DAILY OATITAL JOWlNAI, SAIiEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBKIt 0, 1007. a THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Progress, DoriJIopmcut nntl American Principles. W i ill mm ' ' ' "' iiiniiin ...i. imiwmmih in i" 13. IIOFEIt, Ed. nml Irop. CASTS Published every evening (except Sunday) nt Galcni, Oregon. By Carrier. One Year $0.00 Ono Month ....$ .CO Itnto by nihil Daily. -Ono Year $4.00 Ono Month ....9 .35 Weekly. Ono Year . . . . . .gl.00 8I Months ... .8 .B0 The KM Yon Always Boi ALL FOR A LITTLE WOMAN. Bears tho Signature Big I llllliiiy BbSm mm Awge(aWcErcrfflwtlntir..tr HIHHMniiManMHHNKMMHI Kin sm(latfnifoiW'in.rn.z T . gig tstomacteaa -Doarstno mm mm&mmmi Rn n- Km m.jfsa ,w6uwuiv kKiSiV " DnnTMnf.... njj II nt . ?! m All for a little woman, out of the lands of rose, Ovcr the hills of morning, to the bench and beam ho goes; JAM for n llttlo woman, and the roue of a woman's soul, iHe treads the mills whero the hammer, thrills and tho furnaco thunders roll! All for a llttlo woman brothers of toll mado sweet Wo swing and sing from tho llttlo cots In tho lano and valley and street; All for tho Uttlo woman and tho sunlight of hor face, Wo atrldo tho tldo of tho Boas world-wide- In tho roar of tho market place! All for a llttlo woman, In tho holy and heavenly dusk N Wo follow tho trail of tho brambled lano, tho scent of tho meadow-musk, 11 ifor a llttlo woman, tho blooms of our lovo and light, TThat lean to our klBS In tender bliss of tho homes on tho hills of night! Baltlmoro Sun. FIAT MONEY TO THE RESCUE. What was contemptuously denominated flat money a few years ago has wgaln bravely come to tho roacuo In tho big bankers scare. Forty millions of papor currency Issued on wheat warehouso recolpta Ib solemnly endorsed by THE ORGAN OF GOLDBUGISM AT PORT IjAND. acowhlllkons, how wo would havo howled down this horsey of Popo cratB and Bryanlsm a few years ago. But whon tho plutocratic ox Is gored tho Orcgonlan claims tho rag 'baby flat money as Its own child and hugs It In Its editorial arms AS' THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE COUNTRY. Waro houso rocoplts, repudiated Farmers AUIanco riffraff, ragtag and bobtail wildcat currency aro now tho delight of our Nopolcons of fl- -nance. Of course, If thoy aro willing to tako up with that kind of a crazy liorBO remody to help themsolvos out of a tight place, tho rost of us com mon herders ought not object BECAUSE AVE NEVER DID HAVE ANY TVIORE SENSE. But how aro wo mighty fallon, whon solemn oracles of high financial -wisdom, not erratic Bky-cracklng politicians of discontent, nuiBt stand tip and proclaim THE SUPERIOR VIRTUES OF DECADENT GREEN HACIUSM. For this warohouso rocolpt currency is not oven rospoctnblo flat cur rency llko a national grconback with tho flat of tho govornment printed on tho back and front. Tho whoat may bo hero today and thoro tomorrow. But tho waro houso chock currency Isjioro to stay. Wo may soil tho whoat and wo raay ship It to "Yowrup," but tho fiat monoy will bo In our midst. How nro wo mighty brought to grlof In an ago of tho hlghOBt gold 'Standard proBporlty and must start tho printing prossos at last. o BREAKING UP ANCIENT LAND STEALS. A milt In being prossod by tho stato to cancel land corttflcatos that "woro railroaded through tho stato land olllco In tho 'slxllos, In thoHo plamy days of land graft partlos would build n skiff of fence boards, MOUNT IT ON WHEELS AND HAUL IT OVER HALF A COUN TY. Ono man sat In tho dry-land craft and pllod a pair of oars, and In tho other oud was tho land grnbbor and probably tho survoyor. In this way township aftor township of allogod ownrnp lands woro ro claimed from the gomnmont and FILED FI'ON UNDER THE EXIST- 1NO LAWS. Ono of tliewe nlloged swamp land grafts Is what l now known as tho Wnrnor Land comjmny, holding 26,000 ncron of tho finest land. Thl land graft In Lake county is bolng attacked by a suit brought In tho nanio of tho Rtnto undor DIRECTION OF THE GOVERNOR TO HE COVHR. About 5000 acres of this land is ocouplod for tho past twanty yoars by -actual HottltrH, who proved up undor stato Inws ami thou woro donlod right to patent by tho fodernl govornment. Tho federal govornmont nnd tho fodornl courts hold tho dry-land navi gation grafts valid. Tho lands thus fraudulently sworn to ns bolng swamp landH and