J y DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1007. ir Consult your doctor. 77? Bad skin? Weak nerves? Losing flesh? v. Consult your doctor. Consult I 1 1 i.n-H-H i 1 1 I I l' V-Wr"""" i"' .-,--i AMUStMLINI5 UHHHttHHHWHH Auditorium iuk. nnen ofternoon and evening, ox- Lpt Sundays. The Ynnkco Regent." .. ., rvn.wi's BDlendld production Lm'm, Jerome's musical success '0 Yankee Regent," a sister show A "isle of Spice" and 'Tho floral Chef," both musically from tho me gifted compoBor's pen, la to bo the attraction ai m .uUu .. touso for Saturday night. Perhaps no musical comedy pro ceed la tho past ten years attract d as favorablo nowBpapor com fl(nt by reason of It's tunefulness .. ki. iindv effort of Mr. Joromo'e, 'aid too, It will como augmented with a east that alone sliouia aurnci mure 'I,.. nnMlne notice Tho part of tho "Regent" will bo In tho Jiandu of Mr. Toby Lyons, who will bo romombor ti for his "Goo Goo Man" In tho "Iilo of Spice," when that buccobs ful offering was producod In Chicago. Mr. Lyons Is ono of tho most gifted comedians In tho flold of light opera tnd apaco alono provonts nn onumor itlon of his many hits In productions of tho past. Ho Is n comodlan of tho Goodwin type, unctlous, full or Ihumor, quaint nnd legitimate and de fends upon his ability ns a fun aikcr rather than upon tho methods 'of English distortion usod by tho loany so-called dlnlectlclans. Tho production Is Bpokon of with much nrldo bv tho management and with a beauty chorus of a half hundred pretty girls, tho attraction should pror cono of tho events of tho local tlCJSOD. 0 .. The Cow Puncher." "Tho Cow-Punchor," ono Mia Gertrude Ritchie, us 'Gcral. dine," i "The Cow Puncher." tot plays of tho soason, is tho ot tactlon at tho Grand opera houso on Monday it j8 by Hal Reld and un r the direction of W. P. Mann blch U a Kuarantoa of its mnrits. One of thomost amusing lncldonts In Jhe piece and something unique In we way of an entrance occurs in tho "ft act. The cowboys are assembled 6 front of the ranch houso await "8 the arrival of the now owner, u Jm Siri from tho east, who Is ex ' in the stage coach. Hearing we approach of the stage, they pre we to give the tenderfoot a genuine "tern welcome, by showing her nock lynching. Throwing a noose "oand the Moxlcan'a neck they "og him up to a tree as Geraldlne eP from the coach, expecting hor L. 0r 'hw some signs of mti8 weakness. But she cooly Wc SanopartUa. Vuif of tho sisiiBsHiwlsm m LlllllllllllllllllHl raTSBBBBBBlL ffWS HbsbbII NSS5SS 1ST BBWuBmSfBm ly pure. ( Inn tnhtlnD rhoitlrs natit3 Tlr..J .t.t - your doctor. W hafo no orttit We pnbllih th formula! of All oar tnadlolnet. J.O.ArtrOa.. Lowell. Mats. calls their nttonlon to tho fact that tho nooso 1b fastened under tho right oar and suggests that they change It to tho loft as tho man would hang enslor. This turns tho laugh on tho boys and establishes her a warm favorite at once. -o GOOD VAUDEVILLE SHOW. Appreciative Audience Attends At. traction nt Klinger Grand Last Night. Thoro was a fairly good Blzed au dlenco nt tho Kllngor Grand theater last night considering tho many counter attractions and thoso who attended tho porfortnanco woro high ly entertained. Tho dancing and spe cialty acts of La Potito Ruth are among tho best that havo bcon pro Bontcd In tho llttlo thentor. Tho management announces that among tho clover nctB which have boon engaged for next week are Jonklns and Darrott tho sketch ar tists and Roy and Rockwoll, tho roller sknto perform-rs. Thoro will also bo a slgnlo act which will bo an nounced later. This will make a very strong attraction nnd thoso who do not sco tho bill will miss a raro troat. o Will Piny November 10. Manager Cartwright of tho Sal o in high school footbnll team received a tologram yestorday from Scattlo closing tho dnto for a gnmo with So attlo Lincoln high school on Novem ber lCth to bo playod In Scattlo. This will bo tho lougost trip over tnkon by tho high school from horo and tho boys aro doing hard pflictlco In preparation for It. Today tho high school wont to Al