FAIR TONIGHT AND TUESDAY, AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL ni. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1007. NO. 250. DEPENDS ON COURT RULING AMS FATE I Miners Strike Near Tacoma May Cause Great Fuel Famine KE COAL MINERS HUNDRED OUT ftllkeson Wash. Went Out pig and Those At Car- 1000 In Number, May Press Leased Wire.) Wash, -Nov. 11. The at Wllkcson, Washington, this morning Indefinite- Kwecn 700 and 800 men ountlhg those on tho out- dependent on tho opora- nlnc by minors. It is ex- itrlkers will inarch to the Imloes this afternoon to it the Carbonado minora There aro over 1000 lonado, unci tlicr niipiw la men will crlpplo tho Id this city. Tho com jmny nbsolutoly refuges to grant tho domandH of tho men, and tjils morn ing tho groat body of minora refused to go to work. Thoro woro a few scattering men willing to work, but tho company decided not to try to operate. Tho wholo mlno was closed up, and thoro will bo nothing doing until a scttlomcnt Is reached, "Wo simply will not ngroo to the demands of tho miners," said Henry Howltt, of tho Wilkt'Bon Company, today. "Thoy wnntcd to-control ev erything, oven down to tho pit boss." Tho miners declnro they have asked for nothing but what 1b reason able. They say that most of the oth er mines have granted tho conces sions which they aro now asking. Thoro was no disorder at tho mines this morning. Tho plant will bo closed until tho differences are readjusted. C0RVALLIS LOCAL DITGHED ADAMS TRIAL DRAGS CURED HKIt HEADACHE. Took a Half Dozen Powders ami Died In Half an Hour. FIGHTS CONFESSION Darrow Argues Against Admission of Adams' Confession Because It Was Obtained By Threats, Which Pink crton Thug Admits Thero has boon no northbound trains through Salem today, the tie up being caused by tho Corvallls lo cal going into tho ditch at Albany. All tho cars loft tho track and woro turned over, but no ono wbb hurt. Tho ouglno stuck to tho track. 1CAG0 STORE 'EOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Crowds That Daily Visit Our Store EST PROOF IN TIFE WORLD THAT THE CHICAGO STORE I TIIE 1'EOPLE THE nEST VALUES FOR THE LEAST I REMEMBER OUR MOTTO, 'THAT A QUICK DIME LAZY QUARTER " READ OX. WANT VALUES rd to beat on the Pn- lu LADIES rnATH MIMJXERY come to lo Store, I U Ladles 85.00 Trimmed now Ladles' now $0.00 Trimmed Hat 92.05 Hats $0.05 75c Rathdrum, Idaho, Nov 11. Wlion S. C. Thlolp, tho PInkorton dotootivo, called by tho stato In tho Stovo Adams caso this morning to iny tho foundation for tho introduction of Adams' confosslon, tho defenso ob jected on tho ground that corpitB de lect I was not yot pr.ovon, and second on tho ground that tho confession had boon secured by throata. Tho Jury was excused and Jnmos McPnr land, a PInkorton detective, nnd Wnr don Whltnoy, of tho ponltontlary, woro cros3-0.xnm.lncd by Darrow. Du i?clY Mrl'iirlitrid admitted that ho had cited pnB3agos of tho scrlpturo to AdaniB and had called attention to cases in which guilty men hud not been prosecuted after thoy had mado a clean breast of tholr crimes, Tho court ovorrulod tho first .objection, but nrgumonts on tho socond havo beon mndo. o BRADLEY TRIAL IS . POSTPONED (United Prots I.onsod Wlro.) Everett, Wash., Nov. 11. Mrs. Hattio Smith, 22 yoars ol ago, died at homo In Lowell at 1 o'clock yester day morning ns tho roBiilt of taking half n dozen hcadacho powders which contnlned ctrychnlno. Though hor parents say thoy know of rcfiBon why shQ should dcslro to end hor Ufa the coroner Is of tho opinion thnt tho young woman committed sulcldo. Mrs. Smith purchased a dozen pow ders at a drug storo and took six. Sho fainted and was carried homo dying about an hour later. For some time she had not 'boon living with her husband. REACHES ENGLAND Fog AVun So Deime (lie Crowd Could Not Sou Him, and Everything Was Dripping, Even the Royal Mustache Hanging Limp and Draggled. PORTLAND'S REGULAR MURDER ARRESTED TIIE GANG. i Three Men Who Attempted to Mur der John M. Renvoi in Jail.. (United Profis Leased Wlro.) London, Nov. 11. Tho arrival of tho Knlsor at 2 o'clock this after noon was moro like a funoral proccsr slon than tho landing of royalty. Tho Prlnco of Walos and Duko of Connuught, who woro at Portsmouth wharf tOfrclconwthO'Vloilars,. almost had to fool for tho Kaloor and con sort in tho donso fog which provnilod. Thero was not much choorlng bo causo tho crowd could not boo tho royal party alight. Wutor wub drlp- ( United Press Lcasotl Wire.)