DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1007. y w A Nurse's Story If you are a sufferer irom headache, neuralgia, or pain from any cause you should read the fol lowing letter from a nurse. "For Bomollmo I have felt It my duly to write you. I was having my doctor twice ovory week for head actio. All ho did for me was to give domothlnff to caso the pain. Some time tho pain was so severo that I could not upoak, and members of my family stood over mo and stive mo medicine every fiftoon minutes until 1 wan rellovcri. A sample of Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Tills fell Into my hands, C read tho circular vory carefully, And found my caso described exactly. Tho lioxt time any lnvid began to ache I took the Pain Pills according to di rections and I felt I was Retting better, bo r sent to tho druggist for a box and took them until I was no much hotter that I was about the houso all tho afternoon. I have not hnd doctor for headache Blnco. Vhcn he mot me sometime after ho wanted to know how I was, and I told Mm what I had dono, and ho replied: "If you havo found anything that win help you, stick to It;" and so I have. Being a nurao X havo recommended them to a great many grateful people uno caso i wilt mention, i saw a aoo homos on all shies, tboro was grand mountain scenery on both sldds. Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson, tho- Three Sis ters, and coming north Beveral snow peaks plorclng tho skyline were all In sight at tho same time. One would not expect to And so much Bcentc beauty amidst tho richest farming region tho world can pro duce. It was a revelation." tor go to a neighbor every week for months because sho hod such awful headaches; but for a long tlmo I dared not suggost anything to her. One day x met nor ana I gave her a hair a fcox of Antl-Paln Pills and she .used thorn and has had no doctor slnco. She says thoy are a great blessing to lier and said, "why didn't you tell me about them before." I could toll you cf many similar cases." MI8B J08EPU1NB DOHN, 170 W. QonoHeo St., Auburn, N. T. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pill are sold by your druaaltt. who will guarantee that the first package will ijeneflt. If It falli, he will return your money. . S3 doset, 23 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind HHiiiiiniMiiiiimimn- AMUSEMENTS m-m-m iimniiiiimiii ii' Auditorium Rink. Open afternoon and evening, ox copt Sundays. A BREEZY WESTERN PLAY. AUTO FIEND IN TOWN Describes Tours Taken Over Wesyern Orcgon-FIno Mountain Scenery Between Salem and Albany Amid .Rural Surroundings! De.scrllM'H Tour Taken Over Western Oregon Kino Mountain Scenery Itetwocn Wcm nml Albany Anildjof ft ,ow (lown Bremtor Rural Biirroundlngfi, Tho Cow Puncher Oho of tho Best Portrayals of Llfo on tho Cattle Range. "Tho Cow-Puncher" drew a rather light houso last night owing to tho fact that last wook was rathor pro lix of Bhows winding up with "The Yankeo Regent" with Its bevy of pretty girls Saturday night, and then Monday is not a good show night anyway. However those who at tended wero all repaid, for tho show was good, In somo ways more than good. Thoro was considerable gun play but It wns good gun play, and a much closer and better presentation of cowboy character and llfo on tho rango than nlnoty-nlno out of a hun dred plays that doalwlth tho cattlo ranch llfo. Mr. Ramsdofl as Tom Lnwton mado an oxcellont major domo, taking tho part naturally and without tho bombaBt and exaggera tion that Is tho invariable presenta tion of tho chnractor ns tho castorn actor creates It. It Is a manly part and Mr. Rnmsdoll presents It