I RUN' TONIGHT AND SATURDAY, FRESH SOUTHERLY BREEZES. - - ' )AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL ' .XVII. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1007. -- .. ..- NO. Wit,, ' utal Tramp Attacks Pretty Portland School Girl ISER'S HEALTH IS POOR lit 1$ ALARMED foeriteNcphcw Is Murdered- Cfccckcd Plot to Ulow up .jWftary Council and Minis f War A! SI. Petersburg littd Press Leased Wiro.) j, Nov 1. Tho Kaiser's i worrying his family. This inown today, whon It was in- tbat tho Kaiser may auan I Idea of going to England to king. Tlibt no inrormauou i elren concerning his condl- tmi to strengthen tho roport tli again suffering from throat rope's Ncpliow Killed. Nov. 1, Enrico Soampon, i ravoruo ncpnow, ana ui- kt a largo factory at Monza and killed by n discharged in. Tne pope is inconsoinoio. i'i murderer has boon arrest- Tho prisoners arc young men of high families. Bombs sufficient to wreck the- entlro building in which tho minister of war ond his advisors meet wero found. The conspirators will probably bo tried by military courts and oxecutcd. o A REGULAR FIRE-EATER. Rut tlio Other MnirBcJhK nn Office Homer una to Kcrusc. riot (o AroiftHliuitc. tonburg, Nov. 1. Tho nr- Mteral military dorks has 1 a plot to blow tin tho entire 'council. Including tho minis- Mr, at tho next wcokly mcot- (Unitod Press Leased Wire.) Now Orleans, Nov. 1. As a climax to a series of political sensations Donaldson Caftorcy, son of tho lato United States Senator Donaldson Caf fery, asked his frlond to wait upon Lieutenant-Governor J. Y. Sanders, and domnnd u written retraction of certain statements made by Sanders in his speech at Jenncrotte. As a re sult of Sanders' refusal, Caffcry chal lenged him to fight a duel. Friends of Sandors declined to consider or nccopt his chnllongo, on tho ground that it would disqualify Sanders from holding or running lils office. Charges ngalnBt 4ho public record of Sandors in a speech by Caffcry caused Sand ors to reply to it last Tuesday. It was to theso differences that Caffery took exceptions, resulting, in his de mand for a retraction. HITCHCOCK MYSTERY UNSOLVED Killed by Street Cars. (United Press Leased Wiro.) San Francisco, Nov. 1. Two deaths duo to street car accldonta wore reported to tho coronor this morning. O. Lovln, whoso residence Is unknown, was injured in a smash up at 19th and Mission streets Inst night, nnd died at 8:30 tills morning. Charles Fltzwator, n United Rail roads motorman, died shortly aftor midnight as tho result of injuries re ceived in n collision between his car and a Flllmoro street car at Hayes and Flllmoro strcots. o Ford Trial 8(111 Oft. (United Press Leased Wiro.) San Francisco, Nov. 1. On ac count of tho logal holiday, tho Ford trial again wont ovor today. wmtsm PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE ini-nniii i ii i WE HAVE MARKED IICK SELLING PRICES On the Following New Goods H' Coats, Ladled Suite, Misses nnd Children's Coats, Rain- Rubberized 811k Coata, Silk Petticoat, Furs, Silks, Imported Dress Goods, Fine Dress nud Wnlwting Silks, Outing Blanket, Comforts, Hosiery, Underwear, Ladies' Shoes and i Clothing. Ura Ladles 16-button. Long. ; G:. Double Tip Fingers Mr J2.00 quality. Spe Wee, pair $1.39 GREAT VALUES Offered this week in Ladles' Suits, Coats, Millinery, Silk Petti coats and Furs. - ana Jisn's Gloria Silk fto'Ju. i 50 quality. Spe- ! to this aale 98c HAS60NET0EUR0PE Police Think Ho Had Knowledge of Indictments-Reported That He Fled to Europe Taking II Year-0M Bella McKlnzIc With Him ""-i of good Standard Out- fPaa"K 6 equality. Spe- " Price, yard 3c ta , en's Wool Sox, 25c Special for this sale, J5c 