Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 18, 1907, Image 1

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NO. ilOtt,
ttatm0mn0tKtKmKMKit$mmiiKittmt0MtmmmmmiammKmmKamtHimmtni fiiii mmm .
dlor Wfll Not AbniII Chnr-
of cvVnltod States Senator
nnd Sccins to He JA'ss
cd Press Leased Wlro.)
tovn. Ky mov. 10. Aiiur
Jcourt this morning In tho
rial, Judge Morm permittca
of uotli avowal 01 mo uo-
tho nrosocutlon'B counter-
nncernlng tho pardon grnnt-
vers by Governor xnyior.
nlnatlon of venlromon wao
bgton, Nov. 18. Tho nttor-
nidlug Mrs. unuiioy unvo
(ho scone of their plan, by
hrnUjgo of suggestions mado
btlmony of tho government's
Tho list or dofenBo wu
ve been lougthened to 30.
I helping tho InBnnlty dc-
Ibcen obtained.
radlcy Is loath to nnsnll
thtracter on mo bioiim.
nrcsl much brighter upon
Iho court room thlB morn
i. IlmiHey Insane.
tton, Nov. 18.-
Hay, a reporter, was the first wlt
noss. Uo told of tile peculiar ac
tions of tho -defendant when he was
Interviewing her Juat aftor the trag
edy. Ho strengthened the impres
sion that tho dofendant was mental
ly unsound. The testimony of Chna.
Cottorell, another reporter, con
firmed that of Hay.
Cottrell said that Mrs. Bradley
had a "wild look," but that he did
not bollovo her to ho insane. The
defendant told Cettrell: "I asked
Brown If he Intended doing tho right
thing, and ho started to leavo fho
room. Then 1 Bhot him."
Police ofllcera next testified that
Mth. Bradley was erratic when she
was arrested, but that they did not
bollovo sho was in?nne. Dr. T. W.
Whitney, of Salt Lake, attonded the
dofcnvlant when Arthur Browu, Jr.,
was born, and declared that tho
blood poisoning for which ho treat
ed Iter often affected tlic urnin.
Louis McMahon, roportcr, said
that tho dofomlnnt was so norvous
that a puff of wind would disturb
her mentally.
Mrs. Mary Madison, a little wo
man, 04 yoars of ago, mother of tho
defendant, tostJfled that when sha
was a child rMs. Bradley was struck
on the boa dwith a boo and was se
verely Injured, ntll Hho was 10
years of ago sho stiff orod with so
voro hoadnchos. Othor witnessoB
woro unablo to -ny that they thought
tho defendant was insane, and tho
court adjourned.
Tho Walsh Trial.
Chicago, Nov. 18.- Judgo Ander-
BOll, in UIO WaiHIl Will I""" "
buked Auditor Williams, of tho
Soutborn Indiana Railway, who was
Identifying on tho stanti somo wmi
In the comapny'B books. Proswutor
Dobyns protested against Will amR
quibbling. Judgo Anderson uu
Williams, "your tactics will not bo
toiornicu any wmmi
"Are Spot Cash Buyers
U tho reason you can como to our storo now and get aucli
kl Bargains for your monoy. Tho prices on uress uuuua,
loiki, Suits, Millinery, Flannels, HlaiiKets, uiouuug, dhucb
jither goods nro cut to tho quick to Induco rapid selling.
Mi of yards of all the
hades and materials in
Jj now on sale at less
aufacturers cost, yard
25c 35c 45c
65c 75c
Ure la a grand array of
;badf3, weaves and ma
rked away down, price,
bcuasd jards
Caj-n yard
of beet
61 3c light colored Out-
ai one-half cent
PS F.annels, 8pQlal
81 -3c
l3c fiCf-O UnaA llnr
Five dollar Silk Under
skirts, now 1J3.R0
$9.50 Silk Potticonts In all
tho latost shades, now.. $5.00
Ohlldron'if $4.00 Hoavy
Wlntor Coats, now $2.30
Children's $3.95 Boar Skin
Coats, special prlco now.S'-.tl
Mlssos' ?C90 Coats now... $1.30
Ladles $3.95 Trimmed
Hats now
Money Miirket to lie Relieved In a
Roundabout Manner by Increasing
Government Debt.
(United ProBB Leased Wlro.)
Washington, Nov. 18. Secretary
Cortclyou Inst -night mado tho Im
portant announcement that, as a
means of affording relict to tho
financial situation, tho trensury
would lflsuo $50,000,000 of Panama
bondR and $100,000,000 certificates
of indebtedness, or to much thereof
as may bo 'necessary. Tho certifi
cates will run for ono year, and will
bear 3 per cent Interest. Tho Becro-
tary'B action In coming to tho relief
of tho financial situation meets with
iho President's ihoartlcst approval.
and tho plan is tho outcomo of tho
Whlto Houto conferences which havo
beon 'hold within tho last few days,
whon tho financial situation was tin
der consideration.
