M Sk I Journal SALEM, OHEGOX, THIHSDAY, XOYKMIIKK II, 1007 ' NO. 202. URV FOR MRS. BRADLEY MURDER TRIAL iLEM iTRONG IN FINANCE WIT 60 BROKE TIIEASUHER IS FAYING LAHGE SUMS OF GOLD ON HE WAHHAXTS ABOUT A IRTKK OF A MILLION STILL C03IE IN. state treasury tlia past week aid out $15,000 In gold on payrolls, nnJ will contlniio to tit warrants tor tho present. to the legal holidays tnuny warrants cannot bo audited, II salary warrants nnd luatltu- ayrolh are being put Through natter of necessity, unless nn- nitons arc exhausted. iccond lmlf of Ktnto tnxos, rorn the covornl counties, aro in, anu win rontlnuo to ro tho trcanury in good shnpo tuno of about a quarter of n still due will get tho benefit. This will Insuro a largo addition to tho local volume of gold, and In this respect Salem Is th emost favored city In the state. All the rovenues of tho state treas ury nro distributed at Salem, and nt least two-thirds of It goes through tho hands of Salem people and pass es through Salem banks. That Is what has mndo our city lnvlnclblo and Impregnable In nil itlmes of flnau clal dlstrosB, because wo hnvo had the wholo statu behind us. A llttlo slato money leaks down to Portland onco In a while, and generally In each porlod of nbnrmal finance n Mump of It manages to stick thero , awhllo In a busted bnnlc or two, but that Is tho inevitable ror.ilt of banka i relying on stato funds to do their heavy flnnuclerlng with. o HEltOIC LIVERYMAN MEETS SUDDEN DEATH. (United ProsB Leased Wire.) Palo Alto, Cal., Nov. 14. Frank Buckbout, a woll-kuown liveryman, wns Instantly killed on Alma etrcot near tho dopot lruto yoBtorday nftor noon in attempting to stop a runa way team. Tho team. was hitched to a load of hay, weighing nbout two tons, and whon thoy started to run Buckbout inado a Jump for their heads. In making tho Jump his foot slipped, nnd In an instant tho unfortunate- man slipped to the ground and tho wheels of tho heavy loaded wagon pnssed over his head. Buckbout loaves a family of thrco children. o- BRADLEY MURDER TRIAL ON IN WASHINGTON HANKED HEH COIN IN OLD CHIMNEY. (United Prosa Lcaaod Wire.) Tucflon, Ariz,, Nov. 11. Mrs. Fol Ipo Schramm, an operator for tho ThoBft Biimn nro tolcphono company, yesterday was !o for salary warrants, und robbed of $500, nil hor savings. She rnun enough money to keen nnd hidden mo money in nn oiu payrolls, and tho city of Salem chimney. ia-SBfe i , fflCAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE re Are Spot Cash Buyers iTbat la tho reason you can como to our storo now and got such aerful Bargains for your monoy. Tho prices on Dress Goods, t, Cloaks, Sulto, Millinery, Flnnnols, Blnnkota, Clothing, Shoes all other goodB nro cut to tho quick to Induco rapid selling. I.SEHIOt'S ACCIDENT ON ELECT1UO HOAD. (United Pross Lonsed Wire.) Mnrysvlllo, Cal., Nov. II. .Joseph Hoylo was killed outrlcht nnd 1G othors Injured whon a Northern elec tric local between Mnrysvlllo and Yuba City crashed Into a freight train at 10:10 last night. The local was on tho main track fti "PlfMl fttrnnf tllntl tn tiffin!..!.. rt.. 