Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 18, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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(United Press Lersed Wire.)
Wobb City, Mo., Nov. 18. "I
killed tho wrong ninn," Henry La
coy, u foreman of tho American Boau
ty mine, told the coroner's Jury that
hold' him for slaying' W. W. Parker,
a young minor, who bonrded with
Mrs, Lacoy. "I thought I was shoot
ing at unothor man, and I lntonded
to kill both him and my wife."
Parlcor was killed at Lacey's homo
Friday night. About dusk Lacoy,
who Is HufiorIng from tuberculosis,
passed a miner smoking at his gate.
"I am going over to tho house and
raise a HlUo smoke," ho said. Thon
lio opohed u front door and fired a
Tovolvor. Parker foil dead. Immo
dlatoly Ticoy told tho neighbors
thnit ho had killed tho wrong man.
"When later ho was told that ho had
fclaln 1'nrkor, ho broko down nnd
1 wouldn't caro what thoy would
devith: ino If I had killed .tho right
IrMh," ho Bald.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Chicago, Nov. 18. A. sufficient
tonnag has boon guaranteed, tho St.
Paul road to make the venture a pay
Ing ono from the start, tho manage
ment Is making a phonomonal raco
to roach tho Pacific coast with Its
rails. It becamo known today tho
representatives of many commercial
associations and of associations of
manufacturing interest having Bent
delegations to itho St. Paul manage
ment (urging hasto and giving a
guaranteo of largo amounts of ton-
jingo tho momont tho Pacific coast
extension of tho road is comploted
nnd rondy for business. It Is thoro
foro a raro prize which tho St. Paul
is racing to possess, nnd if the pres
ent weather continues a record in
track laying and road construction
will bo mnde.
Juilk at
mmuwi wtit .'.in
XUnltod Press Leased WIro.)
Bnnta Barbara, Cal., Nov. 18.
Southbound frolght train No. 2-14 on
tho Southoni Pacific nrrlved horo
yotitorday aftornoon and reports tho
breaking Into by robbers of ono of
tho box earn of tho train somowhoro
between San Luis Obispo nnd Gaind
nlupo. Wlion tho train ronchod horo
Constablo Stornl arrested six mon In
nnothor car which wns loaded with
prunos. Tho prisoners proved to bo
llnoimm out of work, nnd woro
turflod loose. Tho contontH of tho
robl)od car woro rnuHnckcd and a
largo quantity of Bible and nuto
mobllo glovoa and odior proporty
wnB Htolou. Rnllrond slotoctlvos all
along tho lino nro working on tho
rUBo. Tho Southorn Pacific only ro
contly ondod tho operations of u
t;uhg or train ithiovos, somo of whom
1ro"vud to bo train mon.
'Uay Pity Company Will Suitor u
T.ohh of Over a Million Dollars In
Om War.
(Unllod Proas Lonsod WIro'.)
San Fmnclfino, Nov. 18. ProI-don-t
PnfrlPk Calhoun, of tho Unltod
RnllroHdM. Iium made a report to tha
MtockholderH nbout the grow onrn
ing of the compnity for last August.
It states gross receipts wire $817.
709, iw compared with $IUH,811 for
August. 19 00, r h decrease of
Thin It the aoootid monthly report
made nubile nlnee the strike of May
ft, tart, wan deHftrml.
The firat report wm for June,
wlion the grose receipt were $152.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
London, Ky., Nov. 18. Robort
Boyd, Jr., ninstor commissioner of
Laurel county, and a prominont at
tornoy, today shot and InBtnntly
killed Jamoo Sparky a former nt
tornoy of Laurel county, in tho cir
cuit clork'o ofllce. Boyd was making
a settlement in itho enso in which
James Sparks roprcsontod ono sldo,
whon ho flrod four shots, firing throo
nftor Sparks had fallen. Sparks had
questioned Boyd's conduct In tho
case, nnd bad fooling hud existed for
t otno time. Tho wltnousos sny that
tho shooting was without provoca
tion. Boyd1 Immediately surrendered
to tho sheriff.
(Unltod Proas Leased Wiro.)
San Francisco, Nov. IS. J. Cul
lnr, a mall olork In tho omploy of
tho postofllce, was sontouced to ot
yoar In tho Alameda county Jail by
Judge Doilavou on a charge of tak
ing money from rogletored lettem
paealng through his hands. The to
tnl amount of his pilfering wm a lit-
tie over $1000.
With tonit In his eyoa, Cullar, who
Is a good looking youth, ptondod gull
ty and threw himself on tho mercy
of tho court. Uu Htld thai he wm a
young married limn with a little
bHby boy and wm soroly tompted
beoau ho needed money badly. 1L
We have made arrangements with a big poultry firm to supply
us with turkeys. No danger of shortage this year. Out previous
experience of this kind taught us to speak ia time for turkeys. The
supply is certain. Watch our "ads for particulars.
Don't buy your turkeys when you can get them for nothing,
We gave them away last year, we will do it again this year.
In the meantime buy a Buck's Range or Cook Stove and give
the turkey a warm reception. Three ranges sold yesterday.
