Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 22, 1907, Image 1

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    "ft v
aJ&QM lOjPlinllujSSfe(Pia,lnJllljio i
kl f auraal
NO Stt..
Tho only thing thnt Stool can da
now Is to roslgn."
Tho governor then intimated thnt
criminal proceedings ngalnst Steele
would bo Instituted nt once If tho
trenour did not resign.
Treasurer Steel
itens Proceedings,
lied Press "Leased Wire.)
bid, Or , Nov. 22. "If It ho
l peanut politics to work to
o the stato the money lost
ortunate deposits In bad
:then I nm guilty of tho
Btatcd Governor Chamber
morning, when asked cou-
i charges mado against him
representative of tho Amorl-
cty Company to that effect.
surety company can savo
tn Interest on tho amount
: state from tho surety com-
cauBo of Stnto Treasurer
eposlt In tho Tltlo Quarnnt?o
Loused Wire Flushes.
Tho Royol Columbia hospital at
Now Westminster, B. C, hai been
attacked with cupldltis, tho old dtb-
easo which carries off pretty nurse?.
A. R. Exley, an insane man, of
Tacomn, contracted for 100,000
shares of wireless telegraph Rtocl:,
paid SI down and gavo a noto for
tho balance. Tho stock Is now he'd
up, and will romaln so unll tho noa
expires, as the man was not de
clared InBano until after tho contract
was mado.
At Santa Monica beach tho 18-monthB-old
baby of Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. Jackson was drowned by being
swept Into tho seas by n high wavo.
TE. Ryan, of Wisconsin; J. C. Dahl
man, (ft Nebraska, and M. J. Wade,
ofj Iowa.
And Then Killed Him In Statement
of Norman Had Made Several Attempt.
Clearing Houses.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Scattlo, Nov. 22. Clearings $1,-
175,040, balances $1G4,9C4.
Portland Clearings. ?C99,24f,
balances $CG,0G1.
(United Press Leased Wlro.)
Rathdrum, Idaho, Nov. 22. Ar-
they can delay tho payment gumonta of attorneys in Stovo Adamq
J of Steele's term of office, jcaso woro started this morning, ana
cantimo tho schools of tho, tho caso will bo submitted to tho
crippled for lnck of fund'. Jury tomorrow evening.
(United Press LeaBOd Wlro.)
Montcsano, Wash., Nov. 22. At
torney Abol, who acted ob Herbert
Norman's, alias Frank- Stcolo, legal
advisor until his sulctdo and to
whom Norman mado a complete con
fcBslon, published an extract of that
fosslon today which docldodly
Implicates Mrs. Todd with tho
murder of hor husband. Attor-
(United ProsB Leased Wire.)
Lisbon, Nov. 22. King Carlos or
ders tho concentration in Lisbon of
all the loyal regiments. All regi
ments thought to bo unloynl nro to
b'sent to tho provinces. A repub
lican uprising agalnRt tho crown and
tho Premier of Franco, who rofiUBoa
to call a session of parliament, Is
imminent. Tho government Is pre
pared to meet forco with force.
Trade Is paralyzed and many of the
Jlnnnclnl Institutions havo suspend
ed,, and many papora havo boon
suppressed. Two men were killed
by tho accidental oxploston of a
bomb in a revolutionist's house.
Jem's Greatest
'V Goods Seller
et merchnndlso at prices that will eurprlso tho closest buyer,
goods, silk, ladles' coats, ladles' suits, children's coats, fine
uen's and boys' clothing, hosiery, underwear and hundreds of
WffMfsfjffrr '
Former Chcmnwn Student In Jail nt
-naHns Charged With KIUIiik a
(United Prc3B Leased Wlro.)
Shorldan, Or., Nov. 22. Evldonua
of a foul murder has boon uncov
ered by Polk county authorities
I when tho dead body of Adallno
Bend, an Indian woman of 30, wus
'found with hor skull crushed In by
tho blado of tin nx. Enoch. Storco,
ards of C3c and 75c plain
fancy Dress Goods. nn
value?, jard d"v
Kii lr-t standard r
yard , 9w
inh of dark and light colr-
ou!ng flnnnels a
quality, -worth r
yard ob
fB CU ir.t flnnnnl
c!al pr, o yard ..0 IdC
tt(l "f ards of nrettv
and waisting silks now
at fcaT' prices 25c, 39c,
i9f C r 7r.c ner vnrd.
Ma cf fr; dress goods now
rnic i .
I cf f no dress and waist
P'ks r. iv iiat.p Pitrnp
- -
! Cf J JAe hlnn.
o-w H0(!
- m 9 tt w w
f Coats and Suits
f&l away down don't
N'Uoi Pi i
it if J
I 'ivlpAWftttSA
b rmmV
II V " IHlWva
h -7 WX VA
& 7 Al
'I r-'?. WW
I Mill I H. iA M v.
