Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 06, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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gI4MB1Mn111,Illi MK3l4MMlMIllMEllRra
MI1I11,lMllllW1',"MX,!'"n114"1,l llSllIlllllWIlMIIIHaH lXBIKH141WllMIl-MIHIJIKHlH"
;t Feattites of Portland, Gal-
restoii and Denver Chatters
sz Embodied In It.
JDffoctivo Sidewalks.
Owner of property who ts liable
for repair of sidewalk responsible
for damages. Officer to whoso neg
ligence accident Is chargeable Is
Jointly liable with ownor. "
Seven members, one from oaoh
ward, no compensation. All logls
Intlvo powers exercised by oounoll.
Appropriate inonoy and maintain
supervision over ofTices.
Council cannot 'grant a franchlso
for more than 25 years, nor without
The Old nr.d t!io New.
.1. nMt rcru'ar municipal election, Decombor 4, tho people of the
f Salem will be asked to vote upon tho momontous question of tin
I or rejection of the proposed draft of a now city chartor.
Artt of charter is tho result of several weeks of hnrd study, die-
. u,M .. .... . 11 i .ii.....i ... i..i.. ti - 11.. . .
. ,a. runs aeration nnu it i ucauuu lu viuuuujr u.i ui mu uusi mir comnonsnt on to tho Htv.
., from the standpoint of political economy and municipal gov-, fore lt9 final passage ns a franchise
1 .i .1 I.. ! nna mnlflln nrwl 1nfet Acnndntm It ! t .. .....
nt 03 are coniaiiit-u m mu - " " ...... 1.. wn.v oruinnnco u must be published nt
nf the foremost cltios of tho country representing generations of the oxponso of the nnnllcnnt nnd
tebor, experience and Btudy on tho past of tho highest authorities must rocolvo tho vote of two-thirds
nlclpnl government in mo mini;. of tho council to become vnlld. No
chartr board was composed 01 Home or wie most representative franchise ordinance can bo passed
.iii.iiHH rt 41in nltv if Rnlnm nn.l raitrnannl hMuah nf ttwi '...i.i.i.. n . . ...
sj men anu iiu ' " v - - - .i" ...wo i...j wmua uu uays 01 11s presentation.
, rnmmerclal and Industrial bodlos of tho city, selocted on account City can, at Its ontlon. ncnulro nlnnt
lr inJIvlduul success In the business and professional world, nu nt oxplrntlon of franchise torm. City
. their deep study and rntninariiy wan government nnairs. Tno may operate, soil or lease plant nc-
consistcd of H 11. Thlelsen, H. l McCornack, J. H. Alhort, H. S quired. All grantoos of railway
D. Kay, D. J. Fry, .Mayor ucorgo . uougerH, wiy Aitornoy a. u. t franchises must Improve and pave
A, Gesner, 1. ureummum mm .1. u. aiuuuu, mu iuiibi- uv a8 council directs. All franchlso
holders to make regular reports of
onrjiings to council nnd complete
financial Btntomont. All franchises
'members cerved as representatives of tho city council.
What ItM Purpose Is.
1.. ...m.1 .1 Mnn ttA rt1 Im rttrrltin1ttt fs tnn I rt twi
cnarier ooam uuo .., v........ ..t,....... .. ... ...... , ","iQi1iBf
A It ..I.I h MtitittliAt rt flirt nltntii Am ltnn1 I n llsa. v
dOCUmeill, MWU 11 lliv;uiliui m I"; unui uuuiu i till 1IIIUI
to taxation. All unused
Jlh a Statesman reporter. "Tho Instrumont represents what tno franchlsos to bo forfeited.
deems the best foaturos of modern municipal government com" i-.pendlturo of Money.