'glno of the freight, switching cars I from a Biding approached. Tho mo torntan tried to sped ahead of tho engine, nnd swung his controller bnck full, but tho local ran Into tho freight train, and the front part of tho enr was demolished. Nono of tho injured will din. o PliTKIl JACKSON r' AGAIN IN THE KING. (Unitod Pross Lonsod Wiro.) ob Angeles, Nov. 14. Sam Lung- FltAL .liinni1 iq nv Tin t rnu rorrt 9 n8,lt nKnlnst Pctor Jackson i.ual judge is O.N TJHAL LOU Tuesday night Is worthy of nnothor chance, according to Manager Mc Carcy, of tho Pacific Athletic Club, and negotiations nro alrendy being conducted which, If successful, will see the clover black In action against Washlntrton Nov ia Tim nrn.i .,m ,,.vnn-. "' i' boob inrough llio vSXn'rh?! Mh d; 'ow will bo staged on tho night of WOMAN WHO SHOT E.Y-UNITED STATES SENATOR AND IX-FED 1IKII LIFE. (Unltod Prosa Lonaod "vVlro.) fiou-andi of yarda of all thfi M sbrdes and materlnls In Ooodg now on sale at on manufacturers' cost, yard 25c 35c 45c 49c 65c 75c Iks here In a grand array of pUful Mind, woavoa and raa- '. priced away down, price, i5c 35c 75c 49c 85c p thousand yarda of best ard Ca !r0, Jard 5c K flautc i ight colored Outlaid Five dollar Silk Undor- aklrta, now $3.80 $9.50 Silk Poitlcoata In all tho latest shades, now,, $3.00 Ch1ldron't $4.00 Honvy WIntor Coata, now 82.30 Children's $3.05 Boar Skin Goats, special prlco now.$2.-n Misaea' $0.90 Coats now... $1.50 Ladies' $3.05 Trimmed Hats now $2.-l." L7. " X "!" tho 23d"ofUt.,. mTnth com pie ed before noon J Un,,Pr tho nowl' 'n8-oa "oxl"K " TSoTofoSItod all but' M;Sds,,VSUV,dec;lonnbty0t,tl!S threo of its peremptory chnllongcs, rcforeo decision by tho and tho government has nlno left, i Judgo Powers, In connection with ' mo uoronso. recnlls a bitterness that oxlBtod botwoon Senator Brown nnd himself whon Brown started bis ca-' reer aa a lawyor In Powers' office. 20 years ago. Whon Powers wns on tho fedornl bench ho dccldod against Brown In a enso Involving n largo stun and fee. Brown Htnrtod-u fight t'tl PowfH. nnd had him re moved from tho bench. Onnodtluu to cnpltal punlbhmout directed ngnlnst tho womnn proved n atambling block in tho way of find ing tho twelfth juror. Finally 8. E. Garbcr. a grocory clerk, waa accept ed by tho prosecution. Tho Jury la as follews: Janice L. Fonnoy, publlshor; WIN ii mm is. iifiiHM. urirtc muHur: jifiuni K. Smith, negro -undertaker; Dan M. (Unltod ProBS IjOnsod Wire.) wowmnn, grocer; Aioxanuur .m. uoio, i uaKianu, uai., Nov, n. No ono grocor; John Swconoy, painter; Ju- In tho Inrgo audlonco that wltnoaiod llus B. Prlgg, bookkeeper; Jullua tho performance of "Mlgnon" by the Vledt, wntchmnkor; Joseph C. Ilnrt- Milan Opora Company nt Yo Liberty Joy. coffoo morchant; Jntnoa L. thentro last night, ronllzod that with WhUoaldo, builder; William II. Itu- tho end of tho first net camo tho end portus, pnpor hanger. All nro roar-,of Hfo for Elvira Olorando, a ballot. rled men except Adam K. Smith. dancer. , Tho Jury woro aworn in nt u:ju tho exortlon of tho danco which a. m, closed tho act brought on an nttack Bradley Cnso Opened. f heart failure. Hor Illness waa ap- "Mra nrmllov went Ro Brown's of- I,nront to tl0 inonibora of tho com Oeo YnSaKuSo CUy the wcSk be- PW who wore near her Tho danco foro ho camo to Washington, and. w?nt on to n tragic ending for Miss with a ro?2?or thrS w,, heroically whirled him " tiSSSi ProJocSS ? Turner in ?"nL0ll ,n"'Lm,n!"ta,not, "? r- his oponlng atatomont. Mra. Brad- "7'" "'" " ,""w,1,Hn" J""r llov Irnlrn .tnu-n onninlntAlv. Joara ',nt tl OUfialn Of tllO StagO and como to hor ey hoad In her hands, her anguish In creasing rapidly BALLET DANCER'S SAD FATE DEATH CLOSES 1IIR BONY HANDS WHILE SHE HEELS THUOUGH THE MA'IW OF A GHANl) CLT MAX AND FALLS WITH THE CUHTAIN. WOMAN HAS SOUL OF ETHIOPIAN DOES ITS BIDDING ADVANCED STUDENTS OF NEW THOUGHT PltOMULGATE A STHANGE THEOHY TO EX PLAIN AWAY A CIU.M.E COM MITTED AT CHICAGO. foctlon of tho artistic stngo picture Jo's. aho'Sfef hi? ftth dropped almost at tho snmo I On reaching tho wings sho foil to 5c He e!re ari. Oat,. yard one-half cent Flannels, Bpeclal 81-3c M(et- Jg3 flco lined Winter Fa:- 15c Bl6.. 