In n mnstorfully manly way. Tho sup port was cxcollont. Bort Boza gave a realistic plcturo of tho privileged oldest "buccaroo," and Robert Rice as a dovll-may-caro yougstor with an IrlBh broguo and a touch of blarnoy mado an oxcellont qunllty and ns gi;oat quantity of lovo to Slattorly Ann, and Besslo Llyo, who plnyod tho part furnished nbundnnl oxcuso for doing so. It was a dldlcult rolo that foil to Wm. P. Pfarr, who as Corloa Mondofla, a Mexican, prosontcd tho audlonco about as porfect a specimen as wos over soon outBldo of Now Mexico. Tho Inhabitants of Arizona nro not notod for being ovor-nlco or MIXTURE BENEFITS HUNDREDS Tremendous Popularity of a Simple Recipe Ik re In Salem Floyd Cannon, an nutomoblllst of AImmLsam. 1IAUUI ...i.. -.a ill. wiunW.uraiR wno Bpuiii " 8uporlotlvoly Bonaltlvo, but whllo Bummer In .tho northwest ami drove thoro nro thouaaml8 of nIco oonlc gall, a prominent morchaut of Seat tle, noarly C000 miles, has boon In this city for a brlof stay. Ho loft tnlcon Into yesterday for Bouthom California. Cnrmon talked enthusiastically of ' inrftpln, .,' AnUnnnx. nt A-u- ,f Bno ,ma cn,okcns for sale. Every ,tor onndUloiiH In Oregon. "Met J J ! , ", Z 1! Hfarmor'. wife always has some chick- MIbb Gertrude Rltohlo ns Gornldlno Orahani, a doctor, hnd an oxcoodlng- K' fllfllnilll tlfivt lint aim nniiiflil Mm Oregon you will find n general run LutlUmc0 wlth ,' flrit ..., wh0 In Now Moxlco, Mr. Pfnrr show ed exactly tho kind of cltlzon the pooplo of Arizona objected to boing stntohood with. Thoso who saw Mr. Pfnrr's Mondosn. will That tho readers of thla papor ap preciate advice when given in good faith Is plainly demonstrated by tho fact that ono woll-known local phar macy filled tho "vogotablo proscrip tion" many llmeB within tho past two wooks. Most of these folks nat urally bought tho Ingredients only and mixed thorn at home. Tho an ouncomont of this simple, harmless mixturo has certainly accomplished much In reducing tho groat many cases of kldnoy complaint and rheu matism here, rollovlng pain and mis ory, osp'eclnlly among tho older pop ulation, who aro always suffering moro or less with bladder and urin ary trouble, backacho and particular ly rheumatism. Anothor woll-known druggist naks us to contlnuo tho announcomont of tho prescription. Tt Is doing so much real good hero, ho continues, that It would bo a crlmo not to do so. It can not bo repeated too often, and furthor states many cases of remark- nblo cures wrought. Tho following Is the proscription, of Blmplo ingrcdlonts, making a harmless, Inoxponsivo compound, which any person can nronaro by slinking well In a bottle: Fllud Ex tract Dandollon, one-half ounco; Compound Knrgon, ono ounco; Com pound Syrup Sarsaparllla, threo ouncos. Any first-class drug store will soli this small amount of ench lngrodlont, and tho doso for ndulls is ono tcaspoonful to bo taken nfto. each meal and again at bodtlmo. Thoro is enough horo to last for ono week, if tnkon according to dlroc tl ons. Good roBiilts will bo nppar ont from tho first fow doses. . o Chapped hands nro quickly curod by applying Chnmborlaln'a Salvo. Prlco 2Gc. For Balo by Dr. Stono's drug storo. New Graft on Farmcro. Complnlnts aro bolng sont thn nowspapors In surrounding towns of a now grafter at work nmonc tho farmers. Tho follow Is n smooth In dividual who Is truvollng around tho country In nn outfit that rosomblos a huckstering wngon. Ho goos to tho fnrmor's ho'iso and asks tho wlfo FIRST ORATORY RECITAL. Collcgo of Oratory Assisted by Col. lego of Music Will Render Program Tonight. Tho collego of oratory assisted by tho college-of music of tho WUlam otto