Z" mmiWBMMiWMra DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1007. "W" t I m COATS AT LESS riUCE Wo hnvo placed a rack full of Coats In cloth and ralnproofs cravcncttcd In medium and dark mixtures that wo offer ns follows $9.00 values, r tw rxr- Special kPO.UU $15.00 vnluoi, G i fl ff Special iplU.UU $10.50 values, tf; f A A Special 4 I I .UU $28.50 values, f Q A A Special 3A.7.UU Hosiery No woman over had too many pairs of stockings. Perhaps you need a few pairs t6 Inst out the season ones that you will like, yet not pay a hlg prlco for. Wo aro offorlng a big special In our hoBlory noctlon In fancy black loso with dainty designs embroid ered on them. C5c and 75c values, a great special at 48c W' Y ffRU,3f 'W YV VvX' llU'l 1 1 !? 'I I sj gJ 'mlm, Now for Blankets Tho chill winds mako the nvorngo person wish fnr moro coVors on the bed. Choosing1 1b easy from our largo and varied assortment, which comprises ovory slzo, color and grade, from o'l cotton td all-wool. Every ulnnkot Is' frtthe new est mako anil ar8 fresh frojfn tho factories. Wo might mon tlon a few items, gnthorod at random. Warm Clothes Spool Cotton Wo havo secured a quantity of Merrick's brand of spool cotton warranted 200 yards to spool which wo offer at 6 Spools for 25c From our blanket selection. Full 10-1 white cotton blanket, with red or blue stripes, usual $1.00 value Ful 12-4 whlto cotton blanket with pink or bluo stripe, usunl $3.00 value Full 10-4 whlto selected wool blan ket, rod or blue stripe extra val uo nt i . rn HHX?3..C "t snMIHI "s euiiAS mCOfifWATED 85c $2.50 J5.00 A Cool nights and chilly morn ings remlndors of varmor cloth mg needs. We bollovo our nsiort .nont of suits surpnsa any uelec tlon wo havo ever assembled In raniio of patterns and colorings In tho refined Ideas that appeal to len who dross well. Our ults havo nothing In common with other rendy-hiado clothing a fact you will np'proclatb whon you !xainlno It. It has a stylo of workmatifihlp, clmractor that place It In a claso by ltsolf. $10 to $35 i iv saammim mfmimim Children's and Misses COATS A flno showing of children' and misses' coats of gray striped mixtures trimmed with brown and gray velvot and self material col lars full box backs A very ser viceable coat for general wear, tegular $C and $C values. &i nn Special PtJ.yu STOCKS CLOSING WEAKER SOME DIG PORTLAND CLEARINGS CITY NEWS X A Collection of Important 1'or- RTnpli for Yonr Consideration 1 P-Hl IIIHIIIIIIimil 1 1. Inwnnc Patient Captured Miss Gortudo HarrlB has returned X -nn a. Lionugren, nn insane pa- from Gervais, whero sho has boon ftlont, who escaped recently from tho visiting relatives and friends. asylum, was cnpUircd this wcok at Mrs. F. A. Frisby went to Port- tho homo of H. D. Mltcholl, near land this morning for an over-Sun-Crabtroo. Tho unfortunate mnn wna dnv visit tn frinmin nn,i .ninti.... committed from Coos county, and P. S. Cooper of Indiana, nftor n wnun capiureu was onueavorlng to n i ii n i u n ii 1 1 m n i ti- Post Cnrtl IIaII Now eubjocts dally. $ Parliamentary Law Class Tho class in parliamentary lnw return to his homo. Ho has been brought back to tho asylum. Hospital oniccrs Elected Tho board of trustees of tho Sa- lorn Hospital, at a mooting held yos- CHRISTIAN CHURCH GAINS 50 ROCKEFELLER GETS TWO MIT,. LIONS PROFIT ON A NEW JKR. 8MV DIVIDEND OTHER FINAX CIAL NEWS. '(United Press Leased Wiro.) Now York, Nov. 15 The beHr element had tholr usual quota of or ders In nt the opening, and tho nrt figures showed fractional losses from yesterday's close. A faint mi. ly only brought out additional llqtil datlon, and values were rapidly