DAILY OAPlTAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, J 007. ' a THE CAPITAL JOURNAL- E. HOFER, Ed. and Prop. An Independent Nownpnpcr Dovoted to American Principles and 'tho t'rogre and Dorelopement of All Oregon. Tubllitliod Hvcry Rvcnlug Except Sunday, Salem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (Invariably In Advance.) lly, 'by -carrier, per year JU.OO Per month 60o DItr, by mull, per year- 4.00 r-cr month Ko ""Weekly, by mall, per year 1.00 Six months 60o NATIONAL .CHRONIC WATERWAYS STOMACH ' CONGRESS1 TROUBLE Washington, Nov. 22. With tho Cured y (he Tonic Treatment With ,1nf Intnrnot thn rfntlnnnl nnnltnl ir. WllllnlUS' I'llllt PHIS. UUU'WOti VVt W VMU MUVIU1IUI bll ! " Is looking forward to tho convention of tho National Rivers and 'Harbors congress, which meets horo Dec. 4, 5 nnd 0. Tho delegates will compose SPECIAL DELIVERY. For convenience of subscribers branch delivery ofnceg are estab 'Jlahed-at tho following places at 35 cents per month, $1.00 for three a distinguished company. Practical sxnontui. Asylum Store, F. Q. Do Voo & Son, Asylum Avenue Junction. 'Carllne, Seventeenth street o A. W. Lane, .Garden Road store. JDnue's Storo, Alox, Dauo, South Commercial street. J XElcctrlc Store, C. M. Epploy, East Stato street. m JFnlr Grounds Storo, Harrison Dee, Fair Grounds Road. SHowoll's Corner, Twelfth nnd Cross Btreets. O. K. Grocery, A. A. Englobart, Twelfth street. Wlreoler's Storo, W. D. Wheeler, Highland avonue. Tow Park Store. F. Q. Bower ox, Twelfth nnd Leslie. A great itmny people who arc suf fering front Indigestion nro sulTerlng unnecessarily. They can bo cured. Proper attention to tho diet and the right remedy to touo up tho PEPPER AND SALT. I. - AAllnn 4l TTnttn.1 aMiiH.W,U O iy uy - weakened oralis are all that Is re Tho symptoms of stomach trouble I11 n rnnrnanntnr1 liv annnlrnra mi tho program. Among thoso who ,qu ,mre,,ua ' I--" " vary Somo victims have a raven- to address the convention are: J aQmo Governor Smith of Georgia Gov- aa ernor Folk o J'" B weight on tho chest, a full feeling Cummins, 1'"; , the throat. Sometimes the gas IlUlU Ol iUUIVHWIU UIIU V1V1 -" COMPLAIN 0E.BANK HOLIDAYS APPETJif Th No Ubsltn ,. Vet heon ..... ""0dit Sheriffs WM Not Serve Papers tho JnJ tin it B"0n thorn ... "b, c?--- i ---v iiCIQF , -11 Bunshne. . .t l,atini that the ,;' ttr"WJ an FrnnnlMPfi 'n oo .. twln .... ' a ni th LI plaints aro being nmdo bv thn a affect, n. :.? Mt! lawyers -throughout tho city acalnirtl"it thobMt o. . . - - - -w uaii lAi.. 18 i,a w.w rs Other Inconveniences Aro itm About In California. San com kiiu . . 1 Qoreo,! ..,. '"'' WW ways bP;;uu"ai nl.ht. slQOni il o""l Dawson of West Virginia. Former Postmaster Goneral Charles Emory presses on tho heart and .loads tho sufforor to think ho has heart dls- . i . ... . ... r,i u lOasw. own. uuuuuuuu ia u injijuum. JAiauy a. innn minus no is lar-seeing, wnon in reniuy no is umy mi- muu win oiiuun, u3 n. oi diatresslnir Bymntom dihtoa .Schwab, who Is to appear as tho rep-, " B ' ' -ahii.u. uv, i ,f..i if.n!1 A very dollcato Btomach requires ?Tho secret of succosb aim high and uso a Bhotgun. roscntatlvo of tho powerful lntcr,m'oaBly aiRGdtal food but nature nov- ?Promotor a modern alchemist who can transmute hot air into gold. Jtionnl marltlmo Interests. AmbaaHa. o ,ntondcd t,m. tho food BhouI(1 bo A auro way of rondorlng tho straight nnd narrow path more popu-(dors von Sternberg and Jussorand d, tofl boforo lt Ifl caton Tho Nhr-inako lt wide enough for automoblfes. .will deliver the greetings of Gor- Btrongthon;d , to mo wriginat uig buck uio roiiing-pm. v .