riAITiT CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEM111SB 1, 1M7S a THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Progress, Poidlopment nnd American Principles. 15. IIOFI5R, Ed. nnd Prop. Published every evening (except Sunday) "Balcm, Oregon. By Carrier. t)no STear 90.00 One Month Itato by Mnll DnfJy. "Oho Year $4.00 Ono Month Weekly. Ono Yeor 91.00 8lx Months WksekS s .no u we5afeS3rs . . . .9 .no THE NICJI1T MOTH. A night moth flow In a Bcented garden , Ovor tho flowora slooplng thoro; Ho Toll In lovo with a droaming Illy, Ho worshipped, too, a daffy downdllly, Adored a roso-bud willy nljiy. Night moth, dashing, dobonlar, Night moth, white moth, light moth, ho Xilght of lovo as woll could bo. A night moth mused In tli0 sleeping garden, Hov'rlng ovor tho dreamora fair, 'A daisy's oyo Is a glory eoldon, So It Is said In a logond old0n, Then what aro Its petals Primly foldon Bosldo that eyo boyond comparo? Ilght moth, whlto moth, light moth, I ."Must sec at onco or I shall die." A night moth lurked In th0 waking garden, Winging, wnltlng upon tho air, And ovor tho wall tho sun enmo slowly, Aud rosobud, Hlly nnd daisy lowly Oponod tholr oyea In amaz0mont wholly To soo a night moth dying there, "Night moth, whlto moth, ln dlsmuy, Died, fains I at bronk of day. ,4 , V. .'.T.i 'f work will bo resumed. In the menn tltno ImprovomontB will bo made and needed repairs attended to. Albnny Democrat. o Linn County Fair. Fruit Inspector Roberts, who has been ovor the county, reports a Bplen- did prospect for tho applo shov at this city on November 6 and 7. Tho ftommltteo has beon unablo to secure tho Rhodes brick and will probably hold tho fair In tho armory, though no placo has been definitely secured. A display of apples will bo shown which will show tho Importance of this aB a fruit ccntor. Governor Geo. Chamberlain has promised to.-bo present and will do liver tho address on tho first ovonlng. Presldont Korr of tho O. A. C. will also Bpeak during tho fair and thoro will bo othors. Albany Democrat. -o Catarrh of the Stomach THE JOURNAL'S ENTERPRISE' APPRECIATED BIG ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALEM Many Congratulations Aro Showered On tho Journal Management For Important Step In the Capital City's Advancement A Most Dangerous Disease, Which Causes Serious Resells, Unless Properly Treated. Anon. HOW SPECULATION AFFECTS TRADK. Discussing tho offoct of tho money Btrlngoncy on local nffalrB, tho San "Francisco Chronicle, says: Work on tho plant and linos of th0 StanlBlaus Powor nnd Water com "5nny stopped abruptly upon tho fnlluro of tho Knlckorbockor Trust com pany nnd 1400 mon woro suddonly thrown out of omploymont. That Is a Inrgo ontorprlso upon wh0h millions of dollnrs havo nlrcady been spent, and tho suspension, of courso.. Is only temporary. If t'ho trust company Is unnblo to continue tho financing, monoy will 1)0 i;ot Trom othor Bourcos whon tho Unuuclal Bklos clear up, which will "roWbly ho soon. But Vho ohancoa aro thought to bo good that tho Knlckorbockor com tyany ltsulf will rcopon nnd go on with Its work. 'ThOro 1h snld to bo no question of tho solvency of tho company. 