DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER &, 1007. 9 flVO fAMOUS TRIALS .1 tmm nngo one.) b .M..Mnncu - - .m lWu"?ZfrrXZrZZiU nt lor uu -v.. . .. ..neolnntlnn ri-"-lr'f- - . nr rii iv inn in enr!lH,;,; and ono that Uon sun " ,. mlmllJ likely t0 . .r..otrinnn. rocnrd- majorltj or . . the aecisiuu - ----- o inb. .... i , cnllt or ln- . Tt..mn.l waB determined ence oi --- .,.nna nn t!ul ,tf hv economic uii" . c" "' nnnonents or rowers Sy divided by partisan lines. Iarge'v..i Pnwnra has had to ivo iinywouu, ilKO ' . ,, i.. tntrnl mil. 'g!l of a state, .the legislature 2? appropriated 1100,000 for 'Iposo of prosecution prior to : 1 ..i.i. Like Haywood, Pow- Ibai bad the financial assistance t'admlrcrs all over me count. , , u bands of dollars navu u l-u.-; .. . rnffora of tho dofenso by Oilcans in all parts of tho Unl- t states. Drndlcy to Re Tried for Life. rashlngton, Nov. 9. wuiin a i- , erlm red brick Jail nt LhMKton, a llttlo frail, brown-eyod nan Bits with clapseu nanus mm ing eyes, awaiting with stoic ior- 9o tho Boverest orueai mat cuu-u . . -.An.1 i-ntlrlntT WO 111(111. fe to a run"-" " D Monday, unless another delay is ntcd, Mrs. Anna Brndloy win oo d on trial for tho muruor oi tlnltcd States Senator Arinur rn of T'tnh, who wnB Blaln in a i here last wlntor. Drown woh I. Bradley's lovor, and, sho says, t,or nf hor clitiurcu. ror four months before ho was shot down nt tho Hotel Rnlolgh in this city, Senator Brown specifically de nied the paternity of Mrs. Bradley's children. I do not Rive or devlsn nr ho. quealh anything to any of tho chil dren of Mrs. Anna M. Bradley" is tho language of the will. "I do not think either or any child born to Mrs. Anna M. Bradley is or are mine, but whothor such child or children la or not I expressly provldo that neither or any of them shall recolve anything from my estate. I have never mar ried Anna M. Bradley and never in tend to. If sho should pretend thht any such relation ever existed be tween us to Justify such interference, I direct my oxecutor to contoat any clatmB of any kind thnt sho may pre sent and I direct that sho receive nothing from my estate." Mr. Brown bequeathed all his property, valued at about $75,000, to his two children, by the first and Becond wtfo, Alice Brown and Max Brown. "Mr. Brown was a coward," says Mrs. Brndloy. "Ho was afraid of his chlldron, Max and Annie. Thoy did not want him to maijry mo because thoy did not want to Bhnro tho fam ily property with my chlldron. Ar thur Brown listened, and wavered und 'promised, and ovndod. Now ho is dead. We had no quarrel. Thrco weeks boforo Arthur's death wo nto our Thanksgiving dinner happily to gether. Then wo walked up Main street, to Third street, and thoro, on tho moBt crowded thoroughfnro of tho city, ho took mo In his arms and kissed mo. Whon I expostulated, ho exclaimed, 'All tho world knowB I lovo you. You're tho only woman In CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOX ftALS For Sale 100 acres, 3 miles from saiem u acres in cultivation, imi anco in timber and pasture; C room. house, hard-finished, good barn and out buildings, flno or chard; quantity of choice varieties of fruit. Ono Roya! Ann cherry treo brought tho owner $48.20 this year; flno Btrcam of mountain wator running through place. Price $80 per acre. Enqulro of tho Salem Land" Co., 484 Court street. 11-5-lwk For Sale Now 8-room house, hard finish, good barn, 1 lots, fruit trees in bearing and nlco lawn. Price $1800. Enqulro of Salem Land Co., 484 Court Btreot, 11-5-lwk For Sale Burbank potatoes, by Au gust Schunello, Nebraska avenue, corner of 21st street, or R. F. D. No. 7. ll-7-3f For Side One-year-old "Mammoth'1 blackberry plants. Ton cents npioco, or $1 por dozon. Addross Box 415, Salem, Or. 10-24-tt For Snlo A now Edison Home Phonograph $00 outfit for $40. Apply to W. H. Squtro, West Sa eom. 10-12-tf LODGES. Carpenters Union, No. 1005, Car- . . pentcrs of America. Local union meota overy Saturday night, at Union Hall, 420 Stato street. Geo. S. Welch, President, A. W. Don nls, Rec. Sec. 11-8-tt Foresters of America Court Sher wood Forostoro, No. 19. MeoU Wednesday in Hurst hall, Stato Btreot. Lo oAbbe, O. R.; J. O. Perry, financial Bocrotary. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hnll In Holman block, cor ner State and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each-week at 7:30 p. m. Oscar Johnson, C. C; E. H. Anderson, K. of R. and S. A- Modern Woodmen of Amorlca Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Mceiti ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock in Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; P. A. Tumor, clerk. rather oi "u""' --, h worW x ovop ,OVC(1 Dollyth0 nf refusals to marry her, as ho ,irnto . nmmiupd. rendored tho llttlo nan temporarily lusnno, doclnro nradley's frlonds, and cnusod f to commit tho rash deed which d tho llfo of tho man alio loved all her woman's heart. renaratlons for tho trial of Mrs. Idlcy havo about been complotod I both tho United Stntos attorneys tho counsol for tho defense nro cried to bo In roadlnoss to pro- leveral witnesses from tho west he brought horo nt tho oxponse Iho government to glvo .testimony cthe defense. Among tnoso nru ce II. M. Hcntlorson of Salt Lake k Dr. "E. W. Witney of Salt Lake r, Mrs. J. F. Swasoy of Snn Frnn- and the Rev. Dnvld Uttor of Irtr, Br, nrndley Is said to have re ared from tho effect of hor recent tH&nd has takon n doop lntorost tthe preparations for hor trial 1 his drc'arcsl that sho wnnts no Pr-Mred mn on 'the Jury, nnd I a eur.'nu colncldont thnt tho se who -will presldo at tho trial (curly lmlr. as has also tho clork pse duv It will beto rocord tho Ceding he regular panel of Jurors sorv Jn criminal court No. 1 will first examined ns posslblo Jurbrs in Bradlev enso. Tho panol In- es flvo grocers, four morchnnts, ! clerks, two Insurance nconts. a ikmaker, a harbor, a bartondor, u Icle dealer, an Ico doalor, a bnkor, loner, a publisher, n musician, a er and a real ostato man. Prom this panel, and posslblo oth- Mimllar, la to bo secured a Jury will Judgo this frail llttlo pan. and which, sho hopes, will e up to her Ideal, thus exprss- II hould like my Jury to bo made oi men who have loved women MPS I shou'd say who havo loved woman deeply and truly men are capable of understanding ho no passion.' I should like them N men of good education and of Pi tastes, i Bhoniii UkA in lmvfl ry of men who know nnd lovo tho Who llllllnrotnnrt orf nnA rohn ah that Is beautiful nnd noble Ife." n of the most Important wit ' fr tir defense will probably '" pv David Utter, pastor of y churrh, Denver. Ho was a IQ an ro-wnrUni A T TtrnA- ind a, ..lso Intimately acqualnt lh R-nator Brown's family. tttfr U enlfl in W nn.oJ in t a4 his opinion that Mrs. Brad. pas Insano when nhn kllle1 D atlrj that nron lio o Invu ?e Hah senator wnn In Itself a N rf inanity. a npriew the Rev. Uttor ""s Bradlev was n woman fu well be proud to call d. I Mor.t . ... . . . . - ".4ivti. nur ror wnat sne for man -i, i . - ... out3 nuew was oaa ai near nut i i i not of goodnesB or badness, ur cruelty, and whether the L Of her lnr , .-. Mrer. th . . ., oterlooks this and cares rwc nut that she lias tho Ft UOlrn For Sale Good houso and bnrn, new, 25 acres all under cultivation borrlos, prunes and all kinds of fruit, flvo miles from Salem, $3500 This includes C cows, 2 horsos.har- nnnn 1 tionvv wnirnn. nnrlnir wncon 200 chickens and othor farming ncccBsltlos. Enqulro 492 Stato Btreot. 0-23-tf HOTELS. 4-i-i-n iimilnimiiiiiiu The I WhRe House Restaurant For a Regular T25cDQiincrat20c J Thoy can't bo beat McGikhrist & Son Proprietors. 