E. HOFER, Ed. "anil Prop. An Independent Newspaper Doroted to American Principles and the Progress ami Dovoiopemoni 01 au urenuu. published Hvery Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Ore SUBSCRIPTION HATES. (Invariably In Advance.) tDally, toy carrier, per year fO.OO Per month..... COo Dally, by mall, por year. iOO Per month 3oo Vcoklyby mall, per yoar. 1.00 Six month 600 JU, i SPECIAL DELIVERl'. For convonlonco of subscribers branch dolivery ofllces aro estab lished at tho following places at 35 conts por month, $1.00 for threo aaont-8. ABylftim Store, F. O. Do Voo & Son, Asylum Avonuo Junction. -Carllno, Sovontoonth strcot o A. W. Lane, Garden Road store. Dauo'a Store, Alox, Dauo, South Commercial street. Electric Storo, C. M. Eppley, East State streot. Fair Grounds Store, Harrison Dee, Fair Grounds Road. llowoll's Cornor, Twelfth and Cross .streets. O. K. Grocery, A. A. EnglobaVt, Twelfth street. Wheeler's Storo, W. D. Wheeler, Highland avonuo. Yew Park Store. F. Q. Dower ox. Twolfth and Leslie. APPLE FAIR a nnniilliir annlo on exhibition via! a varioty which is a bright chorry red from tho skin to tho core. Wil- ftifi C A OInrCCC "nm Davidson, or mis cuy, wua u. WAo A oULljtoO exhibitor, and says that ho found a MrtUrtUULUU codling trees growing on tho MoKcn " Z0 rivcr in :Uno county and taking """' """" tij.t ll I-!- 'frnn fin ll'l a sprout grnnuu n. " wu " " Winter Bananas-Apples Red dear to farmi This is tho nrst yenr tho troc the Core-Silver JDups Given As ha. borne. too app.es r0 ,.. , o', t intii it i ti r u large, but havo a vory Bwoet flavor. Prizes for Willamette Valicy Fruit .mrmong th0, poCuiiar varietios ot Innnlns seen at tho fair was tho Win 'tor Banana, raised by Z. Taylor, who Tho Linn county annlo fair was ai,tnH fw miles northwest of hold last weok.with an exhibit not- JDrownsvllle. This applo is said to bo able both for quantity and quality, growing into popumruy i . .- . . .. .... ... ....... ,...i on and a numuur ui u''"'" " Tile nan wnoro mo uxiuuil was uuiui - -- i.,i fl1inniv thn HOW UU111K WUIUWH i." ,-!..., 'i was filled with boncho3 covored with scores of boxes of commercially pack I.. . -....l.s... nf nnllfl tr1d fl1fl uon ana a iuuhuu. ........ - to growing demand. Tho Winter Ba nana first began to gam lavor iaai THANKSGIVING. tasaaeaeisraiwnassEi,, . W3aE33?555iEi'5BI2WWPl "Getting ready for Thanksgiving turkey fat and1 growing fine lEdts of reason to bo thnnk&ul; bluings full and free aro mine. Iftcalth and homo and smiles of loved ones; friends to greet mo on my way; Lovo and laughter making music where my happy children play. 'Cosy nook boaldos tho flro when tho ovoning shadows fall And' tlio case of Bolld comfort gathers 'round and over all. Getting roady for Thanksgiving? Ev'ry day let it bo snld Wo havo causo for deep thanksgiving for tho blessings 'round us spread. Getting road for Thanksgiving from tho distances apart Wo can fool tho loving mcBsago heart is sending forth' to heart. From tho far-off lands and places whoro their busy footsotps roam OV.U1UO ul ww0 v xU......v.v.v r..... nann nrBt uuguu tu bi" " od nnnles and tables filled with ex- vfnr when somo ontorpriBlng Ore I a 1.... m Aw1tfMf hiblta on platos. Aaldo from tho gonlnn snipped a uux iu