' ' ... FAin TONIGHT AND TUESDAY. '" AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1007. NO. 2GJL inancicrs Consult the President Over Situation : ancial ituation IN SALEM IS ALL SOLID MKCKS OX DEMAND AND it-CT TO CONTINUE TO DO LpwrricALiiY no with- MLS AND THESE ONLY Old, ACCOUNTS DEPOS- i INCREASE DURING THI3 E-HMIIMIHI1 . . . ... ... ft. ! r. A. Busn, 01 iuo iuuu a bnk, WB8 seen by n but Joumn! reporter anu "Tho dlfflculty ought H Jto last much longor and I 5 h think It can. Our banks fi DQTcr closed nnd, as i liltr Salem Is In as good Bltlon ri any In tho ntato. iltuatton in getting cantor 5 dy. and soon It will bo treat a wonder whoro It M : u where It camo from. ' 2 CIIK-HM1MM1 I Albert, of tho Capital Natlon- I, said teday: "Outsldo of tho banks, I think tho cash ro- ire folly normnl, but tho fact it of their resorvos In Port an Francisco, Chlcngo, and Fitlhtied from'pngoonoT) MMRKIMl4lll!IH. No Extra Session. (United Press leased Wire.) a wasuuigion, nov. 4. mere jjj wll bo no extra session of g congress. That wnB decided M on at tho cabinet 'meeting Frl- jjj day. That there Is to bo no extra BesslonIs duo to the fact that the cabinet memborB fell S on tho ' proposition tooth an 1 J nail. They did not all oppose M for tho same reason, but each H of. thorn had such an array of j arguments, all spontaneous, that tho President was con- vlncod. Ho closed tho meeting 5 by promising definitely not to 5 call an extra Besslon. iKia-nMMiiiiii . To CombUio Grout Fleets.' (United Press Lcnflod Wlro.) London, Nov. 4. It Is announced that a combination of two big cargo BtoamBhlp enterprises Is In contem plation by tho firm of Furncss White hoy & Co. Tho company propose! to ncqtilro tho fleets of tho British Mnritlmo trust and tho Ohesnpoak Ohio Steamship Co., thus becoming tho ownor of not loss than G0G.G82 tons of steam shipping. Such a fast floot of cargo Btcamcrs undor olnglo control would bo unprecedented. Killed Deaf Mute. (United Press Leased Wire.) Orllla, Wash., Nov. 4. Edward Jones, of Spokano, wns run over nnd inatantly killed by a Northern Pa clflo pass'ongor train from Olympia yesterday afternoon, o Nntlonnl Rank FatlH. Aurora, Ind Nov. 4. The Aurora Nntlonnl Dank was fotccd to closo its doors this morning. ) fllCAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE WE HAVE MARKED IICK SELLING PRICES On the Following New Goods ' OoaUj, Ladles' Suite, Misses' nnd Children's Coats, Rain 1 Rubberized Silk Coats, Silk Petticoats, Furs, Silks, Imported Dress Goods, Fine Dress and Wnlsting Silks, Outing Blankets, Comforts, Hosiery, Underwear, Ladles' Shoes nnd 1 Clothing, t , 1 pin Ladles 16-button, Long ; COTei. DoilhlA Tin VlnonM pnjar 12.00 quality. Spe Flee, pair $.39 j GREAT VALUES Offbred this week In Ladles r Su'lts,vCo'at8, Millinery, Silk Petti :oats and Furs. fle and Meu'a Gloria Silk ir:i, U 50 quality. Spe- 1 k this sale 98c nrdj of g0O(i standard 0ut. '-. i.c quality. Spe. Price, yard 3c Men. Wooi So 25c Ut7, S:vecIal -or this sale. J 5c c w Plata Silks for ,l0ff' U.25. J1.45 cgfor 75P. 9Sc yd Sono. Children's $5.00 Coats 92,08 Ladles' $10.00 Coats $0.00 Ladies $15.00 Suits $0.00 Ladles' Silk Petticoats $3.50 Ladles' fS.QO Silk Waists ... $3 J50 MeEVfYV Twnc ICIAL Avn , V . - wwwax oAJviB.Ai, DAtiui, vnMmv.