Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 05, 1907, Image 1

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    i vf-wrl
NO. 254.
Ilions In Gold Pour Into New York From London
jttlcJlflbcl Myers, Four
Old, ln Old shock nnu
Fiendish Crime cno
VUI 1'robnbly Die.
Press Leased Wire.)
i. Nov. 5. Enticed Into a
oook by means of a bag of
fered her by a stranger,
year-old daughtor of Mrs.
p 225 Mill street, was iuwuii
faulted by an unknown man
Mock yesterday aitomoon,
r ldne on a cot nt her homo
carious a condition that It
hbe may die.
ilibcl Meyers wbb pinymg
i other children boforo go-
to gunner, whon tno
tin accosted her nnd said:
r with mo, llttio gin, nna
loa somo candy."
ndr was purchased nt tno
lore from Mrs. Cnntrlll a
Kcs before, Taking tho
i child to tho ronr of a de
lete on Mill street, hd nc-
his purnoso boforo tho
tnr idea of his intentions.
ed one grimy paw ovor nor
preterit hor screams, and
icrlmo (led, leaving tho un-
cblld lying on tho ground,
nras found several minutes
eat Is described by Mrs.
height, woro a dirty and shabby
black or dark suit of clothes, bus
about threo days growth of beard on
his face and a mustache slightly
tinged with gray, and wears a black
soft hat.
Goes Home to Vote.
(Unltod Pross Leased WIro.)
Now York, Nov. 5. President
Roosevelt arrived lu Jersoy City nt
7:08 this morning on his way to cast
hlB voto. Ho breakfasted at Jersey
City, and loft nt 8 o'clock for Oyster
Captain nnd Money Missing.
tunned rresa Leased wire.)
Seattle, Wnsh., Nov. 5. Contain
John Farroll, of tho lumber schoon
er Robert Searles, Is missing, nnd
tt has co mo to light that bogus drnfts
amounting to sovoral thousand dol
lars bavo boon cashed by Seattle,
Tncoma and Everett banks. They
must bo mado good by the owners.
Snlt Xnke's Big Vote.
Salt Lake, Utah, Nov. 6. Tho
heaviest voto in tho history of the
city is being cast in Salt Lake. Tlw
indications nre thnt tho Amorlcnns
(nntl-Mbrmon) will elect Bradford
out 50 years, medium 'nKreomont.
(Unltod ProBa Lonscd Wire.)
Paris, Nov. G. Indications point
to an early inauguration of a tariff
war botwoon Franco and tho United
States. Tho negotiations opened last
summer for an arrangement on a
basis of giving Franco tho benefit of
a 20 por cont reduction in wines in
return for proforontlnl rates upon a
list of about 100 articles, including
Bhoos. tools, machinery, etc.. lmvo
thus far boon bnrron of results, nnd
tno nctlon of tho Fronch government
In virtually promising to concludo
nny further commercial nrrango-
monts until parliament pnsscs upon
tho proposed rovlBlon of tho tariff
soomn to prccludo any chnnco of
In Cleveland Johnson Is n Fnvorlto
nt 2 to 1 in the Retting Ills Elec
tion Would R0 Slap nt Roosevelt
Alt Parties Clulin Snn Francisco.
ic Store that Saves You
loney. See Our Prices:
ce sale of Thanks-
Tabte Linen, Crashes,
'"d Napkins.
led Tabic Da-
with beautiful floral
Ens, pfke yd. 29c.
cached Satin Damask
linen, desiens
tity price yd. 65c.
is in Blankets,
ws, Lotion Batting
'ng from 5c roll
from 95c up.
kt Wool Facla
J;25c, 35c, 49c,
Men's 25c Woc4 Sox 15c.
Hundreds of yards of New
Dress Trimmings, in Per
sian and PuM Braids, yd.
5c, 10c, 12 1-2c, 15c
and 25c.
3000 yds. of Velvet and
Silk Ribbons now on sale
in all widths, yd. 1 c, 2c,
3c, 5c, 8 1-3c up to 25c.
(United Press Leased WIro.)
Snn Francisco, Nov. G. Election
day In San Francisco dawnod bright
nnd crisp, tho wonthor being Ideal for
tho casting of a heavy voto. Tho
pnrty workors woro up early and la
boring with unrolaxed vigor, doapltfl
tho heart-breaking threo wcoks of
Tho usual early labor voto wnn not
cast, thousands of tho building trndcj
worKors taKing ndvnntngo of tho or
der Issued by McCarthy, who, na
president Of tho btilldlne tritrina
council, cnlled for a suspension of
work on oloqtlon day, and romalnlng
In bed Into.