Unlvorslty will glvo tho first re cital this evening in tho university chapol. These ontortalnmonts aro freo and ha always been of great interest to lovers of muBlo and tho drama of tho city, and thoso who at tend this -evening will not bo disappointed. Tho college of oratory has grown to bucII an onrollmont this year that It was necessary for tho management to engage another assistant instruc tor. Sara Brown Savago Is tho dean of the collcgo of oratory and to her is duo much of tho credit fo tho cxcellonco and Increased enroll ment of tho department.. Tho program rendered this oven Ing will bo as follews: Rending "Sandy McDonoll's Signal" Clark Bdlknap. Reading (n) "Specially Jim." (b) "A Talo of Airly DayB" Ellon Anderson. Rending "His Own Obituary" .... Mary L. Hart. Solo "In tho Spring" Ruth Field. Rending Cutting from "A Son of Issachar" Nolllo CaBoboro. Sketch "Tho CaBo of Jack" Mrs. Barrio Ione Fisher Mr. Barrio Royal BIsboa Undo Dnn i...Roy Howltt Rending "Tho 'Now Girl Logic".. Bertha GroBS. Music "Danco of tho Stars"' Reading "Columbus" C. J. Cntlow. Monologue "A Bill from tho Mil liner" Augusta Booth. Scono "Tho Snracon Brothers." Saladln H. S. Hnrdmanl Mnllck Adhol....Wallaco S". Trill Attondant Perry Rolgclman o Do at ht. tout. Follow i T T YJ T.alwiIhvS nennows sfiftteSsis mm he ri..:: '""mtrtai.i ComuU uout Actor fnjg W mej,. Is thin and lisZ? h Whi "'" mmnijffju a&i'SSS w,th 2BfiS "Win X-RAYS ii .- .. when . ::'. w i Ick-wE1 -M I i... . -.-" with . 31 ".r'-u lUr4'4J Mr. J. a nur. wrltest "For .! 5Ter a winter, tm" I1 raljocodltlo- isaa s'rP. Such a an did for me." PILES Wo Want Every Pile Sufferer to Teat This Great Curo at Our Kxpcuso Send Your Xnmo ami Art- dross for n Freo Trial Package. Rov. Erwln Chapman, president of tho California anti-saloon league, flays: "Tho Baloon has no right to oxist oven In holl." Tho reverend gentleman may bo correct, but from all accounts that Is ono placo whoro thoy aro really needed, and Just tnmic wnat a patronago thoy would have. A run on a bank even In those days wouldn't bo In It. Tho Portland Jails nro running to capacity houses now and now arrest? havo to bo paroled, that 1b ordored to loavo tho city. But as tho only punlshmont for not leaving tho cltv 1b a Jail aontonco and as thero Is no' Jail room tho Judgo can only order vagrants to leavo tho cltv. nn,i tho punlshmont for not loavln5-o!il,mJreffti' forifc whafa tho ubo tho rinr hVn t.,,1 IWOraI PowMisa gamo In their own hands. Miss Nan Horbort, a prominent thcoBophlst with Kathorlno Tlngley, by special courtesy of his royal Job- lots, King Edwnrd of England, enn now Blgn her nnmo "Tho Honornblo Nan Ino Horbort." Tho hlaco whnr. Nannlff has tho lnnirii nn .mnni r .- oxccutlvo ofllco. Ul. fomalea whom tho king-,dellghts to "So" S,,1? s honor, Is that ho this tlmo loft tho several iUl ! fiL prenx "dls" off tho tltlo. or near Salem, u foiw o inBane istlnm .i.' Salem banks nro norfoctlv Rn.,n,i 30r0..c?rd8 nfl RrowtJi f and that burglar who last night re- cords Zt nr tl,B " Mllrt I --"uuronounilSmBiJv Bo'ibyDA lnTSiPffl2.llS . - "MkQlMHr M. T1 his word , i'vh i -Wl Winter summer, rllH i uhiiic yon m V. You'll surely find lq ' "oauipr-gRocir, For sale at Dr file . . ... "wuior slate It ocuiua oms m ftiBCd to t.ako local chocks mhlod in. suit to ma enmo. o I TEA We sell tons of poor stuff; but our name isn't on it. Go by the name. Vout rroccr returns your moner II you doa't like Schilling. Best; we pay liha. ittttrA rH.it nniin. -"--' vuiMjiiuary, bqo (-4,1 Prnwtli ft.. tn ... "I R;r"onA,"i.rv.C0.ra,' Hoforrn school. 1st , growth fir; 400 cordtHtjMi rj 6im qoras-codr oil Deaf mute school, Jli t umi growm nr Hllnd school. 