-x ROOSEVELT IS DEEPLY CONCERNED tllXXIBESBllMlil f m RESENTMENT DEAD BETTER FEELING AND UNDER- STANDING PREVAILS RE TAVEEN THE PRESIDENT AND THE GREAT FINANCIERS, AND NOTHING WILL RE DONE TO ADD TO TURMOIL. (United Press Leased Wlro.) Washington, Nov. 4. Whllo Pres ident Roosovolt does not admit that ho has in any way contributed to tho present financial situation, ho has be come convinced that ho Is a very Im portant factor in it, so far as It may bo Improved, and tho jcauuo for Irri tation and oxcltcmont removed. That ho is deeply concorncd that tho tend ency to unsottlo vnluos docs not go on Is impressed on all who havo dl& cussed any phnso of tho matter with him. Ono of tho most hopeful BlgnB !b thnt thoro han boon created nrlcady much bottor fooling nnd a fullor un derstanding botweon RoobovoU and tho great financiers of tho country. This 1b regnrded hero as tho most substantial progress that hns boon made toward bottorlng thlngB finan cially. In tho faco of tho great dango. which was threatened weok beforo laBt, much of tho President's resent mont has died out, and thoro nro ev idences that ho will do nothing to koop allvo tho turmoil and oxcltO' mont. M 5 S a Holiday Continues.. ..Governor Chamberlain hns rouewed his proclamation do Glaring a bank holiday, and wJH continue to do so from day to-day,, All banks In tho Wil lamette valloy nro running, nnd no demands aro bolnq mado upon them. Tho bunk orvs of .the Northwostorn cltlos ,mct ntySeattlo and decided to Issue certificates on wheat In j warehouses and other good bo-. Jg in oimwuB, payanio in ensn iou- m fg rimry ist. k jj, lH-IlMIt-RJIHl o MARRIED NEARLY A BILLION 1 CAR RAN SIXTEEN BLOCKS UNDER FULL POWER MOTOR.MAN REOAME AND TURNED ON FULL RENT AND CAR RUSHED DOWN THE LONG HILL, STRIKING RIG MJTCAT WAGON WITH TER RIFIC FORCE. Striko to Do Cn'led Off. (United Press Leased Wlro.) Chicago, Nov. 4, Tho commltttfo of tologrnphcra sent to New York to nogotinto a settlement of tho striko with tho tologrnph companies will mnko Its official report tomorrow. Tho nature of tho roport Is unknown, but tho general feeling Is that tho striko will bo called oft this weok. o Formal StnndiuK of Clubs. San Francisco, Nov. 4. Final stnndlng of Pacific Const Loague clubs: Club Won. Lob Angolos .114 San FranciBco ,. . . .104 CONFUSED Oakland 97 CUR- PnrHnnil 7U 0 ' Lost 7C 90 101 113 Pet .003 .512 .489 .393 A French Journal Says American Heiresses Have Tnkcn Across the Pond to Purchase Titled Husbands Nearly n Rtlllon Dollars In Recent I Years. Washington, Nov. 4. Tho grav ity of tho financial situation wnB em phnslzod today by a two hours' con foronco botwc n tho ProBldont, Chairman Gnrr, of tho flnanco com mittee of tho United Statos Stool Company; Honry Frlck and Secre tary Root. It Is believed the visitors brought with them ecrtaln recom mendations agreed upon by .finan ciers, at a meeting with J. Plerpont Morgan Inst night. After tho con foronco Frlck nnd Garr dopartud hurriedly, rofuslng to talk to report ers. It Is reported that tho Presi dent will Issue a statement on tho conforonco. GRAFTERS IN HIGH PLAGES (United Press Leased Wlro.) San Francisco, Nov. 4. Rendered uncontrollablo by tho fatluro of, tho air breaks and n now motorman In charg, a car on tho Eighteenth St. lino this morning, Bwopt 10 blocks down tho bill from Sixteenth Avonuo nr.it tt mi-t rmflntl (In rrtnrl nnrnnr liV (United Press Lonsod Wlro.) ...,. wnnn n -,, XTn. Va.I, Xt.. A A YK 1. .o"l "'-' " "v... "o- Journal, LPelto Par nien, do laro nd Kentuck Bt, killing on that American girl, who married n'ttn; , ,nJr, ,nBaod ? Jhe "J abroad, mostly for foreign titles, had fMBn nf """ V"0 tbi! carried with them to Europe tho as-;drnught hor8C8 nUnchdto tho initialling ..m OAA Aftrt AftA trUt WOgOn, "." ... w"v"w,""u" "w Tho dend man is Peter Dollgman, x-ritt wiuur uiu nvi hbbuuuuu una , . ... rather startling statement with tho,28 yar 'd' a,,ftboror' ..m . reports of "tight money" In Amerl-L Thofl "l" fttflml c"r Wn8 n0 0,1 n , ii from 8outh Snn Francisco, and was ca, yet on Hub Bldo of tho Atlantic ..,.,,,, n tho' fit that hundreds of millions of " n "T' dollnrs have gono out, of tho country 1" . ,, ,",. . with tho tltlo-huntors may well oc-iUfc "'7"MkU " ";-" J ;- enston a little fanciful no well a eo-lort iXmtnn fo"nd lhBt . hli "; elal specuntlon. Upward of 400 ?ou,d not ioratto Wr J "? American girls havo married In Bu-J? T, "nnbl to .CT?L ?l?.Si i.iM ! f 'Blowly tho car Knlnod headway and years. 