In tho big districts tho onrlv vntn
was light, tho 30th, ono of tho moat
populous In tho city, showing only
51 votes cast up to 8:30.
At tho various headquarters con
fidence wnB expressed ovor tho out
come. Tho Taylor peoplo accoptcd
tho light early voto ns an Indication
thnt tho worklngmon woro not ovcr
onthuslnatlc about McCarthy, nnd In
duo timo would cnBt their voto for
Tho McCarthy neonlo. on tho othor
hand, took tho light voto ns an Indi
cation that tho worklngmnn was en
tirely euro of hlB ground, nnd couM
bo rolled upon to enst a Btralght
Union Labor voto at tho right tlmo.
Ryan and his managor aro ap
parency jubilant over tho outlook,
expressing greater confidence than
at nny tlmo slnco tho campaign
opened. Thoy aro claiming tho
Johnson Clnlms Victory.
Cleveland, 0., Nov. 5. Mayor
Johnson Issued a statement this af
ternoon declaring that ho would bo
tho winner by a majority of 18,000.
New Jersey Probably Republican.
Trenton, N. J., Nov. 5.- Partial
returns from the largest cIUcb lndl
cnto that Fort, Republican candi
date for governor, will hnvo a good
plurnllty over Katzonbach, Demo
crat. Tho Sunday cloRing law Is
quite an element in tho election,
Hiunglo fliJUs UIosc.
Boiiingham, Wash., Nov. 5.
Local members of tho shln-
glo mill bureau Btato that by
tonight not a mill will bo in
operation in this Btato. Thov
closo for an Indoflnlto period
on account of car Bhortagc and
nnd tho Total for tlio Week
Will Amount to Thirty Millions.
Ctoso In Maryland.
Baltimore, Md Nov. 5. Tho fight
In Maryland promises to bo a closo
ono, with tho chances favoring the
election of CrothcrB, Doraocrat, to
Mir irnvnrtinraViln A tf w1 nnMtnnt
is on for control of tho leglslnturo, (United Press Leased WIro.)
wmen win elect two united States Now York, Nov. 5. Eight mil
Bonntors. Greater Interest contejra Nena of the $30,000,000 In gold en
In tho election of members of tho , . ;.:., 1, 11 , , "
legislature than In tho election of ?n?d ,,n. Europo by Now York banks
governor. Both sides claim a vie
Union Pnclilr "Will Commence Work
on It Next Month.
(United Press Leased WIro.)
Tncomn. Wnnh.. Nov. n ti, .
Eight Millions Arrived In New York prfttjllll?n,'lJlJct1,0.n m'k on tho Un,on
Pacific tunnel In Tncomn will boitln
Today, Ten Millions Duo Tomor- about Decombor 1. Offlcinl Annminnn.
mom 10 una effect wns mado yostor-
uujr uuurnuon.
arrived today on tho Btcnmor Gron
Prlncossln Cecolln. In hor wnko tho
Llisltnnln brlngB $10,000,000 more.
nn1 irt vnuf nt Hia in Ann nrtfi In w
.MiissnchusettH Republican. ,,np,i wm,i ,i, ' f.V i.i .
Dnntm, lnr. V? T. n.Hl ' . v" i .... n win orau &UIU ID
n..n ii I .i ii it V uoing engaged constantly.
Guild's re-ecctlon. as well as that of. Fnclera say tho yollow flood
tho remainder of tho Republican wlu noi Btoj) Bhort of $60,000,000.
tlckot, la practically assured by re- with tho arrival of thn monov tAdnv
nit I - "
turns up to 1 o'clock this afternoon.
Tho Financial Situation.
" Anothor format holldny 4!
M proclamation wns issued todav M
II06 Fight In Sacramento.
Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 5. Tho
election horo today 1b ono of tho
most fiercely contested In mnny yenrB roneatod as a mnttor of form
T?ZlL."fr W A H1? ,ld' ? wSStS J .! mJttSr Sf fform S
iwuuvu 11 1.11111UU xj. ivniiu, i.iutuiu- m ror BOVOrnl dnvs. Pnrtlnml nn.