130 torfic1 on ,-j- it.. l v. :n -v miub urn groin if il grill) OflK. Capitol bulldlnc. Ul , growth fir; 100 cordipcltt Bids on second irortli or any part of tho the i!i i Mr, Roosevelt will And plenty ol . "ffig. 2,ft motor of tho country up horo," he romnrk od, "Is hnrd on mnchlnos and thoro foro throughout Washington nnd nn tomobllo town mid also Portland n ordor to frghlon th( woman TlnHt f Huinn aUIah ! n.l..tA.1 u. Ul i,,uaw u,llUB .mvu iiuvuiiguu tor" wore about to lutn gono of tliolr nt n surprising paco thoso past two nurabor, Sho BUggoMed that "If thoy yonr. inooma. Spokuno and a fow wouhl ,nco t, knot d u , ..,...,, ,u ukowibo uiKiim 'subject's' loft onr ho would mum 10 mo motor car ovory tiny." Tho visitor recounted sovernl plonsnnt tours ho hnd tnkon In tho Wllnmotto valley. "Wo frequently would got off tho rogulnr ronds on hnng moro comfortnbly." In tho second not, tnklng part In tho oowboy jntortalnmont sho gave tho audlonco a, docldcd tront by tho our outings and cut through tho i'1 " " wmsuing imnginauie. brush and desplto tho fact that wo Hor no,t08 wcro na cloar and 1,orfoct struck Komo rought traveling wero n8ft coo' a,ul tho art,0co com novor laid up on tho rond for repair.!1101 ta,h?r to roa)onA to nn encore during tho entire summer except forlnml tr,od for " 80coml ono' boforo u 15 minutes. Kavo "n Sho Kavo "Tno ossago of "Thoro aro any mimbor of goodltho VIo,ot8" fr n ocoro. it's ronds aud boautlful drives all a dead corln,nty that If 'Miss Ritchie through western Orogon. Ono of thover h,lB "to whlstlo for hor supper," nicest trips lmt I rocall wns from'8"0 w,u not B hungry to bod. "The Salem to Albany ovor tho hills. Tjlo,CowPunchor" Ia n Popular priced rond for tho most pnrt U excellent, I pIay nnd a PPwlar piny; and any. but thoro aro stretches which testono who naa ovor Hvod noB tho tho reliability of a machine- nnd also' Brokers, win willingly put up the omo stoop places whoro with locked !!r,,co of nd'?.8,ou. t0 2 oa blnmod wheels wo would rildo Bomot.me3lb,ad0,;0 nhoreforo from a theat for fifty yArda. With flno grain lr,CaI 8tand,ol,u a Phenomenally good fields nd orchids and good tar;S&?SaSK7i?JiSa il B 1 1 MHIH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 'as Lutchla Cordova, Ethol Rossland Every Month in the Year ' ' don,ctod th0 "Kronsoross" perfectly. nrlnga Its current bills. Ono ; " way to pay them Is to go from ! i Kllngor Grand placo to placo, carrylug tho ',',1 Thoro was a fair slzod audlonco nt monoy with you, at tho risk of ' tho Kllngor Grand last evenlnt: to loss and tho chnnco of ovor- wltnoss tho first performance of tho looking tho taking of a recolpt, I'now vnudovlllo troupe appearing ons to soil. Ho asks to hco thorn and nt onco dlficovors thnt tho ontlro flock Is suffering from somo now dls onso that no ono ovor hoard of ox copt "Mr. Grafter." Ho tolls tho lady ho has a romody for this particular dlsonso and In oxchnngo for aoino hor host looking chickens ho loaves hor a pnekago of his romodloa which provo to bo worthloss and on tho donl ho la just nhond tho chlckona ho sooured In tho oxchnngo. Watch out for tho rascal, for ho Is working this way. Havo tho bull pup handy when you Beo tho description com. ing, nnd ho will doubtloss do tb.3 rost, Lebanon Criterion. and haviug Bomo of It to pay 1 1 ovor again. Tho convenient bus! noss-llko way Is to pay all bills this wook nt tho llttlo theater. Tho show proved to bo a clovor ontertnln mont. Tho skating act porformed r by chok, uo mattor how small. y Rn3 n,ul Rockwoll and tho comedy A chock ia tho host rocolpt you can have. Paylug out