--.--...-.,,.- niM.fnrn. u- nwn worlc nmi wilnf . 1. nnnirnnMnl1 n n ll Will vllfMMltia fill "Money may mako somo peoplo mad but It's tho lack of it that analies most of us wax warm In the neck-cloth. A 'chockored career frequently onds In stripes. An -ngnostlc Is a follow who Bays ho knows nothing and thinks ho 'knows everything. In Bhakospearo's time tho play wns the thing. Now's It's tho box ro- C0lpt8. "Tho dark ages anywhoro between twonty-olght and forty. Ho who wnlts for dead men's shoes Is llablo to got corns. Bettor to havo loved and lost thnn to hnvo been tho othor follovf. It takes two to mako a quarrel and threo to mako a divorce. Ho who Is born with a golden spoon In his mouth often lives to hock tho Tamlly pinto. Boauty is not nlways skin doop. Ho kills two birds with ono shot who mnrrlos"ii widow with a fam ily. o THE BTATI3 TltEASUHV FROM A POLITICAL STANDPOINT. If tlio Blnto treasurer woro a Democrat $100,000 shy In tho on nb Portland that wont broke bndly, and tho governor ,woro il. nnnirnnMnt1 n nil Tf 1 1 1 vltadllBa Mil ",w """"''"; ";,.""' '",., needs Is not food already digested great advance in watorways develop' ... ; . .i i Mn..nntM lt ft tonic. Tho processes of dl- ment In their countries. ., . , , ., , , , nn, ,nHo Wiii i,o n ronrnnnt. KC3t'n ,iro controlled by tho blood ed, bo far as tho oast is concerned, nnd norvoa, and medical sconce has 'fo Hart Lyman, editor of tho Now produM no bettor dlsoatlvo tonic Ivork Times; Albort Shaw, editor of thnn Dr. Williams' Pink Pill.. the Review of Reviews, and close' "I hn4 bopn troubled with nor , , ,!.,., i. nMnn.. vousnoss for Bomo time," says Miss nd Charles L. Taylor, editor of the Julia A Vn sickle of 724 N 0th Boston Globe, will appear on tho "treel, Fort Dodge, Iowa, 'and last wr,,n Thn wontnrn. northern "uor 1 Paired a groat deal from and southern press also will havo appotito, general weakness distinguished representation. nl- nnd exhaoistlon. Tho causo, I think, though no uonnito promises of wis overwork teaching school horo. speeches havo. boon received from My ntomooh was constantly filled tho loading newspaper men of thoio with phlegm, which gavo an oxtromo sections. np1on8ant foo ing, and I had no . ilnu fr fnrwl nf nnw If I nil Wvnrv Tho buccobb of tho convention is "- " w ""' " ;, ,rf assured, and lt promises to bo the 'Bt I had a anly bank mo(jt mpoplant of lt8 klnd over held w continue until I fell to a Ropub-' , we8lorn hemisphere, If not In " would 'then go down In tho high fovor, which fell to sloop roorn- lienn. tin. urn nf thn wtnto wo-iihl lmvo n nroat denl to say. and Bomo .,. ... i T n mu.nn Inc I would not notice lt ut all. I or tlio Republican pnpors WOULD liti SAYING IT IN A DIFFERENT Be-crotnry niul treasuror of tho Na- hni1 tl norvous hoadacho nearly ovory VAY. ltlonal WvorB and nnrbor congress, 'nttornoon, capoclally when I began Tr tho