Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 07, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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atiitfrlMli Heiress Who Mought Illin
"Discovered lib Hnd No Title, But
ttat llio Government Had Hon
ored mm With a, Position in Uie
PeJtentinry Reforc Sho Got Him.
'OJnitod Pross Leased Wire.)
Naples, Italy, Nov. 7. Countess
Y)l CfiBtolmonardo, who was Miss
Etlltli Van Duron, of New York, has
''obtdlneO St legal separation from her
"$niBb"nrtd. TTlio beautiful countess ap
'lichrDol in the court of appeals hero
"anil Idst'Ifled to her husband's cruel
ty and rttpaclty.
"It "became known publicly for' tho
ilrtt Hlirio that tho count's titlo was
Tfaoftns "when alio married him In Nice
'soVen years ugo. His American Wife,
'tt "proVont flcandal, spent $4000 to
'frith "tho count a cortaln legal right
ffo tho uamo ho had appropriated.
'Bad "wlio was known to he, tho coun
' 'toss "received n frightful shock when
tho tjMet of pollco of Naples tosU
"flod that tho man with whom sho
matbl "has undorgono penal servi
tude, hnd who la Btlll subject to po
lice Burvolllnnco. Tho count, aware
that thb chief of pollco was to testl-1
1y, did not dofond tho suit for sepa
ration. Tho Countoss Dl Castolmonardo !o
'tho groat grand nloco of President,
Vun Duron.
Put Out tho Red Light.
tUhrtcd Pross LcaBod Wlro.)
Now WoHlmlnBtor, B, C, Nov. 7.
-At n mooting of tho pollco commls
' doners yesterday It was unnnlmoua-
ly ngroed that ordors would bo given
to tho pollco to clean out tho red
light district aftor tho ond of tho
year, "when tho edict will go In force.
" Tho 'women will not bo permitted to
' 'lake tip their rosldonco In any other
-district within tho city limits.
Helen Mhloncy-Osbonic, Who Skip
ped With nn English Dude, Re
turns to Her Husband. Who Wel
comes Her and Her Dough, Doth
Tainted Rut Good.
(United Pross Leased Wlro.)
Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 7. Arthur
Herbert Osborne, whoso romantic
marrlago to Hclon Maloney became
known recently, whon sho was nl
logod to have eloped with Samuol
Clarkson, a young Englishman, wda
n guest In tho Maloney homo last
night. Thoro ho mot his wlfo, from
whom ho parted Boon after their mar
rlago on October 28, 1005.
It Is stated on good authority that
theso two will bo rc-marrled by a
Roman Catholic priest as soon as n
dispensation Is secured, Osborno not
having yet become a CathoUc. Holon
Maloney arrived at tho Maloney
houso Tuesday.
Although all porsons concerned
malntln a policy of allonco It is as
sorted that members of tho lmmedl-
ato family of Martin Maloney as
sembled horo to nrrango an adjust
ment of tho affairs centered around
tho marriage of Hclon to Osborne,
Tlille Guarantee & Trust Co. Hn
90000 on Hand to Meet Deposits
of Nearly Two Millions A Fine
Example of Hysterical Finance.
"?ill Health Causes Secretary to Make
Arraugomnita for nothing From
Pulllo Life WW Probably Retlro
'Wlth tho Your.
(United Pross Lonsod Wlro.)
Washington, Nov. 7. Sooratnry
Root's rotlrumont from tho Cabinet
In onuo more reported, this tlmo on
good authority. Ill hoalth U tho
ronuon atwlgnod. Tho saor'otury la
miHorlng from both norvous and ill-
'robUvo trouhloa. Mr. Itoot wants
not uuly to io tiro from public lift.
but to tako a long rout, froo from
"business uaro of any sort
O '
(United Press Leasod Wlro.)
