DA1MT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, xWVKMBKIt 2, 1007. When the Furnace Fails VS4I i On many a cold winter morning you will wake to find the fires "out What arc you going to do about it shiver f .Prepare now for the emergency with a PERFECTION Heater (Equipped wltfa Smokelesw Device) and you'll have genial glowing. j,Mt-instanuypvhercver you want it wilhoul sntOKC or smcu imiui"w - vice prevents turn lhe wck as nmn or as im you like Easily carried about Brass font holds from Capo Colony, the TranBvaat, Australia, India and tho most distant parts of tho earth. Ho says: "They como lu ovory language, by ovory post, and hundreds of thorn aro registered. Theroforo I notified tho postmaster not to deliver any moro of them. Tho result Is that birthday presents aro now on tho way back to friends who sent them, whllo I am tearing up thousands of letters unopened and causing tho unwitting sacrifices of lottora from friends." New York Sun. Emergencies l'rotluco Great Bleu. Every man Is a stranger to his greatest strength, his mightiest pow er, until tho tost of a great respon sibility, a critical omorgency or a su premo crlBia In hlB life calls it out. Work on a farm, hauling woou, youiwc ."J,"'.- ii;-r.- iw fin. 4 quarts ol ou auras v iium. i.- - islied in japan and nickel. Every healer warranted. Ttc fcpftfo Lamp rn"a-i2L.r yr lignt Iw reading or sw Ibb. Mal ol bran, nltkd pUltd ani tW f At UxtA ImUrtJ ctnlcit drih outntr. Every Up nl; X n... TrourJealtreWl carry die Perfection 0.1 Healer and Rap Ua,p. wrltt our nearest agency !r deaerlBlirs circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (IHCorjuriwuf Tho 1mv Airnlnst Killing. Thoro Is a deep-rooted feollng nirniimr. murder In most animals. Tholr senses toll them that thlB la one of tholr own race, and tneir in stinct that1, therefore, It Is not law ful prey. Now-born rauiesmwiua vi strike instantly at a stranger oi u..j other species, but never at ono of thonisolves, I havo seen a young mink, still blind, suck at a mouiei cat till fed, then try to kill hor. Though a bloodthirsty croaiuru, it would novor havo attacked us own mothor. wild animals often fight lor uio mastory, usually over tho question of mntoa. but In virtually an cases mu fight la over when ono yields. Tho vanquished can save himself either by submission or by flight. What la commoner than to boo tho weaker of two dogs disarm his conqueror by Tho vie- FREE TO YOU-MY SISTER fK working In a tannery, atorekeoplng, ,, tho Kr0Und? Woat Point, tho Mexican war, doing tQr Jn ft flght botwcoa two cats la odd Jobs about town, woro notlBfttlano(1 whon tho foo flics; ho will enough to arouso mo biwuiuB ti""""not pursuo his onomy twenty ynrus. n flnnnrnl flmnt. ThorO WBB HO ....... t..i iun nnnmv llCOn probability that ho would over havo, thor rnco tho victor would . . i f.nm niitniiiii nt lilo nwn i ... ... t. ueon nuuiu num v - hove followed ana Kiueu mm. .mi. ..v...nu.r iinf tnf ihn ntnnr- "" . .. .... Mo ru. What makoa tno amurumw vlously not a rcaaonod-out conclu sion, but a deep lnstlnctlvo feeling J-lfviS.' 5.-X-Mbbm. JTws ivdiHi9HbHHiCilsKSk N . . l SA9PPibsWb m wWVK!K MB - .11 I am B TRffnat. --. Yunnan, " I know vromsn. ... twrsra? w.tL -." vi in t SMWS3S&H, ment woman1 your mother. oryK;frowiSLSC t euro iwrrtnFJi'S"- nSftW SA;-saHSfeSS5 lloclnr. Whnt mt .. .. ,,v numpn lrfc . . VIVa.. V H 1 L 5? wr '.;." ."