11 4 IIIIIHIIIMIIIHIHH Woodmen of World Moot ovory Frl day night at 7:30, In Holman hall, L. E. Ponnoll, C. C; P. L. Fras ir, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. -Sick, accl dont and pension Insurance; $2, 000,000 plodgrd; ovory claim paid Good ngonta wanted. J. II. O. Mongomory, aupromo organizer, i Boz432 Salem, Oregon. R. R Rynn, socrotary, 646 Stato ntrt 4iii in ii'i't t 't m m 1 1 1 1 h ' I ELITE HOTEL J "V Restaurant and notoi, on European plan. Meals at all hours on short order. Regular dinner 35 cents. Thirty new ly finished furnlshod rooms. E. EOKERLEN, Trop. J 148 Commercial St. 1 niii t-jj i iiiiHiiniini tiolee ' man lonly woman I could over tolornte.' Ho hnd promised .that wo would bo married last Now Year's day. Thon something mado him chnngo his mind, and then enmo tho end. Wo cannot always bo Bolf-controllod. Tho wlBest nro raBh somotlmes. I had loved him bo much. I had boon so true, I was tho mothor of his chlldron, but I know ho wanted to enst mo off. My ono thought wnA nnd always haB boon to put my chll dron right boforo tho world. Ho hnd tried to dony that tho chlldron were his. I havo proof that they woro. I think only of my poor llttlo chll dron. For myself, 1 am not nfrnld. If thero Is a God, Ho understands." Tho proof of tho pntornlty of hor children Mrs. Brndloy will nttompt to furnish by mcaiiB of lovo letters wrltton hor by Senator Brown. Tho lot torn nro nrdont In charnctor and refer frequently to tho chlldron whom Brown disowned In his will. Among them Is tho following expression of devotion to tho womnn ho hnd wrengsd: "Dolly M., my own doar wlfo. Novor woro you so nonr nnU doar an now Tnko goon enro or iiiuo Arthur Brown. Ho Is your sijiclnl enro. Teach him, havo him loan hi, lottors. Koop at him until ho hiu tho wit and brilliancy of his mothor Ho Is your chnrgo. You romombor tho quotntlon, 'Your blood with mlna comlngled, yot shall mount tho throno of kings." My lovo, my llttlo woopy, I am today more dotormlnod than ovor that wo shall bo boforo thu world what wo aro to each othur. You nro tho ono nbovo all others who governs and controls mo. I lovo you, I lovo you. Oh, how I want to hold yoii In my oarms forever. "ARTHUR." In another lottor Senator Brown wrete: "I think only of tho duty I owe you, of the wrong I havo dono you and yours. I feel guilty that I nm not always by your side, projecting you from insult and from Injury, but If not thero in body I will always bo thoro In spirit. I can not qulto ton you how dearly and devoted I lovo you. I need you every hour to help to cheer you up and to hold you in my embrace. You aro my own doar wlfo; mine by a truo lovo vour divine gift. I will try to protect you, to deserve you and wlli always bo your own Arthur." Amonir tho ImpasBlonated utter ances cojitainod in othor lotters writ- ten by senator urown to mru. mu ley woro the follewing: "I lovo you In tho truest, best sonse a man can lovo a woman, not alone for tho passion .that Is bo warm between us, but In a higher and truer way. I lovo to be near you, to hear you, to bo close to you." "How I wish you and I and our boy wore in a houso of our own," lov ing each other as wo will In the future. Kiss tho boy and know that I am loving you nnd have you ever in ray mind and heart." o Can you afford to trifle with so sArioim a matter .as to naglect a bad cold or cough, when for a trifling amount you can Becuro a bottio or. 'Hickory Bark Cough liemeay, that Is guaranteed to euro or money refunded. Price 25c, 6Qc and iJ.ou per bottio. For sale by deajera er-erywfcere. IMonns nnd Organs Tuned nnd ro- nalrcd. All work guarantood. O. C. Bost, 174 South Cottago Btroot.. Phono 729 or leavo ordors nt Geo. C. Will's music atoro. . 11-4-tf DRAYMTRN. Cummins Bros,' Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work done. Furnlturo and pianos boxed ready for shipment. Prompt oorvlco Ji our motto. Stand and offlco at 253 South t Commercial street. Phono 210. Residence Phono 908. J 83d COURT 8TIUSET. X Call &nd try tkMB. Km1 S 15c Board per WMk $3.7G, algo furnished aen rery reasonable. AT THU Salem Restaurant MEALS i5c For Sale 5-ncro tract; good houso, and bnrn, well Improved; ono mllo nnd n half from city limits; price $1000. Ovor ono ncro of lognnbor rloa; good orchard. Address Chas. Storllng, Salem, Route No.' 0. 11-4-lw Violins Hnnd-mndo violins for Balo on ton dnyH' trial, at my shop ovor Porry'B drug store. M. S. Fuller. 