DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OltEGON. Tt'KSDAV NOVKMDKlt 10, 1007. V!, THEICAPITAL JOURNAL K. HOFEK, Ed. nnd Prop. An Independent Nowspaper Dorotcd to American Principles and S Hho Tronresn and Dovclopemcnt of All Oregon. JTfV jiTIl TublUhcd fircry Kvenlng Kxccpt Sunday, Salem, Ore. WreftWQT SUIISORIVTION HATES. Vi (Intarlably in Advance) fK eaKurs3 Bally, 1r carrier, per year $0.00 Per month 60o 1 Y StKJ 'Bally, by mall, per 7r- I month 35o ft) Y t 'Wcelcly.pry tuall, per year- 1:00 Sir months too V SPECIAL DELIVERY. Tor "Convenience of subscribers branch delivery offices are estab lished" at Uio following places at 35 cents per month, $1.00 for threo tmontl.a. AByhim Store, F. G. Do Voo & Son, Asylum Avonuo Junction. 'Carllno, Seventeenth Btreot o A. W. Lane, Garden Road store. Dane's Store, Alex, Dauo, South Commercial street. JEloctric Store, C. M. Eppley, East Stato stroet. Itfalr Grounds Storo, Harrison Dee, Fair Grounds Road. "Howell's Cornor, Twolfth and Cros3 strcetB. 0. K. Grocery, A. A. Euglobait, Twolfth street. nvtoelor's Storo, W. D. Wheolsr, Highland avenue. Tew Park Storo. F. G. Bowersox, Twelfth and Leslie. ONE OF US TWO. predlcltlng that Roosevelt would bo tho Republican candidate next year. Ho has rocontly mado tho following statement:' "President Roosevolt will bo tho Republican candidate for President and W. J. Bryan tho Democratic candidate. "Recent ovonts In my opinion DEMONSTRATE THE UN'AVAILAML. ITY OF ALL OTHER REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES now In tlio flold, making certain Roosevelt's selection by tho convention. "Tho peoplo proposo to control tho nominations of both partios, "No ono blames Roosevelt for tho financial troubles EXCEPT THE WALL STREET MANIPULATORS." An authorized agent for Bryan has mado tho Btatomont that Bryan made his announcement in regard to tho nomination because It had been said that BRYAN WOULD NOT ENTER THE LIST IF ROOSEVELT WAS A CANDIDATE. Ho wished (to mako plain ho did not fear to run "against Roosevelt. next year. 11 ' 'J- I II Ml I IIIIW SMILES Tho consorvativo banker is not in any particular hot water. Eugene boat club ha3 disbanded. A dry town. Tnio tiny will dawn when ono of uo shall hnrkeu Tn vain ltd hear a voice that has grown dumb. 4n3 mornu will fade, noons palo, nmd shadows darkon, Wlillo sad eyes watch for foot that novor come. t)no of us two must somo timo face existence' Alono with memories that but Bharpon pain. Vnd those sweet days shall shine back In tho distance; Llko dreams of summor dawnB, in nights of rain. "Dno of us two, with torturod heart half broken, Shall read long-treasured letters through salt tears, TShafl kiss with anguished li'is each chorished token, That speaks of thoso love-crowned, delicious years. i t)no of us two shall find all light, all beauty, All Joy on earth, a talc forever dono; r 'Shall know honcoforth that Hfo means only duty. Oh, God! Oil, God I Havo pity on thnt ono. , Ella Wiioolcr Wilcox. o 11KVIEW OF NATIONAL POLITICAL SITUATION. Tho old romodles aro tho best. Hickory Bark Cough 'Romody lias been in use for ovoi; ono hundrod years by tho old Dutch Dunkarda of Pennsylvania, and la still in uao by all tho old families of weotorn Penn sylvania. Ib absolutely puro; mado from tho bark of tho whito or shell bark hickory tree. Tho bark is I UIA .. it. . . . athletic club walked i "'" . . " . oa8l nuu manu- iaciuroa in saiem, Oregon. For ualo I by all doalors ovorywliero. Tho Dalles off tho flold at Eugene Saturday be cuso of an unfair ruling. Jonathan Bays Roosevolt sure. Who mentioned, hard times? Buildings going Rip paving and sido- walks going down. "Though generally looked upon in tho light of an "off yonr" In poli tics, Uio 'recent oloctlons hnvo posstsod