om tho charters of other progressive cities. It is no experiment ,No n,ono' can , b, fnnt oxc0,t
n .... . . .i.,n-.i 1 i..,i,-.iit, fn, 1 ..,. , .whore nn appropriation is first mado
provides a methodical and buslnoss-llko form of government. I
and thon only by ordinance or reso-
li a charter that ndmltR of i,roKrofl and development In our city's " " "' "'" ' ""B r '
nd that Is what our people want. It Is doelgnod to overcome tho no o uncll, both of which
uru nuujuut 10 inu voiu ui ine mayor
land that
ap and embarrassment caused by tho Inofllcloncy of tho prosent
L origin of the present charter date back many years and It has
lo frequently patchod with amendments thnt today It Is a vorltablo
quilt of leRlsltttlon. its pnrtBdonot match and It Is Btrown with con-
tlons and ambiguities. Tnko for instance so important a mnttor as
.Improvements; the presont charter provldos two diroct contrndlc-
bethods and the council, in following one or tho othor, Is never suro
t. norrnntlt. tni.nl rrrnnnil Tim nnu flinrtnp cnnlc in ntrnlcliton nut,
r '""v " -.. "r : " . . , :. "' ;,'"". J" ; ' 'nnd
tnCfC langies nnu iiicuiihibiuiiuius iuui, ui iuu ttaiuu 111m;, uuuiu 11
kutlon which will provldo for tho city of Snlom, which is one of 1
Tuv Levy.
Limit of tax levy for all purposes
fi mills.
Approprintionu must bo mado bo
foro any money can bo spent. Th?
Dofcotlvo Hldewnlks.
No protection for city.
Fourteen mombors, two from 'oaoh
of. the seven wards, trannct all busi
ness of the city. Appoint subordinate
officers. No compensation.
No restriction, council, has power
to grant any kind of a franohlso for
any length of time.
Ilxpomllturo of Money.
Council may, by voto, order pay
ment of nny sum of money upon tho
motion of nny mumbor and for any
purpose without lot or hlndornnce'.
Thy Levy.
Limit of tax levy for all purposes
IIVj mills.
No seggregatlon of funds except
general and street funds. No np
tax lovy of not to oxceed flvo mills, 'proprintlons nro mndo and tho coun
ts divided into proper proportions ell may keep spending money from
appropriated to tho following theso funds with littlo discrimination
fundB: Firo department, pollco do- or systom, till thoro is no monoy loft.
... .. ,Vw. nni f r...iii ,., ,., m.. Dnrtmont, strcot lighting, library,
UHJi.Uh.VBB. U.i W.. ...... ,WD w w. w, .BtrLPf .lO
of which docB not exist In tho country."
History of New Drnft. '
Salem chnrter bonrd was appointed by net of tho city council Inst
and submitted its report rocontly, which was unnnlinoiiBly np-
I b.r tbo council. In order that tho citizen may understand the
of municipal government thnt guided the charter board In Its do-
lions it is necessary to ntato briefly tho underlying principles of tlu
barter and to present for comparison the moBt striking differences
the present city chartor of tho city of Salem and the proposed
arttr At Its recent sessions tho chartor bonrd decided upon
ltU4flned prlnlcplos that had been Incorporated in most recent
not other cities;
Separate Munlrtpnl Flections.
it The necessity of keeninc munlolpal election separato from
icd national elections. Tho separation of municipal from stnt
atlonal elections is noco8snry to romovo, If posslblo, municipal Is-
Sinking Fund.
raonts In accordance with benefits.
Tnrm twn vfinru! nn rnilnrv nn-
from malignant Inlluonco of party politics. To what party a candI-poIntB nnd can romoVQ all mcmbor3
for city offlco belongs is not a mntorlal question In consideration of Qf boards ftnd s roapon8,blo nend 0(
r . uvm luivrviiia, dui wnca niuuioipiu uiuuviuho uv.v.ui m. v.m oul., Kovommont and chairman of all
street department, park, bonded In
debtedness, sinking and gonornl
funds, No expenditures can bo au
thorized beyond appropriated.
Sinking Fund.
A fund of not less thnn one-fourth
mill to bo set nsido each yonr to ap
ply on nil tho bonded Indebtedness
of tho city.
Council may initiate strcot im
prevements: two-thirds romon-.
Btmnon Pniinll 4a 1Ann In rnnnlr n 'strnnCU! ttdJnCCnt and abutting lot
Rtroot that Is permanently Improved, ownors to pay full cost of Improvo-
nnnnrMnnmnnt nf onxin nt Itnnrnvn. .mCnt and Wtqr8eCt!OnB. TniS WOrJU
Council may lnltlato street im im
peovements: two-thirds romon-
a hardship on. owners off tho street
who nro Bomotlmos compelled to pay
twice tho amount paid by an abutting
Terra, two years; no salary; veto
atato and national oloctlons It is almost lroposslblo to keep ,.,, T7nnl,ir,i tn nnrnren nil lnw power nnd presides over council.