11.45 F-or v. .. I. " rwa SUka for " go $1.26. for P7 98c yd. V-r Tap AwafiflS Sffi3 mSmwk I iSPSI ftr3 ffitiSS I i.Okl'r " (United Press Leased Wiro.) Now York, Nov. 1. That somo powerful lnfiuonco was oxortcd upon Raymond Hitchcock, tho comodlnn, to induce him -to abandon his caroor, loavo his friends in tho lurch and dis appear permanently Is tho boliof of Honry W. Savage, by whom Hitch-, cock was employed. Information, which tho nolico con- sldor roliablo, has boon received at tho contral offlco that Hitchcock took passano at 10 o'clock Wcdnosday on tho Whlto Star steamor Malostlc. bound for Plymouth, Cherbourg nnd Southampton. A promltiont Now Yorkor who knows Hitchcock well. told a contral offlco dotcctivo that he Baw tho actor board tho steamor only a fow minutes before eIio loft her pier. Ho so nt word to tho pollco tho momont that ho loarnod Hitchcock was a fugltlvo from justico. A wireless message was sent from pollco hoadquartorn to tho Mnjostlc's captain, asking him to tako Hitchcock In custody and to turn him over to tho English pollco whon tho steamor reaches tho other oldo. Tho messago Includod an nccurato description of Hitchcock. U -AMUU&t-Dtatrlot Attroj-OjirvIn states that two of tho crimes charged ngalnBt Hitchcock nro oxtradltablo of fonsos. Evidence furnished by tho Chll dron's socioty loads to tho bollof that Hitchcock la accompanied In his flight by Dolla McKonzlo. tho 11-year old girl who disappeared from hor homo about a month ago. Tho Mc Konzlo girl mot Hitchcock In Sop tombor, 190G whon ho was playing at tho Montaum theatro, in Brook lyn. At that tlmo sho was living at homo with Boveral younger brothers nnd sisters. It wnB sovoral months later, whilo Hitchcock was touring in tho far West, that Delia fell Into tho hands of the Children's socioty. sno maue a full confession, in which sho nc- cuBod Hitchcock of taking hor from homo. Colonol Savage is dcoply chngrined over Hitchcock's disappearance, nnd it Is lparned on good authority that ho Is confident tho comedian's dtsnp pearanco a fow hours beforo tho In dictments wero found against him, was duo to soma powerful influonco, Mrs. Hitchcock remained up all nleht assisting in directing the soarch for her husband. Sho will not listen to any thoory which Includos flight, Insisting that sho bellovos h has boon tho victim of foul play. In support of hor contontlon she declaros that Hitchcock made abso lutely no preparation for flight. It Is stated in tho Savago offices that an officer was In tho Astor thea tro Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with a warrant for Hitchcock, but, strangely enough, no gonoral alarm for Hitchcock's arrost was sent out, and tho police department was not notified until noarly midnight. He had at least 15 hours in which to got away beforo the pollco wore put on his trail. At Just what hour Hltchcook left his hotol Wednesday morning Is not doflnltely known, but It was probably shortly boforo 9 o'clock. Ills wife, Flora Zabollle. says her husband awakonod hor and said ho was going out to a Turkish bath. Employe In the hotol say thoy saw him loavo and that It wag shortly bo foro 9 o'clock. This was throe hours boforo tho grand jury found six In dictments against him on evidence given by three little girls. It Is be ing genorally asked, howover. now did Hitchcock know In advanco that Indictments would be found. Several days ago Hitchcock was in- cnBh and Harris Coploy, of Colonel Savage's office, pledged his homo for tho remaining $2000. As showing that tho actor's flight was carefully plannod nnd promedi tntod,. an incident wltnosscd in the Hotel Astor Tuesday night Is signifi cant. Hitchcock