Htnto troaBtiror had piled up $400,000 In ono of Uio big 80l,tJ .reported from tho organization's to got Hired. My heart also troubled. JbnifkB of tho stato, it would havo boon unusual. ' headquarters In Cincinnati that tho mo skipping a boat ovory onco In Uut to havo run It Into a bank thnt did not stnnd high, a bank tlmt 'iintlonul capital may proparo -to" on- whllo. was a moro annex of a big speculalvo real estato brokorago concorn, 'tortnln ono ot th0 inrgest gnthor-l "My fatlicr urged mo to take Dr. 'WAS ALMOST CRIMINAL IN ITSELF. lnR8 cvor hcd within tho District of Williams' Pink Pills as ho thinks Now, to rop nt, If a Democratic stato treasuror had done this thing, columlila. Writing early this month vory highly of thorn. In n few days nnd tho bank hud gono broke, what would wo bo asking a Republican CantaIn ijnison says- I1 8ftw 'tJy woro "olplng no. My govornor to do under tho circumstances? I EVory Indication points to tho nppotlto rq,turnod nnd I havo not WE WOULD 11 EASKING HIM TO ENFORCE THE LAWS OF TIIK'fftct t,mt UxQ Washington convontlon c bothored by stomach trouble STATE nindo for tho protection of tho people In JuBt such omorgon- Jn ovory way wm m worthy of this or "orvousneas since. I always keep olos. What weald bo wrong In that? Would wo not ho doing right as cauB0 wucu. j8 cnlllng It tofl&thor. Pink Pills on hand tj 1ako as a TlopublloniiR? ' ;Enoh mn hrlngs In additional Hats tonic, when I fool tlrod out. I llrni- It Is understood that tho Portland agent of tho Amorlcnn Suroty q dojogatoa nd tho total number 'y bollovo thoy saved mo from a company of Now York does not wont Mr. Steel Intorforod with. That Is ,roady rocoVod nt this early date sovoro and prolonged illnoss." natural. 1113 DOKS NOT WANT HIS COM PAN V TO 1IAVB TO PAY Jg gomothnK ovor 1000 The Pnolflo '. Dr' WIHInmrf PInk Pills nro a THAT $100,000. lconBt w ljft wtrongiy roprosontod. doctor's "proscription, used by an Hut if tho stato doos not rolloct that $4 00,000, tlp stnto troasury Ih Tll0ro wjjj coma from Sacramento, omlnont prnctlonor, and for .nearly KoIijk to be Hhort of monoy In many ways. Stato Institutions will sut- Cajjf niono a spoclnl carload, tho n goaioroltlon known ns a rollahle 'for. State Improvoiuonts cannot bo mndo. 'msmbers of which advUo mo will bo household remedy throughout th IC (l.i. Aoiui.lnn.i QiimIi. nnmlinm. Ili.ta llm t.C( ((l It will Utt IlVnll- I ' - - ... . TTtilln.l Ctntnn Vnmllnoii in anv fir. M ... ........ ......, v.,..., j ,., .) . T.w,vw - ...... ... nnivoston ana now urionns. " mw" M.B ..,, ..w H..ll.l..n A..l 1 HJ..t. knmmlnH na.f.H thrOO nnd "lwlll"u uuiuu immn iuiuuu uivui tno contlnuanco of the legal holl days, It being claimed groat hard ship Is being worked upon many people inasmuch as mrlnl., ,i... Judicial ofllces are allowed to tran. They also breed dn act business whllo othor are forced ,d'8PepsIa, and djnJS to remain closed. -To back up this case, Attorney John B'arko cited an Instance thh morning. Burke had a client to jvhom $11,000 was owing and on nn count of tho legal holidays, ho wni unnblo to levy an attachment upon tho property of tho debtor. Every effort was nindo to do bo but the sheriff flatly refused, declaring thnt It would bo Illegal for him to do bo. In