Salem, on the Installment plan. Address "B," care Journal. 11-2 2-3 1 n ii ! - wear and Teddy Webb," . '5 .i