9he Hail ialljJHnml n oaoouo xvir. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1007 NO. 267. PPROPRIATIONS FOR WARSfflPS SOUGHT .i -S-JtiSsi?-' L ASK OR FOUR NEW SHIPS MORE FINDS ii WIHi HE MADE TO CON- 83 FOR ?iiJ,tJUU,uuu uiu- DBTTBIt VESSELS TUP kited Press Lensod Wire.) Itington, Nov. 21. Whilo nuthorltatlvo has ns yet mado public regarding commendations of tho nd- tlon na to the now fblch congress will bo asked lido for In tho naval appro bill, it Ib earnestly hoped of tho most prominent mon inavy turn congress win givo 1,000 for the construction of battleships of at IcaBt 22,- 19, and they would bo even iUKKC3t that tho tendency lis rapidly sotting in tho dl- 5f bigger ships, and thoy in- slut that there is no good reason whv the slzo of tho now battleships ships should be confined to that of tho Dolawnro class, now building, In ordor to complete one- fighting unit of four 20,000-ton ships. "Tho bigger tho ship that heads tho fighting Jino, tho hotter," re marked a high authority today. "Wo hopo that congress will seo this. Wo nlso hopo that congross will appro priate a sufficient sum to make some very much needed tests of armor and construction under service conditions." It will be urged to congress that future nnval construction bo based on the most complcto possible data to be obtained. Our naval officers Bay that it Is time this nation censed to follow in the path marked out by others. HUNTERS DIE FROM EXPOSURE OPERATOR DROWNS AFFINITY' CASE IN IOWA NORMAL SCHOOL. Dos Moines In., Nov. 21. Churcn society and educational soclotloa have nothing to talk about at tho presont tlmo but tho revolations following tho resignation of Mrs. Catherine Gray.hcad of vocnl instruction nt tho Normal School.Cedar Palis, nnd tho dlsmaasal of Dr. Thomas W. Todd, professor of elocution there. SInco it became noised about that both wore corapollcd to givo lip their positions, Cedar Falls has begun to realizo that a llfc-slzo nffln- ROOSEVEIr IS NOT AFRAID OF THE RANKS. Washington, Nov. 21. Theodore Roosevelt Is doing his pnrt as a prl valo citizen to mnlntnln the banks on a sound foundation. Ho gives an example on tho first of every month of tho foolishness of hoarding mon ey by depositing in ono of tho lend ing national banks of Washington tho full nmonnt of his monthly sal ary as President of tho United States. Tho President gets his sal ary In tho shapo of treasury war rants on tho first of each month which is drawn to his order for ?41CC.CC. Tho President indorsos It on tho bnck and it is sent to tho bank whoro ho keeps his doposlt. VANCOUVER n. .C.) HUSINESS MEN MEET DEATH IN HOWE SOUND TACOMA TELEGRA PHER RUN DOWN HI TUG 1IOAT.. I1ICAG0 STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Jem's Greatest by Goods Selle IE CHICAGO STORE OFFERS st merchandise nt prices that will surprlso tho closest buyers. goods, Bllki, ladlos' coats, Indies' suits, children's coats, fine men's and boys' clothing, hosiery, underwear nnd hundrods of artie'e (United Press Lonscd Wire.) Vancouver, D. C Nov. 21.