Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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.- , . " i '. M'.fc
240-46 Com'l St
Salem, Ore.
V .
- - - i
Ladies' and
Children's Hose
and Underwear
26o Lad tea' fleece lined underwear,
bow 20
GOo Ladies' fleece lined undcrwoar,
now ...S9$
$1.85 Ladles' all wool undorwear,
now 90$
60o Ladies' fleece lined union suits,
now 43$
76oL&dlc' fleece lined union anils,
extra aieco, now 55$
11,76 Ladloa' all wool union suits,
now $1.45
2Gc Children's fleece lined uador-
wear, bow 20$
3 Co Children's fleece lined under
wear, now 25$
All odd pieces of wool or cotton
Underwear at oae-balf price,
"10o etraight Children's hose, sow
3 pair for . .' 215$
. 15c Rtralght- Children's hose, bow,
2'pair for 25$
12 c straight Ladiea' hose, bow,
pair 10
ICo straight Ladles' hose, now,
pair 12i$
U m brellas
Children's Umbrolias now H2$
11.00 Ladles' Umbrollao, heavy cov
ers, neat handles 75$
2.00 Ladies' Umbrellas, good qual
ity Gloria Bilk ?1.25
Ladies' Umbrellas, Gloria Bilk, very
fine handles, bought for holiday
trado to sell for $4, now..$2;75
?1.25 Men's Umbrellas, doublo rib
bed, now 00$
Lace Curtains
$1.25 ecru laco curtains now.. 75$
$1.35 ecru laco curtains now.Sl.QO
$1.60 ocru laco curtaina now. 2110
75o whito laco curtains now... QO$
11.00 whito laco curtains now .75$
$1.25 whito laco curtains now Sl-OQ
$1.60 whito laco curtaina now SI .10
$1,76 whito laco curtaina now 8125
$2.76 whito laco curtaina now $185
Men's Heavy Sox
20c Hoary Wool Box, now.... 15
2 Co Extra Heavy Wool Sox. . , .20$
Shoes '
$1.76 men's dreuo Bhoes now 3155
$2.00 men's droos shoes now $175
$2. GO men's dress chocs now $200
$2.90 men's oil grain shoes
now $250
$2.90 men's hich top shoos
now $2-40
$3. GO men's heavy oil crain
shoos now $2-00
$1.75 ladies' calf skin chocs
now $1'45
$1.76 old ladies' comfort Bhoes
now $150
$2.25 ladies' drcoo Bhoes now $185
$3.25 ladles' drttu shoes now $205
Men's Pants
Men's Pants, now.. .
Men's Pants, now...
Men's Pants, now...
Men's Pants Now . . .
Men's Pants, now. . .
Mon's Pants now...
Corduroy Poants . . .
Corduroy Pants, now.
Ladies' Coats
$5.00JL.adics' DIack Coats neatly
trimmed with velvet and soutacho
braid, now 8375
$7.00 Ladies Black Coats, trimmed
with volvot collar, now... $5.00
$0.50 Ladies' Dark Plaid Coats neat
ly trimmed with red velvet col
lars and pull braid, now..$4;QO
$7.50 Ladies' Light Plaid Coate
trimmed with red velvet collar
and green velvet piping. .$5.50
$6.00 Ladles' Gray Coats -with green
or red collar, now. ..... .$3.05
$8.25 Drown Mixed Plaid Coat neat
ly trimmed with brown velvet col
lar and cuffs and silk braid,
now $0.50
Ail other Coats in plaia or mixed
cloth for Ladies, MJ&scs and Children
aro marked with tho same liberal re
$5.00 valuo Brown or Red Sill? Petti
coata, now $3.45
Men's Suits
$6.00 Men's Suits, now 84.25
$10.00 Mon's Suits, now.... $7,50
$15.00 Men's Suits, now....$Q.50
Men's Underwear
50o Derby Ribbed Underwear. 4(U
50c Extra Heavy Fleeced Under-
woar, now jqa
$1.25 Heavy Wool Undorwcar.QW
Men's Hats
$2.00 Mon'o Hats In all tho latest
Btylos, only f 1.115
$2.00 to $3.00 odd Hats, now.fl.QQ
Boys' Suits
, y i !. - j8ti"i:TTTir
$2.00 Suits, now '.$1,50
$2.60 Suits, now '$1.90
$3.00 Suits, now $2.3$
$3.26 Suits, now $2.60
Boys' suits, ono of a kind, 3 to
7 years, nearly half price.
' r
Men's Gloves
60c Work Gloves, now 40f
75c Driving Gloves, now.... ,004
$1.00 horsehido or doe skis wk
Gloves, now, pair 19
(ComUaued on Page 6.)