'V local" nmvHpaper prints to..J,UBWV?v?r1,lJ P 'H?91 hnrmnn -irlni Mo lrtvnrn lhvor. HIIPI1 day tho names of 359 American wo- ', " ,,' "" ; ... -:, men who havo married titles. It "',00d J,nd b.00n obtn,"od by tbo Cftr adds a list of 20 heiresses who havo ,,n n Iau xo BW? "' ' mo iiioiormnu uucamo cuiuuuuu and excited, and, In. attempting to ognln throw the rovorso current, ap plied full speed. At First avonuo a largo moat wagon stnrtod to cross tho trnck Just ns tho runaway car renchod tho 4or nor, Tho car struck tho wagon with torrlllo forco, scattering tho load of mutton from curb to curb, killing tho two horses Instantly and umnBhlng tho wngon to splinters. By a mlrnc ulous clroumstanco, tho drlvor es caped without a Bcratoh. Dellgman, tho man who was killed, waB riding on tho front platform of UlfC Voto Expected. (United Press Leased Wire.) Salt Lake, Utah, Nov. 4. Tomor row's election 1b oxpoctod to bring out tho hoaviost voto in tho history of tho city. Thoro aro four tickets In tho ft old, and it is practically con ceded that tho American party (nntl- Morraon) will elect tho mayor. Tho- rost of tho ticket la In doubt. 0 FIVE ARE KILLED IN COLLISION carried off sums reputed to bo up wards of n million, o HINDUS TO HAVE EVERETT (United PrCBS Lensed Wlro.) Kvorett, Wash., Nov. 4. Saturday night a demonstration wns mado .... ... ,,., rH,0ivfi,, thn imil.e against tho HIndUB, nnd today they Ho waa fonrfu,y crUBhod. Tho car navo concumeu 10 ieuvo uiu euy r- Bbnttored and torn npart, Tho ovor. There aro about 100 of them.',noro 8er,ously lnjurod were taken to British Consul Pelly, of Seattle, tho Polroro hospttnl. wired the chlof of pollco declaring, Motorninn cottman was arrested that ho oxpeotod proper protection nnd aharKOll wlth manslauEhter. tor tno untisn suujocts. (United Pross Lcnsod WIro. Llttlo Rock, Ark, Nov. 4-r-Flve men woro killed nnd 20 lnjurod In a hond'On collision between a north bound paBsongor train and a sduth bound freight train on tko1 Iron I Mountain railroad, eight miles from horo, last night. Tho dead: f ' iOlndy Purko, postal clerk, ' 'Alvln Dntmlnw, postal clerk. Uuldontlflod tramp dontlflcd boys. ' o - nnd two. unt FRISCO HAS FIAT (Unltod Pross Incased- Wlro.) ?&f -rgtti? I (United Press Leased Wire.) Vancouver, B, C, 'Nov. 4, -The Investigation Into the influx of Jap anese Into Canada has Buddenly stop ped, and thoso on tho Insldo claim that tho reason Is that many higher up would havo been found Implicat ed In this Oriental graft. REPORTS SCHOONER' AS LOST Trouble About Over. (United Press Loased Wlro.) New York, Nov. 4.