8 Table Linens, 35c 49c 65c yIJr "vJF J ? p m $ ft rUJHUl 4t 1sft n nl nnnotAfiint Imt n ..., t t "Wo propose to Bhow that tho ;" " ' Li ""' "J " ...ir" u"n,,u'" shootlne waa deliberato and nromed- "' , , " w . ""'. wnoo uwu- ItoWnY'hevoraorS murder in tho first degree." said '' tr ,,l,m,nLft L I1 ?"l&. . . ..V. ...IMIVIIV.U UH li UlllUt PIUU Ut tho ourtnln A phyaloian was hastily summoned, Ixit of no avail. Tho remains will bo sant to Italy for burial. Mian Giord ano was a natlvu of MJlau aud agod 48 yoars. Turner. T, J. Talty, hotel manngor, tosll flsd about tho finding of Brown ly ing In a pool of blood. 'I aakod him who did tho shoot ing, nnd ho pointed to Mrs. Brndloy. Brown told mo to call Gunn. hJa aa-i BThe wfll kn 'Sho has cauiei IXWrPJlIM 1JONTP GO mo troublo all my life.' t Tmiil Pri.T leF,f 8M "Bradlov told mo to haw that h (Unltod Pross Loasod Wiro.) I was not Brown's wife, but tho moth- BojBe. Idaho. Nov. 14. Tho Twin or of his two ohlldron. Brown uri """s iNonn hkio unnd nnd Wntor not deny hla. 'Company has boon cltod to appear A recess was thon akon. (boforo tho postal dopnrtment and n i show why a fraud ordn should not xmrrnnnicT rmcrniMT . wimu hkuihm, H, prouiDlting Jl METHODIST FIMSCOPAL ' m ,Igo of Mlo lnniia ,. .,",, HOMI3 MISSION BOAHD. takon aftor nn Investigation mado by (Unltod Prosa Loasod Wiro.) n agont of tho department Into tho nnimi " pwrsuod In oponlng tho land Sal j BOtlo'no"t. U la alleged to bo a We show a graud Belectron nt ladles' up-to-dato CoaU and Sult in all the new colors cardinal", brown, navy and green. We can glvo you prices on ladles' CoatB and suits that you will And mighty hard to beat In this part of the world. m McEVOY BROS. GfEROAIi AND COUIIT STREETS. SALEM. OREGON. w - Portlaml. Nov. It. The an mooting or tne ,ieinoaii tspiwuiwi i0ttoj-y. liomo .Muwion uoara anu contimi- ThIa , thn mMhni1 n,1nn,01 ,k ,,. teoa on oliurch extension meou in fetlora EOvornmont luolf In ion o Portland thw afternoon at 2 o'clock aVaSS tho rSSiL &?? and will b In Jiorton for tlt next Jnflr, oharacterIzea ,and J, J flvo days. Fully a dozen bliihow Kaoh a,)poant for ,and hQ and many high HgnltarIo or tne amount of tho first navmont Thft Methodist church will be hero and 1 numSotuVifffiU aid will be one of the moat notable gath- drawn flut ftfc random M f u erinp of ocoloelaatlcs In the hletory c ftot openJn , thJs t , of the northwoet. Fully $1,000.- beo b (h, n,e,iltKi 000 will bo appropriated during the, tJn uy im mltl0ii- next flvo days for the home miwnon work. . t. A reception will be tondared the party tonight by the Portland Melh-odlats. NOItTHEHN CITY IH FIXODED WITH LABOH. (Unltpd Press Loasod Wire.) Vancouver, B. C. Nov. 14. Van couver la bolntr floodod with all kinds 'of laborers, and no work la available ,The call for help went out months gwi out wnen mey wero wanton Now, whon Drya" Will Announce, ri'nltwl Pros Leased Wiro.) Ohlpnen. Nov. 14. Bryan Will for thev were not tn i hnH mnllv nnnnnnfirt his candidacy for the the Winter In Httnp In nnl wnrU In presidency In tho Commoner tfoday, being abut down In tho lumber and according to word receivuu in -'-. copper campa. hundreds of men aro go today. Ho will outline me inai- available. Two thouaand ore Idle in form and give hla opinion of tii tho boundary district. Tho mayor cause of tho financial unrest and tne 0f Vancouver has closed tho labor Temedy Bryan U now In Wtewn- bureau, so many applications were sin. making a tour of the state, ilia I made. Moro aro rushing In, and, as Chicago menus say wiui ne government authorltlea