120. H rompaml Wlthft 18.155 forllirokft ilmvn n lia nlM.ln.l tnr marrv
Juiie, 1908, or a decreaao of $X90,- Hnd promised to turn ovor a new
58JJ, , , , leaf. The eourt gavo him a lonleut
The latter decrease wm due to'Ronitnoo In view or his past clean
thB exlBtence of the strike of the moord nnd his uvldoi contrition,
enr men. Tho aame cause ia as- n
rigiifd for the Am g net deoronae. Dur-'pA.vrilKIl TUAHS CI.OTUHS
ing both months thousands of union
people rofiiHod 4o rhle on the cars.
It 1h oatlmntod that tho strike of
the bar men and inadequate aorvloe
KOIt Till Id) ON 8TKKKT.
(Unltod Proaa I.eaaod WIro.l
Oaklnnd. Cal., Nov. IS. While n
tgo containing two .panthors and n
l.avo omiHOil the company a lose of " "" ",,U"K lwo ' mlrf "
vor $1.2000,000 In paeaongor ro- 'r Ll!,Iv"ubJ ?lJ)n. ?w (l ,n fr.n'
H.olits of t'ho Novolty thontro thta morning,
llilloiiHticHH nml Constipation,
For yonra I was troubled with bll
lousneaa and constipation, which
jimdo Ilfo mlsorublo for mo. My np
potlto failed mo. I lost my usual
forco and vitality. Popsln prepara
tions and cathartics only made mat
ters worse I do not know whore I
Bhould have boon todny had I not
tried Ohamborlatn's Stomach and
Idver Tablots. Tho tnblots relieve
ho 111 fooling at onco, strengthoa
ho dlg08tlvo functions, helping tho
system to do Us work naturally.
Mrs. ltosa Potts, Birmingham, Anln.
Thoso tablots nro for salo at Di.
Stono'a drug store.
f i HiHiniHiHinii ii i
t Fam fkMnnu : i. - iihna uakod tho pollco to asilst her In
t tvery Montli in the Year I nnding hor husband.
Brings Its current bills. Ono
way to puy thorn is to go from
plaoo to place, carrying tho
mouoy with you, at tho risk of
loss and tho chnnco of over
looking tho taklug of a receipt,
and having somo of it to pay
over again. Tho convenient bust
ness-llko way Is to pay all bills
by chock, no matter how small.
A check Is tho best recolpt you
cau have. Paying out monoy
lu thi3 way Insuros correctness
and glvos you a comploto rec
ord of all money paid out.
Open a Checking Account With
n sinnl lglrl, Ada Mooro, wn stand
lug on tho odgo of tho sldewalK
wiUchlng with groat Intoreat tho
florce anlmnk. She turned to gpoak
to a woninn standing noar, whon ono
of tho pnnthora roaehed out of the
uago and ripiod hor -drofis off from
head to foot with lt sftmrp claws.
Tho chid was sen rod nlmost Into
spasms, and It wns not uivtll tho cage
of animals wna takon into tho thon
tro that sho rocovered sutllciontly to
go homo. Hor lnjurlos nro not serious.
ii . liL n a. a wai v l?a w laaaH qubYj i b& V hb Wa fc V v UIQ VL V'mI v ' ill
Widow Hunting Husband.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Tocoinn. Wash., Nov. IS. Bollev
Ing that hor husband of a week,
elthor Intentionally doserted her or
has mot with foul play, Mrs, Clar
ence Caldwell, who until a woek
ago was Mrs. Clnronco Balfour, a
widow, 48 yoara of ago, of Chohalla,
Safem, Oregon
NVbraskn at 'Frisco,
(Unltod Press Lonsed WIro.)
San Frnnoteco. Nov. IS. Th now
flrst-clns battleship Nobrnska came
up tho bay this morning un-l
ivnohorod off Sakton crook, throo days
from Soattlo on hor final trial cruise
boforo accontnnco. Sho has Just
bow comploted by Mornn Bros., of
"-O ii.
Wilsh Case Wenkm
Chiongo. Nov. IS. Tho govern
ment won a big vlotory In It3 of
forts to convict Walsh this morning
whon thn I'nnvf ilonlod tho nlnn nf
Walsh's nttornoys to bar the books
of nil railway and mining concerns
nlloKOd to have been baoked by tho
oauKa money, tijo doronso contend
od that tho entries In tho books were
mado by hearsay by employes.
Should November's frosty brooze
Bring you coughs, colds or chills,
Tako Rocky Mountain Tea Instead
Of harmful drugs and blttor pills.
For salo at Dr. Stone's store.
ft, ttv Jhey Jtfw&92 -
Fashioned Apparel
Ttcs wutuMaTON oa.
A Close and Critical Examination of
Bishop's Ready
Tailored Cloth
Nevsr fails to satisfy the most exacts
men, and the more you know a
style, materials and tailoring, the motf
you will like and want to wear otf
Sack Suits - $1 0.00 to $30.
Overcoats - $1 0.00 to v
Salem Woolen Mill