-Xead!ng finan ciers fall to agree on the fjuostlon whether the financial situation neces sitates a special session of congress E. II. Hnrrlman thinks n spoolal i&sslon would bo a great mistake. James Stlllman says a special ses sion is not necessary, and that ths trouble will bo over by Wednesday Henry Clews says nothing could bp accomplished by a spoclal session. THE GIRLS GO BACK TO DENVER (United Pross Leasod Wlro.) Seattle, Wash., Nov. 4. Bort LuBtlg, 22, and David Lowls, olabor atoly drowsed, aro In the city Jail, nnd two vory pretty girls, Rortlo Lawranca and Daisy Aokormnn will Another Small Rnnk Quits. (United Proas Loasod Wire.) Leotonln, O., Nov. 4. Tho First soon be on their way back to Denver, National Bank of this city, with a .from whoro tho four eloped several capital of $100,000. closod Its door8(lay ago. Tho two man have boon today. Tho bank was organized in charged with ontlolng tho girls away (United Pross Leased Wire.) Port Townsand, Wash., Nov. 4. Cantain MoNelll, master of tho Ash ing schooner Daisy, has arrived from kJod hIs wJfe three children and his 1865, and C. N. Sohmlok, of Cleve land, 0., was Its president. O ' Killed Whole Family. (United Pross Leased Wlro.) Stutgart, Germany, Nov. 4.- Christian Balttl, a carpenter, sud. donly became insane last night. Clivonuot Bound, and reports that, . t . th nmmlttod suicide. - r - - - - .-,-,,--.-.,......-. during a "severe storm on me cya. Saturday, the sohooner Mary, uap tnln Rhinobart, and a crew of nine men Is believed to have been lost. Odds 3 to 1 on Johnson, (United Press Leased Wire.) Cleveland, O., Nov. 4. Tho odds on the election of Mayor Johnson over Congressman Burton length ened toda,. 2 to 1 being freely of. fered on obnson with few takers. from home for Immoral purposes. Tho four woro arrostod by tho po loo at the Fodoral Hotel last night There has boon no marrlago nero. o VJctim of Football. (Unltu'd Press Loased Wire.) Cleveland, 0 Nov, 4. Richard EvanB, halfback of the ' Wooster Unlvorslty team, dlod today from In- Jurloa received In a gamo of football a month ago. Ills sptaal cord was severed. .1.1, o AmiA Will Try It Acnlii. (United Pross Leased Wlro.) Paria, Nov. 4. Tho rumored en gagement of Anna Gould to Prlnco today and until the presont crisis ls.Do Sagen, Count Bonl Castellane'B passed, Tbo banks aro considered cousin. Is affirmed in French society, perfectly solid, but outside points W la reported that tho engagement were drawing heavily on currency. win do puuuwy annouucea snonjy. Adopt Certificate Plan. (United Pross Leased Wlro.) Seattle, Wash., Nov. 4. After an allday session, which continued far Into the night, tho Seattle bankers yesterday decided to adopt tho clear ing b&uso certificate plan, beginning aan Kranclsco, Nov. 4. a now brand of raonoy wnB placed in circu lation In San Francisco this morning, whon tho cnBhlors of the local banks paid off every chock prcHonted in clenring 1iouh,o cortlfkiitcH. Thou sands of dollnrs' worth of bills ia flvo, ton nnd twenty-dollar denomi nations, printed on "wjfoty" paper, and boarlng tho signature of Ilomor S. King, ehnlrman of tho San Fran Cisco Clearing Houso Association, were pnssod out and will remain lo go! tonder until tho Hood of gold now pont up In tho Enst roaches this city. Gpvornor Gillette says that tho sit uation Is brighter, but ho will con- tinuo to declare legal holidays until monoy nrrlvoa from Now York and hocomos plentiful. All bnnks will bo closod tomorrow on account of oloo-tlon, -u- ORIGINAL MAP OF 'FRISGO (United Press Leasod Wlro.) Orogon City, Or., Nov. 4. What Is olalmod to bo tho original plat of the oity of San Francisco has boon found hero In tho files of tho coun ty clork. It was fllod February 1, 1S50. At that tlmo the only gov ernment recording officer on tho coast was located at Oregon City, Tho map waB mado by Alex. Jubvos zolnskl, a. Polish army officer from notos "mado by W. M. Eddy, civil on gluoor." The plat shows 284 blocks, 08 of which aro south of Makot street. 0 Chicago Markcto, (United Press Leased Wire.) Chicago, Nov. 4 Wheat 11.02 W, 11.03, corn G90tJO, orU 5l62tt, .(I n 1 i 1 1H r t ! H !0 !,