- With in sight of tho city's lights, Alox Holdon, aged 18, nnd Rlchnrd Hud- bou, aged fiO, died a frightful death from exposure. Thoy woro mombors a party of threo business men who hnd been on a hunting trip, tho third member being Arthur Chapman. Monday night thoir boat cnp3izod off Howo Sound, lens thnn ton miles from Vancouver. At daylight Hold on pwnm ashore, but tho cliffs woro too precipitous and tho sons running too high for him to gain a footing. Mukmwlmmmmmmm4LJjrr.mmmmmmmW niX', ' TiMl1 Hull J.. W HHHL V 1 4k. t- IKKSURHV v- '-.' WAS MRS. BRADLEY INSANE? JUDGE'S QUESTION ACCUSED WOMAN DENIES SHE THREATENED EX-SENATOH -DECLARES NO I1RIUE WAS OF FERED HER. (United ProBB Lonned Wiro.) Washington, Nov. 21. Mrs. Brad loy reaumod tho stand under crosh- loxainlnntlon at 10 o'clock this morn ing. At tho conclusion of tho exam ination alienists will givo their vlowi on tho defendant's snnlty. In this ntngo will appear Judgo Powora' hy- 'pothetlcal question which Is sntd to bo longor than tho ono in tho Thaw enso. IQNACEJAN PAOPRPWfiKI. urB' wub miitui, uui The m.nt tiiimint wim i-o..niv or. hor volco was firm nnd ovon. Attor- rlved In this country for nconcort tour. ey Ilnkor led tho witness back to wsJUXXJsw tho days on tho farm, whoro, in 1902, Ity caso htt3 beon overlooked for sho had mot Max Drown, who ob- Ho mnnnged with great difficulty to Bovqrnl years. Todd has a daughter Jected to her presonco. Aftor n fow got bnck to tho ovorturnod sailboat ,18 years of ago, nnd Mrs. Gray loft questions on this, Attorney Bnker Chapman and Hudson had beon left .Mr. Gray, who wns not nn nfllnlty, asked her: clinging to tho ovorturnod boat, but LMiuuuu.AHiuuMiaiMiixii.ii.xUU.Mx.xUHii MMMIWBMBnMR VM W W trmTOTTHTHTM V T -W mM T W W M i NOTICE I Tho first number on High School Literary Course. rards ct CGe and 75c plain fancy Dress Goods, ia ft values, jard v?i fM&s best standard C 63, yard fards of dark and light colr- cutlng flannels a qua'Ity, worth " c yard , f W a.cuMng flannel oi n al p, c yard ..OI3 3C Na of ards of nretty and v, .listing silks now at sr. a'l pricos 2"5c, 39c, ftS1)', C 7"u nar varvl. B's cf f-f dros eoods now PltKL. tt'sff fin dress and waist Mka r a hlp prior. rs cf C-uble blan- n w . Auf. i r o p wsv I Coats and Suits P"J aav llnun rlnn'i "'lJ'j g. t our prices. J6' T its " -..'..... $3.95 )Z.73 lS ' ' f nt - . vi.Ju atg, I sffn i Wl vlW In v7? Vi I Mil I u '"i'- A II 1 V UM WfcV&W. vy Tb-- i i i i-vaX i w rsrr3-j?. VF- l" I 1 fl Aft pAnia a .:...:....... 5v.w) Coats, Wr. V""WB whon Holdon reached It on his return ho waa in a stnto of complete ox haustlon. Hudson and Chnpman lift ed him to tho keol of tho capsized boat nnd bound him with ropes so that If ho Bhould bocomo unconscious ho would not fall Into tho wntor. Then Chapman mado tho swim for tho shore, and, nfter a desperato ef fort, climbed tho cliffs. Ycstorday Chnpman gavo tho alarm, and two tugs loaded with mon quickly put out to tho roscuo. Lnto last night tho tugs roturnod. Tho roscuorH luiina uio cnpBizou crnu nuoui qiBiu MmQ ymrB B0 To(,,, ,,a8 confoM., ..jiow nmny tJm08 miles out, with young Holdon'w ,,. hIa lovo for tho woinn,, nI, tho rtwtod?" body still bound to it. Hudson must BtlI,,nn,a hnvA iim,,u..0(l thn nfflnitv! Mr nmiiiv rAi.iin.i . . -" W" "" ----.-- ,.. " -V , ---w. ....V(r Vl'HVII wnsnou dogr0o on hlm four." M s THE B0ST0NIA SEXTETTE, . MELVA CLEMAIRE, Soprano At First Christian church, Thursday, Novombor 21. General ' admission GOa. and whon tho dofondnnt steppe from tho stand Bho scotneef to bo stronger than at tno closo or tho flrat day's ordeal. Sho waB under eTrn Inatlon 10 hours ami 40 mluutQQ. CRUDE MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE AT flOLDFnXLT (United Press Lonsod Wlro.) Qoldllcld Nov., Nov. 21. It r plan now under consideration by W. E. Dowlon, manngor of tho No vada Goldfleld Rwluctlon Workr is consumatod, Goldflold will soon havo a circulating medium whleU will roliovo to a great extent the scarcity of real money with whlcK tho camp la nllllctosl. Tho