Reno, Nov., Nov. 7. V. h. Kline,
proprietor of tho largest Jowolry
Htoro In aeMftold, wuh shot through
tho hoad, while robbing tho Goldflold
ruductlau works lust night of $3000
"worth of amalgam. Kllno wus dis
guised as a negro. Wbn companion
vms followed by a posse, and Is re
ported to Imvo boon shot. Kllno U
dylug. Ho robbed tho Gardnor mill
last weok,
J livery Month in the Year I
Brings Its curront bills. Ono
way to piy them Is to go from
place to place, carrying tho
monoy with you, at tho risk of
Ioru id tho chance of over
looking the taking of a receipt,
and hating porno of It to pay
ovor again. Tho convenient bust
nons-llko way Is to pay all bills
by check, no mattor how small. I
A plutfc Is tho best focoipt you f
one imvo. raying out monoy
In tWa way Insures correctness
and glros you a complete) rec
ord of all monoy paid out.
Opon u Chocking Account With
T - Salem, Oregon
(United Pross Loasod Wlro.)
San Quontln Prison, Cal Nov. 7.
A. J. Grill, a Sononm county mur-
doror, wbb hangod horo at 11 o'clock
this morning. , Tho condemned man
was on tho verge of collapso whon
tho trap was sprung, and had tho ex
ecution been dolayod n few moments
It would Imvo boon nocossnry 'to
hold him up. Ho maintained his In
noconco to tho Inst.
Grill was pronounced dead 11
minutes nftor tho drop roll.
Tho crlmo for which Grill wan ex
ecuted was tho inurdor of W. S.
Ponrco In hla cabin on n lonoly ranch
In Aloxaudor vnlloy, In Northorn So
noma county In July, 190G.
Grill was found guilty of murder
with sontonco .of llfo Imprlsonmont
at tho nrst trial, but appealed and
Hoourod a now trial from tho su
premo court. The second trial result
ed In a vordlot with the doath ponnl
ty, and a second appeal provod fruit
loss. Tho ovldonco at tho trials of the
oaso wont to show that Grill was In
lovo with tho IR-yoar-old dnughtor
of Poarco, and, bollovlng Bho, was
not treated right by hor fathor, ho
shot him In tho back as ho lay asleep,
robbod him of what monoy ho had,
and taking tho girl wont to Goysor
vlllo, whoro ho used tho monoy In
purchasing woarlng apparel for hor.
Tho girl hoard tho shot flrod, and
whon sho nskod hint what ho
had shot, ho said that ho hal
killed a skunk. Grill claimed that
tho gun wont off accidentally as ho
entered tho room, nnd that ho did
not known Pearso had boon struck
until he had beon nrrostod.
(United PresB Leasdd Wire.)
Portland, Or., Nov 7. Tho Title
Guarantee & Trust Company, of Port
land, wont into tho Harids of a re
ceiver lato yesterday afternoon, on
tho order of tho federal fcourt, a vic
tim of hysterical finance. Hugo
loans, mado on uncertain real estate
speculations, promoted , by Lafe
Ponce, running up to $225,000, nnd
realty Investments to $175,000 and
heavy plunges Into Irrigation pro
jects In Eastern Oregon, equaling
$500,000 In loans, and tho accumu
lation of thousands of dollars' worth
of lnconvortnblo securities, whoso
valuo has not yot boon thoroughly
established, wcro tho determining
factors in tho Trust company's fail
ure. At the tlmo of tho receivership
tho Institution had ,$9000 of cash In
Its vaults and $9000 In othor banks.
Against this was tho potential right
of demand on tho part of C700 de
positors of $1,800,000.
Tho Btato's doposlts of $395,000 Is
amply Bccured by $C00,000 Buroty
In a stntcment this morning J.
Thornburn Ross, prosldont, states
that ho bollovcs tho greater part of
tho trust company's nssots will ylold
a cash valuation up to tho hank's
estimate if given tlmo to market
tholr property.
Two-Ycnr-Old Bon of ISlmer CliaHC,
a Los Angeles Electric Operator,
Touches Wiro nnd Receives Ten
Thousand Volts, Killing Him In
stantly. ,j
(United Press Leased Wlro.)
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 7. Ton
thousand volts of electricity Instant
ly electrocuted Philip ChnBO, tho 2-year-old
son of Blmor Chaso, opera
tor at tho Edison electric sub-station
In Ing4owood, lato Wodncsdny. Mra.
