mmtmu ivhmu'iwi i twii now naiwwiiwiwMBt-m wrTMip.'vvfcas!S3ggyswwt-faata'ww.i.,.. .. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1007. IIIIIIHD1 mini !;; cm ' ' SB - m r-JB DAILY JOURNAL EDITORIAL DEPARTM MMHMUMHHHMBHH MHHIHBIIH ., ii P 1 1 X H I I I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. 1IOPER, Ed. and Prop. Jin Imlefwulcnt Nowppcr Dcrotcd to American Principles and ho 1'roRreiM And Doroloperaent of All Oregon. Tubllsucd Br ery Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (Invariably In Advance.) VDany, by -carrier, per year W.00 Per month.., 60o TDanr.'bymall, per year 4.00 Per month & Weekly, 'by mall, per yoar. .... 1.00 Six months Co PU SPECIAL DELIVERY. Tor xnnvonionco of aubscrlborB branch delivery offices are estab lished at tho following placoa at 3ft conta per month, $1.00 for threo moutliB. Asylum Storo, L. II. Schultz, Asylum Avonuo Junction. 'Carline, Seventeenth Btreot to A. W. Lane, Garden Road Btore. Dauo's Storo, Alex, Daue, South Commercial street. Electric Store, C. M. Epploy, East Stato street. TTalr Grounds Storo, HarrlBon Dee, Fair Grounds Road. tHoweU'B Corner, Twelfth and Cross streets. t. K. Grocery, A. A. Englobart, Twelfth street. Wheeler's Storo, W. D. Wheeler, Highland avenue. l Yow Park Storo, F. G. Boworsox. Twelfth and Leslie. MOTHER-LOVE.' Talco tho glory of tho conquest and tho grandeur of tho morn, Tho oplondor of tho triumphs out of toll and patlonco born, "Tho beauty of tho cities and the armies of tho Just Moving down tho golden vallej'B to the victories of tho dust 'But tho mothor lovo that wraps around a wayward child its wlnga Is Bweotor than nil triumph and Is stronger than all Icings. Tho mothor-lovo Is patlonco bearing all the years of enre, With Talth to tako tho burden up and strongth to lift and boar; Tho mothor-llvo Is warder of tho rosy gatea of life, With kiss good-by to llltlo onns who go to fnco tho strlfo, And urms of old onduranco waiting thoro to clasp and greet "Tho loved who wnndor bnck again, tho lost with weary feot! "Tho mothor-lovo Is gontlone3s that mollowa through tho years, With lips to kiss tho brow that nrhps andong to stay tho tenra; "Tho mothor-lovo Ib tlrolosa In tho vigil that It keeps To guard tho couch from danger whoro the blood of lovohood sloops! Oh, wnyward, weak, and weary, nnd yo who walk In Bin, no auro tho heart of mothor-lovo will opo nnd lot you In. Bnltlmofo Sun. TIME FOR A NEW DEAL. stato "If Oovornor Chnmberlnln Bhnll no called upon to appoint 'treasurer It la to bo hoped ho will glvo this atato a now dcnl. That ofllco has boon battered about as tho poltlcnl ahuttlecock long -enough THE EASY MONEY GAME OK HIGH POLITICAL FINANCE. It la woll known that tho olllco was transferred on easy torms to Hon. 'Phil Motachan. It la a matter of record that there wnB a transfer to Hon. Chna. S. 'Mooro of fiomo cash nnd other evldonces of vnluo. It Is moro than llkoty that Mr. Stool got tho olllco turned ovor to him with tho Hanio ontnnglomontB. If n now treasurer la appointed common decency to tho pooplo of this - atato roqutros that thoro bo a cleanup and tho pooplo bo told whero the 'publlo money Is kopt. PUBLIC FUNDS IN OREGON HAVE BEEN TOO MUCH THE SHORT OF POLITICAL GAMBLERS. Tho governor should naino nn lndnpondont business man who will not conduct tho titato treasury na a political aldoshow. Tho tlmo Rhould como whon tho management of tho -stato tronsury SHOULD COMMAND RESPECT INSTEAD OF RAISING A SMILE. Tho people of Salem and Marlon county know whoro ovary dollar of . -olty, county and school monoy Is kopt. "T1IHRIS IS NO MYSTERY OR SECRECY ABOUT IT. THE BOOKS 4IKK OPEN. Thoro I no good reason why tho stato troasury Rhould be run