vi... .. . . i ti t i it... rnrnQcio in the oast. Tho mllllonalrj display of apples, which loading Camogio nine u fruitgrowers pronounced as tho l03t'color Qf thQ npp,0 thnt ho nt once exhibit of apples ovor collected ,njrcau0sted an additional 'ahipmont, tho upper Wlllamotlo valloy, there 'nnd th,a ycar ,tj10 nppio has boon in woro a number of special exhibits of (l0mand iu tho east among tho rich immense vegoiauies, mm, nowura, cRSff etc., all making a romnrkablo show-1 Tnero Wns a good display of pears. Ing for old Linn county. 'thoso showing plates belng: F. D. During tho two days tho crowd cornott, Beaurado; II. Struckmior, In nttnndnncn worn clvon an onnor-'m ...,,1 nnnnnrrn llnnnlnn: tunlty ito Raton to somo excollent ad- h. Stewart, Winter Nolllcs nnd . i ti itmlln... i ' ...... ... - uresaea anu iniisic. n. iu. uinmm- jjj jj-uttor; B. L. Mciveovor, ma 8.on, Hccrotary of tho state board of j(iauo. n. l. Buskhart, Fall "Butter, horticulture; Prof. A. B. Cordloy and and a plato by Ja34 aroshong. President Korr, of tho Btato ngrlcul-1 Whnt Ir said io bo tho boat koop- turat' college; Governor Gcorgo E. ,ng apJ)o ovor ,)r0duced is tho Vnn- Home, round tho family table with its wealth of lovo and cheor. Gottlng ready for Thanksgiving happy mllostono on tho way Whoro wo glvo thanks for tho blessings spread about us day by day. Getting, ready for Thanksgiving that's tho placo for father's chalr Wlicro the ruddy flames will glisten on tho Bllvor of his hnlr, And that easy rockor by it empty all theno fleeting ycara .Wo will hco a loved form take it through -tho mist of falling tenrB. Thla for brolhop; this for BlBtcr Ah, the clrclo Is comploto Ab wo olnsp imndB 'round tho flro In communion silent, sweet. Gottlng roady for Thnksglvlng ra'lao tho window curtain high Thnt tho lamp may bo a beacon to tho lovoJ onoa drawing nigh. o "A POLICV NOT A PROJECT." you- (U.!. i. ! v" t "V It w.." rsc3 botrdVa.",IUi 1WH Sii. i!!lKSJ Wo can hear them gladly singing: "Walt for us; wo'ro coming homo. Ichamborlaln, nnd othos, delivered derl)00i( oxhlbltod by II. G. Rum Home to old-tlmo scenes and places; homo to loved ones always dear; fnd(ir0oSOs. 'i,i, Mr. Tti.mlmuirh owns a frul CALIFORNi IS THE PLACE WHERE GOLF, TENNiq nm RIDING. DRIVING ANn at.i. tl, ' BAT . QUAlilBR 8P0R , i ENJOYED RATE, SALEM TO LOS ANQELE3 AND RETURN $55,00 Correspondingly Low Ratos to othor Cities la Southe addresses. imntrh. Mr. RumbaUKh owns a fruit Thoso who visited tho fair oxprosd rftncn ju nonton. county, near M surprlso at tho oxcollont showing any n0 nssorta that tho apples mado. Apples, tho equal of which w,n Cop ft ycnr -without tho akin In quality, size, color and flavor, can wrncnng. Tho Vnndorpool canio be found In no othor part of Oregon,'from a Boctuing Spltzonborg plfintod woro on oxhlbltlon. ' 185c, Tho original trco Is still Tho Judges nro II. M. William- ,irinr,nn,. son,- C. A. Park, horticultural com 111, w. ... ....., --jg mlssionor, anu iu. n. uhouos, oi Al bany. They awardod tho prizes ns follews: llllioiiBiicss nnd Constipation. For years I was troubled with bil iousness and constipation, which " lUllDllVOO mill ,....,...,-.-, - nosh rnllcctlon Of flVO bOXCS Of ,,t iif ,nlamntitn fnn mo. Mv ntl www ---.-.