Chaso In prostrated ovor tho nccl
dont, and Is In a critical stato. Chaso
took the llttlo follow to tho Bub-sta-tlon
with him for tho afternoon, and
felt perfectly safo In permitting him
to play about tho lloor, as nil tho
dnngorous machlnory Is fenced off.
Chaso was called outsldo tho bull 1
Ing for n moment, nnd Just as ho
started to return tho grent nutomatlc
cut-off switches that opon in caso of
a short circuit wont out with a roar.
With a cry of foar ho dashed Into tho
building, nnd found that Philip had
crawled ovor tho fonco surrounding
tho main switchboard. Thoro, with
his hands still holding onto tho groat
coppor sockets of tho principal switch
which controls ft current of 10,000
volts, his fathor found Philip dead.
Tho Bhort circuit brought nil tho
whcols of tho groat system to a Btop
for 15 minutes.
Tho Now Coins Will No Um.
Renr tho Motto "In God We Tist"
Mint Onicers Sny Thoy Are Only
Obeying the Orders of tho Prcsl.
(United Press Leased Wlro.)
Washington, Nov. 7.- In connec
tion wltli tho omlBsIon of tho words
"In God Wo Trust" from tho $in
gold pleco, first to bo minted of tho
now coins designated by tho late Au
gustus Gaudons, undor tho general
dlroctlon of Prosldont Roosovolt, It
is Bam that those words will bo left
off United States monoy of all de
nominations, according to tho deslga
approved by tho Prosldont.
lb could not bo learned definitely
at tho treasury department who was
responsible for tho omlBBlon of the
words "In God Wo Trust," but it j
understood that tho department offl-
cors havo hnd nothing to do with tho
chnngo in coin designs, oxcopt to car
ry out tho ordors of tho President,
(Unltod Pross Lonsod Wlro.)
Toklo, Nov. 7. Tho St. Louis baso
ball toam from Honolulu today de
feated tho Wanoda University toam
by a scoro of 2 to 0. Another groat
crowd witnessed tho gamo and In-
tenia onthuslnsm wns dlsplayad. Tho
Wfueda- team visited tho United
Status some years ago.
Creditors Aro Sore.
Portland, Or., Nov. 7. Angry at
tho nppolntmont ns rccolvor of Geo
II. Hill, n former o Ulcer of tho do
funct Title Gdnrantoo & TriiBt Com
pany, which failed lato j'ostcrdny nf
ternoon, nnd nsHortlng thnt they wore
doprlvcd of n largo part of tholr prop
orty whon tho falling bank assigned
vnluablo collateral to tho stato to
Bocuro Its doposlts, n faction
of tho creditors of tho trust
company aro planning to hold n
mooting nnd to formulnto plans to
fight for n now rocelvor.
c '
Railroad Has Money.
(United Pross Leased Wlro.)
Olympla, Wash., Nov. 7. Tho Or
egon Railroad & Navigation Com
pany's not Incomo for tho year end
ing Juno 30, 1907, was $5,793,781,
or moro than 10 por cent of tho to
tal cost of tho road to dato with
oqulpmont and permanent Improve
ments, nccordlng to tho annual re
port of tho company filed with tho
state railway commission.
(United Pross Lonsod Wlro.)
Chicago, Nov. 7. Ofllclal notlco
that tho telographors' strlko Is end
ed will bo sont out snmo tlmo todny
All strlkors nro bolng told that thoy
can roturn to work without disobey
ing union rules.
Tho duration of tho strlko was 89
days, and tho totnl numbor of opera
tors Involved was 15,000, 1500 do
sertod, 5000 socurod positions In
othor Holds, and 7000 positions ro
main to be filled, Tho estimated loss
In wages to tho telegraphers was $2,
250,000, and tho loss to tho compan
ies $5,000,000.
(Unltod Pross L'onsod Wlro.)
Washington, Nov. 7. Flvo thou
sand porsons woro klllod and 70,280
Injurod In railroad accidents In tho
(Iscnl year ondod Juno 30, last, ac
cording to figure publlshod todny
by tho Intorstnto Commorco Commis
slon. This Is nn Inoronso of 775 In
doaths ovor last yoar, ' and nn in
oronso of 9577 In tho number Injurod.