Blind )ed off, American Smelting losing four points, and tho rest following I with smaller losses. That a good ninny professionals and scalpers aro drifting back Into tho market wns clearly shown by tho way the fore noon, session was manipulated. First ono stock was hammered with suc cess and then another wns picked "up and dono llkowlse. Lator in the day tho entire list showed considerable .weakness on persistent pressure, thu 'llnrrlmnnB losing three points from "'tho oponlng Short bidding caused a rally from tho low points, but the general list was weak at tho close. i dr'ngMeY, Old Gold :LM,"-.3 . ' W l! .J-. value. 0ll IBnH ' m. ... "'"' " .' to select m,... f , -".; deiwit .... mU WeltyHlti rteivoslt. and you. CHAS. H. m Ending Jcvvclfr 123 Coratoc!al ,lrwl no on Thl, Btree,. DEVIL CASTER -3 HI Portland, Or., Nov. 15. Clear ings, $030,355; balances, $05,205. Chicago, Nov. 15. Two hundred thousnnd dollars In scrip wns placed In circulation hero todny. A few ndor tho auspices of tho Salem iin iM.A.i i. -n . IVnmnnM .1..I. ...Ill ,, u.v, .w , IUMWIUK ,,- '' v'"" "' ,,"vo, oiuruayi0. p. Lltchflold, president; C. A. afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock In tho,iH, ., .... A.. ...' ,',.. ......U uvviviui;, illiu ail,uillr 1IUWKU' publlo library rooms. NOTICE Holders of oxchangoablo tlckots for tho Ollvo Moado Quartet may linvo first cholco of seats by applying nt tho box ofllco botweon 0 and 10 o'clock this morning, Novombor 15. 11ns But Six Week Tho Salora Public Library Doard has but six wooks In which to so euro a building sito and Carneglo li brary building permit. Tonlght'B nt stein, treasuror. Judgo W. T. Slnt or resigned tho offices of socrotary and director. Mrs. F. A. Mooros al so resigned as a -director. II. D. Thloltwn and Mrs. E. Y. Young wow chosen ns additional directors. De- sides itho nbovo named officors II. S. Gilo, E. P. McCornnck and Mrs. J. J. Murphy nro numbered among tho directors. To Employ Lnboi Tho Oregon railroad commission thinks this Is a good tlmo to re build tho muoh-noKlectod Ynmhlir short visit In this city has gono to Portlnnd, whoro ho will transact business. Mr. and MTB. W. A. Thnmnnnn. who havo been guestB of Snlom rola-."y fives, loft yesterday for their homo in Portland. '. fit ii. x-urry. uiiur viBiiinc' , ... .. .... i"-- w" - her son, J. C. Perry tho well-known " " ,mu,UB '" a BmB' nuurM- 'o day declared a dividend of $10 a jiuujuu imvo icarncu mm mo ovan- snnro ror mo last quarter. Tho gollst has something to say on vltnl.Bamo amount will bo paid this tlmo i . .. .,. Victor Dorrls wns never greoto.1 smnll morchnnts nro refusing It, but a moro appreciative audlonco,1'10 D,S aiorcs nro nil taking It. than thnt nt tnaf nlrFfif nn.l nntMH -....- w. ...uw ...n..v, ...u .fl .,. t. .. . uw turn., sow. io. ino oinnu ard Oil Company of 'Now Jorsoy to- rlS?""-"!' -viiku, inv I ctcd wag .h Zm:? last night in h " ta Wtchell, tho Phara,' 1 Greonhagle, of . ' "casting out devlla" tnnM i'u UIHU9. Mn ijlfAi, j Ills wife, who wutlio oa --..... uv Euutj - Bca, miut'H8 wero charged la ui wuu manilinrtta t nnd Jennio Orecnhafl muS. tho murdered woman, itreW, occo3orios, but were proaW donmlty If they 0n1l tt... A I ... --; w mo ucaui scene. has an ovangollst packed moro truth drugglBt of this city, has roturnod to her homo in Albany. John Sykesnndson, Hornco, have u ay8 uom ,n nn mtoiii- no was paid last year. John D. Rock ... i it.. r !..... 