?. itir.r ur"j riuune i per oil a. ho Pain, . th'. hraTl! tS the .pine, tnefMChol. 3? .'. ?Wnr? I want to wind m . ,22T tooariS" vn.l .V ' "" WfctOT, tol X?.Vit - . Ub iiuinn. mi . ,V.' lUIthi .. i-,7T.i.. l .-..,., -.Pf.nJbor- that It Tvia ffii??..W iSS week, or lew than two cenU day. It will not Interfere wyouTilJ 11a jruiir iuiiiic miiu auuivov, vii mu now; T"'W rw Sm uL?i I .iTl cor your cone, cnnroiy irno. in pinin wrnppi Loofc-WOMAN'S OVVN MUMCAL AI omoa.ufTer.andhowthy maUy eura thenwelves at horneTS lt Uinilil. notinterre7,nwK you Buffer If m "JKfiSWtaPj HAS CONSTRUCTED ARTIFICIAL UNIVERSE rf ii ' ProfoBBor Camlllon Doddridge, an ivory gradually IncreaBod. Aftor a my euro xnemsclvcs at home. Eir, tu icara 10 nimiv , iicim. aiivii wiieii ino doctor Bare "Ymi m, ' t. l I deeldo for yourself. Thousands of women havo cured themw J3Sr'tay ( old or younsr. To mother of Dauehtera, I will explain a almi kS wortriti Ladle. Plumpneaa and health lwaya reaulta from Ita umT ""'Mtartreifarl 'ltfl'i r . " ""n lies, riumpnag uu nwuu wwajra naum mm lu UM, ""reitiiii Kut-av.v w - -. w w ininuvt jruur UWZ1 liVftliha m.1,. t uny Bufforw that this Home Treatment really cures all women'. Tdul...rw i8 B'i, Btrcinr, plump nd robust. Just send mo your address, and th fri,IB(S mlto the book, Wrlto today, as you may not oo this offer again. AUoW " t! MRS. M. SUMMERS, Hex H. - . . Hetr. 0 . , i "m.i'H.1,1 nfltronomor, of Palotlnla, North Car olina, ownH an artificial unlvorsn, which ho couHtructed hlmsolf. Dr. Doddrldgo'a planotnry system is a wondorfiil thing and savants from all parta of tho country havo vlflltcd him and oxnmlnod It. In making It ho conBtructod n ntrong box of plato rIhsb and stool, long tlmo tho first renult wns obtain ed In that a flako or layor of tho stool filings was broken awny from tho outBldo of tho Inner whcol of mng nots and tho centrifugal forco flung It Into tho open apaco; whoro It Im mediately drew ltsolf togothor Into a ball which revolved around the contrnl shaft In exactly tho samo manner as tho planota rovolvo around Uttlo community but for tho omor goncy of tho civil war. Thero was a tromondous dynamic forco In tho man, but It requited thei ' nlt,on of tho unwrltton law conotiBBlon of tho groat civil war to I , . nnoccBsarlly killing one's Ignlto It. No ordinary occasion, touched his Blumborlng power, no or-, mq doul)tiCSB oxcoptlona to dlnary experience could Ignlto tho I cannlballBm Is recorded of dynamic power In this giant, unaor. Hn0C0s, but Investigation ebowj commonclrcumBtanooaho would havo ithat Jt Jg rMQ oxcopt n tho lowest gono through Hfo a stranger to hU among croaturos domoral- . -l.im.r tnnl no mntjf Of Mln CTOnt .. ..t... nl..ltr uvu uuiwi-j, judi. -' o jzCj ., tionicsticauou or i.,.m.vj. dynamlto sholla now In oxlstenco h hop lh(j ftnlma,8 nro tho moro will probably novor bo exploded b0' Bnant dooa cannibalism bocomo. caiiBO of tho lack of a war emergency g0,dom lnduiBOd m excopt under croat onouKh to oxplodo thorn. ,. ... , rminr Nnthlnc but " . . , , ,, ti, Uiru unuon vi .......-. " Farming, woou-cuoppiiiB, raii-,...