bnny whoro thoy will piny tho Albany Athletic club this afternoon. This will bo their second gnmo this sen son and thoy havo hopes of bringing homo a ball. o COFFEE Three-quarters of coffee is such that we can't touch it; we make five grades of the top quarter. Your grocer return, your money If you don't like Schilling' Uet; we pay Mm. o Killed Ducks With Frying Pan. Common huntors must tnko a baok Boat for Mr. Snrgont, tho clam mer chant. Mr. Sargonnt and a friend woro out hunting all day Sunday and had not klllod a bird. Thoy wont In to enmp 41 disgusted pair, but when tho flro was woll started a flock of ducks camo flying along nlmost skim ming tho ground and flow right ovjor tho Are. Mr. Sargent grauuou airy- inc nan nnd swlpod two ducks from tho flock, nnd tho ntmosphore changed from gloom to hilarity, as tho ducks wore servod shortly after wards. They Mnko You Feel Good. Tho pleasant purgatlvo effect ex perienced by all w.io uso Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition ot the body and mind which they create makes one feel Joyful. Price, 25c, Samples free at Dr. Stone's drug store. 0 Forest Grdvo.Homo Destroyed. Forest Grove, Nov. 1. Tho resi dence occupied and owned by S. L. Carlyle, valued at $800, was com pletely destroyed by flro horo at 7:30 Wnrlnftddnv nlcht. together Hvlth the contents, worth about $350, with $200 insurance Tho origin 01 me fire was caused by carrying a lighted nnmiin into n closet containing clothes, which caught on flro, tho flames spreading rapiuiy tnrougn mo houso. J For Anv Disturbance of the Stomach You will find a dose of tho Hitters very effective. It promptly relievos Sour Stomncli, Bloatlns or Heaviness of tho Stomach, Heartburn, IJelchlng or Nnusen. Every family should, therefore keep a bottle of tho famous HOSTETTER'S.STOMACH BITTERS handy at all times, because past experience has proven that a few doses taken in time has saved many a sick spell. It will restore tho appetite induce sound sleep and euro Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Biliousness, Nervousness, Sick Head ache, Flatulency, Cramps, Kidney Troubles, Female Ills, JIalarlal Fever, Chills and Colds. After sickness has weakened the system, the Bit ters is excellent for restoring strength and health. Try It. We guarantee the genuine to be absolute School Superintendent Busy. . Tho county school superintendent is busy this week preparing tho blanks for tho 1907 school census and sending thorn to tho clerks of tho vnrlous districts of tho county. Tho census will bo taken during tho last week In November and tho re port Is required to bo returned to tho county suporlntndent on or before DecomborlO. Tho school apportion ment for Marlon county for this fall Is as follews: County apportion ment for fall of 1907, $51,414.97; stato fund for Marlon county for tho year 1907, $1G,320.43. Last fall the apportionment of tho county was $60,502.81, and tho stato fund for tho year was $17,507.80. 0 . ITS YOUR KIDNEYS. Don't Mistake tho Cnuso of Your Troubles A Snflcm Citizen Shows How to Curo Them. Many peoplo novor suspect tholr kidneys. If sutforlng from a lame, weak or aching back thoy think thnt It is only a muscular weakness; whon urinary troubles sots In thoy think It will Boon correct Itself. And so It Is with all tho othor Bymptoms of kidney disorders. That la Just whoro tho dangor Hob. You must curo thoso troubles or thoy may load to diabetes or Brlght'B dlsoaso. Tho host remedy to uso Is Doan's Kid noy Pills. It cures all ills which nro cnuscd by weak or diseased kldnpy. Salem peoplo testify to permanotit cures. W. C. Johnson, gnrdnor, of 1021 Mill St, Salem, Or., says: "I had tho grip a year ago this Soptombor and I bollovo It left mo with kldnoy troublo. At any rate I BUfforod with palnB In tho small ot my back and nchlng nt night. In tho morn ing whon I nroso, I felt Inmo and soro nnd tired very easily nnd often folt Innguld. Occasionally, there wcro attacks of hoadnchos and dizzy spoils nnd often thoro woro specks beforo by oyos. Tho kldnoy secre tions woro Irregular and unnatural In nppenranco. Tho rollof I obtain ed from Doan'B Kidney Pills wno very groat. I felt bettor aftor taking tho first box nnd I now fcol In hot ter honlth than for a long tlmo. Ev ery kldnoy sufforor should uso Doan's Kldnoy Pills." Foro snlo by nil doalora. Prlco 50 cents. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo ugonts for tho Uni ted States. Romombor tho nnmc Donn'a nnd take no othor. o "Interview Was u Fake. Rnthdrum, Idnho., Nov. 1. That the allogod Interview with Ida Crouch Hnzlott which nppoarod In 11 Spoknno pnpor In which tho notoJ woman Socialist Is made to say that she Intended to como to Kootonul county and try In Inlluonce prospao tlvo Jurors In favor of Adams wa a "fako" was dovolopod In court to day whon tho court cnllod both the correspondent and woman Into court nnd Invostlgatod tho mnttor. Tho ro- nortor stntod that ho had misunder stood Miss Hazlott's- moaning. Mlsa Hazlott donlod over mnklng bucIi statomont. ' Tho stato axorclsod Its sooond per emptory ohnllongo today excusing r talesman. It Is thought that tho Jury will bo chosen by next woek. 0 How to Cure a Cold. Tho nuostlon of how to curo a cold without unnecessary loss of tlmo in which wo nro all moro or loss interested, for the quicker a cold Is gotten rid of tho less dangor of nnoumonla and other sorlous dis eases. Mr, B. W. L. Hall of Waver- ly, Va has used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for years and says: "I firmly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to bo absolutely tho best preparation on tho market for colds. I havo recommended It to my friends and thoy all agreo with me." For sale at Dr. Stone's drug store. o W. U. Team vs. Ifiwene. Tla P'litrono plnntK will mOOt tllO wiiinttinttn iTnivnrsirv eiadlators on the 'varsity gridiron tomorrow after noon in what promises iu u u"a.rl the most interesting games of tho season. , . Whilo the local team nas "- !.. -,wt..n.t In ivalMlf llV tllS lOSS of several of tho men who played In tho Washlngton-wuiameue k. yet Coach Chase has a swift and wiry aggregation, which will take care of Itself, ovon ueiurc iu o .-- Coch Chase and the team have boen working hard, and In many ways tho lineup bts been strength nin .inn. Mm last disastrous contest with the Seattle warriors. Tho Wlllamotte toara -er games billed for the season, one with O A. C. in Corvallls, and one with Multnomah, to be .played In Portland, which contests will be held as scheduled. rni,nhlv ha Tomorrow's game will probably ba the last big contest of tho season in this city, and the Salem people will give the football boys a very large crowd to sbow their appreciation, and to see the bard-fought gridiron bat- CLASSIHED DEPARTMENT FOR SALS. WW For Sale My rosldonco with storo building attached, nt Kingston, In cluding small stock of goods; par ty buying to assume charge of postoftlco. A nlco llttlo business for right party. Address Griff King, Kingston, Oregon. 10-296t For Rent 125-ncro farm, 90 acres plow land. Houso, two lots, 4 acro strawberry patch. Houso and 5 acres. For salo cheat seed, Buff WyandottoB, Whlto Loghorns, B. P. Rock cokcrolB $1 each. Tur ner Poultry Yards, Turner, Oro gon. 10-30-lwk For Snlo Cheap A plano-purchnalng certificate, good for $07.85, good for amount on any piano Bold by Ellers. Want to sell by Novem ber 15, J, J, Twoed, Snlom, Routo No. 7. 10-30-3t For Snlo 5-acro tract; good houBo, ana uarn, woll improved; ono tnllo and n hnlf from city limits; prlco $1550. Address "A.," caro of Jour nnl. 10-28-lwk For 8n3c One-year-old "Mammoth" apiece, or $1 por dozon. Addroas Box 415, 8alem, Or. 10-24-tt For Snlo A now Edison Home Phonograph $C0 outflt for $40. Apply to W. II. Squlro, WoBt Ba lore. 10-12-tf For Snlo Good houso and barn, now, 25 acres all undor cultivation borrlcs, prunes and all kinds ot fruit, flvo miles from Salem, $3500 This Includes G cows, 2 horscs,har- ness, 1 heavy wngon, spring wagon 200 ehlckcnB and othor farming necessities. Enqulro 492 Stato stroot. 