moro far-roachlng Importnnco as bunrlng upon tho futuro than has appeared on tho surface. In tho 11rt plnco, tho outcomo of 'tho voting in Now York city has dOTnonMrutoJ boyond nl shadow of a doubt that Charles F. Murphy IS IN COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE DEMOCRATIC FOHCES, and thnt In till probability ho will bo ablo to control, not only tho dologntos to this 7oxi ulato convention, HUT ALSO THOSE TO THE NATIONAL CON VKNTION. Tho results hnvo lllcowlso demonstrated that Uonrst has boon entire ly vtllmlmntod an a factor In stato nnd nntlonnl politics, . It baa 1ucn patent to tho leader of Tammnny hall and his followers "thnt tho organization was doomed to complotoly lose Its grip on tho po litical situation, In this stato and tho country nt Inrgo If tho Hoarst party voro allowed to ro on ns It lind boon, nnd 'thoroforo all Hholr offorts woro boat TO THIS OVKHTIIHOAV OF THIS FORMIDABLE FOE. Realizing that In tho ovont of succosw tho Independence longuo would ftupnlnnt tho rogulnr nomocracy in lt position of socoud plnco on tho oulolul ballot, tho managers of the wigwam loft no utouo unturnod to forestall tuny nuch possibility and Instond of his party bocomlng tho ronA Democratic party In tho Empire stato, MR. HEARST HAS IJEKV RELEGATED TO A POSITION Wl I Kit 13 UK NO LONGER WILL BE RECKONKI) WITH AS A PRI.ME FACTOR IN NI3W YORK POLITICS. This victory Iuih Indood beon a big ono for Murphy, nnd Its offoot upun the future dontlnlOH of tho oitl-thno Doinoorntlc pnrty In tho state nnd nation will ho watched with a great doal of intoroat. Ono of tho liiont liUoiodtlng nuiiounceuionts that ha boon made In 'qultit moiiio timo-Ik that within the next fow days President Roosovolt will be luformod In no uncertain way that Secretary of War Taft CAN NOT HAVE THE NKW YORK DHLEGATION TO THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVHNTION. Timothy L. Woodruff, chalrmrwn of tlio Ropublienn stato commlttow, Jittuu W. Wadttworth, spoalcor of tho hint awombly, William Bnrnos, Jr:,. member of tho Ropublienn stato cmmltteo rind Horbort PnrHons, prosl dont ot Uio Now York county Republican commlttoo, nil of whom nro (thoroughly Informed on the situation, will visit tlio Proeidont and con voy thlH Information to him. Wliethor or not tho President will tako heod of fho hint from tlio Now York Republican leadorB romalns to bo soon, but It is proaumod that HE WILL NOT INSIST UPON FORCING MR. TAFT UPON THE MEN FROM THE EMPIRE STATE. """ll U equally rortnln .thnt tho Prosidont will not favor tho candidacy 'of flovornor Hughoa, chlolly for tho roason, no doubt, that tho lattor l popularly Kuppoaod to roproBont tho corpnrnto Intorosts against which Mr. RoohovoU has beon wnglng such a bitttor warfare. With Mr. Taft ovldontly out of tho rnco In so fnr aa tho Now York londor aro concornod Nnnd with tho administration opposod to Govern or llughoH. It goiw without snylng that In tho fnco of his own per&onni opposition. THE PRESIDENT WILL BE COMPELLKI) TO ACCEPT "rilE NOMINATION FOR THE PRESIDENCY, aRhough thoro nro ninny vrtio bullovo tlint ho may havo some sort of a plan whoroby at tho oloventh hour ho may smccood in Inducing tho Ropubllonn party to ac cept George B. Cortolyou. If ono man moro than another has loomed up as strong presidential timber during tho reaont oloctlons that man Ib Tom L. Jobneon of Cleve land, Tho fact that Johnson was ablo lo dofoat Thoodoro E. Burton for mnyor of Glovolniul In tho fnco of dotornilnod opposition ON THE PART OV ALL THE BIO CORPORATIONS OF THAT CITY, ns woll nB In vlow ot tho fact thnt Burton was known to havo tho aotlvo support of Proaldont Roosovolt. Bponks volumes for Ills political Btrongth, and it Is now tuwortod that in tho ovont of 1i!r Boloctlon by tho