that tho locator passed ovor thorn In a boat ARF HELD TO HAVE BEEN LAWFULLY ACQUIRED. Tho stato has undertukon a big but a just undortaklng whon It soaks to oust tho big oattlo companies from this kind of fraudulent possession. Rut It should bo done. o A FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMAN. MRS. GEORGE CORNWALLIS-WEST Tho Century announces as ono of Its sorlal features for 1908 "Tho Romlnlsconces of Lady Randolph Churchill." Tho first chapters appears In tho November number. As tho wlfo of Lord Randolph Churchill sho played A LEADING AND BRILLIANT PART IN THE POLITICAL AND SOCIAL LIFE OF ENG LAND. Tho popularity that wont out In tho '80's to Lord Randloph was shared by his wlfo more particularly during tho famous election of 1S8G whon ho opposed John Bright of Birmingham. Tho Impression of his wife's boauty and dash during thoso stirring weeks has novor been weakened. Tho memories of hor life, thoroforo, deal with pooplo and conditions of general intorcst nud Importanco; and nro suro to bo rich In tho color and charm of tho writer's fascinating personality. Probably no woman living has moro momorlos of real Intorcst to re cord than Mrs. West. Sho has -traveled wldoly, sho has boon tho frlond of leading personage of Europo, Bho has cutortalncd aad boon entertained by kings nnd queens. Tho first chapters deals with hor childhood memories of Italy, her girl hood In Now York, hor llfo In Europo from 18C7 to 1870, tho famlly'H oxporloncos during tho Franco-Prussian war, and memories of Napoleon III, Empress Eugonlo, Princess MntMIdo, Prlncoss Paulino Mottornlch, tho prosont king nnd qucon of England, AND MANY OTHER INTER. EST1NG PERSONAGES, SCENES AND INCIDENTS. It Is said that Mrs. Cornwallls-Wost rondorod -material asslstanco to hor son, Winston Churchill, In compiling of Lord Randolph Churchill's biography; nnd n photograph of hor, takon at tho tlmo Lord Beacons field llkonod her to his Theodora In "Lothnir," Is published in that work. Landy Randolph Ghurohtll was bom tho daiiRhtor of tho Into Loonard Jerome, of Now York. Sho was married In 1874 It Is said to havo boon n qnso of lovo at flnst sight on both Bldos to Lord Randolph Churahlll, and played a lending part In his brilliant political oarcer. Lord Randolph diod in 1895, and flvo yoars later his widow married George Cornwallls-Wost. Bosldoa BEING ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS BEAUTIES OF HER f 1MK, n promlnont flguro In social nud political llfo, nnd a wtdo travolor, aho has boon proprietor and editor of tho Anglo-Saxon Rovlow, vlco president of tho Ladlos' Grand Council Prlmroso leaguo, und was In chargo of tho hospltnl ship "Maine" in tho South African war. The Money YouT;Throw Away If deposited In our savings de partment would yield you a com potonoy for old ago. It only takes n small sum de posited regularly to amount to n largo sum In a few years. 25c a day saved for 10 years, amounts, with iutorost, to $1040.80. Doposlta of 'ono dollar or moro received any tlmo. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAIi NATIONAL BANK. If flour goes much higher tho or- a cornm.oal appetite. Philadelphia Loiljor. We exercise more care in the selection of choice Coffees, than any other house in the world. J.AFnir.Fnitf' Fnlcrnr'e (M " Golden V COFFEfi Gate has the flavor appreciated by knowing coffee drinkers. Grind it at home Not too fine. 'j. A. Wmlgmv m. Co., Deafness Cannot Bo Cu red by local applications, ns thoy cannot roach tho dlsoaiod portion of tho oar. Thoro Is only ono way to euro donf nofis, nnd that Is by constitutional romodlos. Denfnoss is caused by an Inflnmed condition of tho mucoii3 lining of tho Eustntchlan Tubo. Whon this tubo Is Inflnmed you have a rumbling sound or lmporfoct honr ing, and whon It Is entirely closod, doafnoss Is tho result nnd unloss tho Inflammation can bo taken out nnd this tubo roitorod to Its normal con dition, honrlng will bo destroyed forovor; nluo cases out of ton aro caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing! but nn inflamed condition of tho mu cous surfneos. Wo will glvo One Hundred DollarB for any caso of Deafnoss (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars freo. F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation. to tho roforoo, umpire, bottlo-holdor, eocoiuI, tlmokoopor, major domo, or whatovor