'ifHIins ludlgofltlblo sccurltlos It lino an nbundnnco that aro Bound. '11 "! a vory Inrgo concern with gront nmounts of sound Invostmonts. ""Bomo known speculators bought Into It, or by some inoanB beenmo di rectors, and tho public took It as a sign that tho depositors' monoy was 'tn Inngor and honco tho run. TDoubtloHB tho doposltorB' monoy wns In dangor, but thoro la no ovldonco Orat nny of It has boon actually lnvolvod. It Is in nuch wnys that speculation hurts trade TP Til 15 MONKV OF RPKCULATOUS COULD BI5 KBIT ENTIRELY 3)KlAUiTU FUOM THE MONI5Y OF BUS1NFSS MBN' NO SPKOULA MlVE FAILURE WOUW) EMBARRASS ANY BUSINKSS ENTI5RPRIS15. To a grout oxtont It la kopt Hopnrato by tho rofusal of buslnoss mon to deposit In banks known to habitually mnko loans on Rpocultlvo so aurltIoH, no innttor at what margin. Such loans may bo nbsolutoly suro of ovontunLpnymont If tho socurl tlos are hold, but at such a tlmo na this tho acurltl.mny bu for tho tlnu bitterly without proiont vnluo. filll jnourltle which do not raprwont an oatnbllshod dlvldond-pnylng lniilnM aro, of courso, speoulntlvo. But thtre It a dirforonoo In thorn nnd In tho transactions bnsad upon thorn. Tho Ho-onllou stock gambling Is vlrtunlly a hot upon tho rlso or fall t)f tho prloe of twourltlo llnted on tho oxohnngo nnd which nro 'usually UohiR uoncoruB, and gonornlly Involvo a trnnsaotlon ln which tho stock tionlt hi H pledged to n bnnk. Tho woaknoiHi of that kind of soaurlty Is that It doos not roprasont any nlnnl commodity for which thoro Is a certain domnnd on tho way to tnnrkot. BUT TIIUHK ARK OTIIKIt SKCUUITIHR WHICH CANNOT lift VIMiLHI) NON.RPKOlTIiATIVH, BUT WHICH AR13 AS LF.filTIMATH AS YUJS1NFSS LOANS VIRTUALLY HKCUIltil) BY Till MF.ROHANDISK vilIOIl TI1K BORltOWKD MON'KV PAYS FOIL Suoh loans or Invostmonts nro tho ndvnncos mado for building a rail road or an Industrial courorn, nnd which, of courso, can yield no roturns until tho ontorprlso startB up. Tho Now York trust companion are orgnnlzod for tho express purpose tr ilunnolng such ontorprlsos, nnd bo long as sound judgmont Is usod thoy nro porfoctly Bnfo, nnd moro prolltnblo than ordinary banks. But It is porfootly plnln that a trust company which has largo amounts ot Us monoy In uncomplotod plants may bo quickly forcod to close by a tun, and yot bo absolutely solvent. Such, wo auppoHO, Is tho condition of tho Now York trust compnnlos "which, aro la troublo, and unloss thoro hns boon wlldcyittlng, which hns not ieon charged, thoy nro pretty auro to cotno out right. And It thoy had not started in to compoto with rogulnr banks thoro would probably havo boen uo troublo. But tho failure of such concerns Is a calamity, for It may throw mon "out of Jobs anywhoro In tho country. Tho monoy which tho Knlckorbockor Trust company expocted to use In building tho plant of tho Stanislaus Powor nnd Wator company nnd othor outorprlsos was drawn out In a day by a mob of crazy depositors nnd tho work has to stop until a now source of supply Is found. Catarrh of tho Btomach Is vory common and is known ns ono of tho most obstinato diseases, which, whon neglected or Improperly trcntod with cheap patent medicines, tonics, drugB, pills, and othor socret quack romodlos results In a broken down constitution and otton consumption nnd death. Catarrh of tho stomach, llko every other dlaoaso of tho stomach, excopt cancer, Is tho result of poor diges tion. Tho dlcostlvo organs havo bo cotno weak, thoro Is a lack of gnstrlc Julco, your food la only half digested, nnd ns a result you bocomo offectod with Iobs of nppotlto, pressure nnd, fullness after eating, heartburn, vomiting, wntorbrash, tenderness at pit of Btomach, Bllmy tonguo, bnd taato In tho mouth, conBtltpatlon, pain