11-4-lm For Sale Two colts, ono ono yenr old and ono four yoars old. Ono 4Vi-inch Mltcholl wagon. E. A. Aufranco, Routo No. 0, Salem. 11-4-lwk PLUMRER8. Theo. M. nnrr Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning. 104 Commercial stroot. Phono Main 102. 0-1-lyr M. J. Pctzcl Plumbing, atoam nnd gns fitting. Succossor to. Knox & Murphy, 220 Commercial atroot, Prono Mnln 17. FOR RENT S"toi.'V Fiirnlsltetl Flats for light houso kooplng; aulto of rooms, alBO sin gle rooms with board. All mod ern convonloncos, 298 North Cap ital stroot. Phono 1280. 11-4-lw FOUND. Found Small hand grip containing bandages, quart bottio of Hnlmont nnd othor football suppllos. Own er can hnvo same by calling at Journal offlco and paying for this notice. ll-5-5t To Rent. Flvo room flat, ovor Fnr- rluRton & Vnn Patton's market. Inquire of Stoinar te Borgor, 188 South Liberty stroet. u-zi-u Stock Rnnch for Rent About 300 acres, in good location. btocK can bo bough, outright or tnkon on shares. Apply at county troaa uror's offlco in. Salem. 9-23-tf HoteJ St. Philip Fourth nnd Fifth nnd Bamsldc Streets, Portland, Oregon. Now fireproof European Hotol. Steam heat. Modern convonloncos. Ratos $1.00 por day and up. Union depot car will land you at tho door. H. PIERCE, Prop, MISCELLANEOUS. Dressmaking And plain sowing dono at roasonnblo prices. Inqulro upstairs room No. 1, W. O. T, U. building. ll-7-3f Vogct Lumber nnd Fuel Co. Lum ber .Bhlnglos, building matorinl, wood and coal. Low price nnd prompt dollvorlos., Ono block oast of S, P. paasotc dopot. Phono 108. 7-2-tf TORRID ZONE FUNARCE To Whom It May Concern. Notice Is herdby given that com plaint haB boon mado to tho liealtk offlcor of tho board of health of th city of Salem, Oregon, that tho saal- tary InwB of tho city and of tfca stato of Oregon nro being vlolatei by many rosldonts of tho city who aro maintaining closots ovor running streams of wnter and polluting th oamo. or nro maintaining closota la such filthy condition as to bo nuis ances, nro maintaining manure plies. rofuso and decaying veptablo and animal matter In such condition as to bo nuisances, and that such nuis- ancos exist In closo proximity to woll, tho wnter from which lo used for drinking and domestic purpoea. Such conditions, if thoy exist la tho city of Salem, aro a monaoo to tho health of all porsons living aloas Buoh streams, or using wator from Buch wells, and aro Uablo to bo the occasion of an opldomlc of disease at any time. AH roBldonts of tho city of Salem aro horoby notified that on Docember 1, 1907, all pollution of stroams of wnter flowing through tho city, whothor such pollution bo caused from tho ubo of closoto built over such Blreamo or otherwise, must ceaso, and that nil closots and toilet rooms which nro not connoctcd witu nowora or Bontlc tankB niUBt bo thor oughly cleaned and put In a whole- somo condition, and miiHt bo to placed nnd constructed that there will bq no dangor of tho. pollution of any wntor unod for drinking or domestic purposes. ContaglotiB disenso, nnd birth ana donths occurlng In tho city nro not always ronortod to tho hoalth oM- cor as roqulrod by law, and tho fact that contagious dlsoaBOB oxlst In the city Is Bomotlmos concealed from the hoalth offlcor. Any person conceal ing matters which nliould bo roported to tho hoalth offlcor Ib llnblo to the penalty provided by law. Thtu notico glvos nmplo tlmo for all porsons to nrrnngo for n full com pliance with all Btnto and city iaw on tho subjects horoln mentioned. W. CARLTON SMITH, Health Offlcor of tho Board of Health of tho City of Salem, Orogon. ll-4-5t. . Coiicrcto Work. Got my prices on BtdownlkB, curbs, scptlo tanks and comont work of any kind. All work guaranteed flrst-clnBS. M. Ward, Highland add. Phono 609. 8-11-tf LIVEUY AND FEED BTABLE3. Livery and Food BtnWcs Old Post offlco Stables, at 254 Ferry Btreet, between Commercial and Front streets. Tolophono 188. Somo of the finest liveries in tho city can bo found horo. Dick Westacott, proprietor. 