Secrotary Cortolyou says that tho
Panama bonds will afford substantial
re'lef, as the law provides that thoy
may bo used at a basis for additional
bank circulation. Ho also states that
tho procoodB from tho Balo of cor
tlflcatoB caii bo mado directly avail
able at points whoro tho nood is
most urgont, and especially for tho
movomont of crops, which, ho says,
"If nronorly nccoloratod. will glvo
tho greatest Tolief nnd result In tho
most imutcdl&to financial roturns."
Tho socrotnry calls nttontlon to
tho attractlvenoss of tho bonds nnd
certificates as absolutely safe in
Socrotary Cortolyou adds that
theso rollof measures will onablo him
to moot public expenditures without
withdrawing for that purpose nny
apprecablo amount of tho public
moneys now doposltod in national
banks throughout tho country. Two
treasury circulars, ono inviting pro
posals for tho Issuo of bonds, and
tho othor ask UK for tho coriuicuios,
will bo sont out under dato of No
vember 18.
Good Effect in Chicago.
Chicago, Nov. 18. President
Roosevelt's relief mcasuro had Bitch
a good effect on tho stock exchnngo
board today that tho local financiers
think it marks tho beginning of itho
money stringency's end. Stocks
wont booming two dollars a share
and wheat went up a cent and a
Somo Doubt Panama Bonds.
Now York, Nov. 18. Tho now
government rollof mcasuro decided
upon by President Itoosovolt Jnat
night was tho chief tonic of convorsa
itlcm in financial circles today. Somo
ntifnorltlos nro Inclined to doubt
tho success of tho three per cont
treasury certificates, though tho plan
has ovory tendency to stroncthon tho
Btock market. Advances of from
ono to four points at itho opening of
the exchange Is attributed to tho gov
ornmont roller. Tho premium oji
curroncy was as !ow as 1 per cont.
(United PreBB Leased Wlro.)
Louisville, Ky., Nov. 18. Two po
licemen were Injured by bricks, flvo
mon nrrcsted and n number of por
sona clubbed, as tho result of a riot
ous demonstration by striking Btreot
car omploycB and tholr friends yes
torday afternoon.
An nddrcss by tho wlfo of n dis
charged conductor, nt a mass moot
ing, so worked on tho nssomblago
that an Impromptu par ado of ovor
2000 porsons, was formed and
marched about tho biiBlnosu district.
Thero was a largo sprinkling of
women in tho line, and thoy Incit
ed the crowd to stono tho cars. Four
cars woro stoned, and, although no
ono on bonrd wns seriously hurt, bov
oral women passengers fainted,
Tearing to Shreds tho Alleged Con.
fcsslon Which tho Notorious Har
ry Orchard ytive to tho Public.
(United Press Lcasod Wlro.)
Rathdrum, Idaho, Nov. 18. Tho
defonso In tho Stovo Adnms casa
brought out again this morning
tho fact that th notorious Harry
Orchard was In itho Mnrblo creek re
gion In October, 1905, after tho
skolctou of Fred1 Taylor had been
found, nnd itlint ho was In n position
to know nil tho circumstances sur
rounding tho killing, thereby being
able to frtirnlBh Detective McPanland
with tho dotullfc necovnry for tho al
leged Adams confession. Frank
Prlco, a pioneer sot'tlor In that re
gion, testified o seeing Adams at tho
town of St, Joo on tho morning of
August 8, while tho dofoudiint wna
on rout- out of tho region. Tho kill
ing of Tylor Is alleged to havo oc
curred on August 10. Mrs. Nolllo
Kllldoo tootlflod to Booing Orchard
and Slnipklns going into tho Marble
, creek region In October, 1905. O. H.
Todd, u civil cnglnoor, testified that
It would bo ImpoBslbio to gp ovor
tho trail from tho rlvor to Mnrblo
, crook In less than eight hours. Mm.
.Mlnnto Hanson testified to heelug
Adams In tho town of St. Joo on tho
morning of August 8.
,K'S Tab', LtaCD!i
t5c 49c 65c
Wo show a grand selection of
ladles' up-to-date Coats and Suit
in all tho new colors cardinal,
brown, navy and green. We can
give you prices on ladles; Coats
and suits that you will find
mighty hard to beat in this part
of tho world.
Bonds Will Help Situation.