New York aro not available, and in
flew of the further fact that the
rise of holidays axowedly for the
purpose ef giving tlmo for tho Port
Jn4 basks to ship coin (n makes it
tunaafo to undertake to open for
buslnoss on a normal basis. Tho
courso of Portland was necessitated
by tho attitudo of tho roservo cities
outh and cast refusing to ship west
ern banks balances due them. I be
Uevo tho real cause for depletion of
bank balances at Portland was th
ambition of Portland banks to trans
act tho entire business attending tho
moving of. crops in tho whole north
west which Includes hoavy Puget
"Sound cargoes. For instance, ex
porters of Soattlo and Tacoma, In
stead of rccoivlng tho procoeds of
their sterling drafts from Now York
by ahlpmont of tholr balancoa direct
to them, sont their sterling drafts
of oxchaugo to Portland banks for
collection, and Jminedlatojy calling
upon them for tho balances thus
created. Had tho Portland banks
confined their transactions of this
character to the proceeds of tho
crops of Oregon and that part of
Washington which ships out of tho
Columbia river, I boliovo tho neces
sity would not havo arlson for a holi
day proclamation. Do not lose sight
of tho fact that tho immediate and
direct causo was tho refusal first, of
tho New York banks, and second of
tho other roservo city banks, to ship
either coin or currency to corre
spondents having balances with
thorn. I
" Tho Salem Stato bank is tho
youngest bank in tho city and I havo
been counootod with it from tho be
ginning, Tho bank has always open
ed up at tho usual hour and. paid all
chocks upon demand, and expects to
continue to do so. We sympathlrb
with the Portland banks in their dtro
distress. Wo have had no with
drawals of any consequence five in
all to date amount to loss than
$1000. They were four women and
one man. Our deposits aro $26,000
larger than a week ago, our cash Is
alnoat tho same. Wo have money
on the way from New York and from
the iaa Fraiaefcco Miat," J. P,
Jtotfera, ftreaitettt Salem Hat Vaak.
"Tho pooplo aro trustful and aro
withdrawing no money In this part
of tho country. Wo have taken in a
much as wo havo sont out the past
week. In tho past two weeks wo
have sent $5000 to Portland and had
at the beginning of this trouble
$101,000 in cash on hand and with
'correspoadonts. Conditions bore
vory favorablo and tho pcoplo are
making no usual demands whatevor.
Tho governor has dono tho right
thing in extending tho holidays until
all havo adjusted themselves to tho
better conditions 'that will suroly
come about with a fuller understand
ing. Tako tho money wo havo on
i nana ana wmen we noiu in ron
land, Chicago, Now York and San
Francisco banks. It cannot be stolen
tit cannot bo eaten. All tho banks
cannot broak. It muet return to its
'natural channels and every dollar of
it bolongs to tho pooplo who havo ho
other placo to go wit htheir money
.but tho banks. Thin scaro will teach
us all some valuablo lessons and the
whole country will bo stronger and
all banks will bo safer for it. Some
big concerns may suffer, but the re
sult will be beneficial." J, M. Poor
man, Bank of Woodburn,
A. dispatch from Aurora this morn
ing says: Tho Aurora Stato Bank
opened up for business today after
the holiday proclamation was issued
by tho governor, and has been doing
business right along. They only
closed ono day. Tho bank haa plon
ty of- resources, was never in hotter
condition, and financiers who are in
a position to know, say it is ono of
the most solid banks in tho Btate.
there has been no run on the bank,
au-1 tho depositors havo tho utmo3t
faith in the soundness of the institution.
If tho papor trust keeps on raising
prices, Gomo of the Now York stock
certificates may yet becomo of actu
al valuo.
P. T. Barnum's widow was marriod
recently for tho fourth tlmo. Sho ov
dently thinks as did her husband that
I tho people llko to bo fooled.
An exchango says that persons tak
ing out marriago licenses during the
declared holidays "do so at their own
risk," but what's tho difference?
That's what pooplo always do on that
It is to bo hoped tho Warren Con
struction Companys' work will not
develop so many ugly hos as their
Stato street paving contract,
A news correspondent says Taft is
looked upon by tho Japs as a "dove of
peace. Yet "dovoy" does not seem
like tho proper term of endearment
for ono of Taft's build.
Gladys Vandorbllt was given $12,
000,000 in a minute by the probate
court in Now York recently. This Is
; tho preliminary step toward the Hun
garian count whom she is to marry
scattering it in Europe, Thus does
'tho charming great grand daughter
of tho old American railroad pirato
como to tho aid of tho effete descend-
'ants of her grand dad's prototypes,
the robber barons of the Rhine and
A Pusslan newspaper prediots that
thero will be war between Japan and
tho United States when the Panama
canal is completed, but that need not
worry the present generation.
Fivo Hundred Bales Roaght
Shipaoat to London.
