rLrl t)AWt cVIfITAl JOVMlAt, SALlCM, oRG0fl, SATURDAY", mvmttim id, iOOl .A ,l-,m..Tr.tT...,i1-rr,.r!fi7-iT7--J... vT.i...,.f.v nn Uiifcamnaiiiiia " charcoal Stops Gas M H H M M M FRANCIS! HENEY AND LINGOLN STEFFENS OPEN CAMPAIGN IN CALIFORNIA On Your Stopiach Wonderful Absorbing Power of Clinr. coal When Taken in tho Form of Stuarl'fi Charcoal Lozenges. IIIIMII Mr. Stoffons was sincerely np ptoudod for his romnrkB nml then en mo tho speaker Sncrnmonto luul gnthorod to haar. When Francis J. Honey niose from his neat .the spon taneous outburst of demonstrative ontlnislmm was tumultuous. Wild cheering mingled with tho strain of "Dixie" which the hand Htruck up as tho dl&tlngulshcd Hponkor a m n M ft 1 Trial Pnckngo Sent Free. Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, nltanflia 1 ftrt rtttlna ffa ntirn vnlnitm nf gas. Whoro does tho caa eo to? It routs with you to say whether you- iB jUBt absorbed by the charcoal tho will hold on to that liberty whether 'Bna disappears and thoro Is loft a U IrtirtB business occasionally or not. j,m.0 frcBh, sweet ntmosphoro, froo "During tho war of tho rebellion from all Impurities and germs, there wa a sentiment In ho north I That's what happons in your stom agalnst the. grand light that was be nch whon you tako ono or two of lug made to aottlo onco and for all Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges, tho most that never again should one man bo powerful purifiers oclonco has yet' the- alavo of another. There was a discovered. I great sentiment, I Bay, and why? I You belch gas In company, sotno-' faced IJPC,uno tho war waB hurting bus!- times, by accident, grently to your, tho audience. For m Initios the ova- nom' "xn wnftl "ltl l,le ro,u I,e()l"c,own humiliation. That la bocaiiEO tlons continued while Ilonny stood ,,0? Tljov risked tholr lives simply thoro Is a great amount of gas bolng Binlllng and 'waiting for quiet. At t() 0Bln"B" forever tho fact that no formed In your stomach by formont-, Inst ho waa ablo to speak, llh ad- h,,nmu bc,,H? should live as another's Ing food. Your stomach Is not dl drosB consisted of a severe arraign B,av0' costing your food properly. Gai Is ment of tho political system or tho' "Established forever? No. E- Inevitable. Whenever this happons, present day, mado corrupt, ho said, tabllsbed tho fact for just go long .is J"st tako ono or two of Stuart's Ohnr by Bitch men as Tom Fox, Uuof, Iloa you do not lot any man or sot of conl Lozenges right aftor eating, nnd Tweed of Now York, "nob" Richard- niou tako away your liberty. Tito J'0" will bo surprised how quickly son, James L. Clllls and othors or pooplo don't lose their liberty know-,1'10? will net. No moro bolchlngs; tholr kind, who, ho declared, doinl- ingly, they loso It gradually. Tho no mora flour risings. Ent all you nnto In politics and roprrennt all Colonies stood unJiiBt tnxntlon until want and what you want, and then that Is bad and evil. Ho repeatedly It bpcamo grinding and thon they ,f Uloro B nny Bna K!n t0 bo form hiHhod Tom Fox, Glllls and Richard- rebelled. ,0,1 ono f t,10s0 womlorful llttlo ah- son. Ho wont