Domocrats as their candidate for tho prosldoney, JOHNSON WOULD NOT ONLY BE SURE TO CARRY OHIO, but would mako a deehlodly good run in other fttiloit, oupuolaWy If wo aro to havo hard ttmoa throughout tho onst, Nvhloh now nppours to bo almost luovltablo Tho St. lioula Dauiocratlc club has already ondorsod Johnson for the tiroeldoncy. THIS fllAllt WAS "ENTHUSIASTICALLY FOR BRYAN IN HIS PRES lDHNTIAIi RACK. t aotlon may bo oxpootod to bo followod by oUiors throughout tlm country, so that by tho timo tho convention has aasomblod it is quite tiOBsllilo thoro will bo no moro popular onndKlnto in tho field. With tho showing mado In Olovolnnd by Johnson AGAINST THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE T. E.. BURTON, tho friends of. Lieut. Xlov. WIHInm Aator Chanlor who havo boon earnestly booming him for tb.o presidency havo now oomplotolydlsnppoarod. In faot tho Chanlor boon wna only tho work of a fow "would bo" politicians who knowing (that Chanlor has an unlimited bank roll saw tho opportunity for holplng him to spond It. Jonatlmn Bourne may havo beon rebuked by President Roosevelt V6rB IIDOO prjzo offer for tho best third term argument," but If v'Boumo'fl bhouhlors have folt tho weigh of presidential anger, THEY ?UAVK NOT HEl'ERRED THE SENATOR FROM OREGON from atlll Nor Corporations. Articles of Incorporation filed in tho ofllco of itho socrotary of stato an follews: Noahkanio Ramch company; prin cipal ofllco, Portlnnd, Or.; lncorpora- Ono Salem widow' is offered $10,- tor8 Snmuol G. Reed, George F. Hol 000 for a lot on a paved Btreot. An- mn.n and A. A. Hnmpson; capital othor widow will not tako $1G,000 8tclc, ?25,000. for a lot on Stnito Btreot thnt is to Baptist church of Shedd, Oregon; bo paved. Paving holps ovon widows, incorporators, J. B. Cornott, Sr Mark Curtis and V. W. Robnott. Too much prosperity Is a bad Paisley Flouring company; prin thlng for somo people. Thoy can't clpal ofllco, Paisley, Oregon; cnpltnl Btand It. stock, $1G,000; Incorporators, John S. Spraguo, A. A. Eltham and S. O. Go around to tho board of trade Crosslor. and boo tho real rod ripo raspborrlo . WoBtorn Contracting nnd Engl- In Novembor. nooring company; principal ofllco, Portland, Orogon; capital stock, E. J. Murphy Ib tho only cnndldnto $2100; incorporators, W. B. Scott, for mayor of Pendleton. Murphy T. A. McDougall, C.'lL Packer and will bo It. J. E. Gnrdno-. I Wntors Bros. Invostmont Co.; As bbtwoon Bryan and Roosovolt principal ofllco, Salem, Orogon; capl- which is tho bolitcr Democrat? tal stock, $50,000; lncorporntors, Fred R. WntorB, Goo. E. Waters and Not a good day for tho sham Do- F. W. Waters. mocracy. Exit JIoarBt and Chnnlor. Boomnn, Spnuldlng, Woodward Co.; principal ofllco, Portland, Orogon; Bottor and pormnnont sldownlks capital stock, $25,000; Incorporator!, Is tho agan at Tho Dalles. Julius Beoman, Lewis V. Woodward o and Orrln P. Spnuldlng. A Notro Dnino Lauy'H Appeal. Tho Goo. T. Murton Aiulit Co.; To nil knownlng Biifforors of rhcu- principal ofllco, Portland,' Oregon; mntlsm, whothor muscular or of tho capital stock, $2500; lncorporntors, Joints, sciatica, lumbago, backache, Goo. T. Murton, Unrvlo M. Murton pnlna In tho kidneys or nournllg.i and Jlodloy V. Carrlngton. pains, to wrlto to her for a homo treatment which has opoatodly cur-1 ad all of thoso torturos. Sho foolnj It hor duty to sond It to nyufforera FREE. You euro yoursolf at home a thousands will testify uo chnngo ' of cllmnto bolng nocossnry. ThU slmplo dlscovory baulshos uric acid from tho blood, loosons tho stiffen-1 od Joints, purlflOB tho blood, nnd brlBhtotif) tho oyes, giving olaiticlty1 sell it tO yOll) it is good auu iouo 10 mo wuoio nyaiym. u tho nbovo interoets you, for proof add roes Mrs. M. Suinmers, Box R, Notro