SnvTtf nneff'Urnn hCaR"f' nml nou!S shipment "of l ?
5ut I:i"Cftrd' Democratic can- 5 Inllon of B0,'d (Ircct fro
m Sr..KS2r.... M, , ..... f L?nrt.. England, one-hnlf of
'Yr""'V,V4"rr,A7''"""' ," J V,P" o to arrive in Port
ronu Is horo In forco fighting against
Whlto, who in turn Is supported by
ovory nowiipapor in tho city, daily
nnd weekly Tho voto promises- to
bo vory close, with tho chances fa
vorlng Whlto.
What tho Lender Say.
Snn Frnnclsco, Nov. G. Early this
afternoon, aftor hchrlng from hla
party nianngors. Mayor Taylor gavo
out thp, following Btntement:
"i litaiefu mat tomorrow tno
wholo world will clan Us Sndo In
approval of what Snn Francisco has
greater portion of tho labor votoldono by tho olectlon of tho Domo
that was expected to bo cast for Tny
Tho voting beenmo much llvollcr
ns tho morning advanced, and by 0
o'clock long linos of voters woro
formed at tho polling places in tho
unburncd district.
Tho district aouth of Mnrkot
street, which 13 as yet only sparse
ly settled, showed a light voto, in
marked contrast to tho hoavy poll
boforo the flro.
In tho fnshlonnblo district unusual
Interest wns displayed, bnnkers nnd
morchnnts being out onrly to cast
their votes.
Perry Nowberry, secretary of tho
Republican county committee, at 10
o'clock announced that tho voting
had becomo hoavy throughout tin
city and that In most enses straight
tickets were being voted.
Ladies' Winter Stockings in
cotton and wool, pair 1 0c,
15c, 18c and 25c.
Notions fuH count, Pins pa
per 2c, Shoe Laces 1c,
Cube Pins 4c, 8c Garter
Clastic 4c, Sans Silk bait
2c, Hose Supporters 5c,
10c, 15c and 25c.
Hnvy Voto in Cleveland.
Cleveland, 0 Nov. 5. Idoal eloc
tlon weather prevails here and votos
aro being cast at tho rate of ono n
minute in 244 precincts. It ia be
lieved that nearly tho entire regis
tration of 94,000 will bo cast. John
son continues at two to one favorite
ovor Burton.
crntlc and Good Government tlckot."
Ryan said: "Wo mado a clean
fight, wo will havo a cloan victory
and a clean administration."
Clovolnnd L. Adam, in chargo of
McCarthy's fight, stated this after
noon :
"There Ib heavy voting In all parts
of tho city, but especially In tho In-
oor districts. This, taken into con
sideration with tho fact that Btralght
innd Wednesday. Tho Now
York stock markot la stronger, fi
Largo transactions cnlculatcM jE
to relcaoo holdings of coin In
banks hnvo been carried 5
through. Salem bnnka aro ro- S
aumlng all lines of buslnosa.
Tho locnl feeling la thnt no 5
Portland clearing Iioubo cortlll- M
cntos will bo accoptod horo, but
if any currency of thnt kind lu
required, Salem banko will fol- m
lbw tljcucjwimnjftat. Portland.
Portland banks aro holding -f
largo balances from Salem m
nnd find It dlfllcult by any do-
itu iu jjuu coin or currency
from our city Our aneclal tol- P
ogrnms nnnounco arrival of
n,uuu,uuu goiu louay nt Now
York and $10,000,000 duo to
nrrlvo on tho Lusltnnln tomor
row, iftid total of $30,000,000
to arrlvo In Now York boforo
tho wook'a end,
It la estimated that thn nnhint mn.
structlon of tho tunnel will cost $3,
000,0000. Tho Bteol work, includhiK
tho drawbrldgo over tho city channol,
will cost abotit $2,000,000.
bankora bollovo a point 1ms boon
tlnkntR nrn linlncr nnllnil will
, -""' " " '-'n .. . . imninia ..aii. n .& .. .. i....
"K r08UU ,n th ,CCU0n r7achedvhero tho'tldo rny'bo count
, ' on on tno turn. A fooling of conll
Idonco is fast returning among dopos
oan i-rancisco, .Nov. &.-According uors.
to figures gnthored from various
sourcos, Taylor waa loading at 1
o'clock this afternoon, with McCar
thy closo behind.
PiitH Up Fifteen Million.