San Francisco, Nov. 18. A rap-
rosontatlvo of the San Franolsco
cloarlng houso snid this merning:
"Winn Prosldont noosevoit wrote
yesterday to Secrotary Cortelyou ox-
proving hla approval of tho plan to
Issuo Panama cunnl bonds ho struck
tho keynoto of tho financial situa
tion, national and locnl In his final
seirtence: 'All that our pooplo havo
to do now is to go uhoad with tholr
normal buslnosa In a normal fashion
und the wholo difficulty dlsappours,
and thl t will bo achloved If oach man
will act as ho normally doos act, and
as tho real condition of tho oountry's
buslnoee fully warrant his now act
ing." As for tho local money market ev
erything polntH ito a spoody adjust
ment of affaire 'hore and a resump
tion of normal burineu In a very
short tlmo. Tho direct effoct of the
government band iwuo Is manifest
hero In an increasod feoling of con
fidence on tho nart of the bankers
and a loesonlng of tho tendency to
tie up coin.
Tho action of tho treosury depart
ment has had an oven more powerful
(offset locally through Its quloting of-
foct on New York banking Diieinew.
Entiro confidence was so promptly
restored thero that boforo 10
o'clock this morning tho sum of $1,
500,000 had beon depoelted In the
Now York sub-troaaury, and a corre
sponding sum paid out by A8tetant
Treasurer Ralston to San Francisco
(United Pross Lonsod Wlro.)
North Yaklmu, Wash., Nov. 18.
To havo an Immense ongle grlppod
tightly between his strong hnndi nnd
not be able to reloatso his hold ho
cnuso ho fonrod tho consoquoucos, h
tho strange plight which bofoll E.
D. Palmor, of Nob Hill a fow days
ngo In a hunting oxporlonco.
Palmor was hunting grouso when
ho saw a flock, also an oaglo In pur
suit. Ho fired nnd ono of tho shots
grazed tho englo's head, and it fell.
Thinking It dond, Palmor picked It
up, whon tho oaglo enmo to llfo nnd
a battle which lasted 30 mlnuttm
followod. With his faoo and hands
lacerated, he finally stropped the
logs of the eagle together and
brought It to town, whero It Is on ex
(Unitod Press Leased Wlro.)
Enid, Okla., Nov. 18. Following,
tho tonth attotnpt to burin thlu city,
In tho paet thrco dayB, Cl.vdo Caul
fax, a nlghtwatchman, wan arrowed,,
and narrowly escaped lynchlng'by a,
mob of 400 angry citlzonH. Tho flro
was started In a box car.
(United Press Leased Wlro.)
San Francisco, Nov. 18. Tho foN.
lowing wireless mescago from tho.
stenmor Govornor, en rotilo to So
attlo, was received:
"Sunday, 4 p. m, Oft Capo FauU.
weathor, All is woll."
(United Tress Lcasod Wlro,)
Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 18. A
C. Hunt, serving four years for forg
ory, committed In King county, os
capod from tho ponltontlnry about. 3.
o'clock yesterday aftornoon, Hunt,
whoso truo nnmo Is Fuller, wna a
trusty, working as clerk In tho prls-.
on ofllcos, nnd wns supposed to re
port at 4:30. Whon this hour ar
rived ho was not to bo found. Otiarda
with prlBon dogs aro In search, of"
him. Ho wns committed to prison.
about ono your ngo, nnd, with good
tlmo off for good bobavlor, would
liayo had two more yoars to sorvo.
(United Press Longed Wlro.)
Soattlo, Wash., Nov. 18. Two
thousand miles through tlio wild re
gion north of Edmunton. with only
,two Indians for hor companions
much of thn tlmo, is tho journey
completed rocontly by Countess Mo
heronco do St. Plorro of St. Ilrlou,
Brittany. Franco, who Is now a guoHt
In this olty. Tho trip consumed tho
greater part of throo months, dur
ing which time tho Fronch countess
traversed trenchorous stronma in
canoe, ponotrnted vant forosts on
foot, climbed barren mountain Blopos
and performed numerous othor dif
ficult fonts that fall to the lot of
those who answor tbo call of the
wild, and got closo to nnturo.
Tiring of tho contlauoiiH round of
social duties that fall to tho lot of a
titled woman In gay Paris, the conn
toes dotormlnod to make n journey
through tho practically unexplored
part o North America.
From Soattlo the countess goo to
San Franolsco nnd thonoo to Moxloo.
Roforo returning she will pay her
roepeoU to Prosldont Rooeevoll, and.
nt bis roqiiost, glvo him a brlof ac
count of hor journoy.
Stock Market Stronger.
New York, Nov. 18. Tho aggres
bIvo short covering that character
ized Saturday's final trading was
carried over Into today's oarly mar
ket, and tho exchange opened with
brokers loaded with bid orders for
bhort accounts. Tho rosult was a
gain, on tho Initial quotation, aver
aging two points in the principal se
curities, and before this demand was
satisfied the market had scored a
still further advanced. Union Paoifle
hnvl a total caln of four points
ifrom Saturday's close. The higher
range of prices brougnt oui nmaw
ou realizing orders from small hold
ers, and for tho remainder Of the
aes&ion trading was done at fraction
al declining price. Tho closo was
Talrhnnks. Aluakft. Nnv. 18.