-, j Btarvnllon induced Nanson's ting, survoylng, storokcoplng, tho 1q Qot thjJ floah o tholr com. atnto legislature, tho practlco of law, njthouch It waB offorod to thorn not ovon tho United Btnto? congress, . . form, BxpcrIonco fumlshod occasions great enough, t,mt ,fc ,8 UBOloM to i,nt j , J roslstanco Btrong onough to ignlto . t of ft dond , tho spark of power, to oxplodo i , klnBinon Hhun It In dls- tho dynamlto forco In Abraham Ln- llnlnM absolutely fnmlnshcd. coin. Only tho responsibility or a Q, ouB, no rnc0 Can Uvo by nation In Imminent peril furnished! ,.lNh,, ,fl mstlnctlvoly sufficient concusBlon to Ignlto tho ,. . h, , nnImrii. In other words, tho law ngnltiBt mur dor has been hammered Into thorn by natural Holoctlon, and bo fully es tablished that not only will they an llko a great hollow whool, 20 foot In 'tho nun, being hold In Husponso by xllamotor and G foot aorosB Kb nxB, and standing upright. Through tho contor of tho whool he put a abaft attached to a series of ongtnoH mul boilers and on tho ond of tho Bhaft, In tho contor of tho -whool, ho placed ft largo numbor of atrong iiingnotR, forming a cpinploto tho counteracting effoctB of tho largo mngnota abovo and tho nttrnctlon of gravitation from bolow, and boln.? 'contlnunlly forcod out from tho cen trifugal lorco, wmcu, ucuuk ui h. from tho magnetic forco at tho con tor, na though It woro fastened to tha contor by a cord, kept It out away giant powdor In porhnps tho grcatcat man that ovor trod tho Amorlcan con tlnont. Thoro 1b no probability that Lin coln would hnvo gono down In histor.v, nroylng on ono of tholr as a very great man but for tno crww, , ,t0 r08CU0 ono of tho civil war. Tho nation's peril r lhronlonod. Tho fact was tho roaponBlblllty tliruec "ponlt,mt thoro ftr0 oxcoptionnl casos doos him which brought out tno """.j t ( 0VQ tho lnw nmong ucnats ounco of his roBorvos, his lntont pow- men. Ernost or of achlovomont, tho rcsourcos ' T,,nn,nBnn ,n ih0 contury. which ho novor would havo dreamed . ho possoBod but for this omorgoncy.- Orlson Swcot-Mnrdon ln(Suc083. '. e Mlllliil imxv. SVUS. at-ffflfflb v o aHll', XbbbbbbbIbbbbbL FSr f X BBBBBsV BBBBBBBBBBl E W it fitijW. I ' w Deckei U APwpfeJfkeHiiwcM, THE IMWOVEJ) VWNC SUMS rtppHdio Besides dnnhlc ejvirViii,) fknccs ic has a patent lining , ' V"" rccniorccmcnc throughout; Rivdcd frKft$ CxfBSr wals(-biftls DwMeftflrMiseiiii! ITnlvic KitCv ffMal SvHt H SMMt AMSeMiSsifelfSfIk)iM TMi stayed rkccS! Tito ticket on ituitkal Cvirantce of umdctioa Jkayer rompany r J 'loto clrclo around tho fihaft llvo foot In dl-l from tho contor almost exactly six nmotor and ono foot thick and cov-'oot. orod on tho porlmotor with all tht Tho apood of tho shaft bolng still Boft stool llllng that tho magnate luorousod, nnothor flako or lnyor of would hold In plnoo. tho flllngs was thrown off and Immo- Thon ho romoved tho air from tho dlatoly drow togothor into a ball, ro liiBldo of tho great circular box, loav-jvolvlng about tho shaft as boforo, and Ing a purfotjt vaouuut, tho Btool and this was kopt up till flvo had boon plato glnss walls oaally BUBtnlnlnR thrown off, but by this tlmo tho speed tho proBsuro of tho outor air, nl-'of tho abaft was such that tho first thnmrli lt foroo la somothlUE onor-.ball was tlrlvon out against tho outor niona ovor bo largo a eurfaco, oapo- aldo of tho box nnd destroyed, thun dally tho bUIob, 20 foot ncroBg, nnd leaving only four bnllB or "planota," which nro fortified by atool cnblos on'rovolvlng about tholr nrtlflclal "buh," each Bldo, attaohod to solid posts, jbut thOBO havo now boon rovolvlng Abovo .tho whool lnunonso magnota with absoluto rognlarlty for somo nro placed In position, In