on nny MlllToront prlhclplo. Thoro la no ronaon why a stato tranauror Rhould not bo oblo to pro duoo a dully balanoo shout Bhowlng whoro ovory dollar of tho atato fundi 'la located and what usod for. . Tho tlmo has como In Oregon to call a halt on tho crude methods of tho past and to bo honest and decent. Tho tlmo has como, under tho guidance of Providence, when tho gov ernor of Oregon has a free hand to do what Is right by tho pooplo and so cure an honorablo management of Oregon publlo funds In future. With tho now stato law requiring widest distribution of atato funds In tho smaller banks of tho stato it was wrong for a bunch of Portland politicians to sink $400,000 of tho atato funds In ono concern that was noted for bolng on tho wildcat speculative order. Under now Btato laws for bafo-gunrdlng publlo funds, with excessive rovenuos and high taxes on all lines, It la a shnmo nnd a disgrace to Oregon that atato employes and stato Institutions Bhall bo crippled bo cauao of an ancient abuao In the management of tho atato treasury. THE TIME HAS COME TO STRIKE HARD FOR A NEW DEAL IN THE OREGON STATE TREASURY. Thl nannr succostn that vou 08 a private citizen do your part in bo- curlng tho adoption of a new aystem and honest administration of tho finances of our commonwealth. Do nqt lay this papor aside until you hnvo resolved to write to tho gov ernor, not to appoint this man or that man, BUT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE THE PEOPLE A NEW STATE TREASURY DEAL, WHAT IN COMMON HONESTY THEY ARE EN TITLED TO HAVE. - o- WM. M. LADD DID RIGHT. fl south For guaranteeing $405,000 of tho aavlngB doposlts of tho Tltlo Guar anty Trust company bank MB. WM. M. LADD DESERVES CREDIT. For turning ovor tho Marquam proporty to tho credltora of tho Bamo concorn and releasing tho claim of Ladd and Tllton to $007,000 against that proporty THE LADD HEIRS DESERVE CREDIT. Wm. M. Ladd has novor boon tho bad man that political rancor nnd per sonal mallco has painted him. Wo aro nono of us (tho gentloman with horns, hoofB nnd tall in cluded), AS BLACK AS THE TAB-BARREL WITH WHICH WE ARE SOMETIMES SMEARED. Wm. M. Ladd Is one of" tho big, If not tho biggest, men In Portland. Ho hoB boon public-spirited, progressive and energetic for tho upbuild ing of Portland nnd greater Oregon. HE IS A MAN WHOSE MORAL NATURE HAS RESPONDED TO THE CALL OF HUMANITY'S NEEDS. Ho gavo of his tlmo, brain nnd monoy to help clean up tho Orogon school book monopoly a fow years ago. Ho Iiob boon ono of tho pillars of tho Y. M. C. A. work In Orogon. HE HAS UPHELD THE FIGHT FOR OPENING THE OREGON WATERWAYS. Ills monoy hns flowed like wator to lmprovo dairy Btock nnd glvo Oro gon a national roputatlon for Jorsoy cnttlo and blooded awlno. Ho hns laid oft tho most beautiful roaldonco district In Ea t Portland AND SPENT MILLIONS ON NEW BUSINESS BLOCKS. Wm. M. Ladd la ono of tho great strong brond-shouldorod Orcgonlans who Is entitled to fair play and deent treatment at tho hands of all fair minded pooplo. o A WORD FOR THE PRIVATE CITIZEN. Tho nowBpnpors nro filled with delinquencies of high omclala and ahort comlngs of thoso occupying high financial positions. Tho prlvnto cltlzon WHO IS THE BULWARK OF SOCIETY goes hla way unnoticed, performing hla duty and gottlng very llttlo credit FOR HIS PLAIN VIRTUES OR COMMON HONESTY. Mr. Ofllclal who has neglected hla dutloa, Mr. Bankor who liaa mis appropriated funds belonging to othor pooplo IS QUOTED BY THE COL. UMN. Mr. Prlvnto Cltlzon who is tnxod to support ono nnd who la botrnyod by tho othor gooa his wuy In allonco and GETS NO PUBLICITY OR AT TENTION WHATEVER. Vnf If la Mm olinrnnmr nt Mm Inllor. tho Solid foundation Of tllO KOOd