DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1007, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ProKretw, PovdlopmcBt and Amerlcau Principles. E. IIOFER, Ed. and Trop. Wlel oven ovoiiIuk (except Sunday) at vgafc-aa, "OregOH. By Carrier. 'QkTcm $6.00 One Month ....$.50 Rate by Mall Dally. Oo TEflaw $4.00 Ono Month . ...f .S? Weekly. One I?cr .31.00 Six Months . . . .9 .00 mum iiuilummi wo a a KIND WORDS AND CASH. Say tho kind word and don't Walt till he's dead, ttt may help him now In tho Btruggie for bread; 'Tho "gravo is boyond tho reach of hot air . And hunger don't knock on tho doors over there. "When tou'vo said the kind word, juat add .the kind deed, JDosit Walt till your brother's In actual need; Ut'Biay bo too Into to give him tho lift ;' ' . "When lils courago's all gone and and his soul Is adrift. rpat-lilm In Hno to get hold of 80mo cash '" ,Whon"ho,s feeling tho sting of Poverty's laBh; ' ' 'Doii't 3rand him a lemon In piaco of a peach "With -all tho world's luxuries out of his reach. o 'CONTRACTS WITH CITfKg SHOULD BE ENFORCED. Tke "attitude of the state board of education In demanding that text book ujoatcactors live up to their agreements with tho state Is correct. ItiB the right attitude for the pubc ofllclal. 'Governor Chamborlaln'a telegram x0 dollnquot publishers who aro 1 talTlHg to supply Bchool books according to contract IS NOT TO BE MIS UNDERSTOOD. Those who get valuablo contracts fr0m the peoplo of a stato, county orxlty, should bo required to live Up to their bonds or forfeit tho same &mH pay tho penalty. 'Officials In offlco for tho people Bhoui(i enforco tho ponalty. Tho falluro so far of the city of 80111 to enforco Its bond with tho "Home Telephone Co., IS IN STRIKING CONTRAST. That -company secured a valuabl0 franchise and failed to Install Ita -exclraiigo In this city, under a $5000 bond to do so. "Tho city delivered tho goods and tho corporation should do likewise. That 'bond was part of tho contract and wns part of tho consideration tor acturlng a franchise. WnY SnOujj) it NOT BE PAID. Tho city council undertook to extcnd tho tltno ono year for Installing 'ita oxchango In this city. By voto Of Bx (0 three the councjl voted to externa tho tuno a year. Tho Jriayor ruled that tho rosolutOU COuld not bo adopted by less than a majority of tho council, or eight v0tofl. ' CHr.Vjosncr had tho matter of tho mayor's ruling referred to tho city attorney nnd THE CITY ATTORNR? OVERRULED THE MAYOR. Tho vty attorney rofusos to sue tn0 Home Tolephono company on Ita forfeited bond, dlfTorlng from tho mayor jn i,s interpretation of the par liamentary law. He aBsumou ho must bo attorney for both sides. Sunt whnl right a subordinate omcn jmR l0 take his own ruling on swatter roforred to him for the bu 0f ma PERFORMANCE OF HIS ."MEmLfO WSTY IS A MYSTERY. There aro too many of that kind of BCrvants of tho peoplo In onlco who wiaume that they must do duty for both Bjdos Buoh cases. ' o I LINCOLN'S OVEinUUKS TO GAIUIsALM. Catarrh Invites Consumption It weakens the delicate lung tissues, deranges tho digestive organs, and breaks down tho ncncral health. It often causes hesdacho and dizzi ness, impairs tho taste, smell and hearing, and affects the voice. Being a constitutional disease it re quires a constitutional remedy. Hood's Sarsaparilla Radically and permanently cures. In urinal liquid form of in chocolated tablftU known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. Rickey Public School, Report of Rickey public school for month ending November 1, 1907: Number of pupils regtstored during tho menth: Boys 25, Glrls35. Number remaining at the end of the menth: Boys 24, girls 24. Average dally attondanco, 36 68. Names of pupils who wore neither absent nor tardy: Lolo Humphreys, Alma Ashby, Grac6 