? Conconnully, AVobIi., Nov. II. Atu attempt was mndo to kill John M. Renuor, nt his homo near Anglin,. Wash., October 30, particulars of which havo Juot beon mado public- through tho nrront of tho ontlro gnng. 'engaged In tho attempted crime Dop-. K I FH RV HiQ USFFl"ty 8hor,rfB Mlirc Thomas and J. D. iILLLlS LM illO nil LI Hubbard on Wcdnosday ovonlug; .brought In George Smith nnd Al An- drus of Anglin, together with flvo- Mnd Cto a Russian, Shot By tt.lSSTJSn'Si'S Wife Sunday AftcrnoonStvo As ed. eh sl Peter th0 third party,. SCrtS It WaS SutCldC. But Il0.wtx" nrr08ttI n Saturday last. UMe CIia In hn Uirh Tho confo8B,on ot nil tho men lm-- UdS OnOl in mo UaCK pllcntod In tho affair, togothor with . - tho Btatomont of Mr. RoaBor hlmsolf, aro to tho offcot that RoaBor for (United Press Leased Wlro.) Bomo tlmo has boon tho object of tho Portland, Or., Nov. 11. MInon hatred of Smith, n nonr no'lghbor,. Qlnzo, a Russian wlno Balosman, who, who sunpoctod Roasor with holng ro enmo to thlB city a week ago from Bponslhlo for a sorlos of mutllntionn San Frnnclsco with his young w!fof nnd torturing of cattle in tho vi and little son, wns shot In tho uncle 'clnlty of Anglin. Wednesday morn nnd Instantly killed In tho rooniB oozing of last wcok Smith, In company cuplod by tho family at 220 Elovonth with St. Potor and Andrus, wont to street. Tho fatal shot was undoubt Jtho homo of Bonner and hiding lm odly fired by Mrs. Mary Ulazo, tho nomo plno clumpH nonrby, awaited man's wife, and was olono with him the rUIng of IiIb victim. Whon Re- at tho tlmo. They had boon quarrel- sor camo out Smith and St. Potor ling violently nonrly all day, nnd ,both flrod novoral shots, ono of thorn. twlco tho wlfo hnd called up tho po-Unking effect ncrnsH Rcauor's breast' llco station by tolophono snylng she, nnd produced a flesh wound. Tho wns afraid Qlazo would kill hor. Im- latter turnod nt tho first shot and ra'tir mediately boforo tho firing of tho Into tho Iioubo, and to his quick no Bhot loud wordB woro hoard by other tlon owes his llfo. occupants of tho house. I Tho confessions of tho men ahow- MrB. Glazo, who Is in tho St. Vln-'that tho ontlro schomo wns proposod cont hospital In a stato of nervour by Smith, and was plnnnqd In dotal! collapse, dnolaroa .thaj: hqr husband at mooting hold nUhlsiroHldgnco. ..l. t.l t . -J I num. iiiiunuii. j jhisi murium exam ination, howovor, shows tho bullet on torod hohlnd the loft shoulder hlndo, nnd tho man could not havo fired It. Absonco of powdor burns Indicates ,CoaU fron $1.05 ui from 0 nir au.ud III! $L5o. 85.no ea on J Uk "I V"tw 1 r" umu now 312.50 u Salts now $12.50 -V K1L- t... - . t-iucoais 93.75 Misses CoUono lints now Ladles' $2.25 Dress Shot. .$1.10 Ladles' 05c Wool Hoso 23c Wool Blankets $2.50, $3.50, $1.50 Cotton Blnukcts at any price. 73c Fancy AVool Drexs Goods yard -10c $1.50 Dress Goods, 51-inch, now yard 05c Ladles' 35o AVinter Underwear now 23c Ladles' AVool Underwear now 10c, 75c and 05e. 5000 yards of Outing Flannels In light ami dark shades, alo cream and white, yard, 3c, 5c, OJ4c, 8 l-3c, 10c. Boys' Suits, half what you liave to pay elsewhere. Remnants of Dress Goods, Half Prlco. AVo show the grandest stock of Silks in Salem and at the smallest prlcos. (United Press Lcasod Wlro.) AVnshlngton, Nov. 11. Aftor call ing tho nradley caso today and caus ing a list of wltnoBsoo to ho read, Justice Stafford this morning ad journed court until Wodnotduy morning, owing to tho death of Jus tlco McComns. Roforo lonving hor Portland ClearingHouse Scrip: TAKEN AT PAR FOR GROCERIES By J. M. Lawrence, TURNER BLOCK. Cor. Commercial and Ferry H M n H M n H M H M M M cell tho woman took n look at ping from everything, oven tho Kais- that tho shot was flrod from a dls- Brown's picture, which has boon be fore hor 11 months. Sho is scarcely moro than a wisp of n woman. Aftor a final contoronoo witn mo cuoiu, Judge Powers Bald: "This is not a fight for tho mothtr, but for tho children. Sho looks up on her own futuro as a blank. All hopo for hersolf died long ago." DELEGATES ARRIVING IN JUNEAU or's moustache ,was The fog prevented tho pagoaut arranged for. lnal plan was for tho drooping, tanco. gorgeous Tho orlg-Emporor McEVOY BROS. lCUh AS COURT STREETS, SALE31, OREGON. Juneau, Alaska, Nov. 11. Dele gates to the Republican territorial convention to ho hold here next Thursday are arriving. Today