fully Into n history i TJiillfiiniln Wears t lie Yoke sorbets, n Stuart Charcoal Lozongo, of tho San Francisco graft ernes and .., Ul0 UnUo(1 gtlltua , ' . wI" tako caro of all tho gas. told what causes underlie condition tho loplo wear fl o yoke am,' And U W,U d ,nr lhnn lhnl' or tho character unearthed at .he ntl Z 'sly d Lrmt mon of EVry imrt,C, f lmpwl '" yUrl bay. Ho said In part: ' "S to ntloolnm t Ut0mMh "" MQlinQQ ,B B,nS t0 b "1 did not come p hero to ratify Z JlSv ,! ' .-' the charcoal. No anything, I canto up to onlhU tor rnoy, 0ut bore In Calirornln tl.ov ' BC",B " W wny U U0CB U1"' war. I want to onllit for a flvo year Z Z J'0 " ?. j"f "'" " "t It loes, and does It wonderfully term, because at the slow rate you tau,,10 ..?!;? h , Y" "t,C0 lh? d,ffor0I1CO ln yUr have boon beating Ton, Fox It will "T ", V V ?",, Tnl ,ol,to' Brnl gomi feeling, and In ........ .....,.. p,. wuvi. iii i- i.n mtrllv tT vnnn i nm rlirjit '" i "- .., ..0..w , - ? The Capital Joury Great Special Sale Day ATURDAY November 30t A Money Saver for Subscribers tako a five years' war. You only Wliiin n.m- ,, ,, . iboathlm sllKhtly at tho Inst oleet on .... . .... ......... '.. V'.. . way. You'll havo no moro bad taoto In or breath, oithor from L'll to thn linMu mill ullirfitlv linHm "LJr'Jrx it. r"" m - o . ob.ut fvo ": ".; boat Tom Fox by lis veto,. You . T" ..mUH U"."!?8 bo.com.. 8 fluking, eating or smoking. Other ought to bo ashamed of yourself. Vomon ol s to do on, n , in ,,0,', wl,! noUco y0Ur bnd brcat!' You ought to be ashamed that Sac-'T J kVu,nt1Ro "".qnlokor than you will yourself. Make ramonto did not go solid tor White. I .. ",, J', ' , , , ,, your 1,ronlh ,)uro' frC8U and BWCOt' Mioors) T ' l0 ,onrn tlh) fi0 whon you talk to others you won't Will II entove S. P. From vmu ,T ? 'th X,"t,l,B "'l110 f "f" ,,sK1,t t,,om- Jst two "You Id mo to' spot my mind' , f y", wnnt t0 ,,n,lor3ta,u,' ' SUmrt Charcoal Lozenges will make wii t in m. 8,,0"K ,m1l "" V will toll you how, wo learned In San your broath Bwect and make von reel Woll, I did. This war, Including th i.v.inniami wi, .n on,.n,i .i. t., J ronui hwcoi, nnu mnKo jou reel skirmish horo was declared bv tho .. ) ,,oUor aU ovor for Yo cnn 0ftt zrnirci a ,p i ri,Bn "i i ro wo know tho rt,,i,or" nu i,, n,o,,s n,,d rdoro,,a foo,,fl y" 1 190C Un to 41 at "nto had al V,S0''8 ,,nd ,,5tm corr,,,t' 0X"llnK want, and no ono can toll tho differ l, moo. up to tnnt ntc ii had al- con.,)ti Thoy wopo not worS() u ways fough under the 1 entocrntlc ol j nb t b na iMoa ohnrc0ftl , tll0 1)0at Inxa. bannor. I havo now onllstod undur ....,..,, , ,. ,,. nlMllD Al ,.,' I ,U!ai"os. cnarcoai is uto nosi inxa tho bannor of the Wiicoln-nooBovolt-10 llfn" "B ' " " t,V0 kuown' You c,,n tuk0 n w,10, lonmm for ,lm hlo- Imtlln. If vmi"w,w . -". .J Doxflll ntld ttO Harm Will rOSUU. It ----" - - .-..- "-n .-.