money In thla way Insures corrootnes and gives you a completo rec ord of U monoy paid out. OpcR a Checkfatg Account With UK. SALEM STATE BANK Safem, Ottf rummniiiiliniinuT skotch scono by Jonklns aud Barrett were among tho best acts that havo boon presented In tho popular prlcod thoater, o Arrested Ills Nephew. B. P. Loonoy, doputy gamo ward- on, m Tuosday arrested his nephew, Will Loonoy, for hunting without a llceuso. W1U says ho Is not guilty, as ho was only out training his pup, but Ben saya all good gamo wardens aro from Missouri. The caso will bo tried boforo a Salem justlco next Tuesday. JoHorsou RoyIow. The Knock-out Blow. Tha blow which knocked out OortwM was a revelation to tho priso flghtaw. Prom the earliest days of the ring U knock-out blow was aimed far tke. Jaw, the temple or tho jugular voln. Stomaok punches wero thrown In to worry and weary the fighter, but If a scientific was ka4 told one of the old fighters thai tke moat vulnerable spot was tho region of tho stomaok, hu'd have laughod at kla for an Ignoramus. Dr. Plorce Is bringing ?fV tt0 PUHc a parallel faot; tkat tM slSmacVls the most vulnerable enu out of Ue pfo ring as well as In It.. W protectburnvHj. throau. feet and luur. lX...-. ..-. - . . " o aro uiieny irvdnrer- but ent to, until finds tho solar plexus and knocks us outT Make Youritomtfh on trotfct on liSLiUotJ'GoIrton M cures "vo ournw dlcar DIsoovm-' stomach." fndiMxttnn . dyspopala, torpid llvor, bad, thin and iu puro blood and other diseases of the or gans of digestion and nutrition. Tho-Uolden Medical Discovery has a speclllo curatlvo olTocI upon all mucous surfaced aud honce euros catarrh, no metter whrro lcoato1 or what stage St may havo reached. In Nasal Catarrh It Is well to cleansa tho passages with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Romody Umd whllo usinj theDlscovory-as a constitutional rem edy. U7y tho "Golden Medical Discov ery" cures catarrhal diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder aud other pelvlo organs will bo plain to you If you will read a booklet of extracts from the writ ings of eminent medical authorities, ett dorslng ltd Ingredients and eiplalnlar their curative properties. It la mailed fnt on request. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. This booklet glrea all the Ingrodlenta entering Into Dr. PlercVa medlclnea from which tt will be saea tkat they contain not a drop of alcok, pore trlpla-rofined glycerine being ivwi Instead.' . Dr. Plerco'a great thousand-MM . trawd Common Sens MocHoaTXirW will be sent free, paper-bound, for ftl eos cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 81 stamca AMxm Df. Pleraa aa akov. Wo want to sond you a freo trial of tho Groat Pyramid PUo Curo ut onco, so you enn boo with your oyo whnt It can do. You curo yourself with porfect enso, In your own homo, nnd for llt tlo oxponso. Pyrnmld Pllo Curo gives you prompt rollof. It hoals sores anil ulcorB, roducoa congestion nnd In flammation, and takes away pnln, Itching nnd Irritation. Aftor you -havo tried tho snmplo treatment, aud you nro satlsflod, you can got a full regular-sized treat mont of Pyrnmld Pllo Curo at your druggist's for GO conts. If ho hnBn't It, Bend ub tho monoy and wo will sond you tho troatmont at onco, by mail, In plain sealod pnekago. Sond your namo and address at onco for a trial of this marvolous, quick, Bur curo. Address Pyramid Drug Co., 00 Pyramid Bldg., Mar shall, Mich. n Victor Dorrli Meetings. Things havo taken on now llfo at tho First Christian church. Tho Bormous aro oven strongor, Blmplor, and moro lntonso than at any tlmo during tho four weoks of Victor