'cent nnd Hinrnnpli mnnnnr Mnuni- Infnlln'o nlmm i.lll t. n)niii 0 r.hh . iukiiruuu iroin ino luirizviuo coun-, " "" '""vi -- ..iu ..... uV um. -,uvv,- ... MlAlmiiu It. n aAMM 1. it...... AAA trv. Whoro thov linvn honn InnU hr i'"i". " muuy j'Uiir huh inuru.uuu. m. ...... . . iPmnn if Qnlflin A tAllnl..n 4AAl.nM -...u m uuiviii Ik ult(jUIID IV'tlUUCI nftnt. ttinlw Mn.liAH aImIm. . ir...i. ..... . that linn oxnllod Phrlnt In nn mnnv iur. uuu iurw. wtmiuii, wno navo v " resided on .tho Holman hop farm wayB n lms th,fl ovangollst. Peoplo tondnnco at tho Ollvn Mnmt OnnHf division botweon Portlnnri nn.i au concort will indicate tho deBlro of Ho. Chairman Cnmpboll and Com our cltlzons. Tho houso should be mlsslonor West will ko over tho packed to tho doors. trncks with Southorn Pacific offi cials and sco If thoy cannot employ fiomo of tho idlo labor putting tho road In condition. Every LltHo Hit Helps Buy a tlckot for tho Ollvo Mond Quartet, and help tho froo library' fllto and hoar ono of tho host mm. il,cn Meeting Tonlgh pnnlos In tho United Stntoa. or any' Tho regular open meoting of the near Eoln, loft today for SUvorton, whoro thoy will resldo. Mr. nnd Mrs. H, P. Cromwoll, who hnvo been tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. M. Roid, havo returned to their homo In PnrtlftTirt. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Kimball wont,,)y tho responso of T)..n...i .. .i... i. a . turlcht' vounc mnn iu tuiuuim jrvaiuruny io uiiunu an " ' -. .. annual convontlon of tho board of ,Mn'MCii tholr fnlth .In ChrlBt as tho f - i .. . . Wnrlll'a TlnilAnmnr If nrna a lnnaln uusBions oi iuo ai. w. cnurcn. Chicago Grain Market. Chlrnco. Nov. 1fi.P.nah u'hnnt. nro wondering what next can ho say opening, $1.03; closing, $1.02. ,- ----"OIT umvwiij uo equal io wnat nas hoon Cash corn, oponlng, 50; closing, said, and yet something freh and C5. Cash oats, opening, 49; strong comes with ovory addition. 'Ainaini, ., w w. t ....... . -.oi ...v. wr. uorriB was at ins nest last night, and ho wns rowardod In hlB appoal sTIUKE-mtEAKERS four brothora, who camo and J. E. Sholnnd, who has been visit Ing Mr, and Mrs. Henry Molson, of SENT TO LOUISVILLE. (United Press Leased Wiro.) ... . .. . i uuuibviiiu. ivy.. iov. io. rum wqriuB iteuoomor. it wna a lovely t , , nut i ,i i , ..ht nn,, h n(i .,H,nA .L hundred Chicago strikebreakers ar . ,,, , .. ., ., iiuuurvu vjuicago niriKu-ureunurs ui ViBibly affected. The services will othor country, Aw Y6"u n fjoinl Citizen? Thon buy n ticket for tho OlivO Mead Quartet, and holp .tho free H brary slto. Artisans, which Is Msually held on tho second Friday ovonlng of onch Tho Host Ib nono too good for tholr custom ers, think Steusloff riros. That In why thoy hnvo ono of tho most up,- to-dato markots In tho West. Cllvo . i.n,,, ii , . 41., .,... . Portland. ..u... vim, ,u buu WIUU IIIUlllUUSi OI month, will bo given this ovenlng floft today for Gorvals on business An excollont miiBlcal and literary ,Ho will bo In Hubbard tomorrow to program hna been arranged, to which, Inspect tho fruit conditions In that all friends and visiting Artisans Ivlolnlty. Mr. Armstrong roport arc uiviieu. u.H ., uu mra. riuury muibob, oi - :"""' r.Zl . of tho mon who declared a strlkn thl. city, loft this morning for hi bo B Interesting 4onlght. Peoplo Hxulsvlllo etreet railway hnm in irn.iinn,i wi,ii aro moro thnn over lntero3ted-. and ... ..-... ... u.u, ,.......hiw.. ri- aaa -aa, 7 7. tB morning, for an increnso in Miss Juniata Miller, of Lebanon, J r- "ta cannot respond to tho ftnd roln8tatomont of tho LV."