lines from being more or doss Htrlctly drawn. J Executive Board. iTJiIb is about tbo extant of his nu-
Separation of Leglsntlve nnd Administrative. Towers. rnvnr i,irmnn nn,i tiiron ninm. thorlty.
toer prominent featuro considered by tho charter board is tho sop- bor8. nQ snlary. appolntlvo arid ro-
i ivgismuvo ana administrative powerB. 4i is a won uom movable by mayor. Board has no
A mor All 1 tlMlI... .H.I .!... .lAtAHtnlnlnr nniUADi! ehniiH rt
is a
'" u-gisiativo and policy uotermzning powers buouiu u ,..,,,- nnwnr ,lllt ncAa na bonrd
in 'he deliberative body, the council, and that it should bo shom'of adv,Bor8 t0 ronyor !n ndmlnistra
Powers of administration, and, convorsoly, that nil oxecutlvo du- t. n. , nfr,rB. iina oharc of
Boald be Imposed upon the administrative officers, tho mayor and his .,. flrA n . Rtr..f llftnnTtmont-.
m bodjog, and that no legislative powers should bo grantod to tho Awar(s contraots, oto.. and carrion
f uepanment of tho city government. Tno city counow, oonm t tho or(or8 of tho oounoi fn nn
wy mat raises the revenues of tho city nnd grunts tho euppuos,' ... .
ttlillt check upon tho oxecutlvo but It shoujd not be allowod toi f T, Library.
tS own legislation. ntvna nnnnnll nnwor tn nrnvlda fo.'
A .k. .. ... . . . .. .. I. ! -.w.w- r . ,
r u provisions of tho proposed ennnor noi ono aouar vuu u
"Oder the direction of tho oxecutlvo until tho council makee an
Priation This is nrai'tinniiv tho Rvatem ot-,our national and state
Pollco Department,
J2xejutfvo Hoard.
Human Life Seems Centered In Stomatft
All Else Is Secondary
Tho immense sdecoss which tins
followed L. T. Cooper during tho
past year with his now preparation
has exceeded anything of tho kind
over boforo witneBsod In most of tho
loading cities whero tho young man
has Introduced tho medloino. Coop
er hns a' novel theory. Ho boUovod
that tho humhn stomach is directly
responsible for most disease. To
quo to his own words from nn Inter
view upon his arrival In nn eastern
city: "Tho avorngo man or woman
ennnot bo sick if tho stomach is
working properly. To bo Buro, thoro
nro diseases of a vlrulont nature,
Btich ns cancer, tuberculosis, dia
betes, etc., which are organic, nnd
nro not trncoablo to tho stomach, but
even fevers can, in nine cases out of
ten, bo traced to something taken
Into tho stomnch. All of this hnlf
Blck, norvoiiB exhaustion thnt is now
so common, Is caused by tho stom
achic conditions, nnd it Is because
my remedy will nnd doon rogulnto
tho stomach that I am meeting with
such success.
"To sum tho matter up n sound
digestive apparatus that Js dottiR- it
full duty, gottlng every pnrtlclo of
vitality out of all food by transferring.
It to tho bowels In a perfectly dtBtt
ed stntc this abovo all clso orlns
health." Mr. A. C. Brock, chof.of tho Btocfe.
Rostnurnnt, Market District, Boston
Mass., who is a staunch bollover Ia
Mr. Coopor'B theory and medicine,
hns this to Bay: "I had chronler In
digestion for over thrco years. R
suffered terribly, nnd lost about 30
pounds. I wns . physical wroefci
whon I started this Cooper medicine
a month or bo ngo. Today 1 am- a&
well as over was in my Hfo. I am
no longor norvouB, my food does not
distress mo In tho icnut, and I have
a splendid nppotlto. I am galnlng
llosh rnpidly In fact, at tho rnto oC
a pound a day. I would not bollova
any medicine on earth could havo
dono for mo what this has done. It
Is a romnrkablo preparation nnd1 Mr.
Coopor dosorvou all bin succoki.'
Wo rocommond tho Coopir propa
rntions ns bolng romnrknblo modU
clncs. J. C. Perry.
Fi-eti IJbrury.
No provislonfi.
X'ottico Department,
of pollco department oleot-
niiinf of nnlln nnnointed and forca ! by poople. Subordinates chosen1
m. . . . . . i.. il - ,.-..--.,-. ,, ... ... . ...