-.. .. i, 11BGULAR PRICK OF DAILY CAPITAL JOUItNAL 11V CAIIRUJK PRIC13 OF DAILY IIV CARRIKK ONE YEAlt ON RARGAIN DAY RKOULAK PRICK OF DAILY 111 SLIIIj OR SPECIAL DELIVERY PRICE OF DAILY ONE YEAlt ON KAllGAIN DAY, MAIL OR 8PK0IAL REGULAR PRICE OF WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL ONE YI2AR PRICE OF WEEKLY JOURNAL ONE YEAH ON RARGAIN DAY SAVE A GOOD LUMP OF MONEY 111' COMING IN OR SENDING.OX D.UIGAK TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREAT OR OUR SPECIAL OFFER JOURNAL SURSCRIRERS HAS HEEN SET FOH SATURD -... ....,, - -v ' v "vii ir j ou worp controlloa by tho sumo lillltt- oncoa. Is a wondorrtilly ensy regulntor. And thon, too, It flltors your blood Al am alllllatod with nonrly all tho'ovory particle of poison or lmpur asked mo IX I was a Republican I would toll you no. ir you asked mo wlinf. Mir T.lnrr1ii.T7nnan'rU Innirii.t I moans 1 would toll you that It atnn.h 8.clnl 51" ,B fof, B,nn Vrn? 8 Hy in your blood Is destroyed, and first for tho removal of tho Southern ,l0l,f l 'inrt0l l" f" th f, ,,,V0Bn; you begin to.notlco tho difference In Pacific from politics In California " ' ww ,eqilnh,tr with many of your race first thlng-your clear com- (npulanio). And I stand for thai. ''''; jv'oworo doing tho bribing. ploxlon. llow many of you will enlist for flvo l la'k1 wl h t,,08 m0": my Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are yonra with mo. (Cliooia.) I wtmhl "'' "'"""- - ..-. mauo irotn puro winow cnarcoai, mil l. In Inn lii'llilnir Imuliiniu Imf .t. i...i.- . ... i . i stand Tor It no matter what tho nnnto of tho organization that was ut-i Ininitlllli? in nnnntiiitllali illml nn.l vna linnmian T Iiiii.a liAiinmn mln-l vj i...w, iiuviiiuau i i.i,if uuvuiiiu mill- Oil f nil liDmieian T tinvn Inni'iiml mnvn ..--,.. - .. . Hl, , ,.. .. ,.. ,, ,.. ... . . about your govornment In tho hut "u p '7 " uo punned. two years than 1 m the forty ' --Vn Indictment oltib-than Wo Wnnt to provo all this to you, years or my lire that preceded thorn. 1, ,0 '0Il;-8 of ' s; 0- 0--!o Just send ror a rrco sample today "Putting a lew men in jail don't.,"" "" ",,u,"u" '. tiioii nuor you got it nna uso 11, you amount to anything whothor thoy bo "" i Not In tllO bribing bUHlUOM. llllt Mmm ttnlnlnhln lint tint inn otvnnt cllonts Iii purely lognl niattora.'thom palatablo, but nottoo swoot. (Laughter.) I thought all along Thoy will work wondors in your should furnish mo with evl- stoninoh, and mako you fool flno and deilCO. Thoy did not S00 It that Way. froah. Your blnn.1 nmi hrnnlli wIlS Set Trap for Roodlers. WILL THIS YEAR RE GIVEN A SPKCTAIi IIARQUV Dlr iJ AY, NOVEMUEU SO, ON THAT DATE YOU CAJf'nWTJ JOURNAL FOR ONE YEAR, CASH IN ADVANCE, 111" MAIL, FOR 9.1, OK I1Y CARHIEB in THIS IS A FLAT REDUCTION OF ONE DOLLAR, NOT ONLY FOR TUB USE OP YOUR CM I TO SAVE US, AS WELL AS OUR SURSCRIRERS THE TIME AND TIIOUIILH OP NOirSJ MENTS DURING THE YEAR. IT SAVES US WORK, AND IT SAVES THE SURSCRinERSOa, I Remember the Date, Saturday, Nov. 30 .ALL WHO PAY UP ARREARAGES, IF THEY HAVE ANY, CAN OX THAT DATE, Oil RENEFIT OF THE OFFER. EVEN IF-YOUR SURSGRIPTION IS PAR) UP TO THE FMSEni OR IN ADVANCE, YOU CAN GET THE RENEFIT OF AN ADDITIONAL YEAH OX THAI Ws IF YOU CANNOT COME TO THE OFFICE ON THAT DATE, BEND THE MO.VF.Y Ml AND THE CREDITS WILL RE MADE ON THAT DATE, NOVEMBER ilOTII. Daily Capital