and hlo wife tint nt a mme in tne hotol safe after tho per formance at supper. Jt was noticed thnt Uiey wore discussing somo ques tion very earnogtlv. nnd thnt linth Boomed excited. At times Mrs. Hitchcock wr.n sonn to wipe tears from hor eyes, and thu nctor appeared to bo crying. They exchanged several pnpora, after care- iuuyexamining tnem, and during tho conversation Hitchcock frequent ly patted his wife on tho bnek niul on tho hund, as if roassurlmr and on- cournglng her. About 1 o'clock both nnnonroil to bo moro chcorful and shortly nftor ward left tho hotel.- As Hitchcock and his wlfo are known to bo very af fectionate tho incident is -thouirht to bo significant. Boston, Nov. 1. Nows received hero from vnrlous points indicates thnt Raymond Hitchcock Is in Cana da or on. his way thoro.' From Pltts flold, Mass., comoB tho roport, that a man who know Hitchcock saw him nnd two companions board u train Wednesday morning for North Ad ams, MasB., and a North Adams hotol clork snys a man resembling Hitch cock was a guost at hlB hotel Wednesday. Now" York. Nov. 1. Dr. F. Softon. nn alienist of national reputation, says ho has not tho slightest doubt that Actor Raymond Hitchcock is In sane Scfton has bcon a frlond of tho Hitchcock family for yearB. Hitch cock's acqualntnncos nt his old homo ngrco with Scfton. i PORTLAND GIRL IS ASSAULTED GOOtf NEWS FOR AVOOllUURN., That City to Get n Spur From Tort - land-Salom Electric Lln BY FIENDISH TRAMP SIxtccii'Ycar Old Anncs Albcrs Portland Dragged Into Underbrush By Fiend, and Is Rescued Dy Bi cyclist Who Heard Her Cries (United Pross Lcnscd Wire.) Portland, Or., Nov. 1. Dragged from tho sldownlk and into tho un der brush of Sulllvnn's gulch, In tho henrt of tho exclusive resldcnco sec tion of Irvlngton addition by a tramp, lG-y car-old Agnes Albors, tho dnughtor of Bernard Albors. of tho Albors Milling Company, of Portland, was choked and beaten Into insensi bility this morning shortly boforo 9 o'cloqk. Only tho chance passing of George Stewart, a machinist, who heard tho half-strangvlcd cricB of tho struggling girl, nnd who dashed to rior nsqlBtauco nnd drovo off hor assailant, saved tho girl from tho fiend's foul pu'rpoBO. A tramp, who Says his nnmo Is Anderson, and who answers to Stuart's description of Woodbum, Nov. 1. The beat, news this week Is that John McCar. mlck has sold to tho Oregon Ktectrlo- tCoinnnny 20 ncros of his farm fordo-. (pot and Bwttch purposes, and that a spur will bo run into Woodburn ovor tho old narrow gauge rjght of way It Is said the narrow gnuge roadboil would bo used from Woorthurn to. St. Paul. o Guard Against I'Ihkhc. (United Press Lonsctl Wiro.) Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. 1. AetlvA measures nro being taken to onforc nr tho quarantine regulations nt thin vl , ttntf Qmtin nt Mill nnitfnltm Ainhi horo nro qulto nvorso to taking- th trouble required by tho officers, bub, tho law will bo rigidly onforcciL WiU Ham E. Kindred hns bcon appointed.' a Bpocinl officer by Health Officer Chamberlain to onforco tho rogulu,-. tlons in regard to tho uo of rnt fun-, nols, and nlso (o nco thnt tho vcusola, that tlo up to tho dooks keop tho reg. ulntlon dlstnnco from them. INJURED IN STREET CAR COLLISION "Hitchcock's father was Insane," tho man whom )io attacked, hns boon M M OREGON vs. WILLAMETTE f ATURDAY, NOV. 2, 1007. WILLASIBXTB FIELD. Gaino Called nt 3:00 p. in. AdmlfWiOB OOc. GrandstAHd 10c M H M m M (Unltod Proes Lonscd Wiro.) San Frnnclsco, Nov. 1. Shortly boforo 12 o'clock last night an. In bound Castro street car orauhod into, a southbound Flllmoro street car at tho Junction of Murket, Church and Fourteenth