' as f i &g most of tho municipalities 01 our eouairy "" organized by tho executive board.,D oounon wun or .wunoui mo ap
Responsibility in tho Miiyor.
r tbo prfipo-d charter the mnvor becomes tho responsible hoad of
I'y gorernmrnt He chooses the oxecutlvo board from tha citizen-innt, rn-inn0 mnnov tnr- iin.
me f !v 'n'ere and. In turn, tha hoard Qhoosos the heads of '..n.tn.an ,. i,nnv a,na ih
- - --r . V V V f W wvw - --
Chief must onforco ordinances of
city. All pollcomon accountable to
and under tho orders of tho chlof,
oepawmc n The mayor cannot escape any mismanagement; he raanaBomont of department and pris
nn. -- ... . ... ...... . ml
ian guardian, so to snoak. of tno citys mioreis. ir . Tneena nn nlt inimn.
'WlO'.DC nt t'.O riYir. non. i tn nlmnniil cnlomnlv with thfl fill- .. . ..... . j
... ..,ul .uuu, ..u io until t,uu w..., --- a,, omcors xinuor uuuru.
Ohlof and
t of tho law, and the mnnnKomont of the city's administration
and there can be no escape.
' the p-e-ent chartor tho mayor Is little more than a member of
Ho hs the veto power and writes mesaages.
To Reinilnt iVin PmroK nt f2nnttnir 'PrnJir'lllSftS.
the Past the Citv of Salm has llchtlv recardod Ua rigbU and
"W Tho n.nnn.fj .1..1.. n.n..l.lnn .r.t In iV.a fntnrA nn fr.'in-
- rv)vicu uuuuur iJiuiiuuB may " "d .....- -
ttay be granted for n inm-,ir nnrinri than twantv-fivo years nor
rl fai" compensation to the olty. All contemplated franchise ordl-
,"" before passage, be published In full at the oxponse of the
fnftif AiiriTi rkf Qrrfolc.
f B occe ne Mreets are built upon plana prepared by the city engl-
appro .-a by the council, the city responsible for its construction
t held resnonsihlA tnr ita Tnnintnnnnnn An thft general nubile in
P aeasu-a and the individual proporty holders only in a Rraall
r ltt tha I i .... . ! w.r.Dc..m
- -- ueuwui or tno improvement, so in a jure" jw
ae .-npraj n-.x-i,. - ,,, .,..--. nt y,n ntrfipts. There
iiBi7 & 'Uy ,n tne country that does not provide eome method of
-s ns improved streets.
L tate or tho, nntinn Aannaita tta mnnov tn hanks It requires
"t bonds r, r . .i. i ...-it., tta ifa IrOAnlntr.
. a charter nrovldea that when iha eltv'a funds are deposited
Flntarlty mu8t b8 PrTlded to iecure the city against any loss
" pajd on cjty,fl t qna Ja bQ palAInto the city treasury.
Ierdtn '-encase comparison oi v causa.
P W mtAroll m .. ... ... Vo hMTI
?6d of , irom me present, a concise Biw;i"k
teiA. . maDy most prominent features of tootk lastrnments and.
Street Department.
Under tho dlrootlon of tho oxocu
tlvo board. Tho olty onglnoer hns
charge of streot dopdrtmont. Tho
work is roducod to a well rogulated
ncalth Bonrd.
Throo physicians appolntod to by
tho mayor, who is chairman of tho
board. Health board given authori
ty ovor hoalth of tho olty. Board ap
points city physician who has power
to summarily abate nuisances. Chief
of pollco to bo health officer.
City Auditor.
Electod by people. Present re
corder becomes auditor. Clerical
and auditing officer of city.
City Engineer.
Appointed fby the mayor. Salary
fixed by council. Supercedes street
commissioner under present charter.
Superintends street, bridge, and all
other public work. Must be a com-
Detent civil engineer of flvo years
experience In mechanical work.
Must mako all surveys; establish,
grades; mark boundaries; provide
plans, designs and specifications for
bridges, sewers, streets, etc, and
provide plans for public drainage;
In fact Is the engineering head of
th? QjiZi
proval of tho hoad. Pollco officer
may oboy ordora of tho marshal or
disregard them. Lacks system an'!
oncourngoa insubordination, Marshal
Is merely poaco offlcor and not
charged -with enforcement of ordi
nances. Street Department.
Street commissioner and helper!
to repair and koop up streets,
bridges and public property under
orders'' of street committee, bridge
committee, public building commit
tee and fire and water commlttoo,
health and police committee; sewer
commlttoo or auy other committee
that has a job to do.