Dor- ris' evangelistic services. Whatev- or may bo said of mooted questions, It la certain that thoso who hear Mr. Dorrls hear them In n now and en larged light. Tho ovangollst Is painstaking In making everything vergo toward Christ In ovory thing no saya concerning tho gospel. His wldo reading, hlB closo study nnd analysis of the Bible make him In teresting at all times, whether you agree with him or not. A leading citizen wns heard to sny: "Ho la the most glftod man thnt has como to Salem In a decade," and hojs not a believer In the teaching of tho church with which Mr. Dorrls Is Identified. o A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with Its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wldo ranges and strange natural formations, is a veritable wonderland. At Mound City, in tho homo of Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a wonderful caso of healing has lately occurred. Her eon scorn ed near death with lung and throat trouble. "Exhausting coughing spells occurred every five minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp, "when I began giving Dr. King's Now Discovery, the great medicine, that saved his life and completely cured him." Guaranteed for coughs and colds, throat and lung troubles, by J. O. Perry, drug gist. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle freo. o O tiantkt gamo If ho goos gunning for tho Tod dy Dears in tho toy storo jungles. Baltlmoro American. main building, and nU mas win bo rtetlrd any part. Cordwool Eillj whllo green from looUUii foot long, reasonably t seasoned, dciircrM u ia or near tho soreral lortltn HIIIoiiHiicfln nnd Constipation. For yonra I wns troubled with bll iminnonn nml onrisHnnHnn whleh !' COrdod with bulUtik n,,ln llf ln..M f- mn M P"81 W" DeCtffiltfl, w "'" """""'" '" ' r Each bid raut be tftti POtltO fnllod mo. I lost my USUal'n rnrline.l thwk. unl forco and vitality. Ponsln nronnra-'clork. or cash mw! to IS tlons and cathartlcB only mado mat.'"!. b, 'orfeltel to a tors worse. I do not know where I"-Vd .hsllUIIU siiotiia lmvo neon today Had I noi tract to deliver the vom tried Chnmborlaln'a Stomnch nnd n satisfnetorr bond, S: Liver TablotB. Tho tablots rollove ion will be required tP tho 111 feeling at once, .trongtboa Jfio wtoMoto .loSS tno uigostivo rupctions, noiping 1110 nigt a satisfactory :i system to do Its work naturally,- should bo careful to iW Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham, Aala. ','?, V10, ""MmiSii III HIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 U U U I " furnished. Bids mat Ji onvolojios. cndorsN tt Wood." und addresw t Thoso tablets aro for sale at D;. Stono's drug atoro. 0 Tho TexH9 Wonder. Curqs all kldnoy, bladdor ana rhoumatlc troublod; sold by all drug gists, or two mouths' trial treatment by mall for $1.00. Dr. E. W. Hail, 2926 Ollvo fitroot, St. Louis, Mo Send for teatlmonlalr. Sold by Stono's drug storo. iwno.i Anr iBrtatr 1 mnv ho had of the ! m.n riiht fnrefKtUM si.is.'S.ia'Sa1! ivtio -- ".,,1.1,11 the interest 0 the itlil Dv order of tho Mfl of tho several IWJKj .. r T.io.ii.iSd Cm I 1-U-I-" Five Thousand Packages Tooth Powtto; BR8 WHO BRING THEIR BU1 TO US FOR CtBAWNjX PRESSING, FROM THE 3rd TO THE 17th OF NOVEMBER, Celebration of Our Enx Birthday. Yokohama Pressing P Suits Cleaned nnd Pressed. All Kinds of I d44 Court St. Thone Main 301 ftdflO, Wo Orff IWC Ifca Klaj toj Haw Hmn B&eW BwilU ylMMW 1M MW MHfl Western Electric and Manirfad OAKUnrth'lMdyW J- w. J 1 Call ano '- DO YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE WIRED? Brl ffilK the wort .-,.& thebCS .wlrl-' ..ndwlr1 uader,rriierr wexnanoi-" , - uMytmitttamm