Par s. Nov. G. Tho directum nt
i . . - - - ---.
tho hank of Franco this afternoon
(Unltod PrcBB Lensod Wire.)
St. Louis, Nov. G J. O. Mars, of
tho Amorlcnn Airship and Balloon
Company, of Now York, has arrlvod
n St. Louis from Washington to bo
lect a slto for tho aerodrome tho
company will uho for tho construc
tion of nlr craft, and In which tho
ilrat wnr airship ovor built In tho
United Stntos for tho govormnont
will bo oroctod.
Tho contrnct for tho nlrnhlp has
Just boon cloaed In Washington, Gen
eral Allon, of tho war department,
acting for tho government.
Tho nlrnhlp will cost tho govorn
mont $10,000, nnd will bo modolod
aftor tho "Beechoy," shown horo In
tho rccont aeronautic contest. Ac
cording to tho pinna It will carry two
men nnd will bo capnblo of n speed of
2G miles an hour. A GO homo power
onglno will furnish tho motive Irow
er. A light gun will be mounted. on
tho frnmowork.
ui unnguon mno uouut exists nny voted to comply with tho renucat
whore now, nlthough McGowan Irf from tho Bank of England for n lonn
strong In many points. of $16,000,000.
Jiynn-B rnenda pin their faith on
tho final hours of 'voting.
Little Interna in Pittuburpr
Pittsburg, Penn., Nov. G. Elec
tion day dawned cloudy In Pittsburg.
There is no unusual Interest, John
Sheatz, Republican, and John Hor-
raan being tho only candidates for
a state office, the treasurercshlp. It
looks llko a victory for Sheatz.
Ban FrniiclNco Rank Solid.
San Francisco, Nov. G. "Tho
flnnnclal situation la Improving.
Money la flowing In from London nnd
Interested in San Frnnclsco.
New York, Nov. 6. ABlde from Its
own election, New York Js evincing
greatest Interest In the outcome of
tho San Franolsco oloctlon. Bul
letins from the coast are bolng prom
inently displayed In ths newspaper
windows and aro bolng road with
avidity by great crowds.
In Wa Street tho hone ib ex
pressed that Taylor will bo elected.
The election in Clevoiand is ano
attracting: much attention, as tne
defeat of Congressman Burton by
Mayor Tom Johnson will be a direct
blow to President Roosovok, who
has beon giving Burton's candidacy
all tho support at his command
Pnrlv returns from MaSSachU-
settea and New Jersy indlcato tho i afternoon
usual Republican majorities. doad
Rhode Island returns are coming
in slowly. A fairly oven voto la be
ing polled, with a slight shado in ia
vor of the Republicans.
Rlc Voto in CdlumbiiH.
Columbus, 0., Nov. G. An oxtrn
ordinary vote Is being cast hero, 'it largo European confers, and a vory
tho 39,000 registered, 15,000 havo few days will witness tho clonrlng
boen cast up to 9 o'olock. C. A. away of tho clouds. 8an Frnnclsco
Bend, Republican, and T, A. Duncan, has proved hor strongth by not tot
Domocrat. aro tho mayorallty candl-.terlmr under tho Btraln "
datos. Tho chances favor Bend. Governor Glllotto summod un tho
flnnnclal situation in thoso words to
day. It was rumored that ho intended
M.vnr CfAhmU, n.l- e ...h B.UU,..I WIUII u v ihi--
"', ,""" """"' v" " inturo for tho purposo of onnctlng
conviction of extortion, whon queried .legislation ortondlng tho tlmo for the
nt tho county jail this morning, gavo .payment of delinquent tnxos. He do-
these as his election views: nlod this, howovor, and Bald thnt con-
"I believe that McCarthy will bo ditlons did not warrant such action.
elected by from 3000 to 5000 plural
(United Pross Lonscd WIro.)
Manila. Nov. G. Secretary Tntt
Is considering tho abandonment of
tho mat of hla tour of tho world, nnd
an Immodlnto return to thn Uniinrf
State. The flnnnolnl orlals In tho
united Btatos, urgent political do
manda, and tho recent mutiny of sail
ors at Vladlvostock aro undorHtood
to bo behind hla dotormlnntlon to
return. No positive decision has
been reachod, but Taft'n return In
expected in official circles, it in tint
thought that Taft has any fears, but
It would bo unpleasant for him to
run into a battlo between Russian
royalists and robols.