SALEM, OREGON Jouri TORRID ZONE FUNARCE like Patrick Calhoun and othor cap tains of Industry, or whether thoy bo llko thoBO poor men who call. thorn all who thought ho owed It to ongos. will llko thorn so woll that you will S go to your druggist and .get a 2Gc "Thoro wno. not a man among ,,ox of tho8 Stuart's Charcoal Loz- thoniaolvea Hiiporvlaors In San Fran- his olty to toll us that whloh would oUco. Tho bonoflt of It all Is that.Indlot Seluultz and Ruef and those, wo havo gal nod, yon luivo gained nnd tho civilized world has gained n knowlodgo of tho wny corrnp public sorvlco corporation gain control of national and olvll govorntnants. Husluevi vn. LllHrty, who, with thorn, woro robbing San Francisco whllo sho lay In ashoa. Well, whon wo round wo could not got tho captains or Industry to talk, or found wo could not got nny In formation from them, wo dooldod to Sond us your nnmo nnd nddresa to day and wo will nt onco sond you by mall n samplo pnokngo froo. Address F, A. Stuarl Co., 200 Stuart Rldg, Marshall, "Mich. o- "Mr. Lincoln StoffoitR my that Book It from tho othor end. Rut wo ho lonrnod In school that our gov-: found tho othor ontl Just ns much op ormnout wan a roprooiitatlvo do- posod to talking. So wo had to lay mooiaoy. IIo found ho woa niii-'a trap. Ry giving some of our men taken. I bollovo in n ropresontatlvejoy to tho othor and wo Hprung our democracy and that's why I am In trap, this light to stay. Thoro Is no better "vo wanted them to toll us all form of govornmont on onrlh thon n thoy know. Thoy did not soom to reproBontntlvo tlomoornoy. Wo can 'want to do that. It took rib 12 hours havo undor it tho hlghost phnraoltr to convlnco ono of thorn that ho of liberty. Undor an autocracy wo'h011i,i 8Umk. Wo nppoalod to his can huvo bottor IkirIiiom. Tho unu'ovory BOiitlmeiit. Wo oppoaled to Is truo of Ropubllcanlitn, but If your 8immo ft,ul ,iuty iuul t0 fonri At lnBt only ronson ror having a Ropubll-jwhon ho round that ho caultl tell can form or govornmont Is hoetuiso without having to glvo up nny or hH' you want bottor buslnew. why, I monoy ho talked. say, got out or t. .nni Jl0 Wllg ,, Worstthan tho "A monaiohy inch ns England or rollows on tho other end. Thoy did Gornmny can glvo you bottor busl- not wnnt to talk boeauso thej rcar noss condltlonu. ir that's all you 0ll Ul8(V wouli ,iavo (o Bvo ,, ther want, why turn this govornmont In- rrauohlso.; and franchise woro as to a monarchy and havo a king that B0(Ml n3 inono.. Alul so ono Jlu, will attend strictly to builnoM. 'Oallaghor wa. a candidate for tho 'Puck had a cartoon last wook appollato bonoh. IIo narrowly miss picturing Patrick Homy oxolalmlng. UQlnjj oloct0(lf A cog ,,,, , Glvo mo Liberty or glvo mo Death' Herrln'a whooK howovor. and ho and Bovornl orisIhoss mon pulling ou j)QQl,i0 oscnpod having hltn (np-Tho on,y cnsh ,ln,B 8toro ,n Oregon, hl3 coat tails and saying, 'Hold on ..innon'i ,i, nnt ,.,. .i.m,.'