Head of United States army signal
corps who wan a figure at tho recent
aurouautlc cbugreHS and who is in
charge of army experiments In ulr nav
ljrutlou. . -
nlBlftfii Indian', who tvrt the Infor
mation which led to tho finding of
"the body, in In Jail at Dallns, charged
with murder.
There wer no witnesses to tho
.tragedy Adnllno Hbnd waB tho wlfo
of Frank Dond, but'lind loft hor rod
man spouso to llvo Wttli Storco. It
.is hcllovod that a auarrol took plate
iwhllo tho two woro chopping wood,
and that in tho hont of pasBlon Storco
struck tho blow that rosulted In tho
.woman's death.
I Storco was at ono tlmo n stxidont
JAMES nt tho Chemnwa Indian school.
Robert Rulfour, IlngHM Merchant,
Khjh AmcrlcAiiK Havu Too Much
(Unltod ProsB Leased Wire.)
Soattlo, Wash., Nov. 22. "Moro
money? Tho wholo trouble with tho
Auiortcan peojilo Is that they have
too much money already. What you
Americans need Ih not moro money,
but moro confidence. If t,ho money
being withdrawn from banks for
hoarding or loft in safe deposit
boxes nnd idlo accounts woro only
put Into business use, itho ontlro sit-
yesterday. Tho men accepted, tuolr?
checks, on tho bottom of which. wus
printed "Pnyablo at tho option t
Uho holder through any bftjctfc lac
funds of tho San Francisco Clearing
Houso Association."
Tho men attempted to cash thetc
checks at tho banks In Sparks and?
Rono, but nono of tho banks wqul&
take them, as tho banks couldr note
handle tho $00,000 worth of chks
without Jeopardising tho functn oC
Tho men got togothor and rcfusedri
to work until thoy woro glvon mah.
Last night nrrangomohtH were tnada
with tho Rono clearing houso basks,
nnd tho Rank, of Sparks to cash thr
checks upon tho bnslH of 10 per centr
cnsli and tho bnlanco In Rono clears
Ing lion bo cortlflcatos. Tho oro-
ployoa will probably agree to this?
plan today.
Mario Cohlll's "smart" musical
ney Abel Issued that statement
on tho request of tho dead murder
ers, father, wjio arrived hero thols
morning. In brief tho Norman
statomont to Abol Is na fol)o,ws:
"Stcolo stated," doclared Abol,
"that on a number of occasions Mrs. I
Todd had tried to kill her husband l,,a'' "Marrying Mary," Is said to be
by administering laudanum. byimor "e o musical comodlos of
smothering him whllo ho was drunk Ausiwlln Dnlly's production than
and by administering powdered an' which havo been seen since the
glusa." death of the eminent manager. She
Ho also cave the names of dnug W1" 00 be urana, December
stores In Hoqulam and approxlmat.5111.
Captain In Iowu NuJIohhI Ghai'&(
Will Re Court-MnrtlaleU fr At
Hreach of UlNciplhio.
Ladles' $16.00 Coats,
$20 Rubberized Coats,
.50 r
tin oo
High olass coats and suits now
marked away down.
Fine furs at any price you wish
$5c up
dates uiidii which she
thoso poisons. Stoolo further statod "A;x MW.LihUU CJlOhl.N
that this waB done to got rid of Todd " OVHIlWHKMflNO OIIOIOK.
so that ho and Mrs. Todd could got I MkoBe, Okla., Nov. 22 San
mnrrrnrl- thnt nn tho nlcht of Todd'S. Fran0,8CO hnB "OOn OhOSOH . US the
doath, Mrs. Todd Induced her hm-i1"61" n,aco of tho next sosslon of
band to drink boor, drugged with "" i wmtmmppi congress.
laudnumMhat this made Todd Blck.nVhen the oltlos wore fighting for
whoroupon she gavo him some whla-itn honor of tho noxt nnual n'0"
kov nnA hnd him lift down, and t hat " "" Yuiu, a a vuicw
ho fell asleepj that sho thon admin-, ohoke1 w'th ", told of his sitting
Istfire,! nhlnroform. and when ho was wn "B oomrajuoo or du appomiea
Insenslblo tho two of them carrlod rece,vo lho mossagos of sympathy
him out of the houso Into tho wood-,wb,ch flahod from all cornors of tho
shed, and she struck tho blows " to tho strloken olty of San
which caused his death." (Franolsco on the days that followod
tho great horror, and he asked that
DEMOCRATS ARK tD0 nonor l)e s'ven to tho motropo
GVTTTISG RRADV. "8 ' tne West. San Franolsco hud
French Llok. Ind., Nov. 22. lt!won berre e cheers that answered
has boon praotlcally dooldod that a President Loveland's address had
full meeting of tho Doraooratlo na- u'ed from tho hall,
tlonal committeo will be held in o
Washington about the middle of D- HLKCTRIO OARS IN
PedcHtrlun of sixty nine who started
Oct. lift to walk from Portland, Me., to
Chicago, lupentlng u feat he perform'
ed forty yiuir ago.
uatlon would right Itsolf iiko a
Such was tho comment on present
financial conditions mado by Rohort
Halfour, tho senior partnor of tho
groat English morcantllo nnd ship
ping firm of Dnlfour, Quthrlo' it.