Oakland ..
""Beay at th -
taking ..3 Ml
,.: Vin Be
thn.i "!,.w,ia.
nn lnu . '"Ml
r n " ' W6r m
--".u mo eye.
i-.l Slxlha
FotfU O
(United Press uj
m:" ,u,.?"r'.THN
French poodle tor t(
ivuie King, o( rii
lms found her pet la B:
nomo of a Mrx. Cohea. i
Cohen were rlilted htEi
ono was located, mii Wi
Flora Is the pcp'i u
several yean she I14 i
or or tho King booisWt
I ' King took fcer UC
I vlllo, Virginia, on i m ,
(United PresB Lcnsod Wlro.) ul9appcarcd. An ilira
Reno, Nov., Nov. 7. Two crooks norin ond ,outb
disgulBod ns minors, mndo a raid on, ns trace1 to "".Cotav
tho Round Mountain Hydraulic Com
pany's slulco boxes at Round moun
tain, nnd got away with from $5000
to $10,000. That thoy mado off to
Tonopnh was soon discovered by
Doputy Shorlff Scott Hlckoy, who
started at onco on tholr trail, after
being notified of tho thoft. Aftor a
Widow IMdently Il(ji
bhiRlo Wm X'ot
(United Prcsj UuH
New York, Not 1-Jj
long chaso ho succeeded In capturing val, heir to Perdu! ItaJ
J. Kennedy, ono of tho mon, In Toao-.burg, Va and rnecteiil
pah, nnd rocovorlng part of tho Btol- nont Virginia family iih
on amalgam.
linker Was Poisoned.
' Doston, Nov 7. All doubt
tho donth of Walter Ilakor, tho rich
club man, wns caused by poison,
looking for Vlrglnli Pt
Howe, nn authorj,i
ono of tho moit btufti
tlmt thnt state.
Mrs. Howe, on Oclott
vorced from J. WlliaJ
Afraid of Getting Fat.
(United Pross Leased Wlro.)
Washington, Nov. 7. The eYor
watchful onfes of society havo found
out that Mrg. Victor H. Metcalf, tho
hanusomo wlfo of tho secretary of
tho navy, la afraid that Bho Is going
to grow stout, and so sho Is walking
from 10 to 15 miles a day, and eat
ing only twice In 24 hours. It la
said that Mra. Metoalf can do hor 10
mllos straightaway without showing
further ovldonco of oxortlon "than
n good glow In her cheoka."
Honored IlurglarH' Draft.
(Unltod Pross Leased Wlro.)
Slpux City, "n Nov. 7. Robber3
blow tho Bafo of tho Bank of Conova,
S. D., this morning and secured
$0000. Possos aro In pursuit of tho
has boon romovod. Poison hns boon, Washington and New I
found In such nunntltlos ns to pro- of Dr. Woodruff WUmij
cliido tho possibility thot It was solt-.Prlncoton college ra
admlnlstorod. Edward nakor, a nindo for her wedding
brothor of tho doad man, says tho r-They hal been iwdijl
port of tho chomlsts Justlflcw nrrotls childhood
today or tomorrow. Tho Baker wl'l
flguros in tho mystory.
O ' -
MwHowo dluppcHil
ut tnr tlm vMJ'lL
Slnc that tlmo TtttoM
fnllnwlne every elM Wn
the missing womK.W
They Pell Into the Canal,
(United Pross Lensod Wire.)
Amsterdam, Nov. 7. MlnUter of
T State Jonkhor von Pan Huysandhls
urouior tho mayor of Losk, with tholr
wives, woro drowuod last night vyhllt
driving. Tholr onrrlago fell Into a
cannl during n dome fog at Hoog-kert.
Ran Over Hand Car.
(United Press Lonsod Wire.)
Sonora, Cal., Nov. 7. A passongor
train on tho Sierra railroad last
night ran dowu n haud ear n few
mllos from this qlty, Injuring four
of tha m?n on tho qar. It Is believed
all will recover.