As Seen Through the Ran.
San Franojsco, Nov. G. Formor
Hv. I cannot Bny that I oxnoct tho
ei tiro Union Labor tlckot to win. Ah
between McGowan and Langdon, It
looks to me an even break.
"The bltteroBt fight is on tho di-
Chicago, Nov. 6. In n dosporato
struggle with a burglar oarly thl
trlft attorneyship, and I would not morning, Jamos W. Alawoy, n com
wager any money on tho outcome of 8'?",,!?1 n0, Jf," r!!
that issue. But I do believe McCar- i w"? ,B,'ot "nd ''U1, ,n. ".' '? I1.6"0?
thy will bo elected. This Is tho mQitw0'' '" ?-' ''J?
dlfllcult election to prognoslcato
that Kan Franolsco has ovor hold.
suburb. Tho murdered man retired
early last night, and boforo dawn
this morning his brother wn? nwnk
ened by shots, which followod tho
eounda of acuining. Rushing to tho
apartments of his brother, Edward
Tim Kentucky Vote.
Lexington, Ky., Nov. G. Four men
were shot, ono beine killed and two saw Jamoa staggor and fall
fatally injured on Vino Btreet thlJ 77." " .P"rBjrL W"B
un tliu nuuiiuvu ijiuu nuiu, m.iu u ,w
tnont lator bo was doad.
Woman Sup)osel to IJo Wend Came
to Llfo During Fiinerdl Hrvlco.
(Unltod Pross Leased Wlro.J
Montcroy, Mexico, Nov. 6 While
n minister waa pronouncing servicer
ovor tho supposed llfolosa body of
Mrs. Frod Harzcll. tho latter stirred.
sighed and thon sat up. Tho minis
tor fainted, tho nallbuarora fled, and
only tho husband rernainod to analst
his wlfo from tho casket.
Four daya ago tho woman fainted
and waa pronounced dead,
Cluniblaii Ciovorniuoiit
Put a Stop to It.
Mix Prayers and Vot.
Dover, Del., Nov. 6. Women and
children aro parading tho street
throughout Delaware today, appeal
ing to tho voters to "protect their
homes and families." Churches were
open all day for prayer offering for
tho success of tho anti-llcenso tick
et in tho election. Party lines say
in an election row. Tho
man Ib Clyde Campbell, and
hi ratner. w. a. Campbell, a candi
date on the Republican ticket for
councilman, and Policeman Michael
Murphy aro fatally wounded. Ma
rion Smith, another policeman, was
badly wounded. The elder Camp
bell quarreled with Murphy, whom
ho accused of taking a too active
part in tho election. Murphy and
Smith arrested Campbell, whereupon
Clyde Campbell shot Murphy. The
nring men oecamo general. 20 shot
being fired, and when the smoke of
battle cleared away young Camp
Two of tho burglar's bullets struck
Alaway, one going through tho left
arm, and tho othor penetrating tho
chest near tho heart.
The dead man lived at 2110 Park
Grove avenue, Los Angela.
Itef uses to Accept Checks.
Denver, Colo., Nov. 5. Union La
bor men liero aro refusing to accept
checks in payment of wages. Tho
refusal la prompted by tho fact tba.t
money lenders and big busing
are offering to cash checks at a dla-
iAitnf Win imfnti mnn tiJtAvA 4Kalf
been forgotten, and liquor fs the oDlyjboll j&s dead, and the other tbrea employers obotiU get tke cash as
Ibsuo. - """' i,,UB w" vu" rouu wuuuoea, easily as tho lenders.
(United Prosa Lonscd WIro.)
Vancouver. D. C. Nov. G in or.
dor that tho practice of nolllne Indl-
an girls Into slavery during tho
noiuing or annual potlatchos among
tho natives In tho northern part of
flrltfuh Columbia may be abolished,
Indian schools for girls are to bo os
tatllshed, and tho females placod in
them until thqy becomo of ago.
It JOokH Llko TuyBor.
San Francisco, Nov. G. Tho beN
ting this afternoon went down to 19
to 7 in favor of Taylori much Tr.ylor
money being in evldenco. Tho im
pression seems to be genoral through
out the city that Langdon will poll
tho heavlejt vote.
Little trouble occurred fn any of
the voting booths, except In tho In
gloaldo district, where, ia waa re
ported, some of McCarthy's adherents
had attempted to prevent Taylor men
from voting.