habits nnd personal aaorlflcoa to common ovoryday duty THAT HOLDS? SOCIETY TOGETHER. Tho man who yoar aftor yoar pays hla bills with scrupulous honesty Is building tho chnrnctor on which tho community rosts and without which proporty and hualnoaa woro worthloaa. Tho nowapapora should glvo moro hood to tho horooa of common duty, PERFORMED WITHOUT LIMELIGHT ILLUMINATIONS. Drop tho big hoadllnos for tho mlanta, tho gnmblors, tho dlvorcoo, tho dofaultor, tho grafter and play up tho men and womon who employ la bor AND DO THEIR LITTLE STUNTS HONESTLY. Wo hnvo nil gone crazy In tho worship of tho abnormal. Lot us pay p llttlo attontlon to tho normnl which la tho good man or woman. .. niiinw, lifc "',,n,u'lw I'l'IlLlOKfn. , "H . JV"WI, Tho school authnrlHna i ., from the night schools of that city ? u h&T WJ vortontly admitted. a 3mn boy tZ? It Is not alleged that thoro was anything v, Si Tho action was merely an emphatic dedLhffl uth will not be tormented win "faecIaratloQ thttiv. H Tn tho rinmlnlnn - nn..-j. .. .LW race USD. H sumlng moro gravity. B Uallon hlIe not tcJ It Is alleged that tho great Inn.. Is deliberately promoted by employment .! . ,,nolwJJ nles, and doubtless, also, by large cmnlovV,! "4 ,tt,a4 An Investigation la undor way by the nL , to bo mado thorough and searching. um Ulbo By this tlmo the Jnpancso government ohi u objection to Japanese coolies, or to lareo tn,i.. . . Mden of nny kind, 1b not confined to "San PrlnT 0rlwUli hoodlums oT any other city. "W, It la tho result of a deep-seated determination f .v 11 orywhoro .to prosorvo tho western clvillzatlfin . x own ground with Orlontal civilization It will not bo permitted. Any attempt to force tt m. I mult3-. 'U,CB iitilltj At preaont violence In conflned to hoodlumj ht i. BUtaod that tho hoodlums In their hoodlumbm tn which has tho sympathy of multitudes who . methods. &re op k Thoro Is no unfriendliness to Japan, to China or to in, 1 people JV Wo respect their right to presono their own diffli frlendly contact and wo Insist upon our right to do the n3' Tho question of Inferiority or superiority lg not nlid. Vhon tho Jnpanoao nnd other Orlontal gOYcrnmenli'L Btand and recognize this there will bo an end of friction. o SALEM ADVERTISERS MKKTI.NQ THE gntftR Advortlsora In this papor aro doing tho right thlnj ta and reach out after business. Tho prlcea of lumber havo boon almost prohibitory nl j DUCTION ANNOUNCED TO OUR HIJADKIW 13 TWELr. 1 Many a man of amallor menus will now undertake out is to orcct a homo for hln fntnlty. Snlcm Is In ncod of hundreds of such homes and tlxtyo prlco of lumber WILL HELP OUT TIIK COXOESIIOX Of! TION. Tho morchnnt or business mnn who systematically nhfk tho present Btrnincd llnanclnl conditions will win big rtln Grent proaporlty tho past fow years has Inflated the pA chnnta and mnnufneurors nu well ns wages of labor. Tho tlmo has como for a readjustment, nnd the retI!& most SUBSTANTIALLY WILL FIND HIS KIT0HTS APW Cuts In tho prlco of nccoflsltlos, such ns clothing, IwiAl pore, wjll ylold antlsfactlon to tho mnn who makes the rtfa Salem morchants nro awakening to this fact, and hkr proved In proportion to tho bnrgnlns that are offered fop o THE PORTLAND WAY IS LAUGHABLE i 1 Tho city of Portlnnd should not bo held respoaiM of ono Goo. Hill ns rocolvor of tho TITLB Ol'AHASTY URE. Mr. Hill Is a good mnn but not calculated to Iniplriwij publlo In n squnro doal. Somj mon aro not fit to he rorclvor of a peanut lUtl KIJT Till-; AIlllilTX iNWU Jim niiiiiniii. , - . i. ..nnnl..nn nm- nnnrnrn Is flinwtfd tO W! JV llltiii iu no iuuvivui "i v -----' tlnl huppqbk out of failure. Ho must havo some powora of rltance. IleraBitlwj OK JUSTICE AND INTKGIIITY. Wo nro not saying that Hill has nono of these owm plo In gonornl will novor bellavo ho has. J. Thornburn Robs Ir a good man In many wayi i w como I'OR HIM TO GO AWAY HACK AXI) SIT MW III soloctlon of a porson for receiver shouia e w any honoat court of Justlco. ,TItr r t.v mtii.