tho menntlmo tho debtor managed to transfer nil of his proporty to a friend of his ns tho rocordor'B of flco Is allowed to romnln open nnl transact business during the legal holidays. As a result of this Attor ney Burko's client lost $U,000. M'li I la a variety of tin,- totrnlng gen-atlon. u tsJ Hbls for all purpoueH ns thniiKh nothing had happouod. KUU14TY COMPANY BONDS MAKE MONEY PAYABLE AT ONOIV THEIR BOND IS FOR SPOT CASH. KniiBiis Cltv will solid iiosslblv four, snoeinl cars. The stato 'or so long a porlod without having nf MiaBiBBiimi imw linn nn nni roc- great morlt. Added to this is tho W ......U..W...... ...... ....- ... .-- That spot cash that tho stato trctauy has locked up In tho Portland q 1Qn doORfti08 nd thoso nhsoluto guarantoo that tho pllb 'bank failure cannot bocomo avallablo mnloss tho treasuror roslgns and Btnton,ont8 can j,o consldorod ns In- contnln no oplato or narcotic and holps tho tnto colloot Its monoy. 'dlcntlvo of what Is coming In from nro ontlroly hnrmloBS. Supiwuodly good political advisors aro saying to Mr. Stoel: "Do not aQOtion of tho country" I Dr Williams' Pink Pills nro sold resign. Tho governor wants tho plnco you aro holding for a Democrat, i Q( guoU paramount Importance to l' ft'1 druggists, or djroct by moll ll is puniiy u poiuiuni uuivu. It Mr. Stool hns nny slnoore ppltlonl advisors thoy ought to consider tho eoutry nt largo Is tho quostlon postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 of waterways dovolopmont. tha; "" iu uux, ix uoxua ur -.ou, tho manor from tho standpoint tluy would bo In IF THE THEASUHhU noosovolt has nromlsed to hy tho Dr. Williams Modlclno Com- WKUK A DEMOCRAT. 'devote a good portion of his message Pny, Schenectady, N. Y. wnat won u woy uo saying men to the stato treasuror, u y wom tQ Ug oonB,dorat,on In addUlon It tie howling llko wolves to hnvo him resign so tho stato could got Its nUogQthor Hkoly lhttt Bomo m0m- HENCE SUCH ADVISERS NOW I monoy. AND THEY WOULD BE RIGHT. ARE WRONG. If this mattor l)nd9 no roasonnhlo adjitstmont by which tho state will HOt ItH funds, and it no Republican oulolnls join in tho demand thnt tho stato treasuror resign, a Democratic govornor will got nil tho political -Klory nt the oxponso of tho Republican party. jrho stnto will miss Its money and tho Republican party will lose Its proatlgo and standing boforo tho peoplo of 'the stato. lt will deserve to lose It IF REPUBLICANS ARE ALL GOING TO STAND BY STEEL AS IS PROPOSER. How can tho Republican party go Into tho next campaign unloss Its I loadora aro willing o dofond tho stato school funds? bor of the cabinet will nddross tha mooting ns tho dlroct roprosontatlvo of tho chlof oxocatlvo, who has been NEW COUNTY HAS HIGHER TAX RATE Sacramento, Nov. 22. Tho ostab A Slmplo Cure for PIIps. PIlo sufferers know thnt olntmonta and othor local treatments sometimes rollovo but never euro. Thoy don't romovo tno cnuso. Thoro Is a llttlo tablet that Is taken Internnlly that romovos tho cause of Piles and euros no matter how long standing. Ask for Dr. Loonhardt's Ilcm-Rold tn inousnna uounr guarantoo goon with ovory bottio.) Hom-Roid Is tho discovery of Dr. Loonhnrdt, of Lincoln, Nob., ono of tho most distinguished nnd microns. ful physicians In tho wostcrn states. In ho stomach, blott!tid 51.00 at druggists, or Dr. Loon- Ing, brash, aversion la Rnlnm. ' .'" There aro (nr Usui: n creato such mhery.