9-23-tf FOR RENT To Rent. Flvo room flat, ovor Far- rlngton & Van Patton'a markot. Inqulro of Stoinur & Borgor, 188 South Llborty stroot. 9-24-tf Stock Ranch for Rent About 300 acres, In good locntton. Stock can bo bough, outright or tnkon on shares. Apply at county treas urer's ofllco In Snlom. 9-23-tf MISCELLANEOUS. vottet Lumber nnd Fuel Co. Lum bar .shlnglos. bulldrnc material, wood and coal. Low nrlcea nnd prompt doltvorlos. Ono block oast of S. P. pasBOugte depot Phono 198. 7-2-tf Concrete Work. Got my prlcos on sldowalks, curbs, scptlo tanks and coment work of any kind. All work gunrantood flrst-olaes. M. Wnrd, Highland add. Phono 609. 8-11-tf llutta S Weuderotli Flno wlnos, liquors and cigars. Wo handlo tho eolobrated Kollog gand Castle whlsklos. Cool aud refreshing boer constantly od draught South Commercial stroot 9-3-lyr Enlarged Our meat markot on East Stato street has been doubled In size and wo aro bettor prepared than ovor to servo customors. Prompt sorvlco and tho host of moats our motto. Call or pLono 199, B. E. Edwards, Prop. Wo, Aro Cosh Purchasers Of poul try, eggs, and all kinds ot farm produce Borry crates made up In unlimited quantities. Capital Commission Co,, 267 South Com mercial stroot, Salem, Phono Main 179. PLUMBERS. Theo. M. Barr Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning. 164 Commercial stroot 'Phono Main 192. 9-1-lyr M. J. Pctzcl Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox ft Murphy, 226 Commercial street, Prono Main 17. SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. FrakMrTrowaSfiTmrKcTuTo? sash, doors, mouldings, All kinds ot houso finish and hard wood work. Front Btreet, between State and Court Make all complaints at the ofllco. DRAYMEN. Cummins' Bros.' Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work done. Furniture and pianos boxed ready for shipment Frompt sorvlco is our motto. Stand and ofllco at 253 South Commercial street Phone 210. Residence Phone 968. HOIXISTCn'O Rocky Mountain Tea fiuftpfs A Bsty Medisiat for Buy People. Brfaji (hilts HUtl uA KtsavM Vigor. A apwiflo tor CoMtiiKitlou, Io4Istt(on, IJtA and KJiiner Trouble, 1'implc. Ecitid. Impur Mood. Bd KreaUt. HlujrcUh Bowel, UMUcb4 aa4 Bckcbo. It' Hocky Mountain Te In Ul let form. K centa a box. Ornulno MM tjr Boumn Vuva Ooknht, XUcb, Wis. MUCH WMWTt fM tALLfcW LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sher wood Forostors, No. 19. M00U Wednesday in Hurst hall, Stato etroot. Lo oAbbo, O. R.; J. O. Perry, financial secretary. Central Lodgo No. 18, 3C. of P. Caatlo Hall In Holman block, cor nor Stato and Liberty BtroeU. Tuesday ot each wook at 7:30 p. in. Oscar Johnson, C. C; B. H. And'orson, IC of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets ovory Thursday evening at S o'clock In Holman ball. W. W. Hill, V. G.j F. A. Turaar, clerk. Woodmen of World Meet every Fri day night at 7:30, In Holmaa hall, L. E. Ponnell, C. O.; P. L. Frax lr, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union.- Sick, acci dent and pension Insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good Bgonta wanted. J. H. O. Mongoraory, supreme organizer, Box432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, eocrotary, 546 State street WAStTXD. ( Wanted Young man with nusinoss education, wants position In ofllco, storo or placo to learn buslnosd. Address "Z.," caro Journal. 10-31-3t Found At tho Grand opora houso InBt Wednosdny night, a gold pin. Enqulro of Frank Morodlth, No. 29 Commercial Btroet. 10-31-3t Wauled -A carload of Early Roso potatoes; highest markot prlcos paid. J. F. Jones, caro Tlllson & Co. 1-10-3 l-3t Wanted I wish to rout a good farm, ownor to furnish everything. Havo four .boys. L. D. Westfall, 807 Commercial Btroot, Salem. 10-29-tf Wanted A clrl for gonornl houso- work In Bmall family. Apply morn ings nt 254 North Church Btroot Mrs. Louis Lachmund. 10-29-tf Wanted At onoo, boll boy at Wll- Inmetto Hotel. 10-5-tt Wanted Two boys. Formanont po ettlon, and good wnges. Apply at Chicago Storo. 