dsw gates reached here from Fairbanks, SeldovJa, Valdez, Cordovla, StwarJ and Haines' Mission. Leroy Tozler, of Fairbanks announces a perfsot or ganlzatlon between the seoond and third divisions. Tozler ?vs that Judg AVIcksr- sham is a candidate for delegate to the national convention. The senti ment for Cole as delegate to congress Ig growing and is now stronger than ever. o Mrs. M. McFarlane, of Leaven worth, Kansas, who has beon visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. D. DInsmore, for the past two yoars, left this morn Ine for her home. Sho was accom panied as far as Portland by MIsj Jeatle Mack, who is returning to her home In the metropolis after visiting her aunt, Mrs. DInsmore. and ompross to land oarly, and make tho occasion u grand festival. o BURIED ALIVE IN AMINE GUT HIS THROAT IN JAIL ARRANGED TO MOVE ALL GRAIN 5"- , (Unltod Press Lenscd Wlro.) Bpokano, AVnsh., Nov. 11. Ono hundred and fifty bankers from va rious pnrts of tho Inland Emplro mot nt Davenport's rratnurant Saturday under tho chairmanship of N. AV. Twohy. prosldont of tho Spokane Clonrlug iioubo Association, to dla- icusi the financial rolations of tha hnnks of the Northwest and dovlso I moans of moving tho $20,000,000 worth of whont remaining In theva,rt oub warohousos to tldo water. Aaron Kuhn, president of tho Trado on' National Bank, uubmlttod n plan for movng tho wheat orop, whlelr was adopted. The bunkers said that, thoy would he able to finance tho movement to ildownter of every fSuah ol of the Inlnnd Empire' grain, tltjis rolievlng the situation as fnr as tho Northwest Is concerned. Taoomn, AVaah., Nov. 11. Whll mono in mo puynliup city Jail, a man supposed to be John Kellsy this. I morning out his throat almost from (United Prosj Leased AVIre.) oar to oar with a pocket knife, which Mahoney Olty, Pa., Nov. 11. the officer had failed to take from Alive and unhurt, hut In darkness him at the tlmo of tho arrest. Kelly, that will never be lifted, Michael Mc- who was suffering from delirium Csue, a miner, Is awaiting certain tromons, was arrested yesterday death by starVstlon S00 feet below about 2 o'clock In the afternoon and the surface of the earth In the placed In the city lock-up. He was Draper colliery near here, In a terrible mental stato, and wr "While McGsbe was at work yester- closely watched all day and night, day he flrod u blast that blew away This morning at J): 30 the man was one of tho mine pillars, and, fleeing 'apparently feeling better, nnd tho of in the wrong direction, got into a fleer left tho Jail, returning about an blind shaft. A fellow workman hour later, only to find that tho prls- masa?ed to get out before tho roof oner had out his throat. oaved. Tho floor was fioodod with blood, The mine breaoh oxtMnds to the but Kelly was still alive, and wa3 surface, where It yawns CO foot wide, hurrlod to a doctor's offlco, where an right in front of McCabe's home, effort was mado to close up the where his wife and six children vainly hope for his rescuo. It may be a yoar before it will bo possible to roaoh the place where tho man Is shut up. There is no communication with him. o Wunted airl for general house work; good wages. Permanent place. Call forenoons. Mrs C H Hinges, ll-ll-3t wound. Previous to tho attompt at suicide Kelloy had shown no Inclination to do hlmsolf harm, hut tho Puyallup officers, believing that tho man was batty, hod sent word to Shoriff Mor ris to send a deputy to bring tho sufferer to tho county Jail. Beforo Morris could get a man startod word was received thpt Kelley had cut his throat, ionic ball SWITCHMEN DEMAND MORE PAY" (United Pross I.onsod AVIre.) Chicago. Nov. 11. Twunt-flvs thomaad members of the iw-Uoh-men's Union of North America, to day demanded an lncroiuo of six cents an hour, whloh whs nrotnlod them recently by tho roads. Their domand was submitted today ut a mooting, attended by eommltUos rep rosentlng, bosldos the switchmen, the Ordor of Railway Telegraphers, oativ slstlng of 30.000 mombors, and tho freight handlers, consisting of 45, 000 members, who doolare tho two organizations would not ho satisfied unions tho swltchmon woro granted the increaso. Thoro Is talk of the- swltchmon striking. W. M. Frost, C. L. Davs, F. W. Loyner, S. Holmroth, C. F. Young and Joe Rudolph, after an over-Sunday visit at their homos in this city, loft this morning for Gorvals. whore they aro engaged In buildlug the Ma - -4