.i.I owoa no ono. aa no ono owes It; PRf. von mo hurtliiK buslnoss.' Puck ... . i. ,.. r-.,. ..,... .... carr,? lor.B? .8tock! lt3 shelves. , ,.. -,. ,..v .."; mini uiiu .inu(,iiutB nnu, coumors aim snow c? '"irww 'l "if-rii trifiii Dr. Stone's Drug Store was a,bout ngnc. dUl "During tho groat war or tho rov- not olutlon tho Torlos woro all biulnoss thoy d,d not men and bnnkors who thought the wiir wna disturbing buslnoss. Rut casoa aro loaded land throughout tho Btato or! with drugs, modlclnes. notions, toilet Wo cannot bo too suro that ' nrtlolos. wlnos and liquors of all Kiuus ior moaicinai purposes. Dr. Stono is a regular gradunto in medl olno, and has had many years of exporienco in tno practice. Consul Tellu of Prosecution. llenoy at J his point wpiU Into a ... I rm -- -!- ""l-' - - --- George Washington, ana tuo who Rruj,c dosarintlon of tho manner In tatIona nro frfl0- Proscriptions are modlolne. Dr. Stono can bo found at spont that torrlblo winter on tho wnIoh ovidonco was soourod from tho Dolawaco with him. woro ngnuug iorr liberty, regardless of buslnoss. It (Continued on pago nine.) ills drug store, Siloni, Or., from 6 in tho morning until 9 at night. Tho abovo cut roprosonts our brick llnod Torrid Zono Furnace, i Guaranteed gas, smoko and duBt proof. Economical and durable A. L. ERASER 258 STATE STREET. Estimates furnished on heating THEY WILL GICT IT IN THE NECK J On Thanksgiving day from saw 'odgo on their collars, unless tho men of Salem aro wlso enough to tako their linon to u first-class laundry. If you want beauty of color and ex quisite finish on your ahlrta, collars and cuffs, and havo them sont homo In porfoct condition, sond your or der to tho Salem Stonm Lamndry, and wo guarantoo satisrnctlon to our patrons. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY. 13C-1CC S. Liberty St. Phono Main 2f, T,0,f THE IlESr KOJUt nAmiT.V KVBt W Can be oMilned fiP' tender and Juicy M ' pork. AH our BHttM' from Ihft Choicest, 1 1 tho table to nit &" ..Mfnn Onr DflWi,,, quality than 70a "1 place In Salem, E.c.cnoJ; .... oni I"1 rnvuo .. DUILDINQ A nOUSE We can supply you with the luin bor you need at the price that will materially economire la the cost Just como and see us and look ovr our yards. GOODALE H7MHER CO., Yard Near Depot, 1 -j CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Wo aro a now firm and wo havo como to stay. Our unirorm mothod of damp ening, dono by an oxport damp enor, Insures a beautiful finish. Special offort will bo made by us to pleoso our customers. Laundry called for and de livered. Phono orders given prompt attention, PHONE 105. LAT1IAH MSD CO Comer of suit rial streetj, oi ' General ElKtrUoS ..u tool tor ' j iit TIME!. M large lots, imlt bushes In B ...nft Also jofti t !".:; & dweiiios, ; - WHO mu "...iMl .,. tiflflO. A ' . u :.r .; class farm of 1 .. .i-- isrro - Hi fruit; ib'TS Ol. 6P"B5 "i.l!l f This farm U B tif per &" SALEM WATER OFFICE CITY HALL. For water sorvlco apply at office. Dllla payable monthly In advance. RUTTERNUT DREAD. company! . " " ffi?l TI:u7mZ urvuu, yot 1110 vute - For Bale at your grocer'. CALIFORNIA BAKKRX. Thomai ft Goolw. Prop. Cabffl ftft .. JIM! Netting. FfSfW' ,,.n. CA. j-jt P tR' Roofin. atl I 11 a '"' All mj s' 1 "iy-.tj idS3 Jtv&i, ,11 sA kttkdltolWIteikafwifttiitto'Urand