aro pa pared a statemem. ana whm, ii w w( Jng mtle attention to adjust conjl printers ueiore ii"i. i"vw "-- nona, uunareaa win uo out or w (Unltod Press Lcnscd Wiro.) Chicago. Nov. 14. Has Mra. Evo- lyn Uomndko tho soul of n dead Ethiopian? Around that question tlioro con tors n srnngo sorioa of ovonts In con nection with tho case of the woman who la confronting n prison aontonco or incarceration In nn Insane aayi'im Tho caso wl'I bo continued on No vombor 1C. Whllo In tho court room Mrs. Homndko wns urgod by Dr. Axol GMBtnfson, who has tronted tho womnn In Jail, to withdraw hor ploa of guilty, and mnko n fight for hor freedom. "I am auro," said tho physician, "that this woman I pofticitRCd of an Ethloplnn spirit, which la nbsolutoly In control of her actions. Sho is ab solutely Innocont of doing wrong, oxcopt whon this spirit overpowers hor will, nnd forces hor to do Its bidding." Tno opinion of Dr. Guelnfron co incides with that rocontly cxproreod by Dr. Sheldon Lonvlft, known n.i nn advnncod student of "now thought." o MONAHCHIST PAHLIAMENT MEETS IN HUSHIA. (United Prosa Lonaod Wiro.) St. Potoraburg, Nov. 14. Tho third Douma oponod nt 11 o'clock this morning In tho Tnurldo palnco. Troops nilcHl nil streou In tho vicini ty of tho palaco. ThIa Douma will not likely bo popular a It certainly will bo monarchists In aympnthlos, to tho dlsgUBt of tho radical olemout. Tho majority of tho legislators bo llevo that tho govornmont lins not doalt sovoroly enough with tho poo plo. Tho lower branch Is bnllotlng for protiidont. M. Komynkoff, who lios withdrawn hla declination, la a fa vorable candidate. Nicholas Homalkoff. distinguished Octoborlst, wiih lectl prosldont of tho Doumn, caualng groat surprise. Homalkorr la necoptablo to tho court party. DcwpltA tho procnutlona of tho po ll co Abo "rodH" ffcnttorod around hand bills announcing tholr Inten tion of blowing un the assembly. Tho new Doumn la rognrdod aa a tool of tho court party, packod with mon archists by election manipulations, Tho legislators woro hlHsod on tho nt roots. Mncblno gunn hnvo been mounted In window oppoBlto the pnliico ready for uso should tho reds" ondoavor to got busy. Of 442 membora, two nro .Iowa, 20 aro Polo, 10 aro Armenians and 10 nro Muaeolmon. Tho rest nro Orthodox BuMlanH. Elghty-flve per cent are conservatives. POLICEMAN'S WIFE WHO WAS HEPAKATED.. (United Press Loasod Wire.) Loa Angeles, Cal., Nov. 14. Mra,. WWIUIU U IiriUIl, VKUV Ul X'UIICUIUItU. Wllllnm O'Brien, killed herself laafi night In a rooming houso by bUooU ing. Tho bullet entored tho heart and death camo as sho repllnod. up on tho bod1 In a position of h1 timber. O'Brien nnd his wlfo, according; to. neighbors, separated a year ngo ii CHICAGO BANKS THY SMALL CHECKS, (Unltod Press LenBod Wiro.) Chicago, Nov. 14. At a mootmi-v of tho Chicago Clearing Housu Asso ciation, nt which nil of tho 10 mem ber banks woro roprcBonted, It was. decided upon rccommendntion of tho- clearing houso commltteo to Isguo- checks of small donomlnnttons, whloh nro to bo used aa a medium ot exchange In lieu of currency until such tlmo ns tho local banks boo fit to Tosumo paymonta ngnln. Tho plan.. .whloh linn been undor consldorntlon- for nearly ton days', will bocomo of fectlvo Friday. Tho now chocks will bo In dcuomlnntlona of $1, $2, 5 nnd $10. WIRELESS TELEGRAPH STATIONS SEIZED ON ATTACHMENT THO-. CEEDING8 THEY SOLD II-. LIONS OF STOCK ON TONS t)F UOSEATF. L1TEHATUUE. -o- FOUND CIVS OV LATE STANFOHD STUDENT. (Unltod Pre Leased Wiro.) San Joe, Cal.. Nov. 14. Tho shot gun belonging to Cheater Sfint waa waa found In Fek lako this morning by