tho boss klckoo is properly callod. You soo thero Is only ono thing that gots moro kicks than tho ball in a froo-for-all football match, and that Is tho follow who (foos tho docldlng In contostod plays. As ho had a quart of llnlmont and two rolls of bnndngos ho must bo tho umplro In tho vnlloy loaguo. Of courso It Is only circumstantial ovldonco, but It 1b convincing. Tho outfit Is adver tised in tho Journal and two-bits gots tho wholo business for tho owner. Tho old Pennsylvania Dutch Dun kard recommends "Hickory Bark Cough Remedy." Guaranteed to euro your cough, and guaranteed to bo pure. Mado from tho bark of tho shell bark or whlto hickory troo. For salo by dealers everywhere. A FOOTBALL OUTFIT. Reporter Is From Missouri and Was Shown, LC. Brothorton tho good-natured strootoar conductor last night brought Into Tho Journal office, a small satohwl with shoulder strap attachment, which ho found In tho street nonr tho car track. "I'vo got a football layout In horo." he said to a Journal rpporter. "How do you know?" was tho natural Inquiry following from tho News' Chasor. 'I know baonuso I am a Mls- sourlan," was tho roply, "and If you aro from Missouri, I will soon con vince you." Ho did. Ho oponed the satchel and pro- diiced: Ono quart bottle of liniment. Two rolls of bandages (Red Cross brand). Ono small air pump. Three of Spalding's works on foot ball. One box of salve. . A comb and brush. THE O.K. GROCERY LttttWH J I V Between Low Prices ' and High Quality In groceries you would surely ohooso quality. But If you trade here you don't have to choose, for you get a combination of both, QUALITY GROCERIES, QUALITY PRICES Make this store the favorite among women who know grocery values as well as we do. By dealing here you of Mftfll ncssandResLContalnsccltiw 01 It HSli1 OpiunuMurpuIncnorMioefaL ft Kg Not Narcotic, i ILUiF Mgjjj ArpreOHIi-SiMCZimm iVA mMi jw- v III 1'Bil JMefftSJtt- I Ml him , - b lit US tesxA iji jM wgfe ) ffi X i llSj1 ApcrTcct Remedy forOjnsfiffr f 1 Q' f PSR' lion, Sour Storaacli.Dlarrhoci kp MLmzl' Wormsonvulslonsfevtrijlr H Law flJ HftjS ncssantlLosSQFSlEEP. J fOj y Efe!S FacSlnjte Sijnawrtcr : -,., WMe NEW YORK. J HIS II IC P PIMM n M OTflDS K5ff flunrantecdundcrtliiii-W 1 11 m I i Exact Copy of Wrapper, TMCtWWW HMHT, m first Class Conveyances and Reliable I You always get it Tu can glvo you any kf&i dtj mat you Uc.Mro-nlik to. It that li gentlt h ! Horsos boarded. FASHION STA O. W.YAXME,! Jill-137 -V. Illgli St PVitl Announcement To my patrons and tho public ' That I havo addod a Ilorso Shoeing department with horso Bhoor, and tho patronage of any nnd all trill tai in this lino. Speclul attontloa paid to laterforlng, cm and lamo horses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wa pay ! tlon to building trucks, oxprow nnd delivery wagoai, wi hides. A flrst-clajs paint shop and an thorough piWr' hlclos. Paints, oils, varnlshos and lubricating oils of 1 "Wagons, buggies and hackB, also farm ImpIeraeo.U of 3J plowB, harrows, cultivators. Agtnls for tho fcra ; pinna NIHinlnn XV Rlinnhnrrl traction engines, MBW ery and gasoline englnos. It will Indeed W I to ub If you need any of tuese unw. - -j boo us, whether you buy or not. Communicauwu y; ly answered. GEO, B. JACOB Corner Front and Pine streets, North Salem. Paos USB n2M SELFRB? B. B. Flow u.Ooj atfll,m For Doto Urown Hnuma, vuddle t ""'' 0w;C ar-r-nvfc, t WTITR Of " niiiiwn a xi. u j. - Germany leads the world In the production of chemicals. Salem Fence Works Ileadquartcra for Woven wlw Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doon and Adjustlblo Window Screens All at lowest price. Walter Morley 250 Court St. Salem, Ore. AfAj (ra ? 181 cTiia-r can savo monoy without sacrificing t quality In tho slightest decree. That inero was probably more but the Is reaI economy. reporter trom Missouri at onca' 'leasea up. It was not onlv a tnM ball outfit, but U probably belonged A. A. ENGLEBART, 12th street. Phone 123 O C T. Co. -STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGONA 1 FOR PORTLAND DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY AT 6 A. M. M. P. BALDWIN, At. THE BT FAW11 KT1 ..... w' ha ODW". . 4 au 'M BW H' Doric au.Tib1 . .ImrMU - m .TflBtW ,tbnw"'" fMtldlon. v quality twaJ" ' in t: ioi . v i- .-; j3 jb. plaM rLMj, wr X&VW" - ,-""' 388 fukt . li ml jf X ' IV" i 1 II