n hnlf circle tlmo, tho Innermost ono at a distance around tho circular box, bolng 'of one foot from tho contral wheel BtrongOBt at tho top and doollnlng In and tho outor ono a llttlo ovor flvo Btrongth tho farther they roach down foot. They also rovolvo on tholr own tho aldos and bolng Intondod to coun- axis as thoy fly about the contor, and, tornct tho forco of tho attraction of with tho oxcoptlon that thoro la no gravitation and to tond to almost rob planet with a bolf, and that nono of objects liuldo tho box of nil wolght. them havo attendant moons, they When this preliminary work wn roproduco all tho conditions shown complotod, tho shaft through tho box by tho oarth and tho othor planota waa rot In inotlou, and this motion of tho Bolnr systom. Gutters for Glbraltnr, On tho oastorn sldo of tho rook of Gibraltar thorols ft curious looking whlto pntch which rocontly led an Amorlcan tourist to ask whothor tho rook was bolng armor platod. It la roally a oatohmont for rain wator to Inoronao tho rsorvo of wntor on tho rock. Tho catchmont covers ton ncros. It Is mado of galvonlzod cor rugatod Iron flxod to pllos driven doop Into tho sandy slopes abovo tho villages of Cntalan. Tho water col- loctod at tho foot of tho catchmont runs through tho rock Into a tunnol 2000 foot long ond la dollvorod Into rosorvlora on the woatorn sldo. Tho yield to tho Inch of rainfall 1b 240, 000 gallons. -o- To Curo CoUl In Ono Day. Tftko LAXATIVE DUOMO Qulnlno Tablots. DrugglstBrofund monoy If It falls to curo. B. W. GUOVKS signature on oach box. 25c. The Public is not skilled in tea and is entitled to protection. Our label our brand Folger's Golden bate tnr i! Tea protects the tea drinker. Our reputation is back of every package of tea bearing our brand. Fol ger's Golden Gate Tea means quality purity tea satisfaction. J, A. Foliar em C. a1M. IftrsusmUBSJ laeparfeMF mi Xun Tas 1 fe; tan1 mw i n.r W GEYLUN Kngllsh n'ul Amorlrnn T.lt Compnml Rev, Dr. Aked, pastor of tho Fifth avonuo Bnptlst church, Now York, wrltos to old friends In Liverpool, England, complaining bitterly of his treatment by thp yellow proas both In Amorlcn nnd England, Ho says tho yollow prosa of England Is worse than that of .America, nnd ndds: ) "The lloa In Amorlcn aro grosB, astounding nnd Incrodlblo, with a touch of porvortod humor. Thoy nro only Intondod to bo Interesting. Tho English lloa nro monn, snoaklng nnd venomous. I am alrondy onough of an Amorlcan to fool n doopor con tempt for tho lying of tho British press than that of Now York. "Tho moat gross and astounding llo of all concornlug mysolf was of English mnnufaoturo, namely, that I havo boon nppolntod'aa almoner of John D. nookofollor. Tho English paper that startod tho story headed It Prom our Now York correspondent.' ,Nowspapor mon horo do not bollevo I that It waa ovon sont from Now York. I havo not been ompioyea oy wr. Rockofollor to glvo nway a cent." Dr. Aked then laments the fact that tho story ponotratod all Europe and ovory British colony and had brought him, over 2000 begging lot tors from England, ovor 500 from Franco. Gormany, Austria, 8wlUer- llaud, Italy, Hollaed, and hundreds 1 o Cure Rheumatism The excessive accumu lation of uric acid must be eradicated from the sys tem. Dr. .utiles' Nervine used as directed for rheu matism, is alkaline in na ture. It neutralizes this acid, and its soothing ef fect . upon tho irritated condition of tho nerves relieves pain and induces sleep and rest. 