DAJiYT CAPITA!, JOURNAL. 8ALEJ11, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1007. A p i II W IT I ' "" . t , A Prompt Trial l OF THE BITTER S When tho appetite is poor, norvea unstrung, bowola constltpntod and sloop restless will savo a lot of un necessary suffering. You'll find It Absolutely pure and of groat benefit to your ontlro syBtom. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS hns provon boyond all doubt that It can euro Flatulency, Dyspepsia, Iiull. gestion, Liver Troubled, Cliifls, Colds nnd MnJhrlu, FcJvcr and Ague. Try It and see. V ' break nn. - "OUnC8"UltlM.I you non,i ... II ,-- N WU.J "..w; nm"Hmi - w BEAS0:tl8Ii Aro-ouwearfc,..N . 10M M Our store is full to overflowing with the latest that goes to make up a fur nished home. During last week we received a large shipment of Buffets, Sideboards, China Closets and Bookcases Another large shipment of Heating Stoves Arrived Last Saturday Our liberal terms on all kinds of Stoves and Ranges make this the Greatest Stove Store in the City. Come in and see our line of heaters and cook stoves. ProvIouH to 1700 tho French would jiot eat potatoes, it bolng supposed that thoy would cause freckles. woxmv TWELVE STATES ELECT ONIjV.THKKK KLKOT GOVKR NOItfl, IIUT HUGH INTEREST IS BEING TAKEN OX ACCOUNT OF THEIR INDICATING THE l'OLIT IOATj TREND OF PUBLIC OPINION.'. (United Press Loasod, Wlro.) Washington, Nov. 4. In 12 states tomorrow oloctlons will bo hold, and whllo no nntionnl Ibhucs, nro In volved', tho results nro nwnltod with much IntoroHt by lundora ot-both big jiartlos. Ithodo Island, Maryland, Massa chusetts, New Jorsoy, Kentucky nnd Mississippi are to oloot governors "Now York will Longuo Republican cundldnto, has tho solid opposition of Tammany. o SIOUX HUNTING TROUBLE (United Press Lonscd Wlro.) Omaha, Nob., Nov. 4( Eight com panies of cavalry aro being rushed to Tluindor Butto, 'S. D., to 'quiet tho Sioux Indians, who nro about to take tho warpath ub tho allies of, tho ro bolllous Utos, Massacres aro expoct cd it tho-troops do not arrlvo in tlmo. . Hurled Allvo In Sewer. (United Press Loosed Wlro.) San Francisco, Nov. 4. Durlod nllvo in a sowor was tho torrlblo ex porlcuco of Edward Shoohan this morning. When llnnlly rosotod by worklngmon after hla vain strugglo for froedom, Shcohnn was uncon scious ,nnd had ho boon allowed to romnln a few minutes longor would hnvo boon suffocntod. Shoohan was I'SBlng In tho sowor, when tho onrth gavo wny, and In second ho wns com pletely burled. fttimllmlH Did Not Ent Tlten'i. (Unltod Pross Loasod Wlrc Stn(Mn. Wnah.. N'ov. 4. .Aitnoril- voto on two nBflo-IIng to Cnpt. Dnlfour, of tho British clnto JubUcoh of tho court of appoali,shlp Combormoro, who nrrlvod on Ponnsylvnnln n stato troasuror, No- tho Sound from Cnllno, tho American brnska a railroad commissioner nnd'Hhlp Arthur Sownll, 212 days out two rogonU of tho stato university, from Philadelphia for Soattlo, with Municipal olllcors nro to bo oluctod In n rc-lusurnnco of GS por cont; nnd Utah, Ohio and 'California. ' ' which hns boon roportcd lost In tho Tho mayorallty fights In Clove- straits of Mngollan, nnd tho crow de land and Clnolnnntl hnvo boon un-(vourod by cannibals, Is boating off usually HtronuouB. In Cleveland $ Capo Flnttory. Tho captain sayB that CongrosHjnan Burton Is pitted ho saw tho Sowall four days ago. ngatnst Mayor Tom Johnson, who has Marino mon do not know what eon ulrondy aurvod, thro otorms. Doth fldouco to put In tho report. liuvo mado tho fight on a platform i 0 of cheaper Htreot car farec. I ' In Cincinnati Mayor Dompsoy Is HAMRiiPfl npposcd by Frank Pffaff, Indopond-, llrilf lUUllU , ont Doinoorat, and lopold Mnkbrolt, Republican. In SnlfLako tho fight Is botweon tho Mormon and anti-Mormon forcos. In Maryland unusual intorost la taken In tho rosult, In that tho logls Inturo to bo chosen will oloot two United Stntos Senators, to succood Gorman and Ilnynor. Now York county furulBhos tho biggest fight in tho stato, tho