-- int4tu av aMw MMVW .... .v --- npplos, commorclally . packed, wltl1 Jpotlto failed mo. I lost my usual no'varlotioa duplicated; F. J. Peeb- forco nnd vitality. Pepsin propara- lor, Albany, Hrst prlzo (Bllvor cup), jtions and cathartics only mado mat , Nll0a. mnr. I.urt.or. oogr., to oo.vono H th. fl"?" - ' ""Z? Z?Z. L ' L "JLST.TV . . !.- I r. n...1 f! ...Ill tin rT Alftlinot I 111. Ill UIIIIIUDi willli.vp. vi.....rf i p HllUlllfl IUIVU UUUli IUUUJ liUU X Ttnilnnl. WltBlllllKtOIl. Oil UUGUllUIUl -J, u turn u, nm u ui ,uk...wov .... .; . ....,. m ..I ... 7 . . . : .JJI lUUUUt I III 1 duplicates, (diploma). nnl M. C Jonks, Tnngont trj0(1 chamborlaln'a Stomach and 1.1 Tfnnlitno flf T.fMinnnn'.i m. 1.1. ... ml.- 4kI.1i.Im .nllnun Tho moond sossion since tho Morgan tent on of tho congross. will bo luuiiumui. . . - uivor lumuit.. n.u tu.t ...,fc 2ovZX0rZaTtmt It WILL GIVE OFFICIAL STAMP to tho received honorable mention In hlj tho , f00nB at onco, atrongthon sr a oxh,,,,t f nv1',oxMB ot,npi,? i-tho ,,,so8tivo f,,,nct,on8' hop,n5 tho 1 nONALTOMCV with roforonco to Inland waterway nnd bar- failed to receive- tho prlzo becau o By8tom t0 (lo ltg W0Pk naturally- Srrtt committed to no apoo.al project. of tho Improper method pursued In M R P tt8, n.rm.ngham, Aala. tHS, tho Justice of tho demand for adequate annual up- packing. Thoso tablets aro for sulo at Dr. XiLBtettoLit work of inland waterway nnd harbor 1m- SHvor cup3 wore nlaovawarded o BtOB0.B drUR 8l0ro. .. ...... ,i. .nrnllvn nfimaslK- for Innronso.l fncllltlos for .tllO following Tor UIO DOBl uux ui mu tranuS drawn 'tho oyos of all claHses of trade and commor- different varlotloa of applea: lakr qoUNTV BANKS JOOUI'J ui-inxn-iwii. via tho famous v Shasta Route-Southern Pacific Coim i KKftlVW to "The Read: of a Thousand M For beautifully lllaistratod booklets, dcscrlptlvo of CiHi, '' its Wintor Resorts, call on tfouthorn Pacific Atf6(. 1 "'C s& or. irji A Pull Lint Of Lailies' and Mta'it no- fall 'tylea. Afds rubbers booU uj Good waterproof Urf Just tho thins (or n Jacob Vi FOUND WITH imOICEX LKG. r." . .::; " .. ,.. , nlRlnn nf nnn: ' WIUOW TwlgF. J. PCOUlOr, Al niM.ficirnmv n'o vuv. niPHOVRMKXT OF THE INLAND WATER- bany. l I Ufl .. ' ..... .. .... - WAV AND THE 1IAHHOR HAS DISAPPEARED. mi.. I.-.. tntn tn ropfiirnlt Inn nf tlifi fnftt Hint thorn laf no noil- -ill. i.nntni.. i.niwnnn Hm inlnnii -.vntorwnv nnd tho railway, but that Northern ap BIIIIU IIWOMIIVJ MV1."V.. v. - . -- -.----. i.. i. i..... n.nn la nnthlni. liiir honllliv pcmiiint! t Inn. vjjonanon. UUIWUUI1 UIU vnu Himi' " o - -- ttm...i ii .na ulvmi utrniiL' nuhllQ l'GCOKllltlon 111 tllQ rODOrt Of tllO ! . .. .. ll I.. -tfitn I.. 1 .A ltiilli. i.ivini iwiwi wim i" .......... .. .., i.L-i,i Mm Hiivnr mm fnr t ho host ovon ntr t ho bank ofwoclatlon decldod oort of which I. an Indliptnaaiue oonimion 10 iia v.wuuy o. .,.-.- -- ";;'- , nilMlnB , ." OArnnfft. to tho amount of iny. Olnlclwjn II. Wnrnor, Lebanon. (I SllIll ()f 910,000 In 81, s?2 nml KinK-io. I. Biirkhart, Lebanon. . nH. A. Dnrtioy, 12ncfno -RoKliiter: Not alono to Willow Twig .FJ. Pooblor, Al- Portland, San Francisco and othor . . ..... .& ........ ... fiiDiinnrinii ni UUllSl VUIOS UUim tuu unuiiuHii" " wliloh, In their turn nllinent the trnfllc of the rnllwai' Inglo plato of any varioty of applos. to Issnio cortlflcato to tho amount of Won, in 111. r mm a..n..u ne .. ". M ', 7 nn , o.hlbi od Jonathans. II.'siO.OOO only. In donomlnatlon. of TO llmt Wl OOUClUilOII lll JHlnwin lwiiu iiuiw uumii nn nini o , - tho UTaaoii aovornmont. with France expeudlng on tho Improvement or.Wnrnor of Lebanon roaolvod tooond l, $2, $5 and $10 for tho nogdi of hor r Ivon and harbor, $120,000,000. up to lOOil and with tho gov- premium. .tho oltlaoni of Hugono and Lnno irnmont-of tho'Unltod StatM oXepondl.fK for llko purpoBos only $470,- For tho hoot collection of plnUs county to bo used ns a medium of 000 000 up to and lnataidlnK tho Ba.no yoar. and with Franco now on- of npploa, not loss than ton varlotloa, oxchango until tho supp ly of coin innd In tlio construction of n canal botwoon tho rlvor Rhone and thojno duplicator, Harold Rumtmugh, cnn bo Increased from their corro city of Aries only fifty nilloe In lnnath yot at a cost of $13,703,000. Albany, rocolvod flrat prlzo, a Bllvor apondonts in tho cltlos. Tho wonddrful auoooN of tho French Byitom, is duo to tho fact that 'cup. Tho nrownavlllo Commercial I Thoso clearing houso cortlflcatea v,. ....- ....! - ..fiiinv. ..11.1 imi fni. ii nrnioot xvith the French club rocolvod eocond plnco. nro Issuod to tho bank by tho trua- ITIlllUW lilt Ulllll llll iw..w ...... ..-.,.-. .. ...-, -, .,,. ..- I.. ll.. ll. -,lnl.,. ivirs. iionnoiia iirowu ui aiuwhj iuuh hi uumiuuu iu vv iuiuvi.u wns awarded a Bllvor cup for tho boat Btrongth of tho bank In volume ot bualnosB nnd capital. E. U. Leo has boon flolootod ns CANADA'S CIGAH AND j UUAItl-.TIE IDil.Hlfl.nT.n Clean, ClKiitflU-s fur tlw bit War IiicrttiM) of .U Two Million In V.. I......... I.. fld.M .111 IIIVIVH."!; Ill Vljli f Vlco Comul General 1 Montreal rojorl to U 1 of commorco and labor iMI turns of tho conjumptloaf In Canada for the WW oiiilliiu' Juno 30 lut creoio of nearly obMwJ number of cigarette. iJM sumption of cigars w lnoroliaiit. nmuraoturor nnd consumor ronping tho bononis. 01 11.... f.. .. i.niinv nml fm nn itrnlool. lnnltitlntr on ndenuato an- Olillllllllti iui ..ivj ... --. .--- . . -.-.,. proprlatlons for tho groat work, annually mado, tho coming sossion of floral display of chrysanthemums. . .. . ,t..i. ........,. nAVvrk'ii r.ir. iv r,lV. Thorn was nn -COmnotltlon tllO NatlOlUU UlVOrS ana lllliuuni :uuf,nwm v.iow. .-.... , .w...- -..-.w -- ---" 1 -- -- MANDINO THE ATTENTION of tho ontlro country and In impressing uoxas 01 inowiuhh, mm unuuu i-ui-rusiqo oy uio uiu,u-iiiK -nuuo nr '. . .. .... .!. i.....i .. t. .i......i nr tn.n. n...i finnininrnn niiiR. Orlinos Golden and Jonathan, mlttoo. fThls committoo is composed i 1 tut .... ... ... . ( ., r plus, Orlmos Golden and Jonathan, mlttoo. (This commlttoo Is composed though somo lino nppioa were on aih- 0f tho presiuonia 01 1110 lour uanKs.j play Inoaoh, bolng In tho colloctlvo Mr. Leo holds In his possession $15,- contost. j000 worth of as good Lnno county Notes of thq Fair. 'securities, siueh ns first mortgage, Tliorfi wnn n lnrcn nnnlo QXlllhltCtl wlmnt rnnnnltfl. nntn.q. nountv wnr- Bntlsfnotlon tho honrty Lf tho oiorla Milndl varioty. urown 'rnnin. nto.. ns nan ho found. Thoso words of onoouragomont sont by fonnor Preldont Qrovor Olovoland, , A Nordyko. Onkvlllo, thnt moni-'B0ourltlos Mr. Loo holds in trust un- Lanllnn lifild 111 ntv I . -.. ... .. .. ... . . . . .. .... n.. tho Btrongth nnd tho Justlco of the domnnda of trado and commorco on th congress of tho Unltod Stntoa. 