-tojj Notnrli'8 Appolntoil. jmlsery, as dyipepiU. Id W. R. Bllyou, Albany: L. C. Ilro- you ooioro mean, met thorton, Snlom; Geo. .1. Cnmoron, between meals; jos tut .Ins. II. Black, Ilobort II. Stiong, with you, It It via Portland. theater nnd at yoar dt o What Is tho only itj A Rcnl Wonderland. Of It? South Dakota, with its rich silver, You don't hate to itof mines, bonanza farms, wldo ranget don't havo to diet Jnid and strango natural formations, Is n thing that win ao e vorltnblo wonderland. At Mound stomach and let the Ma Gitv. in tho homo of Mrs. B. D. rost. Clnpp, a worittorful cn'so of honllng Stuart's Dyspepsia W has latolv occurred. Her son seom- most wonaMui ua od noar donth with lune and throat oarth for this very li'i trouble. "Exhausting coughing spells In plain, arlthmrtlt 1 j nrmirrnrt nvarv flvn mlnntM." WfltllS Dyspepsia Tablets tUS i Mrs. Clapp, "when I began giving strong stomach fr l JI Dr. King's Now Discovery, tho great hearty meal OnefcFitN modlclno. thnt savod his life and art's Dyspcnsii Tstn" pomnlntlv mirn.i iiim r.iinrnnta&l perfectly 3000 graist t" fr.w n..nl.n iw I nnl.la tlirnnt nnd the SAntO Way R1 ' Stl lung troubles., by J. C. Perry, drug nenlthy tma Z2 gist. COc and l:00. Trial bottle I Stuart's DWJri f rno and increaso tne twi o . stomach, and that U ' - - i-a vou need, -wore i v WlLLAMI3TTE-MUIrXOMAH. . .. j.. no tulPft And t pro"' ,vc n pnorf lonr rest &5 Mthodit Plghfdn Rooters Will .Wert tlme' n curei the if?M Miiltiiointyli Bruvos In Portland othor stomach tfona Ne.xt .Saturday. I Just a fe fif Stsw' Tablets will prove to im' The Willamette UAIvorslty foot- nt(i0 cherubs ol ' ball toam will loavo Saturday morn- nMS Mn do l.. i.. n.ilnn.i ..l.nnn If will 111 f) fit t ni.,nrl'i T)V8D?Sll iu(i iui i ui iiuiiu nuiu .v --,. oiu. - ,.(, it. . .. i -. nr..llnnninn ... -i all rirnriuu " mo miBiiy uiurmi ui ...-.. saiB m -- . i . . . . .....! -,,lc i ... rftJIf D1W" uaturaay aitornoou in wni iuui'" ( sena " f- a to bo on6 of tho hnrdost gridiron today and we n- compollod, for obvious reasons, to ,,, f ' na "countv of Im- t0 b " 0t tU " a ,v t0Wir ...!. wW1 observe a rulo not Jo address per- "8,r ai adjoin San S counU batt,os 0f th 8Ca80n- m ' '?'' sonally nny gatherings In Washing- "I' 'm i'.-fw. 1 " "nlworti out for practice dress p A .W will cost tho Southorn Pnclflo $40, ton.VTho nation's capital has bocomo 000 mQrQ ,n taX(Jg and Puman such a convention city that If tho rulo wero not rigidly observed, either tho Prosldont's time would bo taken up In making spocohes or thoro company $1000 moro, I Imperial county was cut out of San Diego county. Tho taxes In San Diego county at prosent are $2.20 would bo many heartburning, and Qn tw m wwe a3 QVer ,n Jm HOW CAN TUKY DEFEND THEM BY REFUSING TO COLLECT t THEM on tho bonds ot tho stnto treasuror? How can thoy collect thorn on tho bonds of tho stnto treasuror unless that ofllolnl puts himself Into tho bronoh ann onnblos tho pooplo to suo tha houd company? This nowspapor would llko to hnvo somo Intelligent Republican odl tor who Is hooping mighty silent GROW ELOQUENT WITH