-. rrumTU pisasr TO 5IKRKIA IIATIH OP mev WHO ARE FAILURE AND lUXKWm :t1 SMILES show of tho creatures who never wonr bllndont or brldloa, who aomo tlmes rofuso to stny hitched, who Bomotlmos kick ovor tho trncoa, ye: Good things aro bolug said of tho who takon In tho altogothor aro tho lianlc. Tho past week at Salem rearmost faithful and lovenblo of God'i ostato has boon nctlvo. Ono firm creations, sold throo rnnohos. Thoro was con-j "sldorablo Inquiry for Buburbnn Mrs. Sampson, Mr. Sampson nnd tracts. Town lota moved off at a tho Snmpson kids havo earned a pllo turtle trot. Thoro will bo loss dls-'of monoy tho past Hlx months, In tho future to buy wlroloss borry fields, pruno orchards, hop shnros In tho Jolly Gol- ynrdstand cannery. Thoy do not moro doBlro for Orogou bnnk It. Thoy aro going to spend most of It for dry goods, clothing, ' holiday wures. Salem merchants Tho Portland horso show waa tho Bhould do all In their power to get Tonl thing, it waa not a horse Bhow tho Sampsons to spend that monoy "They novor aro. It was a boauty nt homo In Salem. 1907, at 1 p. m Rov. William H. Rider, aged 82 years, nftor a lingering Illness, Mr. Rider about a year ago auf- poBltlon In tooks and qonda and Ulrt. Money You Throw Away If doposltod In our savings && partmant would ylold you a com petency for old ago. Itoulf takes a small sum de posited regularly to amount to n largo sum In a few years, 25o a day saved for 10 years amounts, With Irttoroat, to $1040.80. Doposlts of ono dollar or moro recotvod any tlmo. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK. Onco In nwhllo tho gawpor gawpoth tho ancient, gawp about 13 months of rain In a year In Orogon. As n matter of fact tho past yoar wo havo had 13 months of goldon fructi fying BUiiBhlno. Tho gawper will havo to figure to find a plnco for hla 13 moons of wetness. His figuros will provo him ontltlod to tho bolt ns monumoutnl liar. Hon. John Mlnto la gathering largo ouantltles of tho Hood of tho Port Orford codar. It la a troo of tho groatost vnluo In commorco and whllo its natural habitat la limited to a small area about Coos bny, It grow.i , rapidly In many pnrts of Orogon, and tho distribution of seod la very Important. Wo do not undoratand fored a stroke of paralyala from that Mr. Mlnto la dolnc this to mako which ho never recovered. Ho wus monoy, but ns a labor of lovo for th'i born In Half Moon valley in Penn- forestry of tho country. Thero nro Bylvnnla, whero ho spent his early not many Btich public eplrltod poo- Hfo. In 1850 he married Miss Mary plo In tho world and wo hopo ovory Ellon Whltlach and to tho union body who loves tho forosta will hoi? wnB born eight children, four of scatter thoso seeds. iwhom and his wife survive. Tho children living aro as follews: Mrs. Alderman Jacob has something B. P. Taylor and U, S. Rider of Sh thot givos him moro satisfaction at lorn; Mrs. A. M. Brown of Kapowsln, hla flresldo than all the honors of Washington, and Mrs. C. A. Batea of public Hfo, and that 18 a fine five Sclo. For tho past 30 years Rev. weeks' old baby at his homo. It Is Rider had been a resident of Orogon, not of tho kind that votos but that I giving In Stayton, Roseburg and Ni agara. Ho was a votoran of tho civil war, having Borvod with distinction for four yoara as a member of tho Com pany K, Thirty-fifth Missouri Infan try. Ho was a devout Christian, having boeu a Methodist minister Crossing Only Temporary. Tho Portland Gonornl Electric Is, Catai DIED. RIDER At tho homo of his dnugh- ..'