In llmbB nnd faco, BlcoplOBsnoss, nntiBoa, bolchlng of gas, diarrhoea, Blck hoadachoB, dlzzlnosn, mental do prosslon, norvoub weakness, and many othor common symptoniB. If your Btomnch cannot digest tho food you eat, then tho stomach needs a rest, nB that 1b tho only way you can got rid of your catarrh, but In tho monntlmo your body needs plenty of nourishment, bocauso yon must Uvo and In ordor to )lvo you must oat, and If you must qat, your food, must bo properly in gostod, nnd ir your stomnoh Is too woak to do tho work, than you must got n subBtltuto that will do tho work. , Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots aro tho only known subotltuto that will dl gost your food na woll ns any honlthy stomach. Thoy contain voKOtablo nnd fruU OHSoncos) nsoptlc popiln (gov. tost),, gold on soul and dlnatnso, tho vory eloniontB nocossary to dlgost nil Lfooils. Stuart's Dyapopala Tablets nre not a socrot romody nnd for that vory roason thousands of physicians all ovor tho nltod Stato rocommend to tholr patients for catarrh of tho stomach, dyspepsia of all kinds, and othor Btomnch troublos. Ex- porlmonts and tosts havo prov Executlvo Department. Salem, Oct. 31, 1907. Col. E, Hofor, Editor and Proprietor Tho Dally Capital Jeurnal: Dear 8lr: My hearty congratula tions on your taking on tho Unltod Press leased wlro telegraph service. It is a stroko of ontorprlso that will reflect groat credit upon your nows papor, and plncos It in lino with tho best dallies on tho coast. Slncoroly your friend, GEO. E. CIIAMBEItLAIN. Chief Justlco F. A. Moero: "I wna Btirprlsed last night whon I picked up my Capital Journal to find such n splendid display of tolographlc nows from all ovor tho world. I wish you tho greatest bucccs Bin your on torprlso." , R. E. Downing, Ropubllcnn city chairman: "It Is n great big thing for tho city of Salem, nnd no mls tako. It Is Just what wo need." H. C. Eploy, Salem Board of Edu Edu cateon: "It's nil right. It's going to bo a big advertlsomont for tho city, too." J. II. Albort, Capital Natlonnl Dank: "Just what our city has needed, especially slnco wo nro going to havo an electric lino from Port land, with sharpor competition for nowspnpors." W. II. Dnncy, manngor tolophono cempnny: "Tho pooplo will cortnlnlv npproclato your ontorprlso. it win bo a good thing for Salem." Aldormnn J. L. Stockten: "Splon dld Improvement. As great a chnngo ns from n country storo to ono of our Salem BtoroB, with nil dopnrtmonw comploto." o I READY FOR TOMORROW'S CONTESTS (Unltod Press Loasod Wlro.) San Francisco, Nov. 1. Jnsk John son nnd Jim Flynn hnvo complotod tholr trnlnlng for tholr fight tomor row nftornoon nt tho Mission stroot nronn. According to tho plans of tholr trnlnora, both will go on the road for a short Jaunt this morning, and will do Just onough gymnasium work to koop tholr musclos In ordor. Tho Johnaon bnckors parod down 'tho number of rounds within whloh thoy oxpoctod him to win, nnd woro ofTorlng oven monoy Inst night that ho would atop Flynn Jn 20 rounds. Tho oddH on tho result romnlnod 2 to 1, with Johnson n strong choice, consldorablo monoy bolng offered on him. Donvor Ed. Martin and Spldor Kan Jnody, who nro to moot In tho prollm- inncy, win do in mo ring ni -uio p. m. As tho longth of n heavyweight light Is nlwnys uncertain, Mnmjgor Jim Coffroth has aBkod Johnson an1 Flynn to Do ronuy to onior mo ring nt a moment's notice. If tho fight lnsts but four rounda tho main ovonl on that ono grain of tho active "wj" , l'Ln nt 0UC' nnd thoro wlU ll..l ..4lnn.l ,.. !, nklnio . " w .