Humphrey,- Myr tlo Schoffler, Beoslo Hilton, Chester Horner, Owen Frysloy, William Bel lamy Budd Lindsay, Mlrl Lindsay, James Stddall, Donald Slddall, Earl Cooley, Edlc Strlngor. Names of pupils on tho roll of honer: Lolo Humphreys, Alma Ashby, Gertrude ABhby, Grace, Humphreys, Myrtle Schoffler, Chester Horner, Budd Llnd say, Eddlo Stringer. P. A. MEYERS, Teacher, s. . . .Cavallablcg dbraq DOWNWARD COURSE Fast Being Realized People. by Salem 1 .It. .Is -Tint vry widely known tlmt Proaldont Lincoln once ottered tha command, of tho tinny to Garibaldi, the Italian llb6rator. I Vt, In hard to j-iichh what would hivo uoon tho result UF SUCH A MOVE MnKKN'MADKlN TIIOSiqTEIlRiniil) TrKS. , N It Ih uot llkelV tlmt the Italian f0mmandor of volunteer armies would &avu mnd a unices of the groat ndortaklng. it must bo considered at this re- moto time that Fathor Abraham was providentially guided TO DO HIS WORK IX THE WAY IIP. DID. It Is certain tlmt ho finally chos he i-lght mon for loadors, and that Grant was tho gonlua of Providence to rloiio the groat drama In tho mag nanimous way that he did. Extracts from hitherto unpublish ed private papers of the lato Georg? V Marsh, Unltod Statos minister to Italy, from letter of Garibaldi, and from othor state papers, form part or II. NelHon Gay's account of "LIN COLN'S OFFER OF A COMMAND 'IX) GARIBALDI," whloh Is pub lished In tho November Century. Tho nrtlelo will throw light on 1 disputed point of history, and will -jU tho Interesting story of how tlu tho command of an army of the ttjalted statos wan offered by Lincoln to tho great commaudor a fact rWcbj baa b.eu dlsbutod by at least one prominent authority on tho Ci7it ,War. .IHilllllllKt " HHHlVt A.Httlo backache at first. Dally Increasing till the back lamo and weak. Urinary disorders quickly follow; Diabetes and finally Brlght's dis ease. This Is tho downward courso of kidney Ills. Don't tako this course. Follow tho advlco of a Salem citizen. N. S. Wllllama, of 239 Liberty St , Salem, Or., says: "A number A BETTER BANKING SYSTEM NEEDED. t Tho bank panic sprung on the Atnorlean people should teach them a '.faw much-needed lessons. One lesson Is that better banklus laws FOR THE PROTECTION OF DEPOSITORS ARE NEEDED. Bucks In general should uot bo allowed to' loan more than 35 per cent f tholr deposits. Tho cltUen who deposits $1000 In any banks should know that at tem half of It 18 THER FOR HIM TO USE WHEN HE WANTS IT. tf ho could know that $650 of his money was subject to his I nunc Jlattt cheek It would be better still. Tho government would haveto furnish moro monoy hutTHAT WOULD I1R A GOOD THING FOR THE COUNTRY. Xll l)anks should bo required to put money Into a sinking fund for thn promotion of the depositors of any bank that susponds. U would tako but a small tax to accomplish that result, but It would MAKE ALL BANKS SAFE. AND CREATE CONFIDENCE AND CREDIT. Banks should be prohibited by law from lnvostlng In bonds anJ Afouks, Tho only exooptlon should be first-class municipal securities. Tho defects of the present system of banking and tho speculation untried on by tho llnanolal Institutions of tho large contors make the wholo system a laughing stock of the Amorlcan people. Cures Wluter Cough, J. E. Cover, 101 N. Main St . Otta- ta Kaa., writes: "Every fall It ha WMijpa my wife's trouble to catch a tfwTCT cold, and -therefore to cough W winter long. Last fall I got har 3i oUlo 'of Horehound Syrup. 