. . . '-ololno. Uu trnolr nn n lover With tDO n-. -MhfimOjt KCJ1 nvonuo, Saturday, Novombor - ""!.,. ,h iannl pavomont at tno crouK rj-y, i now Court and Liberty streets and a torn- u gn ttg porary fill will bo mado within the hoodj rails. Tho company will soon recelvo hoavy rails which will roplnce tho present track. A pcrmnnont con croto fill will then bo made between fyi mu tuwu ....., -- . u,w-. -- ,,-- BoVdmS Loyalty to Orogon and to tho stars nnd strlpos today moans loyalty to our honestly, decently, public spiritedly conductod banks. There is not ono In western Oregon, or out sldo of Portland Is not In that clasa, aud those In Portland not In that class should bo criminally prosecuted without fear or favor. 4 No wo do not endorse Rov. Earl R. Hicks, almanac nor Mother Shlpton's prophecy, nor Henry Clow's financial '.Instructions, but wo do believe in .woll managed Oregon banks. Their l'Btock Is at premium. . not tho nldorman'a fault. o- LINGERING COLD. leal ?! ftST 40.366 Te nA K&M In two jew. """.ft J jSSIM with tho fine street Improvements. ta LSfc. Tho Salem-Portland lino will aiso, . .... Im. bo allowed to make ionuui'J provomenta at tho crossing at thn cornor of High and Court streets. - ..i.! The T " ' The treetc section of Aijua- ... 1.IT0 tt"1. rnau. m--- Wlthstootl Other Treatment But Quickly Cured by Chamber lain's Coimh Remedy. "Last Vlntor I caught a very se-. voro cold which llngorod for weeks," I snys J. Urquhart, of Zephyr, On tario. "My cough was very dry and harsh. Tho local rtnnlcr rrnmTTiend. ed Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tho ?" Vlow comotery and guaranteed It, so I gave It a "r'uua ol u, u ' " trial. Ono Binall bottle of it cured mo. I bellovo Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to bo the best I havo oyer used." Thla remedy la for sale at Jr. Stone's drug storo. o Dcnfnefis Cannot Bo Cured ,roubie to P"',! by local applications, ns they cannot road. u j mnoh t), diseased nortlon of the ear. charged wi a Thero Is only ono way to cure deal- horses , , ncss. and that la by constitutional that ther b f remedies. Deafness Is caused ., ; - ;o cross io a nnnHI(lnn of t 10 WW." ., Uu., Rustatchlan i uu some F,i,v- ieU' K. When thla tube Is inflamed you have doe$ n0 w a rumbling sound or impor ect - ,easi c ing, and when it is entirely closed, be numbered under tho O BMTltlu Sun tt - 1M u0 lun AnH'5 which fatth ho retained to hja death. ,Ub' """ . T onj unless the Tho funeral services were con- deaf new I. the s'a"d "nu " and ducted from tho Taylor residence inflammation can be taken ou this afternoon at 1:30 by Rev. W. II. f tu rof . " dtroyed Selleck of this city. Interment ln.dlt,on' hcar,nB wlU' .,b nt tea are unrnunr" imiim I'linca uuv w- caused by Catarrh, which is notblDS but an inflamed condition of tne coub surfaces. r.itrs We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (causea catarrh) that cannot be cured w Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for culars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., ledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family PIHb 'or con letlpatlon. A Rellnblo Remedy for Croup. Mrs. S. Roslnthal, of Turner, Mlch- (lgan, says: "Wo have used Cham berlain's cough Medicine for our selves and children for several years .liTOItXil.. and " very much. I think It is IM Kiafl m Haw Always mgii t the only remedy for croup and can i highly recommend it." For salo at Dr. Stono's drug store. Piles Cnrfd tjo . - ffer t9 ifyv::.rotr WbU-.Mll "ria no - .M tr a!o--fa,riiV meat fw '"&) I'Zl imnw- . jj , asred-. ku rf , other m l to IDO- Dafflf.