plan. In to tnko tho bullion produced' by tho mills nnd make it Into, bars and otnmp thereon tho value, which will bo UBCd as monoy. Tho question of tho legality of tho. plan and Its posslblo .conflict with? tho curroncy lawn of tho land 1b now being Investigated. TO FETE U. S. FLEET NIPPONESI ISE WI AVY V IN THE PACIFIC AMfJfCItU WILL HAIL CAN NAVV WHEN IT CItUISKpt! IlIIMMllHMllmH3llMIalll-HIII woro you ar havo been benumbod and "Throo or ovorbonrd nnd drownod. Thoro wip no trnco of him, nnd ho could not swim. "Hid you over hit tho sonator with nn umbrella, kuooklng out uovornl RUN' DOWN RV TUGS. IIOUGIIT OYSTERS AND AND WAS SERVED A PEARL. ot teeth?" (United Press Loasod Wire.) Tao dofondont triod to ovndo a dl- San Dernardlno. Cnl.. Nov. 21.- rct answer, but finally answered Ono Teli'grnpher Drou'iml niul Com. pniilon Narrowly Escnpes, Tncnmii Wnnli.. Vnu 91 . Prflfl McDonnol waa drownod and Joe d.ovo,? ft vll suit for tho posses George Skinnor nnd Chris Hartmnn,!"08-" tho latter nronrlotor of a roBtaAirant. I 8ho donlod that sho threatened to aro involved In n wrangle that may.b,ow Brown'a bond off If ho rofusod to marry hor. utiH N r nvn h1 Vf i-t kal OlrlltnIM Plnlmrir. hi. inmnnnton nnrrnwlv B,u" ui "- '""' " . escaped .loath last ovenfng, when tho ortlorod nm! f0,nJ, " two, in a rowboat, woro run down by ,oarl n",onB Jhe,n- " h0,a u a, l ih tff Fnvorito ow-,1 l,v tho Tfl- oxoltemont. Hartmnu was at- ooma Tub & Darso Company. ,u faoted, and asked to soo the gem charge of Captain Dyrloy, who saw " omiming ownorshlp. (United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Nov. 21. lromU nont nnvnl ofllcom who will havfv command in tho Pnclflo crulno ro rosponsllilo for tho statnmont thst -Ambnsundor Aokl, of Japan, nt a,( dinner given In honor of Roar-Ad- mlrnl Evans last Satiirday night, ox tendud nn Informal invitation to th Ainorlcan fleot to visit Japan during ,- Its crulso to tho Pacific, and In formed Admlrnl Evans 'that a formal' Invitation would bo prosontod to tho Prosldont through Secretary Root In a fow days. Thoso olllcero nlso assort that tho Prosldont nnd Soorotnry Root hnv decided to accept tho Invitation, and will tiolxo tho opportunity to Join with Japan In n demonstration of ln tornol courtoslos on u mngnlflcont Honlo, for tho purpnso of oonvlnolns tho pooplo of tho two untloiiH that wnr is out of tho quostlon." Tho cross-examination of Mr. Urndloy oJosexl shortly aftor nodn. Judgo Powers' bypothotloal qufld- tlon Is: HbI "FIrt, Mrs. Urndloy had two Latorin,,nt8 InBnna with homicidal attaoki, TROUBLED BY 6UILTY C0NSQENCE and that hor father Ib In n sanaturi- tho boat near tho centor. ipllntorliiK au' poar,s that thoy ,nlRntl havu it Into fragments, throwing the oc-;ooa,nol- Shlnner Is not satlsflod, cupants Into tb watr. Floburj? l has cowmltod attorney with was rosouod but MoDonnol, It Is be-.vlow to a civil suit for tho rocovory llovod, was stunnod by tho forc of of tno gem tho collision and sank. McDonnol was a tolegraph opom- tor employed by tho Weatorn Union The AlaJikun nt Salem. Tho play this evening at tho Grand Ladlos now 20 Rubberized now High class coats and suits now marked away down. Flno furs at any price you wish from 95c up McEVOY BROS. )stERCTAIi AND COURT STREETS, SALEM, OREGON. . i . - iiu uuiLiur wuei ruiwrruii iti -liih uib1 mo ooai ana snouioa a warninK i - " who LavI ,t na hJa urn. parnlyzod. thorn. Thinking thoy could crow tr,f l nUrney. who gavo It aB hia , ,, n, Ml t th ' ..