10-11-tt Wanted. A widow with throo nonr ly grown children, would llko to tnko placo whoro ovorythlng Is fur- nlshod for half, or will work by tho month on farm or dnlry ranch, I Address "13.," caro of Journal. I Wanted A driving horse to uso for food and caro during wlntor months. Address O. O. Arnold, Brooks, Or. Fhono Farmers 5x1. 10-30-3t PROFESSIONAL. uTvr llllli, ai. 1.-Puy8icinn and eurgoon. Tolophono 307 Main, Ofllcoa, 546 Stato streot, opposite court houso, Salem, Or, Residence Phono 318 Main. 8-13- lmo Dr. Mary Lane With tho Mary Lauo Medical and Surgical Insti tute of Portlaud, treats diseases ot womon and chlldron exclusive ly Maternity casos given special attontion. Children adopted Into good familloB. An up-to-dato san itarium run In eonnectlon. Suf fering womon will do woll to con fer with hor. Consultation freo. Corrospondonco absolutely confi dential. Address Mary Lane In stitute, rooms 6 to 14 Grand Thea tro building, Portland, Or. 10-10-lm SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Tlmo Card No. 48 'Effective June 10. Toward Portland Passenger. No. 16 5:23 a. m., Oregon Ex press. No. 18 8:40 a. m Cottage Grots Passenger. No. 12 4:45 p, m., Shasta Ex- prosB. No. 14 9:28 p. m Portland Ex press. Toward Portland Freight No. 222 10:56 a. m departs 11:38 a. m., Portland Fast Freight No. 226 10:40 a. m., departs 11:38 a. m Way Frolght Toward San Francisco VtJmcagtf No. 11 11:03 a. m., Shasta K. press. No. 17 6:42 p.m., Cottago Groy Passenger. " No, 15 ft; 5 6 p. m., California Ex press. No. 13 1:31 a. m., Ban Francis co Exprcas. Toward San FraHcIsco Freight. No. 221 2:33 a. m., San Fiaa clsco Fast Freight No, 22611:66 a. m., axrlVM mm. LIVERY AND FEED STABLMJ. Livery and Food StaWcs Old Poet offlco Stables, at 254 Ferry street, between Commercial and Frost streets. Tolophono 188. Some fl tho flnost 1 Ivories In the city cam bo found horo. Dick Weatacott, proprietor. 10-1-lyr CORVALUS & EASTERN R. R. TIMB TABLE NO 87. Trains from and to YaalBM. No. 1 Leaves Yaquina 7:15 a.m. Arrives at Corvallls 11:00 a.m. Arrives at Albany 11:68 a,m No. 2 Leaves Albany , .12:38 p.m. Loaves Corvallls ....... 1 1:30p.m. Arrives at Yaquina ..... 5:40p.m. Tralaa to aad from Detroit. No, 3 Leaves Albany 7:20 a.m. Arrives ai Detroit 12:30 p.m. No. 4 Leaves Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 6:66 p.m. Trains for Corvallls. No. 8 Leaves Albany 7.S6 a.m. Arrives at Corvallls .... 8:86a.m. Mo. 10 Loaves Albany 2:25p.m. Arrlves at Corvallls .... 3:05p.m. No. 0 Loaves Albany 7:35 p.m. Arrives at Corvallls 8:16 p.m. TtmIbm for Albany. No. G Leavos Corvallls ,,...,,. 8:30a.m. Arrives hi Albany 7:10 a.m. No. 9 Loaves Corvallls 12:30 p.m. Arrives at Albany 1:15 p.m. No. 7 Leavos Corvallls ....... 6:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 6:40 p.m. No. 11 (Sunday only) Leaves Corvallls 11:15 a.m. Arrives at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 12 (Sunday only) Leavos Albany 12:36 p.mt Arrlvos at Corvallls 1:18 p.m. For furthor Information apply GEO. F. NEVINS, Gen. raw, Agt, Albany, Ore O C. T. Co. -STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGONA LKAV FOR PORTLAND DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY A O A. L 2VI. P. BALDWIN, At. 110TELS, iniiimiiiiiiiiimiiiit The White House Restaurant For a Regular f 25 c Dinner at 20c T Thoy tan't bo beat McGilciwist & Son Proprietors. IHIHIIIIIIHIMIHIIIIII' 1 1 1 n m 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 111 n 1 i 1 ELITE HOTEL I Restaurant and hotel, on , . European plan. Meals at all ; ; hours on short order. Rogular I dinner 35 cents. Thirty new- ! ', ly flulshod furnlsbod rooms. E. ECKERLEN. Prou. 148 Commercial St imiHiiiiiinnniMut mmiiniwnninimi Call and try tfcew. Utahi 15o. Board per WMk ?2.76, also furnished Metns very reasonable. AT TilH Salem Restaurant MEALS 15c Hotel St. Philip Fourth and Fifth and BaraA&a Streets, Portland, Oregon, Now fireproof European Hotel. Steam heat Modern conveniences. Rates ?1.00 per day and up. Unloa depot car will land you at tho door, H. PIERCE, PropJ H.nHFSTFR'S Pll I ft . 9utiumuiLttfmt.U'nitb,lH mvtmw6nmmm i ii; vu h j w m !is 2 Ir ',?: tie.