D'amo. Ind. What Would ZZz You Do If tlirep good physicians should pronounce your case hopeless. If thoy should decide that you could not live longer than six weeks. And if you should got well, after us ing only $12.00 worth oC Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and , Nervine, what would you advise a friend in like con dition to do? "I havo to thank you for wivlnr my wlfo'fl Hfo two yearn ano. Vfn hall continued with tho doctor until tha third doctor, llko tTio two provloua ones, eoltl thnt nothlnjr could bo dono for her: that sho lind bettor bn tnken homo from tho hospital to quietly wait hor timo, which would not be over weeka at tho moat. I brought htr homo, and then 1 thouRht probably Dr. Miles' Heart Curo and Nervine mlKht help hor, so I trot a bottlo of ench and Rome Nerre nnd Liver l'llla nnd oommonood to frtve tlictn to her. Wo soon Been an Improvomont. nnd encouraged by thin wo contln'TM giv ing tho modlclne. We Rave tier eleven bottled in nil of tho medicine. Slio takes it occasionally now If Bho feels . the need. I am in tha ministry, and have been for 44 yours." K13V. P. MIM.10AN, Oonda Springs, Kans, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure It told by your druualnt, who wilt nuarantee that the first bottle will be no fit. If It falls he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES. O C. T. Co. -STEAMERS U IWfcMo rww x n&fi tuinno" Ihennwl : cu'tW ,. KesUurant m Hi ori ' ly flnt3hcnM.i-t1?L - ...uujjj , r European p1 HJ :: dlnn 35 cut, 11 E.ECKERlKf( Wffil COFFEE Nothing" does more for a grocer, one way or the other, than coffee. He must sell poor; (he needn't tl-t makes him. Rutins Raslatball Tram. Tho porsonnol of tho first bnska-t-bnll tonm of lnllaa collogo for tlio soason or 1907 and 'OS will bo as follews: Fonton a'ud Craved, for wards; Nod Shaw, contor; Claud Shaw and Savory, Kuurds. It Is bo liovod by thoso who know tho rocords of thoso players, and hnvo watcinsl thorn work togothor, that Dallas coN lego will como nearor turning ott an all-star toam this soason than ovor boforo. Polk County Observer. O :; Your grocer returns your money l( you don't IILe Schllllnu'i Host; uo pay hi in Can you afford to trlflo with so serious a matter as to neglect a bad cold or cough, when for a trifling amounlj you can securo a bottlo of "Hickory Bark Cough Romody," that Is guaranteed to curo or money refunded. Prico 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by dealers ov-orywhoro. The Habit Of Saving thousands has made rich. A savings bank ac count will help you save and make your savings earn more. Deposits of one dol lar or more can be made anytime. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank Fanner Has Two Wives. Dnvld B. Parmontor an ngod farmer residing about threo mlloa from Wnlkor station was arrostcd Tuosday aftornoon by Doputy Sheriff O. C. Hammond .says Wednesday's lsauo of tho Eugene Guard, on tho cliargo of polygamy and wns brought to Eugene last ovnlng nnd placed lu tho county Jail to await his examina tion bororo Justico ot tho Poaco Dry son. Tho fnct that Parmontor had moro than ono wife was brought to light through tho filing of a divorco suit against him on tho sixth of the presont month by Mrs. Sarah E. Par montor wlfo No. 1, as montlonod by tho Guard at tho timo. Sho alleged in hor complaint that sho left homo In July, 190G, and went to Tacoma, where sho has boon staying with hor daughtor. On October 21 Parmen ter was marriod in Eugene to Mrs. Louisa A. Dowon. Mrs. Parmontor No. 1 ioard of tho marriage and at onco camo to Eugene and bogan di vorco proceedings. Tho first mar riage occurred lu Vermont, Novem ber 12, 18C2. Parmentor statos that he did not know ho was committing bigamy, or polygamy, thinking his first wlfo doad. Ho