street, coven persons bo-. Ing Injurod, thrco of thorn norlouR'y,, Tho Flllmoro stroot car was crdwd" ed, nud whon tho crash catno tho pas. Bongern wero hurled into a heap. I 1I1U UCCIUUIll 1H HUlll IU IIUVU WUUM 'dun tn dofoctlva brakoH nil tho Cas-. tro street car, which was boyond wld Lofton, "and Raymond la tho vie- arrested and Is now bolng examined; control of tho motorman whon it .uDi-ui h iwrm oi lUHiiiuiy Kiiuwn us.uy uio iiuiicu. , . . nv "i" .vw -... obBecs-on." BIG STRIKE MADE IN to I Tho Injured nre: Itaypond wood, od.Ajoth 1oko criiBhodi nOcosnitatlnK bhv 1- MbttAltjcra wn on hor wny i'i . r .y ' --- p- -' otmm -tiriitrtM ii nnaonnir nnnnrrnn ObllUVII IT llVil Vlt VUUfUIIID VVVV ! ww vnv "-"--'I -------.- --", - -- Nearlng tho TWolfth street bridgo, putntlon and ovoro internal injur- which crosuCB Sullivan's gnlch, sho los.' was compelled to walk closo to the Mrs. C. A. Lnvreo, sovcro obraT edgo of tho gulch, which is covered slon nnd Internal Injurlcu. with underbr-.R'i. From this undor- Mrs. H. D. 8humachor, shook, brush n mnn sprang at her solrlng hor bruises nnd posslblo Internal lbjur- . by tho throat and nock nnd drnggod los. II inii ',lcr lnt0 t,lc thicket. Tho girl, half Otto Thompson, shock, bruises nnd , AIAKa Insenslblo, fought back dosporatoly cuts. rlLniUIn.1and screamod for help. To stlllo her H. W. Powoll. serious lacerations, cries tho tlond choked hor. Pollcomnn William Isnacson, who, Stowart, who was on a bicycle, wns though cut nnd bruised hlmsolf, man passing whon tho girl scronmed and ngod to pull tho othor Injured porson-i . ni Artn.-. Mniiliii,l Inin tltA iiiIa1 t I Alt nut nt tit a wFnnlrnl YiMllmnria ntrAAh Vnldor, Alaska, Nov. 1. ThomnaTV ""v. car. loredlth, a well-known California VM?Vr . '. miner, arrived thl morning from:. ,,''. .' , ... ..., y,..a? ,' (United Press Leased Wiro.) iVnii -i . .V7 t,y a. I disappear ug n tho unuorurusn. im SSI0. S'S?' "V It 0?i?fntn?"JTnodlatoly after taking Miss Albors to shltna river, nnd says that a placor her homo a special dctnll of pollco Si'"1-,?"'...8 "J"1.'?. i11?.?" .Pf.t.!i: ' wa sent out and tho entire district at, nir Vr. Ain.LV Mnnni 5 i,n jo covered. Anderson was arrostod at 5iVCif 'SnSini, in J " "J .. "00n' can give no vory satlsfac ullnrU t S? U,o irnn tory xl"n" of his whereabouts Monohan win arrive hLo soon wUh (,ur,"B ,ho corning, and ho frequent-?.?..- m ?io LnLf.n Mh 2 i ' contradicts himself. Ho nnBWori ftiVnto'tWvS ffiSff' ThnSlfl 'to Jtowari', description , general has alroady causod much excltoment.J ' nrwl It la nrftillntft.l thnt n atnmtirxln I ' O ' oi inrgo proporuons win no on wun in the next ten days. Meredith camo out for suppliOB and will return with his dog tonm in a fow. days to tho now diggings. Every creek pros pected la rich. o HANFORD RESTRAINS ANOTHER BANK IN TROUBLE KILLED BY - RECKLESS AUTOIST (United Pross Leaaod Wiro.) Lincoln, Nob., Nov. 1. Tho Com- in At i In t Ot (it v TlnnW .. .fftiii.1 Tol n .! RAILROADS WiZxzs" as- nswsjwj cause of the susnonslon was tho Bill- cido of Frank Orookor, prosldont of Pugel Sound Lumbermen Draw first !,0 '.' SSJEftglSt Mood In Freight Rale Fight SOSfr '"tp Children's $5.00 Coats 92,08 Ladies' 10.00 Coats $0.00 Ladies $15.00 Suits $9.00 Ladies' Silk Petticoats 93.50 Ladles' $5.00 Silk Waists. . .93.50 (Unltod Press Leasod Wiro.) Seattle, Wash.. Nov. 1. At 11:25 last night, after threo hours' of argu ment and maneuvering by the rail road and lumbermen's attorneys. United StatOB Judge C. H. Hanford signed- an ordor temporarily restrain ing tho Northern Pacific. Groat North- orn, Burlington and tho Harriman railroads from collecting freight rates on lumber and