!? .0' i" iS. M "nln 'S! IT.? T: -harged men. There was a pc fP.A ,ai aai o j llcomnn on ovory car. Four arrests Tho mootlngs contlnrao over Sunday, . ' nnd it Is hoped that there will yct.wor0 rand0. bo many moro responses to tho call o of tho cross. There have been about """ " of this city. Sho will attend tho Ollvo Moad Quartet concort this ev ening. Fruit Inspector C. E. Armstrong PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. A. D. Woloh is visiting In koonlns mont. mwi vnH wm i.n J " "nrriman wont to Portland Tin.Ai ,on business todny. ... i wiuiam Stoop wont to Portland Guard. tho Liberty farrier's Institute, which was hold yesterday, to bo ono of tho most Intorostlng and .profitable meet, lngs that has over boon hold In the county. Lloyd Whlpplo returned to Drain yesterday after visiting friends at tho A GAS KXI'LOSION' KILLS 3 (United Press Lend Thl I'lttBDurg, Nov. 15,-Ata persona were Injured tcdiy, t mem fatally, and a dttlbt torn to pieces when an en! natural gas occurred la a Wa cnted at 103 Elm street, tkhdji tho llro which followed tro wore severely burned. Tho fatally Injured: Mrs. Sarah Growuu, through tho roof. Jacob Bergman, biota tho roof. ' Seriously Injured: Threo members of th family. Threo members of ta X family, which alto occupW house. E8hcr Dolncr, s guest of tk mans. About H other wncM Injurlos. Windows la tketr vnrn EhnHerM bV the COSt and tho plaster fell upoa &. i 50 additions to dato. HUT NOT WITH TEDDY. (United Press Leased Wire.) At the Kllnger Grand Washington1, Nov. 15. Tho col- Tho clean little play, "Othoi Peo- lnPS0 of n temporary platform at tho nln'o fniinv ti.IaV. In 1.ln a Ilnwnwl Tlnlvnrcltv whnrn Proslltflnt sonted at tho Kllnger Grand by tho Roosevelt wne scheduled to speak, westwood Stock Company, has largo created a panic tins niiernoou. ui crowds every evening, and thov soem President was not prfisent at the to thoroughly appreciate tho efforts time. Howard University Is a col- of tho talented actors now holding ored institution. tho boards at tho Edison electric o On Snln nt O O'clock Rnntn tn tl.r. nil...v -w.. .1 -..! will bo on sale at tho' Grand onoraBU&t of frlourts ln Port,n(l houso this morning at 9 o'clopk. Gallery soats. 75o; all othor, $1.50. university. Ho wltnossn h. ' - -T .. W l .'football game Sateirday. Eugonoithoatre' Anv young man who wishes HAHUY ORCHARD ....UJ V W.L . m ... I tn nlnPV n tVlt.1 Yl.ltl. n am...ma AnH an. w uuuru, air. wninnio is well Known "' "" t " iwnuau uu nn lvi.alti Aot. i.a.1.... In 41. 1. .1... i....iu .i . ( rvnt csitnn rrnnrt nnlnlawa flinA (v, 'U9.HU9B wiiiij, i in nut, uu.v, nuviiig resiaou noro ror " ovwu inm. mvic. 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Movers Is 1 several years. Ho la n i?rnfiiinA nr : o . ,tho Willamette University and Is at last Present an Instructor in tho Drain normal school. o A Steady lluslnch South Commorclal street, at tho corner of Forry stroot, is a busy corner. Hundreds go there to buy groceries from J. M. Lawrence. Want a Library Site? Of courso you do. nut how muoli do you want it? Havo you bought u tlckot for tho Ollvo Moad Quartet? Tho Whwit In tho MM Some flno whont has beon received nt the mills lately and gono into Olympic: hard wheat flour, tho great favorite with Salem cooks. Mrs, Jnrgcnson Improving- Tho condition of Mrs. P. Jorgen son, who has beu very II wlthpnou Jnonia nt her homo In thia city, la Toported to bo much Improved. Ollvo Meml Qnnret Grand opora house tonight. Govornor Chamborlnln loft ovonlng for Portland on business Mrs. W. P. Williams Is visiting hor brother In Portland. W. W. Clark, of Llunton. has been appointed a notary publlo. S. B. Cnttorlln loft this moraine for Portland on business. Mi AT MARBLE CREEK. (United Press Leased Wire.) Rathdrum, Idaho, Nov. 15. That tho notorious Haryy Orchard was lu tho Marble creek district