-,,, ti,0 op n on, off-hnnd, that Skinner ' oonu, a mow on tno head with ahoad of tho tug they pulled tho ' n hoo whon the dofondant was fire harder for shore. Tho tug struck ."" bought tho oysters, and not , mantnv .. . . nnv nnnrls Innt Ihnv mlcMin IiftV . ""'" --. .. ...... .. "Third, that women with maternal IiiBtlnots as wtrong as dofondnnt's frequontly havo delusions that thy aro being porseouted under certain physical conditions. "Fourth, fits of dpregon or ela tion resulting from Rrown's qunr ro and reconciliations unbalanced hor mind. "Fifth, the revelation of Drown' troaohery through tho Adams letter dethroned hor reason." Thoso will be followed by tho fol lowing quoHtlens: "First .nsoiming that thoso facts aro true, oould tho dofondant dis tinguish right from wrong?" "Second, was she mentally re. sponulblo and third, was sho In sanoT" The defendant denied that tho son ator had offered hor IC0O0, a Los Angolos rosldonco and an annuity of $100 until tho youngoat chlJd was 21. Judgo Powers questioned hor AI'TER MANY YEARS RHPE.NTENT SINNER RirrURNH HUS1CINO IKO TO MERCHANT. (United Press Loceod Wiro.) Clovordnle, Cal., Ilglou hn workod Nov. 21. ohangiw In Re- tho- not yot been recovorod o Tolegraph Company. HIb body haa Bhould havo a bumpor Capital City audience. Thoso who saw It at Port land say tho sconlc offoots are won- WASHINGTON' FELON UNDER derful. uesjues tnoir own oronos- ARREST AT SAN FRANCISCO, tra, tho I'eorioss oronosira or uu runlted Press Leasod Wire.) cky will play with a musical, program San Franolseo, Nov. 21.Dotec-'oqual to the Halllg orchotra. Un- tlvos P. J. Ralloy and R. Murphy, loss our poopio paironizo buou piays oarly thin morning arroetod Abraham they will havo tho sonsatlon of pay J. Conn at the home of his s!ater-ln- ing fnro to Potland nnd return law, Mrs. Jennie Price, 1405 Stolnor, whenever they want to seo a first- street, upon telegraphic advice from oiase snow. tho Bhorlff of Everett, wash. Conn Is wanted In' the a felony charge. northern city on Chicago Mnrkets. Chicago., Nov. 21 Cash wheat, oponod $1.01, closed $1.00. Honm Quwn Range ,uasn corn oponea ot, oiosea ou-h. At si)eolal prices to oloso out the Cash oats opened Sotfolosod 50. line. A big reduction In tho abovo PortlandWheat, club 84, blue-well-known ranges. Must be sold to stem 80. mako room for Ducks and Toledo! Tacoma Mheat, bluestom 82, ranges. Duron & Hamilton. edub 80. again, taking up a number of tho de fendant's letters to Drown. The let ters painted a picture of tho defend ant's happiness on tho farm. The court adjourned for luncheon I nature und life of C. W. Mlloy. of Continental, Ohio, and he has made roetltutlon for n bunking peg which ho Htolo from W. H. Long when the, latter was in tho hurdwnro business at Continental. For yoars Long 1km been ongaged In tho same trade at Cloverdale, and ho hnd forgottoii ihnt such a man ns Mlloy had ovor exlstod. Recently ho recelvod n let ter from Contlnontal, Ohio, which followed protty gonorally tho now Roosovolt stylo of spoiling, and wnu without n punctuation mark from start to finish. Tho letter is as foU Iewh: "Continental, OhJo, Oot. tho St. -Dear Frlend: While you wan In tho hardware huslnosa at Continental 1 plkot MP a husking pog and keep it einco that tho Lord saved mo and I want to mako It rlto and 1 want yon to forglvo mo for It hearo Is 25 cents If that hain't anuf let "V know and J will ml?Q ij rlto from O. W. Mlloy.' II, P. O. KJku . ' Initiation tonight. Something doing. Musicians aro requctited ta bo prosentJM .- "- - f.- ibwr. r WWVI ftwniKil.tLntMUUU I" - " mm 'ii mmm mwm mm