Aurora, Nqv. 4. Thoro was some
movement in tho bop market Jn this
section last week, and a number of
sales made. Ed. C. Herren bought
tho following lota of hops for direct
shipment to Londen: Frank Fish,
70 bales; Glen Carothers, 77 bales;
Dave Kelt, 89 bales; II. H. Smidt,
147 bales; Charles Cccko, 110 bales;
in tho Aurora district. Andrew
WeiBhaar, 41 bales at Champoeg,
and 66
8 and 9 cents. Tho scarcity of cara none of them helped me; bo my lfo
and Btorago room is working a hard advised trying Electric Bitters, which
Bhip on the buyers as well as the aro restoring mo to perfect health
growers. Every avallablo storagoDno bottle did mo morp good than all
placo is filled with hops, and uutll the fivo doctors prescribed." Guar-
;they aro moved no moro can be anteed to cure blood poison, weaic-
bought. The hops bought by Ed, .ness and all stomach, liver and Ka
Herren wore shipped to Portland by ney complaints, by J. C. Perry, drug-
river, via Butteville. H, L. Bents,, gist, 50c.
Total amount as extend
ed on roll $344,837.09
Asscsmcnts made by
sheriff 2429.60
Penalty and Interest
charged 1,685.38
Total $346,9G2.13
a '
Badly Mixed Up.
Abraham Brown, of Wlnterton, N.
Y., had a very remarkable experi
ence; M says; "Doctoro got badly
mixed up over me; ono said heart
VII M life
Notice is hereby "J,
r.nilnrfilrnivl will rMrfft '
for the ImprowwUfJ
from a point 51$ Mjj
..BA. Warn nf HtlMOlt '
city to the' ctttif
street la saM city. .WJ2
feet wide la tteHwrw--
way street, awormn ir
spocJficaUew JjJJjS
thoofle oJ !:
vva. . ... 'ill VJ !
dtr. mi w rz
hv (
up to 5 O'ClC J;
itftf. i
v w ' .
disease: two called it kidney trouble;
bales from Bernard Nys at 'tho fourth, blood poison, and tn0fd TtwrifM torsKf
. Tho prico paid w'aa between fifth stomach and llvor trouble; but I , j
day of Octobw.W'jurt
Recorder of tfcCW
Notice u tett .!:!?
nroeOD. UP tO 7 "Y .l
There's No Ue
Talking, you can'o beat Herblno for
the llvor. Tho greatest regulator
over offored to suffering humanity.
If you suffer from liver complaint,
it you aro bilious and fretful, Its
your liver, and Herb!o will put In
in its prcp&r condition. A positive
cure for Constipation, Biliousness.
Dyspepsia and all ills due to a torpid
liver. Try a bottle and you will sev
er use anything else. Sold by D. J.i
fry. J
St. Louis should bo able to secure
tho Democratic national convention,
and perhaps tho Republican. It has
demonstrated its ability to furnish
gas and send up balloons.
Mr. Bryan, in the Commoner, re
marks that "any way copper stocks
that aro 97 per cent water aro not so
good aa silver dollars with 60 cents
worth of silver (n them," and on this
occasion every sensible man will
acre with "the great commoner."
who is buying for direct London
shipment, has had to turn down some
good buys, owing to lack of cara and
storage facilities, and all the other
dealers are in the same fix.
and tea; Schilling's Best,
is sold by about 9000
grocers west of the Rocky
Your tracer rrruros roar money If you don't
like it e Day hint
Sheriff's Report.
Sheriff Culver has submitted his
soml-annupal statement for six
months ending September 30, 1907,
to the Marion county court.' The re
port in part is as follews:
Cash on hand April 1,
1907, collected on the
1906 tax roll $243,824.95
Collected since that time
up to October 1, 1907 31,557.90
A pest of snails has been
m-ans of fitonnlnff many of
water mainB of the city of Chicago
. - o .
Withstood Other Treatment Bat
Quickly Cared by Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy.
Total $2,76,382.85
Tho tax roll for the year 1906
balanced up and including October 7,
1907, with tho delinquent taxes ex
tended in the proper columns, haa
been returned by the sheriff, and
the following statement is compiled
N'Last winter I caught a vory se
vere cold which lingered for weeks,"
says J. Urquhart, of Zephyr, On
tario. "My cough was very dry and
harsb. Tho local dealer recommend
ed Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and guaranteed it, bo I gave it a
trial. Ono Bmall bottle of it cured
. .. . . ,.!,. fVlllffll
me. I believe unamoenaiuo ---Rfemedy
to bo tho best I have ever
used." This remedy is for ! at
Dr. Stone's drug store.
Holland has 1,900,000 miles of ca
nals and ditches for drainage and ir
rigation. A ReliaWa Remedy for CJJJ
Mrs: S. Roslnthal, of Turner, Mich
igan, say; 'We &Yo used Cham
berlain's Cough Medicine for
selves and children for severe I year,
and like it very much. I tnInV,,
tho only remedy for croup and c
highly recommend it." For '9
Dr. Stone's drug store.
Oregon, up vm m
Monday, '"tfpd
feet w m '" s'A-l
street in the city wJ
from u - el Tw";
"J1 ira9W.
rstela "
! a sir ...
vot OetoW "
"". ..miati.r.
V .J
.. ur
mmw -
twin mi
PI18' "7 Ltti
dBfe w--Jr.
6t V "
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1 " wyw