10-1-lyr WANTED. Wnnted At onco. bell boy at Wil lamette Hotel. 10-5-U Wnnted Two boyB. Permanent po sition, and good wages. Apply at Chlcaeo Store. 10-11,-tt Wanted Dining room girl at Salem Hotel. ji-b-.iv- Wnntcd Girl to do housowork. Call at 50C, cornor or uommeroiai and Marlon stroots. Phono 1299. ll-8-3t LOST. rt Gold slide from fob cnain, bearing Initials "F. K. u.r Initials aro about 1 Inohes long. Finder will bo suitably rewarded by leaving same at this office. 11-8-31 SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. Frank M. Brewa Manufacturer oi sash, doors, mouldings. All klnflJ of houso finish and hard woo .nrv wmnt street, between State and Court. Make " comptatoto Dutto & Wendcroth Fine wlnos, liquors and cigars. Wo handlo tho colobratod Kollog gand Caatlo whiskies. Cool and refreshing boor constantly on draught. South Commercial stroet. 9-3-lyr Enlarged Our meat market on East Stato stroet has been doubled In sice and wo aro bottor proparod than ovor to servo customers. Prompt oorvlco and tho boat of meats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop. We Aro Cash Purchasers Of poul try, eggs, and all kinds of farm produco. Berry crates made up in unlimited quantities. Capital Commission Co., 207 South Com mercial Btreot, Salem. Phono Main 179. Tho nbovo cue roprosonts our brick lined Torrid Zono Furnaco. Guaranteed gas, smoko and dust proof. Economlcnl and durable, A. L. FRASER 2B8 STATE STREET. Estlmatos furnlshod on heating Notice All punched tickets out for Dread from tne nomo canary, print od Jn tho namo of Browning & Son, tho formor proprietors will not bo rosponsiblo for. 1 1-1-1 w PROFESSIONAL. G. V. Ellis, M. D. Physician and surgeon. Telephone 307 Main. Ofilqps, 646 State street, opposite court house, 8alem, Or. Residence Phono 318 Main, 8-13- lino j Dr. Mary Lane With tho Mary Lane Medical and Surgical Insti tute of Portland, treats dlsbasoa of women and children exclusive ly Maternity cases given special attention. Children adopted into good families. An up-to-dato san itarium run In eonnectlon. Suf fering women will do well to coa fer wtfi her. Consultation free. Correspondence absolutely conft denUal. Address Mary Lane In stitute, rooMa 6 to 14 Grand The tre building, Porttaad, Or, SALEM BRICK YARD A. A. nURTON. Prop. Brick always on band, In car loU or otherwiio. Pressed brick made to order. Yard on Stato stroot, uoutd of pentltontlary. -7-1-tf. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any othf bread, yet tho price Is no higher For sale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA HAXKR. Thomas k Cooley. ProDs. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Wo nro a now firm nnd wo hnva como to Btny. Our uniform method of damp- oning, dono by nn expert damp ouor, Insures a beautiful finish. Spoclul effort will bo made by ub to plonso our customers, Lnundry called for and do llvorod. v Phono ordors given prompt attontlon. PHONE 105. SALEM WATER COMPANY i OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advance. UAn.lWMAWFKMHHMlE JMUWUVUUI PILLS. A dn, (inn. Kui fcf Ktnxmta ttmmvn, HIVIK 0W 70 fAH. tU IW.I lvn, Huu. I.' (ihumjmI t Mmm; HUtiuiiUi, fWal wtii14 b4 iWm m4 jw miui I U UWITIO MtOICAt CO.. Q T4. lAHOAtytn, Pa. I 5W I Safew by Dr. S, C. Shut tr-t JL SMWl ftu f j& f ViM W HsW l lMMa' HUILDING A HOUSH Wo can supply you with the lum ber you need at the price that will materially economise, la the coet. Just come and seo us and look over our yards. GOODALX LUWRKK CO., YiurAe Nr Dfe. HOLLISTrn'k Ricky Mountain Tia Nwflgitt A Bur Mtdialn for Ilaty Fopl. BHagi Qol4a Ilulih h1 EMtvtd Vlfw. sp-clllo lorCoutirwlloa, IdiIIaiUoo. IJwA nd KUtnor Troubles, l'dufUei. Kcienia, Impufv" Wood VmI Uroatlli. HIuktwaI llowtU, HJttlrt ad Uackachv. 'f Rocky H.vinulu 'ten lo Ub lt totm. 3i oni a x. iIaquiii mUu hy Kuiiin Para Coxrtsr, liilUi. 'U- ". msci XUS8STI .f:h saivsv vaot i H. written Anguat 24, Xru$ u.. 4Jwjsv at tkt oce. KasSmtm iB 4F sn rg