8he xsKl tt'nud has beon able to sleep 'suitfiidly all Bight long. Whenever 'tgfe&'-ceagh troubles her, two or three tfeB tcjJ3 tUb cough, and sho Is able n'o up -and well." 25c, 50c on-l ZM Soli by D. J. Fry. A Methodist Minister Recommends Clutmberlaiu's Cough Remedy. Wo have usod Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our home for seven years, and It has always proved to bo a reliable remedy. Wo havo found that It would do more than tho manufacturers claim for It. It is especially good for croup and whooping cough. REV, JAMES 13. LEWIS, Pastor Mllaca, Mlun., M. E. Church.. Chamborlaln'a Cough Remedy U sold at Dr. Stone's drug store. of years ago tho doctors told mo mv kidneys were In bad shape. I came west on account of tho trouble, thinking the chango of climata would holp mo but nothing I did gnvo me relief In splto of tho uso of remedies and medical treatment. On procur ing Doan's Kidney Pills I fouml them the best mcdlclno I over used. At tho time I got thorn I was suffer ing an Intcnso burning fonsatlon aB If two llvo coals wero placed direct ly over tho kidneys, the oecretlon from tho kldnoyn woro Irregular and unnatural. , Aftor usng two boxoi of Doan's Kldnoy Pills, I Mid not havo tho loast pain In my back or trouble with tho kldnoys. I gtvo all the oradlt to Doan's Kldnoy Pills." For snlo by all doalorrf. Price DO cont. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., tsole agents for tho Unltod States. Remember tho namo ponii and tako no othor. o Salem Social Dates. Salem Merchants' leaguo annual lunch Wednesday ovonlng at Elks hall. . Annual election of offlcors Illlheo club Tuosday evening, Nov. 12. Cards are out for tho marrlago of Miss Ella Schultz to Chan, A. Wil son, Novembor 12, at homo of , Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Schultz, 1741 Court street. The first recital of tho Willamette college of oratory will bo given Tuesday evoning of this week. Tho college of music recital will be given Friday evening, November 8. o Hero's Good Advice. O. S. Woolover, ono of tho best known merchants of Le Raysvlltc, N. Y says: "If you are over troubled with plle3, apply Bucklon'a Arnica Salve. It cured me of thorn for eood 20 jfrears ago." Cures every aore, wound, burn or abrasion. 25c at J C. Perry's drug store. To Whom It May Concern. Notlco Is hereby given that com plaint has been made to tho health offlcor of tho board of health of tho city of Salem, Oregon, that tho sanl tary laws of tho city and of tho stato of Oregon aro being violated by many residents of tho city who aro maintaining closota over runnlmj streams of water and polluting tho same, or aro maintaining closets In Buch filthy condition aa to bo nuis ances, .arc maintaining' manure piles, refuso and decaying vogetablo and animal matter In Buch condition aa to bo nuisances, and that such nuis ances exist ih closo proximity to wells, tho wator from which Is usol for drinking and domestic purposes Such conditions, it thoy oxist in the city of Salem, aro a monace to tho health of all persons living along Buch Btrcams, or using water from such wells, and arc liablo to bo tho occasion of an opidemic of dlscaso at any timo. All residents of tho city of Salem aro hereby notified that on December 1, 1007, all pollution of Btrcams ot wator flowing through tho city, whether such pollution bo caused from the uso of closets built ovor such Btrcams or otherwise, must ccaso, and that all closets and toilet rooms which aro not connected with Bowors or septic tanks must bo thor oughly cleaned and put In a whole some condition, and must bo bo placed and constructed that there will bo no danger of the pollution of any wator usod for drinking or domestic purposes. Contagious diseases, and birth ami deaths occurring in the city are not , ulwnys reported to tho health ofll 8i ....... ..... . cor as rcquireu ny law, ana tne iac: that contagious diseases exist In tho city Is sometimes concealed from tho health ofilcor. Any porson conceal ing matters which should bo reported to tho health ofilcor Is liable to tho ponalty provldod by law, This notice gives nmplo tlmo for nil porsons to arrange for a full com pllanco with all stato and city laws on tho subjects heroin mentioned. W. CARLTON SMITH, Health Ofilcor of tho Board of Health of tho City of Salem, Oregon. A DanRiM'ou.s Deadlock I that Bomtlmcs torminntcp fatally, Is tho stoppage of liver and bowel func tions. To quickly cud this condition without disagreeable sonsatlons, Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills Bhouid always bo your romedy. Guaranteed nbsd lutoly satisfactory In every caso or monoy back, at J. C. Perry's drUg iBtorc. 