INFORMA TION, Thoro Is moro politics In tho state tronsury situation than in all othar nmttoi'H combined. IT IS POLITICS THAT IS LOADKD, and only nervy notion on the 'party of Republicans in otllcial position to net for the pooplo can snvo 'tho day. It la usoIosh to cry pollttos against tho demand of tho Domoorntic Igivoruor that tho stnto tronsuror HELP THE PEOPLE GET THEIR SCHOOL FUNDS. It wotfld bo good politics for a Republican govenor to make that kind of a demand of a Democratic stato troasuror and WE WOULD ALL UP HOLD HIM IN .MAKING THAT DKMAND. This mattor should bo handled from n business standpoint but If tpolltloii is to bo nindo ot lt, lot Republicans not mako the mistake ot standing up for what Is on tho faco of it a bludor, and worse. 'much dissatisfaction through dis crimination. porlal county tho new county ofll- The Habit Of Saving Floods tho body with warm, glow- J If You Knew us vitality, makes the nerves Tho mert( of etrotiK. qjulckons circulation, rostoresVroum never 8UU-0r from kidney, bind ' nttturAl vigor, makes you feel llko der or rheumatic trouble; $1 bottle vxute orn again. Holllstor'a Rocky two months' treatment. Bold by drug- lomrtala Toa. 35 cents. For sale E,.? LT'wBi!?, XSL S"T Mavu.a.a. UI, JJ, tv . Xlllll. d9U UlltU utt Dr. Stono's store. street, St, Louts. I has made thousands rich. A savings bank ac count will help you save and make your savings earn more. Deposits of one dol lar or more can be made anytime. . . ...I iv.o..i .. W...V.1I Mkk. every evening anu is giving v" umg., mi nnvnrnl nvv trlnks Which Will bfl , . D " anrtfnrr tlin Pnrtlnnd lllinch Sdt-. Itmirtt Sf , rday. J KewVork.Ko;;'5. This gamo will prouauiy ut m- Hearst was "- ..i .i.t ennenn . ik. fhlllt ' last important, conmst. ma " jury o ,us " fc! for tho ocai team aim hiuch ' nreferrea " . . .not lo lifilna- tnlfOll ns to tllO OUtCOfnC. n,,nler. Ball ., .clals and tho board ot control saw'. ... ........ i.., nd ...j a ttorr t"' i iinero will prouauiy uu a iibv v. pnnicu - - . fit to make tho rate $4.25. owing to . .... j ..,.., OMnni. . .....i la Dtli'8' , . - ot ontnusiasta umi uui.B ..v lDipiito" -- t " f 7 ; T mu o-""-o -jpnny tho local team to tno meum.u- actor m- nrpntoft Aiiirnnt IS nnd tlin tnvna fol' ' duo Soptomber IC. Consequently tho corporations had to pay taxes on their property and mileage In Im perial county 'but thoy kicked. n . . TWO KILT4ED .IN POWDER HOUSE EXPLOSION SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, CapitalNational Bank Berkeley, Cnl Nov. 22. In a ter rific explosion which dosoroyed tin gelatine mixing house number 3 of tho Herculos powder works at Pinole at 10'15 yesterday morning, James Kelley and Frank Morton, tho only men in tho building wero Instantly killed and their bodies blown to atoms. Flvo hundred pounds of nltro-glycerlno were In tho building and this, amount of explosive was sutllclent to wreck other bulldlng.s about tho plant and break nearly every window In Pinole. Threo Chinese who left the build ing shortly before the explosion were knocked down and hurt. Mil Qs a rnATEDTOI ,,nitbsf'., una fJ taste in the mouth ug jj ,j few doses of 1 Hostetters ciiiii!!?, the flow of Sen;c8UCb W IthssbeendoW'Si Then It also curjK ICTsS Ei insist on s- pure.