Health Board.
Provides board with restricted
City Anditor.
Duties now performed by record
TrauHferH of Ileal Kstnte.
Tho following deeds have boon
placed on record In tho olllco of tbo
Marlon county recerder:
C. S. Blcgseckor to J. V.
Ulogscckor et ux, 20 ncros,
lot 10, Waldo Hills fruit
furm No. 3, w d $2400
P. L. Darling ot ux to L, It.
Llvcrmorc, ICO nerds, sec
31.t 8 b, r 4 o, w d 1G00
S. and P. D. McCullough to
Geo. Kornodlng, lot 7, Oca
bock's addition to Wood
burn, w d ; . . 1550
Edwnrd C. Haydon to August
Schneullc, 4 acres, land in
Englewood addition to Sn
lom, w d 1500
Snmuol Stnuffor to William
Stauffer, 42,85 acres, sec 10,
t 4 s, r 1 w, w d 1317
Henry Chnpello to Sarah Pon-
dloton, lot 7, block 7, addi
tion "C," Woodburn, w d.. 1050
Wosley Edwards ot ux to W. A.
Cumralngs ot ux, land in
block 20, UnlvorHlty addi
tion to Salem, w d 850
J, E. and C. M. Stanton to
John S. McDonald, land In
block 14, Capital Park addi
tion to Balera, w d 700
P. L. Darling ot ux to L. It.
hlvormoro, 80 acre, see 31,
t 8 s, r 4 o, w d G40
T. P. Royal to II. L. RockhlH,
lot 3 and 4, blogk 11, Capi
tal Park addition to Snlom,
w d 550
B. L. Dunagan to W. L. Dunn
gan, 40 aoreB, see 10, t 7 n,
r 1 o, also Intorest In sec
34 and27, tCs, rle, acd 500
K. and I. Ettlln to Anton
Ettlin, 80 aoros. undivided
Vj boo 6, t 7 s, r 2 e, w d. . 300
B. and E. F. Wright to C. L.
Smith, lots 1 and 2, block 7,
Falrmount Park addition to I
Snlom, w d 200
W. P. Campbell (by guardian
to A. H. Wolf ot ux. C ncros,
see 19, t 0 s, r 1 w, g d . . . 137T
M. P. and J. P. Robinson to
John Blorwood, lot 4, block -
7, nddltlon "C" to Wood ,
burn, w d :.... 130
M. A. BIco lo John Blcrward
lot'3, block 7, addition "C,"
Woodburn, w d 118
M. H. Moyor to Mollala Queen;
mining claim In Marlon
county, w d i Sty
P. R. Anson et ux to Beatrice
Clarlc.Jot 1, block IS, pleas
ant Home nddltlon to Salem,
w d 40-
E. C. Mlnton ot ux to Louis
Lachmund & Co., lots 7 end
8, block 47, North Bulom,
wd a .
W. P. West to A. L. West, lot-.
5 and 11, Sunnysldo frulc
farm No. 13, q o d 1
A. A. Loonnrd ot ux to Mary -
J. Hicks, land In Silvurtou,
w d t
M. J. Hicks to Wm. Illcks,
land In Sllvcrton, w d . . . . 1
N. A. nnd a G Leo to II. Rue, '
10.1 acres, t 7 , r 1 w, w d l
Badly Mixed Up.
Abraham Brown, of Wlntorton, NX
Y., had a very romnrknblo export
enco; U Hays: "Doctorc got badly?
mixed up over me; ono said hoa'rtr
dlsoaso; two called it kldnoy trouble;
tho fourth, blood poison, and the
fifth Btomnah and llvor trouble; hub
none of thorn helped mo; bo my wife
advlsod trying Electric Bitters, which-
are restoring mo to porfect hoalt7i.
Ono bottle did mo moro good than alt
tho flvo doctors prescribed." Guar
anteed to euro blood poison, weak
ness nnd nil stomach, liver and kld
noy complaints, by J O Perry, drug
gist, 50c.
City Engineer.
The Management Begs to Announce a Special Engage
ment of the Great New York Success
The Vanderbilt Cup
The Two-MHes-a-Minute Show
And a Remarkable Company of Sixty
Eight months at tho Broadway
Theatre, New York.
Tbreo months ' nt the Colonial
Theatre,' tfbicagol
Prices -$1.50, fl.00. 75c and 60.
Seat salo at box office, Saturday, 9