in 1905, and had beon in a position to be- Watenvay Dtfrgntes. Govornor Chamberlain has namod tho following delogntos to tho Na tional Rivers nnd Hnrhnrn Pnn.mBO and Mrs. W. A. Moores wora to bo hold In Washington, D. C, De- among those who wont to tho me tropolis lant ovonlng. H. E. Stoon, who has been visit ing in the city,-loft yesterday for hU uomo in Sllverton. Mrs. II. E. Chlpmnn has gono to Portland whoro sho will visit friends nnd rolatlvos. Mrs. E." Watson left last evening lor Portland whero eJiet will visit friends and relatives. Mrs. Oscar Cavandor, who has been vlsltlngln this dtv has return. ed o her home In Sllverton. Mrs, Kate Ganz loft last evenlni? for Portland whoro sho will bo tha guest of friends and rolatlvos. Superlnten4ent Ack9rman left last ovenlns for McMlnnvlllo whern im will attend a teachers' Institute. cembor 4, 5 and 6, 1907: Wnltor Lyon, Marshflold. B. F. Irvlno, Corvallls. Ira A. Phelps, Harrlsburg. W. A. Messner, Independence. Alox. LaFollotte. Wheatland. Wm. GUstrnp, Eugene. E. Hofer, J. L. Stockton. Jnmoa McEvoy, Aug. Huckesteln, Salem. J. R. Gregg, Ontario. Fred J. Blakoley, Roseburg. C. T. Lccoy, Ironsides. Philip Buehuer. J. N. Toni pnft. land. Peter Loggio, North Bend. Orvllo Dodge, Myrtle Point. J. T. Peters, Tho Dalles. - o Tho government has closed iq side of tho case la the Bradley trial. Funeral ' Notice Tho funeral sorvlces of Mrs. Allco Stlnson-Gont will be held at the res- 'Idenco of Mrs. Mary Stinson-Moores, ana nf "eon ,nMa TT'zVctl corner of Front nn,i Mnrinn B0i ' como familiar with all of the facts tomorrow morning (Satnirday), a tho " Iti 10 oJclock. Rov. P. S. Knight will ler' WaS the fCatUre ?f induct the services.- WIU.mony of Alvln Mason, the first wit- ness in tno uerenso or sieve aumiub Divorce IrocHHllnJZ toda'- This Is an important point Iva A. Amnion vs. Henry Ammon ,U '. TSion is tho title of a divorce suit which an J"0 of A' confession was filed this afternoon In depart-ieXpla,nlne th osslb,m J J ment No. 2 of the Marlon county cnara. na.v,nff flPPe.a, M r"" court. Tim nnmnlnlnt fnrti, wuu lne rlS, as IS Ciaimea uj - the parties were married in Marion dfefnse' MaSOn,' wh T? Tt county in 190C, and asks divorce on ed. In tno ",urder ot "h V the grounds of cruel and inhuman Adaras conression tesunea w - treatment. iams was many nallea from Marnie creek region at the time it is auegeu Tyler was killed there. During the examination of Mason the defense attempted to Bhow that A DECISION THAT IXTEHEST3 (United Press Uuti WW San Francisco, not. h cn.i.nii in nn Mti detitloar this morning, holds that i W responsible for casblas check. Turn. AAiiuu'ig it ths b0tMa brother.n'.law, at corner t j and Nebraska ilrcw, ' "' .... r.-.K 15. ll" Friday. '" 9:45a.n.,Mn.noLn n,lnBs.agedir: The wy ' -Vrf Brownsville, l ai, hurlnl. ti Mtui "T STARR PIANO men CLWS coo Norwich IW-ftJa. rfSSSi Office wltn wo. - 29 Commercials. MOIEY T010M BaB55 Quartet nas Arrived The Meade Quartet, that anneara at the Grand this evening, arrived tn aerense aUeraDtea l0 Bnow, lu"; today and are restored af Z wn.lDetecth' McParland had made an over i"" - - . wmttr TH JAIF z rmn v".l- .ooal Mil" today and are registered at th Wll lamotte. Ghapped hands are oulcklv cured by ap lying Chamberlain's Salve. Price 25o. For Bale bv Dr.- Sinn' effort to secure a confession from h"lm, but tho state objected, and tho defense then asked that the detec tive be recalled. McParland had left town this morning, but It was prom ised by the state that he would re- ,, I M ital Natloni2SfieVk IiOSt-:DUmoB4 f'Ji p ploUlyonC alSSoniaC0"M44t arug store. turn Monday.