0 OOOl) DOCTRINE. Good Hportsinon ovorywhoro will road with hold In Now nnd by Proeldont Roowvolt to th anglers convantlon York this wook. lloth mnko onrnoat plons In bohulf of n 1HOH STAXDAItn OF SPORTSMANSHIP, WHICH MEANS PAIR ,PLA SELF-CONTROL, irivsmiait AVION' 1-Y)H OTHKRS. With all this should go a bollot In manllnose and a lovo for outdoor llfo, ud for nntAiro In nil Its wonderful nspoots. U l wholwome for Hb rising gonorntlon to hoar strong words in be half of good iportsnuuishlp from men In mlddlo nnd lator life, whosp wldo oxporleuoe 1ms taught t hem ao much, and whoso oavoors, lived largely under the publlo oyo. havo uommnmlod tht rospoot or a groat na tion The remarks of President Rooeerolt whloh wo print below, dosorv n larotul resiling. Ho preaches goo,i doetrlno: You aUuul for tho provontlon and tho suppression of wnatoful do- ttruotion. You atnnd for tho promotion and support of lnwe to protooi tlio food and game ftshoa so that thoy shall not bo oxtormlnntod, but may con tlnuo In inoroased abudnnco to supply food to tho multltaidos and good sport to thoso who koop tho law. "You onqourago tho sport of fair play. "You Insist on doing your fishing in straight-forward sportsmanlike fashion, and you In ovory way dlscourago tho noxious crate for record bronklng as rogai'ds tho amount of tho catches. "Tho lattor I cousldor ospoclally Important. "THERE ARE FEW THINGS WHICH A -NATURALIST AND SPORTSMAN SHOULD MORE IIEART1LV CONDKMX THAN RECK 'JT.KSS AND WASTEFUL SLAUGHTER, "To maUo a vory largo bag, whether ot deqr or prairlo chicken or duck "yr cjuall or woodcock or trout, Is something o which to he ashamed, and urod 1G inohoa in clroumforonce. Lincoln county had a most at tractive oxhlblt of different varlo not to boast." ' v The Habit Of Saving has made thousands rich. A savings bank ac count will help you save and make your savings earn more. Deposits of one dol lar or more can be made anytime. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank .til each bank redeems them with the certificates so Issuod. I Furthor, oaoh hank agrees to tako up any or allf of thoso certificates at any tlmo after March 1. 1908. They also agree totako thoso certificates as paynmont on notos duo tho bank, In payment for bank drafts or ex ohango on nny of tholr city corre spondents or In tho rogular way of deposit on account aubjoot to check. Tho banka havo made this Issue after duo daJlboratloiL nnd consider it for tho host tntorosus ot mo com munity. ' Tho banks nt.Hugone nro oach nnd ovory ono of them in a normal and Bound condition financially. Eaoh ono of them la ahlo and does stand on its own rosources, one ot its strongest resources being tho con fidence ot its patronB. I , ! Floods the body with .warm, glow iug vitality, makes the norvos stroug, quickens circulation, restores natural vigor, makes you feel like one born again. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35' cents. For sale at Dr. Stone's store. Engono Man Spi'iuls Night In Agony Aftw Heliuj Thrown From Wngoii by Runaway Team. Al Montgomery, tho well known rcBldont of tho McKonzIo valloy, Ilv-J lng near Vlda postoillco, nnd former ly proprietor ot tho Minnesota hotel in this city, now tlio Bncoro liotol, Is bolng brought to tho Eugene hos pital this aftornoon Hiifforlng from a broken log and from oxpomiro to tho cold nlr all of lat night, he hav ing boon thrown from IiIb wngou yos torday ovoning whllo on his wsy . -.. . & r an a w r ! I r I" i nomo nun i.ui . ...b - "'-;""'; l,ricllct, the Wl nny ono' nuonuou uy ni cu, , ,.., vr.r iJW.! con.p.U.a ; .0 w-d .... ... I" - Z, agony in uio onou mr t . . .an,tM entereJ i SUlO. ..... , n,u ..1 IllJill Particulars of the acoldent sre "- , moagor for tho ronson that t Is un- M7000 tentiif possible to ronoh by phono uio piace - - f t, , whoro Montgomory lina boon cared J0"8;'"1 wMiyU for. Ho wnfl in Eugene yostordoy "'W "' u (tt0iri and bought somo auppUos. Ho otart- je .i 1 lo.n, ti.1 rnnnhod n DOlnt onr Wb . ... fj uu iiuiiiu nnu ...... .!.. nnmiiercu --. nnnr Tlliyh PankB. tlirOO or four I""""" iilflM -" ---r." .... onmnnreii wiiu . j miles nbovo Sprlngflold, whon my . e0nronptW,' team ran away and throw him out. '" . tbe t jJ Ono of his logs was hrokon and ne t t? wns unnblo to crawl to tho nearer p houso or to attract nnyoouy iu- - (llBlW cp tontlon by his calls for holp. Suffer- . t tel ' i . 1111 UUb . lng untold ngony, he orawiea 10 m sJult & partly Bholtorod spot and preji- t j n (.nond tho night. The intense pain of tll L S- I., i,ia lorr and tho froozlng tomptra- fftf jiii ...w .-CT - j, " . . turo rondorod him unconscioui . when B " ' Hmn nnd th S morning . ... ..Mfd . """ " 1 nKtitw" &. was found ho was In a sorlou "'. w ,,, wister-' ... l .. t I.am1I lil" UlUOn. . Hint W"v" ...1..1 . .inBilun"" 1-1. iinrn ujimd r J Montgomory.'S team was found over uJ,ng : noar tho liayuon uuubu. - R ruD sucn" was found along ho rood noi j w Mr. j. C Cil .... i. ...nn Hirmvn OUt. la ,itnr TI irom wuuio no . wrltw: v . .wijn persons who found thorn soon came eonfk H . i. . nmi took him to a l" Tbls coJ Jl upon tho owner nnd took mm - wInter nw- , whoro ho wa ! coairl.ri nearby houso for until he folt able to be r d,9 1IorehoaD i to Eugene to bo placed in the hoi- g dif J ...i. w.,nn fiflinrd. ' ... r me." BOiav; IIUHL lb..- Badly Mixed Up. Aiimiinm Drown, of Wlntorton, N- f., had u very remarkable expert- did for oe. emnrrvuu... -.--.- m. - Thirn,i !- aamm etfr iiuuij this icf ..Miaa. ptsi onco; i- Bays: "uouiu. T -- - - ' ,n tbe T. -I mixed up ovcrme;--;,,. disease; two called it k --- - - ; - . 0, t r tho fourtn, uioou iu. -- v lbe proi , ta fifth stomach and liver trouble; but beltt ftep rfjJ none of them helped me; so my ""?Z,wi,'i advised trying Electric Dlttow. J-J- He am- w' are resionng w ...- u.v - , One bottle did me more good than all hlTB IUP the flvo doctors prescribed. .-j i -.. V.lnnd nniaOU. "" auieea vo m "- - - . uM. ness and all stomach, liver auu " noy complaints, by J. C Perry, iu6 Kjst. 50c' . . -ViiJ oZMi a?" j m 6-1 M -a - ',: oners, being arresiea tor drunk. -Doinslw)' oompdhy," because' thelrpay" had Ibeon decreased. Sho has "boon" visiting for the past!0,tny Jonn Regani' chfmney "sweep. J .several months in southern Oregon.! ll-19-3t j ju ainii- di. rrM 1, I