Co. Ho enmo out to America from
London for tho purpose of review
ing the buslnoss dono by tho Ameri
can branches of tho firm. For tho
past week ho has beou principally
engaged In assisting to perfeot tlu
arrangements for handling the
whont crop of the Northwest of
which Ralfaur, Guthrie & Co. Is one
of tho principal exporters.
Ho came hero from Portlnnd yos
terday in company with Aloxandor
Uallllo, thd roproseututlvo of tho
firm at Tacomn, and was In confer
on cg throughout tho day with local
bankers and representatives of tho
various concerns engaged in tho
whont trade of tho Northwoct.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
I)oh Moines, la., Nov. 22. aavor.
nor dimming took n hand In tho Dv
onport's wldoly-ndvortlzod Horman.
McFnrlaud prize light last oveivjuk:
and with tho aid of u compuny ot"
militia, ordered it stopped, ovon bo
foi'Q' It ))0Kin.iiLaU)ra-xonuironUa.-was
arrived at, whereby tho contest;
should 'do for point?, and tho militia
romninog on tho scone, -
McFnrlnnd had the bolter of th6
content and when tho nftoonth round
ondod, Hormnnn was hanging on ta
mo ropos.
Adjutunt-Gonoral Thryft, of tha
Iowa National aunrds, .will arrest
Cuptalu Kulp, of Davenport, rtndi
court-martial him for dlsoboylng tho.
order, by not provontlng tho fight.
His conviction monns a dishonorable-
dlsohargo, so -the goyormir has told
Kulp. Some of tho Noldlors wit
nessed tho light.
Young Lad Ifoldn Up Artlut Wliffc
RcNi'iiciI If Im From tlm Hlunm.
comber, when it will bo finally do
elded on a time and place for the
next Democratic convention. Den
Sandusky, O., Nov. 22. Twelyo
persons woro Injured In a head-on
vflp is maklne the hardest fight for 'collision between a Lake Shoro elec
the convention. Sentiment Is grow-, trie car and a local soldlera' homo
Ing favorable towards tho selection car, Just outside ho city llralta hero
of Tom Johnson as Taggart's sue- this morning. John Holxhauer and
cessor as chairman of the national, Fred Horn, of the crew, are prob
committee Th craembers arriving ably fatally Injured, The soldlera'
today were Fred Dubois, of Idaho, home car was telescoped.
7iriiuui Firm FjiIIh.
Hamburg ,Nov. 22. The firm of
J. F. C. Moeller suspended yester
day. Tho liabilities are reported to
be from $1,750,000 to $2,000,000.
Tho most Important Hamburg and
other German banks, as woll as a
number of English firms, aro in
volved In tho failure. Tho aHaota
aro reported tp bo $600,000. It Ja W10 engaged him to pose for hor.
( United Pross Loasod Wire.)
Long IJoaoh. Cal., Nov. 22. Mia
Fnnnlo Illxby, an artist and moinbor
of tho well-known wealthy pioneer
family of that name, was hold up in
her studio yoBtorday and robbed or
$11 by Willis Rhondos, a ono-leggod
boy, whom sho rescued from tho
streets six months ago, and bo
frlonded In muny ways. Roldly en
tering tho Htudlo, while Miss lllxby-
was alouo, ho muipiwd tho look be
hind him, threatened her with t
pair of scissors and compelled hor io-
glvo up tho money. Then he BnmHlm.l
tho tolophouo tranBinlttor, out tho
wlros nnd escaped, leaving his vic
tim a helploss prisoner. Sho uttracC-
od a pollcoman after an hour.
Rhoades was born u eripplo. Hlj
deformed Jog was amputated whllo-
ho was a baby, and Boon afterward1
hlH paronta d.led. A waif of the
town, ho was noticed by Mlsa DlxUn,
supposed that speculation in stocks
caused tho failure.
Tho artist became interested, anJ
(tearing him express a desire for ft
course in a business college, paid bis
tuition. In other ways, too, sho uld-
ed him, but to no purpose.
Railroad Men Refuse Check.
Reno, Ney., Nov. 22. Railroading
east of Sparks is practically at u
standstill, .and not a wheel turned LUSITANIA CLIPS OFF
nor a hammer Bounded In tho big ANOTHER FIVE MINUTES;
shops at Sparks yesterday after- Liverpool, Nov. 22.- Tho stoaraor
noon, as a result of tho Southern iljusltanla, which Is docking hero to
Pacific Company paying the em-day, made a now castbound record;
ployes In checks, which tho men aro (of 4 days, 22 hours nnd 60 minutes,
unnble to cash. The pay car arrived from New York,