(Unlttd Prete Leased Wlro.)
GOQrgotown, Ky., Nov. 7. Caleb
Powora, whose fourth trial for oom
pllolty In the nsslsslnntlon of Govor
nor Goobol will be oalled Mouday, to
day doolared that Govornor-olool
WUUon will bo powerless to help him
It wn3 enld bofore tho election that
Wlllson would holp Powers, but the
lattqr says that Wlllson will not Imvo
tho powor to appoint a Judgo to pre-
sldo at the trial. Powers says he will
bo ready Monday.
(United Press Leased Wlro.)
San Francisco, Nov. 7. George
D. Collins this morning fllod a peti
tion for his reloaso on tho charge of
bigamy on haboas corpus proceed
ings In tho court of appoals, on tho
ground that his case was not tried
within tho 60-day limit provided for
by law after his oxtradltlon from
Ho claims In his petition that, af
tor bolng brought back from Canada
he demanded thnt his caso be trlod
immediately, but thnt it was contin
ued from tlmo to tlmo for the last
two years, In splto of his objections
Tho statute says that a caso must be
tried within CO days, unloss tho con
sont of tho defendant Is obtained.
Too Much Boqo.
(United Pross Lonsod Wire.)
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 7. With
both legs broken and his head badly
crushed, George Galo, a recant ar
rival from Chehalls, was picked up
from tho Green Lake stroot oar track
on west t.nKO uouievard early this
morning. He was struck and fatally
injurod by a stroot oar as he was
crawling about on 'his hands and
knoos. It Is thought that ho bad
bjdon drinking. Ho died when being
llftod Into the ambulance.
(Unltod Pross Leased Wire.)
Snn Franolsco, Nov. 7. Another
namo was added this morning to tho
list of victims of tho Unltod Rail
roads, the last addition bolng Mar
tin Lyons, aged 3. While crossing
tho Btroot, accompanied by another
Infant, nt Greenwich nnd Union
atreots, ho was run over by a Union
streot car and mangled boyond rec
ognition. A crowd quickly gath
ered and mado a demonstration
... o ,... iVfwJrUl
MU III) .'K'll' "'rv -'l I
Hon of Ral
(United Pr Wf
Kathdrum, Jdako, S
Identification of t& KS
to be those of Fred U
death SteTO Adams
liffl. will be mor 0"
Into, than at th ,
which the Jury mf
f hn state's kuP
.,,, iri.i. A brotbK'
-. .,, Yeaser t,j
tides of wearing tfff
n near the bw,1 M
red and mado a aomonsuauuii ,uuu -
gainst tho car crow, but a squad of tlcularly recognuw r
,. . . ,.... ,...ui La,iisdmadelt wr.'
pollco prevented Borlous trouble
(Unltod Pross Leased Wire.)
Madrid, Nov. 7. Many lives were
lost and scores of houses demolished
by a violent on'rthquako at Torre
Larlbora, In tho province of Huescftl
Tho earth openod, leaving great fls-
surofi. Tho dtsturunnce whs '""
panlod by subterranenu rumbling.
causing a pnnlo.
TTimannl hns an area Of a-
squaro mllos and population of 275,
000. It Is In tho northern port of
Aragon and1 Is bounded on the north
by Franco and on tho ost by tn
province of Lerlda.
Many Bodies Found.
Kiel, Nov. 7. Many bodies
uoen found in tho debris
the German school ship
whlqh was partially wrocked by
oxploslon yesterday aueru.m.
eral of the wounded are dyins.
on UOHru
asnonaoiuau-.. j.j
ihtr in "
and Knew i .
,oS shoes. He uw.
hlbll(?4 l ' "rtJS?i
t.a Tvler iw"i
..tLlllM OB tf'
hear auiu - j
t.ia mnrnlnS. f"1
quwtions iu -r
today for "T.
civ FRAMV-
T'or ,ta
.... Drte U
SaB F-a
elal count oi rt,
Tudar' e.K - f
7 750 votes '.,
... fur "-.
I is.!f
McCartor. -'
"W1" .i
Q58. .I i
All 01 "...