Deputy Shorlff Mulhall. Chostor Silent wom a Stanford student, nnd the son of Judge Silent, of Loa An golee. Ho disappeared from Stan ford Unlvoralty on Septombor 19, tost. Tho body waa found In Felt lako a woek later. It waa thought at the tlmo that ho had met with foul play, but tho finding of tho gtm dis proves ho thoory of foul play. Death la now known to have boen oithor ao- oldontal or suicidal. day t all winter. DJff Too Much KxcpshIvo Liberty, (United Prosa Leased Wire.) Home. Nov. ii. The pdpo, aftor Investigating tho olopomont of Helen Maloney, the daughtor of Martin Ma lonoy, tho Standard Oil magnate, with Samuel Clarkeon, whon she w&s already married, said teday: Tho oxceaslvo liberty granted to young people In America may lead to unpleasant results." O ' .... Portland Hank Balances, (United Press Leased Wire ) Portland, Nov 14 Clearings. $807,181; balance, $08,109. (Unltod Prosa Leased WIro.) Ban FrnnclBco, Nov. 14. Led by Captnln Ooorgo UIbh, shipwrights orodltorH of tho OccldontrU nnd Ori ental Wlroloa ToJegrnph Company bogan n campaign yoaterday to col lect SOIIIO SI 0.000 dill) Mmm tn building norlnl atatjona from Ban Francisco to Loa Angolou. In tllO tntlKlo attending Ihn ttlnan. hltloll of tills WlroIOHH ontnrnrlNn nil but ono of tho stations hnvn ohuimi- tho huuds of thn orcdltora. uoonnii and Ko lor. attornova. or Eureka, whoro Bokh hmi uinnpn.i Judgmont by vlofault of an nttach mont against tho wlrolew atntlonfc roprOHont tho orodltorn, und proposo. If nocosuiry, to curry tho light Into tho cojirta of Now York. Who la really liable for thn ilnli'n of tho defunct corporation la mnoii. disputed. ThO OCCtdOlltnl nnd Orlnnlnl Wlrn. lean Company wns a eubaldlnrv or ganization of tho Amorloan Do For est Wlroloss Company, from which It rocolvod a obnrtor to handle tho territory of tho Pacific coast. Al. 1. 1 i 1 V A ----- -J wr nu nun mo uriont. With about $50,000 In rnah, tho company floated $2,000,000 In atock One of tho first staltoni to go uj lookod down on tho Golden Outo fron Huaulnn Hill. This waa aolzed by On car C. Brill for salnry. and haa been bought by tho Unltod Window. Oth. ora sprang up at Loa Angolas, San " Diego and Eurokn, Lltoroturo Isauod by tho company wnH roaetito. -v - - - PItOMI.V13.NT CANADIANS IMPOHTING JAPANHHR. (United ProsB Lonaod Wiro.) Vniicouvoi, B. C, Nov. 14. Oloso questioning of Japnnouo wllnosaoa by McKonzIo King, fodornl coinmlt-ulon-er, haa brought out tho fnot that prominent local mon nroJit tho head' of the official Nippon Supply Com pany, whloh haa tho inrguU Immi gration nnd contraotlng department In British Columbia. Further dovol opmonta aro oxpoctc-1, aa King haa. told aomo of tho Jnnnnojo wltnoanoa that they woro lying to him' nnd must tell tho truth. Tho nrosldout of thn Jnpnneso boarding Iioimo koopers" union la now donylng tho tttatemonta ho mado whon before Klntf when ho put in his claim for damages. o ovEit no(M iMpr)Yi:s iaiD OFF TEMPOHAHILY. (Unltod Proaa Loaaod Wiro.) Clnolunatl. Nov. 14. Owlnir to. tho tlghtuocH of tho monoy market tho National Cash RoglHtor Com pany, of Dayton, tho blggoat plant or Ita kind In tho world, laid off ovor 2000 employ os this morning. Tho management cannot seouro aufflolent monoy to moot Ita payrolls. AN AMATEUK I'LAY THAT SHOOK THE TOWN. (Unltod Press Leased Wire.) Maryavlllo, Cal , Nov. 14 During tho performance of "Tho Cuban Spy,'- a tno wuoatiana opora house, at Wheatland laat night, a. keg of now- dor exploded through tho blunder ot a stago hand The corner of tho building waa blown lo splinters. Tho exploai-m waa heard all over town No ono wjmi hurt.