con test for tho shrlovnlty bolng n hot ono. Max Ihmson, tho Iudopoudonco BANK SHUTS ITS DOORS iiiiiininnnttHMitiH ; : Every Month in the Year : : , .. .. . . "'falluro of tho Lapponburgor bank, at .. ...., w 4.. a ...... ;;sharply later upon tin (Unltod Pross leased Wire.) Hamburg, Nov. 4. Tho banking nnd brokorngo firm of F. Lappen burgor suspended payments today, owing to Iosbos sustained through oustomors. Tho AdauiH Murder Trial. . (United Pross Lonscd "WIro.) Rathdrum, Idaho, Nov. 4. Tho dof on8o oxorclsodtwo nnd tlio stato ono poromptory chnllongo In tho Stovo Adams caso today. It Is now cortnln that nnothor vonlro must bo summoned boforo tho Jury Is soourod ns but six of tho opon vonlro of 80 romnln, nnd onch sldo still hnB four peromptorlos. o . ' (Unltod Pross Lonsod Wlro.) Chicago, Nov. 4. Etta MoLoan, tho stonogrnphor, who was caught In tho act of stoaling a lottor boarlng on tho Walsh case from tho oltlco of Unltod Statos District Attornoy Sims, today proforrod froodom to lovo. Sho was promised freedom It sho would toll, nnd sho doclded to con- foss, "I will help tho socrot sorvlce mon," sho said, "and if Alex. Gordeo Buffers, well and good. It is his fault. I gavo him my honrt, nnd ho provol a crnvon." Gordoo was arrostod with tho girl, and, promised that if ho told all tho girl would bo relonsed, but ho ro fused to confess, It Is expectod that if tho girl tolls all sho will expose a big conspira cy on tho part of prominent mon to got tho government's ovldonco In big casos. Tho Gulp Toyed With Her. Soattlo, Wash., Nov. 4. Tho Mer chants' Exchnngo received a roport from Port Townsend this aftornoon that tho French Dark Vontura, which Berlin. Nov. 4. Prlcos on tho ,0It iaom aniurany wun a wneac Bourso oponod very woak upon tho;car8 for tho United Kingdom, had place to placo, carrying tho money with you, at tho risk of loss and tho oh&nco of over looking tho taking of a receipt, and lutvlng somo of it to pay ovor again. Tho convenient busl noss-llko way Is to pay all bills by chock, no matter how small, A chock ia tho host receipt you can hafo. Paying out racnsy in this waya Insures correctnes and gives you a comploto rec ord of all money paid out. Opon a Checking Account With Us. SALEM STATE BANK Salem, Oregon tiimminmimniHU announce- returnod with a loss of all her sails, whloh had boen carried away off Capo Flattery yostorday In a gale. mont of the ndvanco In tho discount, llor naai rgo nnu anmeu. rato of thn Hank of Enclnnd. which o- nwnkone.l npprohonslon thnt tho Im porlal Rank of Germany may resort to nnothor ndvanco In Its discount. The doollnes In prlcos wore heavy In tho caso of Americans. Do C.iarltnble to your horse as well as to yourself. You noed not suffor from pains of any sort your horses noed not suf for. Try a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment, It cures all pains. J. M. Chnppod hands nro quickly ourod, Roberts, Bakorsflold, Mo., wrltos by applying Chamborlaln's Salve. "I hnvo used your liniment for ten Condensed Telegrams. Moorohond Bros,' stool mill, nt Shnrpsburg, Pa., employing 400 hands, closed down today. It Is posslblo that tho Jamostown exposition will go Into tho hnndB of n rocolvor. Tho body or nn unidentified man was found floating In tho chnnnol bo tweon Fourth nnd Fifth Btrcots, nt Snn Francisco, this morning. Tho stcnmshlp Governor resolved n wlroloss roport of tho Johnson Flynn fight, whllo on tho run from Victoria to Snn Francisco. Thoro nro rumors. In circulation that n plot to murdar tho Knlsor when ho visits Enclnnd hns boon dis covered. Rumors thnt Admtrnl Bob Evans wns to bo disciplined for talking too muoh nr5 unfounded. Bob only said "tho fleet was ready for a fight or a frolic, and ho didn't glvo a d n which." o Punl Bowers Improving- Paul Bowers, tho woll-known Unlvorslty studont, who has boon vory low with pnoumonln, Is ro portcd to bo slightly Improvod to day, and It Is thought that tho crit ical point of tho fever is past. Deafness Cannot Bo Cured by local applications, ns thoy cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. Thoro is only ono way to euro doaf nes8, nnd that la by constitutional romodios. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tubo. When this tubo Is Inflamed you hnvo a rumbling sound or lmporfect hear ing, and whon it is ontlroly closed, dcnfncBB is tho result and unless tho Inflammation enn bo takon out and this tubo restored to its normal con dition, hearing will bo destroyed forover; nlno wises out of ton aro caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mu cous surfnees. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars for any enso of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Cntnrrh Cure. Sond for clr culnrB frco. F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 7Cc. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o Resigned Position C. K. Rlggon nnd G. W. Gownrd, who hnvo boon In tho employ of tho locnl ofllco of tho Wolls-Fargo Com pany, hnvo resigned tholr positions to nccopt othor positions. Frank MnpoB nnd W. Simpson hnvo accept ed the positions. Biliousness nnd Constipation. For years I was troubled with bil iousness nnd constlpntton, ' which mndo llfo mlsornblo for mo. My np potlto failed mo. I lost my usunl forco nnd vitality. Papain propnrn tlons nnd cathartics only mndo mat tors worso. I do not know whoro I should hnvo boon todny had I not tried Chnmborlnln's Stomach and Llvor Tnblots. Tho tablets rollove tho HI fc'ollng at onco, strongf""1 tho dlgOBtlvo functions, helping ! . 8ystdm to do Its work naturally. -Mrs. Rosa Potts, Blrmlnghnm, Anu. Thoso tnblots nro for sale at 1).. Stono's drug storo. . o Painfully Cut, Hnrry Count, nn. omployo of Wnrron Construction Gomnau, whllo chopping wood, cut his let: foot. Tho floah wns laid open to lh bono, but no pormnuont damage v dono. U1AS. H. UK Owdaato opudn j 123 Commercial n g on Thlg Bim. A mpn OLAnK-Atata,!..;,,; TV". r.''.3 w',u" 'arjc, SgedTftt Mr. Clark wai o moBt respected Dlon 1.7 Lr's Mineral gervlcei mu 1530 p. m NovemWi ... donco, and Interment 1U Jw wn cemetery, SUytoa, A Ron! Wondtt!j ' South Dakota, Ithiurtt " uuuuaza rarai, ,, nnd Btraneo nntti.i , City, In tho home ol lT iapp, a wonderful aifoit ii ns miciy occurred, for, od near death w.'h lust mi trouble. "Exhauitlng cctilU oucurrca ovory nre mluia,', Mrs. Clapp, "when I Unit Dr. King's New DIjcowt. fc i modlclno, that med Hid completely cured him," Ca for coughs and coldi ti-jl lung troubles, by J C PeJ gist. COc and MOO Ttiii froo. o Prlsrflla lhid)rolik7 Oi-. Tho Prlscllla Embniki mot with Mm, Dtl Dfawl Thurtday nfternoon, ui A pleasant nfternoon wui.tij club hns 12 mcmberi, uli nfternoon had at their i Wall of thoPortUndN Mrs. Dr. Dyars ot Call(rnU) II. Hyarj. Miss Vera Bjwi Tom Uurrows, The nrti will bo hold vrithMrtDirrl u Alunys Xu fit I ' "" fclt.lr f hi '' fOK 8il 'lh" Syrup U' f ItTlJ'fr'. Vuh, - .',!'.. ' iui'1 ' " THE BIS ( IS ALWAYS ir; CHEAPEST Price 25c. drug storo. For salo by Dr. Stono's J Kirby Smith's Widow. (Unltod Press Leased Wire.) Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 4. Nows was recolved hero last night of tho doath at Suwanno of Mrs. Ed mund Klrby Smith, widow of tho former Confodoralo general. She was about 70 years old, and bad been ill a week.' L r yoara and find It to bo tho best I have ovor usod for man or boast." Sold by D. J. Fry. o To Fight Frnnkle Noll. (United Pross Loasod Wlro.) San Francisco, Nov. 2. Owen Moran' England's premier feather weight boxer, arrived In tho city this nfternoon. Ho will start training to movrow for bis fight with Frankie Kali 1W mm jmmmmMmmmmmmMMmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmMm I m imn P -Salem f Bffl 1VKI1 uaiiJH ' mmmjmmmimmmmmamammimmm In this case yo-j et lb.: the same ps'it tfct y-1- iave to pjy fo tf ' Had. Wef'-tetllir BISHOP'S READY - TAILO' CLOTHES Yo positively cm" aoythiog MM' J Oitt Prices $f 2$ j Vool " Stoec iS' n J -. I T - ; . : .