25o. Couiicilnien Nomlimtxl. The city prlmarlos Saturday re sulted ns follews: First ward A. T. Mofilt, Uwpubtt can. Second ward A. N. Mooros, Re publican. Third ward W. II. Eldrlgde, Re publican. Fourth ward W. S. Low, Repub lican. Fifth ward Enog Prosnall. Re publican; August Iliiokantoln, Demo crnt. Sixth ward E. B. Millard, Repub lican. Sovonth ward N .1). Elliott, Re publican. o - - The old Pennsylvania Dutch Dun kard recommends "Hickory Bark Cough Re.medy." Guaranteed to cure your cough, and guaranteed to be pure. Madofrom the bark ot the ehell bark or 'whita Hickory tree. For sale by dealers everywhero. The Money You Throw Away If deposited in our savings de partment would yield you a com petency for old age. It only takes a small Bum de posited regularly to amount to a large sum In a few years. 25c a day saved for 10 years amounts, with Interest, to $1046.80. Deposits of ono dollar or more received any time. SAYTNlGS DEPARTMENT OAPITAXj NATIONAL BANK. THE O.K. GROCERY .' vKJf 1 v I 1 Bet we$n Low Prices and High Quality In grocerlas you would surely choose quality. But if you trade here you don't have to choose, for you get a combination of both. QUALITY GROCERIES, QUALITY PRICES Make this store the favorite among women who know grocery values aa well as we do. By dealing here you can save money without sacrificing quality In tho slightest degree. That ts real economy. A. A. ENGLEBART, Horl-flftt ALCOUOLPERcKl iOsssS FtoRsDteeriGRfWsffJ ji1iltcUuwtel ujauw .rorpMfle normtnLI nOTJYARCOTIC. Aperfeet Ileraedy forCOw uon . aour awMKn.uHKTBK Worias,Cojnalsions.remtjlr! nessAmlLossoFSlJEEp. Facsimile Sfytatwc of NEW YORK. The Kind fa Always Btty Bears the Signature ' of nin iuaranttcAunoVri Exact Copy of Wrapper. ITU MUM M4HMf, w,t first Class Conveyances and Reliable I You always get it It can give you &ny klal e( 1 that you desire and 1 1 to It that It gtstl( h ! Horses boarded. FASHION STA 0. W. VAXXKE,! 1UM37 X. High St, I Announcement To my That patrons and tho public I havo added a Horse Shoeing dopartneat wltii H horso sboor, and tho patronage of any and all will t 11 In this lino. Special attention paid to !r'i' and lamo horsos. Satlsfactioc guaranU'-i tlon to building trucks, express and deit. hlclos. A first-class pant shop and aa . hides. Paints, oils, varnlahos ond lubi t.'' Wngons, buggies and hacks, also far ploTS, harrows, cultivators. Agents for tn- . glnes, Nicholas & Shepherd tractlou eaiia. ory and' gasollno engines. It will tol ' to us. If you need any of thes in-- see us, whether you buy or not. Comaua-.i .1 "5 ly answered. GEO. B. JACC?B Corner Front and Pine streets, North 8j :i 1 xmu Vw rrfMn SF! J &r 3 ' ; Fiv 'rJW '.t,-M Hut! tt: Krnn mmm. uMo i-- r imf. ( ALLMN1 B. B. B. FLOUR " Germany leads the world In the production of chemicals. Salem Fence Works Hed4BArter for Wovea iwlrt Fearing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P ft B. Ready Roofing, Screen ooon and Adjustlble Window Screens All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore. 1 t-mfa- 4- II 0 C T. Co. -STEAMERS POMONA AND OKBGOKA -JJ FOR POKTLANB PAILY, EXCJCrT 1UNDAX AT A. M. M. P, BALDWIN, Aft. C If. ta . j 19$ FAJfl Cn y tendfrf from the U- fsstmii nUllit) - pi J": c- Pk " 2th stret. JPkoaa 122 1 Jd'