-.". prUIUI)IU UUIIlUIIIUtl III IIIUBU muiwm will dlgost 3000 grnlns of food. Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablots nro in tho form of plonsant tasting tablets or lozenges nnd n'ro sold In largo BO- cont box'oa nt all drug storos. Sond ua your nnmo nnd nddresa nnd wo will Bend you a free sample package Tho rollof you will got from this trial package alono will convince you of tho merits of Stuarts Dyspopsla Tablots. Address F, A. Suart Co., 150 Otuart Bldg., Mar shall, Mich. :-o i A Savings Banlf Account Hns many dealrnblo features not no8sosaod by othor Invostmonts, VIZ: 1. Abaoluto safety. 2. Alwajis oonvorltblo Into cash. 3. Froodom from worry and trouble. 4. No oxponso nttnohod. 5. Prlnoiplo can bo Increased or diminished by nuy amount at any tlmo. 6. Prompt and regular pay ments of Interest. Thoao foatures roako it nn ldoal lnvostmout and ospeclally deslr ablo for thoso holding trust fuuda. Wo wolcomo small as well as largo accounts. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT tJAWTAL NATIONAL BANK. AtUlcted vM Soro Eyes for 33 Years I havo beon aflllctod with core eyes for 33 years Thirteen years ago I beenmo totally blind and was blind for six years. My oyos wpro badly Inflamed. Ono of my neigh bors Insisted upon my trying Chnm borlaln's Salvo and gavo mo halt a box of it. To my surprlso It healed my oyos and my sight camo back to mo. P. 0. Earlo, Cynthlana, Ky, Ohamborlnln'a Salvo la for sale at Dr. Stono's drug storo. Curtis Mill Shut Down. Tho big mill of tho Curtis Lumber company nt Mill City was shut down Tuesday night to tomaln down until sulllclont cars can bo secured to move tholr lumbar. Whllo tho mill has boon ablo to got ncar or two occa sionally, tho number has boen too email to make much Impression on tho four hundred carloads of lumber on hand. Tho mill will romlan idle until tho Equation is rello?ed, whoa Soiuo Flno Apples. Several flno samplos of Bollflowor npplos aro on exhibition in tho show windows of Tho M. V. Cnsh Btoro on tho cornor of Chomokota and Com mercial street. Ono of tho npples monsuros 13 Mi inchos In circumfer ence, monsurlng around from the base to tho apox and 13 Inchos by n circumference paralol to the baso of tho fult. Tho fruit was grown by L. A. Williamson of Oak Grove. o Qultiscy, Sprains nnd Swellings Cured. "I Novomber, 1901, I caught cold and had tho quinsy. My throat was swollen so I could hardly breathe, I applied Chambarlalu's Pain Balm and it gavo mo relief in & ahort time. In two days I was all right," saya Mrs. L. Cousins, Otterburn, Mich. Cbamborlaln'a Pnln Balm is p. lini ment and Is especially valuable for sprains aud swellings. For salo at Dr. Stono's drug store. now's Tills? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollara Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ohenoy & Co, Toledo, O. Wo, tho undorslgnod, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 16 year 3, and bellovo him porfoctly honorabla In all business transactions and financially ablo to carry out any ohll gatlona mado by hla firm. Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Or, Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of 'the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c pox bottlo. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con-Btlpatlon. o jl m DP O JR. I Jk. . 