'I was suddenly taken with a vero palu In my foot. My physician could not tell vlmt wns tho trouhlo. In a few da3 I had. tho samo trouble with the other foot. I was so crippled that I could scarcely walk and at time. I had to crnv.1 on my hands und knees from my bed down stairs. Aftor hav ing my uhoes on for an hour or two I could manage to walk by suffering tho pain. X suffered mora or less all summer, and tried almost everything but got no relief. Then I began to have pains nil through my system. My doctor told me I had an acuta at tack of Inflammatory rheumatism. I was In the hospital for weeXs. but I was scarcely able to walk when I left It. I read about Dr. Miles' Nervine, , bought a bottle and also wrote the Miles Medical Co.. for advice. They advised me to add salicylate of soda to the Nervine, and I commenced to ret totter from the start and for the past six months have scarcely any jxJn. and am able to walk as well aa ver, JAS. H. SANDERS, P. O. Box 5. Rockaway, N7 J. Dr. MlleV Nervine Is sold by your Truafilst, who will guarantee that the flrtkdls will benefit. If It Ulle, he vtNt renind year Money. Mi)MMKcslCa Elkhart, Ind 1L SsiM test. IrladelLhildrensi .. wiav TLc above ticket is acwel on elecveof every "ViluV Set TP1 This Label ii eewed ia tli w'. ! style and wear tLcy exed. PARENTS. Note tit txtrtl tachment covering parti whiet tit nt .n,.h1 m,hnd it dauhle tbnanMt,M lievinrf a rfreat deal of A. ,trm attcnoW "l"" fJar Uaarajitee to gire AuauLuiii jniwjnuuun . nn-.-,r For Sale in Salem at The Plymouth Clothing 385 State Street Dr. Stone's Drug Store Tho only cash drug atoro In Oregon, owoa no ono, and no ono owca It; carrloa large etpek; lta ahelvos, counters and show casos nro loaded with drug8, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone is a regular graduate In medl olne, and has had many years of experience In tho practlco. Consul tations nro free. Proscriptions are froo, and only regular prices for medlclno. Dr, Stone can bo found at his drug store, Silem, Or,, from 6 In tho morning until 9 at night. Five Thousand Packages Tooth Powder WILL BE GIVEN TO OUR CUSTOM HUS WHO BRING THEIR BUT8 TO US FOIt CLEANING AND PRESSING, FROM THE 3rd TO THE 17th OF NOVEMBER, Celebration of Our Emperor's Birthday. Yokohama Pressing P Suits Cleaned and Pressed. All Kinds of Vi 44 i OourtBt, Phone n 301 Sl 1. nA r A Fresh Complexion is preserved and produced by Kobertine, a mild, uelighttui preparation, delicately fragrant. Makes the skin exquisitely tout Kinixhea prarkled annearince caused hv nvrrJniieui reduces the size of MitiitTMl tvirM rltansei them, re duces inflammation and snrcadj an even. radiant glow due to wholesome nourish- ment of kin glands and stimulation ol the capillaries which also feed the skin and sunnlv its healthful color. Aiisour Druggist for a frtt i ample of IOBERTINE3 Undertaking and Embalming BEST SERVICE COMPLETE OUTFIT Only Wilte Hearse and "White ' Horses In Marion anu nuk ing counties. W. T. RIGDON I. O. O. F.Bldg. 4RK Court S' Syr &.' in i fm If? i1 .!36k ? f 1 ri&A i 83 facti1 osr Wocbm Ftertric and Manu 345 NorthlLiberty Street Call aad un thaork. Ba the best WW"1" 1 letlr l DO YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE WJRED? piu1 eo' j -Ira strict anu -riterJ'r01 UB . rtSl weT'.' and carrr B " meat of i81- w