says that when slio left for Tacoma tho doctors said she could not llvo moro than two weeks longer, and that shortly afterward ho hoard that sho had died. Mrs. Parmentor No. 1 and' Mrs. Parmontor No. 2 havo both been in Eugene slnco dlio beginning of tho divorce proceedings, No. 2 not car ing to llvo with tho man after find ing out that sho was not his lawful wife. Parmoter is between 60 and 70 years of age, and Is an old soldier, belonging to tho G. A. R. He is well-known among tho local mom- POMONA AND OREGONA LEAV1 1 FOR PORTLAND DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY AT O A. BL M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Timo Card No. JH Effective Juno in. Toward Portland Passenger. No. 10 5:23 a. m. Oregon Ex press. No. 18 8:40 a. m., Cottngo Qror Paaaongor. No. 12 2:45 p. m. Roscburg Ex press. No. 11 8:50 p. m., Portland Ex prosa. Toward Portland Freight. No. 222 10:5k a. m doparti 11:38 a. m Portland Fast Freight No, 226 10:40 a. m., dopart 11:38 a. m., Way Freight. Toward San Francisco Passengo' No. 11 11:03 a. m., Roioburg Exprosa. No. 17 6:47 p. m. Cottage Grove Passongor. No. 159:56 p. m., California Ex press. No. 13 1:31 a. ra., San Francl co Express. Toward San Francisco Freight. No. 221 2:33 a. ra., San Fran cisco Fast Freight 4hhhhhJ mining W9 COURT Call lU trr tt & Boird Mr i alio turnlh4 t lu&ioniDlt, AT Til Sab i Restauraflf MtALSi HMMIMHfr Hotel St. l'onrtli and Fifth StnWi.rortUaifu, Now fireproof Eamyui Steam heat. Modern cr..g Rates Ji.OO per dir ujj acpoicar williindTojua hriKu No. 22511:55 11:25. a. m arrlre CORVALLIS & EASTERN R. R. TIME TABLE NO 7. "" Trains from and to Ynqulna. No, 1 Leaves Yaquina 7:16 a.m. Arrivos at Corvallis 11:00 a.m Arrives at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 2 Leaves Albany 12:36 p.m Loaves Corvallis 1:30 p.m Airlves at Yaquina 5:40 p.m Trains to and from Detroit. No. 3 Loavoa Albany 7:30 a.m Arrivos at Detroit 13:30 p.m. No. 4 Loaves Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 6:65 p.m. Trains for Corvallis. No. 8 Leavoa Albany 7.B& a.m. Arrives at Corvallis .... 8:36a.m. No. 10 Leaves Albany 2:25 p.m. Arrives at Corvallis .... 3:05 p.- No. 6 Leaves Albany 7s35 V-- Arrivos at Corvallis 8:16 p. Trains for Albany. No. 5 Leaves Corvallis e:3oa.u Arrives at Albany 7:10 a.ni No. 9 Leaves Corvallis 12: 30 p.m Arrives at Albany . . . . .'..1:15 P-10- No. 7 Leavos Corvallis 6:ou p." Arrives at Albany 6:40 p.m. No. 11 (Sunday only) Leaves Corvallis n:i- Arrlveo at Albany 11:58 a.. No. 12 (Sunday only) Leaves Albany 12:85 p,Ifl Arrives at Corvallis 1:18 P- For further Information apply G0. F. NBVINS, inmiiii :: grand m .. Tlio HorscthodTttstwttl !! Scott Ferguson o!i )) thoroughly rcnonitjiyii ; ; ly furnished thronjkt i! Best20cMealiii ;; Chlckca dinner oi 1 Call and bo eontlud. i:. M. ACKERM.U.II ' 444 QUI CImaI , , tidi) ovaio fiucvb I iiiiiiiiiiHiinn 4-nmnmmiiiiH iilATDAHUn '. '. Corner Stole nd '' Slrctu. Over Portland GJl!i ;i For Sale 5-roca :; large lot, good woel '-pedal bargain tt W !! House and (vtlW I! of land, good lt' :: $2500 l Ten-acre proptrtJW :: uieofcltyliBi:! ; ; room house, to tefl fonced In 1 BeMi ifl !! fnult. Special barjtlt M ; ; Forty-acre i"8- ' "1 " 'rora Salem, on rod y .. house and barn, m '.'. 2000 cord of ' PrlfC. JI500. : ' EiehtunreMW M '!S;M ;: 35 tons; 15 acm w ' ' ration, balaace .prlngi la Ptstnrt' ",1 ' .'... Urn IS fcM ! ). imill orciud ::loganberrILlHfj berries. iw. - ' f-.rontr.flre i ;: ated. PWS .. . choicer ., canals-- -; ; lars in ,rJ " I ' .ri residence ? ' h.rnlBl l t"8 ;H-i !GoWDf -imlit jad b; -n,i ncawrm jn "--' .f for ' it7t- o R.Wl AG1 :XrtT' HlTlAaW .. V . - atfOTlB It ".7. uU AiL TV--' .ZTk J"" i - bora ot that order. Gt&., Vam, AgUt AIMBf, v . . s.-M' v lir