shlnglos shipped from tho state of Washington to tho duced to go to tho offlco of the dls-'East and Contral West, as provided trirt nttnmnv without the knowledge Iby the new tariffs filed more than 30 of his counsel or any one connected. days ago, and which wero schedulod with the Savago office, and was put to bo effective today. Throo hundred through what Is known as tho "third lumber and shingle men from various gregato $380,000. TRIED TO STEAL THE RECORDS (United Prosfl Leased Wiro.) Los Angolos, Cnl., Nov. 1. Mrs, Johanna Annostny, GO yours of ago, was hurlod to death' by an automo- bllo last night nt Ninth nnd Valonola streets, ns sho was alighting from a street oar. Hor skull was fractured, and sho dlod while being taken to tho recoivlng hospltnl. Tho force of tho Impact skidded tho automobile, but thu chauffeur, without ntlomptliig to ascertain tho oxtont of his vIotlm' injuries, quickly disappeared. 'Uio pollco nro making ovory vor. at- Chicago, Nov. 1. Tho hoarlng of Etta MoLoan, chief stenographor in ANOTHER VICTIM OF THE PLAGUE (United Press Leased Wire.). aoatuo, wash., Nov. 1. Mrs. Qoo. Osborno. wlfo of tho policeman who dlod of bubonic plnguo, died lait nltrht. Slid Ih tim civil, vinti... .wi Dltstrlot Attorney Sims' office, on the tho fourth n,. in thiu rnmii ... ohargo of "conspiring" to stoal acumb. Dr. F. Montlzambort. dlrootor docoy documont boarlng on tho WnlBh gonoral of tho public hoalth of tho. bank case, was postponed today to Dominion of nanmin nrrivi i.Qru. McEVnv i-n?rc ttni.r " 7T V--rw- -..mi aittl ITflTTRnrt CTnvc-Ni dmt n-nr'rnxr ., WAa.KiUXO, DftXJEn, Ulll.UV.1l degroo." What admissions he maao at that time and whose namos he , brought into tho affair are not known. That the actor will never roiurn is the firm belief of Colonel Savage and tho members of his staff. At th rflnneat of Attorney Frora- rae. Assistant District Attorney Gar van agreed to allow tho lawyer ono week la which to proauce ms cueuv. If ho Is not produced by that tlmo, bis ball of $3000 will be declared for feited To provido this ball Colonel Savago advanced the actor $1000 in parts of Western Washington gath ered here yesterday forenoon and last night to celebrate their victory over tho railroads. They thronged the federal court last night, and dur ing all tho animated discussion among the attorneys, preceding the signing of the ordor and tho approval of a $250,000 bond, filed by tho Pa- chic Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association and tho shingle mills bu reau, the mill men hung about tbo court room, filling every scat and watching the proceedings with the utmost interest. givo tho prosecutor moro tlmo to un ravel the mystery. It is understood that tho girl made a partial confes sion, in which sho Involved a promi nent attorney. John S. Miller, attorney for Walsh, says ho waB approached by a man re sembling Alexandor B. Gordee, ar rested with tho stenographer, who told him a former attorney for John R. Walsh was going to bo indicted. and that ho know a good deal about tho Walsh case. tentlon to him last night, and will look ovor tho sit uation. Dr. M. W. Glover, of tho United States hoalth nnf marlno hos pital service, from Juneau, Alaska, has also arrived to report for plague, duty. Served Out Her Sentence. (Unltod Pross Leasod Wiro.) San Francisco. Nov. 1. Allc TtOtinr. nL'fl fifl vonn urnu 1lanTin..i Miller paid no at-1 from tho atntn nnntlnnHnru of o, The decoy letter waii 'Oimntin vaatantnv . 1.....1..,! written In an effort to learn who had served threo years a'nd nlno months been stealing tho evidence against of a flve-years' sonteneo for nassin counterfeit monoy. Walsh. 1