84ji tu .j1ba Kiri Yw Haw JUmjs BwgW V(utu ozttfm&i OASTOniA. Bw th f YoirHata Altars Bought Signature of Tha Kind Yoillata'Alflays WINDOW GLASS Comploto assortment of sizes, Plate, corrugated and picture glass, 6inglo and doublo strength, Reglax ing done to order. John Hughes Co Phone 99. 466 to 474 State street, Salem, Oregon. MM J a pa t-1 'iff' W ! " M?7'l ll.'i ? . STOP WOMAN AND CONSIDER First, that almost ovorvonr.rnf l ln our hospitals, performed upon vromea, becomes necessary becauso of nogloot of Buoh symptoms as Backaobe, Irregularities, Displace, monts, Pain in tho Side, Dragging Sensations, Dizziness and Sleepleu. ness. Second, that Lydla E. Pinkham'i VesreUblo Compound, mado from aatlvo roots and herbs, has cured mora oases of femalo ills than any other one raediclno known, it ?,,. ulatea, strengthens and restores women's he&Uk ..j , propariaa; women for chlld-blrth and during vi. J" ox wie. fwwt i i.aA'nESiiSis:. i: ? aaw i "" ii - vw va w u ajviin ruiiu - time to time belnff publlahocl by specUl MraUu: j1 Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable C( iror more tuam oo yeara has teen curing Femal Cm Draggina; Seusationa. Weak Hack, FallW M4 tt flammatloa and Ulceration, and Organlo DUmm T i and expels Tumors at tin early stacre. ' Tfkrs. PInkham'5 Sttndlnc- InvltttSo f1 Woaaa cufarlnff f rota any form of fennWedcMiitaii wrlU Mra. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. foradtlee. BholitbTSiiffl vaiH anil VinfnrA 4Vicf. kVim nul.l.,1 t, .it.. i . . TJ ham in advlalncr. Thus aha is especially well ouUitit! women back to health. Write today, don't wall until teoWT fflio Kind You Havo Always Bought and whkh UtM in ubo for ovor 30 years, lias oorno the tipatni nnd Ims oconmadonuucrkki Srfyt-J2- , Bonnl auporvlslon Blnce iiili KOCCttvZ- AllnwnnnnntniWrtrATMlii All Oountorfclts, Imitations and" Ju8t-a.goodMV Experiment! that trillo with nnd endanger the MM Infants and Children Experience against ExpihJ What is CASTORIA Castorla In a linrmlcss mibstltuto for CatorOl, irorln. Drons and Soothlnir Syrupo. It It Vkmd nuinnu iinitlmr Onliiiu. Mornhlno nor other HUbatanco. It ngo is its guarantee. It detwj unit nihivu TWnrlsliiicMS. It cures DIarrhoeaawl Colic. It rollovos Teothlnff Troubles, cure CumMI nnd Flatulency. It asshullatcs tho looii rcg Stonmch nml Bowels, givlne; hcnlthy and wm ttlio Omidrcntt rnnncca Tho Mothcr'fl Pr!l, genuine CASTORIA Ali Boasa tho Signature of Tlie Kind You Have Always Bn Use For Over 30 Year TMC OKNTAUN COrHf, TT MUA tTT MH' BMMMBaHHWMUMMMHIpMMillMMM first Class Conveyance and Reliawl You aiwurry! Horses boaroea. 0.W.VA-S1I lSMSTX,Wi, Announcement To my patrons and tho puouc Hmentil That I havo added a Horso snoems" . f nnv and v "' horso Bhoer, and tho pairoab -- t(il,gt onf in this lino. Special attention paid to . c.Hofaotina guaranteed. ., nna mrao uursca. av.v irasort i1 l i! tlon to building trucks, express and aw fc hides. A flrst-class paint shop and an rf , . . uh and lubricant nicie3. rainis, una, . ifflples"1 v . Wagons, buggies and hacks also , anj & - plows, harrows, cumvaiora. -' CBrines, "" glnes. Nicholas & Shepherd J" P, ory and gasonuo cb. . UBe. -- j, n ami t anv u " . .n.i u " to us if inlcattoM to us u you v. . u uri nn -whether you buy or not. ly answered. ntl GEO. B. JAC05 Corner Front and Pine Creels, f0 CSlf .-ji3 Mrr mtmmmm w w j w-- i For BorSwwm Bri. -S- Oft, P" HAW! B. a-"- USB smjTW-jK