Cleary City, 17 mllw distant, was
practically doetroyed by flro Satur
day, only four of tho business blocks
and a few small shops und rosldoucos
ramnlnlni?. Thn Urn started from
defective wiring in the Totem saloon
and swqpt with fury through the
mnnv frnmo bulldlncs. Tho loss Is
(fetlmatod at $250,000. Tho city
will not uo rebuilt, tno uusinoss man
moving to Chatlnlka, tho railroad
terminal at tbd mouth of CToary
(Unitod Press Leased Wire.)
B-nreo. N. D.. Nov. 18. Flromon
iMiia nn,l Hnrlrrmn wnrn killed last
night by falling walls at a flrb at
tacking tne live-story plant or mo j.
1. Caso Threshing Machine company.
Loss, $200,000.
(Unitod rrosfl Lcasod Wire,)
Now York. Nov. 18. Notwith
standing tho report of BurKOon-Qou-
ornl Rlxoy, to tbo effect that clga
rotto smoking Is becoming n Borloua
Impodlment to robust health in tho
navy, tho department Is now loading
a rosorvo supply of nlgarottos on
board tho Culgoa In tho Ilrooklyu
navy ynrd.
Tho consignment consists of
40RO pnokngcfl of 48,000 cgnrottoa.
This Ib a rosorvo supply of four clg
arottos for ovory man In tho Hoot.
In addition to thoso cigarettes, n,
coodlv sunnlv linn bmui Indl In tnp.
I every Boparato "cuntoon" In the
! Fifteen thousand pounds of aa
sorted ohocolutos bnvu becin latd In
o -i
Chicago Grain Market.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Chlcauo. Nov. 18. Cash wheat.
ti.Oi! olowd. 11.03 7C. Cash corn.
opened. 6C; closed, E6. Cash
oats, opened 50; closed, G01&. .
Rubbed a Poor Tailor.
(United Press Loasod Wire.)
Lo Angeles, Cal , Nov. 18. Two
men hacked a wagon up to the roar
of L. L. Levins' tailor establishment
at 71 1 South Spring streat. about 1
o'clock this morning, nnd, breaking
out a window, looted tho storo.
stock of goods amounting to $1500
whs carried away The theft was
discovered about ten minutes after,
but the thloves escaped.
Chicago. Nov. 18. Frodorlck W.
Vnndwpool lout his right eyo, his
wife was stabbed several times und
Chns. Webers and tils face lacora
od Icto last night In a fight with four
strange womou ou tho street. Tho
Vanderpool party had just alighted
from a car when a Btrajigo woman
trlod to Induce Webers to leavo Van
dorpool. Wobors refused to do io
and tho strange woman was joined
by three othors who gouged Vander
pool'g eyo out. Thoy stabbed Mrs.
Vanderpool several times In tho
breast with hat pins and soratched
Webors' face. The quartet escaped.
Northwestern Grain Market.
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 18. Wlieat.
steady. Dluoatem, 8G; club, 83.
Portland, Nov. itt. wncat, uiue-
etem, 86; cUib,84.
(Unitod Prose Loosed Wlro.)
Seattle, Wiwh., Nov. 18. Organ
ized labor In Seattle hae started a
movomont that Is expected by promU
nont union mon to result eventually
In the formation of a Pnolflo coast
tabor council, which will d treat
union matters ou the const, and hava
a largo share In the work of -thu
American Federation of Labor. Tho
Ilakors' union gnvo doflnlto direction
to an agitation that has boon In ovl
donce for months by voting last
dnco for months by voting Saturday
uigiit in ravor of u Pacific federation .
of all the unions ombruood in this
trade. This action will be followod
by a voto on tho quostlon of a qoiuI
federation of tho bakers' nlon in
all tho largo cltloi, at least, and proh
t.bly In nil cltlos where tho bakora
oro organized.
mmmmmmi ON I'UGET SOUND.
(United ProBo Leasod Wlro.)
Evorett. Wash.. Nov. 18. Tho
British ship Drabloch, Captain II ax-
tor, was docked at tho now Great
Northern grain wharf yosterday.
Tho Drabloch comes to tako tho first
cargo of wheat from Everett bound
for Queenstown.
Thoro oro ioq.oop busiiois of No